-0 ' THg OREGON SUNDAY ' JOURNAL'. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, .' OCTOBER '; 20," 1307. SCiVS W 7M p 1 K 0 1 UV. MM WSS. A DEEP PLOT The Villain in This Melo drama Had a "Good Sup port" Which Failed. (Heent Kewi by Loncett Leaeed Wire.) New Tork, Oct. IS. In the arrest of two men tonight at the Instigation of Raymond Hltcfccock. star In "A Yankee Tourist." at the Astor theatre, the po lio believe they are on the trail of an extensive blackmailing scheme. The men gave the names of Hugo C. Voecks. a Third avenue bartender, and Frank O. Tornberg. second aalstant paying teller In the Bank of ' the Metropolis. For eight month Hitchcock and his wif. vinp. ffaHA!l havA received let- Mrm ih-..t.nin. in invAlv. Hitchcock ters threatening to Involve HUchcocK In a scandal unless he gave up money, Bimiiii.nn.iv Nw York newananera Ing to outrages practiced on young girls oy a "prominent tiroaaway comeuian. Whlij. uiii.kriu.li was in his (treaslna room last night Voeckaealled to see Hitchcock. Maurice lviroy. mtencoca i former manager, waa in the dressing rnnm. When the caller became insist. ent he admitted hlru. Voecks called his attention to the stories in the papers and said that unlesa he was given $1,600 t once he would expose mtencoca. Hitchcock said he did not have the money with him, but gave him three rlnaa worth IS00 as security and ar ranged to meet the man at 1 o'clock to- it.v r4am th rlnrl and five him tt AAA Hitchcock consulted detectives, and with Klrbv met Voecks at th hour agreed on, tendering him a $1,000 bill, demanding the rings tn return. Voeoks AIA rnt have the' rinaa with hint and re fused a 1 1.000 bill. He demandeX $1,500 more, making $2,500 in all, and Insisted the amount be paid In small bills. Hitchcock made another appointment wlth Voecks for tonight. Two detect- Irea were hidden In his dressing room. When Voecks appeared. Hitchcock handed him $1,000 In small bills and his personal note foe ii.ftou more, voecxs till claimed he did not have the rings. The detectives then stepped out and arrested Voecks. Voecks confessed and declared that he was trying to get the money to educate a young siBier. vuccks bibu i-uuirs. that Tornberg had the actor's rings. auiu Lfio uiaicers srmiw iu uncut. P0ETLAND POSTAL INCREASE EXCELS (Washington Bureau of The Journal.) Washington, n. C. Oct. 19. Port. Tinreas'e ft nostofflce' buliiness i greater in a ratio during September i tear than that of Seattle, as com- land was pared with the same month a year ago. rh nn.im..i.r.ni tndnv r v n t . ;,t .hiSnS tha recelnta at Port- a report showing the receipts at Port- landPin September. IMT, were $54,292.32; Hepiemoer, io. ?4,i4.i, increase, 28.8 per cent.- At Seattle, the receipts w.r. .nmh.r i di 1K7 KR2 07 Ren- were. September, 1907 tember. 1906. $46,030.06: Increase 26.42 IT. i per cent. 1 1 JHermlston Contest Delayed. (Special Dispatch to The Jenrnal.) Hm.ji.ia. r 1 a n. .i.Aiun case from Hermlston, In which Means and Swaysee are tied in the race for councilman, and which was to come up today, was postponed until Monday on account of other cases In court. The commissioners of Umatilla county can vassed the returns and declared Sway see elected.- . Means refused to accept the finding and brought suit in the cir cuit court. JOHN IS GONE ANJ) GOLD COIN WITH HIM 4 John Fleming, whoever he is, Is being sought by the police John 'was "tven a $20 goldplece to . get change John thought the change would do him good. And he never Vent back. Miss J. Marks of 335 Everett street, , waa the victim of John's un- worthiness. "Here's a twenty. John; break It for tne," the woman said to the man. "Certainly," aald John. And from last accounts 'John broke the gold, piece all right, but . if the police get' him he will be breaking rocks for awhile Instead of those nice, heavy, glistening things, j '.- ' ACTOR DISCOVERS fl'1- ' v ( : - i ' ' r n-. I OPEN PULPIT RULE ADOPTED Christian Tersons Xot Mem bers of Episcopal Church Allowed Privileges. (United Preel Lfmod Wire.) Richmond. Va., Oct. 19.The triennial session of the general convention of the Episcopal churches of the 1'nltcd States came to an end In Holy Trinity church this afternoon. A canon creatine: the onen Dulnlt and allowing churches to be us-d bv Christian persona not members of It whs adoptcrt arter a spirited debate In the lower house. The upper house refused to concur In adopting the King James version of me Dime as trie standard. -1 lorm 01 ," presiding bishop, aft,r th(t preBent on. wag 0xe(1 , years unless he reachoa the nire nt in I ? L"- un'"s . re nes tne age or ,0 i ne term of the presiding b shon. - or oecomcs una cue to serve, : FISH LEADS IN Til fnnia I J-lllilUXa Central Troubles May Have to Be Adjusted in December Election. (Hearst News by Longest Leased Wire.) Chicago. Oct. ID.. The Kxamlner In u midnight edition says it has Infor- matlon that Stuyvesant Fish lust be- I fore midnight was at least jn.ooo votes ahead in the count of proxies, he and ci. n. iiarnman noia in the battle for supremacy in Illinois Centra . If this IS true. It will mean that the shares Fish enjoined will have to be voteo, and win mean an adjourned elec tion in iiecemoer. npTT 1 TIT IF I vrro lllTAmAn THAW UAATS PHOTOS "HEROINE" POSSESSES (United Treaa Leased . Wire.) New York. Oct. 19. Minn MuHn vnn voitnelm. the Boer war heroine and painter of European royalty, after re fusing to give up the big black album ff. h LfV' Knn?e8b" V' 2r,ufd at .ro ,Vmn i000- ha" dl?nppcarel and detectives sbc"u,.ri"? f.t""1 i fIn'1 ,hnlr' A ne . DOOK or photographs was used in lfte as ril Ot Harry K. Thaw and is 1" Y maw and is th'dtXa- S.hP ?J?3 "M. i, - ,K - iSTJ r": " tJ"" ' eo ran h it y s mo? .1 aP- can be located and persuaded to "p ln8.?.K.. Ah! T.naw ny will FIREMAN BARNETT DIES OF INJURIES (ftHKbl Dlapatcb to Tn. JournaU Pendleton, Or., Oct. 19. Fireman I PROXY COUNT Charles Barnett of Bllensburg, who was 'il not be a canrliJ;ito for tho preel seriously Injured In the head-end colli- Twll!1 viii't Shi years slon this afternoon on the Pasco di- -hence, but then I will in all probability vision of the Northern Pacific.-three come as 'a private citizen and not as a nines i rum rniuicwn, tlieu in llie JIOH- puai nere tonignt. noth his legs were culof ? and e was Internally injured. . Ker Prlngle will live. . . i"1" "ut me Tnglneer Howe, who oullod out tho Pendleton engine, causinar the collision maintains ..he believed it wis PrMsv. which would make the train two hours later on the branch. This mistake caused the wreolt. and he seems heart broken over it. 2 , LeonenweberIIabers!iarii. (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Astoria. Or.. Oct. 19. Hiram-Ieonein. weber and Miss Lillian K. Haborstutra were married this afternoon at the rent. dence of the bride's mother. Mra-jOeorge. H. CoUwell. Rev, W- Gilbert1 -orrlrl-T ating. Both bride and -groom are-well ! ana ravorapiy Known bx a -very large! in Astoria foe a itnmKAr nt wr oi I theAbridea . ha. VesirtlnorShM f ittomevs for the iatt I fh mntmA unA ui.h r-ni ki,. ft? ".Mi.ifi1 fflJi? :-POlnU this evening on their fcimeyjaoon. Tomorrow ( MondavK will he the laJit day for discount on East Bide gas bUls, circle of friends. The gXjom has beSn "f!.moas thcm.m of mar,kJ ,abu,'y manager of the Standard Oil' Interests are as a body-aaimated by the v 1 V-', T ",l t s - SMALL ADMITS HE'S A HAS BEEfi Deposed President of Tele- grajdiers Cries "Packed Convention." (UulUil Presa Leased Wire.) Chlciipo, Oct. 13. Members of the strike -committee claim to have In their possession copies of a cipher telpgram and a letter from New York to Super intendent W. I. Capen of tho Postal Telegraph company, dated Thursday, two days before Small culled for a vote to abandon tho strlKe, notifying Capen to have the striker on hand Monday. Both communications are aald to con tain the statement th.it Small has agreed to "call off the strike." "So far as niv lcailor.shln of the teleg raphers is coiu-ernei!, I am down nni nut. I tie convention nt muwhaiku nex Wednesday will bo pack'-d hHainst m The rcrr.oten.sH of Milwaukee from lew en Is that favored my fiction In tho strike lii.-iiiiv my dlsfuaco anil defeat. I will nut attempt to v. In against the packed meeting. 1 ho foregoing is the eunimnry of the situation in the telcgrnpnerH strike, so tar as he Is coneernru. by a. J. SmalL tn- susprnaoti president. "1 will vindicate my good name for the sake of mv wife and children, but my days of fighting for tho union are done. The expected happened. DENTIST IS CAUSE I MI ISH! fl Husband's Ire Is Aroused and He Turns Revolver on Spouse and Self. (L'oltei Tresa Leased Wire.) Chicago. Oct. 19. Jealousy aroused by the frequency of his wife's visits to a dentl.st today prompted C. L. Burch. recently arrived in Chicago from KouisvlUo. to kill his wife and then turn his revolver upon himself. Both were, dead when neighbors, alarmed by the unusual quiet in tlio Burch apart ment, burst tn the door this afternoon. Burch for some time had objected to hla wife going to Burnsitle, a suburb, to havo her teeth treated. Ho returned today from a trlD to Louisville and the neighbors believe he received some proof of his wife's In fidelity. rp a -rim nitn rr(x rj i iA 1 NAJD 1 U JLVV h ABANDONED POLITICS (United Tress Leased Wire.) Chicago, Oct. 20. The Chicago Inter- Ocean this morning prints a story to the effect that Secretary Taft, address ing Filipinos at a banquet given In K.. honor in Manila last niflit,-declared ? u, "i?"'. wn . mw. Ocean declares, that the war secretary mumhor nt thi. 1 r. fort Ktnt.- irnv-orn meat The care3 of a political career, especially in the war department, have oersuaded me t nat l would consult mv peraonul welfare and comfprt by con tenting myself with a station In private life, where the weight of responsibility aad the demands for Incessant move ment are not so great and numerous. Tomorrow (Monday) wHl-.be the last day for discount on East Side gas bills. Genius and Alcphol. Sir James Crichton-Browne in Throne. Tho- auality us well as ihq ouantltv of life must be considered, and that of , total abstainers Is. I am satisfied, good ?"d sound, but not of the very finest tfa.Bd - P8lr. 10 sPpak of total a b- w,ri l"c l'"i- 'ci"-;. ,V. : nignest ana most benevolent principles. LIlf R"a cuui nranmr cAcmjn me, apart auogeiner irom ,.iv. indulgence Tn alcohol. f Genius of any kind has been rarely as- . aututwa wiift total abstinence. Uetzger. gay.ca you money on watchea. OF WOMAN'S MURDER i ROAD AGENT IS OP TO TIMES New Jersey Bandit Rides in Automobile and Steals Xcw Bubble. (Uulted Trem Leased Wire.) New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 19. Turpln and bin good mare -"BoH Bess," wouldn't be in it these flays of the auto mobile. . I3ena,wouW. ni,,hAfast enough Id keep"up ' f ltSt 1io prifcftsslon, and Hcfc- would nut Bis-ChanJs of getting knocked sky-tiisR, i he'lsouncl out of a dark lano In freht fit id&enzice wagon. !8.the juvora'Jlilihwayman needs bis ..own -automobile. '-Jle.i.MlJ p- William 'Floyd, a tick No Jruriswlelc merchant, o a lonely :'roaa':12;jtttlca 'outride of town. An "not '-only took.- the 'victim's.' 'watch and 'money, bat "his" $5,000 tour It hBppcned laijf nlSht,JUt as Floyd aid pot ciut to w-iiK lnio town, ne spent the night at' Tsrmhouse, aad came into town via n I'.imnw wagftn "and reported his loss to the police.' The highwayman wore goggles, which completely hid his features, lie rode in on automobile, nnd had a chauffeur similarly masked. The former made Floyd get out of hia ma chine by pointing a revolver nt him. took all his valuables and lumping Into the merchant's automobile, whisker) away with his companion in a cloud of dust. THEATRICAL STUNTS Head of Trust Says That Local Option Should Be Solution of Problem. (Sieclnl Dispatch to The JournaLk New York, Oct. 19. Marcus Klaw. head of the theatre trust, would like to see till places of amusement closed on Sunday. ir iney cannot an oe closed he thinks the ban ought to be lifted altogether. Perhaps the fairest thing wuld be local option. Klaw voiced his opinion before Magistrate I.olley today when ho defended himself In Adams street police court against Pastor William S. Chase of Christ church. Williamsburg, who had the Shubcrt theatre in Brooklyn raided for a Sunday show. Metzger saves you money on watches. Test InR Cnrs for the Desert. From the Egyptian Gazatte. P'iring liis stay at Dunbnr the fllrdar. Sir Francis Wlngate, has been carry ing tiut experiments with a view of ob taining a type of motor car suitable for use in the Egyptian desert. Over a por tion or the sand. or llelliaven. near Dunbar, last week tests were made with a motor car which has been specially! The car. which has wheels of excep tional dimensions, was first taken over a stretch of very heavy sand, into whlh it sank from nine IViches to 11 Inches, and it got along well at a speed of about six miles an hour. The next test was over a Rtreteh of the heaviest send, and after proceeding some distance the wheels skidded and the car had to bo extricated by the aid of planks. In the third test the car'igaln be came imbedded in a sand bed, but was also got out. On the whole the tests were considered satisfactorv, as the conditions were much more severe than would be experienced in Egypt. French Iteclp for American Food. From the Paris Je Sals Tout. But It is high time to speak of more Innocent drinks. Here la the ico cream soda, dream of the dog days- Into a glass filled with cracked ice pour two. glassos of creme de vanille liqueur and one of kirschwasser; complete it with hair miiK ana nair seltzer, xt may be varied according to taste by substitut ing for creme de vanilla the creme de cacao or such other sweet liqueur as mav be desired. One mav eouallv sub stitute rum for the klrachwasser. , GENERAL VIEW OF GOUMDcS.' V - V E.J W OPPOSES SUNDAY V 4 ' "T 'ilVv ' , ! j.sgWBD0CK OP THE WW T.-llins Fnh Tales. It Is on oft recurring (pies' inr, ard one on which in-n.-l.-al minded f.-iil.crs and Indulgent inoi iicr:! rre ait t" li---agrcfJ how t t tbe e .1 i va lion i.f Ibe ciuld's iiiingfn.itii'ii bv lalry i! s and folk inre Is .;. - I.i.-ivo I! to the iittlo peop;,. riu.l then- is hi .U"H tlon. Their liapplrst clay consists not In the doing but in the make !.!i. ve. It Is not because a l...-ilt!iv youngster enj.iys the practical i . pcrc'iice of sit ting with cramped let's in a soap loX that ne Is cm tent to d. I', but because while his Utile l.ndv Is h.-ld in sub jection his mind u'r..in toe f'cl.'.s of Imaginative f:ney. To lnn'5 .it bini yo'i cannot tell whether he is exploring l!ie Arctic or sailing the scoth s-:n r merelv wl.iillng over country rcids in an aiitoinobile. Il,- k;iovs. however, and his enjoyment Is k-c.-i, hcaltiiful and real. And the more r.e ion!; into It, tne less we v.il'ie dlda-He-; !n tin- education of the child mid t'c i-jcr.- rbwely we study the child mind h:tI nature. In deed the dlscY'Vcrv "f 1'ie ckiid lias been Raid to be np .f the va-at dis coveries of lh" liist '0 vearxj . The praetlcil mini .,l:s- "iy is It valuable to cul;i. it-, tin- im.iBnatiou? No facts are a n'li i which jRn pos sibly be of the vllt-htest usi! to l.iai in later life, and besi !es. the eultl a tl ill of the Itnneli'it Inn Is dangerous. It 13 excess of tmin.tM."i that ni:tke Inn atlcs." "(jlve a child something -r.rao tlcal." the iitlli'arla'i urg.-s--"glve him saw nnd harinur and n: iis and let him make something Uien yei a re lielping him. TVin'r iicom.- it,, his dreatnlng The old phtlosonhle i have grappled with the question en 1 its t : ..-..rrt ! pos- rlbllitles. What t-ofi. ertis nio'liers most closely is. which creed Is more helpful to the child. Look for a moment rlmpl at the last suggestion of the pracMeal man. Olve the child. th"n, a hammer, a saw. and some tin its ."nil ;!! iilin to make something. What will (he articles be to him? What ciri tJn-y be except so main- cold unr l.ited coinniontiliee facts? Hut now t li hln a story, lir'ng before him the charm of foreign lands; suggest cxploratb'ti inUi the unknown: portray an imaeln-irv hero: and how th" mind wUl wake, the croati.e faeultv unfold, the who!.. Utile frame b-'ome animated with the -luterew,. th-sli" to make, to cons'r-iet. to build. so:ii ve hicle wltrt which t T-ie l"TO can reach these unknown lmls. i''n yv.i doubt the vain1' of the iiuaein.at i-.n then? Yo-.i have touched the Inner springs of .ac tivity, the -creative facnltc ard'lhe will." It requir-'s onlv tbl Insiglit Into the r. lid's spiritual iintiiie to reali- that it Is not the outer (acts of life that most deeply move ;:nd Interest him. These are onlv the tool-! with which h. works o'.t h's own problems and lives his own life. In a widening way it Is fn'e of the mature !f? It is not the tidng which we are at any moment do:isg but.the srdrlt and nim of life: the inner vistion. the Intaueibl- relr.tion of onr life to all life: that fur.ni.shfs us with the zest and Joy of living. Wc must not for sot in deilin with the child nature that h's life finds Its fit setting among the myths anfh folk lore which originated' in the chillis!', time oi' the development of the race. Historically, those elemental hopes and fears, high Umughts and direct deeds are his own proper atmosphere. He un derstands the.'- primal impulses; and those heroes who become erdeprcd to him In his carlv years will .start his thlaking along right lines. He can un derstand virtue triumphing over evil, In the slaying of the Gorgon by Per seus or the philosophy of tho beauty of unselfishness and the withering blight of self seeking as told in Ituskin'a King; of the Onlden River. Such direct truths wnro virtue Is-swiftly rewarded- nnd wrong doing meets with instaht retri bution belong to his kind of reasoning - Besides.' cultivating tho Imagination and directing it. along right Una Is a yeryi different thing from urging. it to license and riot. It la by the lraaslna. bJI LP LKG . Unit that W" lay bold of vital and yet uiiprovn hie realities. Purely the prnt--tical timi.is of life will meet the child nnift.'y and sternle ctioauh in his later life. Give him the outlook whllo JOii m.i y. The Kxrun-e fr New Dction. From the I,oudon post. The taste has changed, or rather the times ha ve 'changed, and with the times lh.. fashions, men's habits, occupations, ways ni' thinklna mid speaking. Knr the very language ''hauces. No power can slop It. not ewn the printing press or the l'rcn 'h or any other academy. Tiie condition of growth Is change. H c.rnn-.cnd to your bov the books you un.il to lead an a boy. lie may try them In ilercrenec to your parental nn th'iritv and imlgnient. but for his t'lcas ure he reads oalte other bonks. This Is Hie Justification of tin- n'ie(s of today. The business of the wrller Is to touch the hearts of his contemporaries. The Jln'Min's I'ijie. From the Ixindon Telegraph. Of Into roars Ihero his been a ten dert. y for the hn'mm's pipe to be heard e.-rv In I rei, uent I v In onr modern fleet. ov. In order l i itlkitv" the ar' of pip ing In I'm i,.n'v the -'(,'elr:il(y have di rected tln.f pir cent ef boys In train ing cstab'l-.hnierits are to lie Instructed In s'.p-h fainillar nnd traditional calls as the following: "al! hands. lash up fl n.1 st"v. reelers. heive round capstan. wnl! bnr k eapstan, haul tauf, hoist j away, bleb crougo. pine dinner, pipe' down. pip- side call away boat, call t. Scott $1,350 C-room house and one lot, 2 block from Laurelwood. ', station, only $.10 cash and easy terras; better see this todayj it' will not last lon,r; vacant now. -' . (., S500 Two swell lots, 100x100, near station; $25 cash and" $10 per month. , ,. : - O. N. FORD Office at Stewart's station, on Mount Scott line; open Sundays and hvenincrs That cottage on the beach you've long dreamed of can be a reality at Bayocean Park. Pure water and electric lights perfect beaches smooth-water bathing in Tillamook Bay where the water is warmer every possi ble convenience. Best of all, it will be only two and a half hours from Portland. The cost may be prohibitive if you wait. Bayocean Park will surpass the Southern -California resorts from an investment stands point. - , , , Every day more and rnore men arid wo-1 men in this city are becoming convinced that a little money invested in Bayocean Park will ' pay big dividends. - You .will be surprised to learn i howlittle ' ' is needed ;fpr you to become a "sharchofder in . ' . this unequaled -summer resort. ' - - , , , - i ' r r. , . When you have seen 'the model you will; hesitate no longer.- . , ' , , POTTER-CHAPtN REALTY miPliUY . - 'm coucq eiuokg; Kansas city F0RTLAr.D ' s,',in.nT:r3 AUCTION SALEl 'Genttin mhoKnjr nl roldn nn r ttr ' oak furnitur. . rUmtnt Arnln' r rur. eto., rmove(J from family rr i dnc at Wei piedmont to . . Baker's Auction Rooms J-. '. . For poaltlv mai. ON TUESDAY NEXT Comprising1 handaonui mho(nr rorker and settee with detachnhU oak p.nrlnr Ublra. very msl ve parlor lainf, ral parlor lounaa, llbrnry tub!, h. f ! a. top dek. letter prcas, aiinltry muclmn and covera, oil painting, Wilton and Axmlnater niR 9x12, JlruHnelw and At minster carpet, oak liall tr, aolld bra hall lump, pndeatal extenalon (' ble, 8 feet, buffet, box neat dining ohalra. all up-to-dnte and aolld quartered oak, J Iron and hraea bVda. all-atel eprUiRH, felt mnttrpmn, f-nther pillow and beddlnR, I'rlnceas and other flrit-fln.is dreaders In . juarWod .pak,-Bhlf Conors, . commode aliid tol!t ' ware, dnnw.MC sowing maclilno, brmkeasea, china enrv board, portlcra, pnrlor hentera, CO -k-etove dud other effetta. Alao at till al wo will eel! for partlra concerurd 1 Victor dlnlnsr tahlo with chalra to . match. 1 buffet, 3 rockers. ? center to blcs. lounjte. portlora, heating atovea y, and other uaefui iot. Slo on Tueadajr at 10 o'clock (prompt). Parties furnishing are tnvltel to tn- ' soect tlin above KOodH tomorrow (Mori- ' day. You will find everything;, m usuhI, all elenn ond properly displayed for your Inspection. . , BAKER A RON". ' Practical Auctlonetra.: -j ON THURSDAY NEXT, We shnll have another clean lot of household furniture, carpeta, ruta, etc. " The (roods for thW n-'ile can belaeen on ' Wednesday. Bale 10 o'clock (Thursday). BAKKK A BON. . Auctioneers, 3C2-4 Ald.r st. Both I'hunea. !"' Portland Auction Co.'s Furniture t; Auction Sales Tuesday at 10 A. M Thursday at id. A. M. Friday at 2 P. M. . We always have the goods, nice " good, furniture thnt helps lo beautify , your home. So many people any, "WhV, .' tins - am ne.i'ly all new goods." lt'a not so they have been uaetj nDI .ynu ' get them at auction prices. There' are -round and squnre extension tables, dn- " Ing chairs, buff d, dressers, dimniiVlM, ro.dteis. couches, center tables, m'urlo cabinets, ladles' desks, chiffoniers,- con blnation bookcases, very fine parlor set, silk portieres, laee curtains. bi- " ding, metal beds, good springs, curled hair mattresses, new Kitchen Queens" and - .-.. 10 Steel Ranges good as new, a great stock of the fll' ' st grade of carpets, etc., etc.; count eis. shelving, wall rasas, showcases, of-, flee safe, computing scales, etc., etc, J ' " If you havo anything lo sell ' " Just ring our phone, because WE BTTT MOKE WE 8EI.I. MOKE WE PAY HOSE for furniture or other merchandise than any other house In tho city, and If you wish to experience that Batlsflcd feeling do business with The Portland Auction Co. . 211 FIE ST ST.. VLAZTl 5S35 A4131 NOTICE Ion't forget our nn-lirmr ndvertlsfnar auction sale each Saturday from 2 till .1 p. m. at I First st. swsv galley, stand by, wash clothes and sweepers. Xo Cause for Alarm. He It Is said there are 200,000,000 copies of the Hible scattered through out the world. - v , She You don't mean It? He O. don't be alarmed, dear. Yottr real age probably Is only recorded In one of them! Metzger saves you money on watches. Bargains Phone Tabor 591. i