i ' - - ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY ' EVENING. ' OCTOBER : 19..: HOT. HOT INCREASE 66 III OFFICE ROOMS MANTEL, THE . BEST MADE 91 (TPIlflc As good as any 40 UO VvHia cent Mantel made Completion of New Build ings Will Nearly. Double the Present dumber. CUT AMOUNTS TO LOWER RENTS WILL BARRETT'S 408-410-412 Morrison St . r..i-.: . ... 1 : " ' -rn Price. Is Reduced as Eesult ' vr t :v --i ;K- ; j I.I i ".w.iAi' . re. n '-U v--n ' - Trip 1. , DOLLAE A THOUSAND Foreign Shipment Coatlnofl Heary LIKELY BE RESULT BeUOIh&HIlL Both phones VeMeU Wffl Crry Eight MiUiqn Feet to Orient -VaUey 'Mills' Feel Car Shortage Worst. ' Tiring to lower 15-foot boiler into a 12-foot Dole in the basement , of the new Corbett building, Inventors Suburban Development Has Never Been Promoted Here as in Other Cities. bout to materl&lics some weeks ago. wnn freights advanced to 14.60 to Ban Francisco and J5.IC to southern porta, but the ray of hope was little belter than a vision and the actual de mand shows no great improvement Cargoes , are forwarded occasionally. HAWAtrttr Hjtth fmm mill In thla ltv and alona- the Columbia river. I " wia or proniaDie m The foreign business Is quite lively at vestment, which in a manner seems to fL I.!!,. liT.1!p "J!an,?r,n'1 be neglected by Portland capitalists nniiiiiH v nnuin v i it s v iiau ii sa 1 . , . . . for different quarters of the globe. The I na mvesiors, woo are maraeung ciose arrival of the steamers Bramiey. In-1 In and desirable residence additions. Is !n,aIld -,T'rJe. Vlke? !iT .durl"ff th- te building of a good class of cottages past few days is assisting- in enliven-k . . " . " InV things at the mill wharves, and t0 'olA to home buyers on the ln- thelr eventual departure will mean the stallment clan. Thls feature of subur- dlstrlbutlon of about 8.000.000 feet of bftn development has never been worked rvu in , wiuin VI in vroi mail Ural al . 4 . . . . . , . . . .. . 81am and the British ship Yola are fin- I "' t0 th0 tnt that the condition lshlna- losdlna cargoes that In the a-1 would seem to demand. grevate will measure 8.000,000 feet In San Francisco, Los Angeles and The Willamette valley mill are feel- Ather Pacific coast cities entire addl ing the effects of the car shortaire more tlona have been built up by the owners seriously than the.mUls rif Portland or with a substantial class of dwellings aiong me uoiumoia river, wnere mey I and sold on small monthly payments, have both water and rail facilities. I While discussing this phase of subur ban development, a, realty dealer from Los Angelea told of one addition in the California city where the owners nT IT1T CJTT'V CTl)rtim Pum over iw collages and sold them Ji llALSril bllllCild all on the .installment plan and at the same urne'iargeiy increased the value A plan that has been found to work wen in other cities, is to require cash payment equal to 10 per cent the.' value of the lot plus the cost of thhous and thereafter allow the pur chaser- to continue his payments in monthly installments equal to one an! one-half times the usual rental of a like Improvement It would 'Seem that this method of suburban development ought to appeal to all owners of close-in additions. The demand here for houses is very great. Many residents who are now renters would be glad of an opportunity to buy a borne on terms similar to thoso above outlined, while the sellers profit would be realised In the enhanced value or the unimproved lots. MANY RESIDENCES III CONTEMPLATION Property Owners Plan Plats, Apartments and Dwell ings on East Side. RUSH WORK ON NEW BUILDINGS Buyers or lumber In Portland are getting the benefit of a small reduction ln quotations. A lack of cars for east rn shipment has ruled up the yards Flfth tfld Morrison streets. The, boiler had to be pulled back into the street, while a steel beam was cut local market Th. cut amount- to ou of the cement In order to enlarge the opening. about II per thousand feet There Is little likelihood of prices going lower unless a general demoralisation of the lumber market should follow, and this can only be brought about by prohibitive freight rates to the eastern and middle state markets. Under normal conditions It Is said lumber cannot become cheaper because of the log market which Is firmer If anything, owing to the difficulty in se curing full crews for the camps as consequent limit to the output Several camps along the lower Columbia tribu taries are sun running very short handed and putting in only a few more logs than are readily disposed of as they ream ine Dooms. Building projects are about ss numer mm aa thv have hAn Hurlnr hnxv mm. mer. but the approach of fall is not PALTFORNTA TOWNS looked upon as likely to infuse greater AJJXr VJVilAA At-MTlKO t0 1,-a ,avorabla weath" HAVE FOLLOWED IDEA California businens Is not as bad as It might be, yet dealers say that roost of orders or to piece out the yards; An Outlying Tracts Best Locations for improvement In the demand seemed COTTAGES OFFER FIELD OF PROFIT City Needs Small Houses Sold on Installment Plan. Fine Weather Is Proving Great Stimulus to Con struction Progress. MANY STRUCTURES ARE BEING HURRIED Builders and Contractors Using Every Effort to Take Advantage of Dry Season New Contracts Are Being Awarded. 1 Builders and contractors generally are taking advantage of the fine building to rush construction work. PRETTY BUNGALOW Architect J. O. Wrenn has designed and Is having built a handsome story and 'a half bungalow, which he will oc cupy as his own, home. ' The building Is going up at the corner of East Eigh teenth and Halsey streets, , and will cost about $6,000. The general contract has been awarded to Hubba & Davis, who wJU complete the structure by Jan uary . : One difference " between a Hanan shoe and others is that the Hanan fits better all over than, the others do In spots, gold at Rosenthal's. of the remaining lots in the addition Spokane is rapidly becoming a city of nomea as a result oi me inauguration or this metnoa or suouraaa develop mem. In Portland there are a number of owners or suburban tracts, who su ply moneJ to prospective builders their additions. But this method is not always satisfactory to the man of smau means. a great many people don't care to be bothered with the details or building a house; others haven't the time to devote to It while a area i many actually prerer to buy m. reaay duiii nouse. r i -' S ' t i ' " -Vi" -'l: STYLISH LIGHTING riAI ViiLO LOCATIONS No modern home is complete without the latest ideas in gas and electrical fix tures. Our practical lighting experts nave made a lifetime study of harmony and proper locstions for lighting fixtures in the home to bring out the best results fat lighting. Our designer will call at any iiuic ior consultation. The M. J. Walsh Co. Salesrooms 311 Stark Street, between Fifth and Sixth Both Phones i Heat You r to use with the Andfews Hot Water System. The Elliqtt - Regan Co. Agents. 360 day free trial We Make "Anything in Cement" I Elliot-Regan Comp'y - 102 Grand Avenue ; The "House of the Seven Gables' the classical name that ha been be-lweather stowed upon a proposed new apartment KvtrT effort J e'nS made to Set th house to go up on Hawthorne avenue waU UD nd th roof on '" he near East Twelfth street. The lm- rH"ln" wwmmr sets in, ancr wmun uuubq provement will be made by the Delta construction will be mainly confined to Building company. It will be a thor- "lde finishing, fioor laying, plastering, oughly modern structure, containing etc, i5E?l??"KJ2Zf tk. A.' I Excavating for th. T. M. C. A.-T. W. ....... V...MJ, m I . i. . tenor is to be nnished in shingles and - uuu'i " "J"1" i'"iui rough cast The Ulbson-Berndt com- completed and the work of nuttlnr in pany are preparing the plans. the foundation is well under way. As -in. nrra oi aronnects is aiso get-1 this will in all probability be a stone una- up tne Diana and apeciricatlons for htillriin?. the ralnv paon will not In a 14-room residence for F. H. Peterson, terfere with its construction so much wnicn win be or rrame and concrete as If It were of brick and reenforced construction, ana win cost snout lu,-1 concrete. 000. They are also preparing the plans Th contractor, have nraetlcallv com for an $8,000 residence and stable to nlptA1 the eirpflvAtfnn nn thm Park fitppt be built for a Nebraska In vetor at I dde of the Oregon hotel annex, to be uvmiuufi. uweuiiig win uv iwu- erected between Stark and Oak streets. siory irame resung on a iuu concrete The work of laying the concrete foun datlons for the piers is under way. On the Seventh street side Hie excavators Isre at work under the smaller part of the hotel now occupied by the cafe. The plans for the annex are being pre- pared by Sutton & Reed, San Francisco architects. The walls of the four-story Wemme building, covering the quarter block at Front and Burnside streets, are up, the roof is on and the workmen are making good progress on the Interior. K. K. Wemme, the owner of this building, ex. Eight Immense Downtown Struc tures to De Completed Within Next Few Months Will Supply Demand With Many Hundred Offices. basement. HEW FLATS PHD BY REALTY DEALER C. II. Krell Will Build Mod ern Apartments on Old Livingstone Site. nects to occupy with his Front street bu slness about January 1 The McColman building, formerly tenanted by the Archer-8chans com pany, at Fifth and Oak streets, which was partially destroyed by fire some months ago. will be completely rehabili tated by November 1. The Archer- flchanc comrjanv will reoccupv the Krell, the Washington street building at once. The repairs on this C. H. real estate operator, is having the plans structure will cost about $15,000. prepared tor a six -series flat, to be built at Twenty-third and Hoyt streets. Mr. Krell recently acquired the old Livingstone home at Hoyt and Twenty third, and will remodel the house and build ait addition to It which when fin- Not later than November 1 the Con cordia college building, which is being erected for the German Lutheran Evan gelical district of Oregon and Washing ton In the Heidieberg tract near wood It "The time has come In Portland when Investment buyers must be content wltn a smaller return on the money invested. remarked a well-known property owner In this city who has recently completed one of the large down-town buildings. "In the past two years Portland has passed Into the list of class 'A' cities, and as a result property here has come to be looked upon as a first-class in vestment. Eastern capitalists will lend money on business property In this city as cheaply as It csn be had on the same class of property In St. Louis, Mlnneap oils, Cleveland, Baltimore or any of the cities in that class. In other words with a normal money market, prospec live builders of business houses In this city can get monev at 1H to 5 per cent. Thin has resulted In a stimulation of building to such an extent, that within the next eight months or a year, seversl hunditnd office rooms and two score or more store rooms will be In the maricet for tenants. The result of this consid erable Increase will almost certainly be . lowering of the present rental scale, specially so with regard to office space. raoes iiztiy o wwu, While first-class office space now brings from 11.25 to $2 per square foot per year, it is not expeciea inai me doubling of the number of first-class of fice rooms, which will tnKe place wunin the next yesr. will result In cutting the above figures in two, but that it will result In a material cut In the rental rate is generally conceded." Owners of the Desl nusiness property Portland have so long been accus- nmw1 to an 8 ner cent net Income from their holdings, that considerable alarm la felt at the Drospect of having this rate cut to 5 or 6 per cent; and In some cases, where expensive buildings have been put up . to 4 per cent. There is little doubt that the property owner above quoted Is right in his view of the situation. There are eight Im mense office structures under way in Portland at the present time. All of them are magnificent structures and 111 be fitted up in the most modern ana p-to-date manner. Offices In these undines will be very attractive to the office renter, and the natural result will be that the owners ot me oiapr duiiu- Ings will have to make suostantiai cuts In the rental rate in order to hold the tenants. This in turn will probably bring about a reduction In rates In the new structures with the result that the office renter will alone profit by the controversy. i Th t-orbett building at Fifth and Morrison, eight stories of which will be devoted to offices, will add ztu ornce rooms to the present supply. At rourtn and Oak streets, the new Board of Trade building will, when finished, contain about 800 office rooms. The Commer cial Club structure at Fifth and Oak means at least 200 new office rooms. Over 100 office nuarters will be ready for tenants by December 1, when the Rothschild building at Fourth and js THf HOUSE OF GAS, ELECTRIC & FIRE-PLACE flXTURES THE LUTKE MFG. GO. XaaafM tars rs of SHOWCASES Bank and Store Fixtures oyt and Sixth Bts. FOBTXA1TD, OU90W. i 5s v I Build Your House With Hollow Cement Blocks Frostproof, fireproof, dampproof. The hes test, strongest and best are MADS BY PARRISH & THOMPSON Office 226 Alisky Bldg. Factory, St Johns, Or. W. 3. Zimmerman, Case, A. Strut, President Tlce-Presldent. Boy V. riaek. Secretary. HYDRAULIC Sb ELECTRIC ELEVATOR CO.. Inc. Manufacturers of Hydraulic and Bleo ' trie Elevators, Hand Wood Llfta and Dumb Walters. PXOVS BAST 3887. 1M B. Sixth Sfc, Cor. acadlaoa, Portland, Ore. Repair Work Given Prompt Attention Founders, Machinists and Boilermakers, suuuui anu oiruciurai wera. PHOENIX IRON WORKS EMCiMBERS Offlcs and Works.' ' Hawthorne Avenue and Bast Third Street. Phone East as. roiiuio, omxooH. Phones: Main 81; Home A-3981. CEMENT' lawn, will be ready for occupancy, Is planned to open the school on that date. The building is two stories high, tiZl n? rfJ SiT.nlldhV n1 '?h2 with full basement and attic. For the Sll:1?9?? !LVm2Chir?,n J.? present it will accommodate 60 to 76 b rear of the same lot, Mr. Krell will build a double flat containing 12 rooms. Architect H. J. Herty Is preparing the plans for the above buildings. He Is also getting up plans for a four- series flat, to be built on Park and Harrison streets for a local investor. Have YouLost It? Lost the opportunity to secure a flns Food Chopper when you could have grasped It yesterday or today yes, we have some mora of them -left yet -that you should not neglect securing right away, as they art going like hot cakes. Look at the : handsome stock of hard ware that are hare for your choosing. APARTMENT HIE, TO-BE BUILT OF BRICK Foundation of W. L. Mor gan's New Building Is Well Under Way. W. tt. Morgan's new brick apartment house, under construction at Park and Madison streets, is making excellent progress. The foundation and first story walls are up. This is the first brick apartment to go up in the city and win doubtless pave tne way tor tne con structlon of a better class of apart menta than has heretofore been put UD, J. L. Wrlarht. arrand clerk of the Wom en or wooacrart, is preparing to puna three modern, two-story residences on his property at the corner or Twenty second and Hancock streets, Irvington, The cost of the buildings will aggregate about 112,600. Mr. Wright has just sold his handsome home at Twenty-first and Schuvler streets to Peter Autsen, preil dent of the Portland Manufacturing company at St. Johns, for J10.750. The Dammier investment company is making arrangements for the erection of a four story Jjrtck building on the Quarter block at the northwest corner of fourth and isverett, streets. Piling ia being driven for the founda- Min nf Ik. Ri(v Tlpnth.Ml' fnrtlfv titillri. ring which will occupy the quarter block at Twelfth and tutsan streets. The gen eral contract for the construction work will be let next week . ovsj but will be enlarged as soon as there is a demand for more room.. The coiiege grounds comprise Ave acres over. looking tne uoiumtiia river. Contracts have been awarded for the concrete work for the Blake-McFall warehouse building to be erected at East TwentV-flfth street and Holladay avenue, to Marshall tiros, j. l. Mar shall has secured the contract for the carpenter work and J. Boyer the con. tract for the sheet metal work. The building will be a three-story brick structure, 50 by 100 feet, and will cost about 120.000 The fifth story has been added to the Hlbernla building, at Sixth and Wash ington streets. The entire Interior of the structure is being overhauled and modernized NIGHT SCHOOLS TO BEGIN MONDAY v.i.'-.. AVERV&GO. 43 Third St;, Bet. Pino &4Asn OaKs Skating Rink. The big Oaks rink will open its winter season witn a Dig skating event tonight and Sunday. The new board walk to the train platform has been completed and-"Will be thrown open. then. Bkatlng Is more popular this season than ever before and wltn the new improvement to the Oaks rink it anticipates a pros perous . season. The rink will be open all day Sunday, . The night schools which are con. ducted by the board of education of the city schools, will begin sessions Mon day night. October 21. at the High school, Williams Avenue school, and the 8unny- siae scnooi. jlasi year tne attendance at the High school alone numbered over 400. employing, beside the principal. O. w Henaerson, eigne assistant teachers. Tuition and books are furnished free of charge, and all who wish to attend should apply at once in order that classes may be formed and the work be oegun without, delay. ELEGANT HOME ON EVERETT SOLD E. C. Meara purchased yesterday the elegant home or E. H. Lauer on Everett street, near Twenty-tirst. The purchi.se price was $15,000, and the sale was ne gotiated by Charles K. Henry & Son. Mr. Mears was preparing to build a handsome residence in Irvington, but found that the expense of buildlna- was so great that It would be cheaper to buy a home. The Lauer residence is one of the most attractive In the Nob Hill district. It Is a 10-room structure, and was built a few years ago at - cost of about 112,000. Washington Is ready for tenants. The Baldwin building at rarit ana Alder streets Is rapidly nearing com pletion. This handsome structure Is de signed especially for the use of phys lcana and dentists. Every modern ap pliance for the convenience of members of the medical and dental professions 111 be Installed. Nearly 100 offices are being fitted up In this building. More JTew Buildings. At Seventh and Oak streets the Beck building is well under way. This struc ture will contain nearly 200 offices. The Worcester building, covering naif a block on Third street. Is being thor oughly overhauled and when completed ill accommodate over iuu additional office tenants. About 60 office rooms have recently been added to the Chamber of Commerce bv reconstructing the eighth floor and the ouarters heretofore used by the chamber of commerce. L. Gerllnger has Just commenced the construction of a five-story office build ing at Second and Alder streets, which will result in a considerable addition to the supply of office quarters. The Hibernian building at Sixth and Washington, which Is being overhauled and changed into an office structure, will probably add , 26 to the available supply of office rooms. While It would probably be too much to say that the office buildings now un der construction will double the number of offices In the city, it Is safe to say that the number will be increased by 60 to 76 per cent within tne next lz months. A csrgo of J. B. White A Bros. English Cement Just arrlred. Used on the Chamber of Commerce and other well- known buildings In- Portland. QUO. B. BATB ft CO, ' - 189 Madison St, Portland,' Oregon, A. T. SAMUELS. 2OHT WOBBT W. W. SANSOM. The Electrical Appliance Co. WILL DO TOUR WIRING AND INSTALL TOUR LIGHT FIXTURES WITH OUT ANY AFTER TROUBLE. 490 Washington St. Phones M 4884 and A 3881 THE ADAMANT COMPANY'S Celebrated HARD WALL PLASTERS are the best "CROWN BRAND" Hair Plbered x WOOD FIBRE PLASTER RINISHINO PLASTER (Unflborod) Offloe, Worcester Bldg. Phone Main 718. Home A1S18. Factory, root 14th St. Phone Main 8109. 1 THE J. McCRAKEW COMPANY Roche Harbor Lime, Alsen's Portland Cement; Nephl Building Casting and ' Dental Plaster, Imported Fire Brick, Imported and Domestic Flra Clay Hair. ' ' Fibered HardwaU Plaster. Plastering Hair and Fiber, Allunlted Steel Studdlni Herringbone Expanded Steel Lath, Boston Sheet Metal Lath. 831-835 Pm STBXET. Phone Ilala 870. POBT&AS9, OKBOOV JOS. HORNUNG FKOZni MAXW 7153 JC FISCHER . Adjourned Presbytery. (Special Dispatch ' to The JoaroaL) Freowater. Oct 19. An- adlourned meeting of the Pendleton presbytery will be held in Freewater October 25. to finish several matters left over SYhn the-last meeting.''' At' thla'meetlns two members of the Pendleton presbyter' wtt4.yernapa p nomwatee. - JIAC0XDA SCORES EASTERN SUCCESS One of the great triumphs won by Madam Charlotte Maconda, the well known coloratura soprano, who sings here next Thursday evening, was with the Philadelphia orchestra under the baton of the famous Fritz Scheel. Madame Maconda scored a great per sonal triumph at the second concert of the Phi adelphia orchestra at the Acad emv of Music last night," says the Phil adelphia Item. "She was in excellent voice and charmed the assemblage with Its sweetness and elasticity. Yom her work last night it would seem that she Is entitled to a high place among Amer ican coloratura popranos. She acoreri a great success and aroused the audience to a high pitch of enthusiasm. The singer belongs to those highly gifted natures whom we cannot measure by the small standards which we so often are compelled to use." The sale of seats for the Maconda recital opens Tuesday morning at the Heillg box of fice. The concert Is under the rll run. tlon of Lois Steers-Wynn Com an. Forman Bowman's Eyes Injured. (Special Dispatch Lt The Journal.) Echo. Or.. Oct. 19. Jacob Rowman foreman on a part of the government project at Echo, received a serious In jury to an eye Friday while dolna- some drllllnar at the tunnel near Echo, anna oi tne iunt new mio ma eyes, almost causing the loss of one. He was taken to St. Anthony's . hospital In Pendleton for treatment. . . . CITY IRON WORKS BLACKSMITHS, MACHINISTS, BOILERMAKERS Tanks, Sawduet. Conveyers, . Hydraulic Pipe, Orating, Iron Doors. Fire Eacansa. General Repairing. " WOBK8, 303 rBOJTT ST. , POXT&AXB, OXBaOB. ASBESTOS SEBD rOB. SAMPLE. Portland Asbestos Mfg. Co. (too.) Office and Salesroom, 272 Clisan Street . Phone Main 4711 . V A. Carlson. Chaa. J. Boderberg EAST PORTLAND FENCE & WIRE WORKS ; Manufacturers of wood Iron and " steel fene ing, bank, office and balcony railing, eleva tor cabs and enclosures, street signs and window guards,, wire and Iron work of every description. Telephone , East ' eai 305 MOBZXSOX ST, POB.tIabd. OBV HARDWOOD FLOORS OF ALL Descriptions and Finishing of Fir Floors Our Specialty. . T Inlaid Floor Company 375 STARK STREET Phones: main 4201 and Home A-S217 Phone 1579 Residence 20 Whltacre at . Phont Main 1365 XAfTtt TOV A oovoxt A dos. of Ballard's Horehound Syren will rell.va It Have you eoldt . Try It for whooping cough, for' asth ma, for consumption, for . bronchi tla. Mrs. Jos McOrath, 827 East first street Hutchinson, Kansas, writes: l have used Ballard'a Horehound Syrup Jn my family- for five years, and find It the most palatable-medicine I. ever used. ma or au vuggisia, IVOR WILLIAMS , "EYEBTTBX8TO XV THB pAXVT "Mi." Estimates furnished on Painting, Tinting, Paperhanging, Hardwood Finishing 189 POUBTH IISZIT ' j I ' POBTXWMTB, OXEtJOT, Western CohtrccUng-Enjfncrlna Company Hydraulic, Civil ' and Railroad Engineers Additions Hatted Excavatihg General Contract!-'. t Reenforced Concrete Buildings, Foundation t l - ' 205-205 COMMON WEALTH EUILDINQ .Cra .!'! 4