THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU ; PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING; OCTOBER 19, 1907. 1: TODAY "S MARKETS "AiteYTelling Growers They Would Get 12c for Hops in Order to Get .Them to Pick, Shorts Arc Bearing Down ; J POULTRY TONE PRICES TODAY; AND f ' : THOSE OP YEAR AGO Better Call Is Shown Along Front Street but Market Cannot Stand Strain. ; " 'A''., ; Oct U. t: I '6- !i "'uot. Club wheat, bu., ..$ '.87 BJuestem. bu ...... .89 Patent flour. bbl'.. 4.95 Best butter, lb,., .SB Front street features: , . Poultry market Improve. Rggs hold at better price. Hop growers badly scared. Apple market firm but alow. Fine aweet potatoea arrive. Enough grapes for demand. , 1 , Firm tone In local flour. . OrUnt still holding aloft Wheat la steady at recent drop. e Local arga, dos.. . .15- .12 - 4 ' Hops choice, lb... ..Of , i .If. 4- L 190..i. -M ' .68-,. loo .: .tin FRESH FRUITS Oranges, $5.60; ba nanas, oo per id; lemons, (. ou dox; limes. Mexican 14 Der 100: nlneapplea. 16:59 iff 1.00 doa; rrspes, 76c Concords. ISo: peaches. ': 80c, crabapples, So lb; Bartlett pears, $1.25 per do: eaaabas, II dos. VEGETABLES TurnlDS. new 90cO $1.00 sack; carrots. $1.00 per sack; beets. 41.60 Dr sack: parsnips. 81.000 1.26: cabbage, - lo lb: tomatoes Ore gon. 10f15o; ' beans, ilc03c; green. marked Improvement Is shown Ir I'Jtff.MrV, demand for poultry. As yet tha MMl."; hMrdll1. rt'??f are showing but -little change. fn nJ0,V' v",, ELyS' g to tne quite liberal arrivaia out i r.T" KV;rVr- t "r.. w" . V buying Is of much healthier tone. I ""Sv e sucamw, iuiuu. . cants Is now being oeid for 90a: rtoianes. e aos ounenss; 1 eggplant, dox: green corn. Poultry Market Improves. A the prices owin the Twelve I .. M ,1 but fancy hens will bring a fractional 2 H "J??:, celery, 75c$l; cranberries, advenes ovar thla flrura. Just at thla IM.eews.uw per DOX. time- the market will not stand very I Crrooerles. sTutsV Bto. heavy arrivaia and any attempt to un- BUOAR California and 1 Hawaiian joaa large auDDiiea nere. witnin me in,, be l ?U: navd.Mii. 1R7U; herrr. fext few ds will only result in csus- $6.87; dry granulated. $5.S7; Star, ing a zurtnor oreaa in values. inn im 1 i.77: oonf. A.. 16.87: extra B, the time of the year when chicken vai-ll6.7U: aoiden o. ktilii'. r. veiiow. ues ara up and down sharp declines be- $6.17; best granulated. $9.47; bar ing mown one aay, wnue aayancoa mrm i reia, iqc; hair barrels, 2o: Doiea, uc the rule every faw davs. There Is noladvanna nn .irk h..i. ' doubt that the market will be able to (Above prices are SO days net cash VWU IVTIUIll WV a v. ; i y .bp waa -v a UUlalllUIll, J not crowded In all at once. From thla HONEY SX 10 ner crata time forth there will be a better re-1 cOFFEEr-Packaae brands. IK.IIO quest for turkeys but no Urge amounts win be called for until about the mid dle of next month. Thanksgiving trade this year is expected to break all pre vious records as reeards turner aemana. but the trade will not pay any higher ngurea utan a year ago. Xgga Hold at ettec SMoea. Strictly freeh Oregon ranch eggs will sell easily today along Front street at S5o a dosen but stocks more than week old are cut In price In order to unload. Fresh eastern eggs are quoted as hian as sue a dosen. wnue tne or dinary run of eastern end local storsae Is quoted at 17 and 18c. Receipts of Jocal ranch stock are email, with some dealers end liberal with others. How ever, the total volume of arrivals la not a quarter of the entire egg sales of tne cuy. slop Growers Are Badly Soared. Growers of hops are very much mnmrmA at thla . I m mnA th.v sr. thrA- fore offering their supplies at lower I per lb: almonds. 'lc values. Many or mem wno were unwil ling to let go 10 days ago at 100 14.43. SALT Coarse Half around. 100. $11.60 Dr ton: 40a. 111.00: table, dairy 60s. $17.60; 100s, $17.26; bales, $2.25; imported Liverpool, 60s, szo.oo; lous, $19.00; 4s, $18.00; extra fine barrels; 2s, 6s and 10s, $4.6006.60: Liverpool lump rock. $20.60 Der ton: 60-lb rock $11.00: 100s, $10.60. (Above prices apply to aalea of less than car lota. Car lore at apecial prices subject to fluctuations.) RICE Imperial Japan, No, 1, to; No. S, 6H6c; New Orleans, head, 7o; AJax, Be; Creole, 6c. B E AN S Small white. $4.25: large white, $4.10; pink. $4.10: bayou, $1.90; Limes, $6.60; Mexican reds, 4 Via NUTS Peanuts. Jumbo. o per Id; Virginia, 7o per lb; roasted, 3Ho per lb; Japanese, 7c; roasted, 7Q9c per id; walnuts, calirornia, 17 per 10; pine nuts, 14 16c per lb; hickory nuts, 10c per lb; Braxll nute 18c per lb; fil berts. l(c per lb; fancy pecans, 1820c ' Keats, msh and provisions. FRESH MEATS Front street Hors. fancy, 8tte per lb; large, 7 go per lb; veal, extra, Vio per lb; ordinary, fin 1K K An AfllTn rmv IK mllttnn fancy, 8iac per lb. HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) hams, 10 to 12' lbs, 16c per lb; 14 to 16 lbs. 16o per lb; 18 to lo lbs, 16c: breakfast bacon, 16tt22c per lb; picnics, 10 ,o per lb; cottage roll. 13o Der lb: reaular snort clears, un smoked. 12o per lb: snoked. 12c per lb clear backs, unsmoked, 12c; smoked, 13c per id; union butts, 10 to 13 lbs, un smoked. 12c oer lb: smoked. 13o Der lb: clear bellies, unsmoked. 11V4C per lb: smoked, into Der lb: shoulders. 12V4C per lb; pickled tongues, 70o each. LOCAL LARD Kettle leaf, 10s. ltUc per lb; 6s; Ho per lb; 60-lb tins, llc per lb; sleam rendered, 10s, 12V4o per lb: 6s. 12 Ho Der lb: comDound. 10a. ii o par id. FISH Rock cod. 7e per"lb: flounders. 4c per lb; halibut 7c per lb; striped oasa, ioc per id; catnsh, 11 per Jb; sal mon, rresn Columbia Chinook, 8c per id silvers, to per id; nernnsrs. de ter lb; eoles, 6c per lb; shrimps. 10c per io Dercn c oer 10: loracoa. ic Der id: lobsters, 26o per lb; fresh mackerel, 8o m IK. M-awAK . fl J . . Supplies are In fine shape: Quality this I aeon. 12Uo Der lb: black bans. 2 On ner rcu.un ueina wm i ever seen nere. id; sliver emeu, vo per id; frozen shad. "vm ore luaxuuuueu at mrmer ia- l wc per id; DiaeK coa, ifto per lb. ures. OYSTERS Shoal water bav. ner nl. oiiiiiiicii. vi piiu iu mo louiii i ion. iz.bu: per iuu-id. sack, okvm. ia .iiftuwj iwbicucu. iiiMuu uuu" m. nar araiinn. x ' . u ner liin-ih mo fir ao 10 days a bto at 10c a pound are now quite willing to sell at sc. In fact growers have been crow ing very impatient with the very slow trade and many of them have been crowding the local dealers' offices dur ing the past few daya A number of sales of prime stock are reported at 7 and 8c but this seems to be tne very top or tne present market. Apple Market Tlrm bat Bow. Receipts of local apples are very lib eral along Front street. Demand la still slow but the trade cannot be con sidered weak. The fact that shipments of supplies are so small keeps the trade from asking better price. There are but few carlots In thla locality and for that reason everything is dumped on the local market. Those who have carlots are able to sell them to the eastern trade at better valuee than can be ob .lalned for coast sale. . . WhUa. suppUea. -eX grapeei are-not heavy, they are fully up to the require ments of the trade. Some are aaaln coming from California. A few coming irom jvorth Yakima. Locals are in the best shape. Price rules, between 76c and $1.76 a box. Another car of sweet potatoes was unloaded tnis morning along tne street. IS OFF ffilll '.1 - .' ' New-Low Values Made in Harriman Issues, Amal . r'' gamated and Beading. STOCK MARKET LOSSES. Amalgamated .met Paul .... Car Foundry.. Colo. Fuel . . . Locomotive ... Erie Bugmr Ot. Northern. Smelter ...... L. & N Atchison Katy B. & O. ...... Nat Lead .., Missouri Pao. IK North. Pao... N. T. Central. 14 S. P Penn IU. P. People's Oas... ttJU. 8. Steel .. Reading ..... Stti do ofd Brooklyn .... 1 STOCK MARKET GAINS. TIL Cent .... lUICanadian C a ...... Kl (Leased Wire Overbeck A Cooke Co.) New York. Oct. 19. Further losses were made in stock market values to day, new-low ' marks being made for reading and Amalgamated Copper, union ana ooutnern raciric. Harriman waa out with an Interview In which he aaya liquidation has gone further than he expected. . Official range; DESCRIPTION. tlnuee Rood. Front street prices: OTaln, riour and reed. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. 9c, large ion: small lots, Sftc. WHEAT New Club, 87e:red Rua- .i.h cj. u . . . ea.. ...if... C - CORN Whole, $12; cracked, $18 ton. BARLEY New Feed, $2727.60 per Uc; sisal, 10Hc I6.006.60; Eagle, canned, too can; $7 dosen; eaatern in shell, 11.76 per hun dred. CLAMS Hardshell, per box. S2.40: raior clams, $2.00 per box; lOo per doa. Paints, Goal OIL Bto. ROPE Pure Manila, lio; standard, ton; rolled. $30 31; brewing. $29. kxis 11.65 per cwt OATS New Producers' price No. 1 white, $28.00 per ton; gray, $27.60. FLOUR Eastern Oregon patents, t.o; straignts, t.ou, exports, 4.iu; valley, $4.304.60; graham, Us, $4.60; whole wheat, $4.76; rye, 60s, $6.80; bales, $3.00. MILL8TUFFS Bran. $19.00 per ton; middlings, $28.60; shorts. country. $22.60; city, $21.00; chop. $18.00 21.00. HAT Producers' nrlcft Tlmnthv.Wll. lamette valley, fancy, $17.0018.00; or- per keg. ainary, iz.vvq$ i.vv; eastern Oregon, , $18.00i19.00; mixed, $10.00 10.60; clo ver,. i2.uvra ia. uo; grain, iiz.oooii.oo; Butter, Zgrs and Poultry. BUTTER FAT F b. b. Portland Sweet cream, 33Hc; sour, SlHe. BUTTER Extra fancy creamery, ISo; fancy. 82Hc; ordinary, 1031Vc; east ern, S2Hc; store, Oregon, 2022jic: EGGS Extra fancy, candled, 86e; eastern storage, 2728c. , CHEESE New Full cream, flats, erfbPer lb' Toun AmertcaM' 17Hc POULTRY Mixed chickens. He ,bi -5an.ny non8' 12lHc; roosters. jldjlOc lb; fryers, 11 12 He lb; broilers, 12912Hc; ducks, 14c lb; geese, old. 6 10c lb; turkeys, I6ffll8c lb for old; squabs, $2.60 dox; pigeons. $1.26 dot; dressed poultry, lltfc per lb higher. Hops, Wool and Xldes. HOPS 1907 crop Choice." 8H9c prime to choice, 8c; ordinary, 77Hc l.VD, ClIUICC, DC WOOL 1907 clip Valley, 1021c eastern Oregon. 18 21c. MOHAIR New 1907 2929 Vto. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, v I620c fcii, njiori wooi, towtuo; medium wool. 60QI7&0 eacn; long wool. 76 j $1 each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, lH4o;No. i ana grease, liio. CHITTIM BARK 67o. Fruits and Teg-etables. POTATOES Fancy, S1.00O1.25, sell- ner; ouyins;, wnue, BvqjBDO per sack; sweets, 214 c per lb. ONIONS Jobbing price Oregon, $2.00 43)2.26; buying, $1.60 1.66; garflc, 7c lb. Al-ftilSB IN e W. Il.UUgJ1.75. COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Cases. 19Hc per gal; water white, iron bbls, 14o oer a-al: wooden. 17c per sal: head light, 170 deg., cases, llttc per gal. (lASUJLINit; 8S dea cases. 24 'Ao Der gal; Iron bbls, 18e per gal. BhlZtilrj es oear.. cases. Ibc oer sral: iron bbls, 23c per gal. TURrENTlNE In eases. BBo per sral: wood bbls, 93c per gal. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7 c oer lb: 600-lb lots 8c per lb; less lots, 84c WIRE NA1L.H rresent basis at 42.20 Amal. Cop. Co Am. C. A F. com Am. CAE: Pfd Am. Cot. Oil com An, Loco. com. Am. Bug. com. Am. Smelt, com Am. Smelt, pfd. Anaconda M. Co Am. Wool com Atchison, com. Atchison, pfd . & o. com . B. & O. pfd .. Brooklyn R. T. Canadian P. com Cen. Leath. com Cen. Leath. pfd v. & u. w. oom. Chi. M. Sc. 8t P. C. & N. W. oom Chee. 4k Ohio . . . Colo. F. & L com Colo. South, com Cole. 8. 2nd pfd Cpjo. & first pfd Dels, '4c Hudson.! Den. & R. G. oom Den. & R. G. pfd Erie, com Erie, 2nd pfd Erie, first pfd G. North, pfd 111. Central ... L. A N Manhattan Ry Mex. cen. Ky M., K. & T. com M., K T.. pfd. Distillers Ore Lands . . . Vlr. Chemical . do preferred Mov Pacific ... Nat Lead N. Y. Central . N. Y., O. 4 W. Hot. & W.. c.. do preferred . N.. American . . . N. Pacific, c. .. Pac. M. S. Co. . Penn. Ry P. G., LAC. Co. Reading, c. do 2d pfd. . do 1st pfd. . Ren. I. A S., c. do preferred Rock Isl.. c. . . 8. L. A S. F.. 2 p. oo ist pro. . . . S. Pacific, c. . . . do preferred . . do preferred . . Tenn. u. ft I. Tex. A Pac. i. T., 8. L. A W.. c. do preferred , IT. Pacific, c. ., do preferred . TJ. 8. Rubber, c. do preferred TJ. S. Steel Co.. c. do Dreierred Wabash, c. . . do preferred W. Union Tel. W. Central, c. do preferred Alio, c 4SVI 46H i&Hl 28S 19 'io' 117 129 98 114 16U 2T4 60 44H 44 16 19 16 13 63 116 18 165V, 13 77 7 110 187V4 29 15 19 18 A SHARP RISE wm pit Patten Buys December atfd Chicago Advances 3 3-8c a Bushel Today. Pay Advanoe la Country. (Special Dispatch to Journal.) Pendleton. Or.. Oct. 19. With , about three fourths of the crop of the eounty of Umatilla now old, wheat In the local market baa advanced to 76 centa per bushel. It has been quoted at that figure for several days. While th price la up. but little selling is reported. Among those who have held their grain there Is a belief that a further advance will oocur, and many are waiting for 80c CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. Oct 19. Oct. 18. Gain. 1906. December ....104A 101 t May 109 106 1 July 102 100 V4 2 ?8V1 77 116 79 84 14 63 16 21 21 16 115 111 21 21 22 82 16 is' 62 18 100 29 60 115 (Leased Wire Overbeck A Cooke Co.) Chicago, Oct 11. The wheat market opened o to lo higher on account of the better feeling and higher prices abroad. It waa stated that Patten bought December option heavily today, causing an advance in that option of I c. May gained So and July 2o over yesterday. xne report was out that over S00 loads of wheat will be for warded for export today. One of the bla local bulla who haa been affected by the recent decline in grain said: "With the grain crops of the United States showing a shortage of iuu.vuu.uuo Duaneis. mere is no loaric in low prices. The only hope that Europe can entertain of avoiding famine prices this year is in Arcentlna. If the wheat crop there should fail, the price will go to Yi per Dushel in Chicago. I ex pect in any event to see wheat at $1.26. umciai range: WHEAT. High. Low. 104 109 102 CORN 60 62 61 OATS. ' 61 66 49 MESS PORK. 1690 1580 1630 1610 LARD. 917 917 922 897 917 910 SHORT RIBS. 775 775 812 805 840 827 1 FOR HI! WHO SAVED LIFE '. ' ' ... . Alexis Bercon Will Sail High Seas With Captain of Genevieve Molinos. SEQUEL TO STRANGE MEETING ON LAENNEC French Bark Will Ball Tomorrow for Europe With Record of Remark, able Qtkk Dispatch and Without Having Lost a Single Sailor. James Ralph, Am. sch ...... Westport Laenneo.Fr. ah Coal bunkers Turgot, Fr, bk. Pee. C coal bunkers Oeo.'W. Elder. Am. s....... Martin's Le PUIer, Fr. bk .O. C. Brlseux, Fr. bk. ......Astoria Terje Vlken, Nor. as Tongue Point Heather, tender '.Couch street Bramley, Br. ss E. A W. Mills Inveran, Br. ss B. W. Mills Alesia, eGr. sa Alnsworth Jehan Poulsen, Am. ss . . .Oceanlo (Asuncion, Am. ss Portsmouth Argyll, Am. ss Portsmouth City of Panama, Am. str A Ins worth Wellealey, Am. str.; Couch street Alliance, Am. atr Couch etreet lumber Carriers Ba Boat. Mabel Gale, Am. sch 8 an Franclsoo Virginia, Am. sch., ...Port Los Angeles Excelsior, Am. ss. . . . . San Francisco Muriel, Am. sch... Pan Francisco Churchill, Am. sch San Francisco Yellowstone, Am. ss San Francisco Americana Am. sch San Pedro James A. Garfield, Am. Sch . .San Pedro Cascade, Am. str San Francisco Yosemite, Am. sir Ban Francisco R. D. Inman, Am. str San Francisco Glendale, Am. sch San Francisco Amason, Am. bktn San Francisco Klnar Cvrus. Am. sch Redondo Alice McDonald, Am. sch Alvena, Am. sen TRAIN WRECKS CJRJJIOL.. Crew of Freight Is Blamed for Endangering Lives of Many Teople; ;; . Dec. . May.. July.. Dec. . May.. July.. Dec. May. July. Jan.. May. Open. 101 107 101 101 107 101 .sa 60 61 $ .1585 .1611 . 917 . 897 .. 910 ' Close. 104HA 109 102 60B 62B 61 63 66 49 1680 1616 417 896A 915 775 806 827 775 810 886 Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Oct. 19. Official prices: WHEAL December May October . . January . . Oct 19. ..8s 6d ..8a 6d CORN. ..6s lid ..5s 7d Oct 1 8. 8s 6s lld 6s 8d Gsln. ld ld d d Loss. There Is bona yet of sailor Alexis Beroon becoming a captain, although for nearly 20 years he haa aalled as an A. B. with no Intention of trying for a higher promotion. This extra ordinary change of affalra is the sequel of the meeting here of Captain Dellgnac and the aallor under quite auspicious circumstances. Captain Dellgnaa Is master of the French bark Genevieve Mollnos, which saila from this port tomorrow for Europe with a cargo of wheat Fifteen years ago or thereabouts his life was saved by Bercon, who until today was member of the crew of the French bark Laenneo now discharging coal at the bunkers near the upper Alblna ferry landtnc. They met accidentally about two weeka ago when Captain Dellgnaa was visiting tne skipper of the laen nec, aa was told In The Journal at the time. With permission from the cap tain of the Laennec Bercon transferred to the Genevieve Mollnos this morn ing and Captain Dellgnaa proposes to advance the brave tar to a more re muneratlve position than a berth In the forepeak. At any rate he will never need look for a "rood sdId" as lone as Captain Dellgnac is master. The act for which he la now about to be re warded happened In the Gulf of Lyon one stormy nignt wnen captain Deng- nao, then apprentice, was swept over board from the bark Panne. Bercon leaped into the eea and rescued the drowning lad while the vessel was hove to under bare poles. The Genevieve Mollnos haa been In the harbor only since the first of thl month and In the meantime haa dis charged 14,600 barrele of cement and loaded 96,600 bushels of wheat. This gives her the record Xor fast dispatch and goes to show that Portland Is pret ty well equipped In the line of handling cement and wheat carcoes. She cleared today for Queenstown or Falmouth for orders, the manifest showing her cargo to consist or 6,a00 bushels of wheat valued at $88,000. It was furnished by Balfour, Guthrie A Company. Another noteworthy fact in connection with her visit Is that she has not lost one of her men and need not be delayed because MARINERS ARE WARNED. Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, Oct. 19. Cotton futures Spots opened quiet ana steady, closed barely steady, s to 7 points lower. points lower. LIVESTOCK MARKET HAS A QUIET TONE DOUGLAS PRUNE CROP BREAKS ALL RECORDS CAR SHORTAGE IS STOPPING THE WHEAT (Special Dispatch to Journal.) 4 Weston, Oct 19. Wednesday e 75c was paid for No. 1 club 4 4 wheat in the local market, over 4 10,000 having changed hands at e e that figure, most of it going to e 8. A.' Barnes, agent for the Pa- 4 Clflc Coast Elevator company. 4 ' Agent Barnes stated that no e wheat could be shipped out on account of the oar shortage at e e the present time, and this seems e to be true of all wheat shipping 4 ; e stations in Umatilla county. 4 Agents say that wheat would sell ' e for 1 and S cents more per bushel . 4 could it be shipped out All . e warehouses are full of ' wheat e 4 that has been sold," waiting ship- 4 4 . ment ::. . . 4 4 (Special Dlapatch to Toe Joornal.) Roseburg, Oct. 19. The Douglas county prune crop this year is a record breaker. The two large packing houses here have been. working day and night. and cannot keep up with thj large ton nage of prunes being bought in to pack for shipment. The Douglas company has been packing on an average of over a car and a half every day. The Wll lamette Valley Prune Growers' associa tion is a close second with over a car a day. The largest price paid for prunes so far this season is the crop of Charles Hargan who lives five miles south of town. He received on ' an average of 1340 per acre for his crop. Mr. Hargan had 34,000 pounds of Italian prunes, for which he received $1,400. The Agge orchard at Winston harvested 300,000 pounds of dried prunes. The Glenbrook farm at Riddle had over 102,000 pounds. Ranche Del Rio at Glide had 100.000 pounds.- Frank Brown in West Rose burn had over 140.009 pounds dried prunes. And besides there are over 100 fruit growers that harvested from 40. 000 to over 100.000 pounds of prunes. There is another large packing plant at Myrtle creek mat is working run ca Dacltv. from which fully as larsre re turns are being made as from the other sections of the country. Douglas county prunes are Dnnging a good price thla season, and the Drune cron alone will bring to uougias county rruit grow ers pver naif a million dollars. New York Cotton Market. Jan Feb March ,. April . .. May-Li. June .. -July ,. Aug ....... . - Oct ......1102 Nov. ..7 .. 1102 Dee, 1119 Open. High. .1080 1087 1082 1081 .1077. .1071 .1072" 1082 1081 i07 1071 1B7S iios 110s 1119 Low. 19 1077 . 1077 1080 1077 1076 1076 1076 1074 1074 1070 1070 1070 1071 1063 1098 1102 1101 1108 1114 1117 Oct 18 1088 1088 1087 10S6 1084 i079 Hoi 110b 1122 New York Bank Statement. New York, Oct 19. BankTstatement: ' - -Decrease. Increase. Reserve .'... i . , $ . . ; ... . $6,627,200 do less, U. 8...-.,, ........ , 8,767,825 Loans ........... i 5,555,600 Specie 6.794.600 Legale ....... .. . . . - 151,400 . , . . .... . . . ueposits ......... , eae.tvw circulation . u .J ... siKeoi Total sales for day, 463.700. Call money closed at 45 per cent PRICE OF NEVADA SHARES IN FRISCO PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Sheep. Today 348 Week ago 67 Year aaro Previous year 76 485 60 100 185 245 260 Portland Union Stockyards. Oct. 19.. The livestock market was quiet today. Prices are generally as previously .... quoted, ah lines are steady. ..nouBn 1 vor nun todav hoars and sheen wera z&c up. cattle market just steady. orriclal yard pncea: Hoas Best eastern Oregon. 26.60(0 6.75: stockers and feeders, $2.50; China fats, b.0Ura.B.J0. cattle nest eastern uresron steers. $3.76 3. 86: best cows and heifers, $2.75 S.00; bulls, 11.7b 013.00. Sheen Best wethers. S4. 76(95.00: mixed. $4.26(3)4.60: lambs, $4.756.00. (Leased Wire Overbeck A Cooke Co.) San Francisco, Oct the mining market has held steady during the past week in face of the weakness in eastern stocks, It is not likely to advance in face of lhat sltua- I Th. t.m..,.hi,fl nt la! traders is to await a more settled con dltlon though. This market was sold out In advance of the Wall street break. Bid prices: GOLDFIELD DISTRICT. Sandstorm 18c. Columbia Ml 22c, Jumbo Ext. 93c, Vernal 8c, Pennsyl vania 3cA, Booth 22c. Blue Bull 18c, Adams 8c, Silver Pick 26c. Nev. Boy 8c. J.J. l. uau w i., ui un if: 11 bi., i .iu wv I vlllCaKO . G. Columbia 26cA, Hlbernla Sc. St Ives Kansas City luc, conqueror bo, bik. noca xc, i,one Star 12c, G. Wonder Zc, Fotiacb 40CA. Oro 8c, Kendall Ext 2cA. Mayne 3c, Atlanta 16c. Great Bend 29c, Slmerone 7c, umpire oc, Kea xop nixi. ioc. Flor ence 2.60, Dlam'f B. B. Con. lBc. u. Daisv Sic. Commonwealth 19cA. Comb, Fract. 94c, Or. Bend Ext 6c, Gr. , Bend Anx. 7eAi Mlllstorm 26c. B. B. Bonanza 3c, Kewanos 22c, Esmeralda 6cA, Cracker Jack 8c. Red Hill 24c, Mohawk Ext. 6c, Lou Dillon 7cA, Y. Tiger lOoA, Grandma 7c, 8. Pick Ext 4e. Y. Rose 6c. Col. Mt Ext 3c, Goldf. Cons 4.95. Diam f. Triangle 6c. BULLFROG DISTRICT . Bullf. M. C. 6c. Mont. Bullf. lc. Nat Bank 9c. L. Harris lc. Amethyst 10c, Gold Bar 40c, Steinway 6cA, Denver Buf. Anx 5cA. Bonnie Clare 24cA. Mayfl Cons. 19C. Monty. Ohio Ext 8c. G. Scepter 5c, Monty. Mt 6c, B. Daley 8c, Homestake Cons. 66cA, Yankee 31rl 24c, Nugget 4cA, Tramp Cons. 19e. Victor Sc. . North Star 2cA. TONOPAHS. Mont Ton 1.75. Ton. Ext. 1.87. Mac- is am ara zzc. Midway euo, Ton. on mont 1.15, Ton. No. Star 10c, Ohio Ton. SeA. West End "Cons. 40c. Rescue 8c. Tori. A Calif. 7o, Golden Anchor 6c, Jim Butler 62c, Ton. Cash Boy So, Ton. Home 2c, Monarch Pitts. Ex. 4c, Mont Mid. Ext 2c. Golden Crown 4cA. - VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Fairv. Silver King lOcA. Fairv. 70c. Nevada Hills 3.50, Pittsburg Silver Peak 1.16, No. Star Wonder 3c, Eagle s Neat 13c. Ruby Wonder 2.40. Hogs Sc Off in East. Chicago. Oct 19. Official run: Hoas. Cattle. Sheen. Dixie Sc Chicago 12,000 1,600 8.000 Kansas City .... z.&oo 7,000 Omaha 4,600 600 1.600 Hoars are 5o lower. Left over from yesterday, 3,100. Receipts a year ago were 12,000. Mixed, $6.30(96.78; heavy, J8.45iff6.75; rough, $6.106.35; light, $6.306.75. Cattle steady. Sheep Steady. ' Magnetic Disturbance Affects Com passes at Cape Yerde. Mariners are warned by the Portu guese government that a local magnetlo dlsturbarfce is having an Important in fluence upon the compasses of vessels operating in the vicinity of the Cape Verde islands, especially so on the southeast coast of the island of Buena Vista, This notice Is of great import ance here since a number of vessels leaving this port for Europe clear for et. Vincent, cape veroe, ror orders. The branch hydrographlc office In this city also reports that information has been received that volcanic erup tions have taken place in the South Pa cific ocean about 30 miles south, 66 de grees west, true (southwest mag.) from tne sou tn western point or ronaatabu island. Tonga or Friendly islands. Steam and rock were seen in the daytime and a glowing light at night. Land was forming around the spot Captain Y. Guegen of the French ship David a Angers, reports that Ducie isl and, South Pacific ocean. Is located about 12 miles southward and 1ft miles west ward of Its chartered, position, in ap proximately latitude 24 degrees, ez mm utes south, longitude 126 degrees, i minutes, 45 seconds west The captain states that he took two sets of altitudes for longitude and obtained a good mer idian altitude ror latitude, his chrono meters wera found to be correct when he arrive din San Francisco, ..Antwerp Antwerp ...Rotterdam Antwerp London ....Antwerp London , . Antwfrp FOG ENVELOPES CRAFT. In City of Panama and Wellealey From Frisco. Dense fogs clung around the Harri man liner City of Panama and the little steam schooner Wellesley on their way from Kan Francisco to Portland so tenaciously that they had to proceed with the greatest of caution from port to port. They arrived in the harbor late last night the former at the Alns worth wharf and the latter going to Couch street. The City of Panama brought 86 pas sengers and a fun cargo or rreight while the Wellesley brought a small quantity of freight. She discharged early this morning and went to the mills of the Portland Lumber company to load lumber ror a return cargo. This Is her first visit here and the most striking feature of her visit is that she is one of the smallest up-to-date lumber droughers to get dispatch here for some time. Caotaln Nelson of the City of Pan ama reports having had a fine trip ex cent for the dense for. The steamer sails Monday morning. LATEST CHARTERS. Boston Copper Market. Roston, Oct 19. Bid prices: 8 Adventure,... 1 Arnold 40 Atlantic 7 Bingham . . Butte Coala Cal. A Arisona 91 Cal. A Hecla.6.85 Centennial .. 15 Cop. Mt 25A Cop. Range Daly West Frankl yn . , Mass ...... Michigan . , Mohawk . . Nevada . . . N. Butte ., 10 45 8 7 17 19 73 6l 11 Old Dom. Parrot .., Quincy . , Shannon , Tamarack Trinity . . Utah 26 Nlpplssina saz Victoria 3 Wolverine ... 93 Koyal 14 U. S. Mine .. 11 Balaklala 1 Apex 2 Ely 4 Dom. Copper. . 1 sup. & Pitts. . 8 Portland Bank Statement. Clearings today $1,473,667.00 do year ago 869,859.75 Gain today $613,807.25 Balances today 801,134.91 do year ago 177,237.65 Sailing Vessel and Steamer Booked for Portland. The British ship River Fallock la re ported chartered today to come here In ballast from one of the west coast ports to carry wneat to uurope. jsne is ex pected here for January loading. Frank Woolsey Is reported as having engaged the British steamer Largiemore to bring a cargo of coal to this port from Newcastle, New South Wales, and it is also reported that she haj been fixed to carry wheat from here to Eu rope. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. A. M. Campbell. Am. sohr Redondo Compeer, Am. schr San FranclBco F. S Loop. Am. str San FrancUco Aurella, Am. ss San Francisco Tn Boute With Oemest and General. Buccleuch, Br. sh ......Hamburg Brenn, Fr. bk Hull Europe. Br. bk Antwerp Rene Kervller, Fr. ah Hamburg Martha Roux. Fr. bk Hamburg Mosamblque. Br. bk Newcastle. 3. Thiers, Fr. sh Newcastle. TH Marechal Turrene, Fr. bk Hamburg Villa de Mulhouse, Fr. bk Antwerp Ouethsry. Fr. bk Antwerp Plerri Lett. Fr. bk Antwerp Waiden Abbey, Br. sh ....Antwerp Gleneaalin, Br. sh Antwerp Versailles. Fr. bk ..Lelth General de Bolsdeffra, Fr. bk... London General de Negrler. Fr. bk London Bayard, Fr. bk Antwerp Vllle de Dijon. Fr. bk Antwerp Alice Marie. Fr. bk Antwerp Eugene Rergallne, Fr. bk Antwerp H. Haekfleld, Gr. bk Honolulu Arctlo Stream, Br. sh Rotterdam "Crown of India, Br. bk. Cornll Bart, Fr. bk Jules Gommes, Fr. bk.. Edward Detsllle, Fr. bk Emllle Galllne, Fr. bk. . Ernest Legonve. Fr. bk. Rajora. Br. sh Aberfoyle, Br, sh. Ooal lps Xm Boute. Belen. Fr. bark Nwecaatla, A. Claverdon. Br. sh Newcastle, A. Willscott Am. bk Newcastle, A. Port Patrick, Br. sh Newcastle. A. St Mtrren, Br. sh Newcastle, X Crillon, Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Ardencralg. Br. bk Newcastle, A, Eugene Schneider, Fr. bk. Newcastle, A. Burron. rr. Da newcaitia, a. Castle Rock. Br. sh Sydney. A. Knight Templar. Br. ss. . .Newcastle, A. Henry Vlllard, Am. str. .. .Newcastle. A. Thordls, Nor. str Moraran, Japan Homeward Bound, Am. bk. Newcastle A Emily Reed. Am. sh Newcastle. A. Ancalos, Br. sh Newcastle, A, Brodick Castle, Br. sh. ...Newcastle, A. Calluna, Br. bk Newcastle, A. Largiemore, Br. ss Newcastle, A. Tramp Steamers Ba Bouts. Strathenrik. Br. ss San Francisco Btrathflitan, Br. as Vancouver, B. C Strathearn. Br. ss San Francisco British Monarch, Br. ss..8an Francisco Flttpatrlck Br. ss San Franclsoo Belle of Ireland, Br. ss..San Franclsoo Borderer, Br. ss San Franclsoo Goto Maru. Jap. ss San Francisco Cralghall, Br. ss San Francisco Rlverdale, Br. sa Orient Queen Louise, Br. ss San Francisco Ormidale, Br. sa San Franclsoo Auchencralg, nr. ss moji Queen Christina. Br. ss...8an Francisco Craigvard, Br. ss San Francisco Tottenham. Br. ss Guaymas Ba Boats la Ballast to X,oad Orala. Gael, Fr. bk Puget Sound Mlltonburn, ur. dk oania nosana Dumflreshlre, Br. sh...Port Los Angeles wniiv Fr. bk can rancisco Celtic Chief, Br. ah Honolulu Admiral corneuiier, t. d nan t. canao ....Valparaiso Beattie Caieta colosa . . . .Valparaiso santa Rosalia ....Valparaiso Moliendo ....Baa Dieco Caldera Santa Rosalia . . . .Valparaiso Tocopllla Caldera Valparaiso (VmlUtf Press Leaaed Wire.) v Tacoma, Wash., Oct 19. -Fifteen passengers on an Inbound Puyallup car No. 67, came near being ground to death about eight o'clock laat Bight, when a Nnrf hfm Ynta A.lh tnln San Francisco , bucked into the streetcar, tearing away the rear vestibule and knocking the Ban Francisco Htreetcar conductor and A J. Mason, a San Francisco paasenxer.-a distance of 20 feet across) Parlflc avenue. , The accident happened at the danger, ous grade crossing at Seventeenth street and Pacific avenue. Conductor ; Watt sustained bruises about the left arm and side of his body. Mrs. A. J. Jones, 60 years old. was hurled from her eeat Into the aisle and scrambled for ward In the ear. The seat upon which she sat was torn away and piled up against the opposite side of the car in a pile of splinters and twisted iron scrap. Employes of the railroad are blamed for the accident. MAGHLS ACQUITTED OF MURDERING WOMAN (United Frees Lraaed Wire.) Decatur. IU., Oct 19 Under Instruc tions from Judge Cochran, who declared the prosecution had failed to prova its . case. Fred Maglll and his wife. Fay Graham Maglll, were acquitted of the murder of Mrs. Pet Maglll by tha jury last night Mrs. Pet Maglll was Ma glll's first wife and committed suicide on May 31. The prosecution attempted ' to show that her husband drove her to commit the crime. - TTTN YOU NEED 1JT ...QUICKLY yACHINERy I lUI uruiici , i rf e, Br. sh . sh. bk. Strathgryfe, Br Castor. Br. sh. Noeml. r. dk... Alsterkamp, Ger. Schubek. Ger. bk.... Glenelvan, Br. ah..., Ostara. Ger. sh Amason. nr. ok Alexander Black. Br. Windsor Park. Br. sh Clan Buchanan, Br. sh. ., Clackmannanshire, Br. sh Wavertree. Br. sh Elginshire, Br. bk T.arro Bay. bk Charles Gounod, Fr. Bk..8an Franclsoo Armen. Fr. bk San Francisco Carnarvon Bay. Br. sh West Coast Lady Woolseley, Br. bk... Caieta Buena Cambusdoon, Br. sh Caieta Colosa ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steam schooner Job an Poulsen finished loading 700 tons of wheat at Oceanlo dock today and shifted to Linn ton to take on 150,000 feet of lumber for San Francisco, The British steamer Auchencrag left Shimonesekl, Japan, on the 18th of this month for Portland. She Is bringing a cargo of coal to the coast and comes under charter to carry wheat to Europe. J. Martin, a young Portlander, has completed an invention simplyfying the study of astronomy by means of an at tachment that may be fixed to anyjirdi nary school globe and moved to suit the requirements In ascertaining the solu tion of almost any question that might fi rove pusxling. The invention has been eft at the Hydrographlc office for criti cism by sea captains. The oil tank steamer Atlas left down last night and the oil tank steamer Asuncion left down this morning to dis charge oil at the Portsmouth tanks. Sho came into the harbor yesterday after noon to anchor while one of the oil bargee was discharging at the tank. The steamer Breakwater sailed for Coos Bay last night The steamer Al liance sails for the same destination this evening. MARINE NOTES iti i ii fsiii i z sOJy Mill At lg SEND US TOUR INQUIRIES Having since the fire of 1906 rebuilt our Works at Sunnyvale. Santa Clara county, California, we are prepared to supply modern up-to-date machinery at prices that warrant your attention. , Xrfurg aUocka. Prompt SaJtrerlaak : Asked. 106 106 101 101 ' United States Government Bonds. Now Turk. Oct. 19. Government hnndai Bid. Twos, registered .......104 do coupon 106 Threes, registered ......101 ao coupon ioih Threes, small bonds ....101 DIs. Columbia, S-66 114 Fours, registered, new... 120 twos, .ranama : ...,,...izi Twos. Punaiaa ........ .106 Philippine 4s...... ...... 104 New York-London Silver. New York. Oct 19. Bar silver. London, 27 l-14d. 60c; Idaho Rebekahs Officers. (Special Dlspateb to Tbe' loom I.) Boise. Ida.. Oct 19. The Rebekah state assembly, which has Just closed its annual session at Caldwell, elected th following officers for tha anaulnar year: President Emma J. Taylor of North tar, Am. tug............ Astoria . . . . . I Bonners Perry; vice-president Marv. Berlin, Am. sH... ............ k...Ooble 121 J George of Bellevue: secretary, Frances Grays Harbor, Am. SS..W11L L 8. wka. 124 JCrosson of Emmfett; treasurer, Ella Tymertc Br. ss Montgomery No. 1 f im.Niii ie . rm ...I. ... r u . M. .. ... -l .... Begular Uners Bus to Arrive. Breakwater. Coos Bay Oct 22 Roanoke, San Pedro and way.... Oct 22 Costa Rica, San Francisco Oct 24 Redondo, Seattle Oct 25 Nlcomedla. orient Oct 26 Alliance. Coos Bay Oct. 26 City of Panama, San Francisco. .Oct 80 Numantia. orient Nov. 20 Arabia, orient Dec 10 Alesia, orient Jan. 2 Begular Uners to Depart. Alliance, Coos Bay .....Oct. 19 G. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. .Oct 21 Alesia, orient Oct 23 Breakwater, Coos Bay Oct 21 Roanoke, San Pedro and way.... Dot. 24 Costa Rica. San Francisco ....Oct 27 Cltyof Panama, San Francisco. .Oct 27 G. W. Elder, San Pedro and way, Oct. 16 Nlcomedla, orient , Nov. Numantia. orient Nov, 10 Arabia, orient Dec! IS Teasels la Port. Tola, Br. sh. N. P. Mills Slam. Gr. sh. Portland Lumber Co, North King. Am. tug Astoria St Nicholas, Am. ah.. ...........Astoria .t.vp. DrlscoU of Payette. ...... stream (rms Am. aKh. ...... Kaapptoa Astoria. Oct 19 Arrived down at midnight and sailed at 8:60 a. m. steam er Redondo for Seattle and way ports; arrived down at 7 and sailed at 9:26 a. m steamer Breakwater for Coos Bay: sailed at 9:25 a. m. bark E. F. Whitney for Kahulul. ... San Pedro, Oct 19. Arrived yester day schooner Salvator from Columbia river. . . . r Astoria, Oct 18. Arrived down at 5 p. m. schooner James Rolph. Shimoneskl, Oct. 18. Sailed yester day British steamer Aucnencrag xor Portland. ,, , . San Francisco, Oct 18. Sailed steam er Cascade for Columbia river. Hongkong, Oct 19 And October 18. steamer NumantlA for Portland. Astoria. Oct. 19 Condition of the bar at 8 a. m., smooth; wind, east eight miles; weather cloudy. Tides at Astoria today: High water 11:36 a. m.. 8.6 feet; 11:62 p. m. 8.3 feet. Low water 5:80 a, m., 0.7 feet; 5:68 p. m., 0.9 feet. v : PRINCE SAYS SICKMAN IS FOUL MURDERER (Special Dispatch "t The- Journal) Olympla, Wash., 'Oct 19. There ' Is considerable criticism In Olympla over the report from Walla "Walla that' the state prison board Will pardon George Sickman from tha penitentiary after serving less than two years of a lJ-year sentence xor muraer. - ; , Biokman is. an Indian and was convict ed of second-degree murder here in 189S 8hortly : after the sentence Sickman broke Jail and over 12 years later was capturea on tne viuiniauii . reservation. In Aprilr 1896, be waa taken to the peni tentiary to serve nis li-year sentence. - O. 8. Prince, who was sheriff of this eounty at the time of the crime and trial or tfickman. expressea surpns the report that -Sickman was to be par doned bacaus the orison board claimed f to believe him' Innocent ,ot the crime enargea. rrince aectares oicaman iw fessed to htm. and he says it was one of the most cold-blooded- murders laUiei hlstorjr of this county. . . PawtlaaMI Ormom wJ Iff ImmitiutiJ and CtirttnJ arndm tk Im-wt f tlu Su a Oragaa EVSTJItES AJUL, KINDS 09 LIVE STOC3SL AOAINSrr ' DKA.TII FROM ANY fatfaswlli 4jwtfa Wntmi Wtm. fL snltk V.rm. 1. H. Ormta. n H. ( t3 sa.l.0(MtSecrstaty &&.4WQtniaas. f nSkSweekOaattelCeMseal Wki,. ( MSMBEa fardasd Cbmbm of Camarae : v . - 1 Pentand Board af Trads - V . ' ' r " , - MFBAgNCM Oaara treat and SaHst Bask ftetfaMOtw The Brsssmat Casvaog -. V IL O. Pes at 45a. tTanaasrtlsl agaaag We auto as siaalse we Ss sat I tVagheraes Kae aM. task as eg ,:;v, :i ' .... .. i -i " . ' " ' M&V OFFICE t-T-t LAP AriTT 8 BUXl Cm oiit ami glth . at W Or Stocks and BonC Both mining and IndutrtM " sold n commission.- , ;. ! Ing or selling execut j u ' ' exchange. t :; . il. v. Dor:c:;r ; co. :.i-.f