The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 17, 1907, Page 14, Image 14

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We Aire Portland Agents for Nemo and Smart Set Corsets La Grecque and Cossard Lace Front Corsets A Model for Evisry Figure
The Meier Frank Store's Great 925th Friday Surfirialeis
Meier & Frank's
Burning Outfits
Tomorrow great special lot of
Fyrngraphy Burning Outfits,
containing large bulb and
tubing, lamp, vrry fine plat
inum point, absorbent mate
rial and two specimen
plaques, put up in hand
somely decorated 1
box; $3.25 value
1000 stamped Collar
and Cuff Boxes, each.W
1000 stamped Glove )Qr
Boxes, 50c value. ea.W
A Great Sale of
Toilet Paper
All grades; prices guaranteed
the lowest, quality considered;
buy liberally. On sale at these
'Factor," good medium grade,
5-or. rolls, each, 3?; doz. 33
lO-oi. rolls, each, 6f ; doz. 59
'Imperial," a good quality.
7-oz. rolls, each, 4; doz. 43
14-oz. rolls, each, 7f ; doz. T9
"Ondawa," fine tissue, special.
8-oz. rolls, each, 4 ; doz. 44f
16-oz. rolls, each, 8; doz. 93
''Peerless," finest quality, 2000"-
shcet roHs-,-onr sale, special :
Roll, 12; doz, rolls, fl.29
"Knickerbocker" 1 Toilet Paper,
in packages; fine quality tis
sue, 1000 sheets, 5x7 ins., spl. :
Package, 8f ; dozen pkgs., 89f
Phone Exchange 4. On sale at
Drug dept. Take advantage.
Flannel Gowns
2 Vals. $1.19
Jn the Muslin Underwear de
partment we place on sale
thousands of women s new
Outing Flannel Nightgowns
at an extremely low price;
fancy pink and blue stripes
and solid white, trimmed in
tancy braids, silk stitching,
tucks and hemstitching; a
large assortment in all sizes;
rest regular $1.50, $1.75 and
$2 values, on sale 1 1 r
at, special jp I 1 7
Flannel Sale
18c Values 11c
45c Values 26c
J 0,000 yards of fleece-down
Flannels in light and dark
colorings, 100 designs, all the
newest fall styles and shades;
the best 15c and 18c 1 1
values, on sale at, yd. I 1 C
5000 yards of beautiful new
Wash Flannels in stripes, -checks
and embroidered dots
for shirtwaists, dresses and
pajamas; the best regular 35c
and 45c values, ont
sale at, special, yard.,
A Great Sale of
On the fourth floor, the great
est values of our history in
framed and matted pictures
of all sizes:
Beautiful Etchings in 1-inch
brown frames, size 10
x2S ins.; $1.25 vals. I Zf C
Water Color Facsimiles, 3'i
inch gold moldings, size 22x26
ns ; reg. $2.25 Q 1 1 f
value, spl., each 1 I U
Dining-room Pictures, with 3
mch weathered oak moldintr
size 19x38 ins.; (I qa
reg. $3.75 values $ I 0"
"The Angelus" and "The Glean-
v ers, with 154-inch hardwood
, frames, size 13x17 Bf
ins.; reg. $1 values.. OVC
Circle Matted Pictures, assorted
animal subjects, 2y2-ia. orna-
mental frame, 14-in. Af
.. circle; reg. 75c vals. t"C
J4x20-incb gold framed Pictures.
n, iwi nuujcvi iu scicci irom;
" ' reg. 75c vals., spl.. each . 39
Water Color Facsimiles, in
shadow boxes, size AO
9x1. ins.: $1.75 vals. VOC
sizes ' and subjects; bestQ
regular ,20c values, each f C
Medallions in iiltl-
iramesj j15(JcYaJs., ea.
Halloween 'Novelties in wonder
ful assortment f Jto f.0
1000 Pairs Lace Curtains in Best
$3.50 Styles and Grades at $1,95
High-grade Lace Curtains at a marvelously lowrice
for tomorrow's 925th Friday Surprise Sale By far
the greatest curtain bargains you ever had the oppor
tunity to share in 1,000 pairs to select from, including
cable nets with plain, heavy, square mesh centers with
insertings and edges in cluny and renaissance design
in white, ecru and ivorv BO inch wiH 9.1 nnrl S
yards long; the best wearing curtain manufactured
Also a special lot of cluny and braided effects in both
white and ecru, made in good French nets with linen
cluny edges or Battenberg braid and edges; all are
regular $3.50 values
Choice tomorrow 6hly at
this low price, per pair
Take elevator to Third Floor.
2500 Pure Linen Scarfs and Squares
$1.25 to $8 Values for Hall Pricl
The Third Floor Art Department offers for tomorrow's 925th
Friday Surprise Sale an immense special purchase of 2,500 pieces
pure linen Scarfs and Squares in various sizes the entire re
serve stock of one of the largest and most reputable importing
houses in the country a wonderful assortment of choice pat
terns to select from All are drawn with double hemstitching
in sizes 18xl8-inch, 24x24-inch, 30x30-inch, 45x45-inch, 18x36- -
inch, 18x45-inch, 18x54-inch and 18x72 inch Every piece clean
and perfect; fancy table pieces that every housewife can use to
good advantage, vals. ranging from $1.25 to $8 Choice tomorrow
Half Regular Prices
See 5th street window display No mail or phone orders filled
5000 Dozen Valenciennes Laces
$1.35 Values at 43c Per Dozen
In the Ifce department for tomorrow's 925th Friday Surprise Sale,
5000 dozen Valenciennes Laces French and round mesh, edging
and insertions, 2 to 2 inches wide; very prettiest patterns,
values up to $1.25 the dozen yards, on sale at, dozen yards fJC
$2,50 Belt Pins; Sale Price 98c Ea
For tomorrow's 925th Friday Surprise Sale, grand bargains in Belt
Pins and Combs; great variety to select from, at following prices:
Great special lot of gold-filled and silver Belt and Sash Pins, QO'
new finishes and effects; values up to $2.50 each, on sale at 70C
500 Back Combs with gold filagree mountings, with or without Q
stone settings; regular 75c values, on sale tomorrow at, each J7C
20,000 Yards Ribbons, 35c--40c
Values at, Sale Price, 1 9c pr. Yd
Another great Surprise Sale of fine Ribbons tomorrow 20,000 yards,
full SVt inches wide, all silk taffeta, for hair bows, hat trimming'
etc.; color are white, black, cardinal, garnet, navy, blue, 1 O-
pink, nile, Alice, old rose, etc,; 35c and 40c values, the yard 1 VC
Tomorrow's 925th Surprise Sale
1 000 Axminister Rugs
$4.50 Values at $3.45
For tomorrow's 925th Fri
day Surprise Sale we an-
nounce a grand special bar
gain in high grade Axmhv
ster Rugs the celebrated
"Bigelow" make which is a
guarantee for the best in
style and quality The pat
terns include Orientals, two-
toned greens and floral
effects, all rich colorings,
size 30x60 inches Every
rug in the lot regular $4.50
value Choice while they
last tomor
row at ea.
See Fifth Street Window.
Mail orders carefully filled.
Tomorrow's 925th Surprise Sale
$ 1 0 Silk Petti'cts, Black
and Colors at $5.45 Ea.
Tomorrow we give economical
women another great opportunity
to supply their silk petticoat needs
at a big saving 800 in the lot, made
of the best quality taffeta silk with
corded and stitched ruffles, deep
pleating and shirring or flounced
with six stitched bands The colors
include white, pink, blue, navy, red,
green, tan, lavender, purple, gray
and black All are well made and
perfect in every respect Regular
$10 value Your
choice at this spe
cial low price, ea.
See Fifth Street Window Display
Tomorrow's 925th Surprise Sale
5000 Prs. Cape Gloves
$2 Values $1.19 Pair
5,000 pairs of women's new Cape Walk
ing Gloves at a marvelously low price
for tomorrow's 925th Friday Surprise;
made of fine, soft cape kid, spear-point
backs Tan, with white and self-stitch-
ing One-clasp length, all sizes Every
pair in the lot regular $2.00 value
Your choice tomor
row only at this
low price, special, pr.
5000 Women's 20c
Handkerchiefs 9c Ea.
Great bargains in women's Handkerchiefs tomorrow 5000 of them
.it i : , i . i i , . ... . . . '
I puic mien, -i ana y4-incn nems; piain wnite, nemstitched,Q
fine sheer material; 20c values,' on sale at this low price, each .C
White China Cups
and Saucers lie Ea.
German Chinaware in Basement
In the Basement Crockery Store, for tomorrow's 925th FriJay Sur
prise Sale, a sale extraordinary of 2000 thin white German China
Cups and Saucers; every housewife can -make good use of 1 1
a dozen or more of them grand special value at, each I I C
We also place on sale in the Crockery Store for tomorrow's 925th
Friday Surprise Sale, 1000 fancy German China Cake Plates, 1 O-
assorted decorations; great value at this low price, each 1 OC
Women's Knit Underwear
Vests, Pants and Union Suits
$ 1 .00 Values 43c
For tomorrow's 925th Friday Surprise Sale, another grand bargain in
women's Knit Underwear, vests, pants and union suits in wool,
mixed wool and heavy fleece-lined cotton, in white, cream A
and natural; long-sleeve vests, ankle-length tights; $1 vals. 4JC
50c PAPERS In tnc Stationery department tomorrow, 1000
boxes of stationery, fine linen paper and enve-
28c PER BOX loPes; iu sheets paper, 50 envelopes; best Oft
regular ouc values, on sale at, tne box wvv
$7.50 to $12.50 Silk
Neck Raffs Only $3.98
For tomorrow's 925th Friday Surprise Sale, a great special sample
line of 100 women's silk Neck Ruff large, handsome styles, in
white, light blue, navy, brown, cream, black and white, black, etc.;
just one of a kind; the best regular $7.50 to $12.501 AQ
values, on sale tomorrow, at this special price, each yJtO
WOMEN'S $1.75-$2 1000 women's 26-inch Umbrellas, in fast
K 1 " " L- m r. ai a1 TnKn .l.L :
-- uiu jicwidii uum covering;
UMBRELLAS t VOC rustproof paragon frame, steel rod and
-"-"' i uiuiii, lldlUldl vuuu dim
fancy handles; best regular $1.75 values, on sale at, each
The Meier Frank Store's 925th Friday Surprise Sale
Ml 14
Men's $25 Suits at $ 1 7.65
Men's 50c Linen Hdkfs. 1 9c
Boys' $5.00 Suits at $3. 1 0
Exceptional Surprise Sale offerings in men's wear for to
morrow's 925th Friday Surprise Sale Merchandise of style
and quality at very interesting prices Second Floor.
Men's new high-grade Custom Tailored Suits at a low price the best clothing
America produces, at a saving you will appreciate, tancy worsteds, fancy
tweeds, fancy cheviets, in the newest shades of brown and gray; all high-class
garments, hand-tailored, hand-made button-holes, hand-felled collars; the very
latest fashions shown this season, and selling regularly at $22.50 and $25 the
suit; the exclusive clothier would ask you $28 and $30 for flf 1 f LtL
garments of equal style on sale at this low price, special, suit p 1
In the Men s Furnishing Goods department, 500 dozen men's finest quality pure
1907. b,
L. adlea soft finish: an advantageous purchase enables us to offer 50c values at
KO.Q Special lot of boys' School Suits, ages 7 to 16 years; wool cheviots, dark gray
"t1A,iaiaSi Drown piaias, stripes ana eneexs; aouDie-Dreastea coat, CPT 1
straight or bloomer pants; regular $5 values, on sale at, special V2
Unen Handkerchiefs, beautiful hand hemstitching, and S-inch hems. 1
The Meier & Frank Store's 925th Friday Surprise Sale
5000 Prs. Men's and Women's
$2.00 Silk Hosiery at 98c Pr.
Buy Silk Hosiery for less than half its value For
tomorrow's 925th Friday Surprise Sale we place on
the counters Buy all you want of them
3,000 pairs women's pure silk thread hose in gauze silk
and heavy weight silk, all new perfect goods, full fash-
ionea; Diack, white, light blue, pink, tan, lavender; sizes
8y2 to 10; values $2 a pair Buy all you want QO
of them tomorrow at this low price, per pair -JOC
2,000 pairs of men's pure silk sox, silk or lisle feet ; black,
tan, red, gray, helio; all sizes, 9l2 to liy2; best QO
$2 value Buy all you want tomorrow at, pair ' 70C
See Fifth Street Window Display.
' .