THE OREGON. BAILYVJOURNAU PORTLXOTJ, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER IT, MOT. Other Classified Ad vertisements will be found on pp. 16-17. NEW TODAY. Save That Rent rV S0 Acres Added to RAILWAY ADDITION MONTAVILLA NOW OPEN FOR SALE LOTS $85 LOTS f 10 DOWN $5 MONTHLY WEATHER REPORT Five-Cent Fire. 25 Minutei to Third Street AGENTS AT TRACT SUNDAY Take MonUvillt car, get off at corner of Villa and Hibbard itreeta For further information and maps call at office. Lambert - Wfaitmer Co, 107 Sherlock Building; Corner Third and Oak MUST SELL Modern House West Side Clear sklea prevail over the greater portion of the country thla morning owing to the preaence of two Immense high areaa, the one covering the north western and the othar tha sou t has tern portion of tha country. Tha first la of a pronounced character and flrat mada Ita appearance thla morning, having moved southeastward during the last twenty-four hours from upper Canada, rempergturea Immediately In advance of thla' area are falling rapidly. The outheaatern high la alowly moving off the aouth Atlantic coaat. The depres sion over Alberta yesterday morning haa moved eastward to the Great Lakes. It In lacking In energy, a alight-Hue in lempcrnrurn over tne uakotaa ana Man itoba being the only effect it produced. The disturbance over the southwest re mains stationary. It retains conelder ablu energy, general rains having oc curred over California, aouthern Ne- vada and Arlaona luring the laat twenty-four hours. 'inn indications nont to continued fair weather over this forecaat district tonight and Friday. -Tomp. Max. Mln. PreelD. phlcago, 111 8 64 6 -inciniiB.ii, unio s w Denver. Colo 76 42 0 Little Rock. Ark. ..68 56 0 Los Angeles. Cal. ..72 BO .it New Orleans. La... 72 64 0 New York, N. Y, ..64 BO 0 Omahn, Neb 74 t2 0 Philadelphia, Pa. ..66 4 0 Phoenix, Ariz 78 60 0 Portland. Or 6B 47 0 Ht. Louis. Mo 62 58 .06 St. Paul, Minn 68 50 0 Salt Lnke, Utah ...70 BJ 0 Ban Francisco, Cal . 70 66 T. Waf,hlngton, D. C. .66 42 ' 0 FOR SALE FARMS FARM BAROAlrf. 110 acres, 40 acres fine bottom land, 90 aoree under plow; IB mllea from Portland, northwest of Forest Grove; 1 extra gooa -room house, l i-room I V u n v. a www, v VUI1 k n , A IS hogs, 1,000 bushels oats. IS tons of hay, iOO aacka of potatoes, rye, etc, furniture and Implements; all goea for e.ouo; very reasonable terms. HAOEMANN & BLANC1IARD. 81 6th at. TALE OF CRANBERRIES. Cranberry marsh lands will soon be selling at a great premium on account of tha very limited Quantity of auch landa to be had on thla coaat No other clasa of farming or horticulture fiaya ao well, considering the money and abor expended In their production; an Income of $4,000 to $6,000 for 10 aorea of marsh la a conservative yield; It will pay you to Investigate. J. FRANK PORTER. 222 Washington st. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE WILL EXCHANGE FIRST-CLASS CON orete, plastering or brickwork for a sound gentle pony. Tahor 490. PAINTINO AND PAPERING P. A. DOANE MOVED TO 104 UNION ave., near B. Wash. Tel. East 10S6. TRANSPORTATION MARRIAGE LICENSES M. J. JicMahon. E. 41st and Division sts., 21. and Catherine Farrell, 18. Arthur Cameron, 466 E. Davla at., SO, and Rone Ellis, SO. Charles It. Plank.. 161 Page at. 27, and Mary A. Handlan, 23. H. N. Sawyer. 762 1st st. II. and Cora Jane Jolly, 18. Ernmett "Inckard Burrle. Chanute, Kan., 21, and Lorena Leisure Stephen son, 21. Wynter R. Patterson, E. 41st st. and Hnlgate, 3, and Clara May Humphrey, 26. J. F. Sherrlll. 395 Guild st, 17, and Grace E. Inman, 26. W. E. Farrell, 72S Chamber of Com- merce, 27. and Selma Kilmer, 21 Weddlna Cards. W. G. Smith A Co.. Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wash ington sts. mm Weddings cards the best 100 for $6. Alvln 8. Hawk, 144 2d st. Tonseth & Co.. florists, for flowers of all kinds. 123 6th st. Clarke Bros., Florists Fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison st Full dress suits for rent, all slses. Unique Tailoring Co, 309 Stark st. MAX M. SMITH, FLORIST. 160 6TH st., opp. Meier Frank's. Main 7216 Will soon be needed business purposes. for Price Only $3600 M. E. LEE Room 20 Raleigh Bldg. 323l2 Washington Street Rainy DaySavings 6,500 A very fine sightly loca tion on Portland Heights, with a comfortable 7-room house on it; only one block of car; for immedi , ate sale. S4.500 A nice 8-room house at 872 Commercial street; modern im provements, corner lot and on car line. $5,500 A large 11 -room house on Bain street, near Williams avenue, with stationary wash tubs, etc., on 100x145 feet of ground. f2,650 A two-story 6-room house at 937 Rodney avenue, near Skid- more; modern and renting; very easy terms to right party. fl.950 A 5-room house at 275 Woods street; terms $1,000 cash, balance easy. We have some other special bar gains that we would like to talk to you about; come in and see us today. TitleGuarantee&TrustCo. Corner Second and Washington Sts, -it BIRTHS. Low Rates From the East During September and October the Great Northern railway will aell colo nlat tickets from all eastern yotnte at greatly reduced rates. New fork to Portland W5O.00 Boston to Portland 49. 4ft Chicago to Portland 33.00 St. Paul to yorMtaa . . . . Minneapolis to Portland Duluth to Portland ( Sioux City to Portland.. Proportionate reductlona from other points. Now la the time to send for your friends. Orders for tlcketa will receive Drompt attention. Additional Information on application to H. Dick son, C. P. T. A-. 122 Third street. Portland, Or. Phones Main 680, Home A-2286. TRANSPORTATION Columbia River Scenery bsou&atob ubb stbamxbs. Dally service between Portland and Tha Dalles, except Sunday. leavin Portland at 7 a. m.t arriving about p. m., carrying rreignt and passengers. Splendid accommodations for outfits and livestock. Dock foot of Alder at. Portland; foot of Court st. The Dalles. Phone Main 114. Portland. ColumbiaRiver Through Line Steamers of the "OPEN RIVER" Una leave OAK-STREET DOCK every Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at FIVE O'CLOCK A. M , for all points between Portland, the Dalles and Umatilla. Leave early and see all the river. Ar rive early. Low rates. Prompt serv ice. Telephone Main S201. Home. A B52T. CAXJTOBBXA BOTXLS. -S25.00 COWING October 16. to Mr. and Mrs. Tom F. Cowing Jr., 674 East Madison, a daughter. FOSTER October 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Omrles Foster. 391 Rurnslde. a son. DEATHS STYLES At the home of her parents on Portland Heights, Mrs. Edna Johnson Styles Funeral notice later. SCHLEGEL October 15, Baby Schlegel, 84 Glbhs st; stillborn. HKLP WANTED FEMALE WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 147 10th st, be tween Morrison and Alder. Main 661)6. GOOD HOME FOR YOUNG GIRL BE tween 13 and 15 years old. Apply at Novelty parlors, 44 N. 4th St. COOS BAY Weekly Freight and Passenger Service of the Fine Steamship Breakwater Lurti FOBTT.ABD every Wednesday, 8:O0 p. m-, from Oak-street Dock, for EMPIRE. NORTH BEND AND MARSHFIELD Freight Received Till 4 p. m. on Day of Sailing. PAKE Prom. Portland, lst-oleaa, 110.00; Sd-clasa, 97.00, Including berth and meals. Inquire City Ticket Office. Third and Washington sts., or Oak-street Dock. Portland and Paget Bound Boute. HOTEL JEFFERSON TTTXX AJfD OOUOH STBBETS. SAN FRANCISCO SPECIAL KATES New hotel, faces Jefferson Square Two blocks from Van Ness ave., the present shopping district Car lines transferring all over city, pass door. Every modern convenience. 860 rooms single or en suite. 160 private baths. American and European plans. Prices moderate. Omnibus meets all trains. STEWABT - BABKSB CO. ASTORIA EAILE0AD MAKES ANNUAL REPORT (Special Dispatch to Tbe Jcmrnal.) Salem, Or., Oct IT. The annual re port of tha Aatorla Columbia River Railway company haa been received at the office of the railroad commission The following la a summary: Capital stock, authorized and outstanding, $1,819, 000; funded debt, authorised and out standing, 13,280,000; cash realized from funded debt, 3. 242,000; gross earnings from operation In past year, $617, 105. 44; operating expenses $363,930.30; Income from operation, $263,176. Is. Complaints on car shortage are still coming In. The latest Is from the Ice land Lumber company of Leland. Ore gon, who have ordered five cars that they cannot get. They say that on oc caslons they have had to close their mill on account of the shortage of cars. Spike Kennedy's first fight on the coast will be with Young Peter Jackson The two will meet In San Diego the lat ter cart of this month. Kennedy re ceived an offer to box the colored man and Immediately accepted It .OAUTOBBXA BOTBLS. ftget sottbb bouts S.S. "Redondo 99 MALE AND FEMALE HELP DESIRABLE PERMANENT Posi tions for energetic men and women; reliable firm extending its branches needa capable local and traveling man agers to control sales, collections, etc 2U3 Flledner bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE STUDENT WANTS WORK FOR ROOM and board, or small salary. Edgar Pundherg, 670 Horthwick. WANTED TO RENT FOR BEATTTiE, TACOM A, BEUXBaXAlC, EVEBETT. Sailing from Couch Street Dock October 3d, I3th and 23d At 6 P. M. PBEXQKT OBX.Y. Connecting at Seattle for ALL ALASKA POINTS. F. P. BAUMGARTNER, Agent Couch St Dock. Main 861; Home A-4161 Hotel Hamlin EDDY AND LEAVENWORTH STS. First permanent big hotel down town. Contains lOt beautifully f urniahed f team heated apartment. 40 bath. Prirate telephone ser vice. Sample room for commercial travelers. Eddy St car from ferry pass the door and connect with 3rd St car from S. P. Depot Rates from $1.00 up. Phone Private Ex. Franklin 42s. a n F r a rC!3CO TBE BEAUTOT7X BEW Hotel "Hey We Inn" 22nd Street and Broadway OAKLAND Bunny rooms, private baths, long-distance telephones, compressed air clean ing, large lobby, cafe a la carte with cuisine and service unsurpassed. For rates, etc., address N. S. MULI.AN, Manlger. Formerly Assistant Manager Palace Kotel. San Francisco. CGeeWo The Wall-XL Kaliasle CHINESE Ket aad Hers DOCTOR HOTEL, AUDUBON San Pranclsco European Plan Only. Sfngle rooms or en suite. Elevator, steam heat electric lights and all mod ern conveniences. Strictly first-class. Convenient to shopping centers. On di rect line from ferry and Third and Townsend depot Rates $1 up. 28 ElllB St., Near Van Ness Ave. C. E. OANTER, Mgr. ROYAL HOUSE BAB PBABCISCO, OAX. Cor. 4th and Boward Bta. European plnn. Rates 75c to $1.80. With bath $2.00. Prom Perry take Market or Mission St. cars to 4th. Ha Bad a 111 study of root aad brb. sad la that td discovered and Is giving u tbv world hi wonderful ranedla. MO MEKOUKT. POIBOKB OK CHUel USED- HE CURES WITHOUT OPERATION. 01 WITHOUT THE AID Of A XXLTX. rl cnaraatres to ear Cat ami. Aithmm. Lssg. Ttiroat KheflaiarlsBJ .tlervoosnvM, N'erroo DebllltT. ttooiao. Liver. KMoaf Trnable: lo Lnet MnbnoL fale Wilt a and in Private D1aeaaet A SURE CANCER CURE fast Eelvd Prom Pakhw, Cains ?, lira aad KalUMa. ir TOU ARB AFFLICTED. DO NT OELAT. DEL ATS ARB DANGEROUS. If voe cannot call, writ for symptom Maak tad elralir. Ineloa 4 erata in stamp. CONSULTATION FREE XXX 0. OEX WO CHIVESE atEUICIXl CO First St, Cor. Marrlaaa, Fartlaad. Onto. WUts Mntis TiU Scott's Capsules A POSITIVE CURE WANTED AT ONCE. TWO FTJR nlshod housekeepina; rooms, close to j Wash. r WANTED 8 OR 10-ROOM HOUSE, OR flat. In any part of city that la good location for roomers and boarders. D-46, Journal. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING FOUR FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ground floor residence, Upper Alblna. Call room 20, Commercial bldg 110! FOR ASTORIA OO OH PAST BTBAMSB TELEGRAPH DaJly (except Thursdays). Leaves Alder street dock 7 a. m. Phone Main 665. Excursion Sundaya at 8 a. m. $I.OO Round Trip BUSINESS CHANCES A SNAP IF TAKEN TODAY, CIGAR and confectionery stand, good loca tion, cheap rent, old established busi ness. Inquire 63. 6th St. 100 x 100 MORRISON STREET $32,500 VHARTMAN & THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce. WANTED A SMALL STOCK OF groceries and fixtures, cheap for cash. F-46, Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $2,000 8-room cottage, new barn, lot 50x100. E. 14th st, Upper Albina. $2,100 Corner lot, 7-room house and good. siaDie, Lincoln f arK, is moons to canine. LOUIS SALOMON, 233 Stark st, near 2d. HOBTK PAC1TIC 8TEAKSBZP OO.'S STEAMSBXPS Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Loa Angeles direct every Thursday at 8 p.m. Ticket office 132 Third .near Alder. For Inflammation orOatarrnof b Bladrfarand DlMMad Kid. Br. noouBinorax. uuras ulrklT and permanently th wont cm of w and file, do attr of bow long tanaiof, aosoiaieiy armlca. Bold DV aruslata. Frlc ti.00. or by Ball, not pald, 1.00, 1 box, a.7&. THE SANTAL-PEPSIN COL Bellefoatalne, Onia. AU Srasgista. i i ' - -a I T. AW f IH J Ifibinno(iapolytbe I ,jTiEirtB . 1 l 17V.1 I I l i MAwitl aoucpt no bT-t&m' r sWlllT'9 I K'l othrr. bat ih1 tamp for g"tifo lAS4f I 11 IUutrled bk-wU It five m JT R ITA 1 KHALI I I 11 fall partlcolart od direction la- tR, SB V IXA i rvKnUCm Iff If i'ul oll21 J"" -a T4Ei2ar a mmijru m mm A' J I D0Q0RS FOR THE RELIABLE SPECIALISTS OOBSTJZ.TATZOB PBEB. BXAHTBATTOB PBSB. Dave Yon Uascnlar Strenfjlh, Mental Activity and Nerve Force? If you are lacking of these essential elements of vitality, come to our office and consult us privately and without cost. We will explain our method the latest and beat the most eclentlflo and the moat auooeseful method known to medical aclence for the treatment of auch ailments the method by which we cure safely, quickly and perma nently cases which have been aban doned by family physicians and so called experts; cases which have been aggravated and made worse by Inexpe rienced doctors. We will remove the evil effects of such treatment and re store to you what you have lost TOUR VITAL ENERQT. Our cure makes the blood rich and pure, the flesh firm, the muscles solid and the nerves strong and steady. It brightens the brain by relieving it of its de spondency. It stops every unnatural condition and gives perfect and perma nent strength to every part of the aystem affected. In a word. It builds up the Physical, Mental and Vital man and preparea him anew for tha dutlea of Ufa. Varicocele We cure varicocele to atay cured for ever. Our method of cure la devoid of all danger. Under our treatment thla Insidious disease rapidly disappears. Pain ceasea almost Instantly. The pools of stag nant blood are driven from the dilated veins and all soreness and swelling quickly subsides. Every trace of weakness and dis ease disappear as completely aa If they had never existed, a healthy condition of blood Is quickly reestablished and the wasted system regains ita normal condition and vigor; in ract you are strengthened In every way and soon will possess that confidence, power and sense of well-being; which are associ ated with good health and robust vi tality and which are so necessary to life and happiness. QUALIFICATIONS Before placing yon ca 1 bands of a Specialist for treatment, IBTgKTIQATB hi) medloal qualifications to treat yott DOB'T T A I II Big WOBB POB XT. Be a klS- OVBIAB and have "allow yotx." Bote the data Sis jllplomv If h haa one was lasoed; that will give yon a line on his POSbTBLB ej perlenoe. On chief Consulting Phy sician, WHO OAB ALWAYS BB BBEB Will TOU OAXI graduated from a leading Beaters medloal college March, 1888. DIYLOMA baboibo zb ornci. Be waa licensed to practloe tha medicine In Oregon State Board of Medloal Snare July, ltOO. UOEBBB BABOIBO ZB OPPZCE. Poet-amdoate of the Poly clinic of Bew Tork City. Baa had nearly a eaarte of a oeatory'a earperlenoe In treating DISEASES OP SEXB and ohronle diseases. Call for PBEB OOBSTJXTATIOB and EXAJCTBATIOB or write fo fan information before taking; treatment, aa yon will find on ohargea lower and treatment inloke and better than elsewhere. At an times we are anxioua to see tnose who nave "given u aiareiy ir ever is a case beyond bud. o hone. No matter whether It Is Urethral Obstruction, Tarloooele Xydrooele, Bnpture, SUn Diseases, Ziost Tltaltty, Bervous Debility, Blood Poison, Blotches, Sores, Kidney aad Bladder or Contracted Diseases or any or the diseases and weaknesses of men. Our M ethods: Qnlck Results, Listing Cures, Reasonable Fees Our If otto: Not a Dollar Need Be Paid Unless Cured The Oregon Medical Institute 291 Morrison St, near Fifth, Portland, Ore. Offloe Boaxa B a, m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. Every thing Strictly Confidential. Separate Beoeptlon Booms. Z-Bay Ex amination Had in All Cases Where Beoeaaary. Zff5BIIIIlEIEIIIXKEZUK3UKKU OregonEngIvVVJNgO): GOODNOUGM BLD'O. PORTLAND. OREOON Every Woman uuhiiho ana anoaia Know about th wondarfol MARVEL Hhirlms Spray The rw Taitaal arrsj.. frjte. ton. Uat 8Af. fall DartlcolArt nd dlrctton In. valuable to ladle. M 4RVBI- CO.. 44 JB. ad ST.. HKIT YORK. for Sale by WOOOA1D, CLARKE 00. AND LAU1-DATU DKUO 00 STOBE. 3 M H M s a 16 ACRES Close in, on car line, surrounded by additions which are rapidly building up; $1,250 per acre. Terms. A chance to double your money. HARTMAN & THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce. A SNAP. 8trlctly modern 8-room house, close In, on E. 12th 8t.; it s well built and conveniently arranged; lot 60x100; fine lawn and roses; only 6,000; easy terms; must sell. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, Couch Mdg., 4th st., near Washington. 11,600 Full block, Montavllla; all cleared and fenced. LOUIS SALOMON, 233 Stark st., near 2d. $950 1 lots with 3-room house. Montavllla. LOUIS SALOMON. 233 Stark St., near 2d. A SIGHTLY RESIDENCE LOT, f.OxlOO. Bull Run water, cement walks and curbs; all paid for ajid less than two blocks from carllne; only 15 minutes out; $450; terms. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. Couch bldg.. 4th 8t.. near Washington. 3 ACRES, ALL CLEARED, CLOSE TO carllne, 5c rare, oet run particulars or LOUIS SALOMON, 233 Stark st., near 2d. A BEAUTIFUL PLACE IN SOUTH Portland on Corbett St.; 6 rooms, mod ern conveniences, nice lawn and shrub bery; only $2,750. THE DUNN LAWRENCE CO., 248 Alder. SMALL TRACTS FOR SALE 1250 Buys one acre Improved house new, Oregon City line. 500 Five acrea 8 miles from city hall, 1 acre In cultivation; aurveyed electric line past place. 175020 acres all level and very rich, will double In value when projected lines are completed; 1 -mile now from car. 84 ACBES, half of same in cultivation, 6-room house, good barn, choice fruit, quarter mile from car, 7 miles from Portland. Would take Portland prop erty in part payment. J. F. Compton, 100 Abington Bldg. NOTICES STOLEN LUMBER FROM THE FAIR grounds, white horse and single rig: 3 weeka ago; 2x8 and 6x6; come and five Information; $10 reward. Address 24 Knott. Phone 2aat"208 5 ACRES, ALL CLEARED, good house, 5 minutes" walk to carllne, 6c fare; a snap; well arranged for chicken farm. For particulars call on LOUIS SALOMON, 233 Stark St., near 2d. 9 ACRES WITHIN CITY LIMITS, ONE half Improved; Bull Run water; ad Joining property sells for $260 per lot. Can make a specially low price on this tract. LOUIS SALOMON & CO., 233 Stark St., near 2d. FOR SALE FARMS fiveacIie'tIra'c ver, 2H miles from ferry landing, par tially cleared, lie 'nice;, they are snaps for $500 each; terms. CALL ON US. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. Couch bldg., 4th st. near Washington. NEAR ELECTRIC LINE. $6,000 buys a fully equipped farm of 60 acres. 30 acres under cultivation, 15 acres of beaverdam; 1 miles from sta tion. 17 mllea from Portland; good build ings, fine soil; terms. HAOEMANN Si BLANCHABO, 1 8thrgt. Trae Cires for Men No Cheaper Treatment on the Coast MY FEB IS ONLY $10 In Any Uncomplicated Ailment No Better Treatment In the World Let Me Guide You on Your Way to Regain Your Health and Renew Your Strength Do you feel that you are not tha man you once were? Do you feel tired In the morning and easily ex hausted? Is your Back weak? la your memory falling? Do you have difficulty In fixing your thoughtat Are you losing ambition? If you have any or all of the above symp toms, you surely do not desire to remain in your present condition. Let me explain to you my methods of rebuilding the vigor of men, and refer you to the thousands I have cured. The Only Diseases I Treat Spermatorrhoea Tob Tlgor, Tarl oooele, Bnpture, Files, Bydrooela, Organlo Weakness. Ooatajrioua Blood Bleeaees, Acute and Ohronlo Ure thral aad Proatatio Inflamaaaaiom. BB. TATXrOB, Tha Leading Specialist. I Never Guess Experiment or take chances of any sort. I attempt to cure only those dlseaaea that I have been curing for the past 35 years, and feel aura I am Justified in saying that I have learned all about them. Were I lacking In knowl edge pertaining to my specialty I would never have attained my present suooess, nor would I to day be reoegnized aa the leading specialist treating men's dlseaaea. If afflloted, you oan depend upon It that the servloe offer you Is the service you need, and la service such aa can he rendered by no other physician. Pay Me When You Are Cured This la My Fair Offer to Every Pationt FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION VARICOCELE An average of one man In five haa varicocele. Most men that have this dragging, draining weakness are not aware of It until ft has wreoked their lives. Varicocele causes congestion of the blood In some of the most vital blood vessels of man. It causes a dull, heavy, listless feeling whioh Is often mistaken toi nervoua de bility or general decline of power. "WBAKBBSS." My oures ef this disorder are per manent and lasting. Bo tonics that stimulate temporarily, but thorough ly scientific treatment for the re moval of conditions responsible for the functional derangement. 'Weak ness" is merely a symptom of in flammation or congestion In the prostate gland, and under my own original local treatment thla gland is promptly restored to Its normal state and complete fujaotloaal activity ia the lasting reault. I invite every weak or dlaeaaed man to call for free advice, and ir desired l will max a rree examination ana Diagnosis, Dut tne visu will not obligate him In any way to become my patient Office houra. a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays li to 1 only. Patlenta living out of the o lty .and coming to Portland for treat ment will be furnished with (1 na 'room free of charge. Check your trunka direct to 2S4H Morrison street a The Dr. Taylor Co. B34V4 MOBBXBOX 8TBBBT, Corner eoomd, BOBTXaABD, OB. SPECIALISTS THAT CURE MEN Did you ever stop to consider the fact that you are not aa good a man aa you used to be; physically, mentally and otherwise? Do you know why? Falling power, loas of vitality and drains are tha moat frequent cause. It stands you in hand to stop those drains on your very vital force Itself. Oo to a specialist who can cure these ailments, quickly and aurely. Come to us. KESK BELT WBXBJB XT Zg OBBTAXB TO BB TOTJB9. This Institution has built up ita splendid practice more by the frea advertising given it by Its PERFECTLY 8ATISFIED PATIENTS, who have received the benefit of its modern, scientific and legitimate methods, than In any other way. If you are not a perfect mancoma to us. Isn't it worth the little time it will take when you are CERTAIN that you will have the benefit of HONEST, SINCERE physicians who never attempt to deceive you in any way? A consultation costa you nothing EXCEPT your own time. S a 3 a 37 TEAKS' EXP2XXEBCB. OUR FEE $ 10,00 Xetabllahed 87 Tears la Portland. Consultation Free We will Treat Any Single VaoompU oatsd Ailment for f 10.00, Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured 1 I M I M I M I M 2 ' H We cure safely and promptly WEAKNESS. LOST MANHOOD, SPER MATORRHOEA, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IN ALL STAGES. VARI COCELE, HYDROCELE, GONORRHOEA. GLEET, OR ANY OF THBJ DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Personal attention given all patlenta. In selecting a physician or specialist, when in need of one, soma consideration and thought should be given to the qualifications, experi ence and length of time an Institute or medical man haa been located In the city. It stands to reason that an institution that has stood the test of time and numbers Its cures by the thousands is far superior to mushroom institutions that spring up In a night last a few months and : are gone. We have been curing men 2? years and are tha oldest special ists curing men In Portland. We invite those who have deep-seated and chronlo disorder to call and be examined. Consultation and examination Is free, ajxA oarrlea) with. it no obligation to engage our aervioea. , Our offices are equipped with the most modern and eclentlflo mechan ical devices for the treatment of chronic dlseasea. Our charges are rea- ' sonable and In reach of any workingman. Write if you cannot call. Our system of home treatment la always CERTAIN and most successful. All correspondence sacredly confidential. HOURS 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Eveninga, T to 8:30; Sunday a, S a. m. t 12 noon. .. , DISPENSARY CT I HIIIC MEDICAL AND Ol. LUUIO SURGICAL COBWEB SBOOBS ABB TiMBTLIi BTBSETS, TClTLairp, OBZdOB. El KiinnEnuKxxssusassaKSssssssSe I CURE DISEASES OF MEN TfcOM who have been disappointed by cheap and uuktn4 pev olallata axe earnestly requested to investigate my methods aad terms without delay, which, had they dona ta tha' Beriaaiag, would have saved them time, pain, worry aad BBoaayV- I OUABABTEB AB ABSOLUTS ABB lAtTIBw CUBB. Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Blood Poison, Skis Blaeaees, Sores, VI oers, Strictnre, Tarloooele, Bydrooela, Hervoua BeoUna, Weak nesa. Hies or Ohroaio Btaeaaea of tha Sidneys aad rrosUte, I charge for curaa polys nothln tor failures. ' Investigate and learn that my word la good. Twenty-five yearg '"! cessful practice and thoueanda of ur Justify , thla aasertion. Call or write BB. T. 9. JrXEBCS, IS1 Wrst tt, Portland, Or, JOURNAL WANT ADS PA - - Pi I B N H I! It .