14 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER . 14, 1907. TEN BASHFUL ONES SING "I WOULD BE SENATOR" Vacant Seats at Salem Smile Enticingly at Numerous As pirants Who Feel in Duty Hound to Represent the People 3Iaehine Said to Have Turned Up Toes. SCORES UNKNOWn I -i 6tnW sensorial ssplrsnts are sprlne; Inir up these days like the fabled mon tera from the dragons teeth. On every hand new name are bring; brought out anil booms and boomlets are being; In flated to soar in the political hreeae. Already there are more than enough candidate for nominations kt the hands Of the Republican party to fill nil the vacant place and then leave aome over for nood measure. I'p to tho preaent time E R Colwell. Pr. Kmmett Prake, John Gill. Dr. K. O. Clark. H H lleckman, Chris Boll. John b. Coffey, John Prlacoll, V. R. Beach and. H. Russell Albee have come out of the cocoon of desire and bloomed Irto the brilliant chrysalis of expecta tion. All of them want to wear the toga In the senatorial hall at 8ah n when the next legislature convenes and II of thm are planning; to go nut after that garment with might and main. Some of theae gentlemen are well known in political circles In Multnomah county and aome hope to be. K. II. Col wall manufactured statutes up at Snlom during- the session of 1905. Ir. Drake la known aa a local politician, John . Oil! 1 president of the 1'nlon Republi can club which hopea to bind the atate together Into one aolld political family strong; enough to dictate the political destiny of the commonwealth. Pr. Clark la better known In professional than In political life and Mr. Heekman haa foregathered more with the critlca of the law than with Its manufacturer Chris Bell Is also an attorney. John 11. Coffejr was one of the big chieftains at the last aeasion and cracked the whip .in .the lower house aa a reward for baring engineered Frank DaTey Into the speaker's chair. John Drlaeoll was the faithful friend and follower of Mr. Coffey, nlavlng a sort of political Pavld to Coffey's Jonathan. F. K Reach la well known in tho business life of the city and so Is Mr. Albee In tne last em.lon of the legislature Multnomah county had flvo senators It also had n senator Jointly with Co lumhla and Washington counties and another Jointly with Clackamas. In the next session the county will be en titled to six senators. It will also have one Jointly with Columbia and Clacka mas The list of those who represented the county either whom- or In part at the Inst session were C. W. Hudson, Joint with Columbia ano nshlngton; A. A. Roller, Joint with Clackamas, and Dan J. Malarkey. F. P. Maya. fiigmund Sk'l-.el. w. .Nottingham ana s. t Reach from Multnomah alone. Out of this number llodsnn. Malarkey, Maya, filchol ami Nottingham retire through the expiration or their terms of of fice. A. A. Ralley, aa the Joint senator from Clackamas and Multnomah, re tain his office for another term, hav ing been elected In 190. 8. C. Reach Is the only one of the straight delega tion who holds over. It becomes nec essary, therefore, to elect five senators from Multnomah county In June next to fill the vacant places formed by the ex- rlratlons of office and to provide for he one new scnatorshlp established by the redisricting or the state at the last session of the legislature. Aa yet no definite plan of campaign has boon formed for the selection of theae senators, though It Is nnparent that the political leaders are sharpen ing their pencils to fix up a slate. The machine Is dead, so it Is said, but nevertheless the machinists are looklna- over the evnllable material with a view of "Inducing" desirable "candidates to enter the race. And the candidate are coming, like the Campbells of the old time-song Dr. Hrouffher Scorches Cow ards Who Send About Anonymous Warnings. SPEAKS OF ONE HE HECEIVED Pastor Octn Skull and Cross Bones Document But Writer Forgot to Sign Name Minister Flays Sender of the LeUer. Biff CALLING IS FOR RECRUITS Government Tarty Will Open New Office in Portland This Month. At the White Temple last night Rev. J. Whltoomb Rrougher told of an anony moua letter which he had received tell ing him that If he did not atop preach ing the kind of sermons that he de livered October 6, he would be given "the same medicine that Harvey Brown reoelved." The gruesome epistle was made more urgent by decoration of the double cross and two skulls. In the sermon referred to Pr. Rrough er urged speedy punishment for the as aasslna of Ilrown and tu all blackmail ers and slanderers. In his remark last night Pr. Rrougher said: "Whenever our enemies write an anonymous letter ney attempt by threats to frighten us away from doing our duty. These sneaking coward who write anonymous letters probably haven't brains enough to comprehend that no threat that they could possibly make In an anonymous letter would swerve a brave man a hair's breadth from the puth of dutv. No man of any character would permit such an anonymous sfeed to annoy him ror one moment. Supposing a man In a fit of anger goes mad and foams at the mouth and calls you all the vlie names known to the human tongue; that doesn't hurt you If they are not so.-Jle doesn't hurt anybody but himself. If In order to secure recruits for the United States navy, Ensign John Rod ders, Midshipman N. H. White and Dr. Henry A. Dunn will open a recruiting office in the postofflce building Thurs day, remaining in Portland until Octo ber 25. The party is traveling through Ore- ?on and Washington recruiting men or tho navy and have already visited Seattle, Tacoma. Olympla and Chehalla. where they have secured many men anxious to serve their country and take advantage of the opportunity to travel and see the world. The work of the naval officers Is di vided into three parts. First comes Turret Captain Hoyd, a petty officer, who haa charge of the advertising end of tho work. He travels two days ahead of the main party and attends to the publicity department. Boyd Is followed by Midshipman White and A. Green, who form the In formation bureau of tho party. Any person curious regarding the navy, or who nas a desire to Jo n Its ranks. can find out all the data and Informa tion concerning this branch of the country's fighting department from them. They are followed bv Ensign Rodger and Dr. Dunn. who. attend the recruits. f Several hundred men are needed for the Immediate present and strong ef forts will be made tq secure a large number In the Rose City. With the new rules of the navy department, en listed men secure many advantages and considerations not hitherto accorded them. They retire at the end of 30 years' service with the rnnk of chief petty orricer, providing their conduct nas neen good, ana a standing pay ISO a month. ou keep your temper and keep sweet, fallen to do anvthlna but reveal his own diabolical nature and e has absolutely Tailed to do anvthln corrupt heart. There arc not many peo pie In this world who understand what It means to die for principle. Of course It is a greater thing to live and . suffer for principle than it is to die Just once for principle. If there ever waa a time when Christians needed their backbone strengthened, their faith Inspired and their courage Increased, this Is the dav. All tho threats and attacks, anonymous or otherwise thnt the devil and his forces may make upon you should never turn you Ir from the path of duty one mo- KASY TO TEAK DOWN. of Christmas Excursions. It is not too early to make your But Destroyer of FStb Should Point Out Some Alternative. Rev. Renjamln Young, the new pas tor of the Taylor Street Methodist church, denounced the methods of the critic of religion in a sermon on "The Difficulties of Disbelief" yesterday morning. He declared that the Infidel has an easy task In his effort to de stroy, because it Is easy to tear down. but that he falls to offer a solution or the C. BOTH great problem of existence. steamer reservations If vou are e-ninir . Mr- loung use many Illustrations to spend Christmas in the old country tll' experience of men in explaining The Canadian Pacific gives you the very best service and their rates are the low est. Apply at the local office, 142 Third street, for full particulars. THE GREATEST LINE OF Men's Suits, Raincoats and Overcoats We have ever shown at this popular price his point. "Do you believe that the table had a maker, but the sun had I none?" he asked. "Do you believe that the wax flower on vour stand was made, but that the rose In the garden n Cheerful Glow of an open fireplace is produced instate I taneously when you turn the switch of a Luminous Radiator mi HEATING APPllMCfS XT' HEAT iriTHOUT FLAME Simple Safe Attractive No liquid I No gas No odor Connects to circuit with a t1iiy and flexible cord starts and' stops like an incandescent lamp! Ideal for the Bathroom Convenience and healthfulness are the chief character istics of the Electric Radiator. In the bedroom on chilly mornings it furnishes warmth comfortable to dress by, and it may be moved to any part of the room, or from one room to another as readily as a footstool. In the sick room its hygienic operation and perfect control make it a great boon. Yon Can Make Breakfast Toast at the Table With a Pacific Electric Toaster i just name by chance?' ! The speaker demanded that Ihe de stroyer of faith shall point out some alternative. Instead of blindly se king to blot out the solution that is offered him through God. When the challenge of faith comes, the doubter should ask whether something better or more rea sonable la before him. The alternative idea of nothingness falls to helD to an understanding- of the deeper things of life. On the other hand, the work of tearing down does not require wisdom. Many a wise man has been puzzled by. win interrogations or a rooi. In his sermon last night Mr. Young talked effectively of "Dreamers." from the familiar text of the saving of the sons of Jacob when their brother Joseph approached them. RELIGION GOOn SECURITY. !5 Electric Toaster Is 13 Inches Ions;, 6 Inches wide and stands 6 Inches nign. Elegantly finished In black,' with nickel trim mings. Equipped wltn oord and ping xeady for immedi ate nee. Influence of Church &ame Standard sk Government Rond. "Church as a Gilt-Edged Investment" was the subject used by Rev. James D. Corby at the I'niversallst Church of i Good Tidings on East Eiehth street yesterday morning. Mr. Corby took as his theme the business mania of the age and drew from it lessons on his text, which was Luke xll:48. He said In part: What the government bond is to the Investing world, the standard and as surance of reliable Income, that and far more the Christian church Is to those who would Invest their Influ ence, i The church has been growing and extending its influence for IS cen turies and alter all these vears. it is safe to say, is here to stav The church Is a cooperative concern: the rich and the poor meet together and recognize the good God as the rut hen of all. The church is the school of morals. Jesus took 12 men and taught them the law of social svmpathy and Kervlce. He said, men are in dark ness, you can enlighten them: thev are oppressed, you can relieve them as they carry their burdens; they are wandering from the paths. vou run lead them to the piains of peace. It was a new and oiofitable Investment for all these men. The EQUAL of any suit or raincoat in town at FIFTEEN DOLLARS hundreds of garments to choose from When You See It in Our Ad It's So MOVER TWO STORES Third and Oak IT WILL TOAST m.. .ii ... to oners e '8 Rt ne time' 2 cents an hour PriSe of ptfriT b". connecteS to any electric lamp socket. Price of Electric Toaster, with all equipment $3.59 The ELECTRIC TOASTER is the most convenient . utensil that has been devised for the household ' Visit the Company's Supply Department at 147-149 4 Seventh Street and inspect the exhibit of Electric Heating , and Cooking Devices. 6 ' Electric Fletirons free, on 30 days' trial, to all users f of our current (CALL TELEPHONES: MAIN 6688, A1675 fop INFORMATION. '' OR !!t ' PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POWER XEW PASTOR SPEAKS. Rev. J. W. McDoucall Given AVarm Welcome at Mount Tabor. Tbe auditorium of the Mount Tabor Methodist Episcopal church was filled both yesterday mornlne and evenlnc in '. hear the first two sermons of Rev. I iV. McDous-all, the ncwiv annninted minister to that church. Dr. Mc DoukII arrived In Tortland on Thurs day last from his farm home at Al- uany. Iir. MrDouKall chose for hip tof IjUke vlli:46. "And Jesus said: Some body hath touched me. for I neroelv that virtue has eone out of ma ' " The speaker discussed the demands and dif ficulties in the DiitUwav of evervone. and said these must be met with fair ness nnd confidence. He held that business honesty, social purity and home cleanliness were the three treat requirements of the citizen. At the conclusion of the sermon many of the congregation came for ward to meet their new nastor. He Is considered one of tho leading: Methodist i ministers of the state and the Mount taoor congregation Is e ateil at ht having been sent to that church. Regulates the bowels. Dromotes cam natural movements, cures constipation Doan's Kegulets. Ask vour druertst for them. 25 cents a box. L SIX GRANTS PASS 3IEX FOR POSTMASTER (Special DUpatch to Tbe Journal.) Grants Pass, Or., Oct. 14. Aa the j time for the appointment of a new post master for Grants Pass draws nlerh. the number of aspirants Increases. C. J K. Harmon, wbo has held the office for ; three terms, desires to retire, and at lean six men have petitions in clrcula- i. as tne onice carries a aiarv of fl..'.,,,'.l,'lfei.ll.lVv M, onor in Clothing That sounds rather odd, but why not? Is it not possible for a garment to be honest, all the way through? Garments are somewhat like men if there is a tiny streak of yellow it will show in time. Don't use any cheat in the make-up of a garment and you will have in both lots of character and dependence. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SAVING M0NEY Special Sale FOR ONE WEEK ONLY All our $32.50 Suits and Overcoats to order are cut down to In fact, all our Suitings and Overcoatings are cut down $10. Season is Advancing Too Much Stock ' on Hand Our fall assortment of Suitings and Overcoatings is large and unusually attractive. We trust you will look us up before deciding on anything definite. All garments are cut under the personal supervision of Mr. Maxwell and satisfaction is guaranteed or no money. MAXWELL TAILORING CO. 142 Second St, Near Alder lng the $2,200 class before another two years, the place Is one mucb to be de sired. Among those already In line are: W. V, Newell, J. M. Moore. G. W. DonneU. A. 1.T TI- 11 h t a t tnAlM (3. ... .4 T CI 11,709 and offers a lair cbaaoa or rsacla-! I'eUtgoa. .W. A. Newell la the present assistant postmaster and was placed In the office by the postal authorities. He was formerly a railway mall clerk, but since taking office the position of as sistant postmaster has decided to make this cfty tals home. The remaining; .as pirants are older residents of the city and are making; their plea solely on po litical grounds. Big Umatilla Farm Sale. , (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Pendleton. Or.. Oct 14. Another big real estate deal has been closed In Pendleton In which the consideration was $15,000 The sale was of a half section by T. J. Kirk to Marian Jack Previous to the deal the landhj hn deeded to . Mr. Kirk by AnTSrS Kirk and husband.