;J if THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL), PORTLAND. ' WEDNESDAY, EVENING OCTOBER " j 1907. ' ', TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS. n.k.r 'Barbara rrietohU' Emplro .Tho Denver Express Orsnd ... Vaudeville Lrrlo -....-....."Other People's Money" uf.r "Midnlaht In Chinatown" Oak O. W. P. carllne Dr. VT, H. Toe has been engaged by Lefferts' to take charge of their optl cal department In doing thla they have placed uiammvu in wm fnnmott rank of optical Institution In thla country. Dr. Voee la a man of I ' note In hla line and haa at hla command all the lateat appliance for testing and treating" me eyes. a spocwu uo partraent has been fitted up In oonnectlon with the Leffert atore, and It 1 oonaldered so complete that It liaa been viaitea dt a great many peo ple Interested In what modern scientists liave accomplished In this branch of re. search. Announcement la made by the United States civil service commission of an examination to be held In this city No vember 15 for the purpose of aeourlng ellglbles for appointment to clerkships In the forestry servloe. The positions pay salaries of from 1900 to 11,200 a year. It Is also announced that the ex amination for pressmen In the govern ment printing office at Washington, which was scheduled to take place In Portland, October 23, has been post poned to November 8. These positions pay 60 cents per hour and there are now 70 vacancies. At the next meeting of the water board Francis I. McKenna, Dr. Emmett Drake and J. B. Laber will be present as representatives of the Initiative One Hundred to ask that the name of the stream whence Portland if eta Us water aiipply be changed from Bull Run river. Superintendent Dodge haa suggested TuMrAda" as a aultable name and thla seems to meet with the favor of the committee. However, the committee will not withdraw the prizes It Is offering for a new nam a The temporary building ordinance al lowing brick buildings wth metal lath ing to be erected to a height of six stories was yesterday allowed to become a law without the mayor's signature, and builders say that an Immense amount of work will now be commenced. Theae limitations have hot been extended to hotels, none of which can be erected of brick above four stories unlesa It Is built of steel or concrete. REPLAHKIJIG GRAND -Mil CROSSING Street Railway Company at Last Gets Busy on East Side Intersection. Replanklng of the Intersection at Grand avenue -and East Morrison street was started yesterday by the Portland Hallway, Light A Power company. The Bast Bide Business Men's club have many times asked for" this Improvement The intersection has been a dangerous out and Is characterised by the Grand avenue business men as the "boneyard." Many wagons were wrecked at the intersection eacn week. The steel tires wouia caicn Deneatn the rails, some, times wrenching the gearing or demol lahing a wheel entirely. The old plank, lng had worn down below the ralfa. Anxiety Is felt by the Orand avenuo business men regarding this Intersec tion since the announcement made by H. H. Kewhall recently that It la not inciuaea in ine improvement or Grand avenue. Mr. Newhall aald Manae-er ruiier or me railway company had In formed him that this Intersection wai Included In the East Morrison street lm provement. and not la the Orand avenue Improvement which runs from Belmont over the intersection to Sullivan's gulch. Now that the atreet rallwav i-omnuv is repianaing me intersection the anx iety la increased. All the track on Orand avenue from Belmont street to Sullivan's gulch has been relald with heavy rails, except this intersection. T RAMS H GOOD CONDI Councllmen Annand, Baker and Cel lars were yesterday appointed by the mevor as a special committee to de termine whether the city shall erect an arch of welcome In Sixth street at the Union depot. Plana for the aren include brilliant Hunting at night and the In stallation of fountains at the base of the structure. Real Estate Deals Yesterday in Keeping With Those Early in Week. Commencing Thursday. October 10, the Vancouver ferry will operate for teams and vehicles, between the hours of 6:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m., making the landing In Vancouver at the foot of Main street until further notice. Port land Railway, Light & Power Company. Joe Day, the Orand Ronde Indian charged with having taken whiskey onto the reservation, was found not guilty by a Jury In the federal court yesterday evening. This was the first case of the October term of court. Conductors and motormen I want your trade. .1 will give a special discount on watches, diamonds, watch repairing, etc. Try ue. Goodman's, the watch house, 211 Morrison, between Front and First. Marguerite camp No. 1440, R. N. A., will give the first of a series of whist parties Thursday evening in the Ablng ton building. Third street ' Save the discmint (25 cents) by pay ing your bills for October service on or before the 10th of the month. Home Telephone company. Wanted Teams Heavy teams, good wages; apply Barber Asphalt Paving company, near eaai sup lower lerry, or pnone u.asi zu. Steamer Jesse Harklns, for Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street jt i. - Yesterday's real estate transfers filed for record amounted to $61,212, a satis factory showing for the early part of the week. With the exception of two small acreage tracts, the entire tran sactions of the day were confined to sales In the residence districts. A tract of four and a fraction acres on the Base Line road in the eastern part of the city was sold for $7,649, or nearly iz.000 an acre. The property was purchased by II. Hlrachberg from H. B. Pershln. . A 10 acre tract near the Tremont postofflce was purchased by John 11. Smith from James Collins for $7,260. The half block on the west side of Third street, between Arthur and Baker streets. South Portland, was purchased yesterday by Hyman Israll from Rosa H. Weber for $6,000. The fractional lot at the southeast comer of Tenth and Harrison streets has been purchased by Alex Laurence from E. C. Davis for $4,200. The lot has a frontage of 29 feet and a depth of 68 feet and Is occupied by a small cottage. T. 8. McDanlel has purchased two lots In Park View annex, near Hawthorne avenue. The holdings belonged to C. A. Myers and were sold for $3,400. AT THE THEATRES Surprising bargains will be found In me special store sales column on in want ad page of The Journal. Second hand office desks, chairs and rugs for sale cheap. Cohn Bros., 160 f irst sireeu Acme' Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and nut gasoline, rnone iast iJ-jyuv Woman's Exchange, 183 Tenth street. luncn u:39 to business mens lunch. Money to loan on approved security. tzu commercial Duuaing. Diamonds, Watches Beck's, 206 Alder. D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh. Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. CHANGE OF CAR SIGN RELIEVES TAB0RITES "Mount Tabor Reservoir," the sign on the cars of the Oregon Water Power division of the Portland Railways, that has so long confused strangers within the gates who wished to go to Mount Tabor, will In a short time be no more. The direction on the cars Is gradually being supplanted by "Hawthorne Ave nue." Mount Taborites hall the change Every week hundreds of people who were unused to the ways of the Port land railway company were compelled to walk miles because they had board ed a Mount Tabor car that never went to Mount Tabor. As fast as the new cars can be painted, Hawthorne avenue cars will run on Hawthorne avenue Instead of Mount Tabor cars. The old direction was only a relic of the past conflict between the Ore gon Water Power and Electrio Railway company. It was before the two merged Into the Portland Railway. Light and Power company. People or Mount Ta bor have only wondered why the con fusing sign was tolerated so long af ter the merger was effected. F.W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries for PRINTING Phones j"tt First and Oak Marquam's Hit. This is the week that the Marquam monopolizes the musical comedy field and the Callfornlans are giving a great f performance of "The Mocking Bird." It s the first time the musical comedy has been heard In the west and the show goes like wildfire. All the singers in the company have songs and there are more musical numbers than are found In several operas combined. The mel ody is or that quality which wins pop ularity and on the streets these days the boys are whistling airs from "The Mocking Bird." This merry melange of mirth and melody will be repeated until Sunday night with a matinee Saturday. "The Squaw Man" Tonight. Tonight at 8:16 o'clock and every night this week, the distinguished actor, Mr William Faversham and his excel lent company of players will present the gripping western drama, "The Squaw Man." Special price matinee Saturday. Seats are selling at theatre. San Francisco Scenes. "Midnight In Chinatown," the attrac tion at the Star Theatre this week, representa scenes In San Francisco be fore the earthquake and fire. For this reason the play is of particular Interest to Portland people, for nearly everyone In this city is familiar with the Golden Gate and Its surroundings. Manager R. E. French has cast his stock com pany well. There will be matinees Thursday and Saturday. COMFORT IN STYLE 3 -x-. m I When a man dons one of these easy, grace ful Overcoats, Topcoats or Cravenettes (as the choice may be) he can't avoid the sea sonable 'comfort which they present. The Coats are just arrived they are not leftovers from a season back, but are the latest creations of man the expert tailor of good clothes. We consign to the fine judgment of the most discriminating clothes buyer every garment in the housc for these are the togs that will elevate the plane of clothes education and of dress refinement Men's Suits, Overcoats Top Coats and Cravenettes $15.00 to $40.00 SOLD A LITTLE DOWN $1 A WEEK FROM 'THE SOLE OF THE SHOE TO THE TOP OF THE UM BRELLA, MEN'S NEEDS COMPLETELY FURNISHED The Newly Arranged and Up-to-Date Department On Yamhill Street SSS and Jewelry pay a small payment at the time of purchase and balance in easy weekly or monthly payments to suit your income or convenience. Eastern. Outfitting Co. TSt Smr If iff rmr Cnd,l jjcvKocnrTa. ?&S!r HeiUs Theatre Ti TONIGHT AT 1:11 O'CLOCK Every night thla week, matins Setur day, Liebler A Co, present, Mr. William Favtrtham . la the gripping, Western drama , , "Til SQUAW MAB." Evenings II to 6 Jo. Matinee 1 to Tlo. MARQUAM GRAND Portland's Famous Theatre Phone Main Tonight and Remainder of Week'-'',: JTn xoonia Bins A glorious success, first time In this city. Hear .Miss Khoda sing "What's ' the Matter With tne Moon Tonight.", . Full of beautiful son re and nor elites. Evenings. 26c, 60c. lies; Mat., ilea, ita. . L I. GEVURTZ & SONS GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS 1 "The Denver Express." The Empire has 'The Denver Ex press" all this week, and it Is queer what a fascination a play with an ex press train has for the average public, in this piece a fast express train crosses the stage in one act at lightning speed, and the scene creates no end or'a sen sation.' The Denver Express Is a play of early California and Colorado. At the Empire all week. Seats for "Barbara Frietchle." Seats for "Barbara Frietchle" at the Baker this week should be secured at once, for there is a real rush on to see this great play. It haa turned out to be one of the best productions of the sea son, arwl nas made a nit iremenaous. Miss Barney, Austin Webb, Donald Bowles, and In fact nearly the entire company have splendid parts. Company t; u. M. u., assist m tne great SKirmisn and street scenes. All week. Matlneo Saturday. Great Animal Act. Dogs balancing on whlpstocks. dogs walking on tight ropes and performing 14fffMi1t nrrnhflMi TAQ t m Bra found at the Grand this week in h act of Fox and Foxie's circus. It Is an act which pleases the old as well as the young ana au cnnaren snouia see It. Harry Botter & Co., in "A Matri monial Blizzard," have a side-splitting Comedy. Warren and Faust are acro-ba-tio dancers, and Freeman brothers firesent a very neat dancing turn. It b a big bill of typical "advanced vaude ville, au tne turns oeing nign class. Building Permit. Mount Olivet Baptist church, 1-story dwelling. North 7th, between Everett and Flanders, SI, 900; Lena Rlvears, 1 story dwelling, Mildred, between E. 9th and E. 11th, 41,600; W. R. Btokeg & Co., repairs dwelling, . 16th, between Yam hUJ and Taylor, $600; Jacob Spies, 2 story dwelling. Pippin, west of Wabash, $1,600; C. Chrlstianson, 2-story dwell ing, E. 28th, between E. Salmon and E. Taylor, $1,800; F. E. Smith. 1-story dwelling. E. Davis, between E. 20th and E. lst, $2,000; H. L. Niles, repairs dwelling, E. 4th, near E. Yamhill, $180; w. it. Moser, ji-story aweuing, .. zvtn, between Buxton' and Nelson, $2,200; Al 1 bert Lawson, 2-story dwelling, E. 9th, between Schuyler and Broadway, $3, 600; T. K Jones, lH-story dwelling, E. 11th and Rex; W. J. Sharp, m -story dwelling, Prescott, between E. 10th and K 11th, $2,600: "Neil & Co.. stable, E. AsH. between E. Z2d and E. 21st, $600; T. J. Jones, 1-story dwelling, E. 7th, between Wygant and Alberta, $600; O. Balliet 1-story dwelling, E. 18th, be tween Falling and Beech, $3,000; O. Bal liet, a lStn, between Mason and Skld- They're Worth climbing for Preferred Stock Jellies, Jams and Preserves, in lass, come to the home table as whole some, delicious and sparkling; ashoie "-done" by mother herself. It is economy to use Preferred Stock Canned Goods Packs! Watrersr tas Best us Grows We use only the finest of Oregon berries fresher than you can get them unless you live in the berry patch, for that is practically where ours are put up. Our berries are carefully hand picked in the morning and canned or preserved the same day. Only the best of materials are uted and they are put up in gTeat. modern "preserving kitchens' where there is everything to do with and expert cooks of long experience to do it. The cane sugar syrup used in making these Preferred Stock goods stands every test of the Pun Food Law, because it is made with pure cane sugar. Only the desirable varieties of fruits are to be found on the Preferred Stock list. Groivinr boss tmdtrirls need the most wholesome Preferred Stock at vour Grocer's AIXEV UTWT3, Waolesale Grocers. PORTLAHD, ORB GO if, 0. 8. A. i r ' Ml L Wsihmgton St jitZ No Cocaine-No Gas No Students Our success Is due to uniform high' grids work at reasonable price. Nervous People And those afflicted with heart weakness can now bar their teeth extracted, filled and bridge work applied without the least pain or danger. PAINLESS EXTRACTION S .50 13 KARAT CROWNS 6.00 BRIDGE WORK , 5.00 OUR BEST PLAIN PLATE! 8.00 Re-Enameling Teeth T fi. mitMt Invention In modern den tistry and haa been most successful of all methods. We extend to all a special Invitation to call st our ornce ana nave msir teem examined free of charse- We own and control the largest and best equipped dental establishment In the world, bavins; Just opened an office In Astoria, making' us 18 offices all told. We rive a written guarantee with all work xor 10 rears. ioj kwuumi. Open evening till S:S0. Sunday I tot Chicago Painless Dentists UZTX AVS "WASngUIOTOW. Be sure you are In the right place. pki dub For Women and Children JFflM0 SUMP at SIMfiUMS 144 Third Street Watoh Our Window Watch Our Advertisements There's If ore to Follow This Is Just Ssmple Newspaper Designs Ads Illustrated FASHION PLATES Stippled or Wash Work. OATAXOOmS CUTS BOOtXBT OOYXBS TXSBB-OOX.Om wosx mi SB ADS OEBXKAXi xuvsTBAmra ORIGINAL DXSIGNS Oregon Engraving Company Sixth rioor, Ooodnoufb Bids'. NT SAVED By purchasing' your household goods, stoves, furniture, kitchen utensils, car pets, pictures, eta, where the ThOLLAR DOES .llOUBUS DUTY THE DOLLAR "W Waal Tour Trade." ajs FIRST sop MAIN n. x. sargar, nop. raonii scsjor 6374; a -sot. Read This List of Mouses at Low Prices more, $800; Chester C. Curry, 1-atory dwelling, E. 55th, between B. Hoyt and E. Irving, $1,260; Orne" & Evans, gar age. Chapman, between Taylor and Yamhill, $1,400; Ben F. Smith, 1-story dwelling, E. 15th, between Wygant and Going $1,900; Mrs. Abby Pace, E. Mar ket, between E. $7th and E. 8th, $1,200; M. Tannler, 2-story dwelling. Mallory, between Maegly and Alberta. $3,800; T n.nwn "J.olnrv Hwplllnir Thiirmfln. bet. 29th and 30th, $6,000; Mrs. Z. M. Farvln, l-story aweuing xnurman. oe tween 29th and 80th, $4,000; E. D. Fors. two 1-story dwellings. Union ave., be tween Skldmore and Prescott, $2,800. Sacks Was Eve a summer gJrlT Racks Well, not exactly. But she was vary prominent in the fall. SIGNS THAT JWB BUSINESS GETTERS If It's a new sign that is wanted, phone 'Pacific 1668. Elmer J. Wallace 387 Stark Street, Bet. 6th and 7th. Whon raoUto 1586. MODERN PRINTER Y Commercial Printing of all Kinds, SS usel Blag, 4t4 and Morrison. 8. rooms, Woodstock, 100x109, Vterma S rooms. University Park, S lots.. rooms, new, Beverly, north of Piedmont' rooms. Shaver st, furnace, cor., rooms, Orand ave., 2 lots........ rooms, Shaver St.. basement.... rooms. University Park. S lots.. rooms. Height St. (new) rooms, E. 10th St. N rooms, E. 10th st. N rooms, Portland Heights, 40x60. rooms, Portland Heights. 40x100. rooms, Union ave. N-, line home, rooms. E. 7th N.. fine home rooms, Willamette, facing boule vard 14.260 12,400 tS.100 IS, 00 13,850 12,800 12.600 12.7(0 13,600 18.000 1,00 l.00 14,000 1S,00 $3,000 484 Xomber Bxeaang, 1 to 4 p. WOBZiD'S BBST Trained Animal Exhibition Three Days Only Starting Today The Children's Perennial Favorite, Pre senting MRS. CEN. TOM THUMB And 500 ANIMAL ACTORS Exhibiting Afternoon and Bremlnf . Today and tomorrow, circus grounds, 25th and Qulmby, Friday, east aide, Williams ave. and Knott sts. Orand Tree Street Parade Baofc BCoralaf Cchmb Printing Company f Best Work Seasonable Prlees fl 4 T H HsII S 9 B Isn't It Orand Roller Skating New Expo Rink Every morning, afternoon and evening, instruction free. After noons are Ideal times to while away a few pleasant hours. Everything new; grand music; special prices In skate books. EXPO RINK. BAKXK THKATRX " Halm OSO. X. BAXSm, Ocnaral kttaagax. All this wk-rHkff Htork Company In HB ABB ABA TBBITOBXa." Clyde Kltch's great play of the south. Orand production. Grestly augmented cast Entire company F, O, N. Q., to asalat. ; Seats should be secured early. Even lng prices, 26e, Ilo and 60c. Matinee, ilbc and ilftc. Matinee Haturdav oniv. UMPIRB THUATRQ Phone Main 117. KU.TOB W. SBAXAB, Maaagw, Popular-price home of road attractions. TONIGHT ALL WEEK MATINEES WEDNE8DAT AND SATURDAY. The Thrilling Scenlo Melodrama. "TXJ DBBTBB SXPBBSS." Night prices, 16c, 26c, 86c. 60c. Mati nees, 10c and 10c. Best Week "The Choir Slayer.' The STAR Week of October I. Bew, A. 14M THE R. E. FRENCH CO. PRESENTS VXBBZOBT ZB 0B2BAT0WBM Regular matinees Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2:10. Prlcea, lOe and 10c. Everr evening at 1:15. Prices, 15c, 25o and 15c. Reserved seals may be secured by either phone. Seavaoa seats oam be soared by apply bag- a box offloe. UYRIC THEATRE Beth rnoneei Main 4U Stent A-lfl Week commencing Monday, Sept. 10, THE LYRIC STOCK COMPANT IN Other PsaoplsVsB Monsy Matinees, Tuesday, Thursday, Satur day and Sunday. Prices 100 and' 2e. Every evening at 1:15. Prices 16c, Ilo and 16c. Boxes 50c Office open 10 a. an. to 10 p. m. THE GRAND Tanderine da T.uxa, WBBX Or OCT. TTB. Of. SASSY BOTTBB B CO, rox sj roxza czbovs And a host of other big acts. Three shows dally at 1:10, 7:10 and 1:16 o. m. Iff. i A 1 .... m ' j .is ! , $7.50 STARTS YOU $1.25 A Week Keeps You Going lis tn a rood watch la what you get at once, and If the head of the family hnuM. from sickness or loss of em ployment be unable to mats regular payments, i carry you uniu ou on your feet." Isn't that falrf NATH WOLFF rrop. rrasklla'a OoUateral Bank. 168 rtBST ST BXAB SSOBJUBOST. DO YOU WANT A BARGAIN ? SO slightly damaged Mwlngmachlnes at very low prices; 81nger, Wheeler A Wilson. Domestic, White, Household, Davis and others; to make room for new stock, wneeier St Wilson and Singers, Bb Sk BUWAXt, 335 Korrlsom Bt Maraoam Bldf. Wo can oxtraot on or all of your teeth without hurting a bit and put in new teeth the same day If you desire. Our system of crown and brldga .work Is simple, quick and pain less. When desired you can hare T. P. Wise or my personal service. Painless Extracting Tree Warn Plata are Ordered. 20 YEARS HERB And doing dental work all the time. That is the record of Dr. W. A. Wise. That's one reason our business has grown our patrons come back, and they send their friends. W. A. Wise, Dentist railing bldg., 3d and Wasnlnrto sts. S a, m. to 8 p. m. SuadBys 9 to 13. Painless Bxlractlon 50o Plates 15. T. P. Wise, H. A. Stordevant ti A. HafTman and C S. Kebey ASSOOIATXS. Both Phones, A and Mala BOSS. USB aznopv AN KOLA ICinsof Coffees b onn4 two Poun4 tint A New Departure ,r J. ttv reducYd bV ths dolman Under- litS-onWrs-i'A-e-ii'stAir'Af'J fuSeral "SWSrT to mAi h.r.? ; iii , fnitH.ntals connected with a fu. The Edward Holmaa. Undertak tnaompany the, leading funeral dl- rectors rV-t ir, iVh. VP we make To Mir. charges t or embalming, hearse to cemetery, outslds SSTcV any services that may be re- and wwriages. thus affeotlna; a saving o? l to in on each funeral. , THE EDWARD IIOLT.IAfi UNDERTAKING CO. ' gS9 XMXMSk Ktm COB. SAXX33, ; i