'h THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENWTO, OCTOBER 9. . 1007. V' FKXCE AM) WIRE WORKS PORTLAND WIRE A IRONWORKS 2d and Everett at. Phone Main 2000. HARDWARE WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS MADE to order, rortiand Hardware uo.. T4 th. ' INSURANCE ISAAC I WHITE, FIRE INSURANCE 44 Sherlock bid. JAS. Mol. WOOD. EMPLOYERS" LIA , hillty and Individual accident security bonds of all kinds. Phone 47. 302 Mc Kay bldg. JEWELERS J. WOLF, R ELI A BLR WATCHMAKER. Mainsprings lie. BUS Wash. Paat60 aiNita UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREGON, Northwest Corner Third and Oak Street. Transacts a Oeneral Banking Ruslness. DRAFTS ISSUED Available In All Cltlea of the United Statea and Europe, Hongkong and Manila. Collection muao on f avorable Terms. j-r-csioent J. o. AINSWORTII Cashier. R. W. BCHMEER vice-i-rcsiaent K. LKA HAKNE3 Aaslatant Caahler ...W. A. J Assistant cannier A. M. WRIGHT HOLT LADD A TILTON, RANKERS rortiand, Oregon. Established lltl. W. M. LADIl. C. E. LADD. J. w. LADD. Transact a General Ranking Buslnesa SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. rnngs noons issued on savings deposits, Interest paid on time deposits. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oregon. J. FRANK WATSON... President ) R. L. DURHAM Vice-President a W. HOYT .Caahler GEORGE W. HOYT. . Aaslatant Caahler 8. C. CATCHING Hccond Assistant Cashier. Transacts n General Hanking Business. Drafts and Letters of Credit Issued. Available to All Parts of the World, Collections a Specialty. THE Ca Or XjAND scrip WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds. Including approvod forest re serve scrip Tor surveyed, unsurvryeo, timber and prairie government land. H. M Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland. BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1884. Heart Office Kan Francisco Capital paid up 14.000.000 Surplus and undivided profits 110,153.871 Jenersl Bnnklns and L'xrhanni Ruslneaa Trmupil tnrt nn Tima xrpoaua. MAViiNWH ijepaktment Accounts may be opened of $10 and up ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. WM. R. MACREA Manager J. T. BITRTC1IACLL Asst Manager Y?IRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or. Oldest National Bank on Pacific Coast 1 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $1,600,000.00. DEPOSITS, $14,000,000.00 TRANSPORTATION MONUMENTS NEU A KI NOBLE Y. 268 1ST, PORT land's leading marble and granite wks. A. L. MILLS J. W. NBWKIRK. . . .President . . .Cashier W. C. ALVORD. , B. F. STEVENS. TRUST COMPANIES Low Rates; From the East During September and October the Great Northern rallwar will tell colo- nlat tickets from all eastern poInU at greatly reduced rates. Jew York to Forttaad M5O.O0 Bostoa to rertlana m iX Ax Chicago to Portland..... S33.'O0 I IfflnnMnAll- Vmwi-. I Duluth to Portland ....S25.00 lou City to rortlaod. . - Proportionate reductions from other points. Now Is the time to send for your mends. Orders for tickets will receive prompt attention. Additional Assistant Caahler u .""-"""V. r,c Second As t Cashier " mira street. i-uruana, ur. none Main sag, noma A-IJ8I. TOO LATE TO. CLASSIFY $7 ECl'RITY SAVINGS St TRUST CO. 2 BfUSICAL MANDOLIN. GUITAR. BANJO JESSE Parker, virtuoso, late of Illinois Col lege of Muatc, Tllford bldf, 10th and Morrison ata. NORMAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Z. M. Parvln, Mus. Doc, IS Ruaael bldg Voice culture, piano, harmony, counterpoint. Mnrrlann Afreet. Ptrflnnrf Orarnn. imrim ii n uenerai iianmnr Husmesa. havinoh r kpahtmknt. infer. eat allowed on Time and Savings Accounts. Acts a Trustee for Estates. vimn aim umcr 01 ..rraii AvaiiaDie on aii parts or tne wona. V A.riAM--v : President U A. LEWIS Firat Vice-President! .Mecono vice-president R. C JtlBITZ Secretary tiuBafcn,.. Assistant Secretary TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY 140 Waahington Street MORTGAGE IX5AN8 ON Portland Real Estate at Loweat Ratea. . . Title Insured. Abatracts Furnished. r,AS45Bi.KJ: ROSS President I JNO. E. A ITCH I RON Secretary GEORGE H. HILL Vice-President f T. T.-BURKHART Treaeurer VIOLIN. CORNET t. Profewsor K. A. Smith. TROM PIANO. bone, clarinet. Jl 12th st Home AISS0 LESSONS 60c, PIANO. GUITAR. BAN Jo. mandolin, violin. 41 H lt Pac 10- "LOUIS A. CREITZ. TEACHER OF VIO- lln. Jll Sherman at., corner 1st. Phone Pacific 18. TEACHER OF VIOLIN AND VIOLA Pupil of Savclk. Emll Thlclhorn, S3 Tine at Phone Pacific 299. MACHINERY PATENT PERFECTING CO. INVEN tlons perfected; we are builders of 1 automatic machinery, dies, models, etc. Manufacture metal specialities, under contract Western office, 266 Stark st. Portland. Or.. E. C. Htirlbert, manager. H. C. ALBEE CO. SECOND-HAND MA- BONDS AND IW'ESTMENTS JMTORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal, Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bonds. DOWNINO-H0PKIN8 COMPANY Established 1892 BROKERS. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. i nvate wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main 17. fllTrrhrrlr JP PaaVs PAmsonvl (Membere Chicago Board of Trade. I ' - "00, .Pouch bid... 4th at. near Waahington. ., A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Private Wire, Quick 8ervlce. rvasr lomro bottx S.S. "Redondo" FOR lUTTII, TAOOMA, BBUUrOatAX, JITAIXJITT. Sailing from Couch Street Dock ' October 3d, 13th and 23d At P. M. rBJSZOKT OMXT. wraimuni oeains xor ALd. AL,Axi B.A i " some cnickeng and i ty acres ',iw5vea ana some reed, all for 13,- iww, i,ovu caan, balance to suit. Get ' ' 1T1RU DiDllltMa . Jut tha place for a family; contains 101 acres, all but I acres are In a fine state of cultivation; Just half a mile from achool, one and a half to county SI i 1 lo ""tion; the noma la a very fine 8-room house, new barn and out- nouses. eyerytuing up to date; Investi gate; )0 miles from Portland: 171 ner V If. ' ' I ' ,( I hava also tha moat unique farm In """ ne roye from Forest Grove; contains about n acres, has best faclll- lies ur aa ri n 1 1 ti as a risk. teeit Kiiainaaa aa s w ini a j ikuna,lJiBisf, ItrM flllO. CnttsBi. alava w mwA nataw Fafrbink.Mori fraaolln enj.n to do all th work; fverythlng to mak tb vmmy uia Dunnes prornoi. .JJUi; ?? otnmr Mnanta; a snap ..yvv. jtamemoer, sorest Grove la a uunon town. t ALFRED A. BAKER, - ... Keal Estate, l-tl Ablngton Mdg. . ? ALFREb A: BaKKR, ' ... Real Estate, HB-tU Ablngton Bldg. pnapa Owner forced to sell $7 000 1109 Bel"ont ave, near t.th, A choice lot on Grand ave., well lo cated, only 111.000. You will dnubla you, money on thla one. jyuzioo on 7th, East Side. $1,890. These Ar Innitmut. to increase In value. The location la tuuics ana ine price way down. AX. RKO A. BAKER, Real Estat 11R-It Ahlnrtnii TM 4 acres nice Level Land. " U acrea under fine atate of cultivation as acrea or which la In bearing orchard gooa -room house, large barn, to tack drier. 100 fruit boea etc.; fine well and windmill, SO.OOO-barrel tank; in caicaren yaraa, etc ! rm mile from cnooi ana cnurch; R. F. D. route. I mllee from Vancouver on good level road; Includes horse, hack, wagon. 2 plows, 2 cultlvatora. harrow, hav fork xxssxrxszssssssssssssx. :axxx: :xsxxxxa ed and Legitimate My Portland officei are conducted by two regular graduate phval ciana whose certificates ahovrins? them ta ha I.TCKNSKTi TO E?:?!1 MEDICINE AND SURGERY; IN TIIE STATE OP UKiiuuN are at all times opetyor inspection In consulting room. Together with these two Oregon Licenses, are diplomas from tha best American and Foreign Universities and every patient has ample protection of being treated by honorable and legitimate methods. , Men should recognize the difference between the respon sible and reliable Specialist and the illegal quack that the Medical Society is seeking to stamp out, f - i , POINTS. F. P. BAUMGARTNER. Couch St Dock. Main 161; Home A-4161 guying Slsiw"?re Ho! For Astoria 6K OB GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. chlnery, sawmills, etc. H Grand ave. MONEY TO LOAX MONET MONET MONET MONEY MONET MONET MONEY MONEY i.. MONET MONET MONET MONEY SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. GET $10 TO $100. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." - LOWEST RATES EASIEST PAYMENTS A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. REMEMBER. IF YOU WORK, WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK1 V RAILROAD MEN A 8PECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO, 704 DEKUM BLDG.. HOURS 8 AM. TO 6 P. M. WED. AND 6ATURDAY TILL 8 P. M. -' MONEY MONEY MONEY MONET MONEY MONET MONEY MONEY THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY. , 428 Mohawk Bldg., Advances money privately to all re liable employes from $10 to $100 on , short notice, without mortgage, on their promise to pay, returning the amount - in smaii weeiciy or monutiy payments, . as earned. We write the beet and cheapest salary loan- note In the city. Most reliable discount If paid before due. LEA VINO PORTLAND. Shasta Express 8:18 a. m. Cottage Grove Paaaenger . 6:18 p. m. Callfornla Ezpreas T:4 p. m. San Francisco Express ....11:20 p. to. West side, Corvallls Passenger 7:00 a. m. Sheridan Passenger 4:10 p. m. Porest Grove Passenger ...11:00 a. m. Foreat Grove Passenger ... 6:20 p. m. an a a cwuuicrn racinc ARRIVING POHTLlNn Oregon Express T:26 a. m. cottags urove Passenger. Shasta Express Portland Express WEST SIDE. Corrallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger .... Forest Grove Passenger ., Forest Grove Passenger . . .11:30 s. m. . t:so p. rn. .11:30 p. m. . B:ES b. m .10:20 a. m. . 8:00 a. m. . 7:60 p, m. FastSteaoierTejerapb Daily (except Thursdays). LearesAldet street oock T a. ca. Snadays B a. aa, f 1 rou4 trip. VXOaTB 2CaXar 04MJ THOMPHOM A BTC 1 XT i'j?"-" Bank Bldg.. Vancouver, - Wash. 806-7 S wetland Bldg.. Portland. Or. F6R SALE A NICE MObER'Kf P room house on East 15th St.. Irving ton. Lot 50x100. Price 11 KAAr a.Tw terma. Thia Is an excellent baivaJn Am CHAPIN & HERLOW, 425 Chamber nf romnum FOR. SALE FOufi FINE jrTTZTJT Eaat 21rd at. Prlca rMannahU terma. Thia property will net ' about 12 per cent. CHAPIN A HERLOW, 425 Chamber of Commerce mmm if Woi iTreatpaises II Gah't . 2rr rn n om : : $ 1 0 Zai Any Vnaomplloatad Case. .. .,. 4 PayeAfter Being Cured Farm IIS acres, all mvl lanit- K tlvatlon. balance nasture' and timber. Northern Pacific. Colombia River Scenery ffi'-KE! wrereTrr.SS Taroma and Seattle Exp.... 8:80 a. m. North Coast tt Chicago Llm. 2:00 p. m. Puget Bound Limited 4:20 p. m. Overland Express 11:45 p. m. North Coast Limited Portland Express ... Overland Express Puget Soun.J Limited . . 7:00 a. ra .. 4:16 p. m. . . 8:15 p. m. . .10:65 p. m. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Pendleton Passenger 7:15 a. m. II Spokane Flyer 8 00 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:S0 a. m. Cht.. Kan. City A Port Ex.. 4i . m S?0""!?. "Z'JU-V Z:0 P- Chicago-Portland- Special .. 8:20 p! m! Kan. Clty.A Chi Exp. 7:40 p. m. Loal Passenger . 616 p m Aatoiis 4ft Columbia River. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city property or for build ing purposes, for from 3 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans ap proved from plans and money advanced as Duuaing progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED U. STRONG, Financial . Agent 242 Stark St Astoria and Seaside Exp.... 8:00 a. ra. Astoria Seaside Express. 6:00 p. m. Astoria & Port Passenger. 12:15 p. m. Portland Express 10:00 p. m. xxauiiATOB nn btxascexjl Dally service between Portland and The Dalles,' except Sunday. leaving .MMAV, HI . 111.. AlllflUI 1UUUI 9 p. m., carrying rreignt and passengers. Splendid accommodatlona for outfits ana livestock. springs: excellent rnarla nn tarn m.. of farm: nice rhnAlhnui n KA...ie..i churchhouse within half mile; good 7- rOOm house, fine new fVnma Ko m .11 painted; good orchard and outbuildings. This in a beautifully located farm, 16 miles from Portland. IU. miles rvm I treat for real and luting cures. Every rem ed I employ has its part in bringing positive snd permaent results. Under my treatment the patient who notes improvement in his con- ' dition can feel assured that real benefit and not a temporary drug effect has been ob tained, and can continue with confidence that a a thorough cure is being accomplished. My success as a specialist is due to the fact that I accept no incurable disease and always treat with a cure in view, never resorting to the use of a remedy that brings out temporary encouragement to the patient Dock foot of Alder st, Portland; foot M?? hU1n.dln" f,n Sh Wlllame "ver of Court st. The Dalles. 914. Portland. I . XJB Phone Main Canadian Pacific Railway Co. C. P. R. Short Line, via Spok. 7:00 p. m. Via Scat., Vic. Vancouver. 4:30 p. m. Via Sumaa 11:45 p.m. C P. R. Short Line, via Spok. 8:00 a.m. V la Van., VIc. and Seattle. . . N:15 p. m. Via Sumas and Seattle 10:55 p. m PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS DUFUR DUFUR. 804 WELL8-FARGO bldg. Phone A-5336; largest and most complete stenographic office In west FATE bldg. HANDLE, 465 SHERLOCK PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON SAL arlea. Insurance policies, pianos, Tur- erving person may secure a liberal ad vance, repaying by easy weekly or mummy installments. NEW ERA LOAN & MORTGAGE COM PANY, 205 Ablngton Bldg. BAS8-HUETER PURE PAINTS WEAR longest go farthest Hueter a Su perior Varnishes, standard for 62 years. Wholesale and retail warehouse rial eigh and 13th sta. Take 8 car, or phone Main 7638. Free, delivery, with in cltv limits. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP tion; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufactur ing Co . Portland. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. ACREAGE FOR SALE A mi 10-ACTU9 raAOT close to the Waverly-Woodstock line at a bar gain, or can make It 15 acres wanted. ana noir a mile from the new Salem electric line now buildlnir into Part. land. Price 23,000. Almost enough oordwood to pay for the farm in stump age alone. " Henkle & Harrison 217 Ablngton bldg. sa s s a o M 3 B s 88) a 8 61 H a M DR. TAYLOR Tha Leading Specialist I use neither knife, ligature nor eaustlo la m y treatment for Varicocele. I positively cure thia disorderly a n absolutely painless method and without de- talaing the patient from business. if H- H. BIRD8ALL. DESIGNER; AGT. M Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton blda" UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE, 143 Id st. near Alder, established 1870; old and reliable; any amount loaned on wa tehee, diamonds. Jewelry and sealskins. ' MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO pie and others upon their own names .without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 60 principal cities: . e save yourself money by getting our v terms first. TOLMAN, 223 Ablngton Bldg. - 106 hi 8d st. i, MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS, j. Anything you may need, come in and . tell us about it; everything confidential; - courteous treatment; reasonable ratea Z W. W. SMITH & CO.. 256 Alder, cor. 3d. room 1. CASH ON HAND FOR PURCHASE - money, mortgages, bonds for deeds or -contracts of sale on real estate, either Z country or city property. H. 10. Noble. 7 Commercial blk., 2d and Washington. DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY , unm you see 1 Button Credit Co. 'I 612 Dekum bldg. ' SALARY LOANS STRICTLY CONFI ... dential; easy to get and easy to nay T. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bhlg., 286 U j Waahington at. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, chattel mortgages or personal se curity; notes bought C. W. Pallett, 304 Fenton bldg. LOANS TO SALARIED EMPLOYES holding permanent positions; cash for trades of any kind. Fidelity Loan & Tru.it Co.. room 10. Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city property. Flggott, Finch & Big- Ccr, attorneys at law, rooms 4. 6 and 6 ,..11 I.U.. ' CAPITAL REFINING CO.. HIGH grade coal oil. gasoline, lubricating ous, etc.; satisfaction guaranteed; wholesale and retail warehouse, Raleigh ana lain sis., pnone wain 763a. F. E. BEACH & CO.. THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glass and glazing. 135 1st st. Phone 1334. PLUMBERS FOX CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS, 231 2d, bet Main and Salmon. Oregon pnone Main zooi DONNERRERG fk RADEMACHER RB- movea to No. 303 Bumslde st. TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB brush, soap, 31 per month. Portland Couch sts. Phone 410. ROOFING 11N ROOFING. GUTTERING, RE- i?lrV! "nd a"eneral Jobbing. J. LoSh. 212 Jefferson st. Pacific 1424. . TEXT FTJrE 14-AOU TXAOT, good ror platting, close in, near car. close to school; property around It has been piattea and selling fast A bargain 10 tne rigat man. 1,400 aClIt east of the mountains. miles of R. R.; 1,100 acres has been summer fallowed: the whole tract ought to raise 30 bushels of wheat per acre next season; has good house and Darns; extra good land. Price, io per acre. TRANSFER AND HAULING OLSEN-ROE TRANSFER CO.. wenry rtoe. w. A. ciilana F. P. Sheascreen. General transfer pianos and furniture moved, packed and" o'lSf4,.?? ak 8t- Phone Main 647. Pacific 1061. Home A-2247 PRINTING Mann & Beach, Printers 92 1st St. Both phones. J. U. riUK OFFICE 88 1ST ST PH. tween Stark and Oak sts.; phone 696 Pianos and furniture moved and packed for snlDDlna-: mmmlnni k.ii. i '.rv. r ------ w nuunn wnn separate iron rooma. and Clay sts. Front OGILBEE BROS.. PRINTERS CARDS. billheads, etc. Main 1858. 154 1st. E. L. E. WHITE & CO.. 102 1ST ST. rncne A-231&. PENINSULAR EXPRESS & BAGGAGE Transfer. 247 Alder st Main 2171 VTB AXSO KiTB a fine farm of 120 acres, also one or 300 acres within 6 miles of Salem, both well Improved, on good road, to trade for Portland property. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. CO KITES OP WASXTBTGTOW AJTD SZC- OID BTKXETS. West Side, $2000 60x100, 26th st, near Thnrman; cement walks and street pavement In and paid for. Can deliver adjoining lot at same price. Sengstake & Lyman, 90 5th St. PATENTS. PATENTS SOLICITED WASH. ATTY., expert advice free. A. J. Matter. 613 commonwealth bldg.. 6th and Ankeny. RUBBER STAMPS P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamps, seais. siencns; Daggage, trade checks; brass signs and plates. STAMPS AND ALL OFFICE GOODS. P. C. Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. UKKUO.N TRANSFER CO.. 134 N. 6th. Main 69. Heavy hauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE & TRANS for Co. Storage 234 Stark Main 407. TRUNKS STORED; ACCESS GIVEN i any. nme; aoc per month. Oregon Una...... ' . . . r. . . . a - t i! 1KANH. CO. PHONE E. 'g. neE. jji. j. u. yiniey. Mgr. $1000 CASH Small Farm Cheap 16 acres, all good land: lies nicely, on main county road. 6 mllee out; nearly all cultivated: 6 acres In choice applo orchard; sold $1,000 worth of apples jasi year; gooa e-room plastered house; hot and cold water, bath; good barn, good team, fine cow, some chickens, wagon, buggy, all farm mirhin.pr r.t small tools; a choice little farm: no stone or gravel; might trade for a stock unce 90,vuv. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Ablngton bid. ARROGANT STAND or conn Spanish Official at Casablan ca Again Causing Much Difficulty. (United Press Leased Wire.) Paris, Oct. 9 Special dispatches re ceived here from C&sa Branca declare that the arrogant attitude and ridicu lous pretensions of the Spanish com mander at Casa Blanca are again caus ing difficulties. The Spanish officer insists mat no European shall leave the city Without a.n order ultras h. Secures a 7-room home, well built, on himself. This officer, according to the full 60x100 lot. porcelain bath, good car fpecial correspondents, recently broke s 64 M H a g n n M U j treatment for 0 p e o I f i c niton j-oison forces the very laat taint o f virus from the system, and all thla is aecom pllahed without tne uee or dan gerous miner als. I afford you a complete and permanent cure. My eolered e h a r t affords a n Interesting study la men's diseases. Will be sent free upon applica tion. "WEAKNESS" I have conclusively demonstrated the fact that derangement of tha mascu line functions is a curable aliment That there haa been considerable di versity of opinion upon thia point among the profession la but an evi. dence that functional weakneea haa not been thoroughly understood and has been unscientifically treated. Though commonly regarded ae a nervous disorder It haa never yield ed When treated umn thla thsnrv. I have ascertained by the closest observation In thouaands of cases that only in rare -tnetances Is the general constitution or nervous sys tem involved to any noticeable de- frree whatever, and that "weakness" n all Ita phases is merely a symp tom of nervous disorder. In by far the greater number ef eases the functional derangement la due to a single case, a chronically Inflamed condition 'of the prostate gland, brought on by early dissipation or lingering aa a result of soma im properly treated contracted disorder. Such cases may ahow temporary im provement under stimulating pro cesses of treatment, but ultimate re lapse Is certain to follow all such inetnoas. The only radical cure la the absolute removal of the ab normal condition responsible for the functional disorder, and this I posi tively accomplish through carefully directed local measure. My treat Blent Is entirely distinctive and original. No other physician em ploys like methods or approaches my success In curing. The results I ob tain are thorough and lasting, and strength and vigor are restored In the full and normal degree. I our aontraofc ed Diseases thoroughly and ia leas time than Is eom monly required to even cure partially. D o not endanger your health and power by rely ing upon patent nostrums or other uncertain measures. My method of curing Stricture Is new and en tirely original. No cutting or dilating. The struoture la dis solved and com pletely removed and all affect- d membranes thoroughly cleansed. i max no charge for con sultation, a x animation o r advice. All af flicted men may feel free to call upon me or write regarding ineir cases. M J I The DR.. TAYLOR. Co. I B oounoi racoirn ass xoxmzsov 0tbbtb, roitruurs, euoov. H g rxirat Satraaoe 034 Korrla. Btreet. H MSE2X8SIIXKXXSS2XraSZ3l3SE22XXMSBIXX33 E2X53EZXEEBI TYPEWRITERS AL,L, MAKES. RENTED. RKPATRTrn "iu. f. u. u. uo., zsi stark. Tel. 1407 REAL ESTATE WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. GUNST A -n DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. run i UfLisn, UKKGON. QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES 8. W. King, 45 Washington bldg. Main 6100. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS of becurity. William Holl, room 9 Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN i N 5uo TO J5.000 Charleson & Co., Commercial. Phono Pacific 1196. COOS BAY DON'T BUY IN En. monston's addition until you see or wrue tne original owner, lou nuy then at ursi cori, as oiners am. H. L. Ed' monston. 311 Commercial blk., Port land. H'VERDINO & FARRELU PRODTICR unu commission mercnanm lin Vmnt ronmnn, ur. .fnone Main 179 THOMPSON & OODEN REAL ES t.ite. Insurance. Innnn Haa im hAff.iA buying. 848 Mississippi ave. .Phone FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turina- Co. Manufacturer nt fnmi ture for the trade. Portland. Or. WADHAMS & CO.. WHOLESALE nun. cers, manufacturers and commlninn mercnantB. n end uak sts. Woodlawn 202. J. W. OGILBEE, REAL ESTATE AND loans; established 1883. 14u 1st, SPHINX AGENCY, DEALERS IN real estate and rentals. 305 Stark f.i. .main ii04. special orders. L Ruvenskv'a fnmi. lure laciory. au i PTOni SI ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND uroauce mercnants. Front and Davis sis., i-wnana. or. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SA I.AR V or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. MORTGAGES W'ANTEDi INTDEOR suburban; charges right. W K Ward, Allsky bldg. Main 7326. (Will loan 17,000 or less 6 per cent, on real estate. Farrington. SI 3 aPaan r f r I n or .PORTLAND INVESTMENT CO., ROOM - 12. 268 Stark st $5,000 to loan in . bulk or In small amounts. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE - - Ladles and gentlemen, if vou are in trouble about the condition of your health, do not fall to consult me. I can - oftv.nce.vou that JLtan help vou by natural methods. Consultation and ex amination tree,- Dr. Isabella Mackle 31 50 14 Morrison st. Room lu. Phone Main 7820 or A-1644. Dlt LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. SPE ; J cialtst on nervous, acute and chronic dlseasea. Offica 217 Fenton bldg. Phone ' Pacific 1180. ' 1R. R. B. MORTHRUP, 415-16-17 DE- kun bldg- Sd nd Waahington sts. Phone Main H. Examination free. bii. CLYTH1B RAMSEY, Jesv bldg. M. 414 MAC- 1820; A-4741; res. M.. 7604. PAIXTIXO ANT VAPEB1SQ FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIP- tlon. W. W. Espey, 319 Commercial DKlg. WHUSAL CROCKERY AND Kia.sware. i-raei Heceie Xr Cn Pnrt. imiu, yjr. W. WOLF8TEIN. DEALER IN REAL estate and rents collected, 110 ltt st. LEWIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY o., parocra supplies, Darbers' furnl twre. barbers' chairs. 10th and Morrison. BATES-WIGHT CO.. CALENDARS' AD- vertising novelties. 150 6th St. STREET PAVIXG WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross ings, an Lumbfif Exchnnee. TRANSPORTATION THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. -wuanq, uTnoe 655 Worcester blk. SATES PORTLAND SAFE CO.. SOLE AGENT8 vr "''-natiTMarvln safes and "'a" sare co.'s bank safes 0 second-hand fireproof Bafes and ban! safes, very cheap. up. y& i in 81. DIEBOLD T ., . . i ,vj I OAffiO JaH.i" lLiJ carr'ed,- Lck-outs opened. phones. J k. Davis. 66 3d COOS BAY Weekly Freight and Passenger Service of the Fine Steamship Breakwater -eaves FOBI-AV9 every Monday, 8:00 p. m., from Oak -street Dock, for See them or write! PM DID R MHDTH RC-IVir. .77 I bts inu, jivi i a 1L-1 AND MARSHFIELD service. located in Central Alblna. Haight ave., near Skldmore. Price is 3,ouu; balance at per cent. SENGSTAKE & LYMAN M TXVTB ST. (HZ1AJI KTAJKK) IRVINGTON Beautiful quarter block on Improved street. .,.to is tne price. Terms, 81,000 cash. Balance $26.00 per month. SENGSTAKE Sb LYMAN i so x-xttk srr. (srcAx rtajcx) into the Union club at Casa R)nn. excluded the members and Installed himself In the building. The members proiesiea 10 tne espamsn consul, it I inarncu aiBO mat me HDanish nm. mander does not treat General Drude i.hw -iciiii Vwiuiiiriuer. wua rn r speci aue nis greater rank. WATER SUPPLY IS AURORA'S PROBLEM (Special Dtipttcb to The Jonrstl.) Aurora, Or., Oct . It was the sense of the members present at the laat council meeting that not a sufficient aupply of water even for fire nrntectinn WOMAN WANTED TO ASSIST IN could be obtained from the well lately tanor s. repair snop. tti'ii Aider. wreu, una me aecision was reached THE PERSON WHO TOOK THE I ....;! wouia be purse at the Exbositlon rink last " ,""-".'. -"" oev- .i.li .ni . - . orai or wnicn are Close to tna cltv flee to save prosecution. Proposition waa to locate a pump- 60-ACRE STOCK RANCH. NEAR W1L- ding river and pump water into a high lng clear: house and barn. 4 . nnrln.i I nisni innthu nun t - tn. , iti n n tf vvhib, line tana irom tne spring well at the ie v. imjrser, -01 Aurora ;.ecirie company's power plant. wnere it la claimed mifrielent ra. fok BALE GOOD TEAM AND HAR-1 10" an uses can be obtained at a rea- ness; price 1130. Inquire 918 Halghts I fonaoio cost. buii another plan has Telephone Woodlawn 1165. en coosiaerea to pump and pipe water A1lktMA TJ. ".."."' Pnnsr on nis farm. AlUlilit -HU'lUC wnere mere is saia to do a never fall I Ina. Aiinnl,, r. 4 rrnn. XT. . earlv new E-room modern cottna-e. ir,n ,..t,7i -, " V. full cement basement, all lmprovemenU tea will invutint. onH nnr n. 60x100 lot. half block Morris at. onlv U( mtin ----- w. $800 down, balance to suit. W. J. DAY &' CO.- ZOS Stark St., room 24. FOR SALE, BY OWNER 6rROOM 1 Mt- aiorv nouse: Dam ana an monern plumbing, 60-foot lot. easy walking dis tance. 841 1st st.,' cor. Curry. Inquire on premises; tz.tiUO. Both 8AKS rOR SALE. LOCKOUTS OPEN- I aintwv i e,!,,a,Uos and machinery repaired Co i10:00' lumbia Gas Engine Safe wtl A?, , nn. i. tt CIA. -?TrtXf BANK SAFES sares r,. jjoaier afe Co. vault 108 2d nt SIGN AND SHOW CARDS IF YOU HAVE? sANT". PAINTING OR S papering to do -.ae ean surprise you vrxni you learn how. neatly and reaaon-sl-le e do this line of work; all ma teria) furnished. Globe Palatine & Pec ratint; Co., S6t Taylor &-.!-,.: t.v-.'1 - . ' . J . :.. t FOSTER T- I . .,? "lUIVH. h u"''V.", l"? freest sign Exchange 6 aPd "SIGNS THAT "ATTRACT'1 pAn land Sign Co, 281 StarCftcifio 16. Freight Received TUI 4 p. m. on Day oi caning. 7 ABB rtom Portland, lst-elass. ad-class, $7.00. Including berth meals. s Inquire- City Ticket jOfflce. Third and waamngion scs., or jaK-street Dock. Fortland and Paget Sound Boat. HOSTS PAOtPIO STBAKBHtP CO.' BTBAJKSEXP Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder Sail for Eureka;' San Francisco and Los Angelea direct every Thursday: at 8 p.m, Ticket office ; Ult Third , .near Alder. t . . '-'' x -. " . ... CHOICE FARM AT ONLY 120 AN acre, containing 271 acres. . 1 25 arrea are in cuuivaiion. wnne the balance con tain some 4,000.000 feet red fir timber; the place is well equipped with aultabV .-room nouse. a iarn hum enw stable, etc., is well fenced and watered! only mile and a half from station; the house Is partly furnished, while the oarn contains some 10 tons of good hay. ALFRED A. BAKER Real Estate. 215-216 Ablngton bldg. TEDDY BEARVILLE BULLETIN NUMBER (United Press Leased Wire.) Vicksbtlmr. Miss.. Oct. 9 President Roosevelt's first prey aa a result of his Huntinc trln la t nslr nf rnil. snakes. Ben Lilly, the famous guide, skinned them and thev will be ered as trophies of the hunt. So far the hunting has been llvelv. On Mnn. day the party Jumped two bears and iwo wua eats, on Monday will rnon a negro member of the party, .killed a fine buck. Another 1umnd afternoon. BEAUTIFUL 20-ACRE TRACT, SITU- aieu uu ine norm oo.uk or tne Colum Headaches and reuralgia Prom Colds. Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world wiae coia ana grip remedy, removes la river. 750 feet of deep river front- cause. Call for full name. Look for signiuure w. urove. ioc. U. OF 0. FRESHMEN , ELECT OFFICERS Univeraity of Oregon, Eugene, Oct. The Freshman class held its election yesterday afternoon. Calvin Sweek of mo ugen nign scnooi waa elected president ; Cornelia, Pirikham of Port land high school, vice-president; Mary DeBarr of Eugene high school, aecre- age, 20-mlnute, drive from Vancouver 100 yards from railroad station on North Bank road. 1,200 bearing fruit trees, including nrune. nnnla n.h pear, cherry, plum, etc., 14 acre In strawberries; fine spring stream mrougn inu; z-Biory, 6 -room house, etc., average yield of prunes SO tons a year. Price 17.600; 83.600 can stand at 6 per cent; will take' equity In Port land real estate if sold this week. Own er going to Europe this week. Sea THUMH-SUM ft SWAN.' CRIreng Bank Bldg.. Vancouver. Wash. SQC-7 fiwetland Bldg PorUand, Or, We Cure Men We are Lioensed to Practice Medicine and Surgery In the State of Oregon. Our Diplo mas are frpm College. of Standing. Throw off the shackles hat' bind you downbe a manly man. Be true to yourselfregain your lost vigor, ambition and strength. Seek aid from a reliable specialist one who under stands the delicate human systtm with all its many needs. We have cured thousands and can cure you. Consult us today. OUR FEE Established 87 Tears In rortland. Consultation Free We WU1 Treat Any Single TTnoompU. eated Ailment (or 910.00. Absolute Guarantee No Pay Unless Cured We cure safelv and oromDtlv WEAK. ' , NESS, LOST MANHOOD, 8PERMA- Wa Are the Leading Specialists TORRHOEA. SPECIFIC BLOOD POIS- we a ue .wug Bp.oisusis QN N s;EAaE8 VARICOCELE, HYDROCELE, GONORRHOEA, GLEET. OR - ANY ONF' THE . DISEASE COMMON TO MEN. Personal attention given all patients. i Itrifttrrft ur cure Ulssolves the stricture completely and removes every oosirucuon rrom tne urinary passage, allays all inflammation, stops every unnatural discharge, reduces the prostate gland, cleanses and heals the bladder and kidneys, invigorates health and sound ness to every part or tne Doay arrectea ty tne disease. WAnlrnACC In treating this very prevalent form of lost vigor, we ri caaucan offer a method which is so far superior to any otner mode now being employed, by other specialists that there is no comparison possible. By our system fult vigor and power are quickly restored, and inn cms, wiicu uiicn iiiuuo, is f barLti ana ta . ixlJl f Vjirirrtrflfl When neglected varicocele undermines the strength. - oiiwuwsiD deranges the functions, racks the nervous system and I often produces an obliteration of the vital powers. We cure the most ag gravated cases of Varicocele without pain, suffering or Inconvenience. Not only do we give Internal remedies, but we also employ a local treatment which restores the perfect circulation of the blood and vigor and' vitality are renewed. You will acquire from this a sense of well being which ac companies good, healthy and robust manhood. We have cured thousands of complicated cases where ' others hav ailed. Our offices are well appointed and equipped with the most modern appliances and the latest isaieotlons essential for the proper and UD-to-dat treatment and cure of special diseases. . . - You may,ionsult us privately In confidence. You will be examined In a thoroughly scientific manner and our diagnosis and advice will h hV' fully given to you absolutely free of charge. After this If you desire to ha treated we will. cure you and make you well and strong as you ought tone : N- matter what ydur ailments are, call or write to us today, statin.' 5T.,ir c,aa?i p,Hln y ,n E,ur,wn way and reeeiva the benefit of a modern skillful diagnosis. All letters answered In plain, sealed envelopes rawern a mYienoonUBS' ' W- 8 p" "V vlfT. to- 8:30; Sundays. J A1EDICAU AND SURGICAL OOBSTEB SSCOITD AZTD YA-OrrXL 8TBXET3, POBTXAITS, OBSOOH. 5 ST. L OUIS tary: Frank, Breeding of Portland high scnooi, Treasurer ana v. Ij. ljunaton, a dtvialty school student, sergeant-at-arma. As on of the officers was the proud possessor of a budding moustache the Itt" ",4 -. "oJutlon that all off i! ccrs of the sterner i h. -.'-.iit. trt share .tholr - entlr fan.. '7"TT twice a week. I a H M H a u ti B M 8 a a M g N N M M M 81 H N K H sa N B a a n M w V