12 .THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 8, 1007. San Francis co . Office Oregon Journal m Markct,St,t)ct 3d fir 4th ABf SBTiBHMjeaTft 1 in BCJumoara sxoair; snm. Oreronlans irbra In Ban fttwli eea have their mall sent la mi Of Tli Journal office. ARTHUR I FlaH. RapresetaUTe. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS KEW TODAY. Save That Rent to Acres Added to RAILWAY ADDITION MONTAVILLA NOW OPEN FOR SALE. LOTS $85 LOTS $10 DOWN. $5 MONTHLY . Five-Cent Fare. V 25 Minutes to Third Street. AGENTS AT TRACT SUNDAY. :: Take MontavUIa car, get off at 'corner of Villa and Hibbard streets. For further information and maps call at office. Lambert -litmer Co. W." v. 107 Sherlock Building. ' Cor. Sd and Oak. 10 too HoseCityPark High Class Residence District SPLENDID CAR SERVICE BULL RUN WATER CEMENT SIDEWALKS ; GRADED STREETS - 4 i v ELECTRIC LIGHTS tMdlnj Restrictions and Lines AH jmprovemci.ts includvc in Hie purchase price. Over three miles of cement sidewalks already laid : Mar.- houses r.ov . . ourse of construction. Easy terms of r payment. Hartman & Thompson Hpo 3 "luxbcr of Co:r.Tierce. l - it.-. . . i BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON 7 Tne moit exclusive, close-in residence ' sal aitaBl Ik -. A 0Aa.l A a . Duuaera or cnoict nomen Lou 60x100. $900.00 XAMY TZUfS. IRVINGfen INVESTMENT COMPANY : BOOK S3. XAMXX.TOV BUM. ACREAGE 1 FOR SALE 14 serai fmet property for plattlnx pvrpom a surfcet. do to car line Can and aca na aJwnt it. Title Guarantee and Trust Co. 8. C anit Edith G DavIm to w .3. and Myrtle M. Qebott, lota It and II. block II. Piedmont. W. D. 1.600 F. L. and Iran M. Howard to W. H. MoGufrk. lot IB. block Maegly Hl-hland, W. P . 1.100 Georga A. B rod la at al. to E. M. Sherlock, lot 8. block 14. Eaat Creston. W. D ITI Frank S. and Mtnala K. Munn to Rudolph Martin, lot 11. block II, Walnut Park. W. D 5.000 N. F. and Jannla Noren to F. 8. Btanchfleld, lot 11, block 14. Point View, w Ti lnA F. 8- and Mary Elian Stanchfleld to Cordelia J. Cross, lot XI. block 14, Point View W. D ISO W W. and Clara I. Keene to E. K. KMna lot 11 Mns-k f .nkiii.i.. Ion lot "C." M. Pa (ton tract. W. V 1.S00 in, lung estate to Louis P. Beno at al., bet-inning in south Una of Lovejoy street, 100 feet east from aoutheaat comer of Love Joy and Twenty-second, streets, thence south to aouthweat cor ner of lot 14. block 11, King's Second addition, thence east to aoutheaat corner, thence north to aouth Una of Lovejoy atreet. thence weat to berlnnlne. W. it. B. L. and D. J. Moore to Sarah K. Tunant, lot 8, block 11, North Alblna. W. D fcydla A. Miller to Alex Blomqulat, lot i ana i. diock a. ureen a aa- dltlon. W. D t oon Herman Metxger, trustee, and Jo sephine Metsger to M. Rickert, lot 16. block 1. Reservoir Park. W. D tin rvuiiam m. and Lenore 8. Gregory io ucoim iegauil. lft acrea or tract "C." w I) loo William M. and Lenore 8. Greaorv to Norma O. Seaman, 1 acre of tract "C." W D loo William M. and Lenore 8. Greg ory to Norma 8. Bcaman, 1.4 acrea of tract "D," W. IX. 100 Moore Investment company to Fred L. Howard, lot 7. block 4S. Vernon. W. D 415 ADole and George pace to 11. A. and Heitcr A. Batea. lot 1. and a at feet of lot 4, block 1, Oak Knoll, W. D , 1,6' Sycamore Real Estate company to Fred Hughes, lot 1. block 11. Kern Park. 8. W. I) 150 Hettle L. and C. R, Templeton to John Margaan, lota 1 and 4, block 185.-Couch'a addition, W. U Florence 1.. Day to E. B. Rabb. lot 10. block 14, Tremont Place (agreement --.v 100 R. L Stevens, aherlff, to Richard Nixon, receiver of Portland 8av lnga bank, undivided 1-10 of tract -G." Skvland. deed 2.500 Ti. m. ana retri Mcuaniei to K. F. Heath, lot Zl. block 15. Mount Tabor Annex. W. Ti... 100 John and Annla Johnson to Mary Ward Murphy, east half of lota I and 10. block 13. Central Al blna. W. D .i. 2,100 i,ouis ana f.mma u. King to George M. Bealy. 14.4 acrea of Joseph lyoonard V. L.. C. In aouthweat M of aectlon 1. town ship 1 north range 1 west. W. V. 1.800 E. a. and Alma E. Holmeso Al bert U Perkins, lot 26. block 11. Peninsular addition No. 2. W. D 150 George and Mary E. Shlel to F. C. Pruner. lot 1, block 1 Myr tle. W. D. 155 Ida A. and C. tt. Dubois to Joseph Henry Johnston, lots 1 and 2, block 1, East Portland heights, W. D 1 Percy H. and Mary Augustana Blyth to John OHare. com mencing at point In east line of 10th st.. 88 feet north from southwest corner of south H of block "Y." city, thence north 29 feet thence east 126 feet, thence south 15 feat, thence west 20.6 , feet, thence south 14 feet, thence west 98.6 feet to beginning. Deed 2.150 William B. and Nell C. Streeter to Laura and America Moore, undivided of lots 1 anj 2, block 128. city. W. D 100 John O. an Martha A. Wetla to George Weiss, west of lot 1. b!ock 41. Fulton oark. W. D. 500, Charles w. and Laura Heller' to Otto Mlchaelsen, lot 7. block 6. Lincoln Park Annx. W. D 425 Annie and L. F. Williams to IWtha Carnahan. lota 4 and 5, Hock 3, Mount Tabor Villa, W. 1 800 Fanny Malone. trustee, et si., to Robert and Bertha Krohn, northwest of that certain 6 sere tract conveyed by Lehman Blum and wlfa to John C. Ma lone. W. D J, 500 Andrew McKlnnon et al.. to Wil liam B Miller, east of Iota 5 and . block SI, Tlbbett's ad dition, Q. C. D 100 S. E. and G. L. Webb to N. P. Soder, lot 8, Gardenn. W. D. . . 365 Lottie and J. W. Wlnslow to W. A. Foreman, lot 17. block 13, Sunnyslde. W. D goo R. L. Stevens, sheriff, to O. M. Smith, lots 1, 1. 3. 4. block 19. lota 1, 2 1. 4, block 21. James Johns addition to St. Johns, deed 20 I (staalaaaW NOTICES , BIRTHS JONES October I, to ' Mr. and i Mra. I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed Howard B. Jonaa, III Id at, a daugb-l bide will be received by Dallea City ter. i . - I for tha construction of the aunratruo srnr . v. . . m . k 1 . . . . I . ... iauunnouciomr t, to jr. ana r. I lure . or mt proaoaea city nail, until uacar u. Mcuowan. 184S risks au a I October 11. 1807. A certified check. On. 1 made In favor ttt tha Monrilar nf Dallas CIARL1 October-1. toMr. and Mra. City, to the amount ePI oar cant of GIUSenDs Clarll. 181 U Mill at., a son. I th hlA muat amnmnanv unh kM In In. uul,iu oeuienioer if, to Mr. ana aura th acceptance or - the contract. aira. Maaalno ukua. 117 Bin at., a ahoiild It ba awarder ta tha bidder. daughter. I TW1 ! rlt num.. V, a wK a i-Aumuo nctoner a. to Mr. ana jars, any ana an olds. Responsible con ceal vatora Palumbo, 186 . Montgomery I tractora rhsy . apply to C. J. CrandalL, mi. a eon. 1 i arcnitaci, i na uaiiea. ur., ror tna a raw LIVINGSTON Oetobef 6. to Mr. and lnra and apeolf Icatlona. " I WILL HOT BE RESPONSIBLE hareafter for any bllla contracted by my wua, Lyaia Meutnan. - A. t. eu- man.. IIep WANTED-riaiALB PACKERS AND WRAPPERS! '. GOOD positions, work light and claaai par manent employment. AddIv candy de- partment Paclfio Coaat Blaoult Co, OIKL8 WANTED APPLY STANDARD factory No, I, Grand are, and East Mra. Delmar Carleton I.lvlnaaton. Kninier, or., a son. HI HBARD September If. to Mr. and iwrs. jonn ti. Hinparo, a son. Taylor at CENTRAL OREGON TIMBER, WHEAT" and Irrigated land for aala cheap: lo cating done. For1 Information,, address Van Tassel A Da via. Madraa, Crook county, or, DEArns HELP WANTED MALE ADAMS In this city. October 8. at tha family residence, 108 Morris St., Em ma M. Adams, aged SI years, wlfa of JESTER At the residence of his son. ti. jester, 825 West St., Montavuia. October' 7. 1907, William K. Jaater, aged a years, c months and 11 days. HARJIKE October 7. Mrs. Martha Harbke, aired 73 years, 11 months and z aavs. lous k. isth st.: senility. ADAMS October (. Mrs. Emma M. Adams, aaed 61 vesrs and 17 dara. aoa Morris st..: cancer or stomacn. BOTLAN October S. Nelson Boylan, aged 61 years. Kelso: heart failure. HOWARTH October 6. Will Howarth, area 47 veara Nrannoose: nneumonia. COX October 4, Martin Cox, aged 28 rears, at Geod Samaritan hospital: innnr pneumonia. BECKER October 4. Nlcolnus Becker, aged 17 veara. 414 E. Russell St.: fracture of cenical vertabrae. TRVON October NS. Mrs. Mary Jana Tryon, aged 70 years, 8 months and dHys. 372 th st.: apoplexy. LANCE October . Orson II. Lanca. WANTED. " ITAVR BOLT rtlTTERS. ' Wt lay 11.60 oar cord: steady work! gooa Bcciyrimonations at camp. IVHTftKN COOPERAUK W Koom io. Biearna piag. Portland, Or. alao errand rlrL Mrs. 8t John, 11BI Willamette boulevard, cor. uenver ave. LADY AGENTS TO SELL A GOOD i lino of cloaks, sklrta and fura. to ba old on Installment plan. No experience necessary. : Good monoy xor a nustier, J. i. Bhcrman. i id St. .", WANTED5IISCEIXANEOrj8 FOR nEXTMISCTXLANEOUa. i HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL I HALL AND BALLROOM, NEW WITH kinds or aeoond-hand good a. Union Exchange, 161 Front at. Paolflo 1411.1 FIZONH EAST 11204 If YOU WISH 3 aatt your, zurnuura. . its uawinorna ava. ' " . - best Wggeii iU6kS UXt& t6 modem convenlenoea Phone Main I860. SPECIAL STOKE SALES. , , o order. Union made ahoaa Ernest cisus, sglVfc Gllsan. In stock. Snop furniture to repair. .irstJ352 Morrison. Near Park St class workmanshin. fltandard Furnl-1 . .ni(iB ws ture co at n. iotn, Main 8H6. Wan Hard RAZOH3 Ladlaa and gentlemen should not fail TED SECOND-ffAND 4Ws9BlL: China! OlaiZ anTirtht'L"ti-U?.Unt d table. Phone Main 100?. j oill n?.S !nl Ltt.oclt 1 2,rtUnd iua u-Mtvira cn,ucr,a Dli.hh. P"l ?.rJ55 ".T rk" n plain f Igurcs, nAH. VfLPlAnn Pa SKI Anbanv Phnni I , . UI ww 1 . ' Main 6260. T V V Ti io ,i , ii.aq M.1 Ml 8. I ' " ' ' t ' Al I HALF A DOZEN OR MORE SILVElt aanulna n.rm.n " ijtca Wv.n.itt. 7.11. nAu.ii i vanuina German Extra Specials Laca Wyandotts hens. 2ell Ooaaatt, v ",""Ln fl.Y.;mJr.?i"a Sonita IV- - -- ( 9 S aaa iw v wv, I Vll.u-.lA. -AtMl 4 A. . - . " in . ' pt jonnm car. clal ' i a WANrED-SECOND-liAND TURNING Ollt franis plotar'illx.i Yn'cheV. tqul Bl';Lh AAyr?', J-'- J0r"ftl- ' .. ?ny steel ,ngravlnf. regular price '. SPOT CASH FOR FURNITURE. ETOl; . pedal " ........ . . . 95o V..J8C nramnt BttAntlnn , Oh... tkttt I Nota our rtrlf An tVim. .mUIm work an shlrfs and overalls. Lessons riven ta lnexoerlenced. AddIv at Stand ara raotory Na s. urano, ave. una bmm AGENCY. 141 tumblers, decorated, Union Hotel Rooms Rooms Rooms. Country transient solicited. Rooms 26c, S6o and 60c per night. J. H. H. An derson, proprietor. WANTED SALESMEN: MANY MAKE loo to 1160 per month; soma even more; Block clean, grown on reserva tion, rar rrom old orcnarda: caan ad vanced weekly: choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co., Top- penlsh, Washin gt on. UaW'8 LadIes' Waahlngton at. corner tfeventn, up sUlra Phone Main 8091. Female help wanted. ase Pennell l.K.l.T l.t P.- ""i-"wwb isdi - - ... . "".vn , .........600 FUltMSUED HOOaiS- FOR RENT P cup.ndVa'a.'d'oVe'n Mra,-,orcel THE COLONIAL. A HIGH-RADH P IaJ ta' -PrcVlaln f&mllv hotel; rnnA rnami- hmmt hiunl n:.!.."' " " i 'V. . . . ITO r '. T -iT.h "ir." w"- aeoorataa and '" MVWI. buvu a wins in city at moderate prices. . 185 10th.l afold corner of Morrison. I cn.ni. ! . J.J 1 ILJI,. LI ' I l , ii . i I , ii i f- ENERGETIC WOMAN OVKK I W IJ11S GRAND, 46 N. ID ST. ROOMS told II. ZS aged 83 years, 9 nionths and 17 day a, J WANTED IOYS FOR GOOD POSI Woodstock: nephritis MiLLtu October T, Mra Harsh A. Miller, aged 69 vears. I months' and 7 days. Mldburn St.: general debility RAYMOND Oct. 7. Helen, infant daughter of Herbert E. and Ruth M. Raymond, age two months. tlona In candv denartment Paeifio Coast Blacult Co., 12th and Davis sta. position with wholesale house; experi ence uneoessary. T-28. journah WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED TO work in fruit cannery. Appiy at Holmes' Canning .Co, E. 8th and Dl vlslnn ats. WANTED V6UNO La61es 5 learn commercial telegraphy; ISO to 110 per month soon as competent. Ore gon college, 406 Commonwealth bldg. FINISHERS 517 PANTS; ALSO learnera: rood pay; ateady work. 107 Pnmmnn weal th blda. GIRt TO SWEEP, WASH DISHES and iwait on table In bakery. Aa Arm jAitrnsl. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 6.3 Clay st cottage ' aeta," decorated' and for gentlemen. tl.Sfi oer wk and un. I SiO-Dier Knarllah fHe RiCHi.LlElT. l3W H. itU if Knd(r!,!t i-' v ... Eleaantlv furnished: ataam has and SO-piece English old wUlow sets. Tllke baths. . I ..rna.m . u--Jl I6.6S j '"'"s" r ranee seta, nigheat juMiBiuiu huuub, aa.vu grace made . .. ill so 1 n ri 1 1 n Tin im. v m r i t . . . . . . - - - - - -VT ,-r: rm - I rfroinieres irom 180 IO IB. 00 eaoh. WANTED. T lir. .mam I. maII v.im! A I v... tnT4 Lpine farmers out of ten buy them; 76 WANTED IMMEDIATELY EXPER.' per cent commission; Doys are maaingi enced aecond girl; private ramny; out o io iiu per aay. uau at ioo y nu-1 or town: wages IZt. iivh ikoiuui. Ington at., room 11. and get busy. I Main 6418. LANCE THE FUNERAL SERVICES I CAL. WINE DEPOT. HEADQUARTERS I GOOD HELP TO WORK IN SCHElX REASONABLE RENT, PLEASANT, Rogers' guaranteed Al teaspoons, per clean rooms for a-entlaman iKa Tam. I dozen i-rin hill, near 11th; gas, bath; both phonea. Rogers' guaranteed 11 dwt. knives and MODERN AND NICELY FURNISHED ..., ' "' 'i. fI So room. 96 llth. cor nrarf Qooda safely packed. Your money back tyiMTch V atW -i "w k,wi , lr not satisfactory. UnUl XJ . Lllmmm- OXlAXCl expenses. Pleaaant rnnm In naa BiTam nemea apartment. Journal. two very desirable' outside! rooms, steam heaL hot and cnM wa if, light and phone. 494 Morrlaon. flat 10. FOR FUNERAL NOTICES. of Orson H. Lance will be held at the family residence, near Woodstock, at 1 p. m. Wedneaday, October ; friends In rlted: Interment Multnomah cemetery. 1 UNDERTAKERS J. P. FINLEY & SONS, ID AND MADI - son sta. Office of county coroner. Phone Msln 9. A. B. HEMSTOCJC FUNERAL Di rector. East 13th and Umatlllu. Phona Sell ood 71. Iady assistant EDWARD HOLMAN. UNDERTAKER, 220 Id St. ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. FUNERAL DI- rectors, emhalmers. 273 Russell. 10SK. Lady assistant. East DUNNING. M'ENTEE GILBAUGH undertakers and embaimers: modern In every detail. Seventh and PlnV Main 4fu. i,aav :usistant. ERICKSON UNDERTAKING COy AND embalming. 409 Alder at r- Main (133. Ldy assistant. CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES. 110: family lota,- 10x16, for 1100. and upwarjs. according to size: the onlv cemetery in rortiana which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. For n format ion, apply to W. R. Mackenzie. Worcester Diortc. w. Al. ladd, president. R6SE CITY SIKGbE GRAVES. 110: family lots, $26 to 176. Superlntend- nt at cemetery, corner of Fremont st nd Cully road. Phone Tabor 200. For ill information apply to Frank Schlegel, 2 Worcester blk. Phone A282I. LOST AND FOUND FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front st Main 474. Portland Cuiied-llalr Factory. H. Mets ger. proprietor. STRAYED OR STOLEN ONE BAY mare, small white spot In forehead; mark of double diamond on shoulder; weight about 1,100. Phone East 1815. newara. for cooks and helpers. 148 4th. P. ivorati. MEN TO GET THEIR SUITS FROM Charley Lee. 93 N. 3d st Perfect fit guaranteed; all work first class. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MEN TO learn railway and commercial teleg raphy; good wagea and permanent posl- uuiia wiitrii cumpciani. urfun cortege. fve lommonweaitn oiag. MEN AND BOYS WANTED, TO learn plumblr.g. plastering, bricklnv g: day and night olasses: frea cata- awue; positions secured: no book learn ink. Coyne Trade School. 230-140 8th st, Ban Francisco and New York. 11.00 A MONTH PROTECTS YOUR time ffwainst sickness or accidents. Paclfio Aid association. Lumber Ex. bldg., Portland. Or. ALlberal pay to good s gents. Wanted ioo men; dr. ketchum will cure promptly all your private and sexual diseases: graduate; advice rree. 3d st. Pacific 2219. Patent Adjustable Form; wages paid whlle'learnlnj. 209 10th St., side en- RKNT NiCELV 'FUrivffliirKR rooms, also houaelceenlna- aiilta 1S1 N. 10th st. Phona Main 4619. ROOMS AND BOARD n 11 trsice. MALE AND FEMALE HELP MEN AND WOMEN ANXIOUS TO IN- crease their earning capacity; we have helped thousands, let us help you. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOL, 64 H 6th at. Open Evenings, OSBOKN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND caU, ', ana n. au, rarnianea rooms, sln- !? -or.?.n- u,t wltl r without board. East S619. THE DEXTER. corner on llth. THE COLONADBL RfwW im nniofi conveniences. 19 th and SXTEH. FURNISHED .ROOMS, llth and Washington, entrance! all latest Couch. HELP WANTED AND SUPPLIED. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD, mala or female. R. G. Drake, 10&H I aul table for I or I gentlemen: steam vvasn na-ton st Racine liu or iiv. '. ui". rnom A-4M7, I8K 4th t MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE REFINED HOME WITH KIND CARE rutrhAr trariA in k weeira: ensra lens, i iur ijioineness cniin. inna better salaries, learned in less time than scnooi. lerma moderate: g. other trades; catalogue free. Moler encea exchanged. Address Q-L Barber College. 36 N. 4th st STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING faiimaU aMtil nnaltlnna Anan aavleK Kakalf I . vii i uiv, kuvu uuBiviviis v aa weaaa wwe, . . IM . i a a n . . rsi - - - firms,-" no charge. Underwood Typs- THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING factory. teal -Bargains ' CLOSING OUT OUR CLOTHING LINE. Conviiicliig Prices 111 suits now .111.80 117 suits now 81160 IIS suits now 110.60 110 suits now a, 6,95 it is to your advantdiga to gve us a steta fr3 Front St . : BUSINESS CHANCES " i S..-.. '.mmtmmm. acas Bepartmeit Store for Sale ' writer Co.. 68 6th st. IF YOU HAVE A SMALL AMOUNT OF jnuney you can realise iu to iuu dally in motion picture, business. Par- tlculars 333 Ankeny. nr 6th. SPFX'IALIST FOR MEN ONLY FEES will accord with electrical flndlnga on free examination. medicines dis pensed. Dr. Madison, 251 ft Alder, room 14. DESIRABLE PERMANENT POSP tions for energetic men and women: reliable llrm extending Its branchea needs capable local and traveling man agers to control sales, collections, etc. 203 Flledner bldg. AYANTED MAN 7th Best legitimates proposition of the times. Monev maker. Thomiirhlv LARGE, CLEaN I lo"neo itequires 35,000 to 18,000. inar rooms, laun- "-,n or aouivaient urnnd chamber work. 81 N. th st. AND WIFE FOR Apply at Union hotel, 36 00 REWARD FOR RETURN OF goia menai watch fob, owners name rarari. ii Morrison at. MEETING NOTICES Don't Fernet FOR ABSTRACTS. TITLE INSL'R : nee or mortgage loans, call on Pnciflo ! Tine Trust Co.. 304-6-6-7 Falling b'.dg. ! GET YOUR INSURANCE AND AB j sirs eta to real estate from the Title j Guarantee A Truat Co., 240 Washington t. cor. Id. fji Something doing at George Washington Camp tonight Ail visitors invited. W. O. w. iempie, izs llth st H. BAKER. Consul Commander. H. A. FREDRICH, Clerk. ELIGIBLE MEN FOR POSTAL clerks and letter-carriers. Another ex amination announced. Salary from 1900 to 11.400 on promotion: file vour bd- piicauon at once to quanry ror exam. Call today. Pacific States -school. 611 McKay bldg. STENOGRAPHERS YOUNG MEN AT once ror the Government service. Examination Nov. 1st. Salary about 11,200 a year. Call in regard to quali fying. Pacific States School. SIS Mc Kay Bldg. CLERK8 AND CARRIERS FOR PORT- land P. O. Examination Nov. 16th. call today I rv regard to qualifying. 613 McKay Bldg.Paclflc States Schools. WANTED A BARN MAN. 647 EAST Stark st. WILL PA 6 PER CENT TO PER- sons sending names of parties want ing surveying or mapping done. Fred W. Rodolf. 618 Commonwealth bldg, 6th and Hurnwlde. racing 1144; A-Z044. Wanted boy to learn trade. and 2 fire-escape helpers. Columbia Wire tt Iron Works, 868 E. Washington. I WE SECURE POSITIONS FOR MEM- bers; special membership 12. Y. M. C. A. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE YOUNG MAN. FAIR EDUCATION, good character, wishes clerical posi tion with a future, salary no object to start with: can make good In any line. Address C-41, Journal. BY FIRST-CLASS HIDE MAN IN hide house or warehouse. In Portland or western Oregon. Address 8. Journal. SITUATION WANTED BY A MIDDLE aged man of good character, In and around house. F-41, Journal. EXPERIENCED PAINTER AND PA pcrhanger wants work. E-41. Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE and transient rooms, raaaonahla. and Flanders sta. 11.60 WEEK UP furnished housekeenina- rflAmfl Isaaiva. (Cash or equivalent Grand opportunity. dry and bath. 114 Sherman st7 south. ... . N. L. SHAFER, Portland. """" Lumber Exchange 2nd and Btark lL.V-L-XH Pt'RNiSHED . , kmm, nouaeaeeDina- room a Mrin. k , u 1 tim vwaox ajlalij i 2.09a nun laundry, furnace heat, yard 201 U Stan-1. rlton at The leading real estate and ton t U car. LARGE, Main 1668. A-4160. LIGHT. VIORT-V Trr7 nlshed housekeeping rooms: mnnin. water. 603 H Alder. : GOOD FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, suites or two. is. no 11 month; new lower flat furnlahed. 123; unfurnished $1; 7-room cottage 20; "Ide river. Coast Realty Co., 216H Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing apartments; bath, heat phone. B.a, tnuuirn. dos wuiiams ave, corner Monroe. WANTED DAT WORK. 216. 208 Fifth st. PACIFIC AN INTELLIGENT LADY WISHES tha position as landlady In a room- Ing house. Address C-40. Journal. FOR FIN- WEATHER REPORT THE TALE OF The high area that made Its appear ance over the Washington coast last evening has moved Inland and its crest ; is now central about Kamloop. B. C. i . umm uiweiBuiia a. inaxsea aeveiop f asent both In energy and extent, during i mi 11 nours, ana now exercises in HAWTHONRE LODGE NO. Ill, A. F. & A. M Special communication today, Oct. 8, at i:it p. m., .trurkbard Bldg.. for the purpose of conducting me lunerai or our nereniefi brother. Porter D. Williams,, of Meri dian lodge, of Meridian, Idaho. Brethren earnestly requested to be present By oraer 01 tne w. M. C. E. MILLER, Secretary. n WANTED CARPENTERS ishlng. Phone East 1872. WANTED TWO RAFTSMEN AT Lake river boom. Felida, Wash. Call Twin Falls Logging co ISO Mohawk bldg. . WANTED OFFICE BOY; MUST BE bright, willing and quick; 15 to 17 years old; rood prospects of advance ment. Address, In own hand-writing. Q-142, Journal. WANTED RELIABLE BOY Jones' Book Store. 291 Alder st AT A YOUNG WOMAN WISHES HOUSE work. Call 863 16th at north. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES tortILdepi 206 H Morrison St.... Phona Pacific 239 27 N. 2d st Phona Paclfio 1800 I PD A njPtJP U TX7C j eoffljunrtlon with the Montana high area ' - WA. w l AAAiU i rhlch has drifted southward to Kan 1 In the meantime the controlling in. S409 to S700 Per Aprp?''h' W IVV iU l,?iTTailing this morning from the Pacific fa t.a ......I ..t .... . ! tard to tha Mississippi vallev. The to tna annual output of gold nngreta i depresalon noted over British Columbia pioea iron. cranoerTy basnea. Tha yesteraay morning has advanced east TsJs of Cranberries" la Interesting. wanl to Manitoba. It appears to be al- Let ma tall yen about It J. FRANK POSTER 893 WASHZiraTOV ST. Apartment House Site V Ths best 100-foot corner for apart -, menta on Third st, close to Madison, will be sold cheap. Apply at room 88. - Hamilton bldg. ' C l? r1 TRANSFERS Julius and Lulu M. Wetzel to , Bertha O Wise, lot 18, block 14, Central Albina. W. D 12 400 Mrs. Annie E. Winters to Frankle ' A. 8prague, lots 11 and 12, - Mock 22, Point View addition. .w- D;s v -60 iniay MCJtvercuer to Albert Mc -.Curdy, -lot 6, block 1. Concord lieignts, . w. u. 137 Edward E. and Anna B. Smith to V. A. and Olive Jordan, lots 23 ' and 24. block 13, Hawthorne avenue addition. W.-. D. ....., . 600 Sycamore Keai Jisiaifc company to . KdKrr L. Collins, lota 17 and 18. blook 11, Kern Park. 8, W. D. . 235 C. J. and Nora K. wuaon to James M. Wilson, lota 22. 23 and 24. block 20. Arbor Lodge, W. D. . . 700 Fred and Lottie-iNow' to George w. Horton. north half of eaat 75 feet of lot 3, block 128. Caruth ers addition. W. Ii. 1 Alice and Marraret MeGowan to Hettle JU,,Templeton, south half : of lot 4. block 99, Couch's addi- tlon, W. D Charles I. and Helena Henrietta Urfer to John F. Toft lota 7 imd 8. block 3, Til ton's addition. W. I). ......... .mJAOO Surah J. Henderson to William MT nii.t Amami4 K Johnson. la(l v ; . -ginning at point In south Una cf Hcimont street In Paradlsr liiK, W. D ...,. .f 09 5 mm, completely aevoia or energy, no j rain occurring along its course except ing a moaerate amount at ifidmonton. The extensive disturbance of yesterday morning over the central portion of the country Is now passing off the New Eng land coast. Moderate to heavy rains have marked lta path. The indications point to fair weather over this rorecast district tonight and Wednesday. It will be cooler tonight in western Washington, Oregon and Idaho, with probably frost in eastern Oregon, eastern Washington and Idaho. L. LIDHOLZ, Local Forecaster, , Temporarily In Charge. Military Wnlst and Dance Given by R. N. A.; Ablngton bldg., 3d st., Thursday evening; refreshments served;' admission 16c. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. NO. 1. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Tues day) evening, Octoher 8, at 7:30 o clock. uuaieuows lesnpie. uoiaen jKuie de gree, visitors welcome. E. E.- SHARON, Scribe. M. W. A. 11660. A GOOD TIME TO all, October 9. All members and friends are requested to be present at Minara ave. Take Mount Bcott car. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP, S.466 meets Wednesday evening. AUsky Dtag.. aa ana Morrison sta. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NO. WANTED MAN TO WORK IN STA- ble. Hubert & Hull. 266 4th st. WANTED TEAMS HEAVY TEAMS, gooa wages. Appiy Maroer Asphalt Paving Co., near east slip. Lower ferry, or pnone giast zo. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty. 20 N. 2d st Phona Main 6298. We pay all telegraph charges. HAiNSEN S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. 16 N. 2d st Phone Main 1S26. ACME EMP. CO., FARMERS' AND loggers' help especially. 34 N. 2d. Main 7824. JAPANESE EMP. CO. ALL KINDS OF help supplied. Main 4669, 268 Everett FOR RENT TWO NiCE. UNFlta!. nlshed housekeenina- rnnmm. distance. Apply 394 8th st. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. HOT and Mill. cold it. water. Reasonable. 629 E. FOR RENT HOUSES VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moved, stored or shipped. Phone Main 1618. WE RENT AND SELL piAN6s. SHER rnnn, ,Clay A Co. COTTAGES AND FLATS. WEST SIDE of river; 7-room cottage, 821; new lower flat 116: will furnish for little more. Coast Realty Co.. 226H Morrison. COTTAGE, 4 ROOMS, 110. 271 POR ter, near 4th. Key at 730 4th st GOOD 4-ROOM LOWER FLAT FUR nlshed. 322: unfurnished. 818 conage, t.v: rurnishea housekeeping rooms 18. $10, $12 month; small farm In suburbs. 816 month. Coaat r.ht Co.. 226 H Morrison. business brokers. A few a Decisis: Income property, pays II per cent; new modern flats. 81,600 H cash, new 7-room house. $160 handles 6 -room modern house. $2,800 New (-room bungalow. $800 buys rooming-house, 22 rooms. I4&0 buys business or zo dally. 3 1,600 26 rooma; rent $76. $726 12 rooms; good buy. Our list Includes all rooming-houses for aale in city. v $1,000 Confectionery, 10 furnished rooms; free rent. Restaurants, $600 to $2,000. All kinds of business opportunities. . Employment off ice-$300. $16 dally. Some fine chickenranches. also a few good homesteads and timber claima. Honest man for real estate work; ref erences and small capital. THE COAST REALTY CO.. 226 H Morrison st Main 1668. A-4160. Legitimate Business Chances The Ames Mercantile Agency (estab lished 1895) furnishes free information on opportunities in mercantile or manu facturing lines, city or country. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 204-205 Ablngton Bldg. PRESSER. CHARLES COOPEY ft SON. tailors, N. E. cor. Id and Stark sta.. upstairs. HELP WANTED FEMALE M. W 6,975. Mondays, 17th and Visitors welcome. Marshall. Wanted-Young: Ladles THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH CO. WILL TEACH YOU TELEPHONE OPERATING AND PAY YOU WHILE LEARN ING. PERMANENT POSITION; RAPID ADVANCEMENT: BEST WAGES IN THE CITY; HOURS, Btiunr Ainu wuhk jliumt; FINE LUNCH SERVED FREE. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR, 3D r'LOOIt, MAIN BUILDING, COR. W. PARK AND ALDER. BUSINESS NOTICES Baker City, Or.. Bismarck, N. D. Calgary, Alberta Chicago, 111 Denver, Col Havre, Mont Lewiston, Ida. . . Los Angeles, Cal. omaha. Neb Portland. Or. ... St. Paul, Minn flan Francisco. Cal., Spokane, Waah. . . , Tacoma, Wash. . . . Temp. Max. Min. Precip. 6$ 44 .0 62 40 .0 78 46 .0 68 36 .0 8 42 .10 62 44 .0 70 42 .0 76 48 .0 80 58 .0 60 88 .0 68 64 .0 68 52 .0 60 52 .0 68 54 .0 66 40 .0 62 62 .01 MARRIAGE LICENSES Per? Hacket 2?rand PaC,flc hote1' 24 : st'feSSfc ft MontSm"y ,0rf?. t.fiSri K Jt. Ta- " ' """ vnon. zy INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 Flledner bldg. Main 2891. L. C. HENRICHSEN CO., JEWELERS. and opticians, z4. Washington st NEW FICTION LIBRARY, 131 T5t3 st; books loaned at 8 cents the day, WANTED FIRST-CLASS SKIRT AND jacket hands for alteration room; good salary. THJB BARTHOLOMEW CO., 392 Washington st. NOTICES WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE FTtZ Well shirts and Boss of All overalls at 75 1st at. Wedding Cards. W. n al,u o - Washington bldg.. corner 4th and Wash! Ington sta. Weddings cards the besTT Alvln 6. Hawk, 144 2d at 100 lor 16. Tonseth Co.. florists, for flowers ol all kinds. 128 6th st Clarke Broa... Florists Fine flowers and floral designs. 289kMorrison st .1 1 ' " . i .r x uii mesa suns ior rent, an sizes. Unique Tailoring Co., 809- Stark st MAX M., SMITH. FLORIST, 160 6TH ih, OPP- Meisr rrank's. Main Till. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND TO all persons, firms and corporations Interested In the Oregon Truat ft Sav ings bank. In pursuance of an order made by the Honorable, the circuit court of the State of Oregon for Multnomah county in the suit of Louis J. Wilde, plaintiff, against the Oregon Trust ft Savings bank, a corporation and others, notice is naseby given to the creditors, aa well as an persons, firms and corporations I having any claim or demand against tha said Oregon Trust & Havings bank, a corporation of Portland, Or., to present ifre same, witn tne vouchers thereof. duly verified, to tne undersigned - re ceiver of said Oregon Truat ft Savings bank at his office In the city of Port land, Or., on or before, the 1st day of I January, isu. Portland, Or., September 26, 1907. THOMAS C DEVLIN. Receiver of the Oregon. Trust & .Sav ings Bank. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNO- E? eryoie ; Interested in real estate reads The Journal, knowing that It - records all the realty --transactions faithfully. The Journal Is read In nearly every home In the city, being an Independent newspaper for all tha people, ' AH tha news, all the time, for all the people makes The Journal the popular paper with ' the masses and ths classes; hence ths mah County. Oree-on Notice is hereby I given mat on Monday, oct. zi, 107, tne board of equalization of Multnomah coun- j ty will attend at the office of the county cieric 01 saia county ana publicly examine the assessment rolls for the year 1907 and correct all errors in-valuation, descrip tion or qualities of land, lota and other property, ana it is tne duty or an per sons interested to appear at the tlms and place appointed, and if It shall ap pear to such board of equalization that there are any lands, lots or other prop erty assessed twice or in the name of a person or persons not the owner of same, or assessed under or beyond Its value, or any lands. Iota or otner prop erty not assessed, sail! board of squall- saiion snail make the proper corrections. B. D. SIGLER, County Assessor. Portland, or, Sept. at, 1I9T. i .'; ,.. v v -v " Mpeffof Ths Journal sells mors real stats than all tha other medi ums combined, simply because It's the paper with the big bona-" fide local circulation. IT "PAYSvTO BE IN THE .BEST.' THEY ALL READ THS" JOURNAL. ?Vi. ST. LOUIS LADIES EMP. AGENCY, Mrs. Richardson, mgr.; selected help a specialty. 230U Yamhill. Main 6418. WANTED--AGENTS A HOME COMPANY LOW PREMIUM rates and high cash values make the policies of the Columbia Life ft Trust Co. easy to selL Apply to Jesse. R. Sharp, manager of agents, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL gootis? If so we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery company, Salem, Or. GIRLS, BOYS, WOMEN AND MEN make good money taking orders and selling goods; see us at once. Plum- mer urug to., aa ana jviaaison. TWO HOUSES, 17TH ST.. BETWEEN Flanders and Gllsan; inquire Lowen gardt. 83 Park st. FOR RENT FLATS S-ROOM MODERN FLATS, 848. 853 and 854 Corbettst. $12.50 per month. L. E. Thompson ft Co., 228 3d. $ 9 8 - ROOM FURNISHED FLAT, close in. 632 S. 7th st.. Phone E. 1657. 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT, 10 MINUTES' walk to postoffice, a little climb; beautiful view, cor. 18th and College sta. Rent only $16. TWO FIVE-ROOM FLATS, MODERN ! unfurnished, bath. and alnntHMtv $16 and $15. Thurman street, near lair grounds, uan un noma Amtun mwrna restaurant. am GOOD MONEY TO ACTIVE AGENTS. 171 18th st., corner Yamhill. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT HOUSE8. COT tages. flats, stores, offices, rooming- houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 72. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. WANTED REAL ESTATE WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR ALL kinds or city property. What have ?'ou for sale? Come and list It at once, or we have the purchaser; we are mak na a specialty of city property. WASHINGTON & OREGON REALTY COMlrAN I . 108 Second St.. Portland. Or- BUYERS WAITING FOR HOMES from $1,600 to $5,000. Now la the time, today. Don't wait for tomorrow. A. S. Draper, 343 M Washington at. rooms a ana 4. corner 7tn. 1 FOR QUICK SALE LIST YOUR PROP erty with F. Dubois, Waahlngton Diag., room a. 4 TO 6 -ROOM HOUSE ON MOUNT Bcott line, with one or more lots. Give location, best price and terms. D-40, Journal. FOR RENT LOWER FLAT TO RE sponsible. permanent tenants. Refer. ences exchanged. Anoly 344 Hall at Phone Pacific 2920. A 6-ROOM LOWER FLAT. WITH WA ter; no small children, $12. Apply 626 Mill st. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE GOOD, NEW FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM modern cottage for sale and house for rent; lights and yard. , Sell wood, 646 Tenlno ave. WANTED, FROM OWNER- OR AGENT, 6 -room house, 1 or 2 lots, not too far out $600 cash, balance mortgage or monthly; give location and partic ulars or no attention. -40, - journal, HAVE PARTY WAITING FOR 6 OR fl-room house, corner preferred: must be modern and not. exceed $3,000; will pay cash if suits. Zimmerman ft V-ajjehan, .803 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington st. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WE WILL BUT YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods ana guarantee best prices. Call. ?hone or write. 8. J. ft I Rubensteln, 76 Front st, opposite National hotel. Pacific 1401. . WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, v Main 6666. 211 1st st ' IF YOU WANT TO SELL, SEE US. Second Hand Palace. Highest prices paid xor secona-nand goods. ZST Flan ders... Phone Main Sals, . - NEW FLAT FOR RENT, ALL MOD ern improvements; vacant by the ,16th, at 862 Jackson st Inquire at 466 Park st. FURNITURE OF a' 9-ROOM HOUSE cheap if taken before the-12th. Call 410 4th st. LEAVING THE CITY; MUST SELL furniture of 10-room house at a sac- rlflce. Phone Main 8183. FOR SALE FURNITURE, COST $1257 used only a few months; will sell fot $76. , Rent of 5-room house, $10 month; close in. M-40, Journal. . MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought and sold. Corre spondence Invited. H. W. Donahue ft Co., Ill Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7361.- FOUR-HORiSEPOWER WOOD SAWT Inquire Lowengardt, 83 Park st FOR SALE STOCK OF MERCHAN. diss and fixtures at Invoice: stock con sists of ladles' and gents' furnishings, shoes, millinery and groceries: Invoice about $8,000; located in eastern Wash ington. N-80, Journal. Don't Mls Hearing the Wonderful "TELEGRAPHONE" At Rooms 403 and 404, Oregonian Bldg. Free! Free! Free! Frank O'Reilly. State Agent FOR SALE LODGING HOUSE; 1 rooms; centrally located. K-31, Journal. SMALL PLANING MlLL FOR SALE. Sacramento, Cal., doing good busi ness; owner going: east; clears from $400 to $600 per month; always plenty of work on hand. Address Mathews, 1626 H. flt Sacramento, Cal. BAKERY $500 TAKES if! WELL" established, owner leaving country. W. Martin, real estate, Tllrord blda. 10th and Morrison. FOR SALE LIGHT ' MANUFACTUR- ing Business, estaDiisnea 7 years, northwest rights to our inventions to conduct the business, treasons for sell ing. These devices se extremely val uable to the business: The proprietor wishes to go east to dispose of rights there. Business can -be bought for $2,600 cash; etock and machinery alone will Invoice double this amount. H-87, Journal. ABSTRACT otr TITLE FC-R SALE- Only set in good Oregon county; good Address G-37, for attorney. opening Journal. FOR SALE A CONFECTIONERY1 AND cigar store; good location for lunches and home baking. 733 Union ave. N, Phone woodlawn 290. TAILOR "WANTED TO BUY 6UT A well-established tailor shop In a good country town; small capital needed. O-88, Journal FOR RENT-pSTORES-OFFICES OFFICES FOR RENT IN THE WOR cester and Hamilton bldgs.. at mod erate rate. Apply to Robert Strong, 314 Worcester Diag. THREE-STORY BLDG. WITH BOILER and engine. Apply 147 N. 8th st LARGE. LIGHT STORAGE - ROOM, with new elevator. Call up Main 4077 or else A-4946. r A NICE OFFICE riUlTE FOR - HUNT. Madison bldg.. 3d and Madison sts. BUTTERMILK RIG AND ROUTE." cheap. J. F. Watkins, Hillsdale, R. F. D. 2, Phone Pacific 3013 after 7 f. m. or call at Oregon creamery, 12 to , Wednesday or Saturday. -20f-STARKr-'ROOMr-SECX)NT) FLOOR. ror office or manufacturing. . cheap rent JBeartie r iioimann. OFFICES AND .- HALLS AUSKY bldg., a and Morrison at. FIRST-CLASS OUTSIDE - OFFICE rooms for rent In new building: steam heat, electric and gaa light, with lani- tor service, n. m. cor, aa ana Madison. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT; suitable for dentist. 919 Williams ave. RESORTS CASTLE EDEL BRAU (Twelve -Mile .House) Most unique and best road house lnthe west; kitchen . supplied from our farms; first-class goods; Port land prices. Fred T. Merrill, originator, ROSWELL SPRINGS RESORT OjRM J.I miles from Drain. Or. on S. P.B, ft. PIEDMONT JUNCTION CONFECTION ery store:v price reasonable; stock, fixtures. Phone Woodlawn 1156. FOR SALE 1-3 INTEREST In GOoB paying wholesale and retail business. In city; $3,000 cash required. Address L. H. care of Journal. , OLD ESTABLISHED CIGAR, FRUftf and candy store; will invoice over $500; first reasonable offer considered; must go quick. O-40, Journal. PARTNER WITH $1,000 AND ABIL lty to bsck an established business; a proposition that will show net profits of $5,000 a year. S-40," Journal. FOR SALE ROOMING HOUSE. at 22 N. 3d at CALL nVANTEDYOUNG- MARRIED MAjf- with $1,300 to $1,500 to open a gen eral merchandise atore at the best trad ing point on the north bank road. Ad dress Q. Z., Journal. A SNAP NEW AND SECOND-HAN'S furniture store, established '10 years; sell on account of death. Apply 88 Un- - ion ave. A SNAP GROCERY STORE AND LiV lngr rooms: cash trade, $1,000, or half Interest. $500 Investigate. . Nnrthweat. - ern Investment Co., 193 4th at. $650 CONFECTIONERY, CIGAR AND tobacco atand. Old established kn.i. ness on best street In ctty. . - Owner Is leaving city. 3 Sixth street. A YOUNG MAN OF CHARACTERTTv: dustry snd a little money, would like business -relations with like party till May 1. 1-39, Journal - ,