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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 2, 1007. Portlahd Agents for Duttcrick Patterns, Coliimbia Yarns, Pcrrin's Gloves, Ostcrmobr Mattresses, Goissard f'Laco Front" Ccrsc!:, Etc. Meier (Sb Frank OitEIMHerSITMii Bargains In Drug Sundries $6.00 to $1 2.00 Values on Sale at Half Price V. - il : October Sale of White Millinery Htt for drew and theatre lti,, (Xky ' "''wear -at half their value Thia aeason'g handsomest creations zJf . r -. i In white Bilk and whit felt trimmed In tare- hows, win era and '..'r fluffy feathersBeautiful new headgear for all dress occasions -I "V W ' 'r ( mm s-v The assortment is very large, including shapes and effects dr ti to piease every lancy wnne fiats wortn : y rom $Q0Q t0 $120 each Your choice lV exactly half price Second Floor Price Misses' and Children's School and Dress Hats', the largest and v f best selected stock in the city All the new pretty styles at the V- ' ' most reasonable prices Newstock of Baby Bonnets 2d Floor Wilton Velvet Carpet 9 Be Y4. In the Caref Store this week t great special sale of Wilton Velvet Carpets, the styles and quality other stores are asking $1.60 the yard for; newest designs and colorings, and no extra charge for sew- QQ. ing, laying or lining; housewives having floor coverings to supply shotdd attend to their needs 7UC Bigelow Axminster Carpets, IS patterns, io to 40-yard lengths;' some have borders to rriatch; t? t" A.L oriental and floral effects, in best colorings; sewed, laid and lined at this special price, yard.... V Introductory sale of "Brenlin" Window Shades, the ruperfor of all window shsfe material. , To OrtYJ those ordering. window shades this week made of Brenlin we will grant discount of. ........ ...JVJ JU Graham's Zodenta Tooth Paste, in collapsible tubes; great special values at, each. "3-in-l, Oil, cleanses and pol ishes; prevents rust and lubricates; 25c val., bottle. 1 "Air Float Talcum Powder, ab solutely pure and free, from J grit; great value, the can...! C Fin Toilet Soaps, 3 cakes in ta u . . i . . , . A . uua, viuici or rose ouur; a' wonderful values, 3 00 Fancy Combs ,$3:50 Vals. $1.19 In the Jewelry Department for today and tomorrow a great spe cial lot of fancy mounted Combs, with and without stone set tings; very pretty styles, selling regularly at prices 2 1 1 Q ranging from $2.50 to $3.50 each. Your choice V Special lot of Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons, fancy Q handles and bowls, large variety; great values at, each. . V7C "Signet" Hatpins in large assortment; rose and polished 4Q. finish; your igitial engraved free; great special value, at. Bargains in Stationery "Grey Court Linen .Writing Tablets, best quality linen, Q Writing Paper white only; best reg, 15c values, on sale at. 7 C Fancy" Box Papers, good auality linen paper, in blue, , 1 Q white and gray; grand' value, at, special, the Paper Letter. Seals, the most convenient and neatest for. sealing letters and packages; all initials; special value at,.. IOC "Nonpareil" Carbon Paper, size 8x13 inches; $1.50 value. .! 1.19 40c Mocha and Java Coffee 23c Lb. In the grocery department we are offering 20,000 pounds of our celebrated Mocha and Java coffee, Ot .the equal of the best 40c grades. Buy all you want of it at this remarkably low price, the lb,.. .... . Jv 18 pounds of the best dry granulated Sugar, full weight; on sale at this special price, 18 lbs for. . ..$1.00 50-pound sack of our famous "Victor" Flour none better to be had anywhere, at, special, sack...... $1.35 Durkee's Salad pressing, small 10e, medium SOo, large........ 454 I 'package Jell-Oor . . .T. . . .25 Red Ribbon Succotash, 2 for 254 Malta Vita, t package for ...25 1-pound 'can Ghlrardelll's Ground Chooolata ....354 1 -pound can Baker' Unsweetened Chocolate .......40 C. A B. Olive Oil. quarts .....704 Fig Prune or Foaturn Cereal . .204 Blu Label Catsup 204 t cans Carnation Cream .... .254 S-pound can Cbopteck Sliced Pine apple 154 2 1-pound cans Shrimps ......254 Franco-Americas Soupa, pints 204 Franco-American Soupa, tt-pts.l04 Victor Baking Powder (none Bet ter), pound Grape-Nuta, 1 ' 'it 5 McClaranra. Chaeaa. t for 2K4 Helm' Cataup, bottle 204 rhona, Szoliaage 4. I nackaa-ea for 1 -pound Jar Sliced Beef Washington Tooth Picks, strict ly high grade; hard polished wood; on sale at, per box. ,f Nineta Riz Powder, a pure face powaer, in an iinisj special value at, box. Mayer's Medicated Toilet Soaps, imcsi Dcyona question; reg. 40c val.; box 3 cakes,JC 15c Horn Pocket Combs at 94 Fancy Paper Napkins, best reg, 35c value; finest tissue, scal-Q lop borders; special at C Blanket Sole 1 nrYi u:A Cotton Blankets, great (P A fx special value at, pair, y 1411 1,000 pairs of lisht array Blank ets, full siae, colored 0 AC borders; $4 vals., pair . PJt9 500 pairs of Oregon gray mot' tied Blankets the best (If A $6 vals. at, pair JJ1U 500 pairs white Wool Blankets, fancy borders, KM (J Ar size; reg. $5.50 vals. . . y 500 pairs 11-4 Oregon white wool Blankets, with pink and blue borders; best reg. 0ff Oil $7 values, pair vJOi7 200 pairs of extra heavy full size white Wool Blankets with fan cy borders; best reS-(CQC $8 .values at, pair '. $JVD 200 pairs white Wool Blankets, size 78x86 inches, reg. (Q PA $10 values, the pair . . . PO.JU $4.50 Comfort ers Only $3.39 Oreat sDecial lot of 1.000 high- grade Comforters, extra heavy sateen covering, fancy designs and colorings; best white cotton filling; $4.50-value, SlJO OA pair v)a7 Mail orders carefully filled. 50 patterns of Pendle-dJ'7 AA ton Indian Robes, at...ylUU Comforters for Only $1.1? Ea. Great October sale of 1,000 full size Comforters, handsome silk,-oline-covered and filled with white laminated cotton; very best patterns and colorings; the greatest comtortcr- value ot the year, on sale at this 41 T special low price, eachylalf 500 downaline-filled Comforters, covered with extra fine silkoline; dainty light blue and pink de- at this special price.. Values lroni 12 Vi2C to $ 1 at 6c to 52c For tomorroVi selling we announce Sale Extraordinary of Turkish Bath Towels 50,000 of them in all sizes and grades The clean-up of ths largest mill J In the country A Towel Sale of the greatest importance to hotel and boarding-house keepers as well as housewives Twelve immense lots Hemmed and fringed styles White and colored borders All sizes All grades Bath Towels tell ing regularly at prices ranging from 12c to $1.00 each) to be sold tomorrow at the remarkably low price of 6c, 7c, 9c, 12c, 15c, 19c, 31c, 34c, 31c, 34c, 49c and 57c Each Laces and Em broideries 2,000 dosan French VaL Laces and Insertion, IH to 1)4 lnchea wide; very pretty deaigna, values up to 11.25 dosen yards, at this low rrlce, dosen yards $Of ,000 dosan round throad VaL Ibices and Inaartlon, 1 to S Ins. wide; value, up to $1.60, at thla low price, dosen 894 Special lot of real Cluny and Fil let Medalllona, noveltlea for watat trlmminf; beautiful styles, grand bariralns. a. follows: Me vals. a 38e. 85o vals, at 59. Taiiaa. a 9$4 4 Evening Nets and ChlfYoMS 4i-lnch flowered and dotted Chif fon for fancy waists and evening gowns; in aim I flee nt styles and ex ceptional bargains; values up to $1.50 yard, at 59 $2 flowered and dotted Chiffon cn Bale at, the yard 75 2,500 yards plain Nets for walsta; white, cream and colored effects; 45 Inches wide; values up ttujl, for, yard 68e 5.060 yards Swias Nainsook and Cambric Embroidery nd Inser tion; 1 to I Inches wide; best de signs for all purposes; values to 60e vara 1 2.000 vards of Swiss Embroidery and Insertion. 1H to II Inches wide: rearular values up to $1.26 a yard, on sale at, yard ...49 Semi-mads Corset Covers In new designs of embroidery, at follow ing prices: 1.60 values at, eaoh . ga.00 values at, eaoa . tm Special Sale of Women's Undermuslins to omen's fin Nainsook Corset Covers, yoke styles, mad with dusters of lace Insertion, bead ing and ribbon; blouse front; larg-e assortment; S5e-$1 value, at, each 59 Special lot of women's fine Nain sook and Cambrio Chemise and Combination Garments, trimmed In fine torchon and VaL lace; In sertion and edgings, beading and ribbons, made with the new French backs; regular $1.50 to $4 value; bargains at, each.. SI. 69 Special lot of women' hand-embroidered Gowns, made of good quality French percale, high and low-neck atylea. long and short sleeves, beautiful gowns, worth from $5 to tf-60; take your choice at S3.98 Special lot of very fin hand-em broidered chemise and hand-embroidered eyelets, drawn with rib bon; the very best regular $2 val ues at, each ...S1.47 We are Portland agents for the Ooasard "Laoe Front" Corset; also the "La. Grecque" and French Corset for American women. October Sale in . the Basement In the Big Basement Store, sret special ami of 100 Gas Fort able for the dining-room, parlor or library handsome model, quipped with the celebrated "Lindsay" incandescent light. In eluding burner, mantle, (lobe, tubing, dome shade, eta, an ready to connect to the gas Jet. Every home want one. Regular 11.60 values, your choice while tbey last at this low price, ea. 82.69 Fancy metal bowl Parlor Lamps, with center-draft burner; com plete with fancy engraved g-lobe; on sale at. each S3.52 Fancy nickel Chafing Dlabea, 1 pint slse, ebonlsed handles, best model; regular $1 value, on sale at thla low price, each ..S6.99 Sflver-Plated Tea Sets 4-plece quadruple silver - plated Te Sets, assorted design, good quality teapot, sugar bowl, cream pitcher and spoonholder; regular 1S.60 set, at ....(9.95 $5 quadruple-plated Fruit Bowls special at S3.49 $(.60 8-Inch Cut Glass Berry Bowls, each" 84.49 17.60 silver-Dlated Nut Bowls, spe cial, eaoh 85.65 $320 $25.00 "Ostermoor" Mattresses $ 1 6.50 Ea. Continuation of the great Special Sale of "Ostermooy Mat tresses Full size and weight Fancy satin tick covering Every Mattress fully guaranteed The most comfortable as f well as durable Mattress made As an inducement to get more housewives acquainted with the good qualities of the "Ostermoor" Mattress, the manufacturer has supplied us with a carload of the $25.00 number to sell at $16.50 eachGet your share while they last at the low price of $16.50 r:T()iyn:t6pics'; TONIGHT'S AMUSEMENTS. HelUg-. . . . . .TJ .t.'TUttle Johnny Jonea" Marquam. . "Mariana" Baker.."The Girl With the Green Eyes" ...."Uncle Josn morions" "Vaudeville" ........"To Die at Dawn' ...."Slaves of Russia' O. W. P. Carline Empire Brand. . . Lyric..., Star Daks . . . ' After standing IS long- years of abuse from her husband, Mrs., Georua Harris Of 70 North Tenth street, ha at last ought relief from her ' spouse in the police court. Her comprint charged him with using filthy and abusive lan guage toward her. .Harrla yesterday morning was tne picture or numujation And . despair- and when hi wife' was about to testify against him. took her hand as a sign that he would forgive and rorget au. Mrs. -warns was uien wilMng to drop the case and 'give him one more chance." Clerk Mennessy, however, arose - and stated to Judge Cameron the full story of Harris, mis treatment had never, been told, and the court wanted to hear the details. The evidence showed that Wrs. Harris had to keep roomers to support herself, owing to Harris' aversion to labor. Harris, she said, had rubbed soap suds in her 'eyes as ane cent over me wasn- F.W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries for PBINTlj?e First and Oak tub and In othjer way treated her cruelly.' Upon plea of Mr. Harris Judge Cameron dismissed the esse, de claring that Harris would get 60 days the next time he appeared on any court charge. . At 10 o'clock tomorrow morning the exhibition of the superb collection of Klser photographs of Oregon scenery on display at the Portland hotel will close -and the -view will be taken to several Oregon cities to be , displayed before belnar placed on ' show in New York, Boston, Philadelphia and other eastern cmes. ins exmomon nas oeen one of the "most successful ever con ducted In Portland and many thousand of visitors have attended to view the beautiful plctnres. The -display repre sents the work of F. H. Klser ana 1 worth about $40,000. Henry B. Corliss, assisted by Miss Esther Gunther, has been in charge or tn exhibit. Better oltlaeni is what we wantk Stronger men, healthier mothers and happy children. Our bodies consist of what we eat and what we drink. If we eat . poor stuff . ana arink "dope," we sret tf red. weak and life becomes a burden. The right way and the only wav is to use our brains, fiaura out the natural law and follow nature, A sug gestion may be in order, vis.j Eat light food, which is easy to digest, and if you want anything stronger than Bull Run water, then use Golden Oraln Oran uiea cereal coffee, which simply la a food drink,-which even can be given-to the baby. Everybody is talking about It, A profit to the county of $2,341 was earned during the month of September by the county clerk's office, according to 'the resort submitted , to the oountv court this morning by " County v Clerk v ieid. - Tne statement snows mat tne total receipts of the office for Heptem her were 16,851, while the expenses were ss.oos. six years asro. in fcseDtem- ber,. 1901, the expenses of the clerk's of- nce so rar exceeaea tne receipt mat there waa a deficit of 11.456. . The profit earned last 'month exceeded those earned In September, 1906, by aDout. sau.. .... , i i Half of the task of the deputy sher iffs In locating the KhUry family is done. The husband, NaJIb Khury, ! who was wanted for disobeying an order of the County court to pay his wife 130 a month for her support, wa arrested last night by Deputy Sheriff Bulger and lodged l the county Jail. - Khury - had gone to Spokane, but returned to the city., yesterday, , hla attorney having filed a divorce suit against hi wife. The -deputies still have to And Mr. Khury to serve upon her the aummona in the divorce complaint . The contract for rebuilding the east approach of the Burnslde street bridge and redecklng the main structure waa let yesterday afternoon by the county court to Robert Wakefield, who will do I the work for 129,000 and close the Dridge to all traffic for 60 days. By paying about $6,000 more the county oouia nave naa tne d rid re ooen to root passenger all the time, hut It would uiive Dsen ciosea io teams ror 12 aays, or two month longer than will be the case under the contract as let, where an ainaa oi irariio la barred. Suit to condemn a part of the right of way for the proposed railroad from Portland to Mount TTood was filed In the circuit court yesterday afternoon by the jwouni tiooa Kaiiwav & Power com pany against Patrick McDonald and his wife, Margaret. The land in question is a strip 100 feet wide, embracing about four acre. The railway company and McDonald have been unable to agree upon tne vaiue or the right or way, and a Jury will be called in the circuit court to decide the question for them. The unfortunate man who was found In an unconscious condition In the base ment of the New Home lodeina: house. Couch between First and Front streets, last Friday morning and subsequently succumbed to a fracture of the skull, was identified yesterday as Thomas J, Ion, by several persons connected with that organization. Wise was 46 years of age and nothing Is known of his relatives. It has not vet been definitely established now he fell into, the cellar. Columbia river cucumbers will soon rank with the apples and plums raised on her banks. J. H. Bonser ; foday mreurnt in a cucumber raised ty Mrs. Margaret Huston of Vancouver. The vegetable was 12 Inches long. 14 Si Inches In circumference and weighed four nounda and 1 4 ounces. Mr. Bon- sr say he raised a larger one In 1896 which measured 17 inches In length and weighed six pounds. Judge Webster, in the county court this morning, denied the petition of E. H. Hendeo for the removal of Dr. J. Al len Gilbert ns guardian of Maria Hen- dee. The Judee ordered that Mrs. Hendee'a -i relatives and friends be allowed as much liberty to visit her aa they desired and directed that aba re main In the care of Dr. Gilbert for the present. Sunday the new schedule In prices for seats at the cheaper theatres wlU go Into effect. r The raise which amounts to about 10 cents b seat will affect three theatres f the Lyric, the Star and' the Empire. A meeting of the managers of the houses affected was held yesterday afternoon "and It was decided to raise the prices at jonce. j Atanas Tomeff Is charged 1 ft the Jus tice court: with assault and battery. Bill winlr t ih unmnlalnlnar witness. To meff was placed under ISO ball which he gave after spending a few hours in the . county JaU The two me were laborers on the bridge being built across the Willamette river near tit. jonns oy the Portland Seattle railroad. Charging that her husband falsely accused her of infidelity, Mrs. Stella Fostrom has filed a suit in the circuit court for divorce from Fred Fostrom. She says her husband charged her with lovlnar Ole Sorenson. They were mar ried February 11, 1907. Attorneys How ard and Mccurtain appear for Mrs. fos trom. - - 'Stephen Lee, for many years night watchman at the courthouse, died at hla home last nlsrht after an illness ex tending over several weeka Lee was a veteran of the civil war. and his long years of service at the county building earned' him a large list ' of friends among, prominent people of the county. If suggestions for a slogan for East Portland Is in order and they want everybody to talk about It, something tnat win oe in everyoooy s mourn mis winter: in fact, be the talk of the town. judging from the general outlook, then maxe tne slogan: we orinit uoiaen Grain Granules." The capital stock of the Dougherty Flthian Shoe company has been in creased from $160,000 to $250,000 by a resolution adopted by the board of di rectors, A certificate announcing the increase was filed in the offlcfc of the county clerk this morning, by O. H. Flthian. F. J. Haines, 170 Third street. Import. er of coffees, teas, etc, and who also carries a fine line of crockery and glass ware, sells only one kind of cereal cof- ree. He is particular aooui quality; it must be pure and he sells the Golden Grain Granules, tne run weight cereal coffee. Albert Brlttln of Chicago and Mrs Louise English of this city were mar ried last night at the home of Dr. Isabella Mackie. in the presence of Im mediate friends. Dr. Bhloom and Mrs. Mackie accompanied the bridal couple. Mr. and Mrs. BrlttlK will make their home in cmcago. .. . U, Mayer & Co Importers of high- grade groceries, 148 Third street, carry np article in their store, which is not of the highest quality and purity. That is the - reason why they st-11 Golden Grain Granules, the 100 per cent pure cereal coffeeKfor children, women and men. . .:;fi :ir East' Portland, Albiha and all living on the east aide- ot the river- unite on one issue. See "Explanation" in Jour nal Friday' October 6. , - , At St. Johns they have a fine coffee and tea store, owned by Mr. Frank Tay lor. ,Th people of St. Johns have re fined taste, lots of advanced people live there, and that Is the reason for Mr. Taylor's big sale of Golden Grain Gran ules. Children, too, love this cereal coffee. The women of the congregation of the White Temple will banquet the $00 male members of the congregation at the church this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. John M. Dean of Seattle will de liver the address of the evening. Be fore Jthe banquet a reception will be held in tne partors or tne cnurco. Alfred Et Wheelock and Edward D. Williams, have opened office in the Marauam building where they will en gage in the practice of law. They were admitted to tne Dar last spring arier graduating from the law department of the University or Oregon. Commencing Friday, October 4, 107, the Vancouver; Woodlawn, Alberta, Russell-Shaver and Broadway cars, will cross the river westerly over the Burn- side brldse. and easterly over the Steel bridge until further notice, owing to tracic repairs on union avenue. Articles of Incorporation of the Kern Park christian church were filed in the office of the county clerk this morning by H. E. Hall. L. W. Phelps and W. W. Jackson. The property now owned by the cnurcn is estimated at iovv. Articles of incorporation of the J. A. Clemenson Drug company were flled in the office of the county clerk this morn Ing by J. A. Clemenson, Herbert 8. Cof fin and J w. uonin, vjapuai siocs, iu, 000. Mr. and Mrs. Horace TUlard Jones, HJ Tkl.J .Ah rA an ioiclng In the birth of an eight-pound boy. Mr. Jones is a special agent in the federal general land office. nr. M n kl. p.n.ll nn m Im prices on work harnesa, also buggy har- North Sixth street, between Couch and uavis. Th Wpntorn Imnortina com nan v are now open for business in their .new in.. Mnrrianrt. Mnrniiam hnllninv. with an exquisite collection of Chinese and Japanese goods. r" Waahminl artA r landinn. flbll V it. eept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 2 p. m- Second hand office desks, chairs and rugs for sale cheap. Cohn Broa. 180 First street. Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone, East 719; B-100T. bin TT KIAa Athlstln 1,iK hold-a reception Monday -evening at the olub rooms, corner East Morrison and Grand avenue, from i:io to 11 p. m., when a concert program will be given in tne nau, ana atnieuo zeature ana swimmuig event wiu oe riven. Prof, E. A. Smith has removed music studio to 3BS Twelfth, corner of Colum bia. Woman's Exchange, 111 Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to S; business men's lunch. . Diamonds, Watches Beck's, 101 Alder. Goodman's for watches. 111 Morrison. D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh. ' Goodman's for diamonds, 111 Mor. Bark Tonio for rheumatism. TEACK TO CONNECT houlton-st; helms St Helens, Or., Oct I At a meeting of the Houlton-St. Helens Commercial club held in the courthouse last evening the contract was given for the publica tion of several thousand descriptive pamphlets. A committee of two men from each town was selected to raise funds for building a new walk between Houlton and St Helens and it was decided that the walk should be of crushed rock. Duv Western Exploration & Dredging company. 211 Couch building, now and make u per cent in iour aays. Ous Broncell Loses Arm. (Soeeial Dispatch to The Joarnal.l Boise. Ida. Oct 1. Gus Brunsell while endeavoring to board a train on the Short Line near Orchard fell un der the wheels and lost an arm lust below the elbow. He was brought to a Boise hospital where an - operation waa performed. He had been working at urcnara lor some urae. - , """. m XLexnoral Hotioe. Mason. Ehrman& Co. are now loeated In their new Quarters, Fifth and Everett streets. . - - -r Painless Dentistry Tou need have no fear of the den tal chair If you come to our office. Our scientific method of absolutely painless dentistry are at your v dis posal without paying as much aa you have been in the habit of paying for lnienor wort Bridge Work, per tooth uoia finings, up rrom ::::::ttj8 Silver Fillings, up from in it ss Extraction. tin Plates, up from...,.........lt5.6o A guarantee for 10 Tsarg with all work. Lady; attendant. Enamel Fillings, up from....! gold or Borceialn rainiess tux LILY DENTAL CO. VXSMD A3TO OOVOS mUBBTS." Open evening until S and Sunday nul 1 p. m. Soma rhoaa A10IS. ' Faelao states rhoas Xaolfle USX - SIGNS THAT JtJIB BUSINESS GETTERS If it's a new sign that Is wanted, phone , , r 4'acinc j.o. v . Elmer J. Wallace 827 Stark Street, Bet. Stn and Tth. TEACHES Or YIOUCS AJTD VIOtA EMIL THIELIiOUn TUPIL OF 6EVCIK 334 Pine tt, Phone Pscii'j f'X ' A NICOLA JKiag of. CcfTcci I b oimq4 two PoimJ tl . DO YOU WANT A 9 BAHQAIN 1 - 80 slightly damaged sowing mnrhip at very low prices; fr'inwer, Mi.--i-r Wilson, Domestle, Wiiue, Iioux. -no. Davis and there; to muke room "' stock. Wheeler tvi!in anJ twi , , . . a. g. sz i ju, - S3S itonteoa i-faww f-- ; rhoae pci2o r