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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 2. 1007. iJ-U-i L. First- Cla 55 Dining" , Service . ; r.t . T ... 1 "Every" Modern ; Accbm-; modotion 1 mm m n car,,. The Economical i Tho Stove Stands at the head of the class' in the school for the higher development of stove perfection. People have their own 'j reasons for preferring the "Eclipse - but there are , several "reasons that stand out prominently in the prefer ence , of every ' person . WHEREIN THE "ECLIPSE" EXCELSFACTS . RELATIVE TO-ECONOMY: It is "strictly air-tight. Separate air chamber. Cannot smoke. Aorerits for the Largestand Best Fqrni ture House in Oregon' V: C Y?.. lAVM UMJ I --Tflm. WVvZ-- X v ..... - . ; iv. ' i .. . . .. y r s rxx V$ & U ( ) "Eclipse" Jleater of Cholci Heavy steel body! Cast-Iron bgdy top and main front. Cast-iron lining encircling entire in side of body, protecting steel from fire. The most .important features of 'other stoves are Jutthe minor ele-i . mentsof the "Eclipse. Shipped anywhere and sold on our original terms of $1.00 a week. v;s V Prices $10.00 and upwards. Twenty styles.' ; - . . , t Famous Eclipse" Ran ffe and G OO D. Going to the land of contentment. There's another train leaves in fifteen minutes. It stops at every home i along the way. There's an "Eclipse0 right-of-wayfrom ocean to ocean controlled by the people-whose stock is protected and guaranteed for fifteen years, and consists of one "Eclipse" Range There are 15,000 shares held in Portland 15,000 homes where "Eclipse" Ranges are working, and you couldn't buy one of those shares for love nor money. There's an "Eclipse" mail trajnplls in twice a day and from now until November 1 our little mail clerk will be swamped with "Eclipse" contest entries. Some day we're gdlng to introduce our score of little workers to our patrons. x , ' ' . ' " Now a few-words regarding the contest. Write us a little letter upon the "Eclipse" Range. Give us your particular reason or reasons for your preference of 'the "Eclipse" above all other makes of Ranges. Then send this letter to I. Gevurtz & Sons' "Eclipse" Prize Contest, Portland, Or. ' On the last day of this month these letters will all be bundled together and sent to the "Eclipse" Stove Company of Mansfield, Ohio, makers of the great "Eclipse" Range and Heater, who will pass judgment on the letters. Then these three prizes will be given out by us: First Prize-Our Geviirtz Specal -""6 uioviiuiv, $25.00.! Mi X The There's a bit of sympathy aroused within us at the small talk of certain Range dealers. They cannot ; help saying what they do, for they're driv en to it through sheer desperation. JNo their Range won't do, so say the great majority of people. Eveiy day we hear something of this sort, as the lady; impatiently stamps her foot "I've been all over town looking at Ranges and no they simply won't do" or "yes, show me what you have but there is little use for I've been all over town and haven't found a Range that suits mel"but, ah! the sudden settlement in the nettled dis 11 IU (iDOP F URN ITU RE DEALERS rim ' ALL ABOARD Second Prize A popular -the $60 eye Mv,e,arge in si eye Maple large in size -1 1 -V . x x rv svu w cunipicic iu appumiiacni. $20 desk. Contest Open to Everybody. Prizes Great "Eclipse" Ranges I.OO A WBBK position when the lady sees the "Eclipse." "Eclipse" Ranges are fa vored everywhere but nowhere are they more popular than right here in Portland where 15,000 of them work in satisfied harmony. "Eclipse," the world's best. Guar anteed for fifteen years with fifteen distinct improvements over its near est competitor. SIX OF THE FIFTEEN REA SONSWHY IT SHOULD BE AN "ECLIPSE" ' A Quicker baking with small con sumption of fuel. Heater. Every.One Warranted VII Ma. Excursion Rat et Including Xvcry Privilege; 51.00 -1 beauti - and LandscapeFpaint.' and a n. ings, valued at $15. v , - ? - ' ' ' 1 .4'. -i, "'..'.;4 i Hay Be Seen at the Store Simplicity of management no complicated flues or: dampers. ' - i Sliding damper which admits v of. perfect control over oven, : Broiler ratchet, an unrivaled con venience for broiling or toasting over coals. . - ; , V. Front grate, which admits of per fect and complete draft upon entire length of. fire, . v - -, " Scientifically : proportioned oven, which guarantees thorough and rapid -baking. THIS t$ THE MAIN SE- j CRET OF ITS SUCCESS. Be sure . to investigate this feature, . ' ; - Lclipse Kcat N ersand Rnnc: Arc Ship A ii v Mi ii h :- ,i vni l 1 Si 'A