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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1907)
i f THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 2, 1007. hi UNITED RAILROAD BOOKS vmiu STATES ;enaic.1v 15 FROM SOUTH CAHOLINA PRAISES PE-KU-NA. . ARE PRODUCED IN COURT .. e ' t ,.,",. ?: 1 . ,, i i in i . i ii i i'-fr. !'.:! i .i-;'' Court's Orders Complied ;vitti,lii oiTirey L. FordIIcney Became Exasperated nTieii; J Traction; Cashier Failed to Tell VJiat lie Knew. h .:.' ; v.v . 1 , -i- f 'i ' ' SSSV' ''''' .. . . v j ,. -.-'?-:V.Y. . -,:'- y" '' 1- ; I . ' I - 'I -X 4 v I.. v." V ' ' IE 'r. xi&l C i ' ... ' (United PrM Leasee Wirt.) . Ren , JTranr.lurn Ocf lnmnlv1n . with tha court's nrilnri th Ivuiki nf 'r the United Railroads were, produced in ' court, this mornlnj when the trial of Tlrey-L. Ford wat resumed. ;(N v j: r ; The flratwitnesa. Secretary Wilcutt. c y W called. Wilcutt was followed by , an office boy bearing a huae stack of V '' . tha corporation' boo Ice. , Proaecutor He- , ( ney did iot immediately deive Into tha booka, but-began by ahowlnr that many . .'of the directors of the railroad company i ' r have nof been attending; to the dlreo- , -non or tne company and have been, out , 01 me atata ror some time, i' ..- Bank Aooonnte JBaamlned- , ff Tha banW accounta of tha corporation were next (tone I a to. Wilcutt .autln . 4 inai ine company a accounta baa been ' ; kept in the Welle-Fariro National bank - ana wun trie Mercantile Truat company, Wilcutt denied haying any knowledge ., k or me targe auma or money that baa v v been tyhnnf erred from New fork -to ' 'the mint and placed to tha account 'of . Tnomwail Mullally, Kvery question In regard to. tha booka waa 'objected ; to y Attorney Kogra. . .. . .: t." S : .Clark Wai Jtaw'riwt'v, V, : H then aakedvfor tha accounta' in , which' the money would have been en tered had it been entered at til A a . clerk named Bowlen had made tha en i trlea for April and May. 10, at the tlma tha money waa aent here from lha eaat He had been dlacharged In "the ' latter part of last year and wilcutt r waa unable to tell ef hla whereabout! 1 at tha nraaant tlma ' The fou ma I from which tha antrlea . T: were made waa then produced and ln- , apecten by Heney. . Tha Journal alao t ahowed that no entry of tha money bad . own maae. - A. II. Dnhler, caehler of the United " Railroads, win tha next witness.- -- -"Did Mullally turn over fJ.OOO to you 1 abortly after tha f Ira TV : -; ' w V "Tea." , -K - sahler a Memory Set aotlya, v Dahler'a memory waa defective. He ' recovered -later, and Proaecutor Haney ' Inquired if he had any memoranda.' It I developed that tha antrlea had' been made' Id tha cash book, which had been aent to New Tork lat Norember after tlie grand jury had begun Ita Inveat'lga tlon. Dahler could not tell the amount of money nor the alie of the aacka. lie could not even tell what ha had dona i with th Mrtnaw tha V. mA imii - - - ....... , n iimu . v w . . To every queatloa aHked tha wltneaa had we one unramng reply; , , . v"Ivdon't remember.'4 ' Seaey Became Xxaaperated. , "WelL'whcM did voir gat the money to pay your men with?:' exaaperated at inn lauura 01 fie wuneaa to. cell woai he knew.,,. , -. : : Attorney ftogera v' here ' Interrupted and admitted that the 180,000 received from tha mint had been uaed to pay off the men, lie alao promised to aea if the money received by Mullally hud been deposited In tha weaa-Fargo National bank. ; ,:.; "f : . - "Did you ever receive $ BO, 009 from TlreyI Ford after tha fire in curt renryr . .. ; "So. 1r. -:! i' - ' "i "Did you later recalva HOO.OOOr 'No,-air.M' ' " ' . "' "Did you aver recelva tlAA AAA , from Ford or anvone i else In cumncv at mini oenomintuontr . ' ... "Mrt. mlr" . , ..-'J'.. . Take the wltneaa."' ennoluAiul Hm tzi itffio vi aaiiaxaciron. . i . ianier waa excused ' without croaa examination.' i - .. v. - 8osa maaPa lister am Jtand. ', "Call Mlaa Ruef." 1 v A murmuf arose ' from which - cauaed the bailiffs to call tha crowd a ' call for oroer. . . Ton are the sliter of A Ruef and have been doing hla etenographlc work ior wti hi yearn r Tha application of tha United Rail roads for a franchise waa ahnwn to hr and aha waa asked if aha had typewrit' ion iwi-,1' . , i 2No. air." - - ' 4 Evar aea It before V' JNot till yoatardar whan au ahnwad i. . . - - - .. "That'a all." declared Hanevaji4 At torney Rogers motioned for her to leave ine cnair. wnicn ana did and immediate ly leit lite courtroom. TAFT-GORTELYOU CWSIIOII President Koosevelt Advised Latter's lieutenants Are-.- Too Industrious. . (Cnltad fraaa Leased Wire.) . r; Washington, Oct. 1. Fresh ' reports , of a cIhiiTi between the Taft and Cortei , you presidential ambitlona are afloat t They emanate thla time from Canton, ' where it is aald Arthur I. Voorlea, See 'f retary Taft'l manager, had a long con- erence i.WJth ..Preaidtint, Roosevelt .a,ad made it clear to mm that tha Taft men did not like? the -political behavior", of Secretary CorfelyoU and hia'lleutenanta. Especially was K made plain that tha friendliness ah own to Cortelyou by the eighth Virginia district waa dlataateful . to the Taft men, aa waa alao Flrat As alatant Postmaster General Hltchoock'a activity In the south and tha constant rumors that Cortelyou waa laying plana . to bag tha New York delegation. Voorlea -is aaid to have urged on the . president the need for a better understanding among the Roosevelt men. . . CLINK OF COINS. (Continued from Page One.) CANADA IMS IIS PUWOOD woTernmenti .Requested to Stop'liidiscrijninate Ei rportation of ITaterial (pedal Dispatch te n Jesraal) Ottawa, Oct.". J.The government ; la taking Into consideration tha question of the exportation of pulpwood, and it la expected that at tha next aesalon of nar. llament a meaaure putting a atop to tha sale of such' wood toutaide tha countrv Jxf pitted .Tha matter haa been forced upon tha attention ot tha admin. letfatlon' jpwing to tha tremendous in roads 'that have been made udou the pulpwood reaourcea of the country in re cent years. The drain for both tha hnn. manufacturer and for the foreign mar ?uL hM . become ao great as to alarm those who are thorough) v aiiu i. situation, it it should continue on ita preeent scale It will be a serious matter In tha near future. The government haa been urged from man v ouirt to v. action to prevent the absolute decline of a.iij uuiiiwiiuii rflNMirrM a nsi iaa ywm. vlnced that something ought to be done, at F a That m i I 4 am a j t . It ia understood that the state of af iairs la somewhat anaJamna tn th.t which prevailed in Ontario when the un restricted exportation of -cine loaa waa porniltted. -At that time the pine waa V v Cx-Seiutor M. C Butler. , yapepela la Oft an Oauaed aty Oa arrk of tha. Itoinach eruui JteUerea OatarrlT of th Ctomaoli and la Thare- fors a Bemedy for Dyspepsia. Hon. M. C. Butler, U. 8.' Senator from South Carolina for two terms In a latter from Washington, JX C. wrltea to - tha Peruna Medicine Co. aa follow:;,' "" - "1 caa reootamend Varu for dya pepsia' aa4 atomach trouble. , X have beam aalna; you medicine for a ahort period and Z feel - vary aanok re lieved. : It la ladaed a woaderful medio Ine, beaidee a food toxde." CATARRH of the stomach la the cor ract name for moat cases of dys- pepnla. ' Onjy an;-' Internal ' catarrh remedy,' euch as Peruna, la available. Peruna Tablets can now be procured REALTY DEALERS FORM EXCHANGE Newt Organization Comes to Life at Board's Annual Banquet. WILL BOOST FOR" : STREET PAVEMENT Members abd Out of Town Gnestg , Review - City's AcconipIlshinentB Dnrlna; Past Year Portland to Be Greatest City in" Northwest. talned all hla former dealers and op- .'T,?2ln,t"un.manufaredBUte, orators. Vo "Direct Bvldenoa." When the agitation waa first begun to close tha gambling ' house Sheriff Beat tie explained that he couldn't act without "direct evidence. matrict At torney Hedges, whose brother, 'State Senator Hedges, is attorney for tha Mil waukle club, also declared that ha could do nothing without evidence. Former Sheriff Tom Word of Mult nomah county who closed gambliag in Portland in Just one hour, declares that direct evidence, ia merely an excuse- that common reputation la enough to warrant closing such a resort. The decent residents of Milwaukie are Up in arms over the reopening of the club, although the city government aa before is in favor of allowing the hell to operate freely. Mayor Schlndler of Milwaukie who built tha clubhouse, baa aaid that it is a benefit to the town as It pays si big license,, for gambling and I he" liquor selling. 1. New IJarracks at Ft, Stevens. (Special Dtopatcb to The JouraiL) and tha-danger of the complete atri Ping of tha province was Imminent. Tl leoerat government tried to correct the uuuuio comDUinta ' OI Dt Min ns an export duty, on logs. But thla move ment - was not aifipaninn- iwjt. iirumuiuon 01 ine exportation of loi waa therefore determined- nnn an A tl result haa been satisfactory in that dt una coanervea ine lntereata nr rmi. dlans. The pulpwood situation ia very similar to that which prevailed in the cm oi logs, ana it is rirmly believed that tho remedy which waa applied to tha one oroblem with aunti ought to be applied to the other. That inn government is auve to the necaa- Bltv for. action la well knnnrn an th.t ii. wiu yrupime legislation at the comlni session is conceded. In anticipation iiio now mw uis puip iraae wiu shortly meet to discuss the mat tar nii tn al yoo- tuo govarnment. . - MURDERED MAN. j (Continued from Page Onej Astoria, ur uct. z. The auartermas-1 nnw tt t. ,v. . 8dt'mhet 'Z aS- Borah and brought Steunenberrp ceived orders from ' the department In Washington tnat plana nave been ap proved ror ine construction ;oi a Dar racka at Fort Stevena. to accommodate 109 men. The Quality of tea depends on soil. ciimaie, cultivation. Folder's Golden Gate ' Teas . ' Cerlon ' JPn Oolong , English Breakfast Gun powdeia BlacR (EX -, Green are selected and blended' by tea experts. Packed flavor-tight in dust proof cartons, i v. " : ,f , v . J. A. FOLCERfc CO. SAN FRANCISCO - - - . Importars . of Pure - Taaa m (jeidenGjt, Q. jYou know Orchard? : r A.'':sTes,. sir...r- -. ". " Q. 1 HOW Ions- have VOll haan an. qualnted with Mm? a. Five or six years." ' r j w wu v pc uijrun ai ine ume A. JNOl a SOUl. - w -.! Q, Nor. hear anyone? i. A. No, air. . . u. Aa vou went noma, rtirt vAti . along the street by RoraigV place when UUU1Q IHBl Illglltr . - - A. I came nn a Kit la Aitfarvnt. tv.. t usually do. I came up by Wisdom's drug store and then on down to Third, and then on down by Castle'a and over across jn front of Komlg's house, and pien on home different than I ordinarily go. I-usually go down Fourth atreot. At "the-time I didn't think about this fellow when I was going home. I just happened to go that wav. Of enntu r have heard soma things lately in re gard to this. It has baen .renortod aa you know well.! have had a chance to close tha gambling up here. I mean the state ia interested. Tou know how it Is. in the rest of the state. Many talked to me about this thing, but I mm i tin iik , mere was - x anvDoav rnn. nected with it. (probably thty gamblers) who would do anything.. Still, ther are individuals that are Dreitv radical 1 mi ranky. '."?. " t :?-'- ,.'. Q. -That oa neraon that you ? saw down there is the only one that you WILL BE OBSERVED inDltaS 'Praaa TMul . Wii-a t '".'' Paris. Ortnhpi. S Ona nt !. .,...1 v cqviuiminiuKt )iiBittFmmv--an appar ently moocleaa JunltArwwlIl it,. neased1 tomorrow evening bv a n,r( r.r 'qiivu vurvmn nuw. in Anaia. OT tnat lurpoae. At ordinary' times four satel ites are visible through a, telxaxnna for 10 minutes tomorrow evening all will Vanish., three belne- behind tha and one In front. It is believed the this will afford an exceptional, occasion ; For the third tlma this year tha Port land Realty board met last night in tha banquet hall of Richard's hotel and en Joyed an excellent dinner, listened to several stirring speeches from both members of the organisation and Invited guests and closed the evening by or ganising the Portland; Seal Estate ex change. , 'Vr Following tha serving of coffee and cigars, J. O. Rountree, chairman of the banquet committee, introduced W. H. Moore, president of tho board, as toast master of the even In r. Mr. Moore entrt. I plimettted tha organisation on the prog ress- ii , naa- maoe, ana declared tnat much Of tha material nroarresa that Portland ia now enjoying can be direct ly traced to the enararv and aacacltv of the city's real estate dealers. i ' Manal&r rnlaea Work, Ha then, r Allad unnn Tllstrlct Attnrnav John Manning, -one- of the guests of honor, who paid a high tribute to the splendid body of. men that compose the realty board. "Almost every new man ufacturing enterprise, many, of the handsome business blocks nut ud In tha past .two years and a majority of the new mercantile establishments in Port land are due-to 4he untiring efforts of soma one of the city's realty deal era," declared Mr. Manning. He compli mented the board upon the personality of ita president, saying. "W. H. Moore has proved his worth and deserves the rrespect of very resident of this city, i wnen misfortune recently Dereu mm in f tha closing of his hank, he turned over to tn receiver nis private roriune, tnus manifesting a spirit of honesty and In tegrity rarely met with." Mr. Manning's praise of Mr. Moore was heartily andauded as were several similar references made by other speak ers. -ii "Ho More Than Expected." L. . I. Doan.; of , San Francisco, who was formerly a Portland architect, was called upon and responded in a iiappy j vein. "Portland," said he, "has done no more than I expected of It when I left here eight years ago. Had It done leas, I would have been disaoDointed. It haa become great city and is destined to attain a much larger growth. It Is the one natural site on the north Pacific coast for a splendid city." Following the addresses, the question of establishing a real estate exchange came up for discussion. When it was - The phenomena can be Witnessed only 'In Asia. and Australia,? -jT:, flnaly moved to establlsn the exchange, it carried unanimously. M. O. Griffin, E. 8. Jackson, Frank Slnnott and A. F. Swenson were named as a committee to work but the details connected with the establishment and organisation of the exchange. The suggestion waa made by E. J. Daly .that the committee cor- reapona with otner coast, ciues ana as certain the manner In which these ex changes are conducted. The board pledged itself to work for rerorm in street paving. A number of short speeches were made bv members of the board express ing confidence in a good realty market throughout the fall ana coming winter. M'CASKEY RETIRED; 1 DUVALL SUCCEEDS (United Preas Leased Wlra.t Washington, Oct. I. General William P. Puvall waa today appointed a major-general" in the army.T Vice General McCaskey retired. y'"Wvr- - k m m a BOYS WE ARE GIVING AWAY FOOTBALL PANTS and INGERSOLL GUARANTEED WATCHES With All Boys Suits and Overcoats This Week YOU KNOW WE HAVE THE FINEST JUVENILE DEPARTMENT ON THE COAST ',' BEN SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER SELECT YOUR COAT, SUIT, SWRT, f fc From the Largest Stock on the Coast COATS In Broadcloth and Fancy Mix tures, $12.50 Values, Thursday only 1 $7.7S Priestley Craenettes, Regular $12.50 Values $7.95 Silk Raincoats Regular $25.00 Values, Thurs day Special at S7.9S SUITS In Black Broadcloth and Fancy Mixtures, $15.00 Values, Thursday ' $9.75 UMBRELLAS Regular $2 Values, Thursday $1.45 p ACHESON CO. FIFTH AND ALDER; Wholesale and . Retail , Mexican Mustang Liniment Goea qalokly to tha vary vara of tha dlaaaaa and toi tha saoat daap-sart, axervoiatlag palm almaat Inatantly. , D'Annunzlo Marrlea. ' (United Pr- Laaa4 Wlr. .. . ; New York, Oct. S. The 'Church of tha Holy Cross will, ba tha scene of a notable , wedding, thla , evening; when Antonio D'Annunilo. a brothetv of the noted Italian nlavwiieht and . author. tabr.ial D'Aoaunalo. , will taka" m - him lleadcan Mustang'Xiniment Cstm a vary aahaieai of ataa) ar Beaut : tlurtaigooayiiBOBot Itntaaant aaaoaa-o. WoaoaOBooaT. - ' bride, Mlaa Adele DAnnuna1e, daughter of Mra. PhUomeno . D'Annunilo of Abruaao, Italy. A number of gneata from Italy are here for . tha wedding. Tha ceremony at the church will be followed by a large recention at tha home of Mr. p-Annuiialo In West Forty- THERE'S A i LITTLE B AN K in evejy diamond you buy oE us.: Diamonds are still: rapidly increasing in value and are now worth more than double the price of like quality and.size in 19Q0.r They are going to "be worth much more, and we advise our natrons tn BUY NOW. W ti attractive pargains to otter at present in pure white perfect diamonds in pop;:!.ir sizes. For the month of October;we are showing specially: mounted diamond for ladies and gentlemen and are; offering extra inducements to customers, A look at our assortment-costs you nothing. WE INVITE YOU TO COr.Ii: Diamond Merchants 'and Silversmith LEFEERTS Jewelers Opt.c: - i 272: WASHINGTON STREET, NBAR FOURTH STREET ,5, ;.4 a. "t:'.":.'..?. ' i ?