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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1907)
1 THE OREGON DAILT JOURNAU PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 2, 1807. I ' 4 LOVE FEAST OVER ROOT President Diaz of Mexico in Presence of Every High Official of 3exican Gov ernment Recognized Valne of American Secretary. (Uslt-4 PrM It4 Wire.) , , Mexico Cltr. Oct. 2. The meeting ' yesterday betwe.-n President Diss of . Mexico nd Secretory Root, which took place In the presence of all of the high officials of the Mexican government, de veloped Into a love feast. In which the '' moat cordial sentiments were voiced by Secretary Root expressed his delight at meeting personally the man whom he considered directly responsible for prom lnence among the Latin-American na tloas. -He also declared- that he hoped : tot a "continuance of the present cordial relations between the two nations. . President Dies. In reply, declared that all .Mexicans recognise the value of the American secretary of state's efforts to bring about a better understanding be tween the United states and ail juin American countries. - In the evening a splendid banquet of a tale waa tendered act. Hoot. Xeadaekes and VeuieJgla JTrom Golds. . Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world wide cold and grip remedy, removes cause. Call fori full name. Look for signature jhl W. prove. 15e. 7 btiGS LOSE TEAIL. (Continued from Page One.) too late to catch It It waa their evl ( dent intention of getting on this train. ' A hackman who waa at the station veri fied this report, and said that he noticed the- men running and that after the train pulled out the men halted and then walked away and disappeared in the . - darkness, tie could not get a very good description or tnera. Air of Zxcltement, There la a strange air of solemn de termination -about Baker today. It - broods ill for the men who murdered . Harvey K. Brown; should the assassins com within reach of the Baker people. The feeling of horror and Intense anger ' over the cowardly killing of a popular , ' man has increased rather than de creased, as the facts In the case bare become history. Urown fought the ' gamblers and saloonmea, but It Is sure that these ' elements made no combined effort to do . him harm; In fact he had many friends : among the liquor deajers who rather - admired him for his stand. Some per sons think, like Swain, however, that It might have been poaatble that several ; of the tough - charactera of the city . . plotted to kill him after the fashion of -. : ine murder of Bteunennerg . and that . they were carried away by a spirit of hatred engendered by the active fight erown nas always maae lor rignu ' ;.,' Mrs. Brown Prostrated. Mrs. Brown 4s in a very precarious condition, Thp shock' has , completely unnerved her And the family nhvslcian t will not- allow s any , bat. -heiv., most! Intimate friends to visit her. Mrs.) . urown, it is said, nrmiy believes that .. ner nusDana was marked for death by the Western Federation and . she does ' not put entire faith In Swain's theory . , although she has the greatest respect : ivr ner nusoana s oia . iriena ana Has : conridence in bis good Judgment. j Governor Chamberlain has been com 'a municated with but as he Is on a trip , . ran is noi mougm utt me message " will reach him before tonight It is ' the Intention of the authorities to ask , ior a large reward ror me capture or , the culprits." , J Brown told several of his friends when, he waa On his way to the Salem fair a few weeks ago that he was afraid .... that something was going to happen to :. him. He was reticent about whom he ' suspected, but It Is known that he was . quietly working on a case and that he , expeoted to make some disclosures be fore long. Whether these disclosures 'were to have referred to links in the . ' evidence ; in the Steunenberg case or .. whether the ex-sherlf f had gained ln : formation concerning men here in Baker who have fought film- politically and i otherwise, cannot be surmised. Brown '.- did not talk hutch about hla affairs and ' was given to making Indirect answers : i to questions In ! the matter of some that were calculated to throw one off- the track. FOR HER Convicted 3fayor Schniitz of San Francisco for Nine Years Has Failed to Sup port Aged Parent and El derly Maiden Sister. cms mn in (PiHflc Coeit Prett tsts-d Wire.) San Francisco, Oct. 2 For the past nine years Eugene E. Schmlts, former mayor of San Francisco, now In the county jail awaiting transportation to San Quentln for extortion, tias not con tributed to the support of his mother and sister, who have been 'living. In humble fashion in a one-story cottage, supported by Herbert I Schmlts. the brother of the convicted ' sx-mayor, while the latter had been living In his sumptuous horns, traveling abroad and otherwise living a life of luxury. UP to ine lime or nis conviction. ' Thse facts were bought out In sworn testimony by Herbert Krhmlts Purina supplementary proceedings brought in behalf of Charles D. Tnylor, who se cured a juagmenc ror 12,70 damages and 141.76 costs from a lurv for In juries sustained by railing through s defective sidewalk. Herbert Schmlts, Marsden Man ion, T. P. Woodward and Michael Casey, together with their sureties, were the defendants, they con stituting the old board of public works. wnicn waa neia resDonsinia ror ma ao Cldent Taylor .has found difficult In aertlno- hla money. Schmlts was haled before a special commissioner on an order of ex amination. It was to the commissioner mat ne waa rorced to admit that h a brother. Eugene, had done nothing for nis aged mother and middle-aged slater, oui give mem an occasional little pres ent of some sort MANDELA? TO TESTIFY (Continued from Page One.) GENERAL M'CASKEY . RETIRES FROM ARMY ferent times without objection from the district attorney OI hla associates, a nil sent him back to questions at issue. ve do not object to McOarry's eourse," interposed Bert Haney, deputy district attorney, when the court stopped tns attorney ror the defense, "let him go ahead. He will hang hlm aelf if we let him have tlme. The court, however, held the attorney within seeing distance of the lines of material evidence. . This afternoon if Is expected that the state will pot I I Mandelay, Janitor Drsw.iC if. Habyl. A. N. Wills. Dr. W, R.. Anderson, and perhaps T. C. Devlin on the stand. The defense haa a Hat of character witnesses for Mrs. Way mire, besides the defendants themselves who are expected to take the witness stand. When -the examination --was - com. Fouts appeared for Mrs. Waymlrs Sndif Railltfna' Willi. Inha V Vnlll, u..T'l sented JU L. Mandelay. The atate waa represented by District Attorney Man ning and his donuty, Bert E. Haney. Overwhelming Proof .that Lydia E.v Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound Oupceeds. ; : ) At, ef the ereaUst triumphs ef I Dear Mr. Plnkhami Lydis, K. Pinkham's VegpeUble Com. pound IS US COUUCTlUg VI Jfmtm m ArmA nmT Tnmor. ' The ffrowth of a tnmor b to la sldlous that freqosntly its presence Is wholly tiasuspected until it is well advance!. So called "wanderlno; pains" may come from its early stares or the at dano-er may be made manifest by excessive monthly periods accompanied by unusual pain, from the abdomen through the groin and thiyh. , , If you have mysterious pains, If there are indications of Inflammation or displacement, secure a bottle of Lydla E. Pinkham'a vegeuwe com pound, made from native root and herbs, rlffht away ana Derin ivs use Th followinflr letters should con vines very suflerlna; woman of ita virt.nA. and that it actually does oonquer tumors. Mrs. Mir Frv. of 8S6 W. Colfax Are., SoMth Bend, Ind., writes Dear Mrs. Plnkham t 1 take rreat pleasure In writ ini to thank you for what Lydia K.' Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. 1 also too ine oiooa Purifier in alternate doses with the Compound. Your medicine removed a vst tumor of four years trrowth. which three of the best physlclant declared I had. Thev had said that only an operation could help me. I am very thankful that I followed a friend's ad vice, and took your medicine. It haa made me a strong and well woman and I shall recommend It a long- as l live. Mrs. E. F. Hayes, of H EufjlesSi, Boston, Mass., writes Dear Mrs. Pinkham "I have been under different doctors' treatment for a long time without relief. They told me I had a fibroid tumor, my abdomen was swollen and I suffered with rreat pain. I wrote to vou for. advice, you replied and I followed your directions carefully and today I am a well women. Lydla E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ex- polled the tumor and strengthened my whole system." Mrs. Perry Byers, ef Mt Pleasant, Iowa, writes : "1 waa told by my physician that I had a fibroid tumor and that I would hare to be operated upon, I wrote to you for advice, which I followed care fall y and took Lydia B.. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I am not only cured of the tumor but other female troubles and dan do all my own work after elgh years of suflsring .f V Mrs. 8. J. Barber, of Soott, N.' T. write l, . ; u Dear Mrs. Plnkha ' ;.;;,j "Sometime ago Z wrote you for advice about a tumor whiqh the doctors thought would hare to be removed. Instead I took Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ind to-day am a well woman." -1 Mrs. M. M. Funk, Vandsrgrift, Pa., writes! v- . Dear Mrs, Plnkhami ' "I had a tumor and Lydia B. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound removed it for me after two doetors had riven me up. X was sick four yean before) I beran to take the Compound. - I now recommend Ly dla B. Pinkham'a Veget. abie uompouna zar ana, near. r , Buon tesumanr as a dots , is eon. vindng evidence that Lydia E Pink ham's vegetable Compound stands without a peer as a remedy for Tnmor Growths aa well as other distressing ills of women, and such symptoms as Bearing-down Serisations, Dl?" mente, Irrerularttlea and Backache, etc Women should remember that It is Lydia B. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com- Kund that is curing ao many women m't forget to Insist upon it when some drurarist asks you to aeoept something else which ha calls "just as good. i Mrs. rinkftaaVs lirttafJoi to Women. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs. Plnkham. Lynn, Mass.. for advioe. She is the Mrs. Plnkham who haa. been advising siok women free of charra for more than twenty years, and before that she assisted her mother-in-law, Dyaie s. rat ham in advisinr. Thus she is especially well qualified to guide stcic women back to health. ' ft . ..See' 0 "'W'rtoM'M I OF CONflWlteS i Mayor Tails Story. After the mayor had been aworn he waa asked to Wild the oircurastancea kurroundlng his meeting with Mrs. AVayrnre at.his'offlce to the city Jail and of her aubaequent viaits both there and at his private office In the Hamil ton building up to the including the evening of the attack made upon him. He told the story without questioning substantially In the same words with which he has detailed the occurrences before. The lady, or this woman rather," the mayor corrected as he began his story, "came to my office during the summer, during office hours near the close. She stated that she was in trouble and wanted mv advice and heln. She said that , she was a married wo man, but that ahe had separated from her husband and that in the seiiaratinn she had signed over the custody of her smaii cnud to ner nusnand. sne had then come to Portland and had found work In a restaurant but that her heart was wrung by the seoaration from her child, and that she was seeking some means of securing its possession and bringing It back to Portland with her. Tlslted stayora Office Repeatedly. "She asked me if she would be liable to the law should she kldnaD the child and bring It to Portland." the mavor continued, "and I told her I was no law yer and thererore could not advise her as to that Doint. ' I told her. however. that I would take the matter up with Mrs. Trumbull, whose connection with ir-: United Press ' Leased Wire.) ,. Washington, I. C, Oct. 2 Brig. Gen. V William . MctjasKey. lately in com--; mand of the Department of Texas, was pmcea on ine . retired 11st today by .operation 01 ine age limit, uen. rtc . Caskey cornea from Pennsylvania and . was one of the first 76,000 men enrolled , volunteers in the Civil war. He ' 1 served as a private throughout the war. :. j was, engaged' in all the battles of the '(Army, or the Cumberland and was on Sherman's marches to : the sea and f mrougn tne caroiinas to Washington. -. At the -close of the war he entered the regular service and in the Spanish war .; was present at tne catties or El Caney SWDOIING TEST FOR NAVAL OFFICERS , (Caited Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Oct. 2. Naval officers ere much Interested and not a little . amused by an interview with Assistant Secretary Newberry, in which he Is quoted aa saying that a swimming test may be demanded of navy officers, Just as a horseback ride has been ordered to test the horsemanship of army officer. "Newberry's idea is to have captains and adpiirals dive from shore and swim to ' their ships. : 3 gtv indication that the Etomach and other digestive ' organs are weak, tired or dcHIitated. It causes no en J cf aches ana pains end b n:ost common where pec;! 3 bolt their meals and Lurry end worry as they Co fc tHs country, r circs dyspepsia it hasn't! n!2 -!stonch !f fa this disease. For testimonials 01 nws crs r -- i fvr Book on Dyspepsia, No. 5. CI llsoi Co, LoweH, Mats, the board of charities rut her in touch 'with similar cases, and would turn the matter over to ner. "Mrs. Waymire asked me not to do this," the mayor continued, "telling me to delay awhile, as she did not like to go about detailing her troubles. In a day or two she called again and said she had about come to the conclusion that she had better leave the child with its grandparents, who had charge of it, as she herself was only earning )8 a week, and It was hard for a woman to live on that amount. "Following this visit she came to the city hall again and said that she would like to discuss the question with me again, but that she was not able to talk privately with me and asked If sne could see me at some other time. I told her It might be Dosslble if she would come to my office in the Hamll ton building- either at noon or between o.4Q and e o clock in tne afternoon. Wanted Letter From Mayor. Shortly after that" the mayor re sumed. '"Mrs. Waymire . came to mv private office and talked over her plan to get possession of the child. She said she thought she would go back, get the child, or have her mother do so and then all three come back to Portland, where she thought her mother would be able to establish a roomlna- house or some similar means of earn ing a living. She made several visits and by this time I was getting tired of uiscuBHing me matter ana would excuse myneii as soon, as 1 could do so. "She told me that her mother had promised to send her money for her trip back and that it would come about tne end or the week, fine therefore asked me for a general letter of good character and I told her she had better come to the city hall for the letter or she would not get it. for I would in all probability forget all about it and be sides did not have the official stationery at the Hamilton building. "She came again In a short time, say ing she could not get me at the city hall by telephone, and I told her to tele phone to my stenographer telling her w iciiiuiu me 01 tne letter. the did this and I Instructed the stenographer to write the letter, which I signed and took with me to the Hamilton building. There I discovered that the name had been misspelled and so kept it for cor rection. ' gurgling sound. I thought she going to have an epileptic fit or some thing, and then she began to raise her vole and set up a violent .screaming. sai a to ner, -woman, are you crasy. but she continued to scream and to claw at my clothes. McOarry Ssfnddled Agsla. "I swore at her. but she was making so much noise I doubt If she heard, and nen tne glass in -the door leading Into he hall waa broken and I saw four or five people standing there and more coming. When the door was opened the woman ducked out" i The mayor stated at the close ef his IWayfctti. 4ia-ftld not remember having ever seen Kaddlng or Mandelay. He saw Janitor Drew, who opened the door, but did not remember who the other people in the halt were, - other than the elevator man and the head Janitor. . . . Attorney McOarry In his cross exam ination tried to break down the mayor's story and to show that he had gone to the private office with the expectation of meeting Mrs. Waymire ' there. He attempted to create the Impression that the mayor had used Improper language In addressing the woman, but failed In his endeavors. T. W, O. A. Gave Ye Aid. While a request was made upon mem bers of the X. W. C. A. for the assist ance of Mrs. Bells Waymire by the or ganisation and its members, officers of the order made a statement today to the effect that absolutely no action had been taken In the matter. A man who said he represented Mrs. Waymire called at the office of the association and made a plea in her behalf. None of the officers waa In at ths time and nothing was done. l ft i i ssV -sr i i i snV "sr 1 at RADDIXO SOUGHT WORK. Wanted Position With Streetcar Company as Confidential Man. E. E. Redding, one of the alleged con spirators in the plot against Mayor Lane, has, during the last few weeks, attempted to secure employment with the Portland Railway, Light & Power company, as "confidential"snan. R ad ding, even up until a few days previous to the occurrence in tne Hamilton mnin lng. had frequently called on 8. O. Reed treasurer of the company, in the hopes of convincing him that he could do a great deal of good for the company If employed m this capacity. Radding informed Mr. Reed that If he were given a job he would not only be of great assistance to the railway company, but to the union men as well in bringing about amicable settlement of all iator disputes. When Raddlng first appeared at the offices or the company he merely asked that he be given employment. Later Mr. Reed asked what kind of work he wanted. Raddlns- explained that he J could hardly go to work as a platform The prices of the Pianos in this sals are alone enough to command the attention of every intending purchaser within a radius of a hundred mile or mors of Portland. But when one considers the extent of this offering--this Annual Fail Clearance and really appreciates ths "splendid character of the in strumentswell known makes from many of the best homes in this citytaken in part payment toward Pianola Pianos the attractiveness" of the opportunity is doubly emphasised. The seuing during the past two days has been brisk, but the list was a large one there are yet many most exceptional bar- Jaina. There are Squares, Uprights, Grandsand prices are as varied as the many makes as low as 12 for a fairly good old-time Square, and from that up to $395 for a Grand and others in between some even higher bt every one an irresistible bargain." Look them over judge forjrourself and youll not be disappointed. But respond quickly they're going fast. , . ' ' --'-'(.' ' . -. - - v ,1 . . v1- -' p ; Just a Sample of the VdncsV. KNABE One of the most ex- LITTLE JEWETT The Bos- VAN .' ORUSEN An imoorted pensive styles, VUB lon manoganyj spiencua make; walnut; hard to tp7' graved panels .yLVO . condition; the $324 beat at.'.. 51- DECKER BROS. One more "' style; sale price.. lull - BELL Plain case, mahogany uV2.!.!:"!!:..$l46 of this well known make (two sold since Monday); CIQC this one goes f or ...... P 1 JO STEINER Ebonixed finish; another bargain for very QQ little money. p0 Pianos Orsans.Orchestrelles, Plaver Piano Players Also Included v There's a representative list of these instruments also to choose from. - Organs of small else that have been exchanged for larger ones; larger organs that have been traded 'toward Pianola Pianos; magnif icent Orchestrelles (which bring into your home the very finest class of Orchestra music) instru ments which have been used for demonstration and display use; player .pianos and players which have been received as part -pay toward Pianola Pianos. It's really a list to choose from that gives the music-lover every possible advantage and an opportunity to satisfy any and every longing in the musical line. ' - LOSE NO TINE CALL AT ONCEOR WRITE If you live in the city, come at once. If you reside out of town, write for complete list and prices. But be prompt for keen, wide-awake buyers will soon make short work of the selling. Another op portunity such as this win not come again for months. The House of Highest Quality POOD STOPPED IT Good Food Worth Mors Than a do Id Mine. Tells of Woman's Assault. . . "The scene in the office took place on Thursday afternoon, and I came to the Hamilton building earlier than usual. I had been out late the three nights previous and was tired and wanted to go home earlier than usual. Mrs. Waymire came between 6:30 and 6 o'clock, and I told her I wished to leave the office. 'I am tired and will have to go and I will have to fire you. Come when you hear from your mother and I will get the letter for you," I told ber, -. "I started for the door to show her out." continued the mayor, "when this woman grabbed me. when I got out my chair shs - got up close In front m grabbed and began- to znake IS To find a food that will put an abso lute stop to "running down" is better than finding a gold mine. Many people when they begin to run down go from one thing to another without finding a food that will stop the progress of disease. Urape-Nuts is the most nourishing food known and will set one right If that is possible. The experience or a Louisiana lady mav be interesting. x received a e vers nervous shock some years ago and from that and overwork gradually broke down. My food did not agree with mo and I lost flesh rapidly. I changed from one. kind of food to another but was unable to stop ths loss of flesh and strength. W "I do not exaggerate when I say that I Anally . became, In reality, .a living skeleton. M-7 nights were sleepless, and I was compelled to take opiates' in various forms. lAfter trying all sorts of food ' without success 1 nnauy got down to toasted bread with a little but ter, and after a while this began,, to sour and I could not digest it. Then I took to toasted crackers and lived on them for several , weeks, but, kept get tine weAlrar. - V - - "One day Grape-Nuts was suggested and it seemen to me irom me aesonp tion that it was just ths sort of food I could dleest. i Began dy eating a small portion, gradually increasing' the amount each day. "My improvement began at once for it afforded me the nourishment that I had been starving for. No more harass ing pains and Indigestion. For a month I ate nothing but Grape-Nuts and a little cream, then t got so well I could take on other kinds of f odd. -I-gained health than I 'have been - In years. I man on ths cars, ss this would put him in a oaa way wun nis union. Mr. Reed told Raddlng that there was no .other position he could give him. It was at this Juncture that Raddlng suggested that he be taken in as one of ths "confidential" men of the com pany. . Two days before Mrs. Wamlrs called at the mayor's private office for the last time. Raddlng went to Mr. Reed, still desirous of securing the position he sought BACK FEOM EAST. .. i' V Observations by J. It Aehesoa en rlasa olal and iCnnlolpal Conditions. "Tea, I returned- from New Tork last evening' said J. M. Acheson of J. it. Acheson & Co. "I also visited most of the principal cities of the east. Busi ness seems to be running full handed there, but I don't know what's the mat ter in New York. Talk about mofcey being tight, ths banks will not renew Daber. and this worked much hardship on firms which were trying to handle an immense fall business. The trusts, or something In New . York seem to be trying to make everybody hard up. But I found when I got outside of New Tork Tin nn. innMriH t n ha. arnred nr varv hard up, while banks had plenty off - Contains ahsollltelv money and wers willing to place ft on I y.UULUllls aubOIUlCiy good collateral at reasonable rates. This was something New xork wouldn't do. I'm no banker,-but these are my views of things. . I bought an Invoice of goods of a fellow and paid spot cash. The price was ridiculously low. He wanted to know If I could Joan him a couple of thousand at 1 per cent? I didn't do it. He failed during the week, so that's the way it is. , But It Is gratifying to know it does not affect ths rest of the coun try. I saw things to commend and crit icise in all cities, and of course the same can be said of Portland, but I wish to say that New Tork makes Its street corner signs so a person can read them, and that too, at any side view point The stranger likes that, and Portland would do well to copy. I. saw some street block pavement there that looked good, but I suppose engineers know more about that than I. Kansas City In afflicted with the worst case of bill board craxe I ever saw. It was really disgusting. Portland -can't begin to compart with them. ' Omaha needs thou sands of painters at work, a thorough reorganization of the Union depot sys tem and arjout o,owo,vug spent on water system. Chicago needs a cleaning aeparimem cnsi cieans. - er - -xyiy Biggest, Busiest and Best platnormTfabfcSr 353 WASHINGTON ST., CORNER OF PARK San Francisco, Oakland, Seattle, TacCma, Spokane Boise and Other Cities. ' Stores Everywhere California to Alaska. ' i i earn M ss.ii sam s v'P"ssw---sss--ssss'sss' sas-fc a1 T T . ezgS. . ' 1 N street I am B-lnd to he home strain, and I told my friends In New Tork and the east that they didn't know what real downright good living was, but If they could come out to Portland they could find out Most of them would like t eeme; some lark' money, some nerve, while some haven't sense enough." CHINA-iS TO HAVE NO artificial coloring Preferred Stock Catsup is manufactured especially to order for us by the most approved methods, from selected, red ripe Toma toes seasoned with pure condiments. Preferred Stock Canned Goods v Packed Wherever ths Beit an Grows are uniform in their high quality end purity. Preferred Stock CatsuD retains the full, natural flavor of the tomato. It is not too hirhlv seasoned hut' an appetizing relish for grilled meats, cold meats, oyiters, fish, etc. Comet in three lizes, small, medium and large. , ) ' - A HOUSEHOLD NECSITTPFERREp STQCKat your Gricefs AIXEIT & LEWIS, Wholesale Grocers, P0I&LAND, OKEGOIT, JJ. 8. A. . '": REGULAR PARLIAME II or flesh rapidly and now I am in better still stick to Grape-Nuts because I like the food, and I know of Us powerful nourishing properties.'.' My physician says that my whole trouble waa a lack of power to digest food, and that no other food that he knows of would have brought me out of ths trouble ex cept Grape-Nuts." "There's ft JRsason." Empress Announces , Tha Country Will Be Consti tutional Monarchy. (United Prsss teased Wirt.) London. Oct. t.--A special dispatch to a news agency from Peking reports the promulgation of an order by the dowager empress in which she declares China to be a constitutional, monarchy. Steps will be taken soon looking toward tne selection ox a parliament. The announcement. If true, means the dawn of a new era for China. The SDeclal commission which toured tha world studying the governments of var ious nations recommended the nlan for tne reestaonsnmeni or a separate con stitutlon for each of the 18 provinces. similar to Japan s, with an eleotlva parliament authorised to choose a pro vincial executive, wno wua oe subordi nate to a governor appointed by the tnrone. . , i - . 'Sees Mother After 31 Years SpxHl PliDitcb to The JosrnsLI fit Helens. Or.. Oct. 2. Martin Whlta. sheriff of Columbia county returned last evening from a month's visit to bis sged mother st Concordia, Kansas, whom he had not seen for SI years. FBUIT ESTIMATE ; FOR FIREWATER (Siwdl DUpsteh "to Tbt JoarstLl . Freewater. Or.. Oct 8. The fruit in spector for UrastlUe sounty, Howard 1 6 m Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach,. Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasant to take ' mm Laxative fruit Syrup rem liU BY AJUb BBUaOXIVaV Qleanses the system thoroughly and . clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. . 1 Is guaranteed . Makes the skin 1 like 7011 want HAGAFS Does it in a moment. Magnolia Balm A liquid oreoaratibn for the Face. Neck. Arms and Hands. ' Cannot be detected. It is neither sticky nor ereasy. -It's harmless, clean ana refreshing. Two colors, Pink and White. Use it morning, noon and night, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. SAMPLE FREE. tYOK MPO. CO., ' 44 South Fifth St., BBOOKLTltt Jf.Y. GRAND MILLINERY V OPENING At' the u Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (42 Mllwatikte St. Brooklyn or s Sellwood car. rOR WOMEN ONLY rr, ' Sanderson's : Compound Savin and Cotton Root Pill a The best and only reliable remedy for DELATED PER IODS. Cure the . most obstin ate cases In to 10 days. Price ft er bos, mailed In plain wrapper. Sold y druggists everywhere. Address T, J. PIERCE, lil First et Portland. Or. WET WEATHER SHOES IBAT TDKN WATER $3.50 and $4.00 Also New Stock of Rubbers for Everybody aAlMorrlao &t, ae Fjitft k WITH Evans, has submitted the following esti mate ror fruit shinned from ths vicinity of Freewater during the past fruit sea son. not Includina- the big melon ctod and the vast amount of fruit sold by peddlers: Apples, 82,000 boxes, 153,000; pears, 40,000 boxes, $fl,000; peaches, 8, 000 boxes, 80,000; green plums 1,500 Kunds. $15,000; plums, 10,000 pounds, ,000: strawberries. 10.000 cretss. 140.- 000: raspberries, 1,000 . eratea 14.000: blackberries, 1.000 crates, 11 000: logan berries, 700 crates, 11,000: grapes. 100. 000 pounds. 13,000.. .Total value. 1181. a) I 1