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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1907)
ijvlv? M VlV - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALV PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY 1 EVENING. OCTOBER 2. 1S07. 18 Multnomah County and the r Grange Exhibit Which Opens October 16t'ITas groused Greatest Interest To Bo Annual Show. K If ' READ TIIE JOURNAL : : IN JIICIIIOAN, KOW " . C03IES 1IERE' TO LIVE V' !.,BaM for the Multnomah County and - Oran-e fair t be held at Oresbam from -' October It to It. Inclusive,, are devel oping to enormous proportlona. A the f date of the celebration approaches the ' committee tn charge ia finding Itaelf carried away with the Immensity of the projects JTven the iBioif. sanguine did ' not hope for so large and so successful an outcome to the first effort ' . "The Furrow" Is the name given the ' i amusement section and it will be slm- liar to "The Trail" at ; tha ' Lewis and ..; Clark fair. , Many concessions have' al ready been listed and on account of the " good will shown the project by the Portland Railway, Light Power com pany, many of the amusements at . the , (Mks that can be easily moved will be taken to "The Furrow. Not one busi ness or enterprise in the city of Port land has rerused to Jena support iu 5 the succors met with since the project was launched has been highly satia ; factory... ('. . ' .- ', ; Oresbam Busbies With Enthusiasm. The county court has subscribed $00 and commissioned A. F, MUler to trans " iinrt tha Muntv'i exhibit ai the atate fair to . areaham. Tha people of , Oresham are enthusiastic and Mayoi1 ' Short has Issued a proclamation making next Saturday "building day," when the whole of east Multnomah will turn out with hammer and saw and square and : erect the buildings to house the ex . ' hlbits.. Several carloads W lumber are on the ground waiting the carpentera. The fair opens Wednesday. October H. Distinguished cltisens of Oregon , will be present to deliver addresses aud : be welcomed by the grange. Mayor Lane will represent the city of Port- ' land. - Governor Chamberlain will speak for the state should he return before that time and Judge Webster will rep resent the county. On tha opening day : there will be a baby ahow. A premium list and general announcement will ba Issued this week containing a fulV list of awards for exhibits and contests. The second dsy will be devoted to tha fraternal organisations ancn m iuBc. The. Woodmen of the TVorfa will have a day of their own. Entertainment will tut nrovlded bv the lodges and the ' grange for this dsy.. The third day will be Portland day. ti ,,. i.i,. will tut asked to SDeak. to- -ther with Oeorre H. Williams and 'other prominent cltisens. On this day also Will take place the stock show and stock paraoa. - ... ; eaturany, me iounoio will be Woodmen day and the day of T the ' educational exhlbite. . It Is pro- posed to make this day the biggest of r the rair, . in tne eeniu wm rcvu. um carnival feature r on "i nm thtuw, h.r thai ornvMa will bS allowed to In dulge in confetti throwing and similar I. amusements. . . ' School children will be allowed frea ; admission to the grounds. The educa- tlonal exhibits are being prepared under "the direction of J. H. Ackerman, state ' school superintendent, President J. W. ' Kerr, Of the Oregon Agricultural col "lere. Miss Cornelia Marvin, secretary of the state library board. R. V. kod son, county School superintendent, and , P. CamDDeu. presiaen ;i uie , urn- verslty of. Oregon. .-; v. V-'. - VUr Hold FuMlo 4 Weddlnr. , ' Tf It can be arranged a public wed .. ding will take place and as an Induce ment the fair management " offers a complete housekeeping outfit. There ) will also be a pigeon race to be con' ' Quoted Kehelhouse. The pig '. eons will be furnished by the Homing olub of Portland. A queen will be , chosen and crowned oil the first day and .will have formal charge of all the revels. ; . The Portland Railway company , haa agreed to carry alt exhibits ,to the fair without charge and has granted a special rate of 26 cents a round trip to Gresham during the days or tne zair. The (company will wire , and light the grounds free of charge. There are 10 acres of ground In the enclosure and this tract will not be as ' large as could be used. J. J. Johnson, : who is chairman of all the committees : on management, asks as a special favor that alt exhibits be ready on me open ing day. All exhibitors will be charged fl each. -Admission to the fair will be $1 for the season; 25 cents for single admission, and 10 cents ror Children. The fair Is to be a permanent feature hereafter with the grange of Multno s man county. After the close of the Oresham exhibit a company will be In corporated for the purpose of holding annual fairs. An effort will be made to buy a permanent fair ground In eastern! Multnomah, and funds will be collected for that purpose. . CAUGHT DAH PATCH DOING riE Hi 1:55, umns " of The Journal, L, X, Oendroa , Jr Journal sub-, scrlber . residing at Bhelldrake, Michigan, learned of the wonder ful resources of Oregon and has written asking to stop sending The Journal to him until he has . located In Oregon, where he Is ! coming to, live.'! Oendron Is only ' one of many Journal. subscribers who have .left tha east and middle west to come' to Oregon to make their homes. His let ter follpws: ' i "Shelldrske.' Michigan To the Editor of The Journal Dear Sir: Please stop , aendlng-Vfbe Journal to me here. I am leav ing to settle somewhere In Ore-; gon and will renew my subscrlp- ; tton aa soon as I have definitely decided where I will loaata. - It was by reading The Journal that I decided on going to your ooun- . try.' Tours very truly, "L. X GEKDRON JR." 1ISS1 BOARD TO CONVEfi'E HEXT MOHTH Delegates From All Parts of A the Worl( Will Meet '':': Here. 'Gentry's Show Has Only Moving Pictures of Famous Horse. , i'f f That great proportion of the general ' publlo wftlch loves a horse will be es- ' pecially Interested In the announcement ; ' that one feature of the Gentry Brothers' famous shows, which come to Portland v?' October S, 10, 11, Is a moving picture re - A : production of Dan Patch, making the "'t ;; world's pacing record mile In 1:66. ;"i,Y During the past five years Dan Patch ";v --has undoubtedly become the most fam- ous horse In the world and th fact that ' " he has broken 1 records and appears In a-falrx way to get some more this : l reason keeps him in the lime light, so r J far a horse fanciers are concerned. There are thousands of these who would travel hundreds of miles If time ; ' and ..conditions permitted. Just to see ':X ; this ' famous horse go a mile against . time for' Dan doesn't race any more, v since it was discovered that there was no- horse for him to go against and .these, thousands,' of horse fanciers as well as -the other thouaanda who love a fine i horse '"for the horse's sake, lone." will feel Indebted to the Gentry shows" management for opportunity of . Kfinj Dan do his record mile, although :i that mile Is done on a, canvas screen. V Ji.D j'ily for owner, picture machine oneraior and the public at large the first end only moving picture film made with Dan on the track was secured the da v he went t his ' mile .in 1 :66 on . the Alinneoota atato fair track la the pres- n(o of 93.009 thousand people. Tha likture film is perfect and complete. sliowir a- the wonderiui jorse rrom tne ' time he first comes down the stretch j iini.1 he has circled the v track and ; touchea the wire, and old horsemen who j l nve m'n the picture say that it 'ls ip ' cu ry uhv as inrujmg as ine litirinal performance. XVh n the : Republlrnna of i,Rhode I I'niiil meet in convention this month til 1 prooamy tiame lieutenant An important - meeting of the com mittee haying charge of the arrange ments for the first separate meeting In Portland of the board of Domestic missions and church extension of the Methodist Episcopal church was held yesterday afternoon. Among those present was Bishop , Moore who pre aided. - .' Plana are being perfected at this time for the proper - entertainment of delegates who will come from all parts of the world. At this time It is an ticipated that bishops of tha church will attend from Asia, Europe, South Ameri ca and even Arrica. Heretofore the board of domestic snd foreign missions always held Joint meetings and disbursements of all mis sionary, money waa agreed upon be tween them. The present plan divides the work and each body will In futuru work separately. - Of especial Interest at the cominc convention which will be held tn Port land on November 16, and several days following will be the disbursement of home missionary funds.- One of the great difficulties - In connection, with home missionary work in the Oregon conference is the vast territory and! the too few well paying -charges.. OCTOPUS SUPS OUT JILL PROFIT Manufacturers' Association Asks for' More lUgld Control of Railroads. At a meeting of the Manufacturers' association lsst evening resolutions were adopted asking from the govern' ment more rigid control of tha railroads and urging that a railroad company should not be allowed to Increase a freight 'rate without first granting- a hoarlng to all parties Interested and se curing approval of. the Interstate com- control and the resultant rapid develop ment or western Canada ami vruisn Co lumbia were pointed out ss lessons to the United Btatea government in rail road regulation. It Is said the practice of the railroads !ft toe Pacific northwest and elsewhere of Increasing a freight rate without au thority from the railway oommlsalor works untold hardships upon producers, manufacturers, middle men and consum ers, and that ths law should be changed to ive tha People a chance to defend themselves acainst the railroads. Whan a. rate la to be chanced tne hearing before the commission should ha held before the rate ia out Into ef feet Under existing laws tha railroad can-make an Increased rate eirecuve and If the people object they have to sure a hearina. which is frequently Ions- drawn out, and meantime the In creased rate is destroying or aemoraus Ins their business, and rendering them hors de combat so far as conoerns their fanacltv for TlEhtlna tne apuses com named or. in mauuraciurers aay uui he only way they can have an equal chance with the railroad rate barons Is t prevent rate Increases until a hearing Is first had.' ' .' Ths case or tne lumoer manufactur ers of the Pacirio northwest is cited ss an Instance of destruction of a great Industry by the railroads arbitrarily Increaslnc the transcontinental racea on easthound lumber shipments to such an sclent thitt tha entire profit of the manufacturer and a part of his cost of production in addition is cooiiy appro- priaiea Dy ine ran roe a vmrnn. wim nt reauu . mil m urn DroDoruon ox the lumber mills will hsve to shut I down and ao out of business. The Manufacturers- association win hold ita next monthly meeting Novem her 6. Recent accenal6ns to Its ranks are a furniture makinsr plant emoioyin 60 people, and a mirror factory that Is turning out a product rivalling eastern mirrors in quality ana price. The association snortiy wiu issue a directory of Its membership. This dl rectory will be distributed with the Idea of creating a greater demand for goods manufactured and sold by mem bera The directory will be given large circulation among' non-members who may at some future time support ths organization which Is doing auch a e-reat work for the upbulldine- of the manufacturing industries of the coast - A subject of recent political gossip is i altered movement to unhorse John Sharp Williams of Mississippi as minor ity leader in the House and select Rep resentative David A. xe Arsaond oi Mis souri for the position. ' M Li Bdvs Wc, arc going to a. -..--- - . . Give FOOT BALL PANTS ' ... f V with every Boys'' Suit and Overcoat we isellwe have only 300 pairs so you will have to hurry ALSO GIVING AWAY IngerspU Guaranteed Watches A WHEN YOU-SEE'lT IIS OUR AD, irS SO MOVER Two Stores Third (M Oak -I KID. jLviaita- Vita's good for kids any time -r I guess Dad knows. 1 The PBysidans prescribe Malta-Vita becanse it's easily digested. Children thrive . on it busjr men like it wotnen appre!ate it : The best cereal that ever went onto a table. AM 10c, all jrTOcers. . At Breakfast I f Timp asa Cocoa I xllllc is most appre- j plated. The housewife who ions Cocoa for the breakfast of her . loved , ones does much to prepare them to meet all conditions of 0 weather, work and worry It lightens her own labors . also to STREETS ' PROTECTED PROM MOTIVATION , There will any tearing up of - streets in Ladd's Addition for the purpose, of repairing underground conduits, such , as sewer, water or gas. These have all been laid in the'14-foot alleys. At inter sections, where the gas mains would cross' the streets, .thegas company has made its permanent connections already. The LADD'S owner of property in Ladd's Addition, therefore, will never be annoyed by rough gangs of men cutting up the pavement and making the street impassable for days at a time. "I This has enabled the Ladd Estate to lay an unusually good quality of asphalt on all streets. u ADD ON (brink a CD Of Ghirardelli's Cocoa The Most Perfectly -Appolntfed Residence Section of the City J There is not a section of the city that has better or more conveniences than Ladd's Ad dition. It was designed, intended and prepared for the very best class of people. This end will be furthered by- the rigid enforcement of building lines and building restric- , tions. Yet, with . all this care, the prices of the lots, all ; larger than 5,000 square feet, have been made . reasonable, the terms easy and an abstract, showing perfect title, will accompany each purchase. Special inducements to early home-builders. Call at either the down town office or the one on the tract. N ''' w . k ; F. W. TORGLER, Sales Agent for OF, W. :S.,; UADD 'Ml ESTATE Office 106 Sherlock; Building .,,.'' Corner Third and Oak Streets Qfflce , , i Bast 16th and Hawthorne Avenue V . ; lLadd'i Addition : : . : n . i.jr Frederick"!!. Jackson for gov-) L I, i it,