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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1907)
. THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. " WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCVrBER 2, 19Q7. It .WEBTEnN ' - ACADEMY , DANCING School, jr. b. trier. pnn.; iiihimij Including lady; vs., ladles claas Mon.. Thurs., Bat class Thura. afternoon; cnu 1ren fiat, afternoon: cor. td and Mor. iYu E"i k: nir jj nANClNa ACADEMY: a select achool: class or prlvste la- anna dallv. 383H K. MorrUon. Phone. at- '''i'1' - g ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES vr t wif,BHV III STARK ST, 'Electric and gaa fixture and supplies. f mantels, tiling, grates ann gogiron-. .... V,.ll.-iY, " tlI',TRH, OA ENGI neers, contractors, repalrera, electric ' wtrinir. sunpllcs. a4 1st, cor. Stark. Main S6. R. H. Tate, Mgr. . Western ELECTRIC WORKS. 1 art. at T'nnt raptor, electl-le SUDDlleS. wi InsUU light th at Contractors, electric aup v motors and dynamos; ' and power planta . ' JJUKRiSON ELECTRIC CO.--231 fc . Morrison at Fixtures, wiring. : MtHna-. East 1118. or B-1626 E. re- ' JTaIrUANKS-MORB MOTORS AND . . . T f 1 a, a nil aynamoa. a. v Stark ata. - . MONTMENTS NEU A KINGSLET. 288 , 1ST ST. . Portland's leading marble and granlta wont. MUSICAL MANDOLIN, OI'ITAR, BANJOJESSE Parker, virtuoso, lata of Illinois) Col- legs of Muaio. Tilford bldg, ivt& ana Morrison sts. NORMAL COLLEGE 6F MtSIC,' M. . Parvln, Mua. Doe., 36 Rusaal bldg. Volos culture, piano, harmony, counterpoint. lL . J.' U.l U -.1 1 JlJ.AI...-A'",lr t'lANO, V1UI4W, CUKfttl, .KU.'H- bona, clarinet. Professor E. A. Smith. t 12th at Home A3360. ON" otitdBER FiRST I WILL 6PEM a class, In musiofor beginners only: prices reasonable, Phone E-6081, ANT OFFER TAKEN FOR ONE 366 and one 880. Reed-French piano or or gan certificate. N-83. Journal. LESSONS 0c, PIANO, GUITAR, BAN- jo, nia-naoiin, vioim. 43 h let pac. iun. OSTEOPATHIC! PHYSICIANS v BANKS. t UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREOON. v Northwest Corner Third at,i C. k Streets. ' Th....). AL..J.I n.nbi.. Rualna-m. DRAFTS ISSOTED Available All Cltiea Af the nmtMi Bfata. and Kuroua. Honrkoarr and Manila. Collections made on Favorable Terms. . , --.-Ivr Vloe-Prealdant. . 'l'r.KA BARNES I Aaalstant cashier ...W.A. HOLT ',. ' ' AsalsMnt Cashier .A. M. W ;1QHT Etsb!!ned Ml to t.Ann ' iivmnl RANK DEPARTMENT, Interest paid on tlms depoana. T aVDD TILTON, BANKERS Portland. Oregon, I, W. M. LADD. C. B. LAPIJ. Transact a OenenJ banking Bualness, Bsvtnga books Issued on savings deposits I FR0L1 PORTLAND 10 Tllf OM CITY FESCK Ayp WORKS ,1 PORTLAND WIRE JOI9ntT Id and Everett ate, phone Main 00. "- 'OAsoLiyB ENGINES i BTATIONART AND MARINE; ELEC- tri qulpmants; launcnea, acreawn-iw; ' aiae ' wholesale and retail; englna repairing. Pae Releraon Machinery Co, ll-t-t Morrl- 55; i aon st. ' ' 1 ki fiHEFFlEIJi MARINE ENGINES. ANT ' . propeller. Fairbanks, Morse ac Co., ! J at and Stark M. ' THE PORTLAND INSTITCT 10 Laaiea ana gentlemen, tr you are in tmiihl a Km 1 , tha ,AHi1ttlAn tt vAiir health, do not fall to consult ma. I can convince you that I can help yon by natural methods, consultation and ex amination free. Dr. Isabella Mackla, 160 H Morrl aon at. Room 10. Phone U.ln ?, A H,, e r nARDWARE WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS MADE to order. Portland Hardware Co li th. '" ' HOTKIii THE BELLEVt'E, EUROPEAN PLAN, 4th and Salmon." )QTEL Portland, Am. plan, U, tt da BELVEDERE, European; 4th and Aider bR LILLebeLLe pat tfcftri6M.' clallat on nervous, acuta and chronic dlaeasea. Office 17 Fenton bldg. Phone paeino Il. a B. KORTIIRUP. 41.U-17 DE- kum bids-- Bd and Washington ata. Phone Main 849. Examination free. DR. CLYTHIE RAMSEY. 41" MAC- leay hldg. M. H20; A-4741; res. M.. 704 PRINTING Mann & Beach. Printers 1 93 1st st. Both phones. 60ILBEE BROS., PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc. Main 1X68. 1I4H lat. E. I E. WiilTE aV CO.," 10214 1ST ST. Phone A-3J16. ' INSURANCE ISAAC 1 WHITE, FIRE INSURANCE. .. 44 tuienoca: niag. . lia WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA bllltv and Individual accident security bonde or ail ainas. rnone i. mw Ksy bldg. - - JEWELERS 7. WOLT. RELIABLE WATCHMAKER. Malneprlngs IbC 6B wwn, w LEATHER AND FINDINGS 4tt iDT .vn. T. MABTrrif A r0 FRONT ana Oak sts.. leather and skins of very description for all purposes; sols and tsp cutters; findings. ' LAND SCRIP WANTED AND FOR SALE kinds. Including approved forest re verve scrip for surveyed. - unsurvyyed. timber and prairie government iana. n. Hamilton. i ne roruana. ronana. ; MONEY TO LOAN MONET MONET MONEY MONEY MONET MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY ' MONEY MONEY MONEY SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. GET $10 TO 1160. ' WQ MORTGAGE NO INDOR8BR "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." IXJWEST RATES EASIEST PAYMENTS A CALL WILL CONVINCE YOU. REMEMBER. IF TOU WORK. V WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK7 . RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. . BTATB SECURITY CO , , t: 404 DKKUM BLWJj, , HOURS S A. M. TO P. M. WED. AND SATURDAY TILL 8 P. M. MONET MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY ' MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY ' MONEY ; MONEY, MONEY PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS BASS-HUETER PURE PAINTS WEAR longest, go farthest. Hueter"s Su perior Varnishes, standard for tl years, wholesale . and retail warehouse Ral eigh and. JUh sts;. Take -8" car, or phona Main 7111. Free delivery, with in cltv llmlta. CAPITAL . REFINING graae coal ou. gasoline, lubricating oils, etc.; satisfaction guaranteed; wholesale and retail warehouse, Raleigh ana inn miu., pnpne Main F. E. BEACH1 at CO THE PIONEER rami uo, window glass and glaxlng. hp im l rnom its. III j vthmv miaanu ru.4. i t i. niTDTi a M .Tlca-Prestdenl ' R. W. HOTT .Cashier I GEOROE W. HOYT..Asltant Cashlsr 1 ft G CATCHING..,. Second Asstatant Cashier v Transscts General Banklns- Business. Drafts and Lettsrs of credit Issuen Available to All Parts of the World. Collections a specialty. er, r7tt r. . . v . a....w,f-k.A ii - Tm rkMta Ran PVanclso. Capital paid up 14,600,00a I Surplus and undivided Pfltl16i,"J General Banking and ExchsngS Buslnsss Transacted. Interest a Tims teposlta PAVING DEPARTMENT Aooounts may be 9p mna up . ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. WM. R. M ACR1CA. . .a Manaaar I J. T. RtTRTCHAELL. , . Ass t Tfanagar C IRST NATIONAL BANK-Portl.nd, Or. Oldest NaUonaJ Bank on Pwin. Coast Fine SteI Craft Ig. Now Bound for sH . . . a. a a smJh A A si Ik A , m.' I -B fcl . J . ' WT M M t New Steamer St. lichens Will Soon Go ntp t!om-;; ; ' ' ' v missioil. , MIGIIT ALTERNATED ' . t WITH NORTHLAND veara ago. He am to Portland about SO yeara ago and for aevoral years en- raged ss s building contractor. During hat time he erected a large number of resiaences in ine norm pert or the city, and later engaged In the grocery busi ness, at Soventeenth' and Overton streets.,. The death of his wife about 10 years ago revived the spark of love ror inosea mat induced Anderson to leave his natlvs country more than half a century ago. and ba engaged on the Portland-San Francisco liners, lis leaves three daughters and two sona, one or them, Henry Anderson, be ing a rancher at Cape Horn. Waahlns. ton. One of the daughters Is Mrs. jonn uuea, or til East Morrison. . f STEAMER IS CHARTERED. 1 1 company chartered tseiie or 'ireiana r :, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. 1,100,00.0. . DEPOSITS, H.M.OOM0 a mrww - .a . A aatafant (asMS r- IA nibLfl........ .1WIMMII I W. 1 1. AliTUAU . " . . 1 . . . .caiDiar . r, m c v rnr. i TRUST COMPANIES. J. W. KEWKIRK. Baa Francisco From Yard In New Jersey ' in ' Command, 'of Captain Jamlcson Former! of Northland. ermtntm a.rT.. . i Wnrtland. Ore go, Tn..... . B..LU. u- i oivtuni nirPlltTMENT inter " est allowed on Time and Savings Aocounts. Acts as Truatee for KSialea T . . ... - n . . . ... n.a . tnt WOrio. aim unn fliers OI vrrail AHUioif gn rtw . . m..i C. P. ADAMS. . . .v. ...... . .President I U A. LEWIS First V! A- 1. M I I.I H naAAMI VlM.DMiit I W 7 lUKI'l. ' GEO. B. RUSSELL. ...... .Assistant Sscretary BeUo of Ireland WIU Carrf Wheat , to Europe. ' Kerr. Glfford ' Jk the British steamer yesterday to carry a cargo of wheat from this port to Europe. She .Is now In . Japan load Ins- coal for San Fran- lAiisco, nut is booked td be hrs for No- rvemoer loading.- bhe is a large craft, having capacity for about 7,000 tons ol wheat. ... Hardlf a day Is passing without Tins of mora SteanJirs or sailing vessels be ing engaged to - load grain or lumber at this port tor the orient or Europe, all of which goes to ahnw that Immense TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANY 40 Washington Street. MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rata i en.aa u anaa n i, . a tTA a. ilWHinnM RSCratatT (IWinf.f m tjtt t iti.t.. I an r TatrnimART Treasurer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. quantities of those products will be set iia afloat from here th seaaon, . MARINE NOTES MORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerce Building: m,. ta.l.a .a l...l,a fnranMttnfl ItAftda D 6WNINO-H0PKIN8 COMPANY Established lJJaBRbKiiKS. STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Cash and on Margin. Private Wire. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phona Main 17. n a. . a, t Memlwipa nhleaca Kaard Of Trada) ' UTCTCeCK & COOKC Company I couch bide, 4th st. near Waahlngtoa GRAIN, PROVISIONS. COTTON. STOCKS AND BUWUM. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Bervioe. ' GRAND CENTRAL , STATION TIME CARD. , 1 - ; South PLUMBERS FOX aV CG SANITARY PLUMRERS. til Id, bet Main and Salmon. Oregon v"vu in.ui aw,. DONNERBERG RADEMACHER RE movea to no. ios Bumside st. PUBLIO STENOGRAPHERS DUFUR ft DUFUR. I4 WELLS-FAR GO biag. Phone A-6334: larxest and moat complete stenographic office In west. MISS L. B. MAY. (02 "SWETLAND Copying deeds and abstracts spee'lty. FATE KANDLE, 4SS SHERLOCK bldg. RUBBER 8TAMPS P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER ST. Phono Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, trade checks; braes algns and plates. ALL ABOVE, ALSO SLUGS. NUMBER- ing macnines, oneck protectors, of flea Stationary. P. D. O. Co., 831 Stark. LEAVING PORTLAND. Shasta Express 1:11 a. m. Cottage Grove Passenger . 4:11 p. m. California Expreea 7:41 p. m. San Frandaco Express ....11:10 p. m. WEST BIDE. Corvallls Passenger T:0 a. m, Sheridan passenger 4:1 P m. Forest Grove Passenger 11:00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger ... :0 p. m. Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oregon Express T:ll a. Cottage Grove Passenger.. 11:10 a. m. fihaata Kxnreaa ......... 7:80 p. m Portland ' Express 11:14 p. Bv WEST SIDE. " V- Corvallls Passenger ....... I:BB p. tn Sheridan -Passenger '.....10:70 a. n Forest Grove Passenger ... 4:00 a. m. Forest Grove Psssenger ... t:S0 p. m. Northern Paclfla Tacoma and Segttle Exp.... 1:80 a. m. North Coast A Chicago Urn. 1:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:10 P Overland Express ....11:46 p. m. North Coaat Limited 7:00 a. m Portland Expreas 4:1 p. m. Overland Expreas s:ift p. n. Puget Sound Limited ......10:85 p. m. Oregon Railroad Navigation Oompanj, Spokane Flyer Cht. Local Passenger J:$2 m- Chicago-Portland Special .. 1:80 a. m. Spokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. Kan. City k Cht Exp 7:40 p. m. Kan. City ft Port Ex.. Chicago-Portland Special ., lxjcai yassenger 8:00 a. i :4f a. ro. 8:80 p. i 1:44 p. m. ' Astoria, Oct J. Arrived at 11:28 American steamer Alliance, for Coos bay. :.'- , - . - . ' , - Nioomedla, for Portland; arrived, steam r Numantla,-from Portland. Astoria, Oct. 2. Arrived in and left up during the night,- steamer North land, from San Francisco. Arrived down at midnight, steamer Nome City. - a v v . a v eat ii vi in , ug av w v,iv as . m steamer - R. D. Inmsn. from San Franclsoo. Arrived 'at 8:10 and left up at 8 a. m., steamer Yosemlte, from' nan irancisco. Bailed, at ":40 a. nu, French bark St t Loula, for Dublin. Sailed, at 1:20. a. m., barkentine Gar diner City, for Redondo. Outside, at 11 a. m., a three-masted bark, loaded. Arrived, at, 10 a. m.. French bark Brl seux. from Newcgstla Australia - Ban Francisco. Oct. 2. Arrived, at t a. in, steamer - Indiana, from Port-. land. ; - Astoria. Oct. 2-Arrlved. at 7:80 and left up at 8:30 a m., steamer Geo. W. Elder, from San Pedro and way porta Astoria, Oct 8. Condition of the bar at 8 a. m- smooth; wind, southeast 12 miles; weather, cloudy. -Tides at Astoria today High water 10:10 aV m.. 4.7 feet: 8:28 p. ra., 7.2 feet. Low water 8:87 a. m LI feet; j8 p. m., 8,8 feet ALONG THE WATERFRONT i Astoria and Seaside Exp. . . A storla ft Seaside Express Astoria Columbia River. .. 1:00 a. m. 4:00 p. tn. Astoria ft Port v. Portland Express 10:00 p. m. C. P. R Short Line, via Spok. 7:00 p.m. Via Seat, Vlo. ft Vancouver. 4:80 p.m. Via Sumaa 11:46 p.m. Canadlaui Pacific Railway Co. CP. R Short Line, via Spok. 1:00 am. Via Van., Vic. and Seattle. . . 4:16 p. m. via Bumas ana Seattle lPibcp. m. WHOLESALE JOBBERS ROOFING : MONEY TO LOAN . -On Improved city property or .or build Ing purposes, for from I to 10 years time with privilege to repay all or part nt loan after two veara Loans ap proved from plana and money advanced as DUllding progresses; maniaiei vp and replaced. ' t FRED H. STRONG, " Financial Agent. 142 Stark St TIN ROOFING, -GUTTERING. RB- pairing- and general lobbing. J. Loall, iu jeiierson st. raciric - REAL ESTATE COOS BAY DON'T BUY IN ED monston's addition until you see or write the original owner. You buy then at first cost as others did. R. L. Ed monston, 811 Commercial bit, Portland. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON 8AL aries, insurance policies, pianos, fur- riture, warenousa receipts, etc.; any un serving person mar secure a liberal ad vance, repaying by , y easy weekly or inontniy installments. MEW ERA LOAN ft MORTGAGE COM , ... v. PANT,- - -.. , . .. ' - ' 80S Ablngton Bldg. s UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE. 148 Jd st, near , Alder, established 1870; eld and reliable; any amount loaned on avaicnes, aiamonaa, jeweiry ana semi kins.-, ;'S;s'.vv"' " : . ' ", JONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEO- pie and others upon .their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In 60 principal cities; fave yourself money by getting our arm first - , - - TOLMAK, 223 Ablngton Bldg. ' - 104H d si. HONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEO pie Just on your own name; don't borrow until you see me; my system Is tha best for . railroad men, clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employes; Business strictly conndential. f A. Newton, 611 Buchanan bldg., 286 Washington. , , - ; MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS. - Anything you may need, come in and tell us about it; everything confidential; "courteous treatment; reasonable rates, i ' W. W. SMITH ft CO., , . S6H Alder, cor. 3d, room 1. tASU ON HAND FOR PURCHASE money,' mortgages, bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real estate, either country or cltv property. ' H. E. Noble, Commercial blk.. 2d and Washington. 3LITTLE LINERS, WANTS,' LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc., In The STournal- cost only 1 cent a word; 16 ords or less. 16 cents each Insertion. . Phones' Main 7178, Home A-3230. ' JpON'T , BORROW MONEY ON SALARY until, you see - vHuttdn Credit Co. !-, . 612 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, THOMPSON ft OODEN REAL Es tate, Insurance, loans. Sea us before buying. S48 Mississippi ave. Phono Woodlawn-202. J. W. OGILBEE. REAL ESTATE AND loans; , established 1833. 14SH lt, room 11. " SPHINX AGENCY, DEALERS IN real estate and rentals. 206 H Stark si. main Slot. - , A. GUNST ft CO., DISTRIBUTORS M. OF FINE TJIGARS. Dr.DTi.4Kn rvRROON. i . 1 M,nptT ij d rtrTTr EVEKU1NV rAn, " and commission merchants, 140 Front st. ronH"1", l x iiv.,..' - - fiRRfiON FURNITURE MANUFAC- turlna- Co. Manufacturers or xurnv tnre for the trade. Portland, ur. rRANSPORTATION. Ho! For Astoria MM WADHAMS ft CO.. WHOLESALE UKU cers, manufacturers and commission merchants. 4th and uait sib. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND steciai oraers. u. nui; - ture factory. 307 Front st ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PastSteamerTelegraph Dally (except Thursdays). Leaves Aldei street dock 7 am. Snadaya a. as. ST roaad trip. mom max sea. produce merchants, Front and Davis I ()ffmt) & DlvPr fSr8n4r,V lut night after having rehearsed a long sts.. Portland. Or. .UlMIIIUi4J K4VV.I 0.W.UX.I 7 repertoire of Scottish and Irish national Th large steel steamer St. Helens' now an the way from Camden. New Jer sey, te San Francisco, Is expected toon, to be placed In commission between this port ; and San Francisco. This report was brought here this morning by offi cers , of the. steam schooner Northland, which came In from San Francisco with about 100 tons of general cargo. The St, Helena will be operated tn conjunc tion with the Northland. ";,.; The Bt Helena ia a new caaf t now making her maiden voyage by way of Cap Horn. , She la being brought around from the Atlantic bv CaDtaln Jamleson, formerly master of the North land, ana it is expected that she will reach Ban Francisco in about a month from now. ' , She was constructed espe cially for the lumber trade, and will have a capacity for 1,600.000 feet' The Northland and St. Helena, as well aa the South Bay. which makea an occa sional trio out of thla nort are owned by E. 3. Dodge of San Francisco. It is believed that enough general rreignt can be aecured for the north bound voyage to make it worth while to operate the craft regularly, even though lumber freights ara pretty low for. the time being. Captain Borensnn of the Northland re ports that coming up from San Fran cisco some heavy, weather waa experi enced,, but the voyage waa neverthe less a pleasant one. A three-masted shin waa seen In the distance off the Columbia, river bar. but her Identity could not be made out' The Northland brought about a dosen rassengers, some from San Pedro and he others from San Francisco. Going south she will carry grain and lumber. The aratn will be taken on at Oceanic dock and the lumber at Rainier. v - The steamer George W. Eider, captain Jessen, which reached Martin' dock at a a'clock thla mornlnr from San Pedro. via Ran Francisco and Eureka, reports havlnr had to buck winds most or tne will be In the harbor late this1 evening wb.v. a. neavv ntsmui mvm waa lai.tijiia. and the passengers got the full benefit of the steamer's rolling propensities. They enjoyed the trip, however, many of them wishing It had lasted longer. TWICE IN SIOPWRECKS. Officer on Steamer Has Violin That He Value Highly, ,Walter Stewart, second officer on the British ntcamer Den of Alrlle. baa a violin that ha would not Dart with for money. He cans it a -nadia" out nevertheless It Is a good Instrument, capable of bringing forth plenty of "souL" Twlca the instrument was res cued In the nick of time from sinking vessels, and for several months in was the" instrument in a Karnr camp in Africa. Then Den of Alrlle. Is here loading wheat at Oceania dock for Europe and Mr. Stewart has already announcca that he will appear at one of the Sea men's institute concerts before the steamer e-ets away unless she is given unusually rapid dispnicn. I bought this riddle in uunaee, scot- land, on Queen Victoria's Fiftieth an niversary Jubilee," said Mr. Stewart DRESSER'S CHEESE No matter, whether your fa vorite brand ia made in Europe, Canada or the United States, we have it- Our variety of Cheese is tn. biggest ever snown in Portland. , , v :.., ; - V The following by the pound; . Roquefort, 60c; Gorgonzola, 50c; Roman. 40c: Imoorted 1 Swiss. - 40c; Eastern Sage, 30c; Ohio. Swiss. 30c; Oregon Cream ones; 30c; Wisconsin Swiss, 20c; TU- amook - Cream, 25c; ' Eastern . Cream, 25c; Limburger, 25c V Pineapple Cheese, each, 65c ' and 85c . - ... ' Edam Cheese, each, $1.25. The following by the Jar:. Stilton, $1.50 and $2.25; Mc- Laren's Imperial, 15c, 30c and 55c; McLaren's Roquefort, 20c 'and 40c J Dutch Bierkase. 20c : and 35c; Camelost, 35c; Neu-- V-...... in. .-J in. . ? . iu tw uu aiwv. , The ; following - by the tin : Cammembert, $1.50 and $125; . Krauterkase,' 50c; Brie, 50c and 25c; , Romatour, 50c; Holland . Kase, 50c. . . : . ;, .V. -.' ' j r Canvnelbert, in wood box, 25c ' (domestic) Cammelbert, im- ported, in wood box, 40c , .The following in tinfoil, each; . Fromage de Brie, 40c Neufcha - tele, 5c and 10c; Cammelbert, 10c; Sierra, 10c; German Bier , kase, 5c; Schloss Kase, 5c; Oer . man Hand Cheese, 3 for 10c; Canada Cream Cheese, 10c " DRESSER'S ' ' FIFTH AND STARK. The Biggest, Brightest and Most Complete Food Store on i r the, Pacific Coast. AND RJBOUIATOB UBTS STXAJCXIIU Port-1 Dally service between Portland and The Dalles, except Sunday, leavln tolS-BTENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY tL Trfot&&rZ u..""" ;. . Hniendld accommodauona ror outnta WHOLESALEC ROC K E K I glassware. Prael. Hegele ft Co. land, or. barbers' fuml tareTnaAeW chalfi. 10th and Morrison. w.? FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIP- uon. i w. w. Espey, 8l Commercial bldg. ' - " W. WOLFSTEIN. DEALER IN REAL estate and rents collected, 110 1st st STREET PAVING WARREN -CONSTRUCTION CO. Btreet Davinar. aidewaiks and cross. ings. 14 Lumber Exchange, THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. or Portland, ornce 56 Worcester blk. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES OF EVERT DE8CRIP- tion; oanK, par ana .store fixtures maae to oraer. Tne Lutxe M&nufactur ing co., Portland. winter jumper uo., 7 Hamilton bldg. SAFES PORTLAND SAFE CO., SOLE AGENTS ror Herring-Haii-Marvin safes and Manganese Bteel Bare co.'s bank safes 20 second-hand fireproof safes and bank safes, very cheap. See them or write us. 9Z Ttn st. DIEBOLD MANGANESE ' SAFES Large lines carried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal furniture.. Both phones. J. E. Davis, 6 3d. SAFES FOR SALE, LOCKOUTS OPEN en. autos ana macninerv repaired.- Co. lumbla Gas Engine ft Safe Works, 244 2d. MANGANESE STEEL BANK SAFES (original) -.. fire-proof -safes, vault fronts. The Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d st, personal se- W. Pallett, 204 1 chattel mortgages or purity; notes bought C. Fenton bldg. ION T WORRY 310 TO 8100 L6ANED : salaried people, with or without se curity. Crescent Loan Co., 428 Mo hawk bldg. QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES" 46 Washington bldg. S. W. King. Main 6100. LOAN ON ALL MONEY TO of security. William Washington olflg. MONEY TO. LOAN IN 3600 TO 35,6o'6" Holl, KINDS room 8, Charleson ft Co.. Commercial. 3'acinc 1. Phone LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY or chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekum t ldg. v,-,',.y- ; -. li o htgages Wanted, Inside or euburban; S charges right .W. S.. tVsrd. Allskv bldg. Main 7326. ' , i'M0 OR 6MALLEB SUMS TO LOAN on improved , city ., property. : W-38, Journal. VJLL LOAN 17.000 OR LESS. 6 PER cent, on real , estate, "; Farrlngton, 313 TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB. brush, soap, 31 per month. Portland Laundry ft Towel Supply Co., 9th and coucn sts. pnone 410. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS , FOSTER ft VlilSERIGNS; We have built up the largest sign pusmess in tne city oy rirat-ciass worx and keeping our promise Our prices are right. 6th and Everett ata phone exchange 56. - rSlGNS THAT ATTRACT" PORT- land sign co 2S7 Stark. Paclflo 1698, TRANSFER AND HAULING OLSEN-ROR TRANSFER CO.. Henry Roe. W. A. Cleland. F. P. Sheascreen. General transfer and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved, packed and shipped. 209 Oak et. Phone Main 647, Pacific 1061. Home A-2247. - -v C.O. PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST- BE- tween Stark and Oak sts.; phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick ware- House wiui separate Iron rpoms. Front ana 1:1 ay am. - , . TRANSPORTATION. Dock Woot of Alder st. Portland: foot of Court at. The Dalles. Phone Main 914. Portland. r a III y III MP"0 W toxsa-?&&1 " J" " ivmm mmnm ww;M Low Rates From the East nnHnv Rcntember and Ootober the Great Northern railway will sell colo nist tickets from all eastern points at greatly reduced rates. Hew York to Portland,. SI5O.O0 Boston to rortlaad Ohioage to rortlaad........... 033.00 Bt. Van! to -X9rnaaa....ii Xlaneapollg to Portland I D ninth to Fortlaad..... ( loox city to roniaaa. . Proportionate . reductions from other points. Now la ythe uma to aena ror your friends. ' Orders for tickets will receive prompt attention.. Additional information on application to H. Dick son. C. P. ft T. A, 123 Third street. Portland. Or. Phones Main 680. Home A-I286. M3 .S25.00 COOS BAY Weekly rreight and Passing Ssrrioe of the Pine Steamship Breakwater fceayee POKTXAITS every Monday, 8:00 - p. m xrom oaa-sareet voce, iox EMPIRE NORTH BEND AND MARSHPIBLD Freight Received Till 4 p. m. on Day 01 sailing. T ARB Prom Portland, let-olaes, 910.00; Sd-olaaa, 17.00, lBclndlag berth aaa saeaia. Inquire City ncKet onnce, Tnira ana wasninston sis- or tjaK-streei uock. POBTXaJTO A Hp PTOET BOVM9 ROtTB The Sr. acary Zabs Znstltuta, Xsdioal and Borgioai, Xno. Expert Treatment Given "T" WOMJWS AITD CStLSSEW AZJjALEaTn. Maternity cases alven sneclal atten. tion; up-to-date , sanitarium in connec tion. ' 1 , No charge for consultation, and cor. responaence absolutely conndential. Address aus correspondence to The Dr. Mary Lane Institute Medical and Surgical ; (Incorporated.) Rooms 6 to 14. Grand Tlieatra blda-.. corner x-aric ana wasnington Btreets. Phone Main 8928. BPBOIAZa HOTZCB SO THH PTJBLIO. Dr. Mary Lane, formerly with the X-Radlum Institute, haa severed all connection with that institution and will De pieasea to sea any or her former pa tients at the new location. ' PTJOET 80UITD JtOTTTB THE 5 U P t a a a '''' '' 9 .1 rree Aamission uay ana tv- ening Till Sunday ' & ROLLER RINK 5 ThrM MMlnnl ilafltt 1 AAA aa skates. ; .JEJ Old Mill, Chutes, Bowling Alleys, Carrousell, Coaster Figure 8,, etc - -v ' ' 4 airs. "It is a French make, by Fran cola Barsonl, but plays reels ana Jigs as- well as the Marseillaise, and some how I have taken a fancy i to it "It was In 1887 I bought H and tn 1898 it went through its first ship wreck. ' I was then second officer on the British steamer Aberfoyle. bound from Rlgan for London with a cargo of grain. We ran intosfa terrific hur ricane in the Baltlo and shortly before midnight piled up on a dangerous reef south of the little island or Oland off the mainland of Sweden. The entire bottom of the steamer was' ripped open and she went down like a rock, only the forward part of the vessel remain ing above water. Somehow we had missed the light marking the danger, but luckily for us a salvage steamer came out halt an hour later and took us on board. I saved nothing but the riddle which I grabbed instinctively as soon as we discovered It was time to get away from the wreckage. "In 1801 I was aecond officer on fha British sailing ship Brutus which drift ed ashore In Table bay In the hurri cane that destroyed so much shipping and cost so many lives. Tha Brutus. like all the other vessels that met their doom that night was riding at anchor In the bay when the blow came up and drove her on t the beach, anchor and all. - We were catashore and A found -myself ' there- with the" fiddle under my arm, and that waa all. "The Brutus wreck cooled mv love for the sea for a while and I went inland to work in the mines of South Africa. Then I started for the north and event. ually traveled, through the entire Afrl- Aan AAM,,naM V, T, ,w.b .1 - iv..ii...,i-. . .fun airiliu MUIO W QO that and for several months I lived alone with the Kaffirs who were de lighted to dance their native dances to the tunes Of o?d Scotland.' Thev hai never heard anything like it before, but were not slow In picking up fancy steps to the Highland flinar am nth.. bag pipe tunes..' "Some of the musically Inclined Kaf firs eventually learned to imitate mv pieces and they may be the rage there yet for all I know." The Norwegian steamer Elsa cleared thla morning for Shanghai with 8,003, vOO feet of lumber, valued at 347,870. -The steam schooner Johan Poulsen sailed for San Francisco today with 760 tons of wheat and 360.000 feet of lumber. The steamer Alliance; Captain Olsen, from Coos bay. The steam schooner Aurella had a lot of freight for Astoria and will not be at Alnsworth dock until this eve ning. She was (expected there last night but was detained at Astoria. The French bark Briseux, reached Astoria this morning with a cargo of coal from Australia. Contractor Lebeck. of Astoria, waa notified this morning by the united States engineers department that his bid for the construction of a new wharf at Fort Stevena had been accepted. The contract price is near in.uuo. epiwHs at st. louis awa-sisi-"-aai , Triennial Council of Church Is Opened With Imposing Eeligious Service. (United Press Leased Wire.) Richmond, Vs., Oct 2. An Imposing religious service marked the 'openlng thla morning of the triennial council of tha Protestant Episcopal church in the United States. Within the walla of Holy Trinity 'church, the leading Epis copal parish of Virginia, were assembled the greatest minds of the clergy and laity of this powerful denomination. The. bishops, or fatbera of the church. were there in greater number than at any previous council. The clergy were represented by theologians of eminence and oratora of renown, the laity by financiers whose influence is interna tional, lawyers than whom there are none more able and men of other pro- ressions'wno nave reacnea tne top rouna of the ladder of fame. It was -a distin guished gathering of distinguished men, one eminently representative of the wealthiest religious body of the Ameri can continent Admission to the service waa strictly by ticket, and when the del egates had been provided for little room remained for the local representatives of the church, although these would have . been present In thousands had space permitted .' I ' fill'' ' ' fik "'"'"Its ' ItaJ-ll ,,a,.J 1'.) $7.50 STARTS YOU $1.25 A Week Keeps You Going ' 32S In a good watch is what you get at once, and if the head of the family should, from sickness or loss of em ployment be unable - to make regular payments, 1 carry you until you "are on your feet" Isn't that falrf : NATH WOLFF Prop. Franklin's Collateral Bank. les rmsT t.. mxah KOiuusoar. S. S. "Redondo" BELLrgaSAK ! XVSJMiTT. . , PENINSULAR EXPRESS & BAGGAGE iminici, m jtiunr sc. Main Z171. JIACIII.VERY, PATKXT PERFECTING CO. INVEN u. m perfect ed-' we are buildere of r hoi -sii! machinery, oies, muu, . eic J in':.' n ture niotal specialities, under ,,.:;!: ",-t. Western office, SS8, Stark s-t.'. ),,,.! ,, Or., K. C. Hurlhert, manayer. ii . C. ALCKK CO. -SECOND . rr t !,irn-i-, sawmills, etc 248 OREGON TRANSFER CO., 134 N. thi Main e. neavy nauiing; ana Storaxe, INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TRANS fer Co. Storage 234 Stark Main 407. TYPEWRITERS THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY. phone Main 7962, Raleigh bid Port land, Or. See tha new model No. 6 Oli ver, before buying a typewriter. .; Oliver typewriters sold and rented. - r NEW . AND SECOND-HAND, ALL ' makes, rented, repaired, sold. P. D. C Co, 2S1 Stark. Tel. 1407. FOR SSATTXVB.V TACOMA, - Sailing from Couch Street Dock October 3d, 13th and 23d At 6 P. M. PRX1GHT OIXT. Connecting at Seattle for ALL ALASKA . POINTS. F. P. BATJMGARTNER; Agent Couch St Dock. Main 861; Home A-4161 hoxtx paczpzo STXAKjrnxr co.n ,:SraAKSa3PS,;'; Roanoke andGecW. Elder Sail for Eureka. San Francisco and Lna Angeies afreet Avery Thursday at 3 p. m. Ticket office JS3 Third .near Alder. 1 - i ' X 1 '- i r' ' I CAIRO PLANS GREAT . TIME FOR PRESIDENT (United Press LaaMd Wlr v Cairo, HL. Oct 2. President Ronsa. veit win oe in uairo for two hours to. morrow morning, , ana ; extensive ar rangements are beina- made for hla-r. ceptlon. -The business houses will be bedecked with flags and bunting, and a military company will lead , tha par ade. The president will deliver a speech here, which ' Is expected to. be one of the most important nf hli nHn tHr. At .11 o'clock he will resume his journey to Memphis..-.- if -.:.:f' rn- -, s,.-":, Western ; Exnloration . f a ' nrets-inb. company -will be 85 cents after October . Buy. today, IIS Couch buildlna. ,?J TIDAL WAVE ON. BAR. ,a . French Bark Xaennec Narrowly Es. capes Being Swamped. ; (Sneelal DtsMtch to The Jnnrnal Astoria. Or.. Oct. 2. As the Frencn ship Laennec, from New South Wales witn coai, was crossing the bar inward bound .yesterday afternoon in tow of tne tug xatoosn, sne encountered a tidal wave wnicn swept an over the vessel, breaking the skylights and flooding the cabin, washed two men from the wheel ana naa aii tne crew ana orncers wal lowing Yound the decks. , Bar Pilot Archie Cann saw the breaker coming and sprang to the wheel and brought ' ' i m in ' JOHN , ANDERSON DEAD. Popular Employe of Steamer Costa . Rica Passes Away. The funeral of John H. Anderson, carpenter oi ine nurnman iortiand Ban jiTancisco uner josta Klca, was held at I o'clock this afternoon from tne pariors or tne jbTicson undertaking company. ne was unt vi mo most pop ular employes on the Costa Rlrj, nnd had heen with - the compahy fori many years. H waa- on the George w. juiaer ana tne bu f aui wnen they were wrecked. . . Anderson-fell overboard -" from t tha Steamer Monday night and struck on a floating ' fender. ' receivlna- internal . tn. Juries. ' He walked unassisted to his berth-, aftaa. havlne- been resoued with considerable difficulty, but later in the evening was seizea wun sucn violent ains that it was necessary , to remove im to tha St Vincent's hoanlrnl TTa became unconscious at noon yeaterday and explred-about 3 o'clock. . Anderson was . born i in . Norway - 64 The aervice opened at 11 o'clock, and was preceded y a procession of several score of bishops, all robed in their can onicals. These occupied the chancel, within the railinr of which not a single priest or layman waa permitted. The service, which did not differ from the reruiar morn inn service or tne Denom ination, was fully choral and waa fol lowed by the ' triennial aermon. Thla afternoon the house of deputies was for. mally organized and preparations com pleted ror taxing , up ine regular dusi nea t1 the counciL : . '. . Among the scores of hotablea who are taking part in the convention three or four stand out conspicuously above all the rest One of these is the venerable Bishop Tuttle of Missouri, the senior bishop of the church and the presiding officer at ine triennial, ine mast prom inent, 'representative of the laity is J, Pierpont Morgan, the great New York financier., who never fails to attend the conventions of the church. Two noted visiters are here from abroad, the Rev. Dr. A. F W. Ingraham, bishop of Lon don, ana ine Kigni itev. iagar jacoD, blohop of St Albans. i The presence of the two noted repre sentatives of the Church of England is due primarily to the fact that the con vention begun today commemorates the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Episcopal church In America... Most of the early religious wark in the colonies was done under the Jurisdiction of the diocese of London and St. Albans, so that It is especially appropriate that the present occupants of - those sees should attnnri tha convention. The bishop of Iondon will nresent a Bible in behalf of the King of England to the Old Bruton church, the first An glican church in America, This Bible is a maenlflcent work Of art. bound In red Niger leather, with deooratlve treat ment of Interlaced lines tooled In gold. On the front and back doublures are the arms of the king and the United States resDsctfulIv. and on the back are the arms of Virginia.!, This sumptuous) Bi ble wilt rest- on a lectern, symbolic of internationalism, given Dy president Roosevelt- .- FOUR MEN WILL HANG FROM SAME GALLOWS $$$ $$$ WE WANT YOUR TRADE $ winter is nere ana we are pre pared for it. All aummer we were busy buying stoves and $ - Turniuire ror our rait traae. We succeeded In getting a very . large assortment In Heaters we can furnish the smallest ' wood burner to the largest base burner. We can also fur nish your house from top to bottom. - THE DOLLAR 833 FIRST. BTBAB MAUL S. H. BARGER, Prop. - A jiifnve. wain wui i.-a,ai T AT 4X 4S 4C 4C 425 4S 412 42a 4t 4t 4& $ $ $ $ s $ $ COFFEE It is a mistake 01 the part qi a-housewife;to buy poor coffee; it isn't good for any body. . ' , Tour grocer return, four, mone, If you don't like It; w. pa, him; , SCHOOLS OF EUGENE EARLY OVERCROWDED " (TJniUd Preii Leaned Wire.) , Lancaster.: Pa.. Oct. 2. Sheriff Zlear- ler. hB completed preparations for the execution of the four Italians who are to pay the, death penalty on one. gal lows here tomorrow. ,The execution of four persons on a single scaffold, is peuevea to be wjtnoui precedent Pennsylvania, - , ., , (Special ; Dlipateh- to The Jour nil) ' Eugene, Or., Oct. 2. Monday, the first day of the second week of the Eugene public schools, showed an in crease of 88 pupils in the grammar achoola alone over .the previous week and a considerable 'increase In the high achool. r'Not counting the new students in the high- school,- tha total enroll ment up to date is 1229, which Is Over 200 greater than at the corresponding time last year,- and counting , the in crease in the high school the total In crease, is perhaps nearly 8001 greater. " It has been found-necessary to engage two additional rooms . to accommodate ' the overflow of. pupils in the grammar grades. A new. etght-rofjm building is elng talked Of by the school board to ' be erected before another term begins.. i ; ' ;': -r .'v- jS: i.'.. Ramoval Votlee.' '",. .'. ;, ' Mason', Ehrman & Co. ars now located ? In their new quarters, Fifth and Everett streets. - . . .,;i:s. uyr t W Soothes itching skin.' Heata cuts or bums without a scar. . Cures dies, ec- inlsema, salt rheum,, any itohlng. Doan'a luintment- I our druggist sella It - A X