The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 02, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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flllESOIA m
1 rCj
Three Champions of Merry
I Isle Are Due to Arrive in
? New York This Week.
Negro Marvel In Middleweight Pivi
lon Hm Appeared on Horizon and
i Ancient Bob FkMimmon Will
S Take Him On.
(UilUd Pres. Lmm4 Wire.)
- t Nw York. Oct I. A (in lln of Brlt-
. " fh flstio talent la due thla weak from
tmAnn Tfcara will ba threa men who
will magus In International bettlea,
'Which may mean the loae to America of
. m . .I.,.. Vf n tha
nma ni iini vnvu
taat 118-pound boy of the Brltlah lalea,
Fat O'Keefe, aaid to ba tha champion
welterweight of Ireland, and Johnny
Summers, who claim a the featherweight
' championship of all Britain, will ar?
rive' under the management of Charley
Harvey. Both Summera and Moran have
teen here. Summer beat Tommy
. Murphy, tha New Tork lightweight,
( and waa beaten by Young Erne of
Philadelphia. Moran, who waa here
three yeara ago, licked Monte Attell.
Abe' brother. Either one will take on
. Aba. There la little doubt that either
- would give him a harder fight than
; could any American boy of hla weight.
Attell, whose reputation in the eaat
ulTered on hla last trip, when he waa
: heated by Tommy (Tools in alx rounds
- at Philadelphia, la on nia way ol
looking for reparation and coin. He 1
- ready to meet many New Tork boys of
, hla weight, ao he win get me coin ana
. probably the reparation. He haa given
, up hla attempt to get a match with joe
Gana, because ha could not lntereat the
- Frisco promotera.
j ,,- . i '
4 t Another ; negro marvel atepped into
' tha limelight tha Other evening, in New
, York. Sam Langford, the Boston boy,
who la blacker than that other great
Boston fighter, Joe Walcott, ehowad re
markable acience and punching ability
when ha encountered Jim Barry of
' Chicago at tha Sharkey Athletic club
for tli rounds. It la a safe atatement
that Langford, fighting on the square,
la tha peer of any middleweight of the
country. Barry is a big man and a
good lighter. He weighed 180 pound,
while tha nearo went in at 16. Yet
after tha first round, when the Boaton
." man waa knocked down, there waa only
on aid to the contest, kittle reason
U there to wonder that Jack (Twin)
Sullivan, who thlnka he la aa good aa
any middleweight In tha ring, will have
nothing to do witn tne negro.
Soma weeks ago when Mlk tha Twin
was In New York, ne waa asaea
Jsjcic would meat the nearo.
- "Oh, wa don't want to fight any nig-
gere," he answered.
Still Mike is now out in Frisco trying
to get '. a match with Joe oans, who
beat him once. Joe la ao great that de
feat : by him does not mean ODiivion.
Again, tha short and in a fight with
him la worth thousands.
' Bob Fltsslmmon will meet Langford.
Ha la, of course atill the middleweight
champion, never having lost the cham-
pionahlp that he woq rrora jaca jjemp-
sey 18 years ago. 'He haa announced
that ba will defend his title and will
meet any one for whom tha oluba will
put up a good purse. But few take Bob
eni-louslv. while ike haa unbounded con . In himself, hla friends know
that he could not stand long againat
such a wonder as Langford. They are
Officials of the Portland Hunt club,
who are making extensive arrangement
for the horse show that will ba held in
the Oriental building at the Lewie and
Clark exposition grounds, are more than
gratified with the splendid support
Iven them by Portland's smart set
hat social Portland intends to make
the show the society event of the sea
eon la evidenced by the demand for
boxes, and T. 8. McQrath. president of
tne riui. who haa In char re the dlSDoeal
of the boxes, says that he In sorry that
he has only 60 Instead of 100.
A. H. Cederberg. the architect who
has designed the showrlng and also the
Interior decorations of the Oriental
building, aubinltted his plans this morn
ing to F. O. Downing. Mr. Cederberg
has so arranged the boxes and tha re
served Beat section on the lower floor
that there will be little choice In either
the boxea or the reserved aeata. In
front of the ahowrlng will be a six-foot
promenade, planned after the promenade
in Madlaon Square garden, where the
national horse ahow la held. Thta walk
will ba one of the most popular placea
during the show hours, for it will afford
thofe holding box and reserved aeata an
opportunity to make and receive calls
during the ahow hours. It will also
afford an opportunity for the women to
display their horse show gowns and fine
millinery. i
O. A. Westgate, who is assisting
president Mcurath In arranging the
classes and obtaining entries, has com
Fisted arrangementa with, the railroads
or a special rate during the three days
of the ahow. The rate will be made
from all points in tha Pacific northwest
He alBo made special ratea for tha ship
ment or live stock. From letters which
Mr. Westgate haa received from breed
ers, this part of the ahow will have
big entry and the display In Itself will
be well forth aeelng. '
The basketball season at the Mult
nomah club will open tonight with the
organisation of teama for the playing
of a club league series. The 40 or 60
men who will take part in the sport
will be divided Into six or seven teams
and a series- of games will be played,
Uie aohedule being arranged ao that
each team will play each of the othera
once. The winner of the league series
will be presented with a gold medal,
the gift of the club.
The club flrat team, which will ran-
reaant Multnomah in the state leaa-ue
aarlea. will not be aelected for a month
or more. It will be picked from the
men making the beat ihnwlm In the
club league teama.
indications are that the state league
will have two or more teama this year
than laat. Oregon and Corvallia. neither
of whom took part in last year's com
petitions, are expected to liven up tha
league a lot by their presence this win
ter. Seven teams composed the league,
In 1906-7, two of which were from Port
land, one from Multnomah and one from
the Y. M. C. A. The championship
was won by Dallaa.
The executive board of tha etate
league is located at Salem thla year
and. as the -board haa not met. tha
arueauie ana general plana for the sea
son are not yet known.
, . i , . .
niiuiurr important event will occur
' Muunomah club tonight, when
a buslneas men's gymnasium class will
no organised under Professor Krohn
ine ousiness men will uumhia - t a
Pernoll Donates Many Bases
on Balls and Safeties In
Early Innings. -
Oakland T. Portland 4.
Loa Angelea and San Francisco,
gam. ,
, Won.. Lost ' P. C.
Loa Angeles 1 it ,g
San Franclaco II 81 r .611
Oakland M (I '.lj
Portland : .ago
(Pselfie Caast Frees Leased Wire.)
Baa Francisco, Oct I. Pernoll waa
aaay In tha opening Inning yesterday
and the Oaks took the flrat gam of
the series, getting three rune W th
first and thre In the third off hit.
bases on ball and error by Casey and
Byrne. The Beaver hit Hopkin hard
and often, but war not ao luoky In
bunching them. Both Heitmuller and
Raftery knocked the ball over th
fence for home rune. Th official
AB. R. H. PO. A. B.
1 0 0 I 1 1
6 1111
Gopher State Alumni Pull
ing for Post Season Game
With Washington.
(Special Diipatck t 31 ; JoaraaL)
Spokane, Wash., Oct. I. Minnesota
alumni Jiving in Washington, Idaho,
Oregon and Montana, backing J. M. 14111
gren, manager of the Evergreen state'
football squad and 0 graduate of th
Gopher atat college now resident of
Bpoaana, are boosting xor a poet-eeaaon
football game between Minnesota and
Washington In Spokan thi fall, and
there 1 every Indication Juat now that
arrangement will be completed to pull
orr tne contest at Kecreation para at
me cioso or tne regular season.
Donald S. Blair, assistant cerealiat at
the Washington State college, Pullman,
a graduate of Minnesota, says that
Frank Reed. . manager of footbal
Minnesota favor the proposition
If the alight prejudice agalnat post
amea la overcome there will be
Neck and Neck Bace to Close
Saturday With Chances
Favoring Detroit.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Chicago, Oct. 2. Detroit and Philadel
phia are still in a neck and neck race
for th American league pennant the
Tiger leading by a margin of seven
point, having won two mor and lost
on mor than th Athletic.
Each team won Its game yesterday.
lf I Philadelphia shutting out Cleveland, and
Detroit beating Washington, and the
relative standing la unchanged. With
six more games ror each team before
the season closes next Sunday, the re
sult 1 bound to be In doubt until the
very ciose. aitnougn Detroit Is conceded
the best chance. Not only ha Detroit
a lead of one game, but the teams it haa
io meet are presumably easy to defeat
The tlgera have three mor gamea
with Washington at Washington, and
will cloae the season with the threo
gamea at nome with Cleveland, and will
mo to Washington for the final mri
vi iuur iuan. vvasnington has been
soft pickinc for both the leading teama,
but Cleveland Should rive Philnrielnhla
a. nmuor iigm man ine hi. Liouls team
will Detroit The final serle with Phil
adelphia in Waahlngton and Detroit in
Bi. ixuis, tne very last of the week, can
u pocicu io ieu tne story.
Local and Otherwise).
The San Francisco papers hall Kenny
Fenton of Portland aa the bright partic
ular afar of the Stanford Rugby team.
Bill Squire will not go back to Aua-
tra,.'Juf.t y,t- He bankers for still
another chance. Says he's still young
enough to learn, being only 28. Fitxslm.
mons' age when the latter nama m ,ki.
fight with Al Kaufmann.
Four day of field trials for speedy
fins' rtanan r ... . r
o- tuuair .i aeaiue, unaer the
auspices of the Paciflo Northwest Field
iitaia C1UU
Taooma will probably win the North
weat leaaue nennant H i i.
. - . "w -L4 . 1UU
.i ";"8nl"ceni spurt, and is
iiauiiuaiiy on even t
Casey, 2b. .,
Kartery. cf.
McCredi. rf.
Johnson, aa.
Bassey. lf. .
Mott tb. ..
Kennedy, lb.
Byrnes, c. . .
Pernoll. n. .
Donahue, 2b.
no difficulty In arranging th faoulty
and atudent body of 1.600 from Pull
season gi
and excursions from varlou part of
eastern Washington, northern Idaho,
western Montana nortneaaiern uregon
and southeastern Brltlah Columbia are
talked of. while It Is expected the Kuget
sound and Paolfie coast cltle will alao
aend detentions in the event of a game.
Lllllgren has received letter from sev
eral hundred alumni of Minnesota In th
northwest and they are heartily In fa
vor of bringing Mlnneaota'a team to thla
An Investment that will Increase In
value 40 per cent in four day 1 wait
ing for you at IIS Couch building.
4 11 24 10 4
AB. R. H. Pp. A. E.
omun, ix b
Haley. 2b l
Van Haltren. cf. I
Eagan, as t
Heitmuller, rf t
Blgbee, lb 4
Deveresux. 8b. I
Hopkins, p 4
Agur, c 4
1 14
0 1
1 0
0 2
Total 19 7 7 27 It
Hlta .
Hlta .
. 0 01001002
1 0 S 0 1 1 2 1 211
I 0200001 7
2 1 200002 t
Home runs Heitmuller RaTtar
Two-base hits Pernoll. Johnson. Rayv.
nrice nits Haley. Mott First bssa on
oans urr jcernou, t: orr Hopkins. 1.
Stolen bases Raftery. Davereauv
Struck out By Pernoll. 2; by Hopkins.
2. Hit by Ditcher Mott. Dnuhla nl.
Devereaux to Blgbee. Pasaad ball
Agur. Time of game 1 hour, 45 min
utes. Umpire Perrlne.
(Special Diipctch to Tbe Journal.
University of Oregon, Eugene. Oct.
2- A new plan has been evolved thla
year ror the handling of the atudent I
body funds for every department In-1
eluding athletics. Every bill outside
or a rew incidental traveling expenaes
will be paid through the atudent body
treasurer. Registrar Tiffany. Such ac
cusation as those of Jack Kin will
aa a result, be impossible In the future.
une money received will be at one
turnAri over to tha traaanrav -.4 l
thf bills are presented, vouched hv tha
npetltora. Even a rhnni nt i I manarer. the treasurer la nthrf,ui -
..o.y , u. may not oe taken into P1? mem. in mis way tne managers
consideration, for virtually it is three will have nothing to do with the hand
ling or tne money immediately aftr
erma th A ...
' ",vi" 11 ieu tne league all sea
son. in week la tha fim i v.
i. - ' "
Collegiate lawn tennis pUyers are at
"" vr ine eligibility rules which
were framed last October during the
-- j l. uanonai intercollegiate
championship tournament. Under the
new rule all freshmen and players who
Nd.o vuu ueiea rnrp va r i v. . i .
. - ' j a iui 1. 1 1 1. 1 4 i
mater may not be considered aa
TOinuciiiu. ,ven a chana-e nf nnl.
WhenPlates or Bridges
Arc Ordered
AU Work at Half Price for a
short time to introduce the
"Electro Painless System"
Full Set, that fit S5.00
Gold Crowns, 22-k. . . . .$3.50
Bridge Teeth, 22-k. . .. .83.50
Gold Fillings 81.00
Silver Fillings 50
Guaranteed for 10 Years.
Open Evenings.
303 Washington cor. 5th,
Opposite Olds & icing's.
The Best $3.00, Hat in the World
; Fall Styles Now Ready
The Government of the ".US:
if the only Oovcrn
Its citizens with a
between REAL
the DottUng
am, i I 8
a - .-J:
ment In the World that provides
mmih nivalis vh uiaimguisning
wnisKey ana imitations, under
Bond Act, whiskey bottled un
der Government Suntrvlalnn
must bear over the'
neck of .each bottle i
Green Stamp onl
which Is plainly stated ii
the exact age; strength j
and quantity of whiskey" I
in the bottle. When your .
health' reoulres a atimuUnf. rlmanrl ''
say Fools
;, i at i .. . . .11 - I
flghtlnr and pin hi mind down to other JJOW TO THROW OUT
vuiiuvoa. oui lilt) vau ui kiiv .iiiKj dl.ii j
i tha need of ready money always move
- - lib ha a beautiful place of 0 acre
oui i uunenon, new jpruey, an nuur s (United Press Leased Wire.)
i ra i rum iww xora. no lives in a, una, n..,...,. nh. ,,,, .
roomy old house, surrounded by great Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. I. Mike Mitch
shade trees and sweeping lawn. It ell to date baa thrown out 40 base run-
has been his desire to start a gymna- ners who did not alt up and notice the
trtnm fnr th nnhnlldln of hroknn. "Ct that nls m 1b n Up-to-date caU-
down millionaires, but the venture costs Pult wJth nothing to deceive one but a
money, and Bob hasn't enough. ball player s shirt.
did not "ftV hi. land:"" " . " ' tb "b can throw
"Pon't mention farming to Bob." ra.rin?Bt wno doe" tne niost damage
krnlm In Mr 'fTt "Wa hnna-ht tHllll WIU1 D1S Wing." eXDialned Mltrhall mnt
worth of1 seed corn last year and grewlf841 declining to be called the greatest
three Dusneia. imiuwrr umi naa Droaen into rast com-
e ipany In recent years. "It s the fellow
A battle that will bring together two Wlu l? wn'P tnat can make em travel
nf the beat UftThtweiarhts nf fha mMrll fast ahd accurately that netn thn pa.
west and the east is that which mays'sts- 1 know a lot of fellowa that can
take place between Tommy Murphy of ;"ruw a mue, more or less; yet, when
jwer ariana or v . . 'T"" "" runners tney
years and out. There was an effort to
put euch a ruling against Robert Le
roy of Columbia, laat year by Wells of
"-io, OCT su lit inrra nim Oil T Af iha AnM
1 . . VHb ui 4 n r .VIIJ
pennons. warvara representative,
Norse, waa readr to austnfn vi. k,.
their gate receipts are collected.
Sharkey' Racing Tip.
Hamilton First re f T Tl.
ia-i- "" rum noa Deen established, ascuicneon; uioion. aecond rac
x...,lvu, mo university of Pennsyl- -aper sauce; Moonraker; Half Caate.
yanla, Cornell and Haverford atood for Third race Lester L. Hayman; Steve
tCSn.iLl 1, i Leroy. who came Une; The Chef. Fourth race Solon
....- tiviui. nninaie nainer rtovai: wihmh oaan
I Fifth race Flavlany: Willis nn
Edward Parson Weston th. Chanida. Sixth race Ketchsmllre- Ran'
pedestrian, has comnliM,M. I yah: Suderman. Seventh rum Prina
men is ior nis record breaking valir fmm o r I . . . " " "
Th- ... A n Z- lo nicago. Illinois.
The start will be made on fVtK.. o
Just 40 years to an hour, from his start
over the same route in 1867.
The time table which Mr. Weston has
laid out brlns-s him Into rhinm
walking days and he is very confident
that he will be able to clip many hours
rutus; Paul Clifford : Excitement.
La ton la First race Unnuv n,..
Steel; Agnes Ford. Second race Im-
Dooen; uncie Henry; Docile. Third
race Roae of Pink; St Nttel; Stoner
rtui. ourin race Tackle; Mackerel
Melter. Fifth race Dunne antra-
onoquy; miss earn. Hixtn race
Meine; Lay uaroi; Dulclna, Seventh
Disnuxa in Ktmvatt,
rtfik r-wm know taata tmtSHumm imSXisr,
JaOy aged r saJISfatssl la s way. sunnv SHOOK Is abuUta - -
aaaasa taarsagaiy. rtaaaad aa a)s-sd y aga Jy, . Mils aadar taa rac
asfsnrvlsiea af U. S. lajtsrsMsl ftsvsaja 04 Usees, n aaaclMM tbs caaaannaf mH aj gjaja
ssJKjr asaf seft. rk tanrw tally )rmnil.t wkUtmj wMajsat sa taaal mm. shs
B-tesst risat l KmtmOtf't trmfn Ottmmf.J
BLUMAUER 4 HOCH. Portland. Oregon. Distributor.
t?. sin Caaaanta fo taieasla. wlta
wfcloli I have been ffllot4 for oer twenty n.
and I can ear that Cucante hae glTea aie mora
relief than anv othap ramarf v fc.r - .-j.. f
siriL,.'i,5!;i.-eo"m,,d ;hffl r
Thoe. Olllard. Elcia. 111.
from his record made over a a-eneratlon race Ben Trovato; Judas Treen: Hum
p,"- Til moil in ii ie iweniv-nintn i ouu,
year, and confesses that he knew very
little about caring for the feet under
such a atraln. Since that time he has
looiea u nearly vu.UHO ml ea fn pnrA
cunii-niB ana ibbis sure tnat he has mas.
tered the problem of proper foot treat
New? Tork and Packey
Chicago at Indianapolis. Johnny Oliver.
the manager of the former, received an
Offer from Manager Ferreti of the In-
dlanapolla club, and he is awaiting the
, settlement of - the arrangements. It Is
not known that Harry Gil mo re Jr. of
. Chicago, Packer s manager, wanta the
match Just now, Tor be has several
other engagements. Still some weeks
don t get anywhere near the spotlight.
x ne recipe ior getting a record for
maiung assists rrom tne outfleld ia sim
ple. Listen:
"Be in position to throw the ball be-
iore you get it.
Don t aim too hla-h. iklmmn.
faster than flies.
Always make up your mind before
hence he Bald in Chicago thai he would I th" Dall Keta to you what you're srolna-
- . . . . , , .. I . n I . I. I . m A. . .. v "
un on inurpny peiorp any ciuo tnat
: would make the battle worth while.
The retirement of Joe Gans will cause
a scramble lor his lightweight title. A
contest between Murphy and McFarland
: would give a very good line on the suc
cessor of the great little coon. The win
ner in such a fight might with great
plausibility claim that he had the right
. o mo cnnrapiunonip, ior it is ainicuit
, to figure out that there is a lightweight
wno couia Deat mm.
to do with It and then do It
feeveral years aaro. when I waa tn
i"ew igr aiaie league. I led tha out
field in assists. I hoDe I'll mnli tha
same, recora in tne .National league this
year, for It's worth something- tn ho
able to throw out more men from the,
outfleld than any other fellow in the
Race at Spokane Fair.
z:40 trot Lady w. won second, third
and fourth heats; Irene second, Freddie
u. tnira; time. z:za.
nvo lunongs uoiaen wine won,
Marie Antoinette aecond. Skimmer horn
tnira; time, 1:0414.
One mile Distributor won, Beautiful
and Best second, Lorlda third; time.
Seven furlong George T. Crane hand
icap. &uii jsauarao won. Cabin second.
senator warner third; time, 1:29.
Six furlongs May Pink won, Elfin
King second, iadora third; time, l:18t4
Latonia Race Result.
First race, five and one half furlnnrs
Royal Queen won. tdy Martha sec
ond. Dr. Clmrall third.
Second .race, one mile, selllna Jim
Simpson won, Warner Orlawell seo
ond, Kemp Rldgley third.
Third race, one mile Lady Esther
won, onvoio second, mis Btrom
Fourth race, seven furlonars. handloan
Lexoline won. Donna Elvira aecond,
Deutschland third.
Fifth race, six furlongs C. W. Burt
won, Balla second. Rebel Queen third.
Sixth race, mile and eighth, selllno-
Quardt won. Charlatan second, . Henry
O. third.
Rain Coats
Th Bowel -
Pleasaat, ralrtaWe, PoWjnl, Taste Good. Do Good,
old ia balk. Tbe cennlne table stamped 0 0 0.
Guaranteed 10 ears or joar lnontr back.
Sterling Kemedy Co., Chicago Or H.T. 507
A FiraSt-ClaSaS
WUl only as flrst-olaa tola, aa they
ars th only kind that will do ffleln
"work for him. Oarpenterr tool ar a
peclalty with aa, aad w bar th bast
steel tool, with, hardwood ban diss, that
nrrer disappoint ta expert or eritioal
48 Third St, Bet. Pine and Ash
wSmYSa Heiiig Theatre
Oeo. M. Cohan's Mualcal Play
muttivb JOKinrr jobtbs"
Catohy Mnsic Pretty Olrls
PRICES Entire lower floor. II; bal
cony, first six rows. $1: 7, 8, 8 rows,
75c; last 6 row, 60c; gallery, 85c, 26c.
, ' Jack Sullivan, who fought Bill Squires
- in Frisco, ia not nail as well known
to the casual follower of the ring as
,he Should be. Here Is Tommy Burns,.
, whom he beat, standing at the bead of
the list-or notables, while the Boston
man 1 of apparently little consequence.
College Football Games Today.
Yale vs. Weslevan. at Ne
r i - ' ' I
University of Pennsylvania va vn.
mnova, at nuadeipnia
Aflanr-m ITaa CTi al T
uuuiu,im nvvv iuuuu III true TTYUVV . .
1 . . 0 . 1 iii-ii ua wain b lain coat you
Way to Cure IndigestioS. . VV want it . to ke .
ana to keep you well dressed
.very well-dressed man should
Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday Nights
Speclal-Prlc Matinee Saturday
nenrj w. Duvage rresents
The Beautiful Musical Comedy
Evenings, 11.50 to ISOc; Mat., $1 to 26e.
w.Vari' Jl nVXTl . . years ago, wnen a sufferer .every weu-aressea man snould
aacSusetts owdoln- ftt Cambridge, from indigestion went to a stomach have a rain coat; it is the proper thing
Cornell va Hamilton, at Ithaca, New fPclt. th result wa a rigid diet and it's useful and necessary. The
rk. " ll8i that almost meant starvation. ,.jn rn9t nv,r.n!lt 'a ,..
Carlisle Indians vs. Susquehanna col
1. Ha ha accomplished even mora In thai,.
Hne- than haa Burns. Yet ho... n.,,: Ie?e- Carlisle, fennsylvania.
' fcut Bill Saulres out In nunch ha la avai Lailets vs. western
' ?h- nhi.f C a?22 SV." college, at Annapoll. Marylan
r always JbArrlnr Jeffries. Y-t who
t is there wh'ovbelieves that Burn could
beat Jack . Johnson if the big negro
1 would flffht 'on the square?
Both 'Jack and Mike Sullivan are as
bald a Bob Fltsslmmons. Rut Jack is
vain of hia looks; while - Mike is not.
' When the former got him to Cambridge,
Massachusetts, last summer from Cali
fornia he T'or a toupee.
- lili'ti Itelyy xelaimed -Jere-mlah
Sullivan, the father, who is a
eontractinsr -teamster; - "didn't' I tell ye
that If yon. used some of that horse
liniment on jrour head It would grew
"le did father, ' answered' Jack. "But
this hair grew on another man a, head.
i ' , . L
filiowed, at the battle of Austarlitz, he
v ms the greatest, leader In the world,
ailard'a Snow Liniment has shown the
'j.uIjKc It la the beat liniment In the
n-tii-Id. A, quick ur-for. rheumatism,
'l!alIlS, iurns. cuts, etc A.' C. Pitta,
ixiuisiana, says: 'I use iial
I11J 9 Snow J Jnlment in my family and
i.iul it 4iiH'xc-lld for rore chest, head-!-.
coma In fact for anything that
1 n he r't-hed by a IlnimectM Sold by
).. i drug la. , , . ,' ,v .
t- ,"' i '
- . . . - -
Dartmouth vs. Universltv of Ver
mont, at Hanover. New Ham nan Ira
Lehigh University VB. Jefferson Mihi.
icb.1 wiufjr, ai fnuaaeipnia.
Brown University vs. Massachusetts
gncuiiurai conege, at Providence,
xinuue laiana.
university of Vlra-lnla v PVh
iiu?,,'. 1 "irionesvnie, Virginia,
Phillip Exeter vs. Wllllston semi
nary. Exeter, New Hiiampshire.
American League.
At Philadelphia PhiiH.inh. a
Cleveland 0. " . '
At Washington Detroit f. w..hi...
At New York New York 3. Chicago 1
At Boston fit. Loaia Z. Boston 1
v f . Northwest League.
At Seattle Butt 7, Seattle 0
At Tacoma Tacoma 1, Spokane 0.
. National League. v
' At St l,Ou!s St. Tjtlls 9. Rna
s-'At Pittsburg-Philadelphla 12, Pitts
burg 5.
, At Chicago Chicago 2, New York 1.
At Cincinnati CinolnnatU I. Brook
lyn 1, ;,:',, '
But the first thing to do in the case
of Indigestion or stomach weakness Is
Maryland I to "strengthen the muscular walls of the
stomach and intestines, so that they
win care for tne food that is eaten. In
no other way can this be done as well
rain coat serves as overcoat and wa
terproof garment: we put the Nicoll
style into them.
Raincoats 325 to 340
Nicoll's handsome array of fall and
as by taking a Ml-o-na tablet before winter fabrics await your critical in-
tha lfnmath vt 1 1 asfO am anl a.4-1 t - 4. aw-
pouring out of gastric juices, so that A T. mOSt crit,ca and exclusive
the food is digested readily and its tase. m garments,. the most exacting
nourishment retained in the system to requirements as to fit, quality, tailor-
ouna up energy ana vitality. ing, style, will be met and satisfied by
Do not think the sick headache, heart- Nicoll You will see nnrhinir hrrar
burn, bad taste In the mouth . .ti " . 1 . , sce rning Detter
tongue, spots before the eyes, eleepless- worn by anyOOdy, at any price,
ness ana the manv other nvmnnm that
are the direct result of indigestion will
go away of themselves. The stomach
muBi. oe ouiit up ana strengthened by
Ml-o-na before you can be well and
strong, free from suffering and dla
tress. In manv of the heat hnmaa in rt
land and adlolnina?- tnvma. tha .
little Mi-o-na tablets, so pleasant to
take, yM so effective, hava s-lvan nniir
and laming relief from Indigestion and
that disagreeable full feeling after eating.
lhe guarantee that Wnndinl riarVa
& Co. give with every 60-cent box of
Ml-o-na, to refund the money unles
ine remedy cure ahnwa thali- mnf).
dence in the treatment. They take th
whole risk, and "Ml-o-na will not nnat
you a penny unles it cure.
r-oriiana's am4is Theatre.
Tonight and remainder of week; mat!
uea naiuraay,
ueautirui eongs,, elaborate costume
in nnypr xaomenia, iei Me Like 1
Soldier Fall," "goenes That Ar Bright
est" and many ;others.
evenings, zbc. soe, 76c; Mat, J6o. 60e.
"tiAi ween inw raocKing Ulrd.
In session every night. Tuition 6 months, $25.00; 12:months, $40.00.
Each teacher a specialist; all branche taught- '
Trousers 36 to 312
Suits 325 to 350
Satisfaction guaranteed In all ease.
Garment to order in a day if required.
Full-Dress and Tuxedo Suit specialty
Oeo. L. Baker, Oen. Manager.
Portland' Home of the
All this week, Clyde Fitch" unusual and
powerful play,
a tteauurui production.
Evening prices, 25o, 86c and' 60c: matl.
nee, 16c and 26c. Matinee Saturday.
xrxt Week "Barbara Prletohla."
Phone Main 117.
Tonight AU Week Mattne Wdaday
ana SHHunwy. - r
Singers, Dancer and Comedlana.
See Uncle Josh at the County .Fair.
Price Night 10c, 20c, 80c and 60c;
matinees, 10c and 200,
sTxt Weak "The Denver Expx." '
108 Third Street
The Grand
TandrrlUa a .
Iiuae, Htaded by
tmiiro ix.
BUO.T umc
' John Dmpsey
Pierce A Roslyn,
Merrill A Bums,
Dorothv Karl. Jna
rThompson, 20th
century motion
0Min powder ; r
A Perfumed Luxury for die Bath.
Softens Hard Water. Better
than Perfume.. 25 baths.
3 25 :25ctili.
rl AIL lIUHtl!
Best Toilet powder. Anusepllcany
pure, neueves sunt) urn and
chafing. Best foe
. -.r---'-- affOWraV 14M
Opening Sunday, Sepetmber 2
For the Entire Week ,
Th B. B. PrvBoh Btoek Company la
Matinees . Snndavs. Tuesdava. Thnra.
nays ana eaturaay at i:o. - prices 100
and 20c. Every evening at 8:15. Price
100. zoo and 80c. Phone for reserved
seaia, euner pnona,
Both. Phoasfli Kala. 4esa; Borne, Aloae.
weea commencing Monoay, sept. 30.
mto die At dawn
Matinees Tuesday. Thursday, flatnwiav
and Sunday. Price 10 and 20c. Every
"uhii at s:ie.. rncet iwc, iuc ana ivo.
y tit i iiiim Umttft't
tng at 1:16.. Price 10c. 20c and 0o. ' A-r Vr-ax,- '
60o. Office open 10 a. m. to 10 J (JlT? ITfP I i ii'tft .
f-.-- -'f4--;i V,'iT,.!i'.'4 f,U 'L. . ,') el"aaaa5aaiaii), t