THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1, , 1907. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ' For Jot 60x100, 80 mlnutas from center of the city; t blocks from carllne; will , i t urnlsh- title limuranoe; trma f I down - ana per montn. nORSES. VEHICLES. ', , HARNESS. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT by day, week and month; special rales to business houses.. Ith and Hawthorns. Knit 73. ' .$550 Without doubt ona of tha hast bova In Multnomah: t blocks from i canines. , stores, school, . eto.; lot 60x100; . aaat front: atraat srraded: aawar and aids- walk. Call at onoa and aaoura this bar1 . fain. , . , ..v ,,-,v( ;!"..' ' Comer 100x100 in Central Alblna: lays aa flna at a Addis;' muat ba seen ttri ' ba appreciated. ... .?..: i. A,.y'. For eornar lot on Skldmors at( tarma 60 down and 111 par month. . LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST. AND found, for al, to Int. etc., in Tha Journal coat only 1 cent a word; II worda or less, 11 cents 'each Insertion. Phones Main 7178. Home A-3230. ' ' harness for EXCiUNGE old. NEW Keller Harness Co., 49 N. 6th st Flna lot on Alblna are.j eaat front; on carllne. - ,v,.,.-t.. FINE HAMBLJSTONIAN MARE, 4 yrs., well broken; bugsy,, harness. 14 E. 16th. Fhons tenet 6062 TWO SECOND-HAND BUGGIES. IN rood condition. Sea Faahlon Painters, with Faahlon Stables. 20th and Waah lngton, ,' ,i VGung-'baY mare". usedtO sAd- dla or harneaa, rood roadater. 4Bth at. Phona Tabor 710.-- SO E. '. PERSONAL FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IMesAtteitioi Do not bt deceived by falaa advertise- v - ' ' mania. - -. , - w'.'; S rt-Th original and enly.;,,w, . ' Dr. nary Lane Lady physician, with the old satabllahsd ; X Radium Medical Institute and . 1 .: Sanitarium. For years la etlll at tha old stand. . Dr. Mary Lane Lata auperlntendent of Chicago Wo meo's Hospital., traata diseases of wo men and children exclusively; ladlaa needing Immediate aaaiatanca will eon ault their beat Intereata by communicat ing with me; no fee for consultation; correspondence ebaolutejy confidential; maternity caaaa given epaoiai auen CARPET CLEANINO. standard carpet CLEANING CO. Largsst plant on eoaat; Lorlng and Harding ari.j phone Eaat tlO; -earpets cleaned, refitted, aewed and laid; at .am and compreaaed air prooeaa; renovating mattresses and feathera a apeclalty. jovcis ih6s.;v'RTiTi&RiwfHir Electric Cleaning worka; : carpeta e.aaned and laid, both dry and eom praaaed air cleaning; carpet refitting our ausclalty; work guaranteed. Phone Main fall and A-2172 179 Grant at Tilt IONE BTEAM CARPET CLEAN-" ' ". worka; carpeta cleaned, refitted and laid; mattreaaea and feathera ren ovated. 221 K. 2 let at. N. Kaat l0. DRESSMAKING. MADAME ANQKLEB 242 FIFTIL PA elflc t EicMtaikNdkb DktasxlAliER. Mtok a apPclAlty. Call at 217 Knott at MONEY TO LOAN , Vary email payment down, long tima on balance, providing buyer will build at once, will aacure a beautiful lot in Clifford add. on Mlsslsalppl ava. . : a THOMPSON at OGDEN, 1 Mlaalawlppi Ave. AlODERN, rROOM HOUSES, FINld locationa; wa have Juat llated a few very dealrable propertlea. ' ranging In prloe from H.IOO to 14,600; every one la a good buy and an up-to-date mod ern home In every reapect and In flna neighborhood; the ownera are tha ten ante; every houee built for a home and property highly improved; houaa hunt , Ing la, aa every woman knowa, a tire : aoma and hard ' proportion. Let ua know Juat what you want" and If wa rannoi auppiy it wa win ten you mo. - Wa know how to get hold of nice prop- . eruea. THE CROSSLET COMPANT. 101 McKav blda. Id and Stark ata. SOllOO MODERN t-ROOM COTTAGfc, 1 block from canine; price n.evu; ' 1100 caah; balance f 20 a month, I H. Freeland Land Co. . OWNER MUST SELL HIS BEAU tlful H.rnAm ri.iiMf.noe new. modern and very convenient; caa and electrlo lignt; large grounda. Tuint; an aina of fruit berriea and flowera; cloae Ini " very cheap; terma. Inquire 1(2 Fre mont or phone Woodlawn 70fr. t: 6XCRii?lde baLEmT. M66b VIeW lota 17l to flto; terma 16 flown o per month; water malna laid; Wood etock car. Stout. Ill Commercial blk. FiUey Park Cheap pleaaant homea for working people; no high-priced apodal Improva menta forced upon you; lota ISO and up. ti monthly paymenta; I lota II monthly; I and i-room cottaaea for aala on eaay terma. Room 427 Lumber Exchange bid.. 2d and Stark ata., Port land Or. Phone Main 1864. I-ROOM HOUSE, 4 YEARS OLD, LOT 2120. city water, located In auburb. house rented to reliable tenant the year around at 110 per month; only 1900; 1660 caah; thla will pay over 10 per cent on Investment. THW CROSSLET COMPANT. 101 McKay blda., Id and Stark ata. FREE FOR EVERTBODT RING UP - Main z or eaii riitt irront at. wa buy and aall furniture, clothing or any old tning. i koLbt.M'B RfttL'MATIC CUR-URdl euro for rheumauam. Bold PT ati drucalata. ' mSvf CAsfeS ANfi FixttlRES,1 NEW and aecond-hand. Jaa. T. v Maraball Mfg. Co.. Ill Couch at " FOR SALE ONE HOTEL RANQJi . Tnmilr CT1 let at clean.' tvASHEb rags f'or Wipiiii purpoaea. The Overall Laundry and Supply Co., pn one Bel I wood I'" ' ' and good pew houaehold good a at The Dollar, 212 let at. gift I I I I KaVAJ6 bLankets, pHILIppIHE rellca, eta. Beauegard'a Kx., 0H waan. UTTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND round, ror aaie, to let, etc, in ine Journal coat only 1 rent a word; II worda 'Or lee a, 16 centa each lnaertlon. Phonea Main T17I, Home A-32IO. PIANOS FOR RENT AND SOLD ON Inatallmente. H. Slnahelmer. 72 Id at Iron bed 12.10, springs $1.25, mat- traaa 1.60, dreiaer 17.60, mantel bed 16.60. Anatey Brow . 225 lt. Pac. 1170. MUSIC AND BAND INSTRUMENTS; expert repairing. C.E.York, 227 H 8ta'')1 BUY JEWELRY AT A SAVING. II. Y. Zul. 66 N. 4th at. MANURE FOR ROSES AND LAWNS. delivered. J2.26 per load. Phone Main 683. FOR SALE CLEANING AND TAILOR ahon: rood location: price 166. Call at 2M RuAaell at. eaulpped einltarium in the northweet , nd plain aewing. 221H Morrlaon; up Of fife, 61 Alder" corner Id. Portland, j gig': room 21. Or, Phonea Main k7BI. Home A-27II, fBnl ' bRiafNAL and onL bit MART LANE , , Formerly with the X-Radlura Medical Inatltute, haa aevercd all connection with that Institution and can now ba found with tha Dr. Mary Lane Institute Where aba will ba" bleaaed to aea any of her old paUenta. . Expert treatment given woman and children'a atlmenta. Maternity eaaea f;lven epectal attention. Up-to-date aan tarlum in connection. No charge for conaultatlon and correspondence abso lutely confidential Addreaa all aorra apondence to Tba Dr- Mary Lane Inatl tute, Medical aJid Surgical, Incorporated, rooma 6 to 14, Grand theatre bldg., cor. Park and Waeh. aa. Phone Main 1121. We Cure All dlseaaea of men, woman and children both acuta and chronlo dlaeaeee of the aye, ear, noae, throat and lunga. hart klitnava hluridxr hraln and atom- ach catarrh, rheumatlam, goitre, indlgea- tion. constipation ana earn aiaao promptly cured. All private and waat Ina; dlaeaaea promptly cured and their I)OQ AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C. E. BROWN. D. C. M. DOGS and horae hoapltal. 101 N. fth au (Main 40N). W,M. MILLAR, V. 8.. VEf EtiiNARf AI. i n. sth Bt. Office fhone Main 74. 127 Flandera. CXltNEYS VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horsea and doga. Ill Ollaan at Phone Main 14lT. DAaxa. WESTERN ACADEMY DANCING achool, F. 8. Carter, prin.; I aaaiatants. Including lady; claaa Mon.. Thura., Sat eve.; ladlea' class Thura. afternoon; chil dren Sat. afternoon: cor. 2d and Mor. PROF RING LEU ACADE- DANC1NG my; a aelect achool; claaa or private lessons dally. J8SH E. Morrison. Phone. EDUCATIONAL BE A PRIVATE SECRETARY. Unlm.. Dn.ln... t' ..hi.. ton and 10th sts.. Portland. Oregon, haa raised Ita commercial courses to the standard of a university training. The pi'vme aecrciarr course run t dv nt'i MONET " ' MONET ' MONEY MONEY MONEY ' MONEY MONEY MONET MONEY '' MONEY MONEY' MONET SALARY LOANS ON PI,AIN NOTE ' GET lift TO 1100. NO MORTGAGE NO INDOR8EB -ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." LOWKHT RATES EASIESTPAY MENTi l A CAI.IJ W1L.1 t:UNVtNtJK Tiy. RRMFMBBIt, IP YOU WORK. WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU, WHAT MORE COULD YOU ABKT RAILROAD MEN A HPECIALTY. STATE OECTTRITY CO, 704 DEKUM BLDO. nnTTRM A M..TO P. M. MONET MOrTEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONET MONET MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MWEY TO Co aN On tmnroved cltv tironartv or for build Inm Diinuiiti for from 2 to 10 vaarat time, with privilege to repay all or part or loan after two yeara. Liosna ap proved from plana and money advanced aa building progreaaea; mortgages hum un end rnoiared. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent 142 Stark at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ON BAL aiiea, Inaurance pollelea, pianos, for- nlture. wsrenouse receipxa. eic.: but or . I n v nMnM mw Mmir. a liberal ad' vance. repaying by easy weekly or monthlv Inatallmenta NEW ERA LOAN MORTG AGS COM PA NY. 101 Ahlna-ton Btdgt UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE. 141 Id st, neai7 Alder, established 1170; old and reliable; any amount loaned on watchea, diamonds, jewelry ana aeai aklna. li.VL VVFn.i?l,L ! and 2t!lotly ' el,her day or night Do not decide upon J'"tm- ConeulUtion free and atrioiiy school-until vou have written for in. confidential Wa guarantee all of our curea. New York surgical at m"h-i Institute, Raleigh bldg.. atn and wasn ART. OAS WATER HEATER FOR SALE cheap. S-1S, Journal. TWENTY VARIETIES OT STRAW berry clanta: aend for Dries liat Dixon A Stafford. Oregon City. Or. G60D BUTTERMILK BUSINESS FOR sale, cheap. Inquire Creamery. 127 1st st of Brandea A. 261 STARK ST.. ROOM II. City real estate timber, farma. or chard a. i Portland Investors Co., Preferred Stock C. R. Donnell & Co. REAL ESTATE. Room 12. 268 Stark at. ANTHONY HARDY. LINNTON, OR, residence and business lota, water front and factory altes; farma and Urn er lands. 1 HAVE 6NE OF THE FINEST FARMS In the Willamette valley for Bale; 220 acres, first class Improvementa and convenient to railroad and market. Room 10, 142 2d st. FOR SALE FARMS 160 ACRES GOOD LAND CLACKAMAS county. 80 acres flat and burned, bal ance hill pasture and timber; will cut close to 2.000,000 feet, on north fork Sandy river; new Mount Hood rond will run within 2 milea of property; as an Investment thla is certain to bring big returns; if sold nt once 10 per acre; 1500 down; balance terma to ault. THE CROSSLEY COMPANY, 201 McKay bldg. 3d and Stark sts. FOR SALE ONE FULL COURSE IN Holmes' business colleae, Portland, Or. Prlca 176. J. F. Rice, Harrlaburg, Or. FOR SALE I INCUBATORS, 160-EGG .......... I . 1 Tin. o l iimn 1 Q t W.Ian. with broodWs. Price singly, 20; price ror all. Aaa res s v. u. nox s. Kalama. Waeh. FOR SALE ONE PIANO CERTIFI cate on Etlera, value, 162; price, $20, at once. Addreaa, Mrs, C. W. Carson, Kalama, Waeh. A. BERGER'S ART STUDIO. un.. .nVnrtr.11. made ta order , SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY - - - I H-.n v Pi.M.n C lU.H. frtm a school' until vou have written for In formation. Open every day and evening. ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE 148 6th at., near poatofflce; central lo cation; Pitman shorthand; expert gradu ates; low tuition; day and night achool; new pupils dally. W. W. Williams, M. S.. Prln. i ATTORNEYS. academy. Portland. C. alogue. pinnnTT 1TTMOH RIOflKR. ATT OR neys at law, ayuiaey Biag cvm.r , yi'si-o 2d and Morrison ata OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE. COM- mon wealth bldg., Ith and Ankeny ata.. typewriting, eipanlah, ling j llsh, penmahanlp; day and evenlnga. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO., A. J. Chrlatopheraon, pres.; law, collection., reporta. 414 Buchanan bldg. Main 8130 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ASSAYERS. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Aaaay Office. Ill Mor rison st . MOtfEY Advanced baLArIed pB6- ple and othera upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest paymenta; orncea In an principal cities; save youraelf money by getting our terms first TOLMAN. 221 Ablngton Bldg. ioH Id at krftMff'T'-TJUKlffi TO BALAfttED PEo Die Juat on your own namei don't borrow until you sea ma; my ayatem ! tha hat tar railroad men. cleraa. bookkeepers, atreetcar man and all other employee; cnsiness einciiy wmimmiiw, F. A. Newton 611 Buchanan bldg.. Ill Wsshlnaton. MONEYTO LOAN ON CHATTELB. Anything you may need, coma In and tell us about It; everything confidential; courteous treatment- reaaonable ratea. W. W. SMITH A CO. 268 Alder cor. Id. Room 1. CaSM 6ri rtANb for pUrCHasH money, mortgagaa, bonda for deeds or contracts of sale on real aetata, either country or city property. H. E Noble, Commercial blk.. 2d and Waahlngton. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND round, for sale, to let. etc.. in in. Journal cost only 1 cent a word; II words or less, 16 centa each Insertion. Phones Main 7178. Home A-3230 b6N'T borr6w m6neV ON AALAA7 until vou see Hutton Credit Co. 613 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN' ON REAL ESTATE. For close figures on printing see Eagle Printing company, 38 Rus- aei nidg. HAY FOR SALE ABOUT 10 TONS OF clover, timothy and onta; all to go at II per ton. Thomaa O. Regon, R. F. D. No. 1, Lntourelle, Or. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 worda or less. 15 cents each lnaertlon. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3230. OFFICE ROOM IN EXCHANGE FOR collecting rent and taking care of building. Q-31, Journal. WELLS 4 PROEBSTEL, MINING EN glneers, assay ers, chemists and sur veyors. 204V Washington at Main 7608. chattel mortaacea let. cor. Stark. I Slr,,3r: 1,Y" DOUnt Mr? ' Fenton bldg. or personal ae- C W. Pallett 104 AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD M. COVET. A-nt Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles. Cadillac anl Knox Temporary location Club Garage. 16th and Alder ata BLANK-ROOK MAKERS. M. J. WALSH CO., Ill STARK ST.. Electric and Gaa Flxturea and Supplies, Manteia. Tllln gjJBra tea and Doglrona PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENGl neera. contractors, repairers, electrlo wiring, supMiea. ft Msln 869. R? H.Tate. WFSTERtf ELECTRIC WORKS. 41 UON'T WORRY 110 TO 1100 LOANED Ith at Contractora. electrlo suddII.s. I salaried people, with or without ae- motora and dynarooa: wa Install Ilaht curtJr- . Creacent Loan CCs. and power planta hnwk bldg. MORRlfeOf tLECTRIC CO. Il ET Morrison st Flxturea wiring, re- palrlng. East 1128 or B-1626. FAIRBANKS. MORSE MOTORS AND 421 Mo- dynamos. Stark sts A. C and D. C let and FENCE AN HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM. 101-111 2D st. Blank books manufactured: agenta 1 for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledxers; . see the new Eureka leaf, tha beat on the market. ND W IRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE A IRON WORKS 2d and Everett ata Phone Main xooo. GASOLINE ENGINES. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. Stationary and marine; electric equip ments; launches; accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery CO., 1B2-4- Morrison at. S. BIRKENWALD at CO.. 104-308 EV- onTh'e' coa,rffWr.UCo,c:Xyuah0U' ! JP WKJFKK1 QUICK LOANS ON ALL BECMRITIE& o. w. King. 48 waanington mag. Main 6100. MONEY T6 LOAtf 6M ALL klNDfl of aecurlty. William Holl, room . Washington bldg. MONEY TO LOAN IN 1500 TO 26.000. Phone r- BANKS, UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OBJtUOH. ... ; Northwest Corner Third ar.l O.k Street ' ' , ...... Tranaaeta General Banking Buslneaa. DRAFTS ISSUED Available taj ' All Citlea of tha United Statea and Europe. Honjkong and Manila. CoUeuuona t made on Favorable Terms . ... Preeldent... C AINSWORTH I Caahier. ......... ...R. vT. 8CltMFrn Vlca-Praaldent a LEA BARNES Aeetetant washier W. Av UuLT Aaalatant Cashier .......A. M. W.UOHT LAD TILTON. BANKERS Portland.- Oregon. , , F-tabllshed III, , m W. M. LA DO. an LADD. 3. W. LAULX Tranaact a General Banking SAVINGS BANK DF:PAilTMENT. navina-a booka Issued on savings depoalta. ' Interest paid on time gepoe"- MERCHANTS. NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oreyon. , . ' '" -J- FRANK WATSON. .President I a L DURHAM. '....Vk-Psldent R- W. HOYT. Cashier OEOROB W. HOYT. .Aaftlatanl CaaUlar Te.. . & CATCHINO Second Aaalatant Cashier - ... ' Transacts a General Banking Buelnese. Drafts and Utters of Credit Issue Available to ATI Parte of the World. Colleetiona a Specialty. THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Eaiabllahed ll4. Head Offlon. San JlTi Capital paid up 14.000,000 I Surplua and undivided proflte -I1I.1II General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Interest on Tlma "poalta SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounta may ba opened of 111 amd UP- K ,.. ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commeare Building. ' WM. a M ACRE A Manager J. T. BURTCHAELI. . . . Aaa't Manager , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or. Oldest National Bank on Paolfla Co1 . CAPITAL AND rtmpi.TTs it ana oon aa. nitPOBiTS. 814.000.000.00 1 ...President I W. C ALVORD, . . . . Asalatant Caahlet ;. Cashier R. F. HTrYKNr. .neoonq L. MILLS) . J. W. NEWK1RK .' .' .' i TRUST COMPANIES. SECURITY SAVINGS TRUST CO. 268 Morrison Street. Portland. OregOB. Tranaaeta a Ganeral Banking Bualnesa SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Inter est allowed, on Time end Bavin gs Aocounta Acta aa Truatee for Fatates. Drafts and' Letters of Credit Available on All Parts of the t I' .tPAM President I L A. LrTWIS First Vloe-Presldeat A. U MILLS... Second Vice-President a C JUBITZ.. gecreUry GEO. E. RUSSELL Aealetant Saretarr : . TITLE OITARANTEE At TRUST COMPANT 140 Waahlngton Street. MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real Eatate at Lowaat Rata. Tllaa faanaaA1 AV kataaat aa IT t sul THORBCTRN ROSS President I JNO. Fl. ATTCHTSON .Saore)trj GEORGE H. HILI Vlea-PreaMant I T T. BtTRKHART Traasnrsr BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M D ORRIS BROTHERS, Chamber of Coram.rce Building. Munlclnal. RaHroad and Public Servlos Corporation Bod 0WNfNG-6PkLVS C6MPANt EaUbll.h.d li2 &R6KER& STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Sold for Caah and on Margin. Private Wires. ROOM I CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main IT. OTerbeck & Cooke Company I GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTON, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLT COMMISSION BUSINESS. i " , Continuous Markets by Private Wire. Quick Servioa GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. Southern Pacific LEA VINO PORTLAND. Phaata Expreaa 1:11 a. m. Cottage Grove Paasenger . 4:11 P. m. California Expreaa 7:41 p. m. San Franclaco Expreaa ....11:10 p. m. WEST SIDE. Cor vail la Paaaenger T:0l a. m. Sheridan Paaaenger :H P m- Foreat Grove Paaaenger ...11:00 a. m. Foreet Grove Paaaeng.r ... 1:20 p. m. ARRIVING PORTLAND, Oregon Expreaa T:2I a. m. Cottage Grove Paaaenger. ,11:1ft a. m. Shasta Expreaa f :1ft P. aa. Portland Expreaa 11:1ft B, an. WEST SIDE. Corvallls Paaaenger 1:11 p. SB. Sheridan Paaaenger !:! a. lav Foreat Grove Paaaenger ... 1:0ft a. na. ., Foreet Grove Passenger ... 1:10 p. m. Northern Pacific. Tacoma and Seattle Exp.... 1:1ft a. in North Coaat Chicago Llm. 1 :0ft p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:10 p. m. Overland Expreaa 11:46 p. m. North Coaat Limited .... Portland Expreaa ....... Overland Expreaa Puget Sound Limited .... . : 4V. sg. . 4:11 p. tn. . 1:11 p. an. .10:81 p. m. Tvhb1 Psssenrer Chicago-Portland Special Spokane nyer Kan. City i ChL ,Exp... Oregon Railroad Navigation Company. 1:00 a. nv 1:80 a. na. 7:00 p. m. 7:40 p. m. Spokane Flyer 1:00 a, m. Cht., Kan. City ft Port Ex.. t:4S a. m. Chicago-Portland Special ,. 1:20 p. na. , Local Kassenger a:4 p. m. Astoria A Colombia River. Aatorla and Seaalde Exp.... Aatorla Seaalde Expreaa, 1:00 a. ta. II Aatorla ft Port Paaaenger. 11:1 6 p. na. 1:00 p. m. II Portland Expreaa 10:00 p. nx " Charleson ft Co. Commercial Pacific 11. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY or chattel. The Loan Co, 410 Dekum bldg; M ORTGAGES WANTED, INSIDE OR suburban: chars-ea rlaht. W. Ward. AllHky bldg. Main 7321. S. 24,000 OR SMALLER SUMS TO LOAN on Improved city property. W-S3, Journal. TURNER HAS ALL KINDS IM proved and unimproved farm lands and stock ranchpa; residence property in all parts of the city; also some good propositions in the exchanpflf line. Room 4, 3034 Washington at, Portland, Or. FARM FOR mile from Suver, Or. SALE 186 ACRES, H atation. Henry Jonea, FINE DAIRY FARM. ISO ACRES, ON Eatacada carllne, 1 Vi miles from Cur- rinaviiie atation. store ana araaea school. M mile from church, 2 mall routes, phone and milk route. Orchard, all kinda fruit new barn 62x44, house and other buildings, 3 miles from Ea tacada, Or, Box 43, R. F. D. No. X. Phone a Q. Palmateer. Eatacada. OKLA. FARM. 160 ACRE8. ON CITY or country property. 145 Webster at. RESTAURANT FOR SALE. DOING good business; price 1500: will ex change for small dwelling. L-36, Journal. ! u TTijirns. supplies inni ph k Dekvm. 121-123 lat at, carries a full Una and c ij-'ete aaaortment at loweat market prlcet. PERSONAL Dr. PhiUp T. Ball Nervoua and chronic dlseaaea of men, women and children; piles cured pain lessly and promptly; constipation, rheu matism, naralvais. eoiter. cured by acl- entlflo methods; electric baths, lady at tendant CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF nce and store flxturea built and re modeled; ahowcasea and counters. Phone Main 1787. E. MELTON OFFICE. STORK FIX turea; general Jobbing. C7 1st st Phone Mo In 3190 Droneller. Falrbai ks. 1st and Stark eta. Moras & Co, HELSER & UNDEN MACHINE WORKS Marine atatlonary engines. 260 Gllsan. WILL LOAN 17.000 OR LESS, 6 PER cent, on real estate. Farrlngton, 313 Fenton bMg. PRINTING. HARDWARE. WINDOW AND mads to order. Co., 74 Ith. DOOR SCREENS Portland Hardware Mann & Beach, Printers 92 1st st. Both phones. HOTELS. COAL AND WOOD. TIMBER. LOOKING FOR TIMBERT Wa offer you every advantage through our system of expert examinations which enables vou to determine the suit ability of a tract without spending tlmo or money, ir our general report indi cates that we have what you want our eatlmatea by two and a half aorea are eaally verified. TRY "THE LACEY WAY." JAMES D. LACEY ft CO.. 128 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange. Seattle. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In The Journal coat only 1 cent a word; 18 words or less. 15 renta each lnaertlon. Phonea Main 7173. Home A-8230. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyera only; ws have a few choice tracts for sale which we own. Have detailed estimates by fortlea. G. F. Sanbourn ft Co.. 401-2-1 Buchanan bldg, TIMBER TIMBER TIMBER Will Buy and Sell Timber. Choice hbmeateads nnd timber claims, near R. R. and river. Call or address the Coast Realty Co., 226 H Morrison st THE COAST REALTY CO.. 226 Vi Morrlaor St WE NOW HAVE CLAIMS WITHIN seven miles of streetcars that will cut 3.000,000, and good farm lands. Sta plea Land Co., ZOZ Worcester oldg. C03 6th st, corner Sherman. A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments redyed and remod eled; expert fitter; eatlmates given; low est prices; open even In as. 663 Wash ington. Phone Main 7308. IR RING CHOONG, IMPORlER CHI neae root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain curs for all dlaeaaea. 191 2d st, between Yamhill and Taylor. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 60a Ladlea' skirts pressed. 60a Gil bert 106 H Sixth at. next to Quelle. Phone Main 2088. DR. MARY KRAMER. MIDWIFE; home for patlenta; treatment for all blood dlaeaaea; examination xree. ati Mississippi ave. Eaat 6641 PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLABWOOD Com 865 Front at. successor, to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir. oak. slabwood. coal Tel. Main 1131. t FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLAB wood call Main 4876. Oak, ash, fir and coal. Portland Wood & Coal Co., 16th and Savler ta. WE3TERN FEED ft FUEL CO. House and blacksmith coals, coka charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1011. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONES A CO.. Wood and Coal. 181 East Water at THE BELLEVUE. EUROPEAN PLAN. 4th and Salmon. HOTEL Portland, Am. plan. II, 16 day. BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder. INSURANCE. OGILBEE BROS., PRINTERSCARDS, billheads, etc. Main 1858. 154H lat. E. L. E. WHITE ft CO., 102 1ST ST. Phone A-2S15. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. Canadian Pacific Railway Co CP. R. Short Line, via Spok. 7:00p.m. Via Seat, Vic. ft Vancouver. 4:20 p.m. Via Sumas 11:46 p.m. C. P. R. Short Line, via Spok. 1:0ft a. m. Via Van., Via and 8eattle... 4:16p.m. Vla Sumaa and Seattle 10:66 p. m. . 1 i . . . ". ... . ' SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. FOSTER A KLEI8ER -SIGNS. We have built up the largeat sign business in ths city by 'Irst-class work and keeping our promises. Our prices are right 6th and Everett ata Phone Exchange 66. . ffu f i tth a PT". PORT- land Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Paclfia Ills. TRANSPORTATION. TRANSFER AND HAULING ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 144 Sherlock bldg. JA8. McL WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA blllty and individual accident aecurlty bonda of all kinds. Phone 47. 101 Mo Kay bldg. BASS-HUETER PURE PAINTS WEAR longest, go farthest. Hueter'a Su perior Varnishes, standard for 62 years. Wholesale and retail warehouse Ral eigh and 13th sts. Take "8" car, or phone Main 7638. Free delivery, with in city limits. x F. E. BEACH & CO., THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glaaa and glaslng. 136 lat at Phone 1124. PLUMBERS. JEWELERS GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES. NOV- eia, etc.; uerraan. ttngnan. rrencn. Snanish. Swedish and Italian diction aries; foreign booka of all kinda Schmale Co.. 221 First st LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, ror sale, to let. etc.. in Tne Tnitrnnl mat onlv 1 cent a word! IS words or less, 15 cents each insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-3Z3U. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE: Sexine Pills cure all weakness; 21 a box. 6 for 16; full guarantee. Addreaa or call J. G. Clemenson. druggist Port land. Or. MOLES, WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. mil, room no nea ner bldg. Phone Paclnc 1S6. FARMERS' LAND CO.. HEADQUAR- tera for acreage and farma. near city; Investigate. Pacific 204. 208 3d st. FARMS. Before buying come and see us. We have anything from one acre to 200 acre tracts; also city property. Os burn Bros., 419 McKay bldg. Office phone Pacific 1941; residence, Scott 4016. Little Liners, wants, lost and found, for sale, to let, etc., in The Journal cost only 1 cent a-word; IS words or less, 15 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home A-3230. CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND SPECIAL, diseases of me- and women cured by modarn scientific methods: electro treat ment for diseases of the prostate; con sultation free. Dr. W. L Howard. Com monwealth bldg.. 0th St.. cor. Pine. TURKISH BATHS, 100 OREGONIAN bids;.: ladlea days, gentlemen nlgbta Main 1968. GENTLEMAN "WISHES ACQUAINT ance young widow, lady having own home: ladye with little girl preferred; object matrimony. Address Box 6L clty ; FOR SALE LIVESTOCK LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc., in The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 worda or leas, 16 cents each insertion. Phonea Main 7173, Home A-823&. THREE JERSEY COWS FOR BALK; alao one 3-year-old Percheron filly, full blood. 637 Jefferson. Phone Main 7168. L. O. Ralston, owner. FOR -SALE CHEAP THREE FRESH cows. Raster's Place, Lents. TWO CHOICE FAMILY COWS CHEAP. very gentle. 95 E. 30th, corner Wash Ington. Phone Eaat 5505. FRESH COW, PART JERSEY, 4V4 gal. day: ona family cow. 95 E. 30th at.. Sunnyslde. Eaat 6605. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MRS OBROCK, MASSEUSE. CABINET bath, salt glow, cream massage; ref erencea. SS2hi Park. Pacific 2611; A-2784. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE HAS engaged tha services of Miss English, eleclropath. Room 10, 860 H Morrison st Phone Main 7829 or A-1644. LADIES DR. SANDERSON'S c5T Savin and Cotton Root pills are the only sure remedy for delayed periods; by mail 12 per box. Dr. Pierce. 181 lgt. TUB' BATHS FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE j Oregon Fuel Co.. 814 Alder. I J. WOLF. RELIABLE WATCHMAKER Mainsprings 76c. 666 Wssh. Pac. 650. FOX ft CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS. 231 2d, bet Main and Salmon. Oregon phone Main zooi. MOUNT HOOD FUEL CO., WOOD AND j coal. 350 Water at Phone Main 8270. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MA8TICK A CO., FRONT and Oak sts., leather and aklna of every description for all purpoaea; aole CIithes CLEANen inn PRKsaaii snd tap cutters; ; nnaings. CLEANING AND DYEING. 21 per month. us BtarK Unique Tailoring Co, I ' H. W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS dyed a apeclalty. 606 Jefferson st Main 2513. CHIROPODISTS. LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinda. Including approved foreat re serve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING j Airs, m. u. tun, Koom B3U f leianer bldg. Both phonea MONtMENTS DONNERBERG A RA DEM A CHER RE moved to No. 308 Burnalde at nnn TO 1 XTBlTIJ'Jt CO.. Henry Roe. w- Cieiana F. P. Sheascreen. General transfer and 8V,rariJ!a!e,ai planoa and furniture moved packed and shipped. Z09 UaK St rnom uuu Pacific 1061. Home A-zzo. ,,. . 7 r iVrif OFFICE II 1ST BT- BB- . ' f. . a. nab ata.! nnona .691. Pianos and furniture moved and pacKea for ahlpplng; commoaiou. ones. h.,a with aanarate iron rooms. Front ( n. mtm PENINSULAR EXPRESS A BAGOAoiB Transfer. 247 Alder st Main 2171. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 N. 6TH. Main B. Heavy naunna ana "'B'. Independent baggage a trans- fer Co. Storage. i Burn, wain TrPEWIUTERS. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS MISS L B. MAY. 602 8 WETLAND Cop Ing deeds and abstricts apeo'lty. FA YE blilg. HANDLE. 455 SHERLOCK DUFCR & DUFUR. 304 WELLS-FAROO hlilg. Phone A-6338; largest and moat complete stenographic office In west. RUBBER ST AMI'S P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils; baggage, trade checas; brass signs and p.atea CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS NEU ft KINGSLEY. 261 1ST ST. Portland'a leading marble and grknite works. FREE FOR ONE WEEK MORE. x BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE, One of my CONSULTATION HEADINGS. The above CONSULTATION READING will be Given Free This Is strictly a matter of business on your part, to call at my office and become fanrfllar with my SPIRITUAL and SCIENTIFIC work. A hint to the wise is sufficient MUSICAL. MANDOLIN, GUITAR. BANJO JESSE Parker, vlrtuoao, late of Illinois Col lege of Music. TUford bldg.. 10th and Morrison sts. NORMAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Z, ALL ABOVE, ALSO SLUGS, NUMBER ing machines, check protectors, office stat ionary. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stark. REAL ESTATE. THOMPSON & OGDEN REAL Es tate, insurance, loans. See us before buying. S48 Misal8alppl eve. Phone I Woodlawn 202. I J. W. OGILBEE. REAL ESTATE AND farvui, nuB, i'uu., au jvussvi uiuk. v imco i n.m 11 cunure, jiutno, imriiiuny, uuuiiiuipuini. -tttt rT tvtd TYPEWRITER AGENCY, phone Main 7952. Raleigh bldg.. Port land, Or. See the new model No. I Oil w.r hfnra hiivina: a typewriter. Oliver typewrltera sold ana remeq NEW AND 2ND HAND. ALL MAKES. rented, rerairea, soio. r. u. 211 Stark. Tel. 1407. WHOLESALE JOBBERS vr a otmsT COL. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND, OREGON. K Verb i no" FARRELL, PRODU;E and commission merchants, 1 st. Portland. Or. 140 Front Phone Main 17ft. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turlnir Co. Manufacturera of furni ture for the trade. Portland. Or. & CO.. WHOLESALE GRO- winui m cers, manufscturera and comml merchn- ts. 4th and Oak sta. lion FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND special ordera. L. Ruvenaky's furni ture factory. 307 Front at. ALLEN A LEWlS. cbMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davla Bts.. roruanu, vr. 1883. 146H let. Wholesale crockery and glassware. Prael. Hegele A Co., Port land. Or. PIANO. VIOLIN, CORNET, TROM bone, clarinet. Professor' E. A. Smith. 292 12th st. Home A3360. LESSONS 60e PIANO GUITAR. BAN Jo, mandolin, violin. Mra. Martin, 43 1st st. Pacific 1068. ON OCTOBER FIRST I WILL OPEN A class in music for beglnnera only ; prices reasonable. Phone E-6083. ANY OFFER TAKEN FOR ONE 150 and one 230 Reed-French piano or or gan certificates. N-33. Journal. SPHINX AGENCY. DEALERS IN real estate and rentals. 106 Vs Stark st Main 4164. FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIP tion. W. W. Espey. 319 Commercial bldg. W. WOLFSTEIN. DEALER IN REAL estate anil rents collected. 110 1st st. 4 th St, cor. AND Wash- MANICURING. massage. HOVi lngton. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE Sure cure for rheumatlam. Sold by all druggists. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 626 E. Belmont. East 4034. BALM OF FIGS' FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 303 Flledner bldg. Main 7721. PRIVATE HOSPITAL FOR UNFORTU- nate girls: good care. 8 M liner bldg. THE SNOWDEN BATHS." 145H 6TH at., room ze; vapor ana sponge paths; massage; electricity: may attenaant. WANTED HONORABLE LADIES and gents to Join our S. A. club; ladlea rree. Mrs. uray, i ta. na st,. cor. Washinarton. WltSHES YOUNG MAN. AGE 30. meet lady; object, matrimony, dresg M. J. B., 45 Grand ave. TO Ad- VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; Stelnway (and other) planoa Sherman. Clay A Co., Ith and Morrison S Sts.. opp. postofflce. s Little liners, wants, lost and : found, -for sale, to let etc, in Ths , . Journal cost only 1 cent a word;. 11 " words or ess, 16 centa each Insertion, Fboneg Main U7I. Horn A-I2S0. . S - . t - LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chichesters Pins, tna Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as best, safest Alwaya reliable. Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand puis are sold by druggists everywhere. . LADTESI PR. , LA FRANCO'S COM pound; safe, speedy regulator IS rents, druggists or mall; booklet frea Dr. La FTanco, PhUadelphla, p. e iio Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; ADVISER OF BUSI NESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though mites away; reunites the separated: gives se cret powers to control others; no dif ference how close or how far away, you can alwaya obtain your dealred resulta. Tells you Just how, where and when to lnveat your money to obtain the best possible results. If you are sick, mel ancholy, disheartened or discouraged, DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR; come and receive spiritual advice that will help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. - I will do all others advertlss to do. and a great deal more. Office. Nos.. 1-4. Orand Theatre bldg. 352 1-2 Washington Phone Main 1267. I MACHINERY. PATENT PERFECTING CO. INVEN tlons perfected; we are builders of automatic machinery, dies, models, etc. Manufacture metal specialties, under contract. Western office, 266 Stark St.. Portland. Or.. E. C. Hurlbert, manager. STREET PAVING. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. I Street paving, sidewalks and croas I Ings. 314 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO of Portlnnd. Office 55 Worcester blk. LEWIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co, Barbers' Supplies. Barbers' Fur niture. Barbers' Chairs. 10th ft Morrison, TRANSPORTATION. S. S. "Redondo 99 Low Rates From the East During September and October tha Great Northern railway will sell colo- ' nist tlcketa from all eastern points at greatly reduced rates. .- -;, ' W.w Tork to Portland...... ..CRn.nn Boston to Portland H4A.4 Chicago to Portland . S33.00 t Paul to Portland . . . . Minneapolis to Portland f DnJuth to Portland 825.00 ; Sioux City to Portland..; , Proportionate reductions from other X points. Now Is the time to send for your friends. Orders for tickets will receive prompt attention. Additional Information on application to H. Dick son, C. P. ft T. A.. 122 Third street. Portland, Or. Phones Mala 180, Homo A-2286. f , Ho! For Astoria 00 car FastStcamerTelegrapIi Dally (except Thursdays). Leaves Alder street aocic T a. to. Sundays a. an. 91 round trip. v VXOaTB MAIm 863. 2TOBTK VACmO ST-AM82TXP CO.'S , 8TSAKSXXF8 - .i; Roanoke and Geo. We Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Log Angeles direct every Thursday at I p. m. xicaei on ice . in 'intra .near Aider; Columbia River Scenery BEG-TTlVftTOB Uim KTBAMXBS. Daily service, between - Portland and The Dalles, except Sunday, . leaving Portland at 7 a. m., arriving about I - nr. carrying frelxht and nasssns-ersv - Splendid accommodations for outfits na livestock-. -v.,, , ... Dock foot of Alder St.. Portland: foot 914, Portland, f ;; ? . , THE H. C. ALBEE CO. SECOND hand machinery, sawmlUs, eta 241 Grand ava OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Madame Lnckey will ba found at her f ormsr location, 209 4th at. between Taylor and Sal mon, where she will be glad to receive her friends and patrons. Phone Main 7781 SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES OF EVERY DE8CRIP tion; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. The Lutke Manufac- turlng Co.. Portland. R. H. BIRD8ALL DESIGNER: AGT. M. Winter Lumber Co. 7 Hamilton mag. SAFES. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE Indies and gentlemen, If you are In trouble about the condition of your health, do not fatl to consult me. I can convince you that I can help you by natural methods. Consultation and ex amination free. Dr. Isabella Mackle, 260 V4 Morrison st. Room 10. Phone Main 7320 or A-1644. Da LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. 8PE- Jacks, PORTLAND SAFE CO.. SOLE AGENTS for Herring-Hall-Marvin safea and Manganese Steel Safe Co.'a bank safes; 20 second-hand fireproof safea and bank safes, very cheap. See them or write us. 93 7th st. i DIEBOLD MANGANESE SAFES T .... II... . T-vitA 1 .nflr-Altta nrsmnmA jails, metal furniture. clalist on nervoua. acute and chronic I phonea. J. E. Davla. Is 3d. dlseaaea. Office 217 Fenton bldg. Both SEE THE Proplietess Viola VTarahfleld. 2I3U Morrison St. The Cosmos, between Id and Ith. MAY ANDREWS. CARD READER, AT 2a aula sU ta. roona juub ttu. Paolfln 118(1 La a B. NORTHRUP, 411-16-17 DK kum bldg.. Id and Washington sta Phone Main 141. Examination free. Phone ; SAFES FOR SALE, LOCKOUTS OPEN- DR. CLYTHIE RAMSEY" 4U MAC leay bldg. M. 1120- A-4741; res. M7S04. i ed. autoa and machinery renaired. Co- lumbla Gas Engine & Safe Works. 244 2d. MANGANESE STEEL BANK SAFES (original) fire-proof safes. vault fronts The Mosler Safe Co.. 108 2d at ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO. GUTTERING, RE- rirlng and general jobbing. J. Losli. Jefferson st Paolfio 1424. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COMB, brush, soan. 11 per month. Portland Laundry ft Towel Supply Co- Ith and I Couch sta. Phona 111. V Sailing from Couch street dock. Port land for Seattle. Tacoma. Everett and Belllngham, September 13 at 6 p. m. PR IQXT Connecting at Seattle for Nome. Golofninln, 8t. Michael. Chena and Fair banka with steamers Pleiades, Hyades. Lyra, Mackinaw, Ohio. Schubaoh & Hamilton. General Agents, beatue, wasn. F P. Baumgartner, Agent. Portland. . Couch atreet dock. Phones: Main 861; Horns A4HL COOS BAY Weekly Freight aad Passenger Berries of ths Pins Steamship Breakwater Leaves POBTXiin every Monday, 8:00 p. , xn, mn oaaatxsei : noes, xox EMPIRE NORTH BEND AN Ds MARSHPIELD It Freight Received Till 4 tv m. on Day v. r. . ,- of Sailing: . .. FABB From Fortlaao, - Xst-claas, tlOJM: Sd-olass, $7.00, including bartn Inquire City Tlckst Office, Third and I precedents, in tht he i-.s j . t Waahinrton eta, or Oak-street Dock. menced his second, term. ai. i TOMTUUtn ftiro PVOEX SQVXO been ths cuatom to atie-Jt a i ,. BOVTS " 'much loiutsr sorvlca. Columbia River , THroudK Line 8teamers of the "OPEN RIVER" Una leave OAK-8TREET DOCK every Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at FIVE O'CLOCK A. M., for all points between Portland, ths Dalles and Umatilla. Leave early and see all the river. Ar rive early. Low rates. Prompt serv ice. Telephone Main 3201. Home, A 1527. ONTARIO PROUD OF ' , FINE NEW DEPOT (Special DUp.trb is Tb. Joornal.J Ontario, Or.. Oct. I--Ths exterior of ths new 125,000 depots that Is be ing erected by ths Oregon Short Lino at thla place Is completed and tha car penters are working on the Interior, Thsy have tha express and ;baggnir4 mnma and one hallway finished. -The building is of red pressed l.ii (i anl fconcrets blocks and is conel( tim handsomest depot along tne lint. The Ontario city council haa authnr. laed ths r graveling of Oregon or M . t street from Indiana avenua north is v .5 blocka to Idaho avenue., -ti onlntnn Is gaining grmi': 1 1 ar.mhinrtnn that flenator I'u'Urr ,, , , will be elected t the I - . ,, leadership In the upper hrr s, ,r , areas, to succei former t-'. i -burn of Kentucky. Tha " n-, ! . wouia,. pr.'H an t