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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1907)
: X THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, ! SEPTEMBER 80, 1907. No Cocaine-No Gas 1 - i - No Students BlacLjmitlt: 'Our luooesa la due 'to uniform high grade work at reasonable prices. Nervous People :llT HI TO TRI-CITY PRIZE ATI if other Whose vc: I; au4 requires tjreat physical strength and en durance need tissue bull 4-. , lng foods. Among these there is none so good or so - And those afflicted with heart weakness COAST BASEPALL GOES TO F ES caa now have their teeth extracted, filled and brldgework applied without tha least pain or danger. PAINLESS EXTRACTION .SO 21 KARAT CROWNS 5.00 BRIDGE WORK 5.00 OUR BEf T PLAIN PLATE 8.00 .1-1 rortland" Team Takes iTW There Will Be No Kelso Frakes Game, for Tigers Are Beaten. sustaining as ! l J m Of Most Sensational Garner C of the; Season TEETrT . RESULT SUBPBISE TO dcHdoaa MINOR. LEAGUE FANS f w-v j (P: . V K .-. - ' , v' '..if'' '4 " - , ' i , f J a v ,.. '-. - t ' ....,..''-'"' LW4,H"JW' " , ' j ill 1 6n Fran citco Get Off in Lead ia ' " ; Front With Bat .at" Eleventh ".V.- Hon and Swat OutlVfctorf. ," ' " , V, V? ' II'S.. V ,j TESTJERDATS , RESULTS.. 1 Portland 4-4. Ban Franclse Loa Anseies uamana ifi. . 8TAKDINO OP THBJ ?XUBS. Lost a .60 .Ill Won. Los Angelas 91 Ban Franclaco. . . . 91 Oaklapd IB Portland 69 When the little round sphere thudded Into Donahue's glove yesterday after , dodging pant the whining bat of Willie In the fifth Inning of the eecond game there ended the tnoet . notable baseball flay Portland has seen during the sea' on of 1907. It was the banner day In Coast league baseball, not merely becaUse.1t was the Vital day and one of the biggest crowds f the season attended, but becauae 'nirb game were record-breakers In ths tter of dramatic Interest Both were f, "$n with brilliant plays; In ioth the team got off In thread in tne Tfc . batting and at the eleventh hour In wnw, thu home team cam throush with rate K tCt tn awaited out a vlo- to' fact that Portland cantured both halls of the double-header left nothing cona.S, fldred and aont the spectators poato. Wti, tn m08t aatlsfactory feeling quite i.ty icould poaalbly experience stamp yh-fi CNuue a a rand One. : At theind spasm was only five In ang four and one half to be "Y ecauBe the nrst went to 12 In ored ., of course the first game out rallr the second. Twice the locals tied tlon score , when It looked as If they dru'. lose and finally, with two out and tool on baaea, a couple of good men aee tne bat and walloped In the vlc- ild you ever hear such an uproar as rose from bleachers and grandstand 'IhenT Perhaps so, but only at a foot Tsi tft jjn ttittl nrst struaeie uaoar jones was mighty good whenever he needed to be. For seven innings he shut us out and it Hpked as If that one toot of ths; Seals ntui second inning was to oe a miamy :onesdrae one for the rest of Its days. ' t the eighth the visitors got another f td the fana sat back resigned to . wait tjt the second set-to. ' w Beavers Tie Boor Twtoe, -But not so.' In the second half the Hf,stlck wprk began and when H.waai Ca T it was,iwo an. m tne nintn eacn p ,1ed one' over and there was more -p (iitlng. Calif f replaced Hartman In Lt tenth and by the greatest of good hi he'lield down the Seals for three rM a I bat, until Baseey's slzster . r Jalrhlnr wa . thm tvhn flln- Ihf.opped around the i-lrcult in the second t inning. Johnson let' him start by exe cuting a i ow-nr (. .. wmiams sacrincea ' him .",-the second station. Donahue, i atartad as If rm had a nlaht out. let htm ao farther bsL-Maalna a pitched ball. He scored eaauy on. Street s liner 10 earner. .Donahue helped the second score by throwing wild to Kennedy. Jones was V t iURll L uiun v.iv: 'mi ibi, ninnMi, tne nnat stage on iiper a snot to center Kartman Pretends He's Kit. , ... . . ji . . ... rxarimim was uroi up in uie ocwuu half -t tha irhth A nH.horl hall hit 'Hhe lower part of his bat and when he started to first Ferrine did not call mm fck. Casey came along and walloped , ne wnicn came witnin a yara or ciear--g the right field fence. It was good ' r two bags and when Donahue hit -,-fe to left Hartman scored. Raftery iou't a bunt, filling th bases with tr out. Casey scored- when Mc ir die hit an out and the side was re T. H Rt the tie. eul the ninth Irwin scored on a walk, 000 criflce, a fielder's choice, and a,- a- V c c A r . - j g.ifci,.ifaiiriiia, lOaiThitxi W ta . 3144 . xj.. 7 Jf Cuba Defeat Ambitions Pennant- Chasers by Better Work at Bat and In the Field Story of Game Season Successful One. STANDING! OF TRI-CITT TEAMS. Bobby Groom, Who Won Hli Own Game Yesterday With Three-Base Hit. Mott beat out a bunt, Kennedy made the aecond out and then along came Bobby Groom. Somehow and some way long Robert landed on the ball with all the weight in his attenuated body.' And he hall didn't atoo until Bonny sauattea grinning on the third sack. Casey brought him In with hie fourth hit of ay.- was all the scores: The score was 4 to 2. over but the shouting. and it The rirst Oame. BAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Hlldebrand. If . .. 5 0 1 4 0 0 Piper cf..f 4 0 2 2 0 0 WheeW, 2b 4 0 0 2 6 6 Irwin, 8b. .....4 1 1 2 I 0 Meichior, rf 3 1 0 I 0 0 Williams, lb ... 3 0 0 16 1 0 Zelder, as i 0 1 1 I 0 Street, c 4 0 1 6 2 1 Jones, p 4 1 1 0 1 0 Totals 85 ? 7 85 IB 1 PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Casey, lb 4 1 8 4 4 0 Ronahue, e 6 0 1 t 8 1 artery cf i .. l l o McCredie. rf .... 8 0 ,1 0 0 .) Johnaon, as. ...4 11 4 6 2 Baaaev If ( 0 1 2 0 0 Mott, lb 6 1 1 8 4 0 Kennedy, lb .... 4 0 0 1 6 0 Hartman, p .... 2 1 0 0 8 0 Byrne. 10 0 0 0 0 Califf, p 1 0 1 0 t 0 rotals 'r's single, but we evened It In the Tid naif. Mott singled lis and Casey second two- Portht hlm home wltti "4ff replaced Hattman and retired the- deals in onetwo-thr"ee order In the atre. , but In the eleventh he was merely. Piper got to first on Johnaoa's will jJa, Wheeler walked ans things' m mighty bad. ,- - M Johnson Makes Trlpls Jrlar- '" Kanen came a great triple play. Irwin we ung, on one so hard traveled st$ greased lightning toward the out- jonnson Doosted tilmseir into tne But It didn't pi. land knocked it down. ti. 1 the around. He fell under it. gled It a couple of times,, gripped it, -sed it to Casey at second; Casey ran h..alf doien steps toward flrat, touched Arc .eeler and the side was out . allf f walked three1 men in tke ,r trh Vint TlnnoVin nlnhavl fmA Af mZiSr "t third, making, the third out. sold t,.y an(1 McCredie Vent out On a "4 plav In the aecond half, but .0tn walked, stole second, went ,.o otore. An Street's bad heave arid Basftey "-he game with a Blngleiaat WJ1- and tt'om wins Bis Own Oame, Bteihe second game Bobby Oroom Wadlid wild and let two Seals cowl e die started it by putting one wis. jonnson scorea. mm DT was 42 4 12 8 22 'Batted for Hartman In ninth. Two out when winning run made. SCORE BT INNINGS. San Francisco.. .0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 0 0 I Hits ;. ...11 0 00 1 0 2 1 000 7 Portland 00000002100 1 4 Hits 1 1 0 1 0 1 02 2 1 1 112 SUMMARY. Struck ou"-By Jones, 6; by Hart man 8. Bases on balls Off Jones, 4 off Hartman, 8; off Calif f, 4. Two base hits Hlldebrand, Johnaon, Casey 2. Double plays Irwin to Williams to Zeider. Triple plays Johnson to Casey. Sacrifice hits Williams. 2; Baasey, Meichior. Kennedy, McCredie. Stolen bases Piper 2, Raftery, Baasey, Street, Johnson. Hit Dy pitched balls Hart man, Casey. Passed bid la Donahue. First base on errors San Francisco, 2. Left on bases San Francisco. 0: Port land. 12. Innings pitched By Hartman, by uaiirr, a. Base hits orr Hart man, 7; credit victory to Califf. Time of game Two hours, 15 minutes. Um pire Mr. Perrine. Beoond Game. SAN FRANCISCO. i ttildebrand, If PiDer. cf Wheeler, 2b..... 2 Irwin. Sb. , . . . . . .1 Melchoir. rf 1 WMIains, lb 8 Zeider,, ss 2 street) o 3 Willis, p 2 AB. R. :.1 8 0 0 0 0 H. 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 cent.- i ln 'he second. But he won hit dock J me in the fourth by tile longest hitting1 over HiMebrand's head. Bassfy 4 astMr hit a arounder to Zeider. who oauafit Johnson between bases, but the ahort ston was wise e.iouah to dodge back and Hrwi. '!,.vdsv reaonea secona. Total 14 2 2 12 PORTLAND. AB. lt. H. PO Casey. 2b... 8 0 2 0 Donahue, c 8 0 0 s Raftery, cf 2 0 1 1 McCredie. rf 1 1 1 0 Johnson, bs...,..8 0 1 1 Bassey, If 1 1 0 2 Mott, 8b 2 1 1 3 Kennedy, lb... ..2 0 0 6 Groom, p 2 110 .18 7 15 A. B. 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 "I 1 A. E. 1, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 i "0 first game, both of them counting In the run getting. He made two safe hits In the second, walked once and hit once. He was st bat but seven times, so he finished the day with a percentage con siderably above .600. Raftery, who looks to be ln reality the best batter Portland has, barring none, hit with the same average. He was at bat seven times and secured four safeties. John son, the new shortstop hit to the fence twice for two bases and finished the day with an averaae of .883. Theae three men amonar them secured 10 of the 19 hits scored by the Beaver bunch during the two games. Kennedy, tne new nrst baseman, did not do anything at all with the bat yesterday. He did not fan out, however. e e San Franclaco s;ot but one game ln the aeries Just closed. Portland got four. That almost kills San Francisco's chances for the pennant. The attendance yesterday was 4,700. Not so bad, considering that there were threats of showers all day. Melchoir started the sensational do ings of the day by picking the first ball off the fence with one hand. It was the first ball pitched In the second half of the first Inning, and Casey would ordinarily have got a two-bagger off it. San Francisco's new right fielder showed his class bv crowding against the fence, reaching to his fullest height, and pulling down the sphere. He could not have reached It with two paws. Of course he was given the glad mlt on all sides by the generous fana Oames. I Played. Won. Lost PC. Frakes 84 II 5 .801 Kelso 3t 80 6 .770 St. Johns 28 18 10 .143 Wood bum 28 18 11 .677 Cubs It 8 II .108 Astoria 21 7 14 .104 Trunks 11 5 14 .284 Brewers 2 20 .231 WABASH CLUB GIVES ST. JOHNS CLOSE GAME The Wabash club ball nine gave the St John's Apostles a hard rub yesterday, losing the game by a score of 6 to 4. "Baron" Schimpp, formerly one of the McCredie family, played a brilliant game for Wabash at first. Likewise Sum mers. The Apostles were all ln the run nlng. Jack Olney and Charley Moore did the slab work and the former, had he been given support at critical mo ments, would have won. Reliable Charley Moore sent the ball down the alley to periection, allowing but three nits, oiney sent seven Apostles back to tne Dencn Dy way or tne ozone route. Tne line up: St. Johns Philbrook. 8b.: Mangold cf.; Turk, rf.: Chas. Moore, p.; Clarke Moore, lb.; Hinkie, ir. ; Troworidge, ss. Brown, 2b. ! Brock, 0. Wabash McBrlde. ss.: Eubiich. cf. Schimpp, lb.; Ahem, If.; Howard, rf.; Adams, 2b.; Summers, 2b.; Pembroke, 0.; Oiney, p. v BUSINESS MEN'S GYM CLASS AT MULTNOMAH BAD BREATH kinds of utdlelnei. My tongue has Tormeatht I had rt trouble with uyttmnaclt 1 an k it f reen en ro week! go 1 tftaratinstbi thtnfore let yoa know thxt I (hall rooommsod (Dd Biea 1 a acti ad odor. Tiro week iuarctl and after ni rfully lay ttaat tb irafnra tt voa kim thm in an Ana anffarlnff from iuflh tranblai Vbtt. H Halpera, u a. its St., new io, . 1. actaall at freen ai cnai, my breath having r, two weeici ago a irieua reconraauaea 1 and after aiina? tbett I can wllllnrlr and cheerfully a ay tbat they bay entirely eared n. I 1 Tr Bowel. . , CAMOVCATrUanC '0r, na Palatable. Patent. Talte Oeod. fe flood. Iflkaa, Waakea or Srlpa, We. tie. Me. Keer Ibulk. Tha cennlna tablet atannad O U L waai to ear Off yoarenouer saoc, 'Hag Remedy Ce., Chicago er N.T. B96 SALE, TEN F."!LL10M B0XE$ .Totals . . SCORE BY INNINGS, San Francisco ...0 2 0 0 02 vHita 0 1 1 0 02 Portland 0 0 0 4 4 Hits 1 0 1 6 7 SUMMARY. Struck, out -By Groom. 1. Baaea nn balls Off WUlis, 2; off Groom, 1. Two- WtBsbJUts Melchoir. Johnson. Three. baaehlt Groom. Double play Mott lanasEisieu;. oacmipe mis Williams, jtiiaeorana. oioien oasev uassey, Mott, Hit by pitched ball Irwin. Left on oases san rranoisco, 1; Portland,' 4 Time or game one nour. Umpt; jut. i-errine. KOTKS OF THE GAME. Say, wasn't that a great finish? Portland may end the season above tne .400 mara, arter an. . ' .' ..' a " v If McCredie had the team at the be ginning or tne season mat he has now there would be more than three clubs ln me real race xor tne pennant. FUre weeks more of coast league base ball. The season ends Sunday, Novem- Der s. foruana piays uaaiana tomor row at Oakland and San Francisco plays Los Angeles at Los Angeles. ..,.. e What did you think of that triple play? Johnson did wen to stop that ball, let alone hold It. In making the hjrilllant play he redeemed himself for tne two errors s scored earlier In the game. Johnaon did another wonderful stunt ' ln the third innlna-. 'when he nipped s hot grounder front Williams' bat while. at full sneed and shot It to first front a most difficult .angle. raevwaH the bis star of the day with the bat.' His two two-baggers won thi The business men's gymnasium class at the Multnomah club will be organ lzed next Wednesday evening under Professor Krohn, who conducted the class with bo much success last year, The men will assemble at 60'clock, the time at which exercise will be taken three times a week during the fall, win ter and soring. An hour or more each Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be devoted entirely to tne business men The work, while not over strenuous, is hard enough and fast enough to put anv reaular attendant in good condition. The faxes of a number of prominent professional and business men of the city win pe seen in tne ciass again una fall FOOTBALL LEAGUE NOT WANTED AT? EUGENE (Special Die-patch to Tbe Journal.) University of Oregon, Eugene, Sept. 80. There seems to be a good deal of sympathy here with the University of Idaho ln their stand against the pro posed athlethtc league in the northwest. President Campbell states that auch a league might be a good thing, but that, aa far as Oregon Is concerned, there Is no necessity for it. with the teams- which this institution meets annually there are special contracts which govern all the points which the league would deal with and which have been lived up to In every case. The rest or tne men interested In athletics do not seem to care whether such a plan is assured or not. and think that the reports so far spread are large ly talk. Even Break at Bay Citr. bun Francisco, Sent. SO. -Oakland and Los Angeles divided yesterday's games. Scores; Morning game R. H. E. Los Angeles. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 9 4 Oakland 1 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 7 14 2 Batteries Heaa and , Eager: Wright and Dash wood. Afternoon game r. h. E. Los Angeles. 0 0 9 0 0 0 1 1 24 9 0 Oakland o v w 1 u u o w 1 e 1 Batteries uray ana jiogan: uooawin and Augur, . . . . , , . . . . . umpires moots ana viuvav . The Trl-Oity league playing season Is over at last, and passes into history as. the only successful ending of a seml profesaional league season In Portland. The sudden ending was all due to Brainard's Cubs, that lively bunch of 'Teddy Bears" that Jpurneyed down to the Kelao jungles yesterday and tackled the victorious and bloodthirsty Tigers In (heir own lair. The Tigers' claws are clipped for good now and the Milliners can safely lay claim to the pennant. The battle between the Cubs and Tigers was a strenuous one and any body's game up to the ninth, when the Cubs fell upon the Tigers and managed to send three men over the rubber for what turned out to be the extinguishing of the Tigers' hopes for the rag. The Keiao management and players accorded the vlaltora fair and Impartial treatment; the crowd was good-natured and not unruly, as predicted. The Kelao people showed themselves to be good losers and true sportsmen. Chevalier, the ex-Northwest league pttoher, twirled a good game for Kelao. Kotteman, who occupied the slab for the Cubs, had plenty of speed and was given faultless support by the entire team. The Cubs worked the bunts and hits to perfection and at all times were fully in the hands of their coach. Xow the Cubs Did It. The Cubs secured three runs ln the second Inning. Duvall singled. Magneas followed with a hard smash for one sack. Barrell bunted and beat out his hit, scoring Duvall. Shea smashed safely and scored 'Magneas and Barrell. Kotterman fanned, Lerch singled, Tauscher was hit by a pitched ball, Kennedy hit a fielder's choice, and Lerch waa caught at the plate. Shea and Kennedy being caught ln a double. The Cubs scored aa-aln In tha avanrh by sacrifice hitting and timely smashes and again ln the eighth by clean hits and an error by Miller, who threw to second, neither Hearne or Baker cover ing the bag. In the nrnth with the saora to i Tauacher walked, Kennedy came through wiin nis inira sacrince, Kruger hit to Chevalier, Duvall amashed a safe one and Tauscher acored. Magness got to first on an error of Palmer, and th Kelso team momentarily went up, not coming down until Duvall and Magness BNjurea. The Tigers scored ln the fourth by clean hitting and the wlldnees of Kot teman and again in the eighth by hits by Heberden and Chevalier, and a long drive to centerfieM by Halbert The official score: CUBS. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. 0 0 o,1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Re-Enameling Teeth la the greatest invention In modern den tistry and haa been most successful of all methods. We extend to all a special Invitation lu mill ii uur vuiie ewin iwtv iuir nn examined free of charge. We own and control tha largeat and beat fiiiinoed dental establishment In the world, having just openea an. orr ice ln Astoria, making us IB offices an told. We give a written guarantee with all work lor 10 years. Laay attendant. Open evenings till 1:20. Sunday t to 1. Chicago Painless Dentists IIXTX AJTD WAaXtaTOTOV. Be sure you are ln the right place. PRUNE OF LARGE SIZE T SO HERN Harvest Is About Over and Yield a Heavy 0n3 De mand Is Very Good. (Speclil Olapsteh te The 7anwL) Myrtle Creek, Or.. Sept 80. The har- veatlng of the prune crop throughout the prune districts in the southern part of Oregon Is now nearlng the end. The season has been an exceptional one for the grower of fruit. Intermittent rains have produced a yield unusual and a size and quality hardly before known. The French or Petite prune is the one most extensively grown and ln ordi nary yeara fruit weighing 70 and 80 prunes to the pound would be con sidered good, while this season has Lerch. rf Tauscher, cf. Kennedy, lb 1 H.ruger, id Duvall, ss Magneas, If Barrell, 2b Shea, c Kotteman, p. ... Thomas, rf produced milt weighing IB to prunes to the pound. Douglas, Jackson and Josephine counties have always produced Ore- ? ton's beat French prunes. This fruit s equal If not superior to the famous Santa Clara valley prune boasted of by all California fruitgrowers. There will probably be about ISO carloads of this fruit shipped from the packing houses of the Douglas County Fruit- r rowers' association at Roseburg and 0 carloads from the E. 8. French com pany's plant at Myrtle Creek. In addition to the excellence of the ?leld this season the growers have been avored with very high prices in the eastern market, owing to the failure of fruit crops throughout the east. The fruit will ln most cases be shipped di rect to the markets at New York, Chi cago, et. JyOum, New Orleans and other cities, while some of it will reach the best markets of Europe. 4 ft. -" - """" al F0EEST RESERVES FAMINE BUSTERS Totals 35 9 11 27 9 2 Magness out, hit by batted ball, third inning. KELSO. Halbert. 3b. Palmer, lb. . Baker ,2b. . . Hearne, ss. . . Miller, c. ... Conrad, cf.' , Heberden. rf Hawley, If. . Chevalier, p. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Totals 87 6 10 26 1 4 SCORE BY INNINGS. Cubs 03e00012 s Tits ..rt n n a 1 9 1 m Kelao 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 1 0 ft Hits 1 0 1 4 0 0 1 2 110 SUMMARY. Struck OUt Bv Knttaman 4. K., Chevalier, 6. Bases on balls Off Kot teman. 4; orr Chevalier a Tn.k... hits Magness. Miller. Hawlnv nn.ihi,. 'lay Chevalier to HlUer to Palmer to liller. Sacrifice hita Ker,niv i- Miller. Stolen baaea ru vnll Ton' 'cer'tM'lfre8s' Halbert, Palmer. Con rad, Chevalier. Hit by pitched ball Taucher, Kennedy. Wild pitch, battery error Kotteman. First base on er rors Kelao, 2; Cubs, 2. Earned runs Kelso. 6: Cubs. 6. T.eft nn hua Cubs, 6; Kelso, 9. Inings pitched Nine. Hits made Off Tfnttoman in- off Chevalier, 10. Time of game-UDne hour, 86 minutes. Attendance 600. Umpire Burnslde. (Special Dlapateb te Tbe Jocrnal.) Pendleton, Or., Sept SO. That the foreatry department will do everything In Its power to prevent a scarcity cf fuel among 'settlers In the vicinity of tne Blue Mountain roreat reserve dur ing the coming winter is shown by the race mat tree permits wur do given to secure timDer ror ruei during uctooer, K. G. Warner has lust received a let- ter from H. G. Ireland, acting forest supervisor of the eastern division of the Blue Mountain forest reserve, saying that a foreatry official will be sent to the Hairway house, on the reuowjacket wagon road. October 4 and 6, and to the Carney cabins, three miles south of Ridge postofflce, October 7 and 8, for the purpose of issuing free use per mits to any settler desiring fuel from the reserve during the coming winter. It Is urged that settlers living in the vicinity of the reserve be present to secure permits at the dates mentioned, as the official of the department will be at those places promptly on the dates given. UMATILLA WOULD SHINE AT THE A. P. T. HARD TRAINING TO BEGIN TOMORROW (Soeclal Dtapatch to Tbe Journal ) University of Oreton. Eua-ene Hont 30. Regular football training; will be gin Tuesday night, and from that time on the men will be expected to observe the customary training rules. Nearly all the old men that are to come r hart and hard work is now on the program Frost is taking his men through the fundamentals of the game, for he has time to teach them the manv Httlo points that count for so much before the first game two weeks from next Satur. day. The training table will be started in aDout a weea. (Special Dltpatch te The Jearaal.) Pendleton, Or., Sept. 80. M. D. Wis dom, publisher of the Rural Spirit in Portland and a member of the Oregon commission of the Yukon Alaskan ex position to be held at Seattle in 1909, is making arrangements for special wheat exhibits for the Seattle expo sition from Umatilla county. As Umatilla Is the leading wheat county of Oregon It is the hope of the commlsson to secure the cooperation of the farmers of this county In making a display of wheat which will plane Ore gon at the head of all the wheat grow ing states at that exposition. National League. Louis St. Louis, 6-1; 0-4; Phil- New At St. York. 7-0. At Cincinnati Cincinnati, adelphla, 1-3. At Chicago Chicago, 2-2; Brooklyn 5-2. T Northwest League. Butte. 0. 11; Aberdeen, At Tacomo Tacoma, At Seattle Seattle, 4-4. Sharkey'sTrtacIng ips. Hamilton first race Emma G., Torn Shaw. Oroba. Second race Mnllere, Tailey Entry, Wild Cherry. Third race The Englishman. Glimmer, Colonel Jack. Fourth race Kara, Buckmart, Lester L. Hayman. Fifth race- Tho mond, Plum Tart, Heather Belle. Sixth race Griften. Half Caste, Harry Riche aon. Seventh race De Rescke, West ern, Harmakts. Latonla first race La Cache, Belle view, Redcoat. Second race Little George, BensTrovato, Caper. Third race Black Dress. Marlon More, Heron. Fourth race Pete Vinegar, Gerst Entry, D. G. Taylor. Fifth race Center Bhet, Rustle. , Orlando. , Sixth race Shining fitar. Sylvan Bella. French. Nun. te ' - V - . V . '- ' ' j0 Alwaya Bay u-"ssW &Mvr Collars V m iJJ.I.lrr JPttUgknmk. Ik . i m "TMgY oont oaaea ao quick" ft mmmmmmmmmmm Have -LISOCOBD" eyelet buttonholes. II - 1 1 Kaay to button. Strong to hold. II . II egO. P. IOg a OO Maker TMOV.a. V. ill ffZLmm? CRANSTON jj -J pj m m m sa mm i awsse ii ii i loTai 4 53 I t A CAfi LS Ghirardelli's Cocoa The Best $3.00 Hat in the World Fall Styles Now Ready BEN SELLING LEADING HATTER HINTS TO THE-IMPROVIDENT Those interested in saving something of their dally earnings, in having that already accumulated earn ing interest, in conserving their estates, In provid ing for old age, in making disposition of their es tates themselves rather than leaving them to th uncertainty of probate, will be interested , in the facilities we offer, and in reading our pamphlet Call or write for it. . . , v n Merchants Savings and Trust Company 247 WASHINGTON STREET. CAPITA! FULLY PAID ,"- $150,000.00 J. Frank Watson President R. L. Durham ......Vice-President, W. H. Fear .Secretary S. C. Catching Assistant Secretary W. T. Muellhaupt. .Cashier I S3 r-tal-. -i A Perfumed Luxury for the Bath. I Best ToJet powder. An.-; .:.-" f Doneos Hard Water, better I pure, , Keheves sunburn c 4 loan rerfume. Z5 baths, . . chalks. Vest tJt 25 canls. aTALL stores m HAILFD BY i 3ee