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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1907)
I; .i v THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL fcORTlJAND, MONDAY- EVENING,' SEPTEMBER ' Sfc' 1807. T TJher wii an unusually full attend- La t-4 ntlng thl morning of th Aptlst mthister. Mr. Smith. th new sslstant pastor Of th First ' churoh. . , who wil elected to membership, led orr mo meeting witn a taia on tn mis sion 01 prayer nmunn ana now v male them Interesting. Every pasto expressed mi viewa on tn suDject an told hie way of conducting the meetings more prayer and I to Intereet more people. Borne advieed an testimony: others advised leas of the preaoher and more : of the people; and still other eom i menolng and ending on time and letting -. m. people Know so as to Keep in meet ' ng irora dragging laterminaoiy, ...Thaodor Eggers, president of, the ' American Flah company, who la one of ' the big men In the salmon Industry on th: vmmv Is one of the bellerere In tiolden Oralh Granules. He aaid: "This cereal ooffeahaa saved my family.'' Mr. ' Eggera and his family suffered from ' kidney troubles. A sample package waa inea, -wim line a Dove result, conee , roastera mar laugh at this and ridicule It, but that will not change the fact that Amerloan grains, roasted, make a healthier, more natural coffee than Mocha, Java or whatever name they care to call It Everybody Is talking about it Ohlldrenjust lqv It. - Wanting something to break the mo notony of a quiet Sunday afternoon, William Blum, who Uvea it ! North Eighth street, began to amuse himself by exploding blank shells with a nail. The repeated discharges quickly caused a crowd to gather about Blume'a house, thinking soma one was bring murdered. Patrolman Craddock hap pened alone and eacorted Blume to the police station, where a charge of dls- charging firearms In the city waa placed agalnat him. He waa released on lit bail. His cat will be tried tomorrow. ASSOCIATION HOLDS ITS FIRST "AT HOME Y. W; C. A. Renews Popular Sunday Afternoon Di- : " version for Members. " Judge Char'es E. Wolverton, sitting In the United States district court, sue talned the demurrer to the indictment against B. F. Irvine and A. K. Ruse Corvallls newspaper men indicted for using the mails to further a lottery scheme. Assistant United states At torney James Cole stated that he would file an Information atalnst the Cor vallla men and have them tried In that manner. Judge Wolverton held that the Indictment did not show that a lottery existed Tomorrow Is the day when the new foreign postag rate goes into effect. The chief change Is In regard to letters wblch will hereafter be carried at the . rat of 6 cents for the firet ounce and I cents for each additional ounce. Here tofore the rate haa been I cents for each half ounce. Foreign mall matter Is considerable of an Item In the Portland postofflce and the change will mean quite a reduction in the Income on atamp sales. At the comer of Seventh and Gliaan atreeta, last night, Dick Williams, col ored, accoited Ed Baart, a north bank railroad laborer and without provoca tion started a fight. Aa both men were drunk. Detective Smith and Coleman took them to the city jail. When searched. Baart was found to have lost a sum or money. Their trial was set for tomorrow. The Toting Women' Christian asso ciation haa again taken up earnest work for gtrla without the advantage of city home.. Testerday It had It first at home of thla season the at home which became so annular on Sunday anernoons or last winter, unere waa a good attendance for the firat meet' Ing, even though many preferred to be Out Of doora fin aconuni nf tha dallrht- iui nay. Mis carria A. ' Holbrook rava the address of the afternoon a short talk on the value of systematic Bible study. Mlsa Sophia Bhlvea read from the Bible. Miss Delta Wataon bad charge, of the musical program and the singers were Mis Metta Brown, Hsrry T. Butter worth and I.irv Wlarlnm with Mra. Wisdom aa accompanist. The address of the president wss followed by a light supper and a social hour. Arranaementa hava Han maria far the winter classes to te conducted at the association rooms. At 1 o'clock thla afternoon the educational classes will meet and tomorrow nlaht the Old Testa ment study class will be organised. Wednesday. Friday and Saturday nlrhta or each week will be devoted to Bible atudy. A noon meeting at 11:10 will ba held every Wednesday during the fall and winter and tha Sunday "at homes" from 4 to will be continued The claaaea In music .elocution and domestic science aa well aa the educa tlonal claases ooen tonlsht for the fall term. The winter term Is to begin December 9. From December 11 to January 6 the Chrlatmaa vacation will be held, the eorlne- vacation la to be neld from March 1 to 10, and the claases close for the summer on May 18. The classes In domestic science this fall and winter will be conducted by Miss Ber nice Waring of the Rochester Atheneum and Mechanics Institute. Eccleslaates is the first of five literary masterpieces of ths Bible which are to be studied. The dally program fof the term Is as follows: Sunday Bible Talks. Mlsa Carrie A. Holbrook. Monday Millinery, Mlsa Bernlo Waring; mandolin and rultar. Profea sor C Rebairllatl: elocution, Mra Emma Ollleaple; arithmetic, Mra N. C. Me Adam; millinery. Miss Bernlo Waring; tooa ams-uan. Mra n. U. MCAdsm. Tuesday Plain sewing. Miss Bernlce Waring; Bible, Old Testament Charac ters. Miss Constance MacCorkle; Bible, L,ire or unrist. miss Helen Haxon: man dolin and guitar. Professor C. Rebag- llatl: plain eewlna. Miss Bernlce War Ing; free-hand drawing, Miss Roma Mc- SELECT SLOGAN FOR EAST SIDE Business Men's Club Plans for Great Advertising Campaign. essmaklnr. Miss Kop-Lots, an Indian residing on the TJmatUla,. adlan reservation, was fined y'afid sentenced to serve 80 days In the Multnomah county Jail thla morning by Judge Charles e. Wolverton for car rying whiskey on the reservation. Kop Lots is an old man and his ace, con nected with hia past reputation for good behavior, were the causes of the light penalty. . Judge Charlea E. Wolverton set Wed nesday morning aa the time for Uxcle Caughell to enter a plea to the Indict tr.snt charging her with mishandling government mail while serving aa post mlatresa at Gold Beach. It Is expected that she will plead guilty and ask to 4 be let off with a fine, pleading illness as ' a causa for her misconduct. Judge Charles E. Wolverton, sitting ,ln thJUiuH:U States circuit court, over- rui' me motion ror a new trial In tne 'Case of Andrew Carlson against the San Francisco and Portland Steamship com pany. Carlson waa awarded a verdict of 11,000 aeveral montha ago for per sonal Injuries received while in the em ploy of tie company. Work of altering the postofflce la nearly completed and the new stamp booth at' the Tamhill street entrance waa opened today. Three are three new windows in the booth and the clerks were bus; all day selling stamps to the crowds In line. It, Is expected the other changes vlll be Zlnlahed by next week. Article! of incorporation of the Twin Butte Oa?hard company were filed In the office of the county clerk this morn Ing by R M. Austin, C. A. Parvln and T. A. Mirkley. They will plant and cultivate orchards. Capital stock, $90,- uww. Knia-hl Wednesday Life of Christ. Mra Jamea McKenzle; dressmaking, Miss Bernlce Waring; English for foreign gtria. Mrs. M. a. Hogue; Herman, Frau Margaret Bekker; dn Bernlce Waring. Thursday Millinery, Miss Bernlce Waiing; art needlework, Miss Bernlce Waring; Bible, five literary master pieces. Miss Mary B. Day; English lit erature. Miss Adeline Dewert. Friday Shirt waist, Mlsa Bernlce Waring; Bible atudies In Psalms. Miss Helen Hutchinson; German, Frau Mar garet Bekker; design and leather work, Mis Roma McKnlght; arithmetic, Mra. N. C. McAdam; American literature, Mrs. N. C McAdam. Saturday Bible stories (for Junior girls). Miss Bernlce Waring: plain sew ing (for gtrla from 7 to 16), Miss B. Wright. CHICAGO 0 Thla week th alogan contest which ha been conducted for th last month by th East Side Business Men's club will be decided. Th envelope marked "contest" are continuing to arrlv and considerable lntereat has been mani fested la th contest In all part of th state. Advertising men In Portland who are Interested in all schemes for advertising nave complimented th enterpriee or tne Eaat Bids business men and are anxious to hear the results of th contest. The number of envelope ha steadily in creased until about 160 have arrived and It Is expected there will be an Influx durlnar the last few da ye of th oait. Th regular meting of th club will take place at th quarters of th Eaat oia Atnietio ciud in Meaiy ounaing, Grand avenue and Eaat Morrison street. At this meeting th envelope will, be opened and th most suitable alogan selected. It la th desire to find on that tells a much aa possible about th advantages of the East Sid for trading in tne least possible number or woras. Plans are under war also for th an niversary celebration of th club which will occur on the sams evening as th grand opening or th East Bide Athletic club, Monday, October 7. At this time It Is expected that all Eaat Sid busi ness men will be present with their families and friends to enjoy themselves and be entertained by th two club. Reorganisation of the club by which it hope to aecur additional fund to carry on th work already started la progressing satisfactorily and th dues pledged will enable ths club to accom plish much In the future. Electrlo dis plays wil be placed over th main thoroughfarea It 1 thought all auch work can bs accomplished at lea ex pense it aii join ana snare to cost. EASTERN OVERLAND LATER THAN EVER ( Ifcf1 V Northern Paclflo No. 1, due at 7 o'clock, arrived at 10:80. Southern Paclflo No. 18, due at 7:25, arrived la two sections at 8:15 and 8:25. Southern Paclflo No. 18, du at 11:10, arrived at 11:40. O. R. at N. No. t. du at 8 o'clock, arrived on time. O. R. & N. No. 6, due at :6. marked up to arrive at 1:45. Astoria A Columbia No. 21, due at 11:16, rrrlved on time. As usual the O. R. & N. over land train from th eaat waa late. Today the train waa marked up six hours late at noon and Is expected to lose more time as It near Portland. BOYS WE ARE GIVING AWAY FOOTBALL PANTS and INGERSOLL GUARANTEED WATCHES With All Boys' Suits and Overcoats This Week YOU KNOW WE HAVE THE FINEST JUVENILE DEPARTMENT ON THE COAST EUGENE PAVING PLANT NOT LARGE ENOUGH TELEGRAPH OH (I FES The rejrular monthly meeting of the , Portland chamber of commerce will be held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock In the new i quarters opposite the Alder street entrance of the Chamber of Com merce building. Routine business only win cumq Derore tne meeting. Mail & Von Borstal have sold for J. J. Kadderlyi to Mary Bonfant the south west cfrjer of Seventh and East Pine streets. (The property Is covered by three dwellings. The same was pur- tion 17,6(0. investment. Consldera- Egbert I F. Ferris has purchased a handsm new residence on Kearney street, 4)tween Twentieth and Twenty first stmts. The property belonged to x-Audltr Thomas C. Devlin and was sold for 48,600. Resolutions Adopted by City Council Censuring Treat ment of Operators. Encouraging newa Is dally reaching strike headquarters of th telegraphers' union. Indicating that the alogan "stick" Is being well carled out all over the country. A good piece of news came from Chi cago, where the city council of that city last Monday evening passed a strong resolution deprecating the policy adopted by tne telegraph companies In dealing with their striking employes, and de clared it the duty of the companies to meet the strikers, so that normal serv ice could be restored. The resolutions point out that for the past seven weeks the financial, commer cial and general business interests of Chicago have been subjected to a great loss and annoyance in consequence of the partly telegraph and partly mail methods of handling their most Impor tant and urgent business communica tions. A copy of the resolutions was for warded to President Roosevelt, Commis sioner of Labor Nelll and to the heads Of the two great telegraph companies. "In addition to thla important news i Item, we are advised that last week the Western Union gained six or seven strikers and lost 11 at Chicago, ' said one of the offlcals of the local union. "We are also reliably Informed that the passage of these resolutions by the city council of Chicago was a serious blow to the telegraph companies, and that they fear the repetition of this action T UIIICI 1 u 1 n V. V. 1 RIIU BIBU ,CbOBaB3 f strong resolutions ty the state legls- W1II Go to Salem and Bois Plant B Substituted, in View of Eu gene's Enlarged Plans. BEN SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER (Rpeclal Dltpiteh to The Jonrosl.) Eugene, Or., Sept. 80. The Warren Construction company Is dismantling It paving plant In Eugene and will ship It to Salem, where the company haa a contract to pave aeveral streets. In the place of the plant that is being removed the one at Boise, of twice the capacity, will be shlppe to Eugene. It is ex pected within a week and will at one be placed In operation. The company has a contract to pave 12 blocks here in addition to the seven which have just been completed, and the council at its next meeting will or der about 16 more blocks paved. The plant that haa been at work here is not of sufficient capacity to do the work proposed here fast enough. WALLOWA TDIBER LANDS WILL OPEN (Special Dttpiteb to The Jonrnsl.) La Grande, Or., Sept 10. Thirty-five thousand acres of the Wallowa forest reserve Is to be thrown open for set tlement October 30, and a line-up at the La Grande land office is expected to begin this week. Most of (he land is said to be heavily timbered. A large portion of It has been squatted upon already. laturea when they assemble. It Is be lieved the telegraph companies will spare no expense to head off this move ment. Tne striKe is a long way irom being over," he added significantly. For llqjors phone the Family Liquor own.' neiiy. successor to UaSWell oc fveujy got Morrison strc Park. Ebth phones Pacific, and Hon. A-2802. 'Steamer Jesse Harklns, for Camas, washouail and way landings, daily ex cept Suntay. Leaves Washington street dock it p. m. gamblers. reachecf only llh Tne gamblers flen was aftAf tha - A rrv 1 a A kaan morrisqn street, corner battered down. The Chinese were re nnO m U.nlfln HjI&Ih 4 I . J I i I an- 1 I. t Acme OH Co. sell safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 789; B-1007. Women's Exchange, 13J Tenth street, (uncn li:3U to z; Dusiness men s lunch. Diamonds, Watches Beck's, 205 Aider. D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh. Berger signs 284 Tamhill phone. Bark Tonlo for rheumatism. The polio, headed by Detectives Kay .and Klenjen, made a raid on 12SV4 Sec ond streft and captured eight Chinese F.W. Baltes and Company invite your inquiries for PRINTING First and Oak PERSONAL FIRST ANNUAL HORSE SHOW Sale of Boxes Opens Tuesday, October 1, 1907 The how will b given November 7, 8 and 9, 1907, at the Oriental building;, Lewis and Clark Fair Grounds, and will be the greatest event of its kind in the history of the west. Attractive programs day and evening. Boxes seat 10 persons comfortably. Price, for the season, $100. Applications will be numbered in the order received, carrying preference as to location. Address, with remittances, PORTLAND HUNT CLUB 229 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG, PORTLAND, OREGON MARQUAM GRAND (Portland's Famous Theatre) TONIGHT and all week; matinee WED NESDAY and SATURDAY, Tarx OAJuroMXAjra runnua The Beautiful Ballad Opera. Maritaii a 'The story of Don Caesar D Baxan set to music." HEAR "Alas Those Chimes," "Let Me Like a Soldier Fall," "In Happy Mo ments' ana many otnera squally good. Evenings. 25o. 60c and 75c: Matlnaea. zoo ana buc. Aften an absence of more than 40 years from Portland, Joseph Hyman, with his wife and niece, are visiting In this city, the guests of Max Flelschner. Th Hymans formerly lived In Port land and Mr. Hyman was a merchant In the younger days of the city, but he has made his home for many years In Hawaii. He and Mrs. Hyman will leave for San Francisco today. Mrs. Evans, market Inspector, does not visit Deery's market very often. Wonder why? The people who pass wish they lived near such a market Wonder why. Shades of departed bulls have no terrors for the patrons of this market. If you aopreclate good meat roperly handled you will order from ery. , tm ' Dei j Building Permit.. T. J. Cockneg, repairs dwelling, Me chanic, between Kankakee - and East I Ninth, $S50; Wakefield, Fries & Co., re pair rooming-house. Second, between Jefferson and Madlaon. $50; L. E. Wall Ick, one-story dwelling. Canon, between Hlbbard and Meridian, $76; C R. Black, 1H -story dwelling, Blandena, between Vancouver and Gantenbein, $2,00: Vic tor Carlson, two-story dwelling. East Fourteenth, between East Yamhill and Belmont, $2,000; Gran, one-story dwell ing, Alberta, oeiween East Tentn and fcaat Eleventh, $1,900; G. H. Elkerton, one-story dwellingi Alberta, between Kaat Tentn ana isast Eleventh, $2,000; C. L. Tomllnson, one-story dwelling, East Thirty-seventh and East Harrison, $1,400, ' - Soothe Itching akin. Heal cuta or burn without a scar. Cures pilea, c sema, salt rheum, any Itching. JDoaa'g Pl&tAnfa Roue tojttUt teUi it, -w , TEETH EXTRACTED FREE WhenPIates or Bridges Are Ordered ah work at mit met for a short time to introcj-'ce the "Electro Painless System" Full Set, that fit .$5.00 Gold Crowns, 22-k $3.50 Bridge Teeth, 22-k 83.50 Gold Fillings $1.00 Silver Fillings 50 Guaranteed for 10 Years. Open Evenings. THE ELECTRO DENTAL PARLORS 303 Washington Stw cor. 5th, Opposite Oldi & King's. l llJHHsgyr I Si I HomeDecorating 1? not a difficult matter us when you UOR-E-LAC & THE ORIENTAL WOOD FINISH E A combination of most durable Var- H nish and Stains for Interior Wood H Work. Floors, Furniture, eta. THE BIG PAINT STORE 3 Fisher, Thorsen & Co. FRONT AND MORRISON STS. m m MStmmmmwmMmmEMwnmmBsaamnwuMWMmmKKMMzummEam on i HI MILITARY ACADEMY PORTLAND ORE. ' A Boarding and Day Bcnooi i or xoung Men and ooys. Preparation for col leges, U. S. Military and in aval academies. Ac credited to Stanford. Berkeley, Cornell, Am herst and all State Uni versities and Agricultural Colleges. Manual train ing. Business course. The principal haa had. II rears experience In Port land. Comfortable quar ters. Best environment Mak reservations now. For Illustrated catalog and other literature ad drass J. W. HILL. M.D.. VrlaolsaX and Itoprtetor, 2lfOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderaon' Compound Bavin and Cotton Root PlUs. Th bst and only reliable remedy for DELATED PER IODS. -Cure the moat obsUn- at cassa In t la 19 days. Price 1 1 per boa, ma Had in plain wrapper. Sold by drugglsta everywhere. Address T. j. ki&ecjs. 1U rim su Eactiaad. fix. Painless Dentistry TEETH Tou need have no fear of the den tal chair If you come to our office. Our scientific methods of absolutely painless dentistry are at your dis posal without paying aa much aa you have been In the habit Of paying for Inferior work. Bridge Work, per tooth SR.00 Gold Fillings, up from if.OO Silver Fillings, up from -50 Enamel Fillings, up from. . . .1.00 Crowns, gold or porcelain.... 85.00 Painless Extraction. . . - JM Plates, up from $$.OQ A guarantee for 10 vears with all work. Lady attendant. Lh.and HP IH THF1TDP Phan wasmnaton Malnl TOmOKT, 8:18 O'OXOCX TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAT NIGHTS, THE MUSICAL PLAY, "Little Johnny Jones" CATCHY MUSIC PRETTY GIRLS- FUN GALORE PRICES $1 to 25c. Seat sal at theatre. BAKER THEATRE Geo. L. Baker, Gen. Manager. Portland's Horn of th AMOU BAKES STOCK COXPAJTT. All this week, Clyde Fitch's unusual and powerful play, "TM OZXX, WITH THS OXBXBT STS ST A Beautiful Production. Evening prices, 26c, 86o and 60o; maU nee, 16c and 25c. Matinee Saturday. Ksxt Week "Barbara mtohlb' BMPIRB THEATRB Phone Main 117. Tonight Ail Week Matinee Wednesday ana aamroay. THE BIG FUN SHOW "TKCIjE JOSX PXBKZJrS" Singers, Dancers and Comedians. See Uncle Josh at the County Fair. Prices Night, 10c, 20c, 0o and 60o; matinees, 10c and 20c. Waal Week "Th Denver Express." LYRIC THEATRE Both Phones t Main 4685 Home, A-1038. Week commencing Monday, Sept. 80. THE LYRIC STOCK MOMPANY IN "TO DIE AT DAWN" Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Prices 10 and 20c. Everv evening at 8:15. Prices 10c, 20c and SOc. Boxes 60c. orrice open 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. rows mm MB. woxxom ABTJCAX ZXBSBZTZOaT. PORTMRlffl Del. 9-10-11 rATOBXTX, nvisxaTTXjrei . Mrs. Gen. Tom Thumb (Now th Countess Magrl) Dan Patch, 1:55 Doing His Marvelous Mil In Moving ' picture ana 500 Animal Actors Elephants, Ponies. Doks. Sheep, Goata, Cam. Monkeys. la and rig. "The Santa Clans o! ShOWS" ; EXHIBITION GROUNDS October s aad 10 Circus Oroanaa, SBUi and Qulmby. October 11 East Bid, Wtlllama AraS and Knott rts. LILY DENTAL CO. TUBS' AJTD COTOX STKXXTS. Open evening until t and Sunday until 1 p. to, ' Korn Ihea A10IO. aUo State hoa Yaatd 188a. Th STAR "XW. mm Hew, A. 14 Opening Sunday, Sepetmber 21 For the Entire Week Th Z B. Trench Stock Company la "SKATES Or TTSSIA.T' Matinees Sundays, Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays at 2:30. Prices 10c and 20c. Everv evening at 8:15. Prices 10c, 20c and 30c. Phone for reserved scats, either phone. MauajaMjo The Grand Taudevlll d Luxe, Beaded by UTBWO JAB. TBOTTPB Containing Six People. BxubT uonc ART) OOHVAinr John Dempsey Pierce A Roslyn, Merrill & Burns. Dorothy Earl, Jo Thompson, 10th century motion plcttires. .Jir... . i - GRAND FREE STREET PARADE EACH MORNING ; oxxLBmxars rmaB mrsura boxooa BACK ABTBBJIOOB. - HOME A-4599 S. S. SIGCL'S sbwxjto Miosnra STOBE. Needles, Parts and Repalra for-all Make of Maohine. S3B Morrison Street. Portland, Oregon. y0"l'r- in. a UiU MXStOTU ANKOLA King of CoiTccs In i on) sill two Found t!nt TEAOXEB. OP TXOUBT TIC I. A EMIL TniELIlORIJ i pcpii or sevcik Xtu rta n nnt rata tsss. - r&on raoifi 1333. iMODEIUI POTT Commercial Prlatlng of 1 Y a i Vl