The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 30, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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In Remarkable 'Address at Pendleton Fair Dr. Henry
WalJb Coe Declares Country's Interests ".Demand
v 1" Third-Term and President , Will Accept. ; :
That Roosevelt taunt be' given
chance to run for another terra is the
burden of a remarkable address dsliv-
red by Dr.. Henry Waldo Coa of Tort
land at the Umatilla-Monroe (: district
ur at renaieton. ..
Ifci ' -Bt.Coi. who Books on "Political Day'
r -w s "Saturday declared that thoaa who wara
oppoelng third .tarra for Roosevelt
'.'..War doing fro for .personal and selfish
; I isasons; that they wanted an honest and
v I .s.rless executive out or tne capuoi. v
ltHts. address, in part, folio wa:
The average politician in all partlei
' ,'.aa-alnst Roosevelt now ma ha haa al
aya been- The average citizen la for
, -m. This, average ckisen In the Re-
t pbllcan p rty u scanning tne nonson
r a candidate to succeed Kooseveit
' u. i mv fellow averase cltlsen. and
' tw that Theodore Roosevelt desires
) retire from the presidency,
av ara. Inoklna- for a. fairly
r substitute.- In the meantime
re looking for a fairly satlsfac
holding on to what we have. .. If we
tnnot And aueh a substitute, aa I do
; . rot believe we will, we siail go back to
..'heodore Roosevelt and remind him of
hat he haa aald of the 'strenuous Ufa'
fjend Insist upon bla continuance of pub
'llo life for another four years. The
v politicians everywhere, and the special
nterests In most placea. ara today de
ciding that Kooeevelt Is not. a possibil
ity. ' The average cttlsen la thinking
thinking. :. Hare and there only doee the
average cltlsen speak. None yet haa
decided against Roosevelt,
"' f Have Bee sons fot Okjectioma.
"The Republican who claims to be for
Roosevelt and bla policies but saya
that ha cannot aupport him for another
term because Roosevelt aald he would
po. again be a candidate need to alter
either bla promises or his conclusions.
Scratch bla akin and you will find un
derneath that thla Individual had good
reasons of a personal character to be
agalnat Roosevelt and that ha la using
the long-ago statement of the president
as an easy excuse to be for another.
"Moat Republicans who are against
"oosevelt for another term, if you will
alyie their connection, are allied
some one or more interests wnrcn
4 themselves) on the defensive against
fka which tha Roosevelt collciea
I e made unon their own cherished
' i (" . for Belt-aggrandisement at the
J 1 ' :nee of theNpeople as a whole.
.:JIL vv.The Chicago Tribune which la against
fr -fi sevelt for another term has been
i ' llS IO muff mat lu nvyiv unm
. 'me one else than Roosevelt, but with
the greatest unfairness. In the blanks
sent out doea not ask except incident
ally for expresslorf upon Roosevelt It
assumes that Roosevelt is out of the
question, and that the people's eholce
'18 between Taft, Cannon, Fairbanks,
lushes and Knox.
"In a recent Issue the Tribune re-
)rts tha south favorable to .others
than Roosevelt and summarises the re
plies.- Yet tha first question It asks la
"Do you approve-the progressive poli
cies of the presldentrvand tha replies
are 611 yes and BB no. In another Issue
it reports the breesy west for a certain
HDilidatj hut lu MDliea nnon the fore.
aolna Question were 426 yes. Z7 no. If
the Tribune had asked 'If President
Roosevelt will consent & again be
candidate would he be your first
choicer the figures would doubtless be
about aa above given. ' ,
At the Armory in Portland the other
nlaht-a tnlahty audience greeted that
splendid man,- Secretary Taft, who Is
given .. credit ,for being Roosevelt s
choice" ss his own successor.' There
wsa much applause, but I em sore the
most radical anti-Roosevelt man pres
ent would agree with me that the ap
plause came alwaya following the refer
ence to RooseveH or some policy of his.
Tha whnu nnt wu -a. Kooseveu
demonstration clear and unmlstakaDie.
llnw ahnut . tha eaienrataa .rDromwa
Jf Roosevelt not to ever again run for
the presidency t. As wa are studying
over ths matter. In closing these re-
marlra la na ivinaldep the same.
lie aa maxe a aeciaranon upon am
matter, aa he . aid. wnen ne saia ne
would not take the vice-presidency upon
a former occasion. r- - . "'
A binding promise aa wa noia iv in
general end everydsy . life presumes
something In the nature of a contract.
Something for something; thla for that
wllhnut Fan nartlea thereto It is not
a real promise but more nearly a decla
ration f belief. When between two
partiea the grantor of tha favor therein
makes- no binding obligation against
himself. ' " ' ;
caa roroa wn xerav
A-man Is av candidate for an office.
Ha Issues a statement that If elected
he will never again be a candidate for
sucb office. He Is elected. He haa se
cured a great honor and is bound for
ever to keep hla promise,- But Roose
velt did not do this. He never Inti
mated before election that he would not
again be a candidate. If he made auch
a promise It would be binding. He
would have received something for his
What ha did say was axpressed after
election. - - It waa hla personal opinion
at auch time. In which the puduo naa
little concern. Since then great and
momentous questions have artaen upoi
the treatment of which tha very life o
the public depends. These questions
have been Droua-nt out or Kooseveitana
Lbetter than any other man can bswork
out the great problems which they
mean for our country. Most important
of these -are .the. points in -difference
between him and the great corporations
or tne fana. Me is in tne miast or tnese
issues now. He Is needed to carry them
The people need but to demand that
ha shall reconsider his declaration, not
In hla own but In the people's interest
and I believe he cannot, refuse to obey.
TVfpr "Kfith ftplifvd to .ftfl
aSk. V 1 V VaW . a.' " - j
, Deranged Fred Miller
; Before Grand Jury.
, (United Press Leased Wire.)
Boise, Ida., Sept 10. The serious 111'
ness of Juror Peter Neth maycause i
sudden and unexpected , termination of
the Borah trial. ' ; Judge Whltaon. thla
morning adjourned court until I o'clock
this afternoon, when a physician will
renort on the Juror a condition.
Neth, according to his physician,. Is
temporarily deranged, and it is believed
he may not . recover, . The juror's ao
tlona first attracted attention in' the
marshal's office Saturday night and
District Judge Whltaon and Assistant
Attorney-General Burch were hurriedly
cauoa into consultation yesteraay after
noon,. Just aa they were about to leave
for an outing. .. .r; .,!'
Borah saya ha ia willing to proceed
with only 11 Jurors In the box in case
Keth's affliction la' of a permanent na
ture. The United States attorneys, bow
aver, say this cannot be done, there be
ing an adverse decision of ths aunreme
court cn. the matter. .
lred amies Before Oraad itury.
Attorney Fred Miller, counsel for tha
Western Federation of Miners, was
called before the grand Jury today to
testify regarding the report that money
was used In influencing the indictments
which Include that of Borah. He treated
the whole matter as absurd. .
"Borah." he eald. "was tha ana man
I did not want Indicted. He was tbe
only one who treated ua decently, and I
like him.
"I suppose these re porta came from
remarks we Jokingly made at tha time
the Brand lurv was (mnajielAd. , Wa
laughed among ourselves and always
spoae or it as 'our Jury.' ' , -
Perhapa It- was a formal - initiation
into new secret society of, which aa
one Is informed, or pernapa it was
an' experiment to prove, the power of
mind over matter. At any rata It waa a
great and fearful noise-and neighbors
looked Interestedly in the direction of
Seventeenth and East ' Washington
streets yesterday afternoon and soms
iMlaraii that the unfurnished flat on
h , mla-ht ha tha ahlrilna1 nlaaa
a.iib. i-i ti ii . " - - - -n w"
foi6,Hta. '
j i 1 1
Inveetlgatlon showed tha noise to be
onlthe.productvof .one' sosi- multiplied
by a dosen boys full of the spirit of
experimentation. The goat bad escaped
from a barn at Sixth and Hawthorne
avenue and while the distracted owner
searched high and low for the goat that
was not like Mary's lamb, the boys
had It corralled in tbe basement of the
empty flat But the goat succeeded in
making a second escape finally and
took good care to avoid all boys be
tween the agea of 11 and 14 who ap
peared on his homeward path.
fort to obtain tha right' to. build a rall-
roma across some city property located
In the bed of tha Bull Run and Sandy
rivers, where the two streams loin. The
matter waa taken up and discussed with
the mayor, members of tbe water and
exeoutlve board and the city attorney
for their advice as to the best course
to pursue. After having the matter
tborouchlv discussed, wa wera ari v1w1
by the city attorney and the other city
officials consulted that the best way
to brina a condemnation suit that
would be considered a friendly action,
to relieve tha city officials from exer
cising authority that might - be con
strued aa doubtful, and let the Question
of Indemnity to the city ba decided by
a Jury.
tatemeate Wholly Wroaf.
"The operations of this company are
at a point on Bull Run near where it
empties Into the Sandy liver, nearly six
miles down tha river below tha city
headworke, and at an elevation 850 feet
lower than the city handworks and
upon land owned by the company two or
more miles out of the forest reserve.
"It can be readily seen that all the
rumors and statements that have been
made crlticlsior this company in the
matter are wholly wrong. We ask that
you give this statement as much prom
inence as the misrepresentations were
given, so thst all persons may be thorj
ourniy reassured ror an time."
Rerardlnr the eastern connections of
the Portland Eastern no authoritative
statement can be secured either in Port.
land or at eastern railway centers, bvt
many rumors of traffic agreements, airs
xmanciai DacKing" or tne proposed
1.000-mlle electric line are heard.
ICany Stories Afloat,
A dispatch from Boston to The Jour
nal connects tha Burlington with the
project Boston Is tbe home of the
roroes ramiiy and associates, who sre
tne principal ownera or the Burlington
system. All tha stories Indicate that
there has been a big combination made.
, '' h .
.T WASN'T. so very -long ago that we decided in our expansion to i
install a department of high-grade Jewelry. Under the able man
agement of Mr. J. V. Blum this department has grown until to
. day it embraces as large and carefully selected stock of Diamonds,
Watches and Jewelry as can-be found anywhere in the city. We
would tali" particular attention to our large showing of diamonds and
other precious stones. Our trade appreciates the fact that the Jew-,
elry we have to offer is of the highest stripe and mould in quality.
We would quote in our watch handlings the following well-known
makes : . '
Elgin, E. Howard C& Co., Hamilton
Hampden, Waltham
We invite your early inspection of Portland's most select jewelry
gathering. Our terms are absolutely the most liberal offered by any,
Portland concern, and our. prices even less ,than those of the cash-demanding
stores. Always remember it's the
,taias'vtt . U
I? -ntlnued from ' Page One.
Raoaii; , r i i i
v n08Lt lake and follows the Owyhee
ly' Vs as nearly a-direct line as pos-
wwf. t v the divide, ana passes west joi
,Mf"? se creek range, In northwestern
" 2115' ' "All along thla route the oom-
fi lia" Had on water powers that will
"m developed for operation of tha line.
J the Sandy , and Bull Run river da-
"tflopment alone will ' generate 260,000
horsepower. It la estimated that the
Company will need less than 100,000
horsepower for all Ua main line and
" "ieeders. Throughout the great region
, "traversea - tnere wui oe ouut eieciric
. .jbranclLllnes that wlli prove to he of lm-
'. , mensa value to the country and will de-
"velop it Uks magic.
i ..:-. Slsctpfblty Motive Power.
The Idea of a great electric railway
' svstem to develop the uninhabited cen-
" tral Oregon and Nevada empire, thus far
o.-wmoie to attract steam rauroaa con
rs structois, Is said to have originated
' with . P. Clark, the Los Angeles Pa
- cine railway's president, who came to
v- Portland a year ago and started con
t)imtruction work on tbe great power plant
time ne naa
Bull Run. Since that
de rapid progress in his scheme, and
as now reacnea a point wnere enure
"soy is no longer possmie.
i &ay Eighty-round malls.
' tie first construction work in the
n - ene . scheme is begun between
UCI Hun and Falrvlew, a 15-mlle
toh that is now nearly graded and
', - receive tha first consignment '. of
s. Falrvlew la on the lines of the
- R. A N. ana the o. W, P a few
' Jes east of Portland.
" 'tThe track from Falrvlew ta. Bull Run
' il be Jald first to provide a means
hauling the heavy machinery of the
' -tctrlo power plant to Bull Run early
yxt.spnng. a locomotive ana a num-
" r ' of , oars ' have been purchased for
.Network. The Portland Eastern's first
v.yuiiaiKiiiiiciL a.uuv t.viia nAiin witi
t :t om from the Lackawanna Steal com-
, pany. - ... ..y. ,
, i There ara 1,000 tons of 80-pound rails
in the first order that will go into the
, raaln line and 000 tona that will -be used
, on spurs. The, main line of the road
will run . from Portland to Gresham,
thence to a point near the Bull Run
, pi pei line bridge over the Sandy river.
From this point s; branch line to be
known as the Mount Hood Railway &
Power company will diverge and follow
the Bull Run river to the first of the
big power plants, now under construc
tion within half a mile of Bull Run
postoffica. .
mivaJTiagara ftirer riant.
, Tha power development of the entire
line will be made on a acale hitherto
undreamed in the west, and in magni
tude will be second in this country to
Niagara Falls. Water taken from
Sandy river. will be carried in a canal
to an immense reservoir at Bull Run
postofflce, and here dropped Into Bull
Kun river, with a rail or 200 feet.
The reservoir Bite of several hundred
acres hasteen purchased, the ground
is being cleared, and a hydraulic plant
has been busy all summer clearing a
site for the power plant. On a
plateau a- mile to tbe eastward, and 100
feet higher than the Bull Run reservoir,
another large reservoir has been pur
chased, to which; water will be brought
irom ins wuioy river.
The topography Is so peculiarly favor.
able for water power development that
in a series of five drops of the water
of the Sandy river 260,000 horse-power
will be secured by a development that
is pronounced by engineering experts
ra w Miw mum errniomicai juia errecuve
known in the west.
- Will Vtillse Desohutes SUrer.
Water rights secured bv the com
pany's agents will provide power devel
opments on the Deschutes, the Dnnner
and Blitaner. the Owyhee and other
streams. The current will b mrrii in
10,000 volts and transformed on the car
or locomotive, a modern method that
has been for tbe first time in tha
adopted by the Spokane Inland railway.
Current can In this manner be carried
and utilised with good effect 200 miles.
The Officials Of tha Portland Rattan,
and tha Mount Hood Railway & Power
company are extremely reticent concern
Ins; the Dlans and eastern
of the line. They positively deny that
any definite form has been adopt
ed for their nlant east nt h
Cascade range and that it is only a
future possibility."
Regarding; tne controversy hatwwan
the .city of Portland and the Mount Hood
Railway & Power company for a right
of way across the Bull Run water res
ervation. E. P. Clark tnada tha fniinsin.
statement; , . . .
., JTo Intention to Trespass.
The plans of tha Mount. Hood Rail.
way A power company do not lnolude
any rights-in the Bull Sniifnrui rm.i
serve albve the city's headwurks or . In
any of the watershed that supplies the
Bull Run reservoir. Nor has thr nan
action taken or contemplated by this
company that can be construed as tend
ing to impair , the city's rights or to
trespass upon the said waterahari nr
any purpose whatever. We believe tha
statements that our plana included the
depriving of the city of its water supply
orany part of the city water aupply,
were made by persona wholly misin
formed Or WhO . Wilfully mlsrenrAaanta1
the facts. . -
"This was all precipitated by an ef-
i between the Burlington, the Los Anireles
Pacific, ths Rock Island, the Denver &
Northwestern and possibly the Gould
interests, to break Into what la known
as the "Harrtman preserve" In the
northwest, tha largest territory In the
civilised world, that is without railroad
The Boston dispatch ssys that D. H.
Moffatt, who has built 200 miles of the
Denver A Northwestern from Denver
over the Rockies, aad heading for Salt
Lake, has made arrangement a with T
KJ. Hill for the Burlington road to use
the Moffatt line and Senator Clark's
Salt Lake-San Pedro road for a Pacific
outlet, and that the Rock Island will
be an slfcr of the Clark-Moffatt-HIU
comDinauon, wnicn win institute active
competition against the Harrtman roads
i or soumwesiern trarno. v
Invade Haxrlman Territory.
. The Portland Eastern will, it Is said.
Become the northwestern arm of this
comome, to invaae Harriman territory
tii vrcnuu ana wasmngion.
Boston dispatches discredit the the,
ory that the Portland Eastern is a Gould
interest, and also cast doubt on the
ug;eBiea connection or senator W W.
Clark With tha Portland rnnd v. r
Clark is a cousin of W. W. Clark, but so
far aa known has never been connected
with the senator In any railroad opera-
-1 .spaBW"' ' ' ' : . i- ; ...... . mi sp .,. . .... .
. Assistant Manager.
: General -Manager, s
(Special Dlipstch to Ths loomtLi
Klamth Falls, Or., Sept SO. C. 8. and
R. S. Moore, who are constructing a
large power plant on the west side of
Link river, within the citr limits, ara
experiencing trouble in their excavating
on account or xna neavy now or water.
There are numerous springs in that lo
cality and It Is supposed that tha
Of supply haa been tapped. A large
pump la now being; used, operated by a
gasoline engine.
Moore Bros, contemplate installing an
up-to-date electric plant, and a franchise
has already been asked for In the town
of Merrill. They will have power to
rent, - ana, are Duiiaing for the future,
for with the, advent of the railroad
there will be manufacturing establish
ments of various kinds located here.
x (Speet) Dlapatcn te-Th JoaroiLl
Klamath Falls. Or.. Sent. 80.-Cnm-
fnenclng October 1 the reclamation serv
ice at this place will advance laborers'
wages to $3 per day of eight hours. It
Is impossible to make satisfactory prog
ress on the Keno canal with the force
now at worx, ana mis aavance was made
to get additional help. Orders have
been placed with employment agencies
in Portland and San Francisco, as there
are few laborers without employment in
this section. :. .- -'"-.. ;
The Mason Construction company is
also advertising for men, its offer being
f 2.75 for a 10-hour day. for work on tha
rauroaa grading.
There is no fun in being a slave of I
Russia. If the play at the Star thla I
week tells anything like the truth.
It deala of the times in Russia when
human slavery waa as common in that
country as It was among the blacks in
our own south before the civil war.
The French company gave a very ex
cellent production and the 11 characters
In tbe cast were all portrayed earnestly I
and consclenclously.
The first act reveals the studio of
Ivan, a young Russian artist, who Is I
struggling for fame and fortune In
Paris. A scene near the village of
Sltovka. Russia; a parlor in the chateau
of Princess Lodoskf; a roadway near the
same vlllase: a deserted hut and a coun
tryside near the chateau of Sltovka
were all presented with the elaborate at-1
tentlon to effect that the French com-1
pany always strives for.
- Not since the company opsned the
season at the Star have they given as
uniformly satisfactory work as they do
in "The Slavea or Russia." Tnere is
soma comedy and some tragedy In the
melodrama, but whatever is given is
effective and makes its point with the
Elisabeth Hale played the part of the
countess, Kathleen Taylor was tne in
genue and George erry piayea tne pa
of5ohr. the old Russian peasant, who
life has been spent in toll and suffering.
There will be three matinees this week
Tuesday, Thursday ana Saturday.
ri m 1 1 sr l ix. xi w ii i hi iiit. i i
I I V"" AL JVst' I Vat, 1 art I I iav ss-v I llW.VKaVI
hi i ass v f-i nPs n T1
I ;.l a If li II II 11 II-; II-.
p of oiiun iraoooim
Enough to stretch one-third the way around the world. This
represents the quantity of blue ribbon used by the Pabst
1 IIISISI . 1' : H S"1 ..-V J ! a. I
.ore wing ixonpany ox aunng inc pasi
year. About six inches of this blue ribbon is
stamped in gold with the words "Guaranteed
Perfect" and wrapped around the neck of each
bottle of
"Johnnie Jones" at Heillg.
Tha attraction at the Helll theatre.
Fourteenth and Washington streets, to
night at 8:15 o'clock, will be George M.
Cohan's famous musical play, "Little
Johnny Jones." This tuneful comedy
opened an engagement or rour nights
last evening to "standing room only
house and waa received with rounds of
applause. ,
Seat Sale Opens Tomorrow.
Tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at tbe
box office at the Helllg theatre, Four
teenth and Washington streets, the ad
vance seat sale will open for "Tbe
Prince of Pllsen," Henry W. Savage's
beautiful musical comedy production,
which comes to the above theatre next
Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights,
with a special price matinee Saturday.
"MaritAna" at Marquam.
TontKht and all week the Callfornians
Will be beard In "Marltana" at the
Marauam. This is next to the -last
week of the engagement of this popular
opera company and each succeeding
week sees it more or a ravorite than
ever. VMarltana," as may be known.
Is the story or ion caesar de JBsian
the most lovable swasnouckier in ro
mantic literature.
- Opening; of Aurora Schools.
. (Special ' Dispatch ' to Tbe JbnrnaLl
' Aurora, Or.; Sopt. JO. School opened
nra muaj wun s iainy good attend,
ance. which will be Increased bv Vnv.m.
ber, for by that time the children will
have awtten throua-h' helnln . with
farm work. - Professor Jay Bleakney of
Sil vert on has been, reengaged . for the
rati ana winter term.- Tnere ts some
caiK oi aaoing anomer grade to the
SchOoUJ. "y-.-;.
. Union Wants Road to Thnber.
union, vr. Dept.- au. ini Citlsena of
tTnlon are subscribing llberaUy to . a
I25.O0O' subscription - for a . narrow
gauge railroad from' this place to the
timDer foldings up -Catherine . creek.
Those - who will further finance the
project and sea ths scheme through are
William Wlloox, . A, Marr and . W.
Davidson, .V':n .ivi.-: ..
A Green-Eyed Girl.
Any one desiring to see a real girl of
the green-eyed species is nigniy recom
mended to attend a performance of
Clyde "-Fitch's strange and fascinating
.1.. 'lt. nirl With tha ftraan ir.vaa
at the Baker theatre.
"Slaves of Russia."
Tomorrow there will be a matinee of
"Slaves of Russia at tbe Star theatre.
This play was given for the first time
in Portland yesterday - by the French
stock company and Its hit was promptly
made. This is an unusual drama, dif
fering from. any that the stock com
pany has presented during Us engage
ment in oruana.
"Uncle Josh" at the Empire.
is called to the popular
uncle Josh rerkins" at the I presents a
matlneea of
Empire, Wednesday aa well as Satur-
than aver. At the Empire all week.
, .: 'New Bill at the" Grand.: . ; .
Today h management of tha Grand
III I ii- -7, 1
MY MM i ,
IB aw .VI VJ ?5Ui.CJ.'f.Hl twmmmmwmtm wmmm
HI mmm
" t lS J'55S-iJ fc?A
if 1 j?
- mm i
fi i mm
1.8 W 3
mm wmr
Tte Beer
thy n n la
of Quality , . ?
Some idea of the popularity of this famous
, brew may be gathered from the size of this
order for blue ribbon labels. :
The blue ribbon is the mark of excellence
and is used only oh Pabst Blue Ribbon. It
is the maker's pledge of quality and your,
guaranty of purity. . :''
When you order beer, insist upon .
having Pabst Blue Ribbon. You V
can recognize the bottle by the blue .
ribbon fastened to its neck, as
shown in the illustration. :
Made by Pabst at Milwaukee
And Bottled only at the Brewery."
Charles Keha ft Co.,
8rd it Pine Sta., Portland, v,
Phone Main 460.
. ' .
new bill- of vaudeville, the
consisting of a ' number of
tlon is the Uyefto troupe of Japanese
acrohta. There ara six of these gym
nasts and each one Is an artiste Billy
Link and his Ho-Ru-Can aoldlara win
iuiul the comdy contingent. -
"To Die at Dawn' at tbe Lyric.
. Theatre patrons will have an oppor
tunlty to sea something unusual tonight
st tha Lyric when ' the popular - stock
company will present for the f'rst time
on tho Pacific coast that splendid melo
dramatic success, "To Die at Dawn."
Tha pUy abounds with thrills, comedy
aad heart Interest. .Matlnes tomorrow.
J)rownel Girl's Ilotljr Touml.
Boise, ' Jds,v 8ept. 10. Ths t" i y
Nettle Rogers, .'aged H. i
drowned alt weks tgo In 1 - i
has been found, 'it in:.t t
scene of tbe drowning.