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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1907)
J; THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 30, . 1007. TODAY'S MARKETS It Will be Noted That Sliort Sellers Are Taking All the Hops Offered at the Present Price Small Renters - Selling. FOOD UD IS : IIOl'J VIOLATEO Selling of Eastern Eggs as ; Oreons Said to.Be Com - i raon Along Street. ( l Front street feature: 11 Ma tarn egg a Oregon. ' poultry market still alo. Banana arrive In fair shap. ,. Orape market still overloaded. ' i. Looks like a (lour advance. Exportera take muoh wheat. ' Nothing doing In potato shipment. . Onion, of fers not heavy. Peach market he large upplls. .", Snort aellera after bop. . Ball Baatera ana M Oregon. , ' Operators : In agg are feting verjr , bold theaa day and are selling prao . tleally all the eastern stock aa fresh Oregon. The pure food laws are be Jng, violated every day. according to commission men, and while the govern ' merit la said to be gathering evidence in the cases, nothing baa yet developed -; to cause Indictments. It Is stated that ' most of the eastern eggs are repacked . In Oregon cases and then sold at the .value of the latter product. The price , of eastern eggs Is f So a dosen and it la ' stated that the manipulators are eelllng tneni aa noma stock at xoo a aoxen, tnus Insuring them an additional profit of lc a aoten. besides allowing tnem to maae smaller returns on what few Oregon There are. however, some fresh east ern eggs coming to market by express ' every day that are about of the same quality aa the home goods because they - arrive in market about the same time. These, however, are being aold aa fresh express eastern and bring practically in same vaiue aa tne noma, gooas, . Chickens Are StUl Slow. The chicken market Is still very slow with quite liberal receipts today and but little demarfd. Borne houses car ried over liberal supplies from Saturday. Creamery butter market is lust about loldinaa its own with receipts slightly Increased. Prices are aa previously auoted. . Cheese market movement Is only fair with some dealers still trying to sold up for the former high prices. Those quoting the recent declines are selling all the cheese. Orape Market Is Overloaded. This season has proven an exceptional one for the grape Industry. The pro duction everywhere has been the great est In years and practically all markets have been glutted aa a result of the enormous receipts. A report from Stockton, California, says: "For the first time In the his tory of the country the grape output has Decome so congested that it js neces sary for the railroad companies to put on special freight trains from Stockton. GROWERS ARE ABLE TO HOLD ONIONS UP li?Thrs Isn't.;; anything doing, in potato shipments at this time '' because of the1 lower prices In the south aa compared with hers. ; vi Wt get car of onions ones In awhile, but growers are not Jet 4 ting go any t aater than there is 4 demand. This Is the reason, why 1 4 they are able to hold prices up to ' 4 the present level." W. L Swank, . , a local shipper.. , '' , ' MOHAIR New 197 H SflVie. iBHBKPSKINS Shearing. lSOJOe each; short wool, 2tQ40oi medium, wool. svc' 1 9Q eacn; long wool 7raj sacn. TALLOW Prima. rr lb. lUfllo: No. s ana grease, so 1 440, . CUITX1M BA.K&-40To. - tmu and Teretablea. POTATOES Fancv. 31. 0001. 3S sell ing; ouying. white, lotiieo per sack; sweets, t o lb. ' . ONIONS Jobbing pries Oregon, n.0003.26; buying, Ul.sO; garlic, To lb, ' APPLES New, tLOO 01.50. FRESH FRUITS Oranaes. S4.EO0 t.00; bananas, io lb; lemons, .60 box: llmea Mexican. 14 par 100: pineap ples, l6.tQis.00 doa; grapes, 7eor Lis; Concords, liUQ30e; peachea, 606;0o; cantaloupes, 31. 6; watermelons, IK c; crabapplea, Jo lb; Bartlett pears, f 1.60 per box; casabas, $2.00 do. VEGETABLES Turnlpa. new. I0e9 11.00 sack: carrots. 75c$l per sack; beets. 11.60 per seek: parsnips. 11.004 $1.26; cabbage. lttlKo lb; tomatoes, Oregon,' 4tj60c; beans," lolc; green, i3o per lb; cauliflower.' $101.10 dos; ?eaa, 6c; horseradish, to lb: artlchokea, 647(0 dos; green onions, Ito per dos; bell peppers. 7 0 8a per lb: hothousS let tuce, $1 box; cucumbers, hothoune. 16 25o dos: rsdlsbes. l6o dozen bunches eggplant, 11 Ho lb; green corn, 76a aack, celery, 760c. Oroeariss, Vuts, ate. SUGAR Cube. 35.92 tt; powdered. $6.07 Hi berry, $6.67 ft; dry granulated. o.o(ft star. o.i i; com. a., (D.oitt extra B., $6.07 golden O.. $4.97 V4: I yellow. $4.874: best granulated. $5.27 H barrels, 10c; half barrels, 2tc; boxes, 600 advance on aack basis. (Above prices are 30 days net cash quotations.; HONEY $1.60 per crate. COFFEE Package brands. flS.SSe 1 6.63, SALT Coarse Half around. 100a. flLeO per ton; 60s, $13.00; table, dairy 60a, $17.10; 100s, $17.36; bales. $2.26; Imported Liverpool, 50s, $20.00; 100s, $19.00: 4s $18.00; extra Ana barrels; 2a, 6s and 10s. 14.5C05.5O: Liverpool lump rock, izu.&u per ton; ou-io rocn. fii.uu 100a. $10.60. (Above mices a only to aales of less than car lots. Car lots at special prices subject to uuctuatlons.) RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, 6c; No, Z. oh New Orleans, neaa, 7C Atax. 6c: Creole, ttc. BEANS Small white, $3.76; large white. $3.65; pink, $3.66; bayou, $3.90 Llmas. $(.60: Mexican reds. 4 Ho. NUTS Pe nuts. Jumbo. sia0 per io CANADIAN PAC. iHIGHEST PRICE EEZEO ' III 15 YEARS : ' .Wiwssssisssss Erice at One Time Was U Export Flour to Go to U.Oo Points Higher Close is Cliicago Market Has a 12 1-2 Points Up. Severe Set Back. STOCK MARKET (JaINS. .....XU Canadian St. Paul ...... Erie .......... O. Nort, pfd... Katy Mia Pae. NaL Lead . ... Penn S. Pact fie U. Paclfie .... , to a dlaunt pofnt in order to handle and ,X,.rJnla. 7Ho per lb; roastea, f0o per save the season's vintage. Commencing this week the Southern Pacific or Santa Fe, or both companies, will run two special trains each week to Richmond laden with grapes only." Several cars of bananas were unloaded this morning. In quite fair shape. . Peach market has very liberal sun piles and althougn quality la best Tor this late in the season ror many years, I demand Is very slow. Too much other W fruit. ' Apples are dull for the aame a, reason. Very small offerlnga of onions are Shown In the local market of late. Grow ers are still very busy and cannot bring supplies to market and tney are not in any hurry to sell anyway. This la the reason why prices are holding so well In the local market Potatoes are alow with no outside movement to speak of. Pricee practl cally the same. Cabbase offerings are still verv lib eral with but little demand. Prices therefore dull along- the street. In line with the advances In other milks, the manufacturers of Sunrise ad Vanced their quotations 30c a caae thla morning. Shorts Are Baying Hops. Despite . their denials of- business, hort sellers are buying hops quite free ly. or as faat as the poor renters are : forced to let so. Sales are kept secret as heretofore. Eight and a half cents Is the top price being paid at this time '. but this is for prime goods and there la " no doubt that something atrictly choice j would bring. 90 a pouna or petter. uur ' ing the past few days there haa llke- wise been considerable buying In Waah- ' ington at close to the price paid here. Thla Indicates that local values might .. go higher because 'there Is always a material difference between the price ' of Oregons snd those from Washington, i the difference alwaya being In favor of ! Oregon because or ' Detter and known l mini lav. ' ront street prices: Orala. Flour and Teed. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, le. large lots; smau iot, wyta. wnJCAi it v n .tuu, ev, ru ru alan. 79c; bluestem, 4o; valley, J2o. f1fTTJ Whrt . D ' V A ..... V W AV-" 1 1, u.u, vjva. ... BARLEY NSW Feed, $22.60 23.60 per ton; roiled. $.&o f26.eo; brewing, rye ii.ftft per owl OATS New Proucers' price Na 1 white, $24.00 per ton; gray, 123.00. FLOUR Eastern Oregon paten ta, 24.80: atraights, 4.zs; exports, $3.90: valley, $4.804.40; granam, s. $8.76; whole wneat, .ow; rye, sua, .. it.fio; ales, 31. vu. MILLSTUFFS Bran. $17.00 per. ton; middlings, $25.00; shorts, country, $20; city, iiv; cnop, iit.uvwii.tiv. HAY Producers price Timothy, Willamette valley, rancy, 316.00 917.00; ordinary, $12.oui.uu; eastern Oregon, 13.00; mixed, 3io.oo)io.fto; clover, 10011. grain. iooii; cheat, $100 1. Barter, xgga ana roanry. BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland- Sweet cream, S3 ttc; sour, Jittc. BUTTER City creamery, 16c; seconds, 32 He; eastern. 82 He; state fancy, 3032Hc; seconds, aosjslttc; atore, uregon, 'eastern storage, 28c. ; CHEESE New Full cream, t lata, .16o per. lb; Young Americans, 17 Ho per j POULTRY Mixed Chickens, 12e lb; i. fancy hens, 12Hc; roosters, old, 10c .'lb; fryers, 14c; broilers, 14c lb; ducks, 14c lb; geese, old, 810c . $2.50 dos.; jUgeona, $1.26 dos; dressed 'poultry, 101 ho per lb. higher. Sops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1907 crop Choice, 88Hc; prime to choice, 7H8o; ordinary, 7c; 1906, choice, So. WOOL lf - clip Valley. 20021c; astern Oregon, 18 21c. MAYBE POULTRY IS ABOUT TO BipOVE lb:, Japanese. 68Hc: roasted. t&lMo per id; walnuts, t aiirornia, tvvtc per id; pine nuts. 14 16c per lb: hickory nuts, lOo per lb; Brasll nuts, 18c per lb; fil berts, 16o per lb: fancy pecans. 18 02OO per jd: aimonaa. if trciHo. .Keats, Fish and JProvtslons. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, fancy, 8 Ho per lb; large, l&io per lb; veal, extra, 9c per lb; ordinary, 8yi $Ho per lb; poor, ts7o per lb; mutton, fancy. 8 9c per lb. HAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland pack. uocaij nam.- iv to it ids, iso per .d; 14 to It lbs, 16c per id; 18 to zo lbs, 16c: breakfast bacon. 16HG22o per io; picnics, ivc per id; cottage roll, 13c per lb; regular ahort clears ua smoked. 12c per lb: smoked 12o per lb: clear backs, unsmoked, 12o; smoked, 18o per jo: union putts, iu w in ids, un smoked. lie per lb: smoked. 13o per lb: clear bellies, unsmoked, 11 Uc per lb; smoked 13 H per lb; shoulders. 12 He per io; picaiea tongues, ivo eacn. LtArtL Kettle leaf. 10a HUc per lb; 6a. 3Ho per lb; 60-lb tins. 12o per lb; steam rendered. lOn, .12 sic per jo; os, izc per jd; compound, iuc. llc per lb. FISH f Rock cod. 7c per lb: floundftrn. 6o per lb; halibut, o per lb; striped bass, 16c per lb; catflah, llo per lb; sal mon, iresn loiurid s cninooic xc ner lb; silvers, 7c per lb; herrings, 5c . per lb; soles, 6c per lb; shrimps, 12c. per lb; perch, 6c per lb; tomcod, 7c per lb; lobsters, 16c per lb; fresh mackerel. 8c per lb; craw fish. 26c per dozen; sturgeon, 12 Ho per lb; black bass, 20c per lb; silver smelt, 7c per lb: frosen shad. 6o per lb: black cod, 7Hc per lb. OTBTER8 Shoslwster buy. ner lon, $2.60; per 100-lb sack, $5.00; Olym- ria, per gallon, 32.40; per 116-lb sack, 8.00 If 8.60; Eagle, canned. 60c can: 37 dozen; eastern In shell, $1.76 per hundred. CLAMS Hardshell, ner box. 22.40: razor ciama, sz.uu per dox; ioc per dos. Pacts', Coal OU, Etc ROPE Pure Manila. 16c: standard. 13c; sisal. 10 Kc COAL OIi. Pearl or Antral f!n 19Ho per gal: water white. Iron bbla. 14c per ga'.; wooden. 17o pr gal; head light. 170 deg., cases, 21Ho per gaL uabuuhh B deg.. caaea. 24 ner gal; iron vbls, 18c par gaL BENZINE 3deir.. cnaaa. 18n Ti.r VMM Iron bbla, 28o- per-gat TURPENTINE! In cases, 9o car nlr wooden bb'-, 93o per ral. WHITE LEAD Ton lotM Jit nr IK- 600-lb lots. 8o per lb; less lots, 8 He WIRE NAILS Present baala at 3.1 80 per keg. Amalgamated car. & F. Burar smelter ...... Anaconda ... Atchison .... Brooklyn North Pae. Reading ...... U. S. Steel .... H do pfd. ..... H STOCK MARKET LOSSES. Colo, Fuel . ...1 UN N. Y. Central . la (Leased Wire. Overbeck A Cooks Co.) New York. Sent. 80. A movement of 14 points was today mads by Canadian Pacific. The low point was reached at 67 and the high mark at .71. At the close It was 13 H points higher than the end of Saturdaya session. Todav'a aesslon waa not excltlna ex cept for the great squeese of shorts in Canadian. So aeared are traders of this issu thst shorts are compelled to pay lo a share over night for borrowing It This means an overnight Interest of $1,000 on 1,000 shares. Money rates ruled tlaht alt dsv. owing to the Canadian Pacific Incident. Calla sold at 86H per cent all day. There was some talk of a corner on Canadian and this Is what Induced the shorts to rueh to cover. Official prices 4 lonu On esses on the Wsathsr. Western Oragoiy Rain: warm er Interior tonight; Tuesday .rain; Fresh southerly breeze In terior; fresh southerly gals along coast Western Washington ' Rain tonight and Tueaday; strong southerly breeze Interior; fresh southerly gala along coast Eastern Oregon, Eaatern Wash ington and Northern Idaho Rain and warmer tonight; Tuea day rain. Southern Idaho Fair and warmer tonight; Tuesday prob ably fair. WOULD HOT COOK HEIICE i DIVORCE Three Weeks After Marriage 3Iitlehner Complained of His Meals. DESCRIPTION. 17H S3 VS 42 166 jl5HI 164H 1?S 20 19H 24 MILTON PEACHES IN CARLOAD SHIPMENTS Am. Cop. Co. Am. c f., c. do preferred Am. Cot Oil. c Am. Loco., o. Am. Sugar, & Am. Smelt, 0. do preferred Anaconda M. C Am. Woolen, c. Atchison, c. ...1 85 do preferred . .1 88 B. & O., c 89 H do preferred . . Brooklyn R. T Can. Pacific, c. Cent. Ieath., c. C. & G. W., c. C. M. & 8. P... C. A N., c Chesa. ft Ohio.. Colo. F. ft I., o. Colo. South., c do 2d pfd. . . do 1st pfd. Dela. ft Hud. . V. ft K. O., c... do preferred . . Erie, c do 2d pfd. . . do 1st pfd. .. Great Nor., pfd, Illinois Cent. .. lrf)ul. A Nash. 106 Mex. cent. Ky... M. K. & T.. c. . Distillers Ore Lands M. K. ft T. D Mo. Pacific 66 National Lead . . 47 N. Yr Central 101 N. Y. O. & W 32 H N. & W. C. do pfd , N. American . . N. Pacific, c. . . Pac. M. 8. Co.. Penn. Ry P. O. L. ft C. Co. . Pr. Steel Car, c do pfd Reading, c 91 do 2d prd. . . . do 1st pfd.. . . Rep. I. & S. c. . do pfd Rock Island, c. . do pfd. St. L & S. F. 2p do 1st pfd St. L. ft S. W. c, 8. Pacific, c. 83 85 H do pfd 110 110 So. Railway, c. 16H 16H do nfd E2 62 Tex. & Pacific. . . 26 ?6H T. St. L. ft W. c. 24 24 H do nfd 45 45 U. Pacific, c 126 127 do pfd 81 H 2 U. S. Steel Co. c. 26 27 H do pfd. 89 89 Wabash, c 10 11 do Pfd 19 19 W. V. Tel Wis Cent, c do pfd 89 86 88 88 42 16 16 115 The highest price In 15 years Is likely today In the flour market For export grades there will in all probability be an aavance or ioc a barrel before 24 hoqrs have paased. Thla will put the price of export at $4.05, the highest price reached for that grade since the present generation. While nothing den nlte Is known It Is likely that local grades will likewise be boosted. This Is because of the record-breaking de- iiibiiu iur . acinc nonnweii wneai rrom Europe. Exporters continue to take all supplies offered at the present market A HEAVY LOSS IN WHEAT 67 47 102 32 23 Chicago Market Suffers From De cline Abroad. CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. Sept. 10. Sent. 28. Lose. 10. sept. 95 I Dec 98 B 99 May ....104 B 105 juiy . .100 101 H .a i 73 76 79 (Leased Wire Overbeck ft Cooke Co. I Chicago, Sept. 80. There waa a sharp break in wheat valuea today on ac count of the lower offering In Liverpool. The gain at the closing there was not reit nere at an. Official prices: WHEAT. Low. Close. 94 95 97 98HB 104 304B 100 100 Sept. Dec. May July Open. High. 95 9 99 99 106 1061 100 1011 I.- 128 . 23H 119 85H 93 20 126 22 118 85 90 CORN. Sept 63 63 69 62- Dec 68 69 67 68B May 6 60 68 69 OATS. Sept 62 64 62 64 Dec 62 62 61 62 May 53 63 63 63 MESS PORK. Rept 1380 1880 1380 1380 Oct 1390 1395 1875 1880 Jan. ........1640 1640 1620 1625 LARD. Sept 910 910 895 905 Oct 910 910 895 907 Jan 886 890 876 882 SHORT RIBS. Sept 812 8WV 787 790 Oct 802 802 790 787 Jan 802 825 790 795 That her husband three weeks after their msrrlsge, because aha had not cooked the breakfast eggs to suit his taate, threw the eggs on the floor and then ordered tier to clean the floor, ia one of the many charges made by Mrs. Minnie Mltlehner in a suit for divorce from Albert Mltlehner, filed In the cir cuit court this morning. . On snother occasion her husband ordered her to leave, and told her If she did not so he would throw her out of the window and burn her trunk, says Mm. Mltlehner. He swora at her family snd called them liars, murderers and thieves, it is charged. (Several years aao Mltlehner became angry while at dinner one day and be gan throwing thlnga around the table, ending by picking the baby out of ita high chair, running with it through the rain to its arandmother and informing mat astonisnea oia lady that the baby waa oeing siarvea. While Mrs. Mltlehners uncle wss dining with them about a year ago, peace and harmony reigned until she passed her husband a warm dish. It was not so warm that he could not hold It ssys the complaint but he remarked that It burned him. Where upon the wife remarked in a nleaaant. agreeable manner, Vgood," and Mltleh ner flew Into a terrible passion and daahed the dish violently to the floor, and swore so lustily that Mra. Mltleh ner left the room. They were married at Vancouver, Waahington, In December, 1897 aays the wife, and her life has been a aurden to her ever since. She allegea that her husband has a violent temper i which ha does not control, and aaks the court to grant her a divorce and the custody of her child. STUDY TRADE SCHOOLS EAST Superintendent Higlcr Goes to Philadelphia to Gather Points for Use Here. o SAE00NS OPEN TO 1 THE RIGHT PARTIES I This Allegation Made at Vancouver Respecting at Least Three Places No Arrests. Superintendent Frank Rlgler of the city schoola will leave for tha east Wednesday morning on a six-weeks' quest for Information concerning trade schools, domestic science courses and public playgrounds in connection with proposed departures in Portland's edu cational system. Mr. Rlgler will go first to Philadel phia, where he, will Inspect the publlo trade school there, said to be one of the finest In existence aa well as the only one of the kind in America. Phila delphia's domestic science department will also come In for a large proportion of his sttentlon. He will then go to New York to Investigate the manual training work in the high schools and the public playgrounds, which have readied their greatest development in the Empire a tat a Further Inspection of manual train ing and trade school work will be made In Chicago. A privately endowed trade school In Chicago ia aald to have reached the highest attainment at pres ent poaaibie In these Institutions. Play grounds will be given additional con sideration in Chicago. In Indianapolis a special visit will be made to the manual training high achool, an Institution where advanced instruction Is given In mechanical work. The prime object of superintendent I Rlgler's visit to the esst is tha trade school, which will probably be installed here in another year. It Is slso very likely that the conking courae will be addod to the High school course by next February. - r- GREAT PROSPERITY SHOWN LY CLEARINGS (Bpeclal DUpatcb to The TooHil.) Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 30. Although no arrests were made yesterdsy for vio lations of the Sunday closing liw, aalde from the warrants that will b Issued for N. W. Scott snd O. A. Hager, It Is stated by a business man that sev eral aaloons were open to tie rlaht persons. One place Is even credited with doing a larger business than on the average week day. Within a ra dius of 200 feet, this man atafs, three saioons were serving liquor. Scott's confectionery aaaln 6 office business snd Hager1 nouses were well patronized. a land show UMATILLA LAND T BE OPENED THIS FALL 35 83 109 15 61 25 24 44 125 81 26 87 10 19 39 88 Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Sept. 80. Official prices WHEAT. Open. Close. Sept .7s 8d 7s 9d I Dec. . .7s 11 d 8s d March 8s Id 8s ld Oct ..6s 9d 6s 9d CORN. Jan. ..6s 6d 6s 6d Sept. 28. Gain. 7s 9d Hd 7s lld 8s ld 5s 9d 6s 6d Hd d d San Francisco Grain Market. San Francisco, Sept 20. Official prices; Wheat December. 31.61 H bid. Barley May. 31.64: December, $1.60 per cental. (Special Dlipatch to Tb MtnaL) Washlnston. D. C. Sent. 30. Plana nave progressed rar enough w permit Chief Engineer Davis of the reclama tion service to snnounce that hna third or the 20,000 acrea in the Umatilla irrl gallon project will be opened for set. tlement some time this fallJ Hereto fore It has been much in douit that he could open any of these landslthls year, but careful examination of retorts seem finally to warrant the announcement that about 7,000 acrea will be ready before January 1. The remainder will probably be opened a year lajer. Davis expects the Umatilla project to become the most productive of sll rovernment Irrigation enterprises, owlngfto a favor able climate, nearness to transportation ana rtenness or tne sou. OLD MR. WORK WILL BE LAYING FOR THEM Portland's bank clearings for September show the splendid In crease of 20 per cent over the same month of tha 'preceding year. The last month's clear ings aggregated 330,172,440.01. aa compared with $26,098,609.86 In September of 1906. No other city on the Paclno coast with the possible excep tion of Spokane, Washington, has shown so large a percentage of gain in commerce and bank ing. The percentages of other cities hsve averaged 8 to 15 per cent, which is slso a great gain compared to the Increase ordi narily ahown by eastern cities. September In fruit and agri cultural regions Is a month usually showing less gain of bank clearings than any other month in the year, for the rea son that ready cash Is con nerved for taking care of the great crop movement that be gins about thla time. The clear ings of October, November and December In Portland will. It ia believed, show the greatest In crease in the history of the northwest Cl j !,., , b ... ', Rhuriierr and associates. Mr; ' Shflrt ten la personally managing tne prop- erty and la installing a roaster of blsii own Invention, ' to treat the t Treasurs concentrates. Tna operation t of thai roaster Is bring watched with consider able Interest, Inasmuch as Its .success will revolutionise tha treatment of ore In the Cascade mining section, portions , of which are considerably removed from rail tranaportatlon. . Kour thousand five hundred feat oi tunnel has been driven on thla claim. piercing a veritable mountain- of ore The manager expects to have tha planO running by October II. .. i V - " Usloa Claim Equipment. . The Union claim, which ia located on the aouthweat slope Of Gold Hill, and , which ia under the management of Mr. Coffin, haa made soma extra Una show Inga of late Resides the underground development work, which la being .. as tenalvely curried on, many surfaca lm-4 provementa are being made and a large) blacksmith shop and other building sre being maintained for thla purpose One of the principal Improvement la the construction of an aerial tramway, carrying two bucketa, each Of l.O0 ftounds capacity. The tram is 1.100 feet n length and is capable of transporting st least 40 tons of ore dally. Over 2,000 . . . , i v , . u& ucvfiupmem wrn nae . uvtsu don on the Union snd recently an ora body waa encountered 2 feet in width carrying valuea assaying from $16 tot 3825 per ton. with a low estimate aver age of 380 per ton. A. ft. Taylor and w. F. Himea. own ers of tha Oregon Treadwell group, bava , opened up some very fins bodies or trtm milling ore on their new location and. sre at present installing an arraatra foq testing ana developing the property. Great Western Shows Xt jraltn. Tha Great Western Mining A Mlllinsj company, which owns valuable property) in, the district, foresees a great pro ducer In its claim. Valuable or bodies are being opened aa development, pro gresses. A contract for extenalv tun nel work has been let and by the first of the year aeveral hundred feet will ba run in on the monster ledge, which on the upper level Is free milling. Com 1 fortable cabins and good roads ant I - a i SPOKANE MUST HAVE PORTLAND-SEATTLE Major Harts So Declare In Connec tion With Fort Wright Right-of-way Matter. Journal. ) SO. Throusrh W. L. Cris- erdeen cham Toledo, St. Louis & Western pre ferred, ex.-dlvidend 2 per cent. New York Central, ex.-dlvidend 1 per cent. Call money closed 4 per cent ask. 'Total Bales for day, 620,900 shares. FORGED LIQUIDATION WORKS SHARES DOWN FINISHED HOGS ARE LIKELY TO ADVANCE (Special Diana tch to The Journal. t Milton. Or.. Sent. 0. For th flrxt time in the history of this district Mil ton has sent to outside points straight carload lots of peaches. During the ui rutin season mora man v carloads nave Deen snipped direct to 8nnkn. Montana and the Dakota. Heretofore the shipments have been made in smaller lots and to the commission housea. This time the shipments have been made to dealera direct. The nrlca rtuigeu iruiu iu ii.ou per POX, Hop Bale About Over. (Special Dispatch to Tna Journal. Aurora, Or., Sept. SO. Hon baling Is nearly finished in this section and not withstanding the mold that was in the yards at the time of picking most of ins nops uuieu wui graue a iair io good quality. Very few sales have been re ported so far, and those made mostly' by renters who had to have the money and were wining to sen at any price in or der to come out somewhere even. A more cheerful view of the situation is taken by the growers since the picking Is over, and they think that 12 to 14c hops is not among tne impossibilities. United States Government Bonds; Sept. 30 ' "1 rather think that there will 4 be a better demand ruling for 4 chicken the latter part of the 4 week, although there's no tell-- 4 lng what, may happen' to the t4 chicken' market any , mora than ) In a baseball gams. Quit a lot 4) of atock waa carried over from 4 Baiuraa? by Front , atreet deal. 4 era because of the lack of de- 4) mand," B. W. Graham of Tern-. pleton 4 Graham-, - New York. bonds: Bid. Twos, registered 105 An cnunon 100 Threes, registered 102 H do coupon iuz Threes, small bonds ....101? nts Columbia, 3-6Ss 113H Fours, registered:, new...i2n ao coupon izd . Twos, Panama ...105 Philippine Four ....... 109 H Government Asked. 106 H 126 12614 106 Liverpool Cotton Higher. Liverpool, Sept 80. Cotton futures closed firm and steady, to 10 points - A ' ' , v 'Livestock In East. Chlcairo. Rent SO Hoirrt war. atrnnr today. -Cattl were ateadj and heep PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hons. Cattle. Sheep. roaay Week ago 258 Year ago i 65 Previous year ... 66 846 448 201 120 463 240 Portland Union Stockyards, Sept. 80. The future of practically the entire livestock market depends almost entire ly upon shippers. For instance there ia a most excellent demand ruling at this time for well-finished hogs but the fact that the receipts are most of Inferior grades, causes lower prices to rule than would otherwise be the caae. Of this President Caughtrey says: "If we could get finished hogs we might be able to obtain a better price, but the fact is the present run of poor hogs Is keeping tne market down. . "Sheep are firm in all lines. "The cattle market Is very well main tained around the high figures, all re celnts beinir aulte read II v nicked 11 r This is in line with what The Journal predicted a short time ago." A year ago today pest cattle were zsc hisrher and lambs were firm (tie aame amount up. 'Hogs were steady. urriciai yard prices: Hoks Best eastern Oregon. 86.50 6.75; stockers and feeders, 35.006.25; China fats, 6.006.25. Cattle Best eastern Oregon steers. 3.S64.00; best cows and heifers, $2.75 3.00; bulls, Jl.Ytx&z.uo. Sheen Best wethers. 34.B0f?4.75: mixed. $4.004.25; lambs, $4.75 5.00. Portland Bank Statement. Clearings today 1...8 1,638,473.78 do year ago Gain today $ 277.819.S2 Balances today 182,446.89 , .. no AAA r tf 00 year rru, .......... . Clearings, September. 19q7. 80,172,440.01 do September, . . .1. . z&,og,&09.86 Gain. September, 1007... f 6,073,880.16 Seattle, Sept 80. Clearings, 21,420.- 075: balances, 3141,428. Tacoma. sept. aw. uieanngs, (1,018.- 390; balances, 357,006. New York-London Sliver. New York, Sept 30. Bar silver. 67Hc; Ijonaon, i 9-100. (Leased Wire Overbeck A Cooke Co.) San Francisco. Sept. 30. Ooldfield shares were dull and lifeleas. forced liquidation still carrying the list down In tha Falrvlew list there was a frac tlonal advance. Official bid prices: GQLDFIELDS DISTRICT. , Sandstorm 86c, Columbia Mt. SScA Jumbo Ext. 31.35. Pennsylvania lc Ooldfield M. Co. 31.27H, Kendall 18c, Booth 2SC, Blue Bull 23c, Adams 7c, 6c, Blue Bell 12c. Dixie 5c, G. Columbia Z7c, Hlbernla 6c, Ht. lves D7C, conqueror 10cA, Blk. Koca ic, lone Htar loc, a. Wonder 4cA. Potlach 14cA. Kendall Ext. 2c, Sandst. Ext 4c, Mayne 4c. Atlanta 32c. Great Bend 89c. Simerone lOcA, Empire 9c, Red Top Ext. 19c, Florence 33.67 H, Diam'f B. B. Con. 20c, G. Daisy 98c. Commonwealth 27oA, Comb. Fract. 31.56. Gr. Bend Ext 9c, Gr. Bend Anx. 8cA, Mlllstorm 25c. B. B. Bonanza 6c, Kewanos 43c, Eameralda lOcA Port land 20c, Cracker Jack 12c, Francis Mohawk $1A, Red Hill 84c, Mohawk Ext. 8c, Lou Dillon 8c, Y. Tiger 17c, Grandma 12cA, Y. Rose 5c, Col. Mt Ext 5cA, Goldf. Cons. 36.37 H, DlamT Trl angle 13c. COM STOCK. Ophir 45o, Mexican 69c. Gould & Currv SOc. Con. Virginia 94c, Savage 88c, Hale A Norcross 31, Yellow jacket 32.95, Belcher 64c. Confidence 31.10, Sierra Nev. 71c, Exchequer 44o, Union 60c. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 4o Bullf. M. C. llcA. Mont. Bullf. 4cA, Nat. Bank 12c, L. Harris lc, Amethyst 14o, Gold Bar 43c, Stein way 6cA, Denver Buf. Anx. 2c, Bonnie Clare 35cA, Mayfl. Cons. 26e, Monty. Ohio Ext. 5c, Monty. Mt. 9cA, Home stake Cons. 85cA, Yankee Girl 6cA, Nugget 5cA. Tramp Cons. 21c, Victor 4cA, North Star 5cA, Sunset 4c TONOPAHS. Ton. Nev. $10, Mont Ton. $2.20, Ton. Ext. 31.45, MacNamara 26c, Midway 77c, Ton. Belmont $2.10. Ton. No. Star 17c. Ohio Ton. lc. West End Cons. 57c, Res cue 8c, Ton. & Calif. 7c. Golden Anchor 8c, Jim Butler 63c, Ton. Cash Boy 3c, Ton. Home 5cA, Monarch Pitts. Ex. 7cA. Mont Mid. Ext 3c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. 40cA, Manh. M. Co. 6c, G. Wedge 6c, Seyler Hump. 3a, Dexter lOcA, L. Joe 8cA, Crescent 12c, Combi nation lc. Granny 19c. Mustang 12c, Little Grey 15cA, Cowboy 4cA. Orig. Manh. 9cA, Broncho 6c, Pinenut 60, Buf falo 4cA, S. Dog 10c, Y. Horse 3c, In dian Camp 6c, , . VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Falnr. Silver King $13cA. Fairy. Cl! (8pcUl Dlipatcb to Tbi Aberdeen. Wash., Sept. correspondence held by sey, secretary of the a: ber of commerce, with eistern parties. about 40 persons are explcted to arrive here next month from vinous parts of the south and east. Sfme will como from Maine and some from Florida, with others from still llfferent states. These people representdifferent voca tions and Mr. Crlsse'y Is desirous that they shall be provide! with employ. (Special Dtspateb to The Journal.) Spokane, Wash., Sept. SO. The Port land & Seattle railroad is a necessity to Spoksne'a future prosperity, according to the reports of Major William W. Harts of the United Statea engineer corps, whose report to the secretary of war has Just been made public. Major Harts condemns the two routes proposed for the road and advises one around the outer edge of the Fort Wright reservation. There has been much trouble over this right of way. The road wanted to cross the parade grounds and the cltlsens of Spokane ob jected and picked another route. Both of these routes, however, according to Major Harta, would mar the fort ment when they arrived To this end he I Grounds and cause it to hT ninUJ? 1 iions ror me rood, as follows: That the ness men of the their cooperation in DESERTIOX CIA ROE AGAIN (Special Dispatch Enterprise, Or., Parquet who it la .lunuarv last from ted States cavalry. wana. was arrestei by Sheriff Blakely confinement in t old Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern right of war. now oit of use, he donated to the reservation: that In case the road damage the grounds, the secretary of P i POTTTT J war " K'ven power to say what the 1 AltyUXil damagt is without appeal to the higher ui, nu uiai a cummon uaer clause be iiserted In the right-of-way agree ment Major Harta met the citlsens at a public meeting recently and has since been working on the report Just ren dered. The work Is a voluminous docu ment, containing over 21,600 words trails are some of the Improvements of, these enterprising owners. This prop erty Is unusually well situated from at standpoint of natural advantages. Among other properties in the dis trict under course of development are; Blue River Consolidated, Wood & Dia- . mond group. Princess group. Crown Boy, Western Mining A Milling . company,.: Cinderella company, Chrisman as Fisher group, Cuba, Alpha, Chubb Creek, Jay- " bird, Bluebird & Red Cloud, Morning, Noonday, Rowena & Ruby, Rambler, Keystone, Happy Jack, GlendaJe, Big; , Four, Tate Brothers' group, Sparka group and others. All of these proper ties are showing good values arid prom ise much when fully developed. RUriSATCOBIDIO HOLD DP HIS HANDS Janitor at Multnomah Club Skiddoos When He Sees Burglar. ' . Th JoBranl.) ept. 30. Wlllism lined deserted in e tnth Unl- tationed at Walla In Wallowa county id after one night's -county jau- was de livered to Lleutenaft Ellis. At the time of his arrest Pardiet was engaged In digging: a well f( a farmer about 16 miles northeast off Joseph. His where abouts was dlscored last week at the time the Fourtenth cavalry was camped at Wallora lake. Young Par quet claims that lie enlisted from Port land. He la 28 t ears 01 age. EXPRESS! AND X FIGHT ftNB IS KILLED (United Hm Leaned Wire.) Cripple Creel Colo.. Sent. 30. Nate Thorpe and Water Alexander, rival ex pressmen, and Klbert Bills, an employe of Alexander.became involved in a quarrel Saturday night at the depot over wno snqiid nam two incoming passengers to ie hotel. The men began fighting and frhorpe shot and killed Bills and wotrded Alexander so badly that h died i short time later. Feel inar Is hltrh adilriFt Thorpe and he may be lynched. New YA k Cotton Market, Jan. . Feb. . March April May . June . July . Sept ,v, Oct. ., Nov. . Dec. . TAXES PILED UP OX NON-PRODUCTIVE LANDS Klamath's Forests Bear Added Stack of Million and Half Improved Property Lowered. I Sept Opel. High. Low. 80. 28. ... 118 1132 1113 1121 1 1123 1126 ... 1U0 1142 1124 1129 1133 ... 13 1134 1132 1132 1137 ...llo 1149 1130 1135 1141 ... .7 1137 1144 ...116 1146 1138 1142 1148 ... 1,96 10 1096 1096 1097 ... 190 1105 1089 1096 1097 ... 95 1098 1090 1095 1099 ...108 1124 1105 1111 1113 (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.) Klamath Falls, Or., Sept 30. Assess or J. P. Lee haa Just completed the 1907 assessment ron ror Klamath county. It shows a total valuation of 37.561.779. as against 36,094,094 last year, an In crease of nearly 31,500,000. T'oiber lands bear all of the Increased valua tion, and more, for this year the non tillable lands are assessed at 35,182,828, as against 33,495,915 last year, while tne improved property of the county, together with the improvements thereon and the cattle, horses, sheep, etc., are valued at 3219,828 less than a year ago. As there has been a great deal of money spent In Klamath county the past year in jmprovemems, me general opinion Is that the total assessment, outside of the non-tiuaoie lands, should have at least equaled that of a year ago. A burglar, evidently with more nerva than mentality, made an unsuccessful ' attempt to hold up A. B. Ross, Janitor of the Multnomah Athletic club, at 3 o'clock this morning within the sacred! confines of the clubhouse. Instead of obeying the command of the thug to elevate his hands, Ross took to his'. heels, despite the fact that the nigh- -wayman was armed with a revolver of! heavy calibre, and upon resetting tha street blew lustily on his police whlstla . for help. Special Policemen Fitxslmmon ana. , Hemsworth who were standing at tha . corner of Nineteenth and Washington streets hurried to the scene and after making a search of the building noti-, ,, fled Captain Bailey at headquarters. A wagon load of patrolmen was .dis patched to the clubhouse, but although every nook and corner of the ground was overhauled no traca of the house- breaker was found. v Muddy footprints were found On one ; of the fire escapes, however, Indicat ing the manner In which entrance waa effected to the building. According to the Janitor's story he was sweeping tha first floor and had occasion to turn around, when he spied the crook on the stairway. "Hands up" said the fellow, but Ross lost no time in beating a hasty retreat and summoning the po lice. v There is considerable speculation aa to the burglar's motive in breaking Into the club building. The only thing of value which he could carry away are' the silver trophies and these could aot be disposed of unless melted. r,. McPARLAND WAS A GUEST OF THE STATE . Pitta- burs- Silver Peak 31.23 U. No. Star Won. der 5c A. Eagla's Neat 36c, Ruby Won der loo. Ailc of Wonder tcA.. . . Djliver the Wheat. (Special IDispatch to Tha Journal.) Lewlstonl Idaho, Sept 30. The grain of the aaejtern section of Nea Perce prairie ant from Mohler and a large portion of the country lying to the east will this war be delivered to the ware houses at I'ollmer, very little of It go insr to th market at Culdesac. The delivery Bit urday at one warehouse reached 4J00 sacks, the aggregate for the day fctng above 8,000 sacks. Feel lar ache? St case of la ters tonei digestion,! uid, weak, run-down? Head- mach "off"? Just a plain liver. Burdock Blood Bit. liver and stomach, promotes iurifles the blood. . Cooperative Grist Mill. (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal. Long Creek, Or., Sept 80. A company has been formed here for the purpose of buying the Long Creek grist mill, paying 34,000 for all the property. Each person In the company, is also required to furnish a quantity of grain in pro- fortion to the number of shares held, t is the intention to buy all the wheat necessary to keep the mill going full blast . . r ' Sugar Company's Model Farm. (Special Diaoatch to The JooraaL) La Grande, Or., Sept 80. -The Amal gamated Sugar company at this place lias rxpenuea o,v tne past season on (United Pceaa Leased Wire.)1 ' Boise, Ida., Sept 30.---Another scan dal in connection with bills of the Pink erton National Detective agency ' for services in connection with the Hay-. i wood trial developed today, when tha fact was published that. In addition to bills paid by the state, James Mc Park land, chief of the Plnkerton in the case, waa paid witness fees and mileage by Canyon county, although he never took the witness stand. :,".-. The records show that on July 13 his bill s gainst Canyon-eountyj-aHowed-and-i-paid, was as follows: Witness fees, 73 days at ti uer day, 3144; 560 miles, at 25 cents, 3125; total 3269. Tha record shows that during the same period bill . of McParltwid paid by the state, Includ ing wages, railway fare, incidentals. Pullman fare, board and room, in all amounted to $1,769 80. CHINESE DA3IAGE BILL AT VANCOUVER (Special DlipatcV t The Jnarsai ; Vancouver, B, C. Sept.i 30. -Ovana King, Chinese vice-consul at San Fran cisco, has left for home, having com pleted . his official mission hare In con nection with tha preparation of a re- Improvements at Its model farm near ( port on the recent riots end losae sus- Hot Lake. This farm consist of about talned by Chine subjects, lis cam 8,000 acres of choice valley land. At her on lastruction from tha Chliw present nearly 100 men and teams ar embassy at Washington. Th toMl employed on the place. New road ar amount of tha Chines claim will l being built and baraa being put up. . ,1 123,400. . , . : . '' i t.-