Vf ' "MJ THE OREGON : DAILY ' JOURNAL,' PORTLAND; . SATURDAY EVENING, . SEPTEMBER '. 28,. 1007. ... UU -- . ' . , V , ; , ' t (. . ' ,'' , i V . i ' , I . ' i " t' (. i T , ! j . ' ' " ,., , v . , . . . , , . " ' .... , , . 1 J Ll i ILL JL nMwJa M&:A'- n JJ W . ijj! , IVALLDECORATION i IS HARD PROBLEM -msa PflPTI AfJfll IIHRFP fi Tl S BWK-''.v! : ki-.m ftWU ,'.u: ",. ' . m ,t! rmrm i u i i umu lui hum; w f i ii "ii inn , y ;t v ,,, w i , ' ' d I '. b,A WJX 1 A . , i V' w I ' teT . vV- kl kM Mtv 'I: ft ' '''''S " C,-VrA.V v V !' - ...... 5KeJ7, XPW"TWif1 nnn i i i fcj t-i -i I I I r 1 . I 1 I 1 TtRTl I TT -1 l vr. in ?-yHm - I If--!- 1 T I IJBIil Jr4 111 I V tilVSi u . 1 I w w u twi 1 Ui election of Appropriate Pa ,'3'" for Homos Puzzle "' ' V J'"'. . "IT - ! f ' v to Jiouseics. Mil.' GOOD CONTRASTS ARE a, DIFFICULT TO OCTAIX 'Jlirangempnt bf Hous, Woodwork V and Interior Dmlgns Art" Always Ff torc . to Do,. Coneldcrcd - In Choosing AVall Taper. ; On of th probiema tht sorely pr- , IIex every woman, when the time dmM to-have htr houee tepapered, lei that relatlnf to the propriety of certain .papers for certain rooms. There are many ,Undpolats from which this question should be viewed. It Is not a mere matter of taste or fancy, but Is a subject which should be considered from tne utilitarian as well as rrom the raa ; rlo and the sentimental point of view, Thfre tt one Invariable rule, however, 'which should never be overlooked ami that .Is -that-'the wall paper should be chosen to conrorm to the other decorat ive details of the Interior. ..' t- fasVCoafarn to Woodwork. - Tb onslilarlnv th nrlnlnlM nf In t trior decoration there are certain rules regarding Woodwork which cannot be violated with Impunity. To accompany delicate woodwork , and furniture, sncn as birch or maple. It Is obvious that .the paper should be of a delicate char acter. r ana wiin oaric wooqworit aeep- toned paper' Is essential. Very charm- Ins; effects, however, are often obtained by contrasting oolors, such as a red or rreen paper with white enamel finish to tne wooaworK. "Clothy" effects In the paper are best. when the woodwork is highly polished. Mahogany with its blgh-rlaied. wax fin ish, is best set off with paper of a sft, . antique tapestry effect. When tho woodwork Is of a severe or substantial character, strong durable papers should oe used. The beautirui silk luster pa pers win be found to harmonise agree ably "with 'Woodwork finished in the dull Circassian walnut of the- French periods, . Of. coursa these rules are -clastio and -open to exceptions, - There are occasions when a light Japanese pa per with dark woodwork Is very effec tive and artistic. ShoolA Consider Boom Design. The character of t ha room should al ways be given due consideration, for it Is one of the most Important influences In the proper- selection of wall cover ings. In children's bedrooms the color chemea and wall hangings should In- FOR ZONE Outpiit of Ijocal Mills Will v Soon Bo Shipped to ; ' Panama. ; CAR SHORTAGE MS CLOSING PLANTS of Rolling Stock Affecting South Whetw There la Unuauallj Big Cotton Crop Well a North weat Centerg, r Our Cutomra Inform U that We Have . the Moat Satlefaotory Ljhe of Gooda t: r.. -'X j IShdwn In 'the City : lea Yon Build Your New like and Need is j , ; :.,.i ; -i- " jf : ;i ' Gas Fixtures.1' Elactrlo Fixtures, ; Combination Fixtures, Gas and Electrio Shades. Welsbach Burn ers,.. Mantels and Incandescent lamps, Xleotrlo Bells, Bleotrlo ; Wlrinf of. all klndSr- . . V F1 replace Furniture, Wood Man tels, Tils Mantels. Tile Sink Backs, Tils Hecxths, Tils Floors. Tile Bath Rooms, Andirons, Club House Baskets, Firs Screens, Firs Folding Screens, Ah Dumps, All Kinds of Repair Work, OCT OUR PRicns BARRETT A1NFRS. AGENCY 408-lO-la KorrUon tt, ;stwa Taatk sad kleraatk. Both Famus, Affected' W hs. car" shortage and In ability to find a local market. num ber of ths smaller mills are being forced to shut down and await Improved conditions. Ths result ef this has been cheap lumber In some Instances, al though mills lo Portland maintain ths prices that have ruled for the past month. It is still asserted that there will be no reduction In local quotations, no mattr how the freight rats question may end, the mlllnaen having come to the conclusion that the better plan of procedure will be to curtail the output to meet a gooa, ciean uemanu. i.rwaiiv tne riemana continues Kooa. nd San Franclaco la said to be in the market for more special orders, al though dealers contend that there is till too much competition in ths field to make it attractive for even fair busl nvu Mnr urtoti were set afloat for California this ween, nowever, man or some time since the slump. Portland Lumber for Panama. A goodly quantity of lumber is oat from tnis : A First-ClaSsS Carpenter WUJ smly ass flrsVelaas tools, as fchay are ths omly kind that wlU do sffloasat work fsv klaa. Oarpears tools are a specialty with as, ana ws hare tas bast steal tools, with hardwood handles, that aevar disappoiat ths expert sr ortHosl workmaa. AVERY & CO. 48 Third St, Bet. Pino cod Ah THE LUTKE MFG. CO. .Xaaafaotaren ef ex- ortl flWt TIOOX, FLAN Perspective and Floor Plans of Hou se of Novel Architectural Design. .variably reflect youth and gaiety. Borne picture rnesea wnicn can not be readily obtained make excellent dec ' bratlons for -rooms of this doecrlptlon. . i'or a study, where all is quiet and re pose, 'the environment should be con sistently sober, quiet and dignified, both - In color and design. ... $ The size,, of the room should also be taken into account It is out of the ' question, of course, to put a paper with a large pattern upon the walls of a small room, nor is a wide frlese eppro- frlats for a room of small dimensions' t is plainly vldnt that a dainty floral paper suitable for a boudoir would cw utterly out of place In a dining-room, nor would a leather paper be used in a alceplng-room, ' The natural conditions which affect ths room must also oe taaen into ac count. If there are several windows in the room, end It has a southern expos tire. the wall-hanginfr should be of some -dark color. - But if the light comes from the north, : in-order to sup ply ths deficiency of sunlight the paper should be printed In tones of red oi yel- - low. If the use of the room Is largely confined to the fashionable dinner hour. when it will M brilliantly illuminated, the daylight may be ignored, and paper that will look well when illuminated by artificial light should be chosen. All Features Should Harmonise. If. on the other hand, the room is dimly lighted conditions which usually prevail In an oriental room It Is 1m- fonalhls to ue too much color. In fact, he success of an oriental room, full of oriental splendor. with Color every where, is ruined and made vulgar by too strong a light. The furniture which appears tawary under nrainary con ditions may be charming Under softened light. Neither can one properly determln the wallcoverings of a room withou picturing in mind what Is going Into the room. If the furnlshlnss are full of the or rate, somber papers are desirable. If ta furnishings lack variety, variety Should be supplied by the side-waila and draoerles. ir a room has auu wood work, silk papers should be Introduced to Rive a cheerful shimmer ana gutter If, on the other hand, there is a glare of white wood or cut glass or china, or a superabundance of sunlight or lamp light, dull-finished paper will give the needed rest to the eye. It should always be borne In mind that no one feature of a room should obtrude. The old theory that one must not construct decoration but simply dec orate conatructlon, is all wrong. Dec- i EVERYTHING IN CEMENT HOLLOW CONCRETE BUILDING BLOCKS "BEST BUILDING MATERIAL KNOWN TO MAN" THE ELLIOTT-REGAN CO. Are the largest makers of cement building blocks in Oregon, made on honor. We make anything and everything in cement. Our cement shingle makes a perfect roof. See our samples. Ask for our figures on any size or design of building. ... I ELLIOTT-REGAN CO. 102 GRAND AVENUE -r , ,. , ., oration, to be correct, should be inva riably planned and constructed. Contrast Is JTteded. In the general rules here laid down, It will be seen that aside from the ques tion of color, the theory of contrast rather than analogy Is often more ap propriate; but whether contrast or an alogy Is used there should always be a striving for harmony In the general ef fect as well as In the color schem'.-. Touching upon this feature or the sub ject, a well known Authority on house decoration has the following to say: "If a room be large and well lighted, the side wall should be done In large patterns, but of subdued colorings: avoiding the use of pale tones and of recening colors, like greens and blues; for unless the room Is very sunshiny, over-receding colors make a room which Is already large look larger. Subdued luminous colors, reds, warm vellows. and oranges are best. Unless the room Is riooded with sunlight a preponder ance of i gray tones should prevail. Tho main point to be considered Is that there is but one color treatment for a large room, well lighted, that which In volves the use of subdued tones of lumi nous colors. If a glare of sunlight In creases the difficulty Of the nrohlcm add more gray to the room. "A small room well lighted rains in apparent sise by the avoidance of heavy lines and set fla-urea. If vn.ir ceiling is low. It Is better to do without a fries and to use perpendicular fine line effects, the parallels being wide apdrt. Horlsontal II nes rive length and breadth, but they should alwavs be far apart. Large -leces of furrilhir should always be et the remote end of the room. Pale areen tones nf cnlnr i best for such a room and a harmonv of analogy, or related parts. Is preferable to a harmony of contrast, for mntraut necessitates the use of advancing colors wnicn loresnorien me lines or a room But sfter all. probably the safest course to pursue, when contemplating repspermg a noune, is 10 engage the services of a professional house dec orator, make him aware of the amount that you wish to expend, make as few suggestions as possible, and more often than otherwise an entirely sntisfactory result will be obtained. LET CONTRACTS FOR W LiBARi Handsome $100,000 Struc ture Will Be Erected Near the Selhvood Crematory. Plans for the new columbarium which Is to be built nenr the Bell wood crematorium In the hillside overlook lng the Willamette, have been com pleted and some of the construction contracts let. When completed, the col umbarlum will represent a total out lay of not less than $100,000. It wll be one of the handsomest structures of Its kind in the united (States, and will have the distinction of being the onlv columbarium In the i'acmc north west. It is to be built entirely of con crete. Every niche of which there will be about 4,000, Is to be lined with tiling, with a front of heavy plats glass se In bronse. There are to be 32 locul for the caro of the dead whose rela tlves are opposed to Incineration. In tho present crematorium there are 1,000 niches for the accommodation of urns containing the ashes of the dead and with the completion of the columbarium there will be ample space for the de posit of urnai for some years to come, WILL ERECT COSTLY IRVINOT0N RESIDENCE Dr. T. J. Lloyd. Veterinary surgeon and dentist, has opened a new veterinary hospital at 128 North Klxth street, near the Vnlon depot. The doctor Is thorough In all branches of the profession. He navs particular attention to the treatment of dogs and operative surgery. Telephones A-5435. Main 8016. C. B. Moores is having the plans drawn for a two-story, frame residence to be erected at East fifteenth ana Wasco streets. Irvlnnton. The dwell lng will cost approximately $12,000 and will be one of the handsomest homes in the Irvlngton district. Architect W. C Knighton is preparing the plans. Mr. Knighton has also been commis- (doned by Oua Rosenblatt to get up the perspective or a proposes notei duuu ing to be erected at Tenth and Alder streets. It is not the intention of Mr. Rosenblatt to begin the construction of this building until next, spring, hence no positive statement can be made now as to us neignt or cost. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. OAS FIXTURES. SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. HOUSE WIRING. GENERAL REPAIRING. LIGHT AND MORRISON ELECTRIC CO. Sam'l Jaggar. J. E. Maxon. 291 East Morrison Street. East 3128 or B 1625. POWER PLANTS INSTALLED. ' EXPERT MOTOR AND DYNAMO REPAIRING. LIGHTING ' r LONG EVENINGS Should Remind You of Lighting Fixtures Table Lamps Burners and Glassware CHILLY MORNINGS Should Remind You of Grates, Andirons and Spark Guards It should not be necessary to remind you that we have the largest stock of Lighting and Heating Fixtures. Get acquainted with our new lighting and heating ideas. BRING YOUR BUILDING PLANS ALONG , 1 ! HEATING Just Arrived A Carload of Grates And Andirons mm-: Mmf. WALSH CO. SALESROOMS 111 STARK STREET ' Between 5th and 6th Both Thones . a Dected to be sut alU fur Panama In the near future. Sev eral lures contracts have been placed with dealers who intend drawing upon i outaut or the mills in tnis 9117. 111 rumirt ed nn sood authority that some I 0.000,000 feet will oe snippea irom mis ity, and If this proves correct then the emlvitv alonsr the mill wharves will soon be increasing. The material Is to I be fir for use in building sheds and houses for the employes on the canal. t Is also expected tnat large quantities f ties will De snipped to ins canai sons 1 before very long. D. I.. Gillespie, or FlttsDurg, Pennsyl vania, one of the largest dealers of lum ber in the I'nltcd States, has been in I Portland for several days, and his pres ence here at this time is lateen to indi cate that some large orders are being placed here for material for the canal, since Mr. Gillespie Is known to have se cured several large contracts from the government. Mr. Gillespie isjaiso Duy-tns- extensively on the sound. The car shortage Is fully as serloui SHOWCASES Bank and Store Fixtures Xoyt aad Sixth tta, miun, ornsoov. as at any time In the country's history although rtie railroad people are not willing to admit that such Is the case. In the State of Washington the north ern roods have placed an embargo on all system cars so that lumbermen are now onlv able to ship when they are successful in hunting up a eiaeiraogeu foreign car. The situation has not become quite that serious here, although it is under stood that the Harrlman peonie are aa- verse to letting any of Its Oregon cars out of the state. This, while It acts detrimental to tne lumber Interests, is believed to assist materially In moving the erain croos. Relative to the car shortage and the general situation throughout the coun try, the American Lumberman or uni- caro. the lareest and most Influential lumber trade Journal In the world, has tins to say: "The Pacific coast lumber trade is be tween the devil and the deep sea. The deep-sea trade is serving the mills bet ter than the railroad devil to the east ward. There is a sizable movement to foreign Ports. renuirlnK numerous ves sels, charters being; none too plentiful. The rate per thousand feet from Puget sound points or Portland to Ban Fran claco is S4.50 a thousand, an advance of 60 cents. There is a great demand for snips to load wheat, wnicn causes some concern among lumber-snippers about gettimr bottoms enough for the lum ber trada The San Francisco demand Is reviving a little, and there is a good can rrom soutnern uaniornia ports. Tloup la Washington. "On the north coast car shortage threatens to cause a complete embargo on lumber and shingle shipments east ward, until the wheat of eastern Wash liiKton and Oroeon shall ' have been moved to coast points. Then there Is the Imnendlng 10 cents a hundred ad vance on rates eastbound, which threat ens to block coast shippers from the In terior markets. The manufacturers are taking legal steps against the enforce ment of the advanced rates, with what outcome is vet to be seen, in any ect or the present Difficulty there is Ittle encouragement. In the meantime the waterside mills will have an outlet iv sea and there is ana will ne a good state ana local demand ror umoer. Many of the railroad mills are shut ting down because they cannot get cars, This will restrict the output of lumber and Bnin"les and tend to Increased Strongtn of nrlces- Dealers In Chicago, Minneapolis and elsewhere who handle spruce. i,r and cedar lumber and shin gies say that If the railroads shall carry out their purpose advance rates It will be a signal for them to stop han dllng such coast products beyond some timber and special on which nleher rates can be paid. The advance win ne a serious handl. cap to the factory stock trade between California and the inland empire mill and midwestern sash and door manufac- urers. In the midst of the turmoil about Pacific coast car shortage and Build Your House With Hol(ow Cement Blocks Frostproof, fireproof, dampproof. The heav iest, strongest and best are MADS BY PARRISH & THOMPSON Office 128 Alisky Bldg. Factory, St John, Or. W. 3. Slmmermaa, Oh as. A. Strum, rresldsat. Tlos-rrssldaaa. Boy V. Flack, Secretary. HYDRAULIC ELECTRIC ELEVATOR CO., Inc. Manufacturers of Hydraulic and Elec tric Elevators, Hand Wood Lifts and Dumb Walters, raon BAST 88T. 04 B. Sixth St., Cor. Madison, rortlaad. Ore. Repair Work Given Prompt Attention Founders, Machinists and Boilermakers, building and Structural Work. PHOENIX IRON WORKS EMCIM RERS Offlos aad Works, swthorne A venae aad Bast Third Street. Pboas Bast , VOBTiajrs, 0300. Phones: Mala 111; Home A-$l. CEMENT- A cargo of J. B. White & Bros. English Cement Just arrived. TXssd on the Chamber of Commerce and other well-known buildings In Portland. OBO. B, BAVB Bl OO, 183 Madison St rortlaad, Orayom, A. T. SAMUELS. W. W. SANSOM. BOB WOBBT The Electrical Applianco Co. WILL DO YOUR WIRING AND INSTALL TOUR LIGHT FIXTURES WITH OUT ANT AFTER TROUBLE. 490 Washington St - Phones M 4884 and A 3881 THE ADAMANT COMPANY'S Celebrated HARD WALL PLASTERS rs the hast CROWN BRAND" Hamlr Flbored WOOD P1BRB PLASTER FINISHING PLASTER rUnflharerf Offlos, Worcester Bid. ZhB Mala Jin. Boms A1818. x-aowrr. root ita . raoas Mala 810. . THE J. McCRMEN COMPANY Roche Harbor Lime, Alsen's Portland Cement; Nephl Building, Casting and Dental Plaster, Imported Firs Brick, Imported and Domestlo Fire Clay. Hair- advanced freight rates Montana oper- mVik7vT- JU.-Vr Si.-i 7.Vk eT. i ' rt' ,TW" iuauin, a tors are prospering, Kallspell reporting XViirbrSPaf5iw'Bte wWrt2iVfhSt Metia A,-, . - plenty of ears, good service and a fair 83l-8a ynra STBBBT. Vboas Mala S70. PORT&ABD, OBEOOB. run of orders. 'A distressful wall comes from the south about car shortage. Though he JOS, HORNUNO Tall lumber trade nas not yet made much of a showing, the mills can aet ut a small percentage of the cars they need for maklni present moderate ship, ments. The oar scarcity Is especially matter of complaint In the southwest. while conditions are not much better In yellow nine territory east or the Mis sissippi river, earlier in too season a short cotton crop was expected, and mill operators who market their product in the north counted on that for a larg er supoly of cars than last yer. "But recent estimates indicate that there will be a larger cotton crop than in 1906. a prospect that is not promis ing of an Increased supply of cars for the lumber trade. In Georgia the crop Is said l be greater than In any pre vious year. The transport of cotton re quires box cars, and they are likely to be ell used for the shipment of that stable, leaving next to none for the shipment of dressed lumber. This will place the gulf state shinners of floor ing, celling, finish and other high-grade products in a naa predicament ror ths fall and winter trade." rzOBB MAX TIM CITY IRON WORKS BLACKSMITH. MACHINISTS, BOILERMAKERS S. FISCHER Tanks, Sawdust, Conveyers, Hydraulic Pips, Oratini, Jron Doors, FJrs Escapes, swffM - Sa 4JBS, s - ' WORKS, 303 FROST . FOBTKARD, OBBOOW. ASBESTOS SEJTD FOB BAMFX.S. Portland Asbestos Mfg. Co. Office and Salesroom, 272 Cllsan Street Faoas Mala mi. BUILD NEWHOMB OF CEMENT BLOCKS . ;. ; Mr. Parrlsh, of Parrlsh & Thompson, manufacturers of cement blocks, is ar. ranging for the construction of a two story seven-room residence to be built or cement mocks manufactured by his firm. Architect A. H. Faber la prepar ing the plans. In southern California, where cement blocks have come into general use for dwelling construction. they have been found to work admirably ana it Is believed thst after being once introduced hers' they' wlIK becoma as popular as they ha vs ra California. v , - f-' :,-;..'.';',;' I 'Vi'" G. FHANK MOFFETT Architects' and Engineers' Supplies, Y; M C A. Drawing Outfits, ieveis and Transits; 84 THIRD STREET, BET. STARK AND OAK. , Send for Price List. ' BOFOT, Arohltsot. "iSi H. L,. CAMP &.CO. . cam. . Contractor. ,FK0 opop houses lpi0$t:0;0 . " -,-V ' OB; ATS. in BASTASBTirtTOBr.': FORIXAMD, OBSaOX.