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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1907)
THE OREGON" DAILY r JOURNAL', PORTLAND," SATURDAY. EVENTNO, SEPTEMBER 28. ' 1907. V. - MM ORIENT imiiBIG CARGOES STEEL RAILS SHIPPED FOR TILLAifOOK BAY ROAD. ,Two British Tramp Steam- l ; 'm Start for Japan , f and Chinarv -; -y ., . (LEAD IjARGfS FLEET ' - ;'TO SAIL THIS FALL S Kalomo , Clears for , Yokohama and Kobe With M'heat, Floor and . Lumber Valncd at $16.1,01 1 and Ilarkston Sail for Hongkong.' The British trainer Kalomo will clear! this afternoon for Kobe and yotrohama, Japan, with a cargo of flour, lumbar and wheat,, valued . at . 1163.100, thai greater portion of which la for flour, there blns JI.147 barrels on board, valued at ll,011v In addition to thla there are 10, 001 buahela of wheat. Nrel- tied at 83S,U, and about 1,000,000 feet 1 of lumbar, bringing the total value ofl tha rerro to the mmoutit atatad above. The Kalomo la being -dispatched by I tne Portland Asiatic ateamantp com- I any and was pressed Into service un isr ajieulal charter to assist in mov ing the large quantity of bualnesa of- leriiig at this time, tna regular liners being unable to take care of H aa promptly aa desired. It Is ' probable that other tramp ateamera will have to be engoRed occasionally this fall to carty away. the overflow from the reg ular liners. One of the regular, boats, tno Arabia, is now la tea harbor loan ing and she will get away next week, so it is expected, with a full cargo or flour, whim means about 55,ooo barrela. TMs evening tha American steamer r Traction Equipment for New Tillamook Railroad an Board Steamer Wallacut. With a blg'load of equipment for tha Tillamook division of the Pacific Rail way. & Navigation company's road, tha sea-going barge Wallacut will leave tha ! harbor tomorrow or Monday,, bound for Indiana will finish loading wheat, flour I TIllHmook Bay, and general cargo for Han Francisco. Bhe shifted to Alnawortb dock this aft ernoon to complete the cargo and will likely leave down In tha morning. Tha Indiana waa engaged by the Ban Fran cisco Portia nit Steamship company to assist in relieving tne congestion on the Portland-Ban Francisco route. The large British - tramp Safely stowed away In her hold are tha cylinder plera for tha three steel bridges which the railroad croaaes at the Tillamook end of the line. The Wilson, Miami and Kllchia rlvera will be spanned by permanent teel struct-jond to be sent down, and a whole train or aump cars goes far to dispel any doubts of the construction of the road. Robert Wakefield, the contrartor on the Tillamook division, wants 100 men wun teams at. once to work all winter. He has been trylrg In vain to get them for several weeks. The Wallacut took on most of her load at the Alblna dock but today la at mi- murine iron worKS, St. . Johns, where the cylinder piers were manu- urea, and It Is tha flrat shipment of the. parts of these bridges that the Walla cut la taking d'on. , So many rumors of a railroad to Tillamook have been heard for the past 20 years that it is hard to believe the construction of a road ia at last actual ly under way. A view of the' Wallacut, loaded with steel rails for six miles of track, the big cylinder piers for the teal bridges, a steam shovel, the sec- addreaa Mayor Lane: vocal solo. Mrs. ateamer I Ernett Laldfaw: address. T. R. Wilcox: Barksion sailed this mornlnar for Hone- I niann anin- Min Marianne Rernavaf ad- kong. wita m.m buahels of wheat, dress, M. J. Burns: vocal solo. Miss val'ied at 119S.J0. Tha Barkston will i Kathleen Lawler: address R. Llvinc- jeau a large neet or. wneac carrying i stone; vocal solo, Mies uareil Bnooic; steamers for tha orient this aeaon, it I treasurer's report. R. W. Hastings; vo being already certain that Immense cal solo, K. T. Crothwer: address, George quamuini-or wneat win ixt snippea i Taylor; piano soio, rroressor i-Jmil there this fall and winter. JOHN J. BYRNE DEAD. Enna: addreaa. A. Krauee: chaplain's re port. Kev. A. K. Be mays. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Was Harbormaster In Portland for Many l'eara. Xagalar XJners Xrae to Antra. Johan Poulaen, San Francisco. .Sept. 28 John J. Byrne, a nioneer ahln chandler I Costa Rica. San Francisco Sept. 2S and once harbormaster of thla part, I O. W. Elder, San Pedro and way. Sept 30 died at 4 o clock thla morning after aev- Redondo Heat tie Sept. II era J months' suffering from Brlght's Nlcomedia, orient Oct 1 dtM-ase. Ho expired at his home. 246 Alesla, orient Oat 2 McMlllen street. The funeral will be Alliance. Coos Bay Oct S held Monday morning at t o'clock from Breakwater, Cooa Bay Oct. 4 the St. Patrick cathedral. Nineteenth and City of Panama, San Francisco.. .Oct t Bav-ler streets. Roanoke, San Pedro and way.... Oct Mr. Byrne had been one of the most INumantla, orient Oct Be familiar faces on Portland's waterfront for the past 20 years and It waa with deep sorrow that the news of his death spread this mornlnt He had been seen Arabia, orient Dec. 25 Xefala Liners to Depart Alliance. Coos Bay Sept. 28 Arabia, orient Sept -28 among the shipping people A-ery little. iAvf r-AAi'W.'i r H however, during the past two or three 5kwatQr' Bajr SeJ& 82 months because of tha dlaease which be- Redondo, Seattle Oct 2 gan to tell on him . about a year ago. At that time ha was eon fined to his bed for several weeks, but rallied and gained enough strength to permit him to re sume DUHineaa ior a wnue. Iteceased waa born In Dublin, Ire land, .In 1851. and came to Portland In 1868. Ha leaves a widow and five chil dren, three sons, Willliam J., Dan O. and John J. Jr., and two daughters, Mnv C. and Helen. While acting as harbormaster Mr. Byrne had to contend with the hardest kind of things and he had his handa full keeping these dealers In Bailors from controlling the harbor completely MAKES NEW RECORD. Prom Cooa Bay to Portland In 21 Honrs. The steamer Breakwater, Captain Macgenn, completed the run from Cooa Bay to Portland in zi nours tnia ween. not counting tne layover time at Asto ria. Thla la said td be the record be tween the two porta and Captain Mac aenn is croud or tne accomplishment. The Breakwater was assisted by fine weather and a fair breeze from tha couth. The run from coos bar to As toria waa made In 15 hours and rrom Astoria to Oak street dock, thla city. In 7 hours. Pilot Harry Emken was on the bridge and he aays he could have made the run in less then seven hours liad he not had to alow down and stop occasionally while passing vessels at tha varioua mill wnaryes down mo river. Wlllacntt, Am. bk Port Patrick. Br. sh.... St. MIrren, Br. ah Crlllon, Fr. bk Ardencralg, Br. bk. . Newcastle, A. .Newcastle. A. .Newcastle, A. .Newcastle. A, . Newcastle, A. Cos a Rica. San Francisco Oct 8 G. W. Elder, San Pedro and way.. ..Oct 2 Johan Foulsen. San Francisco. . .Oct 5 City of Panama, San Francisco. .Oct 8 Koanoice, Han i' ana way.. uct 10 Alesla. orient Oct It Nlcomedia. orient Nov. 2 Numantla, orient t Nov. 10 I Strathgryfe, "."TO, uviaw. n .'I . 1 ......... . l,Cf, XABlie, Jl Eugene Schneider. Fr. bk.NeWrastle. A. Buff on Fr. hk Newcastle, A. Castle Rock, Br. sh Sydney, A. Knight Templar. Br. ss. . .Newcastle. A. Henry VII lard. Am. atr. .. .Newcastle A. Thordls, Nor, str Moravan, Japan Homeward Bound. Am. bk. Newcastle, A. Emily Reed. Am. sh Newcastle. A. Ancalos. Br. sh Newcastle. A. Brlxeux, Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Brodick Castle, Br. sh. ...Newcastle. A. Tramp Steamers En atoute. African Monarch, Br. as Japan Inveran, Br. aa .Port Los Angelas Ferndene, Br. str San Francisco Terje Vlken, Nor. as San Francisco Strathenrlk, Br. ss. San Francisco Indian Monarch. Br. ss...San Francisco Ktrathfiljan, Br. ss. Vancouver. B. C. Biramearn. Mr. aa Ban Francisco Netherlee, Br. ss Bremerton Scottish Monarch. Br. ss. . San Francisco uriusn juonaron, tsr. Francisco Oil Steamers Dae. Maverick, Am. aa San Francisco Col. E. T. Drake, Am. ss. .San Francisco Zn atonte la Ballast to Load Grain. Gael, Fr. bk Puget Sound Turgot, Fr. bk Puget Sound Miltonburn. Br. bk Santa Rosalia Dumfireahlre. Br. ah... Port Loa Angeles Sully, Fr. bk San Francisco Celtic Chief, Br. sh Honolulu Admiral Corneuller, Fr. bk San Fr. Br., sh Callao ah Valparaiso POX SEES JETTY. Distinguished Visitor Visits Mouth of Columbia. (Special Dispatch to The JonrnaL) A start a. Or., vSept 28. -John A. Fox, special director and ' engineer, repre senting .the rivers and harbors congress, - arrived here yesterday afternoon on the steamer a eiegrapn in company witn sec retary GUtner of tha Portland chamber jii commerce. They were met at the boat by a number of prominent Astorl ans and left on the customs boat Patrol for a cruise down the river and to the Jetty. Mr. Fox has kindly consented to remain over until tomorrow and will address the business men at a meeting to be held In the Chamber of Commerce building. , CAPTAIN RETURNS HOME. . Master of Wrecked Salmon Ship Ar ; rives at Astoria. (Special Dispatch to The Joarnil.) ; Astoria, Or., Sept. 28. Captain Mur chison of the wrecked ship John Currier accompanied by his wife and four chil dren, arrived from Seattle, today. They show the great strain they were -under during their long Beige at Nelson's la goon, but they are all In good health. ' 'ANNIVERSARY PROGRAM. Entertainment to Be Given at Sea- men's Institute Monday.. The following program has been pre pared ior tne ceieDration or tne nintn anniversary of the Searaenja institute, 100 ' North Front street,, next - Monday night: i;:y'3.i'.j :-;,. Prayer by chaplain; opening address, Janiea LaidWw, British consul, chair man; piano solo. Professor Emil Enna; TtlMU la ron. Noeml. Fr. bk Seattle Tola, Br. sh '. N. F. Mills Alsterkamp, Ger. sh Caleta Colosa Dnlgotiar, Br. sh Stream Schubek, Ger. bk..., Valparaiso Hiam, ur. sh Portland number Co. Gleneivan, Br. sn santa Rosalia Vincennea. Fr. bk Columbia No. 1 Ostara, Uer. sh- Valparaiso North King, Am. tug Astoria I Amaaon. Br. bk Mollendo Antelope, Am. sch. . . , . .Foot of Lincoln Alexander Black, Br. bk. San Diego St Nicholas. Am. sh Astoria Windsor Park, Br. eh Caldera St. Louis. Fr. bk Astoria Clan Buchanan, Br. ah. ..Santa Rosalia Strathnass. Br. as. .Portland Lumber Co. North Star, Am. tug Astoria I iinNd TOE WATRBPItnOT Col. de Villa Muriel Fr. bk..Col. M 2 Berlin, Am. ah Goblel The BrKlsh ship Brodick Castle waa Kalomo, Br. aa Oceanlo I chartered thla morning to bring a cargo wallacut. Am. barge stream I Of coal to tnia port irom jewcasue, Emllv F. Whltnev. Am. Mr St. Johns Australia Grays Harbor, Am. as.. Will. I. & S. wks. I The steamer Alliance sails for Coos Salvator, Am. sch Astoria I bay this evening from the foot of Couch Admiral Borrenson, Nor. ss Linnton street. - Barkaton, Br. aa Astoria The barge Wallacut Is at Greenwich Arabia, Ger. as. Flour Mills dock loading cement for Tillamook. She Elsa. Am. as ; Llnnton came up rrom jonns last nigni. Andy Mahoney. Am. sch P. Lbr. Co. where she was supplied with a ship ment of oiling. Tillamook with The Wallacut goes to supplies for the railroad being built there. . The steam schooner Johan Poulsen will O. & C be In tha harbor thla evening from San Davia St. Francisco. Tne barkentine uarainer viiy. witn lumber from Vancouver. Waahlngton, left down the river yesterday, bound for San Pedro. .E. , .Irving .portsmoutn . . . .Llnnton . . . . Prescott . . . .Llnnton .Oak street Redhlll, Br. as O. R. A Indiana, Am. as Montgomery 1 Irene, Am. ach Prescott Roanoke, Am. ss Martin's dock iymeric, nr. ss , Casco, Am. ss. Pen of Alrlie, Br. is. ... Geo. Loom is. Am. aa W. S. Porter, Am. as. . . Nomo City, Am. aa Rhoderlck Dhu. ,Am. sch. Breakwater. Am. ss. .... Alliance, Am. as. . ., Couch atreet Lumber Carriers Ba Bout. Thomas L. Wand, Am. str. San Francisco Susie M. Plummer. Am. sch..Guavmas .r.... n a Pnrtn with nrhooner ..... . 1 Birauici . w. ...... veiiuiB, Am. sen. . ....Ban Francisco I r.1(itrif-v Dhu In tow. for Monterey. Ar Ma,b 5a,e' Am- on-San Francisco rived down during the night and sailed 5 V ,0arm8- Am- ach.. .....San Pedro at a. ra., steamer George Loom Is, for virBiiiio, . Ain. ku, . . .rori hoi Annies Ran Francisco. Arrived at s:o ana Lakme. Am. as ..San Francisco I ,.n . t t sn a m ntpamer Johan J. B. Stetson, Am. ss Ban Francisco I Pn,iin from San Francisco, W. F. Jewett Am. ach San Pedro son Francisco. Sent. 28. Sailed yes- nume v-ny, ami can j rancisco terdar ateamer Aureua, ror jrorxiana. Ba onta Wlta Cement aaafOaaaraL Astoria, Sept. 17. Arrived at 2:40 p. - i - - i tin MYanrn rut rn u icviave xuuiiiiuo. S"cf'euS."" .r' ,n m5.u' from London. Arrived down at 6 p. m.. KS?;; -wV kv- ' ' "X&M 'nsSrrlved Sept door, rebuffing every attempt made by anyone to aaln admlttnnro One or two of Olders San Francisco irifiian wno were on the train recog- mm wnen ne was brought on board and made an effort to see him but were repuisea. Meantime Older's disappearance had been discovered In San Francisco and every energy of the graft prosecutors w luiunu 10 locate mm. Chief of Po lice Blggy wajt at once communicated with two, special details of police were sent out with the purpose of locating him, and every policeman in the city ... ltru ul lne, aixappearance and Instructed to be on the lookout for Older. At midnight Older was located aboard the coast line train at k'lm,, cn Rudolph Spreckels at once communi cated with the lesral firm of HirhnM. aCrter at Santa Barbara tlons a'ere given to sncum a irii f habeaa corpus before the arrival of the train to be served the mlnnto it 4r.w up at the Santa Barbara station. The charges against Older are said to have been based on an article that appered In the Bulletin lnj reard to th r.Q Brown took in the alleged effort a few nights ago to kidnap former Supervisor Lonergan. Brown haa been acting as head of the detective bureau of the United Railroads. He was associated In Lps Angeles with Earl Rogers, who is nuw urirnuillK l irey i. t ord. 'I have absolutely nothing- to do with this alleged kidnnnlne- of Fremnnt ri. der." declared Attorney Eiirl Hncprn thla noon. "Of cours r tSmw that h was to be arrested, but th tnrv that he was kidnaped Is absolutely false. Ho was arrestee upon a warrant sworn out by a magistrate of Los Angeles and also sworn to by Judge Carroll Cook of this city. If there le anything illegal or irregular in this I fall to see it." (Pacific Ouaet Prets Leesm Wire.) Los Angeles. Sept. 28. Tne warrant on which Fremont Older was arrested wan iBHuea rrom tne court of Justice Summerfleld Thursday on a complaint filed by Eddy L. Brown, brother of joiner orown, cnarging older, as pub lisher of the San Francisco Bulletin, with criminal libel for the publication of an alleged escapade of Lutner Rrnwn with a woman In San Francisco last a. urouay uigill, A similar warrant waa Issued for the fu 5f a, ..K A brothers,, publisher of mo ouiiRiin. 1AT THE KIDNEYS DO Tha policeman ware armod wlht aiea wlth which to break Into tha compart ments In which the editor, was confined If necessary.- There waa no resistance by Oldera captors, however, and tha party Immediately entered automobiles and ware driven to the courthouse. K nUnTod ear. lUe'tn. JiVTrlZ Thdf UflCttSillg Work KctPS Us ,. r 5! rong and Healthy. WAKTtfJJ J1AKK JIANIN A (Continued from Page One.) All tha blood In the body paaaas throuah the kldnevs onca every three curred yeaterday during the teetlmony mlnutee. Tha gtdneye Alter the blood, of A, 8. Campbell, the Seattle million- They w0rk ngnt ,n(J day, when aire, and the day ended with a victory healthy they, remove about 500 gralna mi mi ucicnsv, iiio cuinn, nuwover, is ,,f Imnura malor ilnllv when un haiievt.! tn h. nni nr.iim nr in ih. impure matter oaiiy, wnenj,un battle today over the further fntroduc- healthy some part of thla Impure mat- tlon of Campbell' testimony. ter la left' In the blood. Thla brings me sKirmisn came wnen ituan askei nn ni.MIIa . .minmi nam Oi wttnA.M t tha ,nv.r,.n on many fllseases and symptoms pain with Albert E. Palmer In Seattle. In the back, headache, nervousness, hot. '. Hawler. rlsina? to hia feet, entered an dry skin, rheumatism, gout, gravel, ois- objectlon, aa he did not aee how it or .ere of the eyesight and hearing, waa binding on the defendant He stat- dlaslneaa. Irregular heart, debility, ed that If tha conversation waa a nar- drowsiness, dropsy, deposits In the ratlve It could not be binding on Borah, "riw, etc. uui u you seep tne niters nunn anoweo uu court a letter Dear-1 " hv " Ing on the latter and the latter said he vour kidneys. could not aee that It waa binding on Borah but would take the question un der advisement, at the same time re marking that Borah had not yet been connecitMi with the conspiracy. During the day the defense had adopt George K. Parrlsh. musician, of 272H : I Vmm t mlr ,,,,.1 P.,ln A. mm lust sa gladly indorse Doan's kidney I'llls today as I did three years ago. i Ime has proved that the benefits I were permanent, and this has ed the policy Of. allowing everyth III h-en r vratlfvlnv Klrfnov rnmnlalnt to go Into the record without objection made Ha flrat appearance In my esse and In thla way many letters which m aradusllv that It waa inmi time be- irlally aided the government in materiall proving the part Steunerrberg played in Other letters pointing to the part Borah-might-nave taken ware gotten be fore the court In the same manner. All thla correspondence ia between Sweet I pletely relieved and not a symptom h and his attorney, l Worthman. Steun-1 reappeared up to thla time. judge John Klchardson. fore I paid any attention to It. A cold ttld In mv back and I becan to suf fer from dull heavy pains In the loins and over the kidneys, it was then that 1 - waa - Inrtured to try Doan's Kidney riua, ana, as stated above, was com For aale by all dealers. ft' rssocrLVt S f o . . ; . IWtlastel Oreeei ' -, ' ' W Li aw a Me Sf a Ortfm ' ; V.' INSURE AXJCe KINDS OS , IOVK (sTTOOC AGAINST DEATH FROM ANY I. CAU8U . - ' -Vejmalfc 4ami Wmi Bunmtm JTM.aSinltlitr.riM. I. a Onte Oaal Ufit ' Jae. ItOberfccntuy KLaMnaer OMllaaa.1) Xoof at! The lettef which It Is'cUlmed ehowa kTriT -Fo".TMIIhurn ' : Borah'a gulltv knowledge was written to Worthman In reaard to 110.000 which had been placed In escrow for use In buying timber landa. In part of thi etter he aays: 'I wish vou would aro over and see Mr. Borah. Mr. Borah ia Governor Steunenberg's sttorney and understands the matter In every particular.'.' The letter aoes on- to say that Steun- ennerg nsrt telegraphed to eend him a copy of the agreement. s agreement. Hweet writes, waa for 11,000 of his money which the gov ernor held under certain condition! which Borah would understand In an other letter Sweet mentions State Sen tor Kincain, wno, witnesses say, se cured the fraudulent entrymen. as a confidant of Steunenberg. In this con nectlon he says Klncald would skin nv one. He would skin himself If he could. Another letter, regarded aa alg- Ifieant. says the governor sot some of his friends to put up 1140,000 to se cure an that timber on six months' time. A letter from Steunenberr from Eau Claire, Wisconsin, where the governor nad just concluded a deal with Barber nd Moon ror acquiring Boise lands waa pointed out to the jury by Attorney Kutn as snowing the writers aullt. contains the following: 'The conditions of the deal are verv exacting on me, as they practically bind e to com Diet tne deal and make me rinancially responsible. Price 60 Buffalo. New Tork, sole agente for the United States. Remember take no other. the name Doan'e- ind take all the responsibility as to title, etc. I do not like this feature. In twice.. It la aettled law that the action of the board of equalisation Is final as to valuations, and the sheriff cannot re duce valuations or assesamenta. He can only remit a tax charged on property that the taxpayer does not own. In addition to reducing assessments and charging off taxes without author ity of law, and accepting signed state ments for his records when the law calls for affidavits, the sheriff haa re duced taxes on orders from County As sessor Slgler'a deputies In cases where the only complaint has been too high aasesment and not double assessment. Most of the orders from the assessor's office requested the correction of er fors for double assessments but many have been sent to the sheriff where the firoperty-owner merely complained of oo high an assesment. The sheriff has made reductions on the rolls on orders from the assessor's office In the follow ing cases: E. Brodle. aeeessment reduced from 1300 to $25; H. V. Adlx, from $2S0 to $26; Mrs. A. Troutner, from J200 to tlOO: Nela Nelson. 1260 to 1100: Mrs. C. Gallagher, 00 to $56; Mrs. E. Griffith, from 1400 to $290; L. H. Sterrett. from tan tn 11 &0: Mrs. C. K Dahl. from 12&0 in oiner woras, i to 100; C. A. iMtiseii, rrom tui to zu: MIMBIl Fwtline Chaafeer af Ferttao Boars' ef TMas MraaiNCCs Osetoa Traa sag taring. Rank rWeaa40e The raa'otiwt Ceoeaas' a. O. Dan ft Co. Qaaita1 Agrac? "- We auks ne laralaa InlM Ve ile ytm a eqaar 4ea. Lacssee'a) BOMB OFFICE t-T-L.4PAYTTTtBUMl Cm WsskHtm ami Sk-A Vtaef Oe ' Charles Mombell, from $400 to $100. and. r I frnnlf frnm tlKA to 1200. other words. I hnrdly think It fair. 'nhorlff Mtevens savs section S141 of but men i nave every conriaence in my l the code gives him full authority for representations ana my ability to make every reduction he has made, and ex them good, ao have taken the chance.' SHERIFF IGNORES LAW (Continued from Page One.) ttorneya. Attorney R. W. Montague aald: "If the property-owner merelr asserts that his property ia assessed too hlirh. the sheriff haa no discretion whatever under this section. There Is no kind of oubt about a case where a man does ot claim he does not own the items. This section applies only In cases where the assessor has charged against a tax payer items of property he does not own or has charged him wttb the same Items nlsins the fact that he does not require affidavits by saying that It haa never been the custom to have the affldavita sworn to. Attorneys hold that If Stevens Is per mitted to reduce assessments, the func- lons of the board of equalization are taken from it and the laws creating the board repealed by Implication. Deci sions by the Oregon supreme court re norted In the i4th Oregon hold that If a property-owner does not appear before the board of equalization while It is in session he cannot afterward complain of the assessment being too iilgh. An other decision In the 22d Oregon holds that the countv court and the board Of equalization are the only tribunals rec ognized by law as having the power to alter assessments in any way. HARTMAN& THOMPSON BANKERS CHAMBER OP COMMERCE issue travellers' checks, payable everywhere. For eign exchange bought and sold at attractive rates at all times. i UnHmiU r$rmal LUbUitf ' OLDER RESCUED. MARINE NOTES Astoria Sent i8.-Arrived down dur ing the n I r tit ana sauea at o:iu a. m Genevieve Mollnos. Ff. bk...... London Rene Kerviler, Ft. ah. Hamburg LAennec, r. an Swansea Le Filler, Fr. bk ....London Martha Roux, Fr. bk .Hamburg Mozambique. Br. bk... Newcastle PI Samoa, Br. bk ......Shields Thiers. Fr. sh Newcastle. E. Marechal Turrene, Fr. bk, . ....Hamburg Vllle de Mulhouse, Fr. bk Antwerp Guethary, Fr. bk ,. .Antwerp nerri l,ou, rr. on Antwerp Walden Abbey, Br. sh Antwerp GleneRslih, Br. sh Antwerp Veraailles. Fr. bk Leith General de Hpisderrre, Fr.. bk. . .London General de Nearrler. Fr.'bkr. . I.onrinn bayard, ft. bk.., Antwerp vine ae won, rr. dk ...Antwern Alice Marie, Fr. bk ........ .Antwerp Eugene Rergallne, Fr. bk Antwerp H. Haekflfdd. Or. bk.- Hnnnlntn Arctic Stream. Br. sh ....... Rotterdam is Ans-elea sworn to by Luther Brown, Crown of India, Br." bk. Antwern and charalna Older with criminal libel Cornil Bart, Fr. bk. . ; .Antwerp against Brown. Juiea uomrnes, wok., .....Rotterdam The minute one or tne warrants waa Edward Detaille.Fr.bk.v,,,.. Antwerp read to him, Older was thrown into an Kmllie ,Gallin. Fr. bk..,. .London automobile and whirled away at full F,rneat Legouve, Fr. bk .Antwerp speed dawn Van Nesa avenue and thence ftajore, , .or. an. ............. .t.onaon I out or tne city ana uuwn mo vuuuiy v r. i -nm a (tirnnirh Kan Mateo, ana on to Belen. Fr. baric. . . v. . Claverdon,' Br. sh.;... 10. French bark Louis XIII, rrom Port land. ... . Dunkirk, oept. z. oauea Depiemutr 25. French bark Alice Marie for POrt- la Rotterdam, Sept. 28. Sailed Sep tember 26. French ahlp Jules commes, fn, PnrMinil Astoria Sept. 28. Condition of the h a a. ut obscured: wind south east 6 miles; weather cloudy with light Tides at Astoria today High water: 6:S4 a. m.. 10 feet; 6:14 p. m.. 7.6 feet Low water: 11:12 a. m., 3.6 feet. ARRESTED FOR LIBEL '(Continued frsup Page One.) .Nwecastle. A. Newcastle, A. THB POLICYHOLDERS' COMPANY ''PURELY ? OREGON"? BE5T;: FOR AN OREGONIAN fAMP flFFJf F rflD tlYTfl IVfl 1VVFMV CTDFFTi DODTI IWn ' V HfTT T O - V AMTTTfT - rfa wxirtt 'C4MTTWT . rt ,v , wii.wv.-i s ,inwi v w-ww, v-, QepQty remained on guard in the nar- . . , President General Mgnager. . i Aasratant Manager, I row passageway outside the atataroom through San Mateo, and on to Redwood ' City. Brown and the south ern conataoies accompameu uiuer in the machine, and Its arrival at Red xrnnA citv was timed exactly to coin cide with the coming of the coast line limited train leaving tsan mrancieco at 8 o'clock. Aa the machine drew into Redwood City. Older made an ineffec tual AttetnDt to aend a telearam to hia wife aId to members of the graft pros-, ecutlon in San Francisco. He was forc ibly kept away from the telegraph of fice until - the train drew Tip to the station platform, when tie was hustled aboard -without a chance to exchange a word with any one of his captors. Inside the train the . situation re mained unchanged. Porter Ashe, one of Calhoun's attorneys, -waa .on board the train end In possession or a statc room. M akinar every effort Ut keen their captive from being seen. Brown and his assistants bundled Older into the stateroom with Aane.- the whole party, with the exception of one deputy, entering at the same time. Thla alngle deputy remained on guard la the nar- Santa Barbara, Cal., Sept. 28. A dep- ui.y oii,-im oi nania Barbara countv armed with a writ of habeas corpu8 and accompanied by the entire police force of thla city, meet the coast line train on which Fremont Older, editor of the San Francisco Bulletin, who was kid napped in nan Francisco last night, was being taken to Los Angeles, and re moved him from the train. OEXTXHiAX, BOBERT B. X.EE was the greatest general the world haa ever known. Ballard's Snow Liniment Is the greatest liniment. Quickly cures all pains. It Is within the reach of alt T. H. Pointer, Hempstead, Texas, writes: "This Is to certify that Ballard's Snow Liniment has been used in my house hold for years and has been found to be an excellent liniment for rheumatlo pains. I am never without it" Sold by all druggists. THI PERFICriON OP "WHISKY" tin 3331 3ornu IN BOND KOTT " PROOF .SPBOAI RWUIY6. oS- VoeOug, 90 PkOOf MZCAZi CO., Portland Or.. Distributors. NOTICE! All parties who paid in money to the GERMAN AMERICAN BANK for the Cooperative Wood Company, and did not receive their wood, will kindly call between banking hours with their rceeipts and receive their money. ittattaitaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa A www WW f f f ff f Vf Tf f f f f Vf ?f fV? a ? f ? ? a w w w The Portland PORTLAND, ORXOONL EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOCBISTI TRAVLRa 4 Varvthln f A mm t m rA JHnlr m mA It coats no more In the Portlana Hotel Rathakeller than elaawhara In tha -ttm t..,. weekday night rrom :! to 11 . a BOW8M. Vaaages. l military academy; PORTLAND ORE, Bwajn an Dey School for Young Men and Preparation for eol legea. U. S. Military and Naval Academlea Ac credited to Stanford Berkeley, Cornell, Am herst and ell State Uni versities and Agricultural Colleges. Manual train ing. . Bualneas . coarse. The principal has had 2 years experience la Port land. Comfortable quar ters. Best environments. Make reservations now. For illustrated catalog ' and other literature ad dress J. W. BILL, II. D., . Mnoloal and 2roprleot. TOl7A0ulD)S Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are drifting towards P " iVs Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms. i)iiMi stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Meaitny Kianeys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried by thecirculation to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc If you haw any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. 4 7 G. B. Burhans Testifies After Four Tears. G. B. Burhaas of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes; "About four years ago I wrote yea stating teat 1 nad eeee) entirely eared of a severe kidney trouble by taking leas than two eettlee ef Foley's Kidney Cure. It entirely stopped the ferteh-4uet aedlmeat and pain aad aymptema of kidney dieeaae disappeared. I aaa (lad te aay that I have new had a return ef env of those symptoms daring the four ears that have elapad, ana i in traenur mm r i leartily recommend Koley'e Kidney Car W aay eaa suCartag faeia How to Find Out. You can easily determine if your kidneys are out of order by setting aside for 34 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about in it, your kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE should be taken at once. v,'-. c . kidney or bladder trouble." i . Two Sizes. 50 Cents Jind $1.00. SOLD AHD REC0""E!.0ZD DY ALL DRUUGISTS .