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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAlIf PORTLAND ' SATURDAY.1 EVENING, SEPTEMBER r 28, 1007) 13 TODAY'S MARKETS Would Sell Potatoes to Gov ernment for Term of Six Months Law Prices. Produce market features: r Farmers bid on contrarta. Sugar refinery la wanted here. Sugar market is very weak. ' Local eggs move at 81 Ho. Chicken receipt still heavy. Only a local potato demand. - Portland highest onion market. Old hops are finding aale. Parmer Bid ob Contracts. At the opening of the bids for potatoes and onions yesterday at Fort Van couver, It developed that; farmers were among the principal . Didders. It Is Stated that about three fourths of the Ids submitted to supply Uncle . Sam's, soldiers at the various forts in this de- Partment were from growers. Hertto ore farmer bidders have been rather few. Dealers who attended the reading of the bids yesterday stated that they never before saw so many bide sub mitted for supplying the various forts, nor did they ever see so many farmers' names among the bids. The reason for this, they allege, Is be cause of the enormous croo of potatoes Produced In the two states of the north est this season. Farmers believe that on this account prices will not 'rule very high, so they are willing to ake a few contracts to supply American soldiers with this staple for a term of alx months. Potato Prioee lowest U Tears. The prices submitted were In most rases the smallest in years and created muoh comment among the local trade The prices are all for stocks delivered freight free at the various forts. The lowest ones for potatoes were: Fort Wright, 78o per 100 pounds; Fort Walla Walla, 95a per 100 pounds; Fort Stevens, $1.26 per 100 pounds; Fort Cenby. $1.17 per 100 pounds; Fort Co lumbia, $1.26; Fort Flagaway. 76c; a fort in Idaho, $1.25; Fort Vancouver, $1.17. The fart that the United States gov ernment is most particular In selecting the provisions furnished the troopers gives rise to the Impression that potato prices are not very likely to show very high prices at any period during the present season. Onion Prices Bole Bather WelL For onions the prices submitted in the bids to supply the forts for six months were quite high. This again gives out the impression that onion supplies are not nearly as great as an ticipated and when the present glut is over the market will be more steady. However the Portland market is already above those of any city on the coast and may have to go lower in order to meet competition. The prices submitted on onions for the various forts: Fort Stevens. S3 ner 100 pounds; Fort Columbia. $3 per 100 pounds; Fort Canby, $2.40 per 100 Walla 12.14 Der 1C oo pound; Fort waim 100 pounds and Fort Vancouver. $2.10 per 100 pounds. 8 agar Market Very Weak. There la a very weak tone in the local sugar market. The recent declines in values cost the market considerable business for everyone Is at present of the impression that still lower values will prevail before long. For that rea son the trade is buying from hand to mouth. After the above report of the market was written the market dropped 10c per 100 pounds for all grades; the new val ues taking effect at once. Old Hops Are rinding- Sale. There ia again a demand for old hops at close to the figures listed by The Journal. Several sales have recently been made, the deals being engineered by Ernest Wells of Ireland-Wells Co. r for E. Clement Horst. Mr. Wells has nnrrhnserl the interest of Mr. Ireland and will conduct the firm under the old name. During the last 24 hours he has nurchaned 106 bales Of 06s from O. Weidner and 10S bales of the Seavey lot of the same growth. For the same ac count Mr. Wells hns purchased 90 bales of '078 from uouie reiers or Aurora. The hops were of choice quality, with price not stated. Brief Botes of the Trade. Local fresh eggs are moving at 32c a dozen, with eastern fresh at SOc. and cold storage at 28(0) 29c. Receipts of Anntern Increasing. Chicken receipts are still very liberal and some cleanups are still reported at 12 uc with the latter price ruling in most Instances. Borne small sales made as high as 13c. Cheese In still very dull. Cleanups of large lots of out of town fancy butter are reported mnde as low as 30c torjay. witn iman iota ai a;vsc. Market dull and weak. Several cars of bananas are due to arrive either this arternoon or suntiay. Dressed meats of all kinds will still brlna- ton values. Trade says "send them alone." Peaches are not moving very fast but prices arc still being held at former figures. Today's Front street prices: drain. Tlour and Teed. GRAIN BAGS Calcutta, 9c. large lota; small lots. w.c. WHEAT New Club. 8lc; red Rus sian, 79c; bluestem, 84c; valley, 82c. BARLEY New Feed, $22.6023.60 rer ton; rolled, iZ4.BUOZ6.ed; brewing, 23.6024.00 RYE $1.66 per cwt. OATS New Proucers' price No. 1 white, J24.00 per ton; gray, $23.00. FLOUR Eastern Oregon patents, $4.80; straights, $4.26; exports, $3.90; valley, $4.304.40; graham, n. $3.76; whole wheat. $4.00; rye. 60s, $5.60; bales, $3.00. MILLSTUFFS Bran. $17.00 per ton; mlddllnga. $26.00; shorts, country, $20; city, $19: chop. $16.00021.00. HAY Producer's price Timothy, Willamette valley, fancy. 818.0017.00; ordinary. $12.0014.00; eastern Oregon, $18.00; mixed, $10.0010.60; clover, - $10S11; grain. $1011; cheat. $10(0) U Butter, Errs nd Poultry. BUTTER FAT F. o. b. Portland Sweet Cream, 33 He; sour, ilHc. BUTTER City creamery. S5c; ' FARMERS ARE BUSY SAYS BILLY DRYER 4 "There is only a small local 4 a demand for potatoes a-t this time e 4 because outside markets are too 4 low in price. The receipts at 4 this time are not heavy because 4 4 farmers are too busy with their 4 4 Tarm work to bring potatoes to 4 4 town. - 4 "Onions are hoidlng quite well 4 4 at very high prices the highest 4 4 jon the coast. - . 4 4) "The receipts of poultry bnve 4 4 been unexpectedly heavy during 4 the past few days and this has 4 4 resulted In s lower range of 4 4 values. On account of the large 4 arrivals the big: buyers held aloft 4 4 from Jthe market. I believe that 4- prices will be more steady the coming week; that ia, If arrivals . 4'ftre not too heavy." Billy Dryer, 4 4 of Dryer, Bollam'& Co. ' . s 1 '?'' yrnxSy? 'r- 4 RECEIPTS. OF GRAPES 1IEA VYmYS, SCHMALZ V '.'Receipts of crapes have, bean very heavy ths past few days. Boms of ths litest tokays sver shipped to this market this sea son art on display In Front street today. Concords ars rath er plentiful i , J "Now Is the tiros to can huck leberries, ss ths prlcels about as low as they will be this sea son and duality is well above ths average. "Receipts of Saliway peaches are somewhat smaller today." Fred Bchmali, with Page & Son. seconds. llVic: eastern, 12 Mc; stats fancy, 30J:H; seconds, oOOUHc; store, Oregon, SOvziVio. EGOS Extra fancy, candled, I2e; eastern storage, Ittc. WHEESH mow -jruii cream, riais, l(c ner lb: Younr Americans. IT Ho par ID. T POULTRY Mixed chickens. 11 12 Ho lb; fancy hens, l$Hl$e; roosters, old, 10c lb; fryers, 14a; broilers, 14o lb; ducks, 14o lb: geese, old. 801Oo lb; turkeys, 11O180 lb for old; squabs. if KA Aim bUmiii tt.fB Ann droaaod poultry, lblHo per lb. higher. Hops, Wool and Bides. HOPS 1807 croo Choice. SfflSHe; prime to choice, TH08c; ordinary, 7c; 1806, choice, to, WOOL, ISC clIo Valley, 10 O tie; eastern Oregon, 18 alio, MOHAIR New 190731' 29 Uc. SHEEPSKINS Shearing, 18 020c each; short wool, $6 040c; medium, wool 60 076c each; long wool 764) 81 each. TALLOW Prime, per lb, 3V0c: No. I ani grease. IQ2Ho. CHITT1M BARK 9 7c, Fruits and Vegetables. POTATOES Fancy, $1.0001.26 sell ing; buying, white, 8086c per sack; sweets, 2 Ho lb. ONIONS Jobbing price Oregon, 2.OO0$.26; buying, $1.2601.60; garlic, APPLE8 New, $LO0LT. FRESH FRUITS Oranges, $4,60 0 (.00; bananas, (o lb: lemona. $(06.6u box; limes. Mexican, 84 per 100; pineap ples, aos; grapes, jocif !.. Concords, 17Vitr20c; peaches, 76c 0$ 1.1 5;, cantaloupes, $1.26; plums, 60jec watermelons. H4c; crabapples, .8c H; Bartlett peara, $1.60 per box; casabas. $2.0 Odox. VEGETABLES Turnips, new, 0c $1.00 sack: carrota, 76c $1 per sack; beets, $1.60 per sack; parsnips, ll.OOtf $1.26; cabbage, Italic lb; tomatoes Oregon, 40 SOc; beans. 2 03c; green. i&ic per lb; caulinower, iiwi.iu aoi, peas, 6c; horseradish. 8o lb: artichokes, b6 6d7So dos: creen onions. 16o per dos: bell peppers. u(b be per lb; hothouse let tuce, $1 box; cucuniters, hothouse. 16 026o dos; radishes. 16c donen bunches; eggplant, llttc lb; green corn. 76o sack, celery, 76 090c. Groceries, Wats, Etc. SUGAR Cube. $5.92 Vi; powdered. $6.07 H; berry, $5.67 H: dry granulated. $5.67H; Star, $5.47H; conf. A.. $5.67; .extra B., $6.07 H; golden G.. $4.97 Hj D ellow, $4.87 H: best granulated, ib.afvi; barrels. 10c: half barrels. 2fco ; boxes, 60c advance on aacK oasis. (Above prlcea are 30 days net cash quotations.) HONEY $8.60 per crata COFFEE package Dranus, $16,880 18.63. SALT Coarse Half ground. 100a, $12. u0 per ton; 60s. 13.00; table, dairy 60s, $17.S0; 100s, $17.26; bales, $vl.26; imported Liverpool, 60s, $20.00; 100s, Is 1.00: 4s $18.00; extra nne Darreis; zs, and 10s. $4.60 06.60: Liverpool lump rock, 120.60 per ton; eu-io roca, ii vu, 100s, 310.60. , (Above prices apply to sales of less than car lota Car Ion at special prices subject to nuctuatlona RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1, 6c; No. 2. 5HW&c; New Orleans, head, 7c Alax. fic: Creole. SVe. BEANS Small white, $3.75; large white. $3.66; pink, $8,65; bayou. $3. SO Limas. 36.50: Mexican reds. 4 "Ac NUTS Peanuts. Jumbo. Hc per 10 Virginia, 7 He per lb; roasted, lOo per lb: Jnnanesi'. 66Uc: roasted. 77Hi Der lb: walnuts. Calffornla, 17 Ho per lb nine nuts, 1416c per lb; hickory nuts. 10c ner lb: Brazil nuts. 18o per lb; ru berts, 16c per lb: fancy pecans. 1802Oo per id: aimoncis. isc. Meats, risk and Provisions. FRESH MEATS Front street Hogs, foncv. 8i4o Dor lb: large. 7 8c per lb veal, extra. 9c Der lb: ordinary. 8 to 8 Ho per lb; poor, 6 07c per lb; mutton. fancv 8 0 9c Der lb, HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland pack. (local) ham.- IP to li IDs, isc per .; 14 to 16 lbs, 15c per lb; 18 to 20 lbs. 15c; breakfast bacon, 16H42L'c per lb; picnics, 10c per lb; cottage roll. 13c per lb; regular short clears un- moked. 12o ner lb: smoked 12o oer lb: clear backs, unsmoked, 12c; smoked. 13c per lb: Union butts, 10 to 13 lbs, un smoked, 12c per lb; smoked, 13o per lb; clear bellies, unsmoked, IlHc per lb; smoked 13H per lb; shoulders, 12 He per lb; pickled tongues, tuc eacn. LOCAI LAHD Kettle leaf, 10s. 13 H ner lh: 6s. 8Ao ner lb: 60-lb tins. 12V per lb; steam rendered, 10s, 12 c per lb; 5s, 12c per lb; compound, 10c, 11 '4c per lb. 6e per lb; halibut, 6c per lb; striped bass, 16c per lb; catnsn, no per ju; sal mon, fresh Columbia chlneoa. c per lb; silvers, 70 per id; nernn Bo Der lb: soles. 6c per BhriniDS. 12c per lb; perch. 6c ner lb: tomcod, 7o per lb; lobsters. 16c per lb; freah mackerel, 8c per lb: craw fish, 26c per dozen; sturgeon. 12Hc per lb; black bass, 20c per lb; sliver smelt, 7c per lb; frozen shad, (c per lb; black cod. 7HC per in. OYSTERS Shoalwater bar. per gal lon, $2.60; per 100-lb sack. $5.00; Olym n a. ner aallon. 3.40: per 116-ib sacn X.00fa6.60: Eagle, canned. 60o can: $7 dozen; eastern in shell, $1.76. per hun dred. CLAMS Hardsneii, per box. z.40; razor clams, $2.00 per box; 10c per dox. Pa-nts, Coal Oil, Etc. ROPE Pure Manila, 16c; standard. 13c; sisal. 10c. COAL. Cili rean or ABirai vises, 19Hc per gil' water white. Iron bbls. 14c per Ka".; wooden, 17c nor gal; head light 170 deg.. eases, 21 Ho ner gal. UAciUi-aiNfii so Q.SK., bUBBS, per gal; iron dis. isc per gai. iron hhls. 23: oer ea TURPENTINE in cases. c per gai; wooden bb- -. 93c per al. WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 7tfc per lb; 600-lb lots, 8c per lb; less lots, 8 He WIRE NAILS freseni Dasis ai per keg. United States Government Bonds. New York, Sept. 28. Government bonds: Bid. Twos, registered 10o? do coupon 106 Threes, registered 102 H Asked. 106H 106114 103 H 103 H do couoon ..luzn Threes, smull bonds ....1011 Dls Columbia, S-65s 113H Fours, 'reglMtered, new... 126 124 126H 106 do coupon list I Twos, Panama ....105 Philippine Fours iutt New York Bank Statement. New York, Sept. 2S. Bank statement: Increase. Decrease. Reserve 8 $2,758,r.2o An less US 2,486.475 Loans .... 2,772.500 .., Specie 8J88.600 Legal 872,660 ..T. Deposits .... 1,829,900 Circulation 19,900 Portland Bank Statement. . Clearings today $1,005,750.75 00 year ago 811.621.39 Galri today , ,..,.,......$ 14,12.8( Ba Unces today . i.'t " J48.828.48 do ear ago .....,.... v 143,066.98 BEARS FORGE B01LSJ0 HUH Pressure and Liquidation of Longs Lost Leaders in Stocks 3Iuch of Price. STOCK MARKET LOSSES. Amalgamated.. U C. O... Car Foundry.. V Colo. Fuel . . . Del eV Hudson Erie Cotton OH ... . H Locomotive . . U Sugar t Smelter ...... 1 Atchison ..... B. ft O 11k Gt Northern. . Missouri Pac., Nat Lead N. Y. Central. 3 Canadian ..... 4H Brooklyn ..... 1 Northern Pac ..IS Penn St Paul 'Readln , 1H So. Pacific... HIU. S. Steel.. Union Pacific. HI do pfd STOCK MARKET GAINS. Anaconda HI People's Gas Press. Steel .. HI (Leased Wire Overbeck ft Cooke Co.) New York. Sent 28. The bears st tacked the stock market with their old-time features, causing liquidation nd lower prices all alone- the list There was not much news of import ance, but the act on the market indi cated a lack of support and with the buying power very limited, the bears do not meet with much resistance. It is generally thought money rates will harden over the first of the month in preparation of October first disburse ments and as the New York banks are known to have lost considerable cur rency to the interior, a poor bank state ment was mown, mere was a snaro gain in loans and a decrease in deposits. ine copper mines are closing aown In view of the fall in the price of metal. The United States. Steel company la cloning down its Bessemer mills In the Pittsburg district assigning as the rea son the alleged scarcity of Bessemer ore. Subsidiary companies of the Amalga mated Copper company are producing 85 o lu per cent or tneir normal output and further curtailment may be ordered. Official range: DESCRIPTION. Amal. Cop. Co,.. Am. Car ft Fdy. o Am. Cot. OH c. . Am. Ixjco. c Am. Sugar c Am. Smelt, c . . . do preferred . . 67H 36H 31 60H 110 85S 90H 86 21 86 66H 86H 30H 60H 109H 84$ 'si" 20H 86 H 30V 50 V? 109 H 85 H Anaconda M. Co. Am. Wool, c . . Atchison c do preferred. B. & 6. c do preferred. Brook. Rapid Tr Can. Pac. c ... Oen. Leath. c . do preferred. C. & G. VT. c . . C. M. & St. P. C. & N. W. c . . t'hes. & Ohio . Col. F ft I. c. . . Col. South, c... do 2d pfd . do 1st pfd . Del. & Hudson. D. ft R. O. c. . . Erie c do 2d pfd . do 1st pfd . Great North, p. 90H 89H 43 160, 161H 82 82 i i 7 H I i 1 7 H ft 156 166 164 H 23 1H 36H i26H 106 1614 33 23 H 20H 35 23 H SB L N Mex. Cent Ry.. M., K. ft T. c. . . M . K. & T.. pfd Distillers On' Lands Missouri Pac. . National Lead . N. V. Central . N. Y.. O. ft W.. Nor & WeRt., c. North Am N. i'nclflc, c. . Pac. M. 8. Co. . Penn. Ry 63 44 6.1 67 H 47 104 H 3ZH 70 i27H 24 H9H 85 26H P. G . L. ft C. C. P. 8 C. c do preferred . . Reading, c do 2d pfd. . . . dp ilst pfd. . . Rep. 1 ft 6., c. do preferred . . Rock Isl.. c. . . do preferred . . S. L. S. F.. 2p. do 1st pfd. .. S. Pacific, c. . . do preferred . . Sothern Ry.. c. do nn ferred . . 91 91 90H 19 18H 84H 84 83 110 110 109 Texas A Pacific. 26 m 26 24 46H 126H 91 26 88 11 19- T.,S. L. ft W.,c. doprefrrred . . IT. Pacific, c... 24 46 125 89 2H 87 1074 19H ID 125H TT. 8. Ruhber, p. 91 2 88 H 11 19 u. s. Bteei co. c do preferred . . Wabash, c. do preferred . . Western V. Tel Total sales for day, 382.600 shares. Boston Copper Market. Boston, Sept. 2S. Copper bid prices: Apex .. i eniennial ... 19 Royal 14 Sup. ft PU..102 ICop. Mt 36 ( op. Range. . 664 Greene C. .. 9 Arcadian .. 6 Daly West. .. 10 H Mass SU Atlantic .. 8V4 Nevada ...... 9 Bingham . . R N. Butte .. 45 .. 23 ..113 . . 47 .. 38 , . 8 :: ft Butte C. ... 15 Old Dom. . Tamarack Cal. & Hec.6.ii Osceola ... ln United . ... Utah Victoria . . Winona . .. Parrot 1?H Quincy wol olverlne .110 A Ely NIppessing Cal. ft Ari..l05 DEUD FOR LAMBS IS CAUSE OF All ADVANCE PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Sheen. Today 70 no 812 Week ago 70 205 Prev. year ... Portland Union Stockyards, Sept. 28. Everything of goo1 quality is show ng a very good tone in the local varda. Hogs are scarce and the best product s iinaing a reaay sale Dut poor stuff s not wanted. Cattle are firm at the former rans-e. and sheep are very firm. Lambs are advanced 26c. A year ago today all nrices were held steady. Official yard prices: a Hoes Best eastern Oregon. 28.60 is 6.75: ntockers and feeders. $6.0fli3!S China fats. $8.00 6.26. cattle Best eastern Oreron steers $3.854.00; best cows an. I heifers, $2.79 3.00; bulls, $1.752.00. Sheep Best wethers. $4.50 4.76, mixed, $4.004.25; lambs, J4.75ig!5.00. Hogs 6c Up in . East, Chlcajgo, 8ept 28 Official run: Hogs. l atUe. Sheen. Chicago ....... 8,000 1 400 2,600 Kansas City ...26,000 ,' looo ..... Omaha - 6,600- M00 ..... Hogs are 6 cents hlsrhef : left over. 26.000; the receipts a year ago were 8.000. Mixed. $6.l0iffl6.8Ttt- R"d, $ 25 e.6S; rough, SS.70.06; lL;ht, $6,200 T!Cattle8teady.-' 'v 4 Sheepx-Steady. : t : ;; Still Another Decline of 10c Per Hun dred Pounds Noted in Sugar Market Today Trade's Wants Very Small. 10 mum io ONE CENT OFF Decline in AVheat Values at Close After Good Open ingLiverpool Higher. Store XaU Zs Promised. Western Oregon and Western Washington Occasional rain to night and Sunday; south to west winds. Eastern Oregon, Eastern Wash ington and Idaho Rain tonight or Sunday. . CHICAGO WHEAT VALUES. Sent. 28. Sect 27. Loss. 1906. Sept. 96 H 9H 1 73 Dec 99 H 100B 71 May 106 H 106HB 7H (Leased Wire Overbeck ft Cooke Co.) Chicaao. SeDt 28. The wheat market startea good and steady at about the same values as the closing yesterday. The Liverpool strength and the good cash demand were the contributing fea tures toward the tarty strength, Dut the bears soon gained control and hammered values down. Australian shipments for the week were placed at 880,000 bushela, com pared with 620.000 bushels last week and 440,000 bushels a year ago. The reaction toward the close which cost the market H to lc a bushel was due to the heavier arrivals of caah stuff than expected. orncial prices: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. 9H 8H 6H 96H 100 100H W 105 1064 105H 106H 101H ioih 101 101 CORN. Sept. Dec. . May July .. 2H 3 .. 69H 69 .. 60H 0 OATS. 82 68 69 63 68 69 63 52 63 Sept. .. 62 62V 62 62 63 H Dec. May .. 62 52 .. 63 64 !H MESS PORK. ..1390 1390 1390 1390 1390 1530 905 907B 886 813 812 797B ..1400 1406 .1642 1545 LARD. , . 907 807 .. 910 910 . 890 890 1390 1630 905 905 882 SHORT RIBS. . 812 812 813 . 825 827 812 . 805 807 797 Sept. Oct. . Jan. Liverpool Grain Market. Liverpool, Sept. 28. Official prices WHEAT. Sept. 28. Sept. 27. Sept 7s 9d 7s 9d Dec 7slld 7slld March 8s ld 8s d CORN. Oct 5s 9d 5s 9d Jan 6s 6d 6s 6d Gain. Hd d d EAGLE'S NEST STILL (Leased Wire Overbeck & Cooke Co.) San Francisco, Sept. 28. Bid prices: GOLDFIELD8 DISTRICT. Sandstorm 40c, Mohawk $14. Columbia Mt 80c Jumbo 83.30A, Jumbo Ext. 81.35, Pennsylvania lc, Kendall 21cA, Booth 28c Blue Bull 24c, Adams 8c, Silver Pick 42c, May Queen 10c, New Boy 6c, B. B. Ext. 6c, Blue Bell 12c, Dixie 6c. O. Columbia 28c. Hlbernla 6c. St. Ives 66c, Conqueror lOcA, Blk. Rock 3c, Lone Star 17c, O. Wonder 2c. Potlach 40cA, Oro 19c A. Kendall Ext. 2c, Sandst Ext. 8c, Mayne 4c, Atlanta 34c, Oreat Bend 39c, Slmerone 12cA, Empire 8c, Red Top Ext. 19c. Florence $3.80. Diam'f. B. B. Con. 20c, G. Daisy Si, Commonwealth 27cA. Comb. Fract. $1.65. Gr. Bend Ext. 10c. ur. Bend Anx. scA. Millstorm 25c. B. B. -Bonanza 6c, Kewanos 40cA. Es meralda lOcA. Portland 13c. Cracker Jack 12c, Red Hill 85c, Mohawk Ext. c, Lou Dillon 8c. Y. Tiger 17c. Grand ma 11c, 8. Pick Ext, 4c. T. Rose 6c, Col. Mt Ext. 4cA. Goldf. Cons. S6.37, Diam'f. Triangle 15c. COMSTOCK. Ophir $1.65. Mexican 69c, Gould & Curry 31c, Con. Virginia 87e, Savage I 88c. Hale & Norcross 98c, Yellow Jack- ! et $2.60, Belcher 47c, Confidence $1.10. Sierra Nev. 71c. I'nlon 66c. BULLFROG DISTRICT. Original 4c. Bullf. M. C. llcA. Mont. Bullf. 2c. Nat. Bank 10c, L. Harris lc. Amethyst 15c, Gold Bar 46c. Steinwav 6cA, Denver Buf. Anx. 2c. Bonnie Clare 28c. Mayfl. Cons. 26c. Monty. Oh o Ext. 5c. G. Scepter 8c, Monty. Mt. 9cA, Tramp Cons. 20c, Victor 2c, North Star oca, sunset 4c. TONOPAHS. Ton. Nev. $10. Mont. Ton. $2.27, Ton. Ext. $1.45, MacNamara 27c. Midway 77c, Ton Belmont 2c, Ton. No. Star. 18c, Ohio Ton. 2c. West End Cons. 60c, 'Res cue 9c, Ton. & Calif 4c. Golden Anchor 8c, Jim Butler 62c, Ton. Cash Boy Sc, Ton. Home 5cA, Monarch Pitts. Ex. 7cA, Mont Mid. Ext. 3c, Golden Crown 7c. MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manh. Cons. 40cA. Mann. M. Co. 8cA. G. Wedge 2c, Seyler Hump 3c, Dexter lOcA, L. Joe ScA, Crescent 2c, Combina tion lie. Granny llcA. Mustang 18cA, Little Grey 10c, Cowboy 4cA. Orlg. Manh. 7c, Broncho 7cA, Plnenut 6c, Buffalo lc. 8. Dog 9c, Y. Horse 3c, In dian Camp 6c. VARIOUS DISTRICTS. Fslrv. Silver King 15cA, Fairv. Eagle S1.00A. Pittsburg Silver Peak $1.20, No. Mar woncter oca. angles west 87c. Ruby Wonder 25cA. Alice of Wonder 1 6cA. ! New York Cotton Market. New York, Sept. 28. Cotton futures closed steady. 5 to 6 points up; spots 4 points up. Xew York-London Silver. New York, Sept. 28. Bar silver, 67ttc; London, 31 3-ind. Xew York Cotton Market. Open. High. Low. Sept. !8 27 I Jan. ... Feb. . March April May . June July . Srfpt Oct. . Nov. Dec . 1112 1124 1111 ii23 ii35 1 i 23 1133 1143 il33 1121 1126 1123 1137 1141 1144 1148 1097 1097 1099 1113 1101 1 1106 , 1112 ! 11H : 1120 : 1114 1118 1 1072 ! 1074 ' 1076 j 1092 1 1138 1148 113S 1079 1091 1098 1098 1099 1116 107H 1091 1098 The Sequel. ! From Catholic Standard and Times.' j "Funny thing about Dudley. He said he needed a little whiskey because he ! was run down." . I "Well, wasn't he run down?" "I don't know about that, but I do! know he was run In," I OCDTCMDCD CLIMBING UPWARD MARTIfl ALMOST OUT OF THE COOP Alleged Cracksman at Rose burg Detected in Nick of Time. . (Special Dlepatek to The Journal.) Roseburg, Or., Sept $8. Harvey Mar tin, the alleged safe-cracksman, who was arrested at Grants Pass sbout 10 days ago and brought to Roseburg to awatt trial, was caught In the act of breaking jail last evening. He is one of the two men suspected of blowing the safe In the Owl saloon at Olendale on the night of September 14. Ills at tempt to gain hie freedom was made by digging through the brick wall, which is about SO inches thick. Martin was accidentally overlooked T by Deputy Sheriff Stewart when he 1 locked the prisoners In their cells last 1 night. By means of two or three case- knives snd an old spoon he was making rnnld nrorress toward freedom when an old soldier doing time in the upper story of the Jail heard the noise and gave tne alarm to F. W. DUlard. ex-snertff. and now a police officer, who was on hla way home about 1:30. DUlard left the old man on guard while he summoned Deputy Sheriff H. C Slocum, who arrived lust as Martin waa working on the outer layer of brick. Slocum had no trouble in placing Mar tin in the steel cell, where there is no possible chance for escape. Would Have freed Others. There were three other prisoners in the Jail at the time, and they are sus pected of having been in on tne deal from the fact tliat as they were es corted to their cells after supper two of them stood close together so that the sheriff could not nee Martin, who was between the two steel rages, and when the door closed waa left in the open corridor on the outaide next to the brick wall. An attempt was made to break the locks on the steel cage, and it Is thought that if Martin had made good In his at tempt to escape he would have assisted the other three men to their freedom in the corridor before his departure. The other prisoners are 8. Vlckers. charged with unlawful cohabitation, and two transients Held on a charge of hav ing broken into a box car and stolen some goods. D. W. Miller, the old soldier, a civil war veteran, was sentenced to six months in the county Jail for having ob tained a pension fraudulently. He was not under lock, however, and was al lowed to occupy a room In the upper story of the Jail, from which place he heard the attempted Jallbreaker at work for over two hours before he gave the alarm, i.e says there had been unusual hammering In the Jail ever since Mar tin was brought here. It was probably Martin's object to create some disturb ance all the time until his chance came so that he might not be detected. YAMHILL'S SCHOOL FAIR ENDS HAPPILY (Sseelal Dtapatfb to The Joorn.1) McMlnnvllle. Or., 8ept. 28. The sec ond annual Yamhill county school fair and stock show closed last night amid a shower of confetti. This was the only time during; the fair when confetti was allowed to tie sold. Although the show ers made the weather disagreeable yet several thousand people were on the grounds oil day. Every Incoming train had Its quota and hundreds of rigs crowded the livery barns. The musical part of the afternoon program was furnished by the Con servatory of Music of McMlnnvllle col- a i lege, there being several solos besldex Glee club. The speakers were ex-8en-tor F. W. Mulkey and Congressman W. C. Hawley. Mr. Hawley's address, after a short account of his efforts In behalf of his district, was principally patriotic, as it was u. a. k. and opan Ish-Amerlean War veterans' day. The piano given by the Eilers piano nouse or fortiana to tne school district having the best exhibit was awarded to the Dayton publio schools. Much time and effort had been devoted to this ex hibit. After 9 p. m. everyone threw confetti and thus Yamhill's second school fair ended. YOUNG BRAKEMAN IS KILLED UNDER TRAIN . Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 28. Frank Doyle, aged 19, a Northern Pacific freight brakeman, was almost Instantly killed in the Northern Pacific yards here early this morning while coupling cars. Doyle's foot slipped and he feu, the wheels cutting his body In two. His father is a conductor and lives in Ta coma. New Fence Contracts. The East Portland Fence and Wire works has completed the fencing of Hawthorne park. The fence Is five feet high with five wires running through it. 1.000 feet in all, a substantial and sightly fence. Another fence which they have finished Is on the property of Elijah Corbett on Sandy road, where he Intends to build. The fence Is 650 feet long of combination crimped steel wlre and wood, with two sets of gates three and one-half feet high, and 12 reet wide. The East Portland Fence and Wire works has also an order to put up 1.000 feet of four-foot five-wire picket fence at Mllwaukle. FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr. Sanderson's Compound otiviu una cotton Koot fills. The best and only reliable remedy for DELAYED PER IODS. Pnro lh. Tv,n. ate cases In 8 to 10 days. Price $3 per box, mailed in plain wrapper. Sold ?y,l;t verywhere. Address T. J. PIERCE. 181 First St.. Portland. Or. TV CURE MEN While I might with equal success turn my attention to the cure of all bodily ailments, I feel safer In conllning my practice to the diseases that have claimed my entire time and energy In mastering for the past 25 years. My methods of treating men are a result of my own study and experience. They are the methods that have made me a successful specialist and are practiced" by no physician other than myself. MY FEE IN SIMPLE CASES You Pay When Well Improper treatment of contracted dis eases can easily bring loss of power. An examination reveals this very cause in a large portion of the eases of weak ness. Lingering inflammation center ing In the prostnte gland Is sure to result In disordered functions nnd the condition will never be corrected until - the inflamed and swollen gland is re stored to Its normal state. I thorough ly cure every contracted disease I treat. The remedies I employ are, known to myself alone, and no other . physician has yet 'produced equally prompt and thorough cures. ' ' ' ' ' Varicocele, Hydrocele, SpeclSo Blood ' ' Poison, Piles sad Striotnre are tnelnded , la tne Ust of diseases X onre. , . Every Vonian iiiiusettusiM neoie saew . etxm me wonosrral MARVEL whirling Spray av nmw nm, JHHv. tiomd durfiaft. list ill. n tnamt cmmiiiin, IrtrnrfnttbifcrK. If b Mnnotsafoly (he SiTKiM kmih bo oUur. but Mnd iuutid far illiutniod bonk mm. ft fall nutlimlftrt and rtlrwtinna tm. tw Kale ky WOOSA&O, CLAEKI OO. AV0 LAVB-OATXI Dau co ixoara. Scoff's Sanfal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Forlnflaoimstlpa. eeOaterrDot the bladder snd Nmwl Kid- sari. aOOVKHOrar. Car( quloklr and MrrmancBtir the worst r.M. of ejeierrhei d CilM. as natter of bow Df ataadinf. Abselately armloaa. Sold bv aruxftttm. Prloe tl.OD, or by SIL Met d, 61.00, 1 box, St.7. THESAHTAl-PraCQ. BelMoataloe, OMe. told by All DrfkTts, Kidney and Biaddir Troublis URINARY DISCHARQES RELIEVED IN 24 Hours Each Cap- N : anie baara(MIDVl the namaj ; Aamtv tfeomttfftUt ' ALL PSCOaiSTA CHICHESTER'S PILLS Toko otbor. Bar tflnr v . DIAlIttMs) EKANB P1IXS. ft Sol ymn liowi M BaM, Satart. Aloan Rallablo SOLD B V DRl'GOISTS EVERYWHERE It -vw-i - -.. Be a Perfect Did you ever atop to consider the fact that you are not as good a man aa you used to be; physically, mentally and otherwise? Do you know why? Falling power, loss of vitality and drains are the most frequent cause. It stands you In hand to stop those drains on your very vital force Itself. Go to a specialist who can cure these ailments quickly and surely. Come to us. SEEK HI? WRM XT IS CSSTAZV TO BB JfOTJBD. This institution has built tin its splendid practice more by the recommendations given it by its PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIEKT8, who have received the benefit of Its modern, sclentlflo and legitimate methods, than In any other way. If you are not a perfect man come to u. Isn't It worth the little time it will take when you are CERTAIN that you will have the benefit of HONEST. SINCERE physicians. A consultation costs you nothing EXCEPT your own time. , 17 Ttftri1 Sxpiino. We cure safely and promptly WEAKNESS, LOST MANHOOD. SPER-. MATORRHOEA, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IN ALL STAGES, VART f'OCEI.E. HYDROCELE. GONORRHOEA. GLEET, OR ANY OF THE DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. WE CURE WEAKNESS This Is to men who lack courage, whose nerves are shaky, whose, eyes have lost the sparkle, whose brains are muddled, ideas confused, eieen restless, confidence gone spirits low and easily depressed, who are backward, hesitating, unable to venture because they are afraid of failure, who want somebody to decide for them, who are weak, run down and restless. It Is to men who have part or all of these symptoms and want new life, new energy. We especially solicit those cases In which many so-called treatments have failed, or where money has been wasted on other methods of treatment. Don't experiment when our direct method offers a certain means of cure by local treatment WE CURE VARICOCELE Varicocele causes congestion of the blood n some of the most vital blood vessels of man. It causes a dull, heavy, listless feeling, which Is often mistaken for nervous debility or general decline. Varicocele re sults from partial paralysis of the delicate nerve fibers that control local : circulation of the blood. The muscular coating of the veins Is deprived of nervous control and become inactive, weakens and relaxes. The blood vessels expand from the pressure within. The circulation becomes slug gish and clots form in little nooks and pockets that constantly enlarge as the relaxation continues. .... v We have cured thousands of complicated cases where others have failed Our offices are well appointed and equipped with the most mod-1 em appliances and the latest inventions essential for the proper and. up-to-date treatment and cure of sped al diseases. , You may consult us privately in confidence. You will be examined.. In a thoroughly sclentlflo manner and our diagnosis and advice will be cheerfully given to you absolutely free of charge. After this If you ds- ! sire to be treated we will cure you and make you well and, strong as yCU No matter what your ailments are. call or write to us today, statins; your case plainly In your own way, and receive the benefit of a modern, skillful diagnosis. All letters answered in plain, sealed envelopes. OFFICE HOURS 9 a, m. to 6 p. m.; evenings. 7 to 8:30; Sundays. 9 a. m. to 12 noon. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL COSITXB SECOltD ABO YAMHILL WHY MY CURES ARE LASTING Because the methods I employ meet even the most minute details of those ailments to which they apply and are readily modified to meet the require ments of Individual cases. Because my treatment is ample, sclentlflo and thor ough, my cures are complete and last ing, and my patients have no relapses, for the same reason I am usually able to cure in much less time than is com monly required in obtaining but par tial results. WEAKNESS So long as physicians continue along the old lines of treatment of this dis order, men will continue to be disap pointed time and again in their efforts to obtain a cure. I have found that disorders entirely local are responsible , for prematureness, loss of power, etc., and that there Is not even the slight est possibility of obtaining a cure through use of Internal remedies. My treatment Is directed toward the re- moval of all abnormal - conditions throughout the organs Involved, and I do not fall in a single Instance to re store complete and permanent , activity of all- the functions.: v;""..-- i-i -l offer consultation free either at my offloe or, by mall, and am always glad reader any sdrtoe that may be help ful. All correspondence strictly , con fldenUaL ., - ,; CGeeVo Te U-Iawse V , teliakle ' CHINESE BmI U stars J DOCfOK Uia orady of reou sad) knK that atadf siaeovofos aa 4 at glls4 to tba world bis woodorrol roaoodl dornl momIio. kTO MEHOV1T. fOlSOMS OB DKUSS ttttD hi oxriis "without OPikATioif, o WITHOUT THX AID OF 4 He soaraataos to wore Catarrh. Aatbata. tens. Tenet, RbaeoMrlaa ,KorooiMO. Nerraw DaMMty. gtnwarb, tlver. Hdaaf Troeblaat akw Xxat Maob4 Castals Weob seas ass an mvato moeoaoa. a sure Cancer cure: fast fteoeiree lan Pabtng, Cbhaa Sofa, swrsv aad taluVlo. ip xon arc a rr lictid. now-r DstAf., DSLATS ARB DAKOESOCB. ". ,' If yoe eaoaot rail, write for syaotoai blast ' aod drealar. laelaao 4 aoats Is auaao. CONSULTATION FREE V rax c. mi wo cEivui Mtoiiom etv. ', 1W rlrat St.. Oao. liariissa. . ' rbaoa KaaUaa) TkCaBa OUR FEE $10.0 Xstabllshsd 87 Tsars In Portland. Has aude a ead U itmifi than' km!- Consultation Free Ws 'Will Treat Any Single TSaoompll oated Ailment for 110.00. Absolute Guarantee ISo Pay Unless Cured Personal attention given all patients STBEETS, 2OBTX,ABI, OBZOOB. nm. tayxOB. The leading- apecialis. .: CONSULTATION ftill ;Dr.-TAYIG2 2U Vtrtlr- Cor, e rosTLeKa, v. A DISPENSARY I