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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1907)
' 12 THE OREGON i DAILY JOURNAL) PORTLAND. SATURDAY : EVENING,' vPTEMBER, 128. 1807. , . ' -i i: 1 i. PERSONAL , Ladies- Attention! Ip not be deceived Tr false advertlae- - men to. . The original and only i Dr. Wary Lane Lady physician, with the old eatsbllahed X Radium Medical Institute and , -. " Sanitarium , ' For years la still at th old sUnd. , Dr. Mary Lane ; ' Lata superintendent of Chicago ITo men's Hospital, traata diseases of wo man and children exclusively; ladle needing immediate assistance wut cod ' suit their beet intereate by communlcat . Ing with ma; no fee for tonsultatlon; . correspondence absolutely confidential; maternity cases given special atten . tlon. Respectable arrangements made for the adoption of infanta. The finest equipped sanitarium In the northwest Office, 363 Aider corner Id.' Portland, Or. Phones Main 3788. Home A-3786. ', JHB . ORIGINAL AND ONTY S5Tt MART LANE ' k Formerly with the X-Rndlum Medical ". Institute, has severed all connection with that institution and can now be t ' found .wuh .the CLAIRVOrANTS AND PALMISTS FREE!'.' TOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THtS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE. One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. The above CONSULTATION READING will ba MONEY TO LOAN Dr. Mary Lane Institute ' "Where she will ba pleaaed to aee any of her old patients. i Expert treatment given women and children' ailments. - Maternity rases riven special attention. Up-to-date san itarium In connection. . No charge for consultation and correspondence abso lutely confidential . Address all corre spondence to The Dr. Mary Lana Insti tute. Medical and Surgical, Incorporated, room a 5 to 14, Grand theatre bldg., cor. Park and Wash, eta. Phone Main 3828. We Cure All dlaeaaea of men. women and children both acute and chronic dlaeasea of the eye, ear. nose, throat and 'lungs, heart, kidneys,, bladder, brain and stom ach catarrh, rheumatiam, goitre. Indiges tion, constipation and skhv dlaeasea firomntly cured. - All private and wast ng dlaeaaea promptly cured and their effects permanently removed from the system. Consultation free and atrlctly confidential, we guarantee all or our curea. .New York Burglcai ft Meoicai Institute, Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Waah Given Free Thla la atrlctly a matter of bualneaa on your part, to call at my office and become fnmlllar with my SPIRITUAL and SCIENTIFIC work. A hint to the wise la aufflclent Prof. E Hslmo Greatest living aatral dead-trance clair voyant of the age; ADVI8KK OIT BUi NESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whom you will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; reunitea tne separated: gives se cret powera to control othera; no dif ference how cloae or how far away, you can alwaya obtain your dealred result Telia you Just how, where and when to inveat your money to obtain the beat possible reaulta. If you are nick., mel ancholy, disheartened or discouraged, DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR; come and receive spiritual advice that will help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. I will do all othera advertla. to do. and a great deal mora. Office, Noa. 8-4. Orsnd Theatre bldg. 352 1-2 Washington Phone Main 127. MONET MONEY . , MONET , ,MONB MONET MONEY , MONET MONK MONET MONET MONET MONET SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES iith tin rrr tiiA . vim j ftv ,v tivv, NO MORTGAGE NO INDOR8ER "ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY." ' LOWEST rateseasiestpaymeNts A CALL WILL. IWVINCK YOU. REMEMBER, IF fOU WORK. WE WILL, ACCOMMODATE YOU. WHAT MORE COULD TOO ASK? RAILROAD MEN A 8PECIALTT. STATE OEOURITY CO, 704 DEKUM BLDG. norma a. m to p. M. WEB AND SATtTRDAT TILL I P. M. MONET MONET MONET MONEY MONET MONEY MONET MONET MONET MONET MONET MONEY KITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OjVPORTLAND, OREOOK. h . , Northweat Corner Third oki O.-.k Streata. ' . ' .l.'Tl,et - General Banking Bualneaa. DRAFTS ISSUED 'Avaljabla la f All Cltiea of the United Stataa and Europe. Honjkong and Manila. Collection "0rabla Terma. . i , . J r- 1 Freald.nt .Mnrnm . - ' b tit BU7TTMEER T Twa-Praaident R. LEA BARNES Aaltant -aahlr W. A, HOLT Your Fortune Told -Free TfSSiT t6 I-oan" On Imnroved cltv oroDertv or for build ln nnmM.f for frnm i to 10 veara time, with prrvlleg to repay all or part or loan arter two yeara. wim ap proved from plana and money advanced aa ouiiaing prozreaaea; mortgagee who lip and replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 54 J Stark at. tNtriDKNT fAL tj6kK& 6N tlAt. arlea, Inaurance pollctea, pianoa, fur niture, warehouae recelpta, etc.: any de aervlng peraon mar secure a liberal ad vance, repaying ty aaay weekly or monthly Inatallmenta NEW ERA LOAN ft MORTGAGE COM f-ANT. I0S Ablnifton B!dg. UNCLE METERS' LOAN OFFICE. 141 Id at. near Alder, extabllahea 1I7; old and reliable; any amount loaned on walThea. Olimondj. jewelry ana acaj aktfia. --Dr. Philip T. BaU Nervous and chronic dlaeaaea of men, . women and children; piles cured paln- lesaly and promptly; constipation, rheu- , matinm, paralysis, goiur, curea oy act entlflo methods: electric batha. lady at tendant. 601 6th St., corner Sherman. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE Ladles and gentlemen, ir you are in trouble about the condition of your health, do not fall to consult me. I can convince you that I can help you by natural methods. Consultation and ex- amination free. Dr. Isabella Mackie. 8 50 "4 Morrison at. Room 10. Phone Main 7120 or A-1444. ,1'OUNO SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE. . electrical. . alcoholic, medicated and fenuine tun batna. 41 Kalelgn bldg., th and Washington. MANICURING, TUB BATHS AN5 massage. . H0H lh St., cor. Waah- Ington. - LADIES DR. SANDERSONS CO. ; Savin and Cotton Root pills are the only sure remedy for delayed perioda; by mall If per box. Dr. Pierce, lrfl 1st. - A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; - sealskin garments redyed and remod eled; expert fitter; estimates given: low eat prices: open evenings. ' its wash Ington. Phone Main 7308. 3URKISH BATHS, 100 OREGONIAN bldg.: ladles days, gentlemen nlghta Main isbi, BALM OF FIGS - FOR ALL FEMALE . disease. 808 FHcdner tldg. Main 7721. JOJH WASHINGTON. SEE' THE ! Prophetess Viola Marahfleld. 2i Morrison at.. The Cosmos, between 8d and 4th. MAY ANDREWS, CARD READER. AT 3i5 Main at,c. Phone Main 7648. MRS. LINDSEY, BUSINESS MEDIUM. clairvoyant, magnetic treatments. 28 N. (th at., room t. - DANCING. WESTERN ACADEMY DANCING school. F. 8. Carter, prln. ; E assistants. Including lady; class Mon., Thura., Sat. eve,; ladies" class Thura. afternoon; chil dren Sat. afternoon; cor. Id and Mor. PROF. RINGLER DANCING ACADE- my; a aelect school; class or private lessons dally. S88 Mi E. Morrison. Phone. M&NEV ADVANCED SALARIED PE6 ple and othera upon their own names without aaourlty; cheapest rates, easiest payments: ornces in sv principal ciusa; aava ynuraelf money by getting our terma first. TOLMAN, 228 A bin a; ton mag. 104 H 8d at moneTT5aT;'edto baLaRieB Pt6- pie Just on your own name; aon i borrow until you see me; my eyatem is the best for railroad men, clerka, bookkeepers, streetcar men and another AmnlnvMB hna1nMa atrlrtlv confidential. F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg.. 8S waahlngtotT; MONET f O-LOAN ON CHATTELS. Anything you may ned. come in and tell ua about It; everything confidential; courteous treatment; reasonable rates. W. W. SMITH A CO. 286 H Aldf r cor. 3d. Room 1. Cash on hand for purchase money, mortirnges, bonds for deeds or contracts of sale on real estate, either country or city property. H. E Noble. Commercial blk.. 2d and Wnshlngton. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C E. BROWN, D. C M. DOGS and horse hospital. 100 N. th sl (Main 4086). W. M. MILLAR. V. 8., VETEHINARIAN. If N. 8th St. Ofncs 887 Flanders Phone Main 7846. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horses snd docs. 888 Gllsan sL Phone Main 1484. LITTLE LINiCKS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sal'', to let, etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or loss. IS rents each Insertion rhones Min 717.1. Home A-3230. DON'T BORROW MQNEY ON SALARY until you see Hutton Credit Co. 612 Uekum bldg. BANKS. T ADD TrLTONi BANKERS Portland, Oregon, Established .1858. w T.Ann. Tranaant ' ,., ...i-.. miwwnai Biur nRPARTUENt. wavinrs books Issued on savings deposlta Interest paid on tiros depoalta, i MHCHANT8. NATIONAL BANK Portland. Oregon. . J FRANK WATSON, .President I R. L. DURHAM.. "'-WIT! . W. HOYT .Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT. .Assistant CaaMer Trn..-. va . .eeoona Assisiani casnier , . transact, m General Banking Business. Drafts and Letters of Cradl Iasuwl to ah rarts ot tne worifl. collections a ppecianj. TH5 OF CALIFORNIA Established 1864. Head Offloo, Ban Jnc'se Capluixpald up 84.000.000 I Surplus and undivided profits 110.183.878 General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Interest on Tims -Deposits. , SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts rosy bs opened of $10 and up grm Wrd. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. WM. R. MACREA, Manager J.T. BURTCHAELL Ass't Manages P IRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or. Oldest National Bank on Paciflo Coast I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 11,600,000.00, . DEPOSITS. I14.OOO.O0O.O0 , ) A. L. M-TT.T.a J W. NEWKIRK tMaMjn i w n n.vnsn imlitinl Cashier ...Cashier a Ff (tTEVENS. .Second Ass't Cashlsr TRUST COMPANIES. SECJ7RITT gAVINGS TRUST CO.--J68 Morrison Street.' Portland, Oreron. Ut 1f?et'f Bankldg Bustnsss. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Inter i; ' . 2" ann savings Accounts. Acts as Trustee ior bi n v f.l? Letters of Credit Available on All Parts of the World. a f' fI?s,. Prealdent L. A. LEWIS. .... First Vice-President A. U MILLS... Second Vice-President R. C JUBLTZ... . . . .SecreUry OEO. M. RUSSELL Assistant Secretary TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANY 140 Waahlngton Street i MORTGAGE IOANS ON Portland Real Eatate at Lowest Rates. . r Title Insured. Abatracta Furnished. ncnS2SBER1Ui088'-' ---p'0"wn I JNO. VS. AITCHISON.. . . . . . .Secretary QEORQR H. HILL Vice-President T. T. BURKHART. . . , .Treasurer BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. TUT ORRIS BROTHERS. Chsmbsr of Commerce Building. .i Mun'ctP'. Railroad and Public Service Corporation Bonds, DOwnJnG-HOPKINS COMPANT Established 1892 BROKERS. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought and Sold for Caah and on Margin. Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Main 17. OverfceCk r PfUlkr rnmn'inv (Members Chicago Board of Trade.) VH ,VUU1lllYL Couch bldg.. 4th at., near Waahlngton. GRAIN, PROVISIONS. COTTDN, STOCKS AND BONDS. WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESa Continuous Marketa by Private Wire. Quick Servloa. N' GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. chattel mortaatrea curlty; notes bought Fenton bldg. or personal se C. W. Pallett 8U4 EDUCATIONAL COL- ART. A. BERGER'S ART STUDIO. (44H , Waah. st High grade oil paintings in landscapes and portraits made to order. ATTORNEYS. PIOGOTT. FINCH BIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulker bldg, corner Id and Morrison ata. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT CO.. A. J. Chrlstopherson, pres.; law, collections, reports. 414 Buchanan bldg. Main 8180. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS LEGE, Elks' Building, Portland. Oregon. Chsrtler shorthand anil Bliss book. keeping as taught in the Behnke-Walker win ieaa you 10 success. mcis isi calls for helo snd placed 811 since Aus. 1, 106. Will place you when compe tent Enroll now. ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE 148 5th St., near postoiflce; central lo cation; Pitman shorthand; expert gradu ates; low tuition; day Ana night school; new pupils daily. W. W. Williams, M. S., Prln. DON'T WORRY 810 TO $100 LOANED salaried people, with or without se curity. Crescent Loan Co., 428 Mo hawk bids:. WILL LOAN $3 000, 6 PER CENT. ON real estate. Farrlngton, 318 Fenton bid. QUICK LOANS ON ALL SECURITIES. & W. King, 48 Washington bldg. Main 6100. MONET TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS LEAVING PORTLXnD. Shasta Expreaa . .v 8:18 a. m. Cottaae Grove Paaaenaer . 4:18 n. m. California Express '. e 7:46 p. m. ban Franciaco Expreaa ....11:30 p. m. WEST BIDE, Corvallla Passenger 7:00 s. m. Sheridan Passenger 4:10 p. m. Forest Grove Passenger ...11:00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger ... 8:20 p. m. Southern Pacific. ARRIVING PORTLAND. Oreaon Exnreaa 7:S8 mSm Cottage Grove Passenger. .11:30 a. m. onasia itxpreas , 7:80 p. m Portland Express 11:30 p. m. VV LS I B1U.B1 Corvallla Passenger 8:61 p. m Sheridan Paesenger 10:20 s. m. Forest Grove Passenger ... 8:00 a. m. Foreat Grove Passenger ... 3:80 p; m. Northern Pacific Tacoma and Seattle Exp.... 8:80 a. m. North Coast & Chicago Llm. 2:00 p. m. Puget Bound Limited 4:30 p. m. Overland Expreaa 11:46 p. m. North Coast Limited Portland Expreaa ... Ovrjand Express .... Puget Sound Limited Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company. Local Passenger 8:00 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:30 a. m. Spokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. Kan. City A Chi. Exp 7:40 p. m. . 7:00 a. m . 4:16 p. m. . 8:16 p. m. .10:66 p. m. Spokane Flyer 8:00 a. m. ChV., Kan. City A Port. Ex.. t:46 a. nt Chicago-Portland Special .. 8:20 p. m. Local Passenger 8:46 p. m. Astoria Columbia River. SEND YOUR BOT TO HILL MILITARY academy. Portland, C. Write for cat OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE, COM tnonweolth bldg., 6th and Ankeny ats., telegraphy, typewriting, Spanish, Eng llah, penmanship; day and evenings. ASSATERS. GARVIN CTANIDB EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Aaasy Office. 186 Mor. rleon st , WELLS & PROEBSTEL, MINING EN glneers, aaaayera, chemista and- sur veyors, 204 Washington at. Main 7608. AUTOMOBILES. BE A PRIVATE SECRETARY. Holmes Business collesre. at Washlnar. ton and 10th ata.. Portland, Oregon, has of security. bldg. William HolL room . Washington MONEY TO LOAN IN 3600 TO $5,000 Charleson & Co., Commercial Phone Pacific 1196. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY or chattel. bldg. The Loan Co, 410 Dekuro MORTGAGES WANTED, INSIPJiJ OR suburban; charges right. W. 8. Ward. Allsky bldg. Main 7326. $4,000 OK SMALLER Bl'MS TO LOAN on improved city property. W-33, JourniO. MUSICAL. TO INTRODUCE CA NFIELD'S SCIEN tlflc musical table, the new German method of teaching the rudiments of music, will Instruct 100 people at a reduced price of $3. a savinK of $50 to tne pupil, ii lath st., corner lamhlll Astoria and Seaalde Exp.... 8:00 a. m. II Astoria A Seaside Express. 6:00 p. m. II Astoria 4 Port Passenger. 12:1 5 p. m. PortUnjMCxpreaa 10:00 p. m. Fadg and Faahions. ; -By Florence Fairbanks. EW YORK Sept. 88 A silk braid covered with tiny soutache but tons is ons of . the trimming novelties of ths season. ." ' The molrs affect is seen in both alike and velvets. A satin strips combined with a much narrower taffeta stripe which is moire. Is a nsw fabric. Now belt buckles are In French gilt silver, mother-of-pearl. Boms are of dull corrugated silver and others ars set with rhlnestones. . , Voile de sole is a little newer than all wool or silk voile. A pretty novelty In this la whits voile de cols striped with 1 black chenille ranging from hairline to arflnch-wide stripe. Whether plain "or a triced, thia is an attractive material. - The. seven-eighths sleeve will bs seen on the strictly tailored suits, that Is, reaching to ,a-wf3tbone. . ' Costume sleeves ars three-quarter length, and the lata novelty sleeves come well over the SnnA 1m at rvs( n P faa saa as yiiuw j A simple model for a little suit Is made with a two-piece circular skirt, ths front seam being cut on the bias to give extra fullness. The coat Is invariably made long and single-breasted, and fitted to the figure. A very dainty wrist-bag. round in shape, with a gold chain has across the bottom a row of pear-shaped amethysts set in gold caps. A coat without pockets Is no longer fashionable. Small and large onea are found Inside and outside the coat and ars trimmed with buttons to make them conspicuous. A lovely sash ribbon 18 inches wide had a dark background to the center, where there were roses In pale paatel shades. Another of white background had ptnk roses and a border of narrow satin. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO. GUTTERING, RE palring and general Jobbing. J. Los II. 212 Jefferson st. Pacific 1424. STREET PAVING. WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and cross- ings. 314 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. of Portland. Office 66B Worcester blk. SAFES. TRANSPORTATION. Low Rtes From the East During September and Oetoher th Great Northern railway will sell colo nist tickets from all eastern polnta at 1?LVX..a, mTi. c.I.Brr 10 JSi"e MANDOLIN, GUITAR. BANJO JESSE marker, virtuoso, late of Illinois Col atandard of a university training. The private aecretary course may be had either day or night Do not decide upon a school until you have written for ln formatlon. Open every day and evening. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. HOWARD M. COVET, ent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles, Cadillac an! Knoz. , Temporary location Club Oarage. 16th and Alder sta BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWlDAvis ft KILHAM. 1 Olil 3D . st Blank books manufactured ; agents tor Jones' Improved Loose-Lenf ledgers; see ths nsw Eureka leaf, ths bast on ths market M. 3. WALSH CO.. 811 STARK 8T., Electrlo and Gas Fixtures and Supplies. wininn, nuns;, urates ana uogi ron s. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. & BIRKENWALD ft CO.. 304-806 EV c erett st, largest butcher supply houss on the coast Write for catalogue. BJTCHER8' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A, - Dekvm, 181-133 1st st, carries a full 'line and c -jp'.ate assortment at lowest market prlcei. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. ENOI neers, contractors, repairers, electrlo wiring, supplies. 4 1st, cor. Stark. Main 669. R. H.Tate, Mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC W6RKS. 6i 6th st Contractors, electrlo supplies, motors and dynamos; ws Install light and power plants. MORRISON ELECTRIC C6 281 B. Morrison st Flxturea wiring re- palrlng. East 8128 or B-1626. lege of Music. Morrison sts. Tilford bldg., 10th and NORMAL COLLEGE OF MUSIC. Z. M. Parvin, Mus. Doc, 86 Russel bldg. Voice cniturp, piano, harmony, counterpoint, PIANO, VIOLIN, CORNET. TROM- PORTLAND SAFE CO, SOLE AGENTS for Herrina-Hall-Marvln safes and Mana-anese Steel Safe Co.'a bank safes: 20 second-hand fireproof safes and bank .w - . safea. very cheap. See them or write SlI.J0. J Portland.... us. 93 7th st. Boston to Portland Chicago to Portland . . , 50.00 .1839.45 S33.00 D1EBOLD MANUANESE SAFES- st. Paul to Portland ' " ' ' rfj.wo Large lines carried. Lock-outs opened, jginaespous to Portland I Jacks, jails metal furnitura Botb nlnth to Portland?.' .?.... S25.00 phones. J. E. Davis. 66 3d. - Sioux City to Portland J bone, clarinet. Professor E. A. Smith. 292 12th St. Home A3360, LE3HGN8 5oc, PIANO GUITAR. BAN Jo, mandolin, violin. Mrs. Martin, 414 1st st. Pacific 1068. t FAIRBANKS, MORSE MOTORS AND dynamos, a. u. and V. C 1st and Stark sts. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. PORTLAND WIRE 8c IRON WORKS 3d and Everett sts. Phone Main 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES. JOHN A. MELTON, 204 4TH ST. OF tlce and store fixtures built and re modeled; showcases and countera Phone Main 1787. E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FIX - turcs; general jobbing. 67 1st st Phone Main 3190 CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. 'Largest plant on coast; Loring and -Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam , 'and compressed air process; renovating mattresses and feathers a specialty. Stationary and marine; electric equip ments; launches; accessories; wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co., 182-4-6 Mprrlaon at SHEFFIELD MARINE ENGINES. ANY Propeller. Falrbai a. . Morse & Co., and Stark ata. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LHXeIseIxEPATESON.IsVh' clalist on nervous, acute and chronlo diseases. Office 217 Fenton bldg. Phone racino uu. DR. R B. NORTHRUP. 416-16-17 DE- kum bldg., Sd and Waahlngton sta fnone Main I4. Examination free. DR. CLYTHIE RAMSEY, f 414 MAC- leay bldg. M. 1620- A-4741; res. M7604. , PRINTING. MaSiJBeaSrWiaters 92 1st at. Hoth phones. OGILBEE BROS., PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc. Main 1858. 154 1st. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS MISS L B. MAY. 602 SWETLAND copying deeda and ahstrtcts apeo'lty. FAYE bldg. KANDTS; 46B SHERLOCK HArEH FUK HALh. LUCKOU ID Or r.IM- I T.. . . ed. aTutoe and machinery repaired. Co- - ntnV" v 7"uc"on" ron 0er Iumbla Gas Enelnei Safe Works. 244 2d. P,nt- . Now is the time to send for manTjankhe rtrkl bank SAFES uur. "raers ror tickets will rtrlorinol rtlra.nrnnf1 sua ftzm iraillr receive prompt attention. Additinnai fronts. The Mosler 8afe Co., 108 2d st. Information on application to H. Dick son, v. e. & t. a.. 122 Third street. For evening: wear. Ions: lafee mitts. appllqued with narrow lace braid in an all over deslan are fashionable. They fit the arm snugly, and come well over the knuckles, with a fitted piece for the thumb, a velvets are shown in fancy weaves and in stripes, plaids, rings and dots. Gray in its various tonea la one of the leadlne; ' colors, and reddish brown la much evidenced. Paatel shades come in the serpent-arreen. ulum and national blue and are all lovely. Fancy braids will be used with the Koutacho which is so popular. Fibre braids have returned into" favor, and also the old-fashioned serpentine braid-, int;. Coats are fastened in military I faahion with frogs, cords and taaaela. Ureases of tatfeta or liberty entirely handpainted, are the late notes of ele gance in Paris. Garlands of roses are thrown over the sides and front or a deep band of pansles or violets may or nament the bottom. Very expensive laces are made to trim these hand painted toilettes. Ostrich plumes curled and uncurled are the principal trimmings for the new winter hats. Lpvely effects are shown in the marabout and their pop ularity is increasing. TRANSFER AND HAULING LSEN-ROHI TRANSFERCOT Henry Roe. W. A. Cleland. I F. P. Sheascreen. General transfer and storage; safes. pianos and furniture moved, packed and snippea. zu uaK su mono main ov, Pacific 1061. Home A-2347. C. O. PICK OFFICE 88 1ST ST.. BE- tween Star!: and Oak sts.; phone 696. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping; commodious brick ware. house with separata iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. Portland. Or. Phonea Main 680, Home COOS BAY Wsskly Freight and Passenger Berries of ths Pins Steamship Breakwater Zsves FORTXAITD every Monday, 8:00 p. m, from Oak-street Dock, for EMPIRE NORTH BEND AND MARSHPIBLD Freight Received Till 4 p. m. on Day ui oauing. PASS Prom Portland l CLEAN TOWELS DAILT COMB. I $XO00; fld-class. 8J7.00, Including bsrtt brush, soap, 31 per montn. f ortiani Laundry & Towel Supply Co.. 9th and coucn ats. r-none iiw. Many skirts are heavily trimmed with bands, ruffles and straps, which reach to the knees. This is a decided change from the plain, untrimmed skirta that have so long been In fashion, but it Is generally more becoming to women than the much trimmed skirt - - The sailor hat of modified, shape will be very fashionable for early fall wear. The. brim turns uo sllehtlv In front an,! the only trimming is a soft ribbon bow the game coior as the felt. Thia bow is more often seen in the back rather than the front and It Is growing larger all the time. The boa worn around the neck and tne bow of ribbon on the hat roust match PENINSULAR EXPRESS & BAGGAGE Transfer, 247 Alder st. Main 2171. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 N. 8TH. Main 69. Heavy hauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE & TRAN8- fer Co. Btorage. 324 Stark. Main 407. in color. The bow on a hat of soft brown felt was a deen cream color mir ror velvet, and the boa was of cream brains to good housekeeping?" and four tablesnoonfuls of baking pow der. Roll out to ons Inch thick, using as little flour as possible to ksep from adhering to the board, cut with a small heart cutter, drop Into amoklng-hot fiat and cook until a rich brown-. White hot roll Into nut crumbs. t ' Harlequin Cup. - Into your sherbet cups or glasses put a layer of hoarsely chopped walnuts, then a layer of cut-up marshmallowsnext a layer of fresh or canned strawberries or -pineapple and lastly Alls sllshtly sweetened whipped cream -pn top. The nut meats,, should not be too finely chopper, and the easiest way to cut up the marshmallows Is by using a pair of sharp scissors dipped often in flour or powdered sugar. Ons or two cherries on top. of ths whipped cream adds to the effect and fa or. Banana Fritters. Make a batter with four ounces of flour, a pinch of salt, one asbleepoonfut of oiled butter snd a tea cupful of warm water; stir until per fectly smooth, stand aside for two hours; beat the whites of three eggs to a stiff froth, mix thoroughly with the batter. Peel the fruit cut each in half lengthwise, sprinkle with sugar, dip In the batter and fry in boiling fat; drain on kitchen paper, then arrange on luce paper; sprlnkls with sugar, and serve quickly, . 0 . , w. ; tv sc . ' , A Necklace of IU-Luck. An eerie story Is told about a neck lace which formerly belonged to the Maharannee Of Cooch Behar, India, and which Is supposed to bring bad fortune to every ono connected with it The history of the necklace of pearls and turquoises, which are not usually considered to be unlucky stones is cer tainly peculiar While it was in the Maharannee's possession she .was robbed ft a quantity of valuable Jewelry, and ha Maharaiah lost some of his beat racing ponies by death snd breakdowns. The advice of a pundit was sought. Ha prescribed a change of ownership snd a . voyags across the sea In order to break oe spen, ana tne necaiace was aocoru ngly given to a lady in England, says Woman's Life." As a result the Maharajah has begun tn win rami aaaln and the Maharannee has recovered the stolen property, but tne story goes tnai xno nreaeni owner m th tiMklarn has hMn the victim of per sistent ill fortune from the day that It came Into her possession. R K K Artist Earle and Affinity. Not a mystic, but a madman," Is the way Affinity Expert Earle Is character ized b'y his father-ln-law. Which re minds us of Oscar Wilde's complaint: It is perfectly monstrous the way peo- pie go about nowadays saying things gainst one, behind one's back, that are baolutely snd entirely true." Boston Globe. And Mr. Earle, in his Apologia Pro Vita Mea, published recently, declares: Truth Is an eternal paradox, and forces us to recognise a bewilderment of con tradictory and conflicting elements In every phase of life." Those "elements must Include the two barrels of tar and the several pillows of feathers awaiting him at Monroe. , The prevailing opinion seems to be that the wife has the better of the bar gain, as she got her liberty and a baby In which her husband had at least a legal claim. All that the soul-affinity gets is Earle. Philadelphia North American. This young man who shipped his wife (and child away as If he were consigning an ordinary load of freight has not a bad face at all. His festures are regu lar, hla face long and of waxen pallor. His large, pale-blue eyes, smooth-parted hair and long curly brown beard give him a general resemblance to the itin erant Mesalaha that spring up now and then, make a few converts ana aisap pear. Mr. Earle Is tall and - loose-Jointed. His manner is deprecating, his conver sation extremely elusi. Just when you think you are pinning him down to some aennite statement or- pnai ne re lieves in he wriggles away. - "Miss Kuttner, he said, "has ex plained the whole situation. She said more than I would ever dare to, I did not call her my affinity originally, but the word is a good one, and I believe she fulfills Its meaning so far as I am con cerned. "I don't believe that a man has Just ono affinity. There are doubtless hun dreds of women in the world who would meet his needs. One man demands mere beauty in his affinity, another re quires simply that she be a good house keeper. Another admires brains in women." And you? No doubt you prerer ror 11 color net, box plaited, edged with che- is generally understood that Mr. Earle's newiy xouna ainnity is 01 me mgji browed variety, "I like both," he replied. "There la nine ana was anout two yards long. with TOWEL SUPPLY. TYPEWRITERS. and meals. Inquire Cltv Ticket VN Thi- Washington ats., or Oak-street Dock. HARDWARE. PLUMBERS. W5D?T- P2?R.. SCREENS 1 FOX ft CO. SANITARY PLUMBERS, made to order. Co.. 74 6th. Portland Hardware 931 9,1 hat l(o In n .t OalmAn " tt V., I ,11. UUllUUlb phone Main 2001. Oregon HOTELS. JOYCE BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THE fciectric Cleaning works; carpets cieanea ana iaia, ootn ary ana com pnessed air cleaning; carpet refitting our , specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main '.zsii ana a-zbyz n urant st . THE IONE STEAM CARPET CLEAN . ing . works; carpets cleaned, refitted , and laid; mattresses and feathers ren ovated. 321 K- 21st St. N. East 860. THE BELLEVUE. EUROPEAN PLAN. 4th and Salmon. HOTEL Portland, Am. plan, lit, ti day. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST ft SLABWOOD CO;, 866 Front st, successors to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir, oak, slab wood, coal Tel. Main 1938. FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF 6LAB - wood call Main 4876. Oak, ash. fir and coat Portland Wood & Coal Co, 16th and Savler ts. ' WESTLRN FEED & FUEL CO. ,- House and blacksmith coals, coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EAST 7, BELVEDERE. European; 4th and Alder. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE. FIRE INSURANCE. 844 Sherlock bldg. DONNERBERG & RADEMACHER RB moved to No. 303 Burnstde at PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A DOANE GIVES BEST ESTIMATE for satisfactory work. 286 Yamhill. JAS. Mcl., WOOD. EMPLOYERS' LIA billty and Individual accident security bonda of all klnda Phone 47. 802 Mo Kay bldg. JEWELERS J. WOLF, RELIABLE WATCHMAKER. Mainsprings 75c. 66S Wash. Pac. 660. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHARLES L. MAST1CK & CO., FRONT and Oak sta., leather and akina of every deacription for all purposes; sole and tap cutters: findings. F. B. JONES & CO.. Wood end Coal. QUICK 181 East Water st FOR QUICK DELIVERY PHONE Orea-on Fuel Co.. 834 Alder MOUNT HOOD -FUEL CO., WOOD AND coafc 860 Wster st. Phone Main 8270. CLEANING AND DYEING. clothes' cleaned and pressed, $1 per month. v Vniqus Tailoring Co 309 Stark st. , ii." W. -TURNER, DYER CARPETS dyed a sDscuUtr. Main 2618. 80S Jefferson st LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR SALE ALL kinds. Including approved forest re serve scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. BASS-HTJETER PURE PAINT GOES rartliest, wears longest. HUETER 8 Superior Varnishes. established 62 years, wholesale and retail Warehouse, Raleigh and 13th st. Main 7638. "8" car north. . Goods delivered free. THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER lAGENCT, I phone Main 796Z, Kaieign Djag., port land, Or. . See the new model No. 6 Oli ver, before buying a typewriter. Oliver typewriters sold and rented. POSTX.AITD AXTD PUOET SOUND ROtTTB NEW AND 2ND HAND, ALL MAKES, rented, repaired, sola. P. u. C Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. F. E. BEACH & CO., THE PIONEER Paint Co. W Indow glass and glazing. 185 1st st. Phone 1834. RUBBER STAMPS P. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER ST. Phono Main 710. Rubber stamps, sea la, stencils; baggage, trade checks; brass signs and plates. ALL ABOVE, ALSO SLUGS. NUMBER lng machines, check protectors, office stationary. P. p. c. Co., 231 Stark. S.S. "Redondo" Sailing from Couch street iirv t.. land -for Seattle, Tacoma, Everett and oaiiuiBimuj, oepiemuer id at 6 p m FREIOBT r a niTVUT A. rv- 1 connectlnr at Keattla tn xr - ":su"i's nio-i-i- s. PlaitiiBU ivKB ur k ina LiuAiia, -juiviuiu u, 01. iuiuu.oi. wuena ana J?alr- PORTLAND. OREGON. banks with steamers Pleiades. Hyades, EVERDING & FARRELL, PRODUCE JgK tach S il t, , tAIi VaAnt I " ' wu..waaH AgRllilL Beattld, Wish. F. P. Baumgartner, Agent. Portland. Couch street dork f nones: One end of the boa was finished two Drown velvet riDDon ends and a cluster of tea roses mingled with maiden hair fern, and the other end was fin ished with Just the ribbons. . Tailored waists are made in waahable fabrics such as pique, madras and even silk. They are very plain, the only trimming being buttons covered with self material. Plain or embroidered linen collars are designed to be worn with these waists. Fancy waistcoats are made of lace and net and are x;ut exactly like a man's vest. The buttons are very large and elaborate. These waistcoats are to be worn with tailored suits that have the cutaway front and so display the bodice or vest. t 6? Main 861; Home A416L Columbia River Scenery and commission merchants, 140 Front at., portiar.a, or. , rnone wain 179. OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC- turlng Co. Manufacturers of furnl- ture for the trade. Portland. Or. WADHAMf & CO.. WHOLESALE GRO- cers, manufacturers and commission merehn'ts. 4th and oak sts. . BEOUI.ATOB STniwrm FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AND Dally service between Portland and special orders. L. Kuvensky's furnl- me Danes, except Sunday, leavina lurw iauwi?i ovi r mm pl. i kji liuu , a iu., mriviilg SDOUt 6 carrvins frelaht produce merchants. Front and Davis BPleijaid accommodations for .outfits r rm I and livestock. WHOLESALE arlaasware. land. Or. CROCKERT Prael. Hegele & Co., Port font nf Atd.r af r.-i . . . ??. Court -st. The Dalle's. Phone Maw. u i a uMr OHfi MONlMENTS NEU ft KINGSLEY, 268 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and granite works. REAL ESTATE. THOMPSON & OGDEN REAL. Es tate, insurance, loans. See us before buying. 848 Mississippi ave. Phone Wood lawn 202. . J. W. OGILBEE. HEAL ESTATE AND loans; esiaDiisnee iai. 145 Vt 1st, SPHINX AGENCY: DEALERS fi? real estate and rental a. 806 Stark st Main 6164. 71 MACHINERY. CHIROPODISTS. CXIIKOPODY - AND PEDICURING Mr. M. IX HUl, Room 336 Fleldner : i Mde. . Both phonea ------- a - .-w DRESSMASJNG. WADAME.ANQELESJ48 FIFTH. PA- .. cifio 8 S3, , - PATENT PERFECTING CO. INVEN tions perfected; we are builders of utomatic machinery, dies, models, etc. Manufacture metal specialties, under -n tract. Western office, 266 Stark st. Portland. Of.. E. C. Hurlbert manager. HE ii C ALBEE CO.- 6ECONl hand .machinery, sawmlUa ata 348 Grand aye. . JL J. PAUL, 100 1ST ST. A COM Plate line sswmlU msxnlntrjrj also nglnea and boilera s , - " FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIP" tlon. W. W. Espey, 319 Commercial bldg. LEWIS-STENGER BARBERS' SUPPLY Co., Barbers' . supplies. Barbers Fur- nitnre. Barbers- Chairs. loth & Morrison, SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP. tlon; bank, bar and store fixtures made to order. Tne Lutke Manufac turing (so., Portland. R. H. BIRD8ALL. DESIGNER: AGT. M. Winter Lumber Co. T Hamilton bldg. W. WOLFSTEIN. DEALER IN REAL estate and rpnts collected, 110 1st st. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. TRANSPORTATION r: FOSTER ft KLEISER SIGNS. We have built up the largest sign business in the city by first-class work and keeping our promises. Our prices are right 6th, and Everett sta Phone Exchange 66. -SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" POR N laad filga Co, 8U Stark, Pacific 189: ! For Astoria no dm -' x FastSteamerTelerapb Dally (except Thursdays). Leaves Aldai sttec dock I a m. - tmdays a. m. f 1 round trip. , PXOKB MAI sea. . 280BTH FAOITIO STEAMSHIP CO.'S STEAMSHIPS Roanoke and Ceo. W.Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los S.'S 'T" "w7 inursaay at 8 p.m. Tlcltet office 132 Third .near Alder. Columbia River Through Line Steamera of the "OPEN RIVER" line leave OAK-STREET DOCK nvrv Mm,. day, Wednesday and Friday at FIVE O'CLOCK A. M., for all points between Portland, the Dalles and Umatilla. Leave early and see all the rivar. Ar rive early. Low rates . Prnmnt lea Telephone Main 8201. Home. A 3637. Charlea Johnson Acquitted. - (Special DUpatrb to The JcntraaL Astoria Or., Sept 28. The trial ' of Charles Johnson, charged with assault on Lilly Baker, 6 years o1d,-was ended In the circuit court yesterday afternoon by the Jury bringing in a verdict of not sullty, . a Seasonable Recipes. Eggless Ginger Cake. Note This fine recipe came from New Orleans, the sender of which states: "It came to ua from an epicurean housewife long yeara ago and we, being southerners of the southerners, consider ourselves judges of good eating. It is considered unap proachable by my children find grand children." The recipe follows: Put pint of good syrup into a deep bowL Stir in sifted flour until the mass be gins to break or to crumble (the exact amount cannot be specified, as different flours vary, but begin with two cups and add Until above results obtain) Add two large tablespoons of the best lard (melted after it Is measured) and a little less than one half teaspoon of salt. Next stir in one tablespoon of ginger and one teaspoon of cinnamon and lastly one and a half cups of boll Ing water In which are dissolved three level teaspoons of soda. Bake In a slow. ovn irora o minutes to one nour. inis cake may be enriched by adding raisins ana spices. Peach Tapioca. Soak one cup of tap ioca in cold water over night. In the morning add one pint of fresh "Cpaler ana oou until nearly done, then add one quart of sliced peaches, one cup ' of sugar ana tne grated rind of one lemon and continue cooking until the fruit is soft Remove from the Are, add the juice of the lemon, turn into a mold and cnin on ice. serve with whipped cream. Colonial Maple Cake. Melt two cud- fuls of maple sugar and let it become partly cool Add one cupful of honey, ana one ana one nan cupruls or butter milk in which has been dissolved a level feaspoonful of baking soda. Add a pinch of salt, a scant cupful of butter. two well-beaten eires. flour to make a stirr sponge, spices to suit the taste, one cupful of citron and one dozen plums oiaiveai. ureasre tne rruit well with flour, and add it after the sponge has been ' thoroughly beaten. Add one-cupful of preserved gooseberries or cur rants; pour two inches deep In a pan i.ned with buttered paper,, and bake in a slow oven.- Heart Croquettes Boil three medium sized potatoes, mash and press through a sieve; add butter the size of a butter nut Beat-two eggs with ons and me half cupfuls of sugar and add to the potato with - one cupful of milk, four cupfuls of flour in which has been Sifted one level teaspoonful of grated nutmeg, no reason wny tne same woman shouldn't have both, nor why a man shouldn't Men should be good house keepers, too," he added. "They should have some idea about homemaking as well as women." "And how may a man know his sf flnity7 What, reason have you for be lieving that Miss Kuttner is any more your permanent affinity than Mrs. Earle wast How do you know you may not want her to give you up a few yeas from now to another woman, jujjt as Mrs. liana gives you up iv uwi m why Is that not progressive polygamy?" Mr. Earle looked grieved. "Oh, no!" he protested. "I am a monogamist. But I believe persons should know feach other thoroughly be fore they marry. Mrs. Earle was a French woman, and, of course, you know that means that I never saw her alone or had any knowledge of her real thoughts and real temperament until after we were married. "Mrs. Earle la a woman of wonderful education. She has far more brains than I have. I never needed an en cyclopaedia while she was In the house. But a woman has to be more than an encyclopaedia 'to meet my Ideal. I was no more successful, in meeting Mrs. Earle's Ideal. I sm pretty well In formed on the matter, and I don't think she will have any difficulty in securing her divorce in France. Till she does I shall wait patiently and work hard at painting. Then by the time she has obtained it my affairs will have ceased to be a nine davs' wonder to the public and Miss Kuttney and I will bs mar ried." New York World, "Oh. it was awful." . "You poor dear!'' "Yes: my affinity met my husband's affinity, they fell in love and got mar ried, leaving us quite In the lurch. Fawncy!" Philadelphia Bulletin. Housewifely Wisdom. The rattling of coal being shoveled into a furnace is always a source of an noyance to a person who is seriously ill. To prevent this get a number of large paper bags, fill with coal, using a small fire shovel, and pile them on the cellar floor. ,When the furnace needs replen ishing lay one or more bags on the fire, and as the bag burns the coal will fall gently Into place without noise. A gift much appreciated by a house wife llvlns; in a small apartment where cooking odors are hard to conquer is an atomizer and a bottle of the best -lavender water. After airing the rooms thoroughly spray once or twice with the lavender, which is not only refreshing ana ciean, put a Teai tonic lor tired nerves. For mixing flour and water use a fork to make it smooth and free from lumps. Brooms soaked in hot salt water wear better and do not break. To prevent Iannis from smokine. wash the wick thoroughly in warm water with a little soap dissolved In it Then rinse in cican water ana let ary. . After it Is an ry, soak the wick In strong vinegar for nour, men ory,. When salad drvialnv la JIcKIa m ' die a emu 11 pinch of and A prevent itfromy doing so. ? -. tjo sjoep uougnnuts rrom burning, drop piece of raw Dbtato tn th W,niSi" ?i . nd you will have no trouble with them." .4. i N