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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1907)
1 f I' -1 ? : THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENITJG, SEPTEMBER ; 28, -1907. 10 -v-' , mim San : Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 MarkctSU bet 3d & 4th ADTxTiirrBWT aire ava caurxxova bzositzo. Oregonlans whim la San rrsnclaeo ma bsve thslr mall Mat to care of The Journal flic. ARTHUR JL FISH, Representative. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. SAVINGS BANK ' ' OF TOT TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. t .v v, IQs'l" s WE D. SC11ULZE 502 SWETLAND BUILDING REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS : Real Estate Investment assocla tlon to Albert J. Henneman, lot 6, block 61. Sellwood, W. . . D, , ... ISO Mercantile Trust ft Investment company to C. U. Hill, lot 8. block 1, ' Manning addition, W. D. 800 Emma and Samuel Masters to Mlna H.. Struck, lot 11, block 9, RlverVlew addition. W. D. . 1,400 Frederick nd Wllhelmlna Ruff to LoulaiiOillmore. lot 1, block 4. Lincoln Park. W, D . 1.000 John and 'Margaret Barrett to j. w. Tice, iota l, 2, 11 ana 11. block S. Madraa. W. D. 100 Ellia O. and M. L. Hughes to T.nlllaa R Hlirhaa. Int lk bloclr 22. Irvlngton. W. I). .1 1.150 H. H. and Minnie C. Jones to Birdie L. Schalk. undivided 4 nf Inta 6 and block ISO. Couch addition. W. D 1.000 Anna Schtneer to F. R. John- ann In 2 hlnclr Z f .aaf lA Ann. W.'.V ..." BOO Thornton and Delia M. Mitchell to Louis E. Bwetland, eaat H block 18. UNDERTAKERS X P. FINLET A SONS. ID AND MAD! . aon sts. Office of , county coroner, A. B HEMSTOCki FUWEltAL b rector, East 11th and Umatilla. Phone Bellwood 71. Lady assistant -." iiD Wa rd holmaN. UNDERTAKER, it m an st. ' reotora, embalmera, 171 Roaaell. Eatt loss, uaay aaaiatant. , J" OPEN ON SATURDAYS FROM -' A. M. TO 1 P. M. All kinds of timber lands bourlit V and sold. I have a few timber claims left, also a few homesteads Mv price for locating is $200. Call and see me before it is too late. Richard winiama to - Edward i j . t . W 11 aon, lot 3, block X, Vll- I have on hand at the present liama- addition, w. u .mA fiv folinniitshmcnts R-and Gertrude J, Camp to ... . j-ramt of lota 13 and 14, fiunnvsldn. W. D. Wirt Minor et al. to Etta C. Hol- brook, lota 1, 3. 6, 7, , and 9, block 1. Highland Park ad dition, deed for timber claims. lot 7. Heights i AND ON BATURDAT EVENINGS '.' .-: " FROM S TO f O'CLOCK. We pay APJn interest "On Batrlnga Aeeount. Tntreat Com ' , pounded Seml-Annually. VE PAY 3 OX DAILY f - Balance ot Check Aocounta , OFFICERS: - -Ti-tjT3T'iM Tinsa . - President oeorqb h. hill - vicPraident Half cash. Best location in city T. T. BUR KH ART - - Treasurer for rOOming-house. TERMS. JiU iS, AilVluowrt " -www-- 240-244 Wubinston Stmt WtTl. He Scliulze 502 SWETLAND BUILDING Rooming House 409 Washington Street 25 ROOMS, All newly furnished, $2,500 y . (Corasr Becond) PORTLAND, OREGON 5-ACRE TRACT Save That Rent And Buy a Lot For H ,or $ir," - Sm 'Rieht in the city where lots sell from $600 to $1,000 apiece. This F. Packard. block 31. Willamette addition, w. u Francis and Nellie T. Sealy to Bruce wolverton. lots 1 and Z, block 67, Carter'e addition, W. 1 Arthur A. and Amber F. Leland to George T. Foteet, 10 acres off the south end of the west H of northwest 4 of section 1, townahip 1 south, range i east. W. D. J. 8. and Santa Klngaley to 3. K. and Margaretna uoopey, lot 21. block "A," Holladay Park addition. W. D George and Mary E. -flhlirt to Ed- son M. How ley. lots 13 ana J a. block 1. Myrtle. W. D .1.. N. Galloway to O. E. Leet, lot 22. block 2, Columbia Heights, W. D Fred Krebs to Mlna Krebs, part or lots 1 and i. diock 9, ar rell's second addition to Wood lawn. W. V Charlca and Mary Kadderly to Louis Peterson, south 84 feet of west U of lot 11. tract "F," Overton Park. W. D John F. and Maud Griffith to Ella Wright, 60x200 feet com mencing 100 feet north of southwest corner of A. N. Stanabery tract In section 14, township 1 north, range 1, east, W. D W. J. and Lucy A. Peddlcord to Olar wanganess, lot 13 ana north H ot lot 11. block , Park addition to Alblna, W. D. . Annie A. and W. A. Buchanan to Florence C. Wllllston. lot 16. Buchanan's addition, W. D. 11,000 1.800 160 7,000 700 1,010 S.800 115 its 100 100 l.eoo (IS Bay ej&5 900 LOTS 600 4.100 FOR ABSTRACTS. TITLE INSUR- ance or mortgage loans, call on Pacific. tract can be bought if taken at Title a Trunt co.. zq-s--t ranmg bidg. st, cor. 2d. INSURANCE AND AB- estats from the Title Trust Co., 240 Washington CEMETERIES : RIVER : VIEWINaLE QRAVsTll family lota, lOilt, for 1100, ai upwards, according to alsei the on cemetery in Portland which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. , For inrormation, apply to W. R. Mackensle, Worcester block. W. M. Ladd, president. ROSh! CITY SINGLE GRAVES, $10 family lots. 126 to 176. Superintend ent st cemetery, corner nf Fremont at and Cully road. Phone Tabor 106. For run information apply-to Frank Hchlegel, Worcester dik, .rnone A23Z8. BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND HOLD. Covenant Contract Cs 417 FlUdnet bldg. Main 1M1. LTcriiENRiCHSW 6L jEWELtiki anaopticiana. H4 waanington st CdMMERdlAL AND SOClfcT PRllJf Ing East Side Printing Co.. 14 Union U Y w. Mil . n-lBBB. NEW FICTION LIBRARY, 131 10TH si.; cooks loaned at 3 cents the day. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS, LOST AND found, for sale. : to let. etc.. In Tim juurnai rani oniy x cent a wora; it woras or less, it cents each Insertion. Fnonea Main 7173. Home A-3210. MEETING NOTICES M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 1.441 meets Wednesday evening. AUsky piag.. ma ana Morrison sis. M. W. A. OREOON GRAPE CAMP NO. (,7t. Mondays. 17th and MarshalL vianors weirome. NOTICES '?. W. II. SCHULZE 502 SWETLAND BUILDING WEATHER REPORT area yesterday Railway Add. Montavilla Save That Rent BAST VXMXM $10 Down, $5 per Month Come out and see these lots. Take Montavilla ear. Get off at Hlbbard St.. corner of Villa, or call at office. Agents .at tract averjr ay. Lambert -Wliitmer Co. AND BUT A LOT FOR -S55 Down. $10 Per Month ONLY 111 LOTS LEFT IN HANCOCK ST.ADDJTlON Come out and see these lots. Take Rose City Park car and get off at O. R. A N. croaalng and Sandy road and see the man In the office. Thnmnsnn & Otfden Kaal Katata Bevartment. V 9 V Bhsrloc. Balldlng, Oom.r Third ad At Kton. Woodlawn Oak Streets. Paying Investment $3,500- A store building with 6 rooms above, also a 10-room dwelling, botlt on a full lot, on carline ; paying in rent over 10 per cent net. tftg Varment. Vement walCTn "o- ?6,500-A Store building with 6-room flat above, also new .modern 5-room cottage and good barn, all on a fine acre of ground in cultivation, on car- line; paying 9 per cent net. Sunny side SS2.000 Good C-room cottage, bath rae, good location, $660 cash, balance 320 per month. 2.20O New 6-room cottage, bath, gas, full basement, splendid location. f!2.300 New, 6-room cottage, gas. . cation. 2.500 New 6-roora cottage, modern. . oltv casn, oaiance su per uiumn. 2,150 New 6-room house, lot ,60 100, nice lawn, 1760 cash, balance 1160 annually; o per ceni interest. The low pressure over British Columbia hss disappeared and a disturbance of large area occu plea the region between the Rocky mountains and the Sierras. Another low pressure area Is noted near Chlci- go. The barometer Is relatively high on me noria t;aiirornia coast ana a small high pressure area Is central over Ranaas. Light rain has fallen at scattered places In the north Pacific states, Montana, eastern Nebraska, Mis souri and Illinois. It is much cooler in the western states and frosts are reported as far south as Dodge city, Kansas. The Indications are for unsettled weather In this district tonight and Sun day, with intermittent rains at scat tered places. The temperature will re main nearly stationary. Temp Max. Chicago, 111 64 Cincinnati. Ohio. . . 80 Denver, Col 64 Los Angeles, Cal. . . 86 'Nome. Alaska 60 Omaha, Neb 62 Philadelphia, Pa.... 64 Portland. Ore 66 St. Louis, Mo....... 84 St. Paul. Minn 68 San Francisco. Cal . 70 Washington, D. C..68 Evening report of preceding day. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND TO all persons, firms and corooratlona interested in me uregon Trust BaV' tngs bank. In Curauance of an order made bv the. Honorable, the circuit court of the mate of Oregon for Multnomah coun In the suit of Louis J. Wilde, olalntifi against the Oregon Trust A Savings is nereDy given to tne creditors, as wen as all persons, firms And corporations navine; any claim or demand against the Id Oregon Trust ft Savings bank, a corporation of Portland, Or., to present the same, with the vouchers thereof. duly verified, to the undersigned re ceiver of said Oregon Truat ft Savings bank at bis office in the city of Port land, Or., on or be fere the 1st day of January, lauo. Portland, Or.. September 26, 1907. THOMAS C. DEVLIN. Receiver of the Oregon Trust ft Sav ings nana". IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE state of Oregon for Multnomah county. In the matter of the estate of Hen rietta Edith Llebe, deceased. The undersigned has by consideration of the above court been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of said de ceased. All persons holding claims agalnat said estate are hereby notified to present the same, verified under oath, with the proper vouchers, to the under signed at office of Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup sts., Portland. Oregon, within six rrtonths from the first publication of this notice. Dated and first 'published September Z&, 1907. 8. M. MEARS. Administrator of the estate of Henri etta Edith Llebe, deceased. Mln. Precip. 66 .82 64 0 68 0 66 0 34 .06 42 .76 66 64 .66 66 T. 16 0 66 0 64 0 Wedding Cards. W. G. Smith ft Co.. Washington bldg., corner 4th and Wash ington sts. Weddings cards the best 100 for 36. Aivin H. riawK, 144 Zd st Tonseth ft Co., florists, for flowers of in Kings, m ntn st. Clarke Bros., Florist and floral designs. -Fine flowers 289 Morrison st Full dress suits for rent all sises. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. MAX M. 8MITH, FLORIST. 160 6TH at- opp. Meier ft mnK'i. Mam 7215. BIRTHS. 'K2.A50 New 6-room house, gas, bath, , . basement, furnace, nice barn, 60x100, A-l location. H3.000--New 6-room house, modern, fine location, lot 50X100. S3250 New 6-room house, modern, : corner lot 66 2-3x100; splendid loca tion; a bargain. 83.650 Splendid new 6-room house, modern, well built, nice location. A few facts worth remembering that Sunnyslda is one of the finest located suburbs in Portland; on car . line, running directly through center or tne city, omy it minutes nae irom ' Third street; 6-mlnute car service; nice homes; splendid school. I have a large 'list of Improved and unimproved prop erty that I should be pleased to show -you. C. T. Saling '. Cor. East 37th and Belmont. :' rnone East 4433. TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO. Cor. of Washington and Second. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON . . - i . .j nlace aroes. Situated i?rlct in citv SBwlS induced ,CS8 than 1 n,IIe district in city, bpeciai inaucements to . p rk pw- .rnooi best and hiah- puiiaers oz cnoice noracs. jois ouxivu. A Real Farm Snap! K7 acres 20 In high state of cultiva tion, 10 nearly ready for the plow. 6 room house, large new barn, woodshed. prune dryer, nne well and tank at tne house, running water and springs in pasture; fine young ramlly orchard; team, wagon, spring wagon, buggy, dou ble and single harness, binder, mower, rake, disc harrow, plows and all farm ing tools needed. Barn full of hay and straw, 226 bushels oats, 60 bushels wheat, rye, 15 head or grade Jersey d neirers, cream separator, 2 ;ne on REEVE8 September 18, to Mr. and Mrs. ueorge w. Keeves, 1441 6th St. N., a son. HELSER September 18, to Mr. nd Mrs. Peter Helser, 443 Halsey St., a PR -September 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Micnaei prout, dhi coring et., a daughter. OUT! Hi i if i HAWKINS September 19 to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hawkins, 663 4th St., a daughter. KLEMAN September 27. to Mr. and Mrs. Max A. Kleman, 801 McKercher St., a daughter. OODEN September 28, to Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ogden. 634 Borthwlck st., a- eon. AUajTIN September 26. to Mr. and Mrs. .E. A. Austin, 696 Tacoma ave., a daughter. ABBOTT September 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott, 749 Umatilla ave., a son. KURTY September 17. to Mr. and Mr. Chris Kurty, 664 Tacoma ave., a daughter. OLSEN September 23. to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Olson, 1611 Portsmouth ave., TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNO mah County. Oregon Notice Is hereby given that on Monday, Oct. 21, 1907, the board of equalization of Multnomah coun ty will attend at the office of the county clerk ot said county and puDllciy examine the assessment rolls for the year 1907 and correct all errors in valuation, descrip tion or qualities of land, lots and other property, and u is tne duty or an per sons interested to appear at the time LOST AND FOfNP LITTLK LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND round, ror sale, to isi, sic, in ne Journal coat1 only 1 cent a word; 16 words or less, 16 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 71 7j Home A-3110-STRAYED FROM 627 E. HARRISON st, Irish setter dog. 8 months old; li cense No. 1267. Return to above and re celve reward. J. 8- Seed. Lost -1-P61NTER DOG, LIVER AND whits, with owner's name on .collar. Addres H. C. Morse. 774 Mississippi sve. Phono Union 6211. ' tOST PARTY FINDING PURSE containing 110 in gold, change and key, Sept. 26, In Meier ft Frank's dress Ing room, return to 400 Oregon lan bldg. Reward. ; HELP ; WANTED- MALE WANT LIVE MAN TO MANAGE PORT, land branch of Washington Motor Car Co,, and sell automobiles on com mission,! Best reference and 1800 cash required.' For particulars aes Jud Toho, - references required,; T. C. Stettler, v iri biiu ft i nn n A COMPETENT? " Clted-ClE ANElt . sna spotter at East Portland Cleaning ft Dye Works. 148 Grand ave, FIRST-CLASS DYER c AND STEAM cteaner; top wages. Also 10 solid tors. 147 td. The Wardrobe. . tw6 i66b WRklsH bath" meN. or two who would Ilka to learn the trade. rrieomans, zoh Alder St. HELP WANTED MALE V'' ' WANTED. k '" XVm raw tl (A narlnnnl; Steady WOrk good accommodations at camp : p.oom 80S Stearns Diog, . Portland, Or. flOTTMn Tntrvri m. aoioi 13 TO 16, for firemen and brakemen during rush season on leading railroads here In the west ana on new lnes oeing compmiu; experience unnecessary; firemen, 1100 monthly, become engineers, 1200; brake men, 110, become conductors, 1160. Many positions now open. Writs at once for particulars. National Rallwayi Training Ass'n, 116 Faxton blk., Omaha, Neb or 111 Central bldg.. Kansas City, MO. " ...... WANTEDSALESMEN; MANY MAKE 3100 to iito per monttr; soma even mors; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, rar from old orcnards: casn aa vanced weekly: choice of territory. Ad' dress Washington Nurssry Co, Top- penisn, Washington. Union Hotel 81 N. SIXTH T.. PORTLAND. OR. Free employment to all: boarders' rates 34.60 per week: room. !6o and up; spe cial monthly rates given. Anaerson. proprietor. WE SECURE POSITIONS FOR OUR members; M. u. A. special membership 11. WANTEDBOYS FOR GOOD TOBK tions In candy department Paclflo Coast Biscuit Co., llth and Davis sts. SEVERAL ELIGIBLE MEN FOR POS tal clerks and latter-carriers: one ex amination Saturday nd another close; me your appncatiuo at once; we qual ify von If ellEtble. Call at once. Pa- clflo States School, 111 McKay bldg. PHONE PACIFIC T0t, PACIFIC Coast Employment Office. lObhi Mor- son: help on short notice, male and fe male. . MEN TO GET 'THEIR SUITS FROM Charlev Lee. 93 N. 3d st. Perfect fit guaranteed; all work first clans. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MEN TO learn railway and commercial teleg raphy; good wagea and permanent posi tions when competent. Oregon college, 406 Commonwealth bldg. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. in The Journal xost only 1 cent a word. 16 words or less 15 cents eacn insertion. phones Main 7173. Home A-32S0. MEN AND BOYS WANTED, TO learn plumbing, plastering, brlcklsy a: dav and n arht classes: free cata logue; positions secured; no book learn- g. uoyne iraae ocnooi, sau-jjiu sin Han Francisco and rvew xorx. RELIABLE STRONG BOY FROM 16 to 18. to be useful in store and learn fur business; prefer one with a little perlence. A, Reiner. 6t3 wasnington. HELP WANTED FEMALE 1 WamedYonnrLadles THE .PACIFIC TELEPHONE ft TELEGRAPH CO. WILL TEACH . TOU TELEPHONE OPERATING ' AINU PAT YOU WHILE! LEARN i TMn V PCI1U l MTMT DAJITTAU RAPID ADVANCEMENT!' BEST WAUKS IN l ms CITXl HOURS , pHUKI AND WORK LIGHT: FINE LTJNCH 8ERVKD (TIBB APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR, ID LAHJli. MAIN BUILU1NQ. COR. ClfRLB WANTED APPLY STANDARD laotory mo. b, urand ave, and Eaat nor st. Wanted gIrLs ' 6 " mab '," 1 itz ' Well shirts and Boas of All avaraila at 71 1st st. GIRLS WANTED-16PERATORS TO worn; on snirrs ana overs ua lessons given to InernerlnnrMl. Annlv at MtanA. iMiory o. j, urana ave, , ana sast iyiop at. iiANHEN'H ' LADIES' AOENCV. "143H wasningMn St.. correr Heventh. utv stairs. Phone Main 191. Female help v 7Xg Western employment " agenci; tor laaies; female help wanted. Main 6197. A-2417. 610 Buchanan bldg 184 U Washington. PACKERS AND WRAPPERS: GOOD positions, work light and clean: per manent employment. Apply candy de partment Pad no Coast Biscuit Co., 1th and Da via. GIRLS FOR CUTTING. EDGING AND Mating. 102 Kth at N. rx if. AverlU ft Co. Women, and girls wanted for all classes of laundry work; good wages. Troy Laundry Co 201 E. Water st LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let, etc.. In TheH journal cost oniy i cent word; is words or less, 16 cents each insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-l 230. . WANTED A WOMAN TO WASH AND A .1...- - I . T. , HUM tWV UKI A -WWA. rUUUV X.. k MALE " AND ? FEMALE HELP HEADQUARTERS 7 FOR ALL HOTEL and restaurant help.,., Help of alt kinds free to employers. ' Pacific Coast Employment office; phone Pacific 1406, , 106 Morrison. !" ' boys and" "girls Wanted' t6 - work on Bon vine's Western Monthly. , September number.) "No money or sx perlence wanted. 115 Marquam bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LQBT AND found, for sale, to let, etc., in The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 11 words or less. 16 cents each insertion. Phones Main 7171. Home A-1110. SOBER, r RELIABLE "YOUNC " WAN wishes steady Inside employment Phone Tabor 288. BY FiRST-CLASa itlDEi MAN Iti bids house or warehouse. In Portland or western Oregon. Address 8, Journal. NIGHT WATCHMAN: my: can run wood-w used to steam boilers, i TRUSTWOR. thy: can run wood-working machinery! f-m, journal. TEAMSTER ON WOOD WAGON OR - general work; handy with tools. D-ll, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE LITTLW LINERS. WANTS. L08T AND found, for sale, to let etc, In The' Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 18 words or less. IS cents each insertion. Phones Main 7171. HomeA-8230. XOimd WdMAN WlTtl BESt tfif? reference wlahea anennd wnrlr In amall family of adults; wges 125. C-ll, Jouri 'I,' i -I i .1. 1 1, i EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 105 H Morrison St.... Phone Pacific 289 17 N. 2d et........... phone Paclflo 1100 red ciiOss employment c6.: 1 Logging camn and 'farm heln a ana. Halty. 20 N. Id st Phone Main lilt. Ws pay all telegraph charges. Ui.8tojfl Employment Olca ' 28 N. 2d st. Phone Msln 1626 ACME EMP. CO.. iFAkMERtf aNB . loggers', help especially. 14 and it mi. iso uurnsioe; Main f437, JAPANESE EMP. CO. ALL KINDS OF1 neip supplied. Main 4469. 281 Everett. WANTED AGENTS A HOME COMPANY LOW PREMIUM rates and hi ah cash values make the policies of the Columbia Life ft Trust Co. eaav tn aall Annlv n laiu R feharp, manager of agents,' 114 Lumber exenange Oldg. Wanted girls in the choco- iate and nacKing rooms. The Modern Confectionery Co.. llth and Hoyt sts. wanted girls to lay maca- roni. Appiy ig pi. etn si. WANTEDA WAITRESS AT PARK notei. A WILLING GIRL TO HELP WITH light housework. 460 6th st GIRLS WANTED AT G. P. RUMMELIN & Hons. 1Z6 2d st. near Washington. Wanted young lady appren- tice for dress-making, out of town applicants preferred; can assist with housework for room and board; good home to right party. Call or address 74 Koas st. and place appointed, and If it shall ap near to such board of equalization thai there are any lands, lots or other prop erty assessed twice or in the name of a person or persons not the owner of same, or assessed under or beyond Its value, or any lanas. lots or otner prop it. B. D. SIGLER. County Assessor. ertv not assessed, said board of equa lation shall make the proper corrections. Portland. Or., Sept. 28, 1907. GENERAL RELIEF COMMITTEE. I. O. O. F. Members will meet at the Tem nle. 1st and Alder sts.. at 9:20 o'clock. m., Sunday. Sept. 29, for the purpose of conducting the iunerai or our late Brother W. H. Nevers of Rainier Lodge No. 11. Tacoma. wash., uoiden Rule En oampment City services at Erlcson A Co., undertakers, 409 Alder st, at 10:30 o'clock a. m. Interment at Riverview cemetery. Alt members of the order are Invited to attend. Ivan C. Anderson, Secy. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the office of The Hawthorne Estate is now located at No. 318 Worcester Bldg., Third and Oak sts., where all matters pertaining to the affairs of this estate, or Rachel L. Hawthorne, must be transacted. THIS HAWTMUKMi no l A in, RACHEL L HAWTHORNE. Dated at Portland. Or.. Sept. 26, 1907. REMOVAL NOTICE MONDAY. OCTO- ber 1. I will move to i4 union ave., near E. Washington. r. a. iraane, Wall Paper, Painting and Decorating. t 1 " . DEATHS pigs, 100 chickens; everything on thi ueauiiiuny from Park Place school, best and high est grade school In Clackamas county. Oregon J. E. SMITH Boom 17, lVabbs Bldg.. cor. 24 and Wash, V $900.00 ' BABY TEBX8. IRVINGTON INVESTMENT ; COMPANY : HOOK 39, IXAMXLTOZf lUO, House and Lot lor 66 ' We will give an absolute title to a lot 60x160 feeC with a 7-room house there- : vk.h tiwlnv pinnnt Ha 1 1 ! rl c it A for tsbs than 11,260, and with the lot asnar carline worth 11.500. Tile property is located I C CmU L. mt the West Fide, in Portland proper, on ' sjs 471111111 h. nt-ln D.U. l(n. t I i V hahnta-I; ; 'rn.Ai -Ua Btats, VTm and City Propsrty, Hilt Call at the office to inquire about i Booms 18 and 17 ZMbbe Bldg., Portland. this; do not write, aa ws goau not an- These Are Snaps! S& 750 -7-room new house, on East Bgimon street, wbbi 01 .sum; every thing modern and beautiful location. C2.500 6-room house, full basement. Tot 100x100, on carline, well located; will take any amount from 1200 or over cash, balance like rent. 10-acre tracts rrom 3100 per acre up. BEERS September 28, Andrew J. Beers Jr., aged 46 years, 8 months and 26 days, 1226 Atlantic st; uremic poisoning. ALMY September 26, William Eldrldge Almy, aged 66. years, 2 months and 22 days. 1184 Everett st; nitaal insuf ficiency. MINNICH September 26. Mrs. Hannah Mlnnich, aged 66 years, 8 months and 26 days, 901 E. 10th st N.; malignant disease of Intestine. PADRICK September 25, Ardella Jo sephine Padrlck, aged 3 years, 1601 Rockwell St.; gastro enteritis. BJORSTROM September 23, Carl Bjor strom, aged about 87 years, at St Vin cent's hospital; typhoid fever. KINNINOOK September 26, George Kinnlnook, Indian, aged about 65 years, at Crystal Springs sanitarium; general paresis. LA RSEN -September 22, Carl Edward T,nrssn. aeed n years ana i months. at Scappoose; accidental drowning. ROWLAJNlJ eepiemoer zo, uoiaa w. Rowland, ased zo years, s months and 6 days, 1671 Macadam: carditis. LOST AND FOUND FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated ana returned earns dav. 228 Front , st. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. MeU- ger. proprietor. t LOST BLACK SILK UMBRELLA. without handle, south of Morrison, be tween W. Park and 3rd. Reward if re tumed to Hotel Eaton. LOST OPEN FACE GOLD WATCH, Elgin movements, finder notify Ed ward E. Wilson, Llnnton, Or. ANTED EXPERIENCED, RESPON- slble road salesman, western terri tory; no schemes; sood regular line. w. L-oracK, iowa uuy, lowa. WANTED HIGH SCHOOL BOY WITH wheel to deliver after school; good wages. At s Morrison st. ONE TINNER'S HELPER. INQUIRE 271 1st st. EXPKRIENCED AX-HANDLE MEN" for bolter, lathe, finishing ss rider. A muis. vv rite Dallas. Or. Western Handle Co.. WANTED. Live men to sell rural directories; nine farmers out of ten buy them; 76 per cent commission; boys are maklnz 16 to 110 per day. Call at 268 Wash- lngton st., room 1Z, and get busy. COMPETENT GIRL FOR FAMILY OF l lady: cottage, Hood River. Call at the Norton, room A. WANTED GIRLS TO LAY MAKA- ronl. Apply 109 N.-6th. WANTED GIRLS TO WORK IN PA-per-box factory. Apply T. C. Stettler. 10th and Gllsan. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO DO Office work; one with some knowledge of bookkeeping preferred. G-83. Journal. ENERGETIC WOMAN OVER 36 FOR position with wholesale house; experl ence unecessgry. T-28. Journal. WANTED RELIABLE WOMAN TO keep house and care for children; a good home and wages to right party. m of j tiwy ft., near mtn. AGENT8 WANTED CAN Wtt SELL" goods? If so we need you: complete outfit free; cash , weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur- sery company, saiem. Or. GIRLS. BOYS. W6MEM AND MEN make good money taking orders and selling goods; see us at once. Plum mer. Drug Co.. Id and Madison. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let. etc. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a Word; 15 words or less, 16 oents each Insertion. pnones Main 7178. Home A-3230. WANTED TWO AGENTS, AT ONCE, experience not necessary; salary or commission; call after 8 p. m. 268 Mill. WANTED FINANCIAL. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 11 cents each Insertion, Phones Main 7173. Horn A-3230. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO PENT HOUSES. COT tages. flats, stores, offices, rooming- houses, eta Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OPEOON. Phone Ex. 72j S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 618 Main st. 11.00 A MONTH PROTECTS YOUR time against sickness or accidents. Pacific Aid association, Lumber Ex. bldg., Portland, Or. Liberal pay to good agents. FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN ON railroads In Portland and vicinity, to fill vacancies caused by promotions; experience unnecessary; state age, height weight; firemen 1100 monthly, become engineers and earn 1200; brake men 175, becoming conductors earn 1150; name position preferred. Railway asso ciation, care Orea-on Journal.' A STEADY YOUNG MAN TO LEARN the cleaning and dyeing business; good opportunity and wages. 211 4th st. An experienced bookkeeper. AppIv In own handwriting, giving age and refer ences to o-33. journal. BOYS WANTED AT G- P. RUMMELIN & Sons, 126 2d St.. near Washington. BOY WITH WHEEL. 110 WEEK 421 Morrison. BAKER WANTED MUST BE ABLE to turn out nne line or goods for One of the best catering establishments in the west: good wages: steady employ ment Address G. Gray Lemley. Port land hotel. WANTED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK: good wages: comfortable room and bath. Apply 111 N. 22d st A GIRL-TO ASSIST WITH,JEWING. Steady work; good wages. Pacific 309 or A-S436. 647 Washlnrtnn afreet WANTED YOUNG LADY CLERK IN our store. Swetland's, 273 Morrison. LITTLE LINERS. WANTS. LOST AND round, for sale, to let. etc.. In Th-i Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 15 cents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173. Home A-220. PLACE FOR REAL ESTATE OFFICE. Ulve full description, location and rent. Address H-1233. Missouri ave. Phone Woodlawn 814. A" FURNISHED HOTEL OR'ROOM'ftfG house In or out of Portland, or would manage same for owner. M-33, Journal. WANTED FIVE OR SIX-ROOM MOD ern house, 60x100 or more, easy terms. by. Oct. 1. O-.10, Journal. . WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED A GIRL TO BE USEFUL m Kitcnon. unman Hotel. 143H 1st Wanted - tailors and waist finishers at At. ft A. Sliogren's, 141 10th st. WOMAN TO WORK ON COATS, waists, also shirt-makers; button-hole workers and apprentices; good pav. The Spencer Co., ladles' tailors, shirt and waist-makers, 126 10th st FIRST-CLASS MANGLE GIRLS. IN- aepenoent laundry uoiy Z68 Gllsan MEN, EXPERIENCED FINISHING axe handles; big wages. Western Handle Co.. Dallas, Or., A. Hauf. Wire. WANTED EXPERIENCED WELL digger. Call Sunday or address Wm. Pareygls, 421 6th st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COAT MAK- ers. Nicon. tne tailor, ion 3d st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTSMAK- ers. Nicou, tne tailor. 108 3d st. FUNERAL NOTICES. BEERS At his late residence, 1226 At lantic at.. Sent. 26. 1907. Andrew J. Beers Jr., aged 46 years 8 months and 25 days. Funeral will take place Sunday, Sept. 29, at 1:30 p. m., from F. S. Dun nlng's chapel, corner of E. Alder and El 6th st. Friends Invited. wr correspondence. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ; Qolicssy & Smith - H5X UcXHJ ElSeVTW St St I Maye Killlngsworth to Ell and Elisabeth Emma Speer, luts 9, 10 and 11, block 16, Point -,' ISWj- Wr D. xa .j . 600 UNDERTAKERS DUNNING. M'ENTEB ft, GILBAUGH. undertakers and embalmers: modern In every detail Seventh and Pine. Main 4S0. Ladv' assistant. rRlCKSOJ uNDERTAKtN'd W"" AND - embalming. 406 " Alder , St. - Main (131. Ladx assistant, j..-- Wait Ads to Til Journal Will Bo as Well for Yon M. M. PEERY, President A. J. PERKINS, Treasurer Spriigield Commercial Club' J. J. BRYAN, Secretary' Springfield, Oregon, SeptM3, 1907. Oregon DaUy Jdurnal, Portland, Oregon: Enclosed please find $2 to pay for one month .advertising in The Journal. I intended the ad to run only one month that was the order from the Commercial club and that is the way I placed the order or intended to. We got a lot of answers and, had a foundry assured from the first month's ad, hence all since has been wasted to us if we have to pay for it. ' My club has always before ordered me to place the ad in the Oregonian but this time they left it open and I sent it to you with ery satisfactory results. Yours very truly, , .V."., j. J. BRYAN. . WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR GEN eral housekeeping; small family. Phone East 2264. WANTED YOUNG LADIES Td" learn commercial telegraphy; 160 to 180 per month soon as competent. Ore gon college. 406 Commonwealth bldg. FOR SXLE OR EXCHANGE FOR REAL estate, 2 bowling alleys, with balls. funs and all equipment: price 3250; this s a snap r look it up. Call on or address Northwestern Realty Co.. 404 Washing ton st,, Vancouver, Wash. I. GOOD COOK AND GENERAL houseworker can secure a desirable place, with good wages, by applying at 667 Flanders st, between 20th and 21st sts., or caning up phone Main 54S1 WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR ALL kinds of city property. What have you for sale? Come and list It at once, for we have the purchaser; we are mak ing a speclslty of city 'property. WASHINGTON ft OREGON REALTY - COMPANY. 108 Second St.. Portland, Or. BUYERS WAITING FOR HOMES from 11,500 to 15,000. now is the time, today. Don't wait for tomorrow. A. S. Draper, 841 . Washington st. rooms 1 and 4, corner 7th. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS.' LOST AND found, for sale, to let etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 Cent a word; 15 words or leas. 3 5 cents each Insertion, phones Main 7178. Home A-3230, FOR QUICK SALE LIST YOUR PROP erty with F. Dubois, Washington bldg.. room 1. WANTED-i-1 OR 2 RESIDENCE LOTS north f Going st, west of Union ave. Must be reasonabier- f-31, Journal. BUSINESS CORNER ON UNION AVE. as nart cash for residence or vacant lets Sear Piedmont. G-31, Journal. MIDDLE AGED LADY OF GOOD A P pearance for real estate office. One who understands or wishes to learn the business. Small salary to start or partnership with right party. AddVess with references T-33, Journal, WANTED HOUSEKEEPER GOOD wages,- work easy, one-man to cook ror. Address Ai Nichols, Howard, or. WANTED ROOM AND DOARD LITTLE LINERS, WANTS. LOST AND found, for sale, to let., etc.. In The Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 15 words or less, 15 cents each insertion. Phones Main 717SHome A-3230. GENTLEMAN AND 6-YEAR-OLD tiierVitA wont nl.A. fn poara. i-ai, journal. room and ROOM WITH SUPPER AND BREAK fast, by young man, in private family; walking distance, Address G-80, Journal. GIRLS OF 16 OR 17 "AT THE PORT- land Cigar Box factory. Light work good wages. 43 V B. Id st. SECOND GIRL APPLY MRS, W. J. Burns, 163 19th north. ' WANTED 2 GIRLS TO' OPERATE power machines. 843 Ash st, room 1. WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. female help wanted. Main 6297; A- 2417. 610 Buchanan bldg., 2SGH wash lngton. GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT HOUSE work. Phone Main 1137. i GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work that understands cooking, good wages. 128 itn st. WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED TO work in fruit cannery. Apply at Holmes' Canning Co., J. 8th and Di vision sts. MALE AND FEMALE HELP MEN AND WOMEN- ANXIOUS TO IN- crease their earning capacity; ws have helped thousands, let tis help you. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOL, ; 64H 6th st. - Open Evenings. STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND female, good positions open with best firms; no charge. Underwood Type wrlter Co., 68 6th st. lit LP WANTED AND SUPPLIED, male or female. R. G. Drake, 205 H Waswington st. Pacific 1870 or A 1670 WOULD LIKE TO SECURE THE - services of a -few ladies and gentle men with some knowledge of : musio and young ladles attending high school, after school and Saturdays: good pay to right parties. Call 171 18th.. cor. Yam-! hill. Phone Main 4069. Hours 8 to 10 : a. nt,; 3 to s p. - MEN - AND WOMEN TO LEARN THE barber trade In 8 weeks; costs less, better salaries, learned in less -time than other trades; catalogue free. . Moler Barber Collegy 15 N. 4th it WANTED MISCELLANEOUS wif WILL BUT TOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. Call, phone or write. 8. J. & L. Rubensteln, 175 Front at., opposite National hotel. Pacific 1401. : ;T CaShf6rh6useh6Ldg6od-S. saV- ftge ft Pennell. 845-247 1st. Fac. 360. WE PAY MORE FOR, FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Main 6665. 211 1st st IF YOU WANT TO SELL. SEE US. Second Hand Palace,- Highest prices paid for second-hand goods. 267 Flan- ders. Phone Main -3518. HIGHEST . PRICES PAID FOR ALL' kinds at. second-hand goods. Union Exchange, 261 Front -st Paclflo 1431. bEFbRMlTY" APPLIANCES MADE TO order. K. E. Karlson ft Co.. 351 An. keny st. Main 6260. Little liners, wants, lost and found, for sale, to lot, etc.. In Ths Journal cost only 1 cent a word; 16 15 cents each insertion. Phones Main 7178. Home A-8280. PHONE EAST 6204 IF YOU WISH TO sell your lurniture, sua Hawthorne ave. best Logger shoes made to order.- Union made shoes in stock. Ernest Claus. 362H Gllsan. WANTED TO CONTRACT FOR WIN- ter s wood. Hotel oak, cor. ?th and Oak.- Pacific 8848. y HORSE WANTED. Riding horse wanted for the keenlna- thia winter; light work; best of care. Earl E. Fisher. Beaverton. Or. WANTED SMALL CHILD TO CARE for; good, home, reasonable charges. 890 Thurman st bet 26th and 27th. LITTLE LINERS, WANTS LOST AND found, for sale, to let eta., in The Journal cost only 1 cent's word; II words or less, .15 rents each Insertion. Phones Main 7173, Home. A-1210. 1 . FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT LITTLE LINERS,-WANTS, LOSTANIl found, v for sale, to let etc., in The Journal cost only 1 . cent a word; IS words or less, 16 . cents each Insertion. : phones Main 7178.' Home A-3230. ' HYLAND. 490 MORRISON, MAIN 1926." Furnished rooms with bath and steam heat.- - .,- . '