The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 27, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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1 ' :
.' t.uir I '
-.-- n , w ti , r
1 CM
iwmiK' Wtiti-ff -
ll -- St? L. -
Zealous Striking Linemen
Make an Adroit
(SpwUI DUpttcfc I Th 7owmL)
Butt, Mont, Sept. IT. Th Rookr
MounUla Bll Telephon company bu
loat In tta effort! to oonrlot two of
Its atrtklng llnmn of rnd )reny
in taking out Ulophon Inatrumonts
from varloua houaM In thla city with
out apaoUlo ordara from tha talapbono
Xa a part of tha boycott racantly
daclarad agalnat tha Ball company by
tha labor untona of Butta. T. Clayton
and A. K. dwarda, took It upon tham
alvca to paraonally be-la tha routine
out of all Bell Inatrumenta In tha city,
by paraonally aolloltlns their removal
and tearing out tha Inatrumenta with
out loaa of time. They had aucceeded i
remarkably well and but for the race
that tney aought to ahow tha effec
tiveness of unlonlam In Butta by parad-
lina tha prlnoipal atreeta of thla city
with a wagon load of tha removed in
landa claim tha rental! hare been ad
Tan oed each year until little profit re
malna for the farmer and a general
bolt of all tha farmer! In tha aeotion
aeeroa Imminent Another feature which
tha Lapwal farmera object to la tha
claim of tha Indiana to the atraw and
tha 'right to pasture In tha flelda aa
soon aa the hnrveat la over. The In
diana frequently turn large herd! of
cattle to graae la . tha f lelJe after the
hoadlng haa been completed but before
tha threahlng haa been dona, with tha
reault that much damage haa bean dona
to tha eropa. - -
John M. Soott, aaalatant general baa.
Mnnr a mrmry t rf ftiA UarHm. I.
Inapeotlng paaaenger trafflo oonditl'oni
in uiw TTii vrmum rvginn. 119 will re-
tun 10 roriiana ' tomorrow.
ee mmmmmtimmimmmmimmmtm
Orrice and Yards 244-246-250
Front St, Bet Halo and Madison
Nothing does more for a
grocer, one way or the other,
than coffee. He must sell
poor; (he needn't sell it to
you) it is good that makes
Tour grocer returna your money If you
don't like Schllllng-a Beat; are pay him.
Tha largeit place of its kind on the cotit, the only place that, fiat
the money batk policy the policy that you do not have to die. to
win, (Thiajt very-email list of what we have in atockrKv
-10 eleotrle light dymamoa. A
S watar wit
lo tone barbed wlra thai
t la aa
1 tona of relaying; ralla. ; -' : .
: 1,000 pJcke and raattocka. '
1,000 blackamltha' and roachin
latr ylaea. - ,
110 tona of oorru gated Iron, all
gauge of iron, painted and gal
van Tied.
abarload poultry netting,
Rone, any alee and quantity. '
Baiting, puileya, tooxee ahaftlng
and mlaoellaneoua machinery. , -( ,
good aa new.
; . (0 tona araooth wlra, all ataea. .
160 tona raila, good for eon-
crate work; wU) eut la langtba to
(0 tona wadgea and eledgegthat
are aa good aa new. s
VCabJe Why, table to string from' her to New, York.' 2 !,'-, X
f ripeWhy.-Tlfat is where wf live, we have more pipe than all tha
pikers on the pike. We have it in any aizt and also do all other'
'kinds of pipe work, especially threading and cutting. :, v " h
Do not buy second-hand material tnom any one unless you try
before you buy. Every second-hand man is called a buccaneer until-
he proves to the contrary.. " .
W do the right thing at the right time at the right place. Your.
money back If you do not like it (if we get it). ,
We sell goods on time, installments, cash or its equivalent If you
are a gooa taikr, w win take it out in conversation.
i J. SIMON & BR0., 244-246-250 Front Sf.
, Soma Undealrabla Cltliena, Group of Toung Hindus Who Are Preparing Themselves for a Futre Trip
'Y y , ' ' v to North America.
: (Sotdtl riMtc to Tbe InruLI
Vanoouver, B. C Sept 17. The feeling agalnat Hindu Immigration Is nearly aa atrong hern aa la that again at
Japanese and Chinese. There is no doubt that thouaanda of Hlndua are preparing themstlvee for a trip to America
and Canada. - Many of the mlaalonary echoole are teaching the Indiana English and It la reported that the demand
for acholarahlpe la greater In India than avar before In the history of education In that country.
struments under a banner bearing the
words: "R M. B. phonee going home."
they might have auooeeded to the a
tent of eeveral more wagon load a
The parade attracted much attention.
Tha nhona affiolala caused the arrest
of Clayton and Edwarda on a grand
laroeny charge.
iney aeciarea nmj ! mmuuii,
the Inatrumenta under the ordera of
the householdere and were taking them
H,.ir ia ih, nll nrflrA. anil aa the
anything to the contrary, Clayton and
Edwards were discharged.
I' ' . ' -i
I No Matter- Where. I
(Continued Trom Tf One.)
tha plot, but have net yet apprehended
Mm. Neither , haa any trace of Mrs.
warm ire oeen rouna.
What the moUve
to a tart for borne and about alx o'clock
dlamlaeed tha V woman, telling her to
call him up aa aoon aa aha heard from
ner motner in the east who waa going
to aend ber money with which to make
tha trip baok, and ha would than aeud
her the letter.
At thla time Mrs. Warm Ire arose
and came close to the mayor saying;
lou are losing interest in the caae
and want to get rid of me."
The mayor disclaimed thla and told
her he would do what he could to as
sist her. Suddenly as they were stand
ing in the center of the room the
woman grappled with the mayor tear
ing at his clothea. At the same time
aha began to utter piercing acreama of
muraer, "neip, - -ponce, en me time
clinging to the mayor and trying to
tear hla clothea from him.
The mayor atruagled to free himself
from the grasp of the woman and It
waa not until after the glass in the
door to his private office had been
broken In that he waa successful. Then
the woman releaaed her hold and join
In tha smaller of the two men In the
corridor stepped Into the elevator and
made her way out of the building. The
other man allpped down the stairway
and ao made hla exit from tha aoene.
faaltor Xs Snapleloua.
O. D. Drew, tha lanltor of the build
ing, corroborates the atory of the
mayor. He states tnat hla attention
had been called to the two men loiter
ing In the building and that they had
hanging aDout tor several days.
aa whether to
blacken tha reputation of Mayor Lar.e
-- and thua counteract the Influence of
, hla reform adm In iat ration, or whether
- juapirea aj uogs wnom aa aai ouaiea
' from office for Incompetency or bv in-
tereata be haa balked In their attempta
. io noia up me .city ia a mauer or eon-
jecture upon which aa yet no light haa
been thrown.
It la believed that the woman had
. two confederates, who were to be on
1 , band It tha plot carried, and be able to
- iwi iv Tiunc woicn wouia xorever
; blacken tha reputation of Mayor Lane
tnrougnout, uta aiate.
'' : Pbomt Srlaff Ooafed crate.
Teaterday afternoon the woman called
. at the office of tha mayor at (:10 o'clock
and discussed bar return to tha east In
queat of her child. The mayor, being been
r "tired, brought tha call to a close, tell- He bad made up hla mind on one ooca
' fcig Mrs.. Way mire that hawaa tired and I si on to ask them their buslnena in the
must leave for home. Aa be atood up to I building but they had left before he
vjtapea the door for the woman aha sod-1 did ao.
j denly grappled with him, ' tearing hla I Yesterday afternoon. Drew says, he
: clothea open and calling for help. I heard -the acreama coming from tha of-
.-. Almost at tha flrat ahout ber com- Ace and started to investigate butfiesi-
panlona on the outaida broke In tha .tated for an inatant, thinking that It
; glaaa door. Tha woman called that tha might be aome one upon whom an
, mayor had attempted to assault her and operation waa being performed and that
in tna excitement was allowed to aacapel"- woma mweion nave no rum iu in
" Mr1f h liAr MmMnlAni thAiirS IIiau wKa I trude.
i witnaaaed tha acene through tha door lwAa the acreama continued Drew itates
. aaw the mayor struggling to eaoapa ht ha reached In hla pocket for his
"from tha clutchea of the woman aid Ley? t- r-atitH?-,?hI- hfvfh2?
, aaw her tearing at hla clothea, which m " ' llr I3
happened to be bald partially In place f:":" "Ji.-TS 7 ,n "I hVaXAZ
b leather belt. t Drw tarte1 t0 Pn tne door-
tha reason for 'thla' myatorloua aa- M Bmaabas Window.
, aault baa had no light cast upon It by Juat at thla juncture the smaller man
tha Inveatlgatlona of tha police. The who had been loitering in the hallway
theory la advanced that a plot waa con- ruahed up and amashed the glass pane
cocted by political Or other opponents out of tha door.
or me mayor in oroer xo aiacreait mm "What are von doing that for, I have
.-before the people. It is believed that a key." Drew demanded and the fellow
; ins unexpected arrival or u. u. vrew, i anawered
of the management. On thla account
she was discharged. Regarding Mr
Wnymlre'a character nothing is known
by eltlitr the manafrer, Harry Joyce,
or any of the girls who worked wltn
"I know nothing whatever about the
woman'e character," Mr. Joyce aald thla
morning. bhe applied for a position
and was hired during the rush season.
She never told anyone a great deal
about herself and we never knew where
she lived. Our books do not ahow her
addresi. The firm la rather particular
about the appearance of the girls who
work here, and In her manner and her
dread Mrs. Waymlre did not suit us.'
For a time last summer Mrs. Way.
mire Is said to have lived In Fifth
street, between Main and Salmon. The
block is occupied by several roomlng
houaes and, it la thought that she
stayed at one of these temporarily. Mrs.
Waymlre, however, is not remembered
by any of those living at the Fifth
street houses, although a woman an
swering her descrlpllon waa there
awhile under a different name.
Envoy to Bo Sent East to Interest
Friends In Swelling New
berg Endowment.
, tha lanltor of the building, and others
apouea toe pi an.
. Vayor Xss Vo turplclona
, Mayor Lane discussed tha matter
quite freely thla morning and aald he
bad no auspiclon as to who tha per-
! moom were or wnom uiey represented.
.He aald he could think of no one who
' would attempt to emlrch hla reputation
'In auch a manner and would so bungle
rHne Job. t V
i The mayor atatea that he flrat mat intereS
ttbuiiio iriicn suo came 10 nis
; office at the city hall several weeks ago
. $.0 consult htm relative to securing pos
session of her child. According to her
; eiory sne naa oeen lorcea to separate
from her husband in Kansas and had
. coma to Portland: about a month prior
to the time of her first visit to Mayor
J-AUV VUll'l,
I want to aea In there. I want to aee
what la going on In there."
urew atatea tnat ne reached in,
pushed the curtain back and slipped the
inside eaten. Aa ne pushed the cover
ing back from the window he aaw Dr.
Lane struggling with the woman, who
vaa clowlnr at hia clothes anil vellina
for help at the top of her voice. The
mayor atrugled loose and stepped behind
a screen while the woman slid over near
the door and allpped through aa Drew
Aa he waited for Drew to open the
ior ahe charged Mayor Lane with hav
ing attempted to assault her but Drew,
noting the muscular development and
aisa oz tna woman, waa skeptical.
Janitor Xs kaptloaL
'Tahaw,' be told her aa she went out.
you could throw the mayor and me
Two Suspicious Characters Are Seen
by City Officials.
Two men answering the description
of those who were In the Hamilton
building at the time of the incident
were later seen loafing about the House
restaurant In Third street near Morri
son. Mayor Lane frequently takes his
friegla at this place, and when the queer
actions or tne men were recalled inis
morning it was thought that the
woman's accomplices were possibly
making another attempt to locate the
city executive.
The men remained outside of the
restaurant aome time. They were seen
by Detective John F. Price and' Frank
liennevsy, clerk of the municipal court,
and his wife. One of the men waa
rather short and wore a mustache. The
other was half a foot or more taller1'
than bis partner,
(Special Dispatch a Tbe Joe real.)
Newberg, Or., flept. 17. The opinion
of ail who attended tha opening of
Paclflo college ia that tha proapect la
moat cheering for the coming year.
The registration of atudenta began Mon
day, and on Wednesday the publlo waa
Invited to tha exercises, presiaea over
by B. C. Miles, one or tne aiauncn
trustees, who introduced the new act
ing president, Irving Kelsey, a brother
of Professor R. WV Kelsey, who waa
Instructor in oratory for some yeara
In the college. President Kelsey out
lined the work for the coming year.
The other members of tha faculty
are: r. K. Jones, languages; IL u.
fUlUIOJi Ul.LUI , AMm ,11. 1 IIUI w n im,,.
llsh: Mabel Douglas, Greek and German;
F. Br Hadley, science; Wallace A. New-
lin, mathematics.
President Kelsey waa elected Dy the
board of trustees to attend the five
year meeting of Friends church to be
held In Indiana In October, to Interest
members in swelling the $14,000 en
dowment fund that haa been pledged
by the people of Newberg. Altogether
Paclflo college opena with a proaperoua
year in eight.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Now York. Sept. 17. E. H. Harrlman
haa suffered from a alight recurrence of
piacea mm on tne
the trouble
sick list for
a month
last spring. A
alight operation waa performed Wednes
day at his own home. It waa said by
friends of Harrlman that the trouble
was nothing serious anj that he would
be back at his office within 10 daya.
(8bhc11 DlMMtcb to The Joeroal. t
Hoqulam, Wash., Sept," 17. The body
or uie man picaea up in tne lower nar
bor yesterday waa brought here and
later identified aa that 'of Charles Er
rlckaon, who waa drowned at South !
Bay, near Westport, August 1, while i
engaged with others on the dyking op
erations at that place. He had no ac
quaintances here. He came from Min
nesota. The funeral took place from
jucxaggart a undertaking parlors today.
(Special Dispatch to Tbe JoaraaL)
Lewlaton, Idaho, Sept. 17. Unless tha
Indian owners of farm landa on the
former Net Perce Indian resefVatlon
aee fit to make a reduction In .rentals
it la quite probable that larare trarta
of the best Indian land In the countrv
will be Idle next year. Farmera who
have been heavy lessees of tha Indiana'
V IK M vi
n I 11 1 I
ill f J lS'l
in i ; i ZL I
h uuuh m i r
II r
ti I
ii i
A man may travel, he spreads upon the sea of asso
ciation a wholesale (drift of impressions. A man is
always climbing or falling back. It's the decree of
destiny that commands a continual rise' or fall. If
you must fall don't lay it to the clothes you wear.
Appear in the sort of clothes that climb and climb
on you. Your privileges of dress should direct you
to our showing, now complete in men's fall wearables.
Suits that you will like better and will be better
liked on you.
Prices $15 to $35 ,
. 7-
I. Gevtirtz G& Sons
The woman told Mayor Lane that sheM!h over the banisters.
. could not bear to live without the child
. and asked whether or not the law could
. reach her If ahe returned to the east,
, kidnaped her child and brought it back
. to this city with her. The mayor ad-
visea ner not to taice any auch atepa as
that and then the woman asked hia aid
. in securing tne possession of the child,
i Woman Call Very Often.
After the first visit the woman called
several times at the city hall and the
- mayor promised to write her a letter
of recommendation stating that he con
sidered her to be a worthy woman. Thla
was to bo used In the presentation of
Dr. R. W. Anderson tells the story of
having treated the teeth of the two men.
He aaya they came up to his office and
by their actions aroused his suspicions.
The smaller of the two had nothing the
matter with hia teeth and had nothing
dona to them except to have them
cleaned. The companion, however, had
one cavity which he was having filled.
Both men had come to the office on
several occasions, always after 6:30 and
on one or two occasions had loitered
about on the pretext of waiting to aee a
The lady, however, did not ap-
Yesterday afternoon the larger man
ner claims to the Judge wno naa award- appeared just aa nr. Anderson waa
aoout 10 leave nis orrice and asKCd to
i ed the custody of the child to the
f xatner.
z 1 mis letter was written but Mayor
wn leorea mac tne name naa been
spelled wrong and left orders with, hla
stenographer to have it altered. In the
4 meantime the woman called repeatedly
both at the office in the city hall and
at the private office of the mayor in
the Hamilton building on Third street.
On the occasion of each call, how
ever, there were always other people
In the office and Mrs. Waymlre com
plained of this, saying that she desired
i to talk the matter over with the mayor
. and could never find an opportunity
for talking privately In either of the
.,tw offices. Bhe asked therefore that
the mayor come to her home, bring
her . letter and there advise her how
to proceed Thla the mayor declined to
. do and told her to come to his private
. ; Mayor Waata to Oo Home.
have aomething done to hts teeth. Be
professed that cold and heat hurt it
and appeared to be very nervoua. Dr.
Anderson examined the filling, but could
not see what would make it painful.
Oolng out into the hall he saw the other
man and concluded that the two of them
were after him. He therefore told the'
janitor and elevator boy to watch his
office. Finishing the work on the tooth
Anderson went down into the street,
while the man went into the toilet.
Hangs About tha Building.
Anderson returned a moment after
ward and found the patient still ramb-
.lnir about. Helurnlnir to his office a
thort time after Anderson saw his erst
while patient standing by the elevator,
and both went down together. Ander
son went out on the street, but the man
stayed In the entrance way. Comlnu
naclc a rew minutes later Dr. Anderson
heard the smashing of glass and
Yesterday afternoon the woman came screams, and reached the floor just in
, ' in about 6:0 according to Mayor Lane
and talked over her plans for some
nm. 4ne mayor was tired and anxious
mm flesh
. 'v
and good Br alas
ara made from
-;. : TfcV- . Ratio "
time to see the woman come out of the
door and the smaller or tne two men
loin her in making their way out of the
building, both going Into the elevator
Dr. Anderson states that the myste
rlous actions of the two men and their
continued loitering about the building
had aroused his suspicions, and he waa
alratd that they were about to attempt
to rob his office. He therefore adked
the janitor to watch his office while he
himKClf returned after having left the
Mla Waymlre's Appearance Was In
Her Disfavor.
Mra. Waymlre was employed at the
HaxelWood Creamery store On Wash
ington street last summer for a month.
She went with the firm June 27 and
remained there until the jsame date In
July. The woman waa not particularly
neat, fti appearance and In other way a
o4 ot exactly meet tha requirement
m 4H
i Trtni m 17 ii in
1 I 11 1 M Wli 11 III
liiMiiin ii r rr -m't mt i im gnl flss
T7"M T.O V GMrardelll,i
Ajxiuvr a cocoa. They
find it strengthens and for
tifies them to withstand the
trying duties of their occu
pation, and exposure to all
kinds of weather. The
ideal preparation for the
day's work is to drink
for breakfast
n cup of . . .
Should Sell from
$25 to $35; Satur
day, your choice
Should sell
larly up
ii regu- h rhrft
to $65. 1 V
, choice' kJ kJL o
Those desiring a first-class timepiece and one which can be depended
upon at all times, we earnestly call attention to our stock, as the
grades are the finest and the prices -the lowest.
- ( Corner Third and Washington Streets,
Manufacturint1 Jtwelers. Optician.. Diamond 1 Importer.
I Plies
Wholesale and Retail
'' hit
.-. ,-y :i
Fifth and Alder
;.::rV -