The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 24, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    ! ; TbiraiTbpics
: .1 .7
. , T If J. , , , ' . 4
Planned - for Allen & Lewis by
the Chapman Adyertli
- ing Company.
Helli.'. . ..."In tha ftlaHnn'a Prrl
Marouam In It
Baker "A fitranrar in Maw York'
Kmnln UntKaa Bilra'l
Grand Vaudeville I An estenalve and elegant adrartlaint
iyrio "uruta warne i campaign, du Dean prepared ror Allan
star . "The King of tha Doaart" I A Lw la. Portland, to advertlaa thalr
Oaka O. W. P. Carllae Preferred Btook can n ad aooda. Thara
Baaaball Frlaoo ve. Portland are flfty-elgnt different advertlaemants
ma ana veugnni to appear in tne ueuiy and Sunday jour-
nai ueiore mi nouaaya, ana ona la
an 1 n t mrmmt 1 n itnrv. t a 1 i n or th tiAMaa-
Though, thla year's attendance at tha wlfa where Preferred stock good a coma
from, and how they ara packad right
wuora me uvai oi eaon Kind IB frown.
tbua bringing to tha tabla aa much of
garden rreenneee aa la poaalbia. Tha
vary navor and delicacy of tha con-J
tenta of tha can la atiae-eated tor tha
atiiklng and nandaomely drawn llluetra-
none, wnicn aeem to literally open up
ma gooaa ior to noueewire a Inapec-
?n.h JLlS ' -fK lu; of th Chapman Adrertlelng company of
entered the actiool. Tha junior ip tl . C.-iHm r.i.nni .u
tha advertlaementa written by Helen
Mar fihaw, who came from Chicago In
April to Join, tha Chapman Editorial
Tha advertlaementa were all t?De-aet
In tha Chapman Printing department and
law department of the Unlvaralty of
Oregon will be tha laraeat in tha hie
tory of tha echool thara will be no grad
uating claaa thla year. The reaaon la
tlat tha courae waa extended laat year
from two to three yeara, and tha claaa
that formerly would have bean aenlora
are now only Juniors. Judge Qanten
beln laat night delivered tha flrat lec
ture in criminal law to the new freeh-
claaa will hear their flrat lecture on the
law of real property tonight by A. i
It la believed aome action will ba
taken thla evening by tha Eaat Side Im
provement aaaoclatlon toward eeourlng tha llluatratlona ara Hie work of their
ina lunui neceaeary to ouiia a nioumun
atructura for library Durooara in tha
. . . & i 1 1 1
comrai eaei Bias, me aeaociauun win
hold Ha regular meeting at the quar
tan of the Eaat Side club In tha -er-
gant hotel, Hawthorne a ad Grand ava-
nuea. at I o clock thla evening, mere
will be aeveral Important committee re-
porta to be iiatened to ana aiaouaaea.
The board of trustee of tha Port
land Chamber of Commerce haa voted
to admit tha following .appllcanta for
memberehlp: union ouajrantee aeaooia
tlon. Kahla A Kahle, A. J. Paul, Br-hwab
Broa. Printing company, Oregon Paclflo,
Inveatment company. Jaraea Hlgglna 4
uo., Oregon (Jlty xraneporiaiion com
pany, W 8. Dole Co.. Oerman-Amerl- og th,t nM appeared nationally. Her
ran hank Nelaa A Cnimaway. Portland I ru . a. r v.- -.....
v.i Tin II. I v " " "
T i; Dy mwimmmuiy t'icuiif company, Buaanna ('ocroft haa
a t-roeDBiei. Diicnui jwrni ion. been reooimlBed aa of tha hlrheat
Mlsa Shaw haa executed aeveral ad
vertlalng plana for the Chapman com
pany alnce her arrival In Portland, and
in an ui ner worn in inunn inn origi
nality atyle and flnlah whirh character
ise the beat advertlalng executed In
the eaatern field. A portfolio of the
Preferred Stock advertlaementa from thn I
i napman preaa la a very handsome piece
ot literature.
own artlata.
it la ara tl Tying to know that Paclflo
coaat producera are thoroughly awake to
tha opportunity which awalta them
through tha channel of advertlalng, and
Aliea aV Lwl N U ha ongra4ilate4
for tha thorough and convincing manner
In whlclvthey ara Dlannlna- to ex tenet ve-
ly advertlaa their bigh-grade gooda It
aleo augura well for the commercial
activity Of tha great northwest that
coatly talent haa been Imported through
the enterprlee of tha Chapman bureau
and that the Paclflo coaat off era ample
opportunity for lta profitable employ
ment for local producera.
Helen Mar Shaw, who prepared thl
advertlalng, haa planned and written
aome of the foremoat magailne advertla-
Suocoth or tha Feaat of Booth boll
daya will coma to an and Sunday night
of thla week with aervlcee In the va
rloua aynagoguea Service were held
Sunday, yeaterday and thla morning.
Tha eight-day period mark the ever
remembrance of the Jewa of the deliver
ance of their people from Egyptian
bondage. The next Jewlah holiday are
Hanukah. December 1. followed by
Purlm, March IT, and Paaaover, falling
next April.
A apeolal meeting of tha United Eaat
Bide cluba will ba held in the Sargent
hotel, Hawthorne and Grand avenuea,
tomorrow evening. Wednesday. Septem
ber 26, at 8 o'clock. Mayor Lane. City
Engineer Taylor and other city officials
will he present to dlscuse the atreet
tiueatlon. The proposal to raise funds
for an eaat side library building will
come up together with many other im
portant measure.
That the aoll of Portland and vicinity
will produce aa fine tomatoes aa are
grown, la proved by tha luxuriant
srnwth and crollflo frultasre of a num
ber of vlnea in the yard of Mrs. R. J.
Barter at 303 North Twenty-third
street. These vines have attained a
height of seven feet and are In good
bearing condition: several bushels have
already been gathered from a small
Every Branch of Liquor
Trade Amenable to
Separate Tax.
Wholesale and retail liquor dealer!
who ara operating under a lloanaa of tha
hlgbaat olasa, will ba compelled Jo pay
a eeparate lloanaa for each class of hue
Inaaa they ara oonduotlng unleaa they
can convince tha liquor llcenaa commit
tee to tha contrary. Councilman Vaughn
yeaterday aubmltted tha city attorney'a
opinion that every tirancn or tne uquor
trade waa amenable to a eeparate 11-
Several firms, Yaugbaa says, will be
ariected by the ruling, lie aaya ne
knows of a number of saloon which
pay tha highest priced llcenaa which ara
aiao ooing a wnoieaaie Duainesa wunoui
cost to themselves. Ha atatea further
that there ara aeveral wholesale flrme
that have been doing a rectifying Dual
neae solely on a wholeaala llcenaa.
Vaughn wanta all of theae flrme to pay
license for every claaa of business
and la backed up by tha city attorney a
The wars and mesne committee reo
ommended the raise of the aalarlea of
ratrolmen from 190 to 1100 jer month,
t will mean an increase of 117.000 a
year In tha Dollce deDartment exoenaea.
In order to give people of limited
meana an opportunity to bid on tha city
bond iasues, the ways and meana com
mlttee veaterdav aranted the city audi
tor authority to have IS60 booda printed.
Andrew Kan haa consented to run hla
place of buslneaa on Fifth atreet aa an
auction house and will probably be
granted a license. Kan'a license waa re
voked aeveral montha ago becauae he
persisted In suctioning off new oriental
gooda on a I to per quarter license when
he should huve paid $20 per dsy.
Mayor Lane, City Auditor Barbur,
City Attorney Kavannugh and Llty En
glneer Taylor will distribute the 300
telephones given the city free of charge
by the Home Telephone company under
its rrancnise.
ted States civil service commission on
October 30 to secure eligible for va
cancies to be filled in the government
printing office, Washington. There Is
needed an electrotyper s helper (floor
hand). Wages are 40 cents an hour or
33.20 a day. Further information may
be obtained from the postmaster.
J. W Bailey, state food and dalrv
commissioner, has returned to Port
land after a short visit in Corvallls
and other valley towns, and a week In
Salem at the state fair. He will leave
this evening for Pendleton to deliver
an address on dairying at the district
fair ndw being held In that city.
Old Race Course Has Been
Flatted Into Resi
dence Tracts.
For sale By owner. 93 acres of het
farming land on Willamette bottom. 9
miles from city; S. P. ii. R. running
through; 1 Vi miles from O. W. P. car;
a snap If closed at once; no agents.
Ad dies A-31, Journal.
At a meeting of the Portland Com
mercial club governors yeaterday after
noon the question of a parcels post law
was discussed and the governors wont
on record as oppoaed to the law. It
was decided that a parcels post would
be Injurious to the retail trade of the
Pacific coast, aa It would enable the
people to buy merchandise from eastern
mail-order houses, at catalog prices.
Henry Wachendorf, a Portland bar
tender, has filed a petition of bank
ruptcy In the United States district
court In which he places his liabilities
at 31,000 and his asset at $768.
Let school children drink Golden
Grain Granules, the 100 per cent pure
cereal coffee. A 26c package will go
aa far or farther than $2 worth df milk
and do tha children more good.
The Irvington race track property,
which was purchased some weeks ago
by the Riverside Driving association,
has been plntted aa an addition to Ir
vington. The plat of the property was
filed for record this morning by the
Merchonts' Savings & Trust company.
Hountree and Diamond, who are among
the largest stockholders In the Driv
ing association, will handle the prop
erty. 'i'iie survey Is bounded by East
Seventh. East Fourteenth, Russell and
Klickitat streets and contains 252
building lots. The streets have all
been made to conform to the streets
originally surveyed In Irvington.
Water trftough hose for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks or waahlng porches
or wlndowa must be paid for in advance
and used only between the hours of S
and Sara, and S and f p. m. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets. If
used contrary to these rules, or waste
fully, it will be shut off.
Mrs. Sarah J. Klncaid haa filed suit
In the circuit court for a divorce from
Leander A, Klncaid, charging that he
deserted her in 1890. The desertion, aa
well as the marriage, took place on New
Tear's day, aaya Mrs. Klncaid. They
wero married January 1. 1S88, and, It la
alleged, Klncaid deserted hla wife Jan
uary 1, 1896.
The popular pioneer grocer, Mr. Sam
Hewitt, of, the City Grocery company,
178 Third atreet saya: For yeara I
have handled cereal coffees, but none
tnat equaia uoidan Grain Granules'
both as to quantity in every packago
and in quality. Consumers getting a
package once, will take no other.
Read the result of the guesslne- of
the Golden Grain Granules peoples' con
test In the big display "ad'' In this
issue of The Journal.' Is your name
We sponge and press your clothes
and shine your shoes all for $1 per
month. Main 614. A-4.114. Wagons run
everywhere. Unique Tailoring Co., 309
Wanted To buy light second hand
touring car. Would consider runabout.
Must be cheap for cash. State price and
full particulars. L-24, Journal.
W. G. Evens and wife, evangelists,
will hold revival meetings at Plmel hall,
S66 First, from Monday, September 23,
to 29. All are welcome.
Charging that W. L. Dlel deserted her
and their five children in April, 1J04
Mrs. Sarah Dlel, through her attorney,
H. L. Westbrook, has filed suit in the
circuit court for a divorce. They were
married at Bufordsvllle. Missouri, in
April. 1378. Mrs. Dlel asks that she be
given ttye custody of the children.
In south ' Portland, Mr. O. W. Lang,
the grocer, 186 Front street, opposite
Jones' Drug store, la proud of Golden
Grain Granules. . His customer only
ask for quality and he finds that there
Is quality in every package. It is the
finest cereal drink in this country.
Mr. C. B. Merrick, secretary of the
Grocera' association won one case (13
packages) of Golden Grain Granules at
the guessing contest. He wants thla
case given to the charitable Institu
tion that first applies for It from John
Blaauw, 12 Front street, city.
Owens Bros., who keep a stock of high
cI-ts goods at 21 north Park atreet,
make it a specialty to recommend
"Golden Grain Granuleat' to their
neignpors, Decause this cereal coffee is
pure ana ncn.
The I. O. G. T. will give a free liter
ary and musical entertainment at Ar
tisans' hall. Third and Glbbs streets,
at 8 o'clock.
E. W. Moore, expert photographer,
Elks' building. Seventh and Stark sts.
Acme. OH Co. sell safety coal oil and
fine gasoline. Phone East 789; B-1007.
Woman's Exchange, 133 Tenth street,
lunch 11:30 to 2; business men's lunch.
J. Goldsmith Is closing up a sale
of six residence lots which he mads
last week In Goldsmith's addition. The
lots are on Northru street, west from
Twenty-fifth, three of which were pur
chased by Heno & Ballls, one by C. ft
Spencer, and one each by two out or
town Investors. Mr. Goldsmith sold
the lots at an average price of $3,000.
Since January 1. he has sold 20 lots In
this addition st prices ranging from
$2.6itn to $3,000.
I John F. Wilson has sold to the Star
investment company, a house and lot on
Tnlon avenue and Sacramento street,
i for $5,600.
I ieorre V PfncWnev hna nnrrhu1
from A. L. Maxwell, the quarter-block
on tne southeast corner of East Nine
teenth and Tillamook streets, consider
ation $3,600.
Real estate transfers valued st $63,
8s were filed for record yesterday.
Moorish and Turkish designs In
Brauer's hand-painted china Metxger's.
,' 4 I
Go Flitting By-
Eastern Outfitting Co.
Gor.-lOtb and Washington ts9
A Magnificent Promenade of Parisian-Gowned Women
to the Magic Strains of Sweetest Music from
Everest's Military Band
Stationed at the Washington Street Entrance
A Carnival of Dress a promenade of French Toilettei such
is the entertainment provided by the Eastern Outfitting Company
for the public on this, the first night of their great opening.
The brilliantly lighted windows on two sides of the building
200 feet in extent will be turned into a gorgeous avenue where
elegantly gowned women will portray the most exquisite imported
French models evening gowns worth hundreds of . dollars, such
as enliven gay French salons street gowns of rare beauty such
as grace Fifth avenue, New York picture hats, street hats and
all the little accessories of woman's wear. It wiH be a constantly
moving picture tne costumes changed every
eight minutes.
This unique pageant of fashion and splendor
can readily be seen from either Tenth or Wash
ington street.
Remember the hour from 8 to 10 tonight.
Waah'ngton HEILIG THEATRE Main1!
TonUrht. 8:1B o'clock.
Contlnuea Every Night Thla Week. Spe
cial trice Matinee Mam may.
In the Intensely Interesting Drama,
Evening, $1.60 to 26c. Matinee, $1 to 26c.
So much goodness dwells
in a little dry leaf!
Tour grocer returns your money if you
don't like Schilling's Best; we pay him.
Phone Main
Another Oreat Success
"The Callfornlans" in the Beautiful
March Opera
Tonight and remainder of week: mati
nees Wednesday ana Baturaay
Evenings. 26c, 60c, 76c; matinees, 25c, 60c
Diamonds, Watchea Beck's, 206 Alder.
Dr. K. C. Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam.
D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh
Berger elgna 284 Yamhill phone.
Dr. Strowbridge, Hamilton bldg.
Bark Tonlo, for rheumatism.
People living in the heart of the city
can get a package of Oolden' Grain
Granules from my store. It la as rich
aa its name. It takes but a minute
to dou. u. Lj. urarr, 436 Washington
atreet '
Steamer Jesse Rarkina, for Camas,
Waahougal and way landings, daily ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington atreet
dock at 2 p. m.
Examinations wlU be held by the Tin!-
The Secret of
Our Success
la our untiring efforts to please,
Na other laundry can possibly
suit you better.
We launder everything-from the
family wash to the moat delicate
No frayed collars or chemically
rotted shirts here.
A trial will convince you that
our work la In a class by itself.
' Charges moderate satisfaction
, guaranteed. ,
, - Telephone Jdaia 398..
Building FermJtg.
William Neubauer, repairs dwelling,
Clifton and Tenth street. $250: J. R.
Turner, 1 story dwelling, McKenna and !
Willamette boulevard, $200; Mrs. Ballev,
repairs dwelling, 112 E. Tenth street.
$160; H. Baumhoer, repairs dwelling,
698 Powell. $200; M. F. Donohoe, re
pairs dwelling Garfield between Sumner
and Albdrta, $3,000; Jos. Paquet, ware
house, Willamette river between E. Mor
rison and E. Alder, $1,000; Welnhard
estate, repairs store, Fifth between Oak
and Pine, $80.
C. C. Richards, tool house, 663 East
Tenth street. $300; L. A. Bruckman, two
story dwelling, Clinton, between East
Thirteenth and East Fourteenth, $1,400;
kAlex Smith, two-story dwelling. East
Thlrty-nrtn, Detween Gladstone Rnd
Francis, $2,000; W. W. Canoll, one-story
dwelllngj-'lalden, between East Ninth
and East Eleventh, $1,760; C. 8. Brown,
barn. Commercial, between Jarrett and
Pearl, $60; J. A. Eastman, repairs dwell
ing. Summit, near Baseline road, $800;
J. G. Waters, one-story dwelling, East
Twenty-first, between Wygant and Go
ing; $100; Mrs. H. B. Johnson, repairs
dwelling, Fourth, between Porter and
Hooker, $300; John Eden, two-story
dwelling, Belmont, between East Thirty
eighth and East Thirty-ninth, $2,000; R.
W. Orewetler. one-story dwelling. East
Fourteenth, between Taggart and Ells
worth. Il.oou: u. Hoenel. l4-storv
dwelling. Pippin, near Wabash, $1,200;
Mrs. Maggie Joney, one-story dwelling
East Fifteenth, between Going and Wv.
gant, $2,000; Oustaf Swensson, lVfc-stofy
dwelling. Al ham bra, near foot of Shoner.
$6,000; w. M. Neubauer, repairs dwell
ing, uniton ana xentn, Z5ii; j. k. Tur-
llCli J 11V O . I J U TV UiUtlQ, iJ no. Chilli
Willamette boulevard. $200.
Painless Dentistry
Tou need have no fear of the den
tal chair If you come to our office.
Our scientific methods of absolutely
painless dentistry are at your dis
posal without paying as much as you
have been In the habit of paying for
Inferior work.
Bridge Work, per tooth
Gold Fillings, up from it
Silver Fillings, up from .504
Enamel Fillings, up from ... .81.00
Crowns, gold or porcelain. .. .85.00
Painless Extraction .JOc
Plates, up from 85.O0
A guarantee for 10 vears with all
work. Lady attendant.
Open evening until 8 and Sunday
until p. m.
Horns Phone A1010.
Paclflo States Phone Paclflo 1853.
Geo. ti. Baker, Manager.
All This Week. Baker
Stock Co. In Hoyt's
Music. Mirth. Merriment.
Matinee Saturday, 16c, 26c.
Evening prices. 26r. 86c.
60c. Next week. "'Tha Olrl I
With the Green Byes."
At the
corner of
Geo. L. Baker, M:n. Phone Main 117.
Eastern Road Attractions Only.
Tha Little Sunbeam, Pearl Ooldlaff, In
Beautiful Rural Melodrama of New
Night, 10c. 20c, 80c, 60c; Mat. 10c, 20c.
Next attraction, "tincle Joan Perkins.'
lAvtng Modala WlU Ba Been In Eaatern
Outfitting; Co.'a Wlndowa, Tonight
from 8 to 10.
The corner of Tenth and Washington
will be the scene of a great gathering
tonight, to witnesa the parade of
Parisian-gowned women through the
length of the atore'a 200 feet of window
space on Tenth -and Washington. Thla
la a aight worth crossing the city and
paying admission to see; but it Is free
to all. Everest's military band will
Tender musio during the entire perform
ance, sisuonea at me Washington atreet
entrance. The etore will not ba open 1
tha display being aaen from tha aUaeU. f
Mustang Liniment
Goes qnlokly to tha
vary oore of tha
disease and stops
the most deep-set,
exoruclating pains
almost Instantly.
T"U-fcZ'T- A O Pboneei
I IV w a old k. Msg
Weak of Sept fll, 1907 Bew, A. 1496
Continued Success of the
All this week presenting
Matinees Sundays. Tuesdays. Thurs
days and Saturdays at 2:80; prices 10c
and 20c. Every evening at s:i; pricee
10c, 20c and 30c. Reserved seals by
both phones.
All This Week, the Headline Act.
The Sure-Fire Comedy Actors.
Plenty of other big acts.
Three performances dally, at I:S0,
7:80 and 9:16; prices matinees, 10c:
evenings and Sunday matinees, 10c, 20c
and box seats 8O0.
Both Phonesi Main 4688, Soma A-1098.
Week commencing Monday, Sept. 23.
Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, Satur
day and Sunday. Prices 10c and 20e.
Every evening at 8:16. Prices 10c, 20o
and 0c. Boxes ouc. urnce open 10 a.
m. to 10 p. m.
Mustang Liniment
Coras every ailment
of Man or Beast
that a good, honest
Liniment eaa euro j
None better,
None) so gooda , .
Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth
September 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29.
Game Called at 3.-00 p. m. Daily.
Game Called at 2:00 p. m. Sundays.
Double Header Sunday.
Grandstand 25c Children 10c
- Little liners' in The Journal coat only
a cent a word. Fifteen worda or less
i 6 cents an insertion. Phones: Main
HJ1 A-tSSO. .
A little out of the way, per
haps, unless you come spe
cially; but not far enough to
prove inconvenient to any
man; and when you come,
you'll find the few extra
steps you've taken well
worth while, for we will not
only show you a line of
woolens that cannot be
duplicated in this town, but
we 11 also demonstrate our
ability to tailor these fabrics
into garments of the highest
possible character at a cost
to you that will save you at
least a third of the prices
asked by other first-class
establishments in Portland.
Columbia Tailoring
Is too good a proposition for
any man to pass up and
men who look into its many
attractive features do not
pass it up. No reasonable
man should refuse to be
"shown." How about you?
Suits, $20 to $40
Trousers, $4 to $10
. Elks' Building
Seventh and Stark
f rales Plans Mer
Special Order Supplies
At Frfcley'a nothing ia forgotten;
every need of every woman u con
sidered. Strong in this lino are
shapes and trimmings at the most
moderate prices for the ingenious
woman or girl who trims her own
hat The variety of untrimmed
shapes from the natty little close
fitting street hat to the large sea
sonable hats of extreme styles sup
plies unending choice for every
pe of face and every pocketbook.
e prices from
St. 25 to $5.00
Wings, plumes, flowers, silks, ribbons, velvets and ornaments of every
description are found in prodigal array. .
Pliable "flats," imported, and of the best wool that wire so readily into
becoming hats for school girls all the popular colors (Pt f f '
the kind that sell everywhere for $2 to $2.25, are found V J Qll
FraplQ 212-214 Third
1 I CllKj O Corner Salmon
Hats of Distinction
WB M Uoo Pace
m m
Low Non-Participating Rates High Cash Values
Apply to XBSSa K. gHAJUP, Xaaa-ev of Af-eats, ale Lumbar Sscfcaafe BMft.
sr. f r vv
Baa m j