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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1907)
HUGE SUM TO BE SPENT ON NEXT YEAR'S FIESTA Carnival Committee Expects to Raise lietwoni $100,000 and $150,000 to Carry Out Plans for Most Elab- " ' orate Demonstration of Kind Ever Held. ' " From this time forth there Is to be titf' lagging In connection with earnest effort on the part of every person con--; rected with Portland's rose festival 1 which will be held next year during the week beglnlng June 2. The motto of the committees In charge will be "Man nltude and Magnificence." Such Is the ' ' declaration of the waya and mnni com y' mlttee. It waa unanimously agreed at a recent meeting of that committee that between 1100.000 and $160,000 must be , raised to carry out the elaborate srhemo 1 outflned for the big gala week. : It la the consensus of opinion by all . Interested that merchants In general throughout Portland felt the Impetus . of trade aa a result of the recent car nival. From an advertising standpoint - It is admitted that nothing In recent jrears hag benefited Portland so muoh. " Whllo none will deny that the recent fiesta demonstration was a big success ' the committee In determined that next year's festival must be bigger, better and by far the greateat similar deroon '"Ssstratlon the Rose Cltjr has ever at ... tempted. Will XsIm Immense Sam. With this end In view, the ways and mcann committee Is just now huslly en- gngt'd In selecting tireless and capable workers to nils a sum not len than 1 1 i ii. ono and If nonslble IlKO.noo. Each member of the ways and means commlt ! Is tn have personal supervision of the gutherlng of funds among a cer- tnln rliiss of merthuiits. professional men. industrial and financial classes. All sub-committees will be under the general aupervlMlnn of the ways and means committee and it Is hopod to have every committee appointed at the next meeting or the general committee wlilh will be Held at festival headquar ters in the 8we(liind building, Wednes day night of week. The festival management hopes that every man whose name la mentioned In connection with any committee will he come an active member at once. It will he the aim to appoint only such Indi viduals as aided in raising money for the Y. M. C. A. and T. W. C. A. It Is flguiwrf -out that men who can ratse a IS60.000 building fund have the rlht kind of material to secure funds which mean so much to Portland from an ad vertising standpplnt restlvsj Will Be Great Benefit The campaign aa planned will be a hustling one and It is hoped to raise the necessary funds within one month. If plans can be completed canvassers will be startsd out within ths week and their duties, of course, will be simply to J ecu re pledges. By November x, the ways and means committee hops to permit the festival association to an nounce to the oublic that all necessary funds have been pledged. One of the strongest arguments In raising funds is Illustrated by the great benefit some years ago an Elks' carni val did Portland. Net results of that demonstration added more than $1,000, 000 deposits In local banks. It is con servatively estimated that many times that amount will be added to bank de posits next year after the celebration And besides, tourist travel la four or five times greater now than then and the city has fully twice as many lnhab uanta. All this of course has to do only with tne practical and financial pnases or th demonstration. Its aesthetic side will be so elaborate that to outline it here would be but to give it column after column of space each Issue. What the next rose festival need from now on Is the united "boosting" o Portland's 226,000 Inhabitants and there is little need to add that the city will surely give it. , EUGENE'S NEW STKEETCAB& Meeting of Cotton Seed Men. (T'nlt.d Pre.. t.Md Wire.) New Orleans, La., Bept. 24. Pursuant to the recent call of President L. A. Ransom of the International Cotton Seed Crushers' association, the members of the association and a number of rep resentatives of transportation compa nles assembled for a special meeting In this city today to devise means to rem edv certain adverse conditions In the shipping and delivery of cotton seed tnaai st foreign ports. iteoent consular reports on toe suo Ject of the handling of cotton seed meal abroad and the special report of tne government agents indicate tnat ins poor methods of handling and delivery form one or tne cnier causea lor tns ire- quent claims ifor reclamation and re bates from foreign buyers upon south ern mills. The association proposes to do all In Its power to check this condi tion for the general benefit of the trada K ML UHT& zxv- & , m 1 ..j H - '"wiwko.w" " l ' i v. " 4 f " - , "it. 1 1 1 " t i ' 8 (Special Dispatch to The Jonrntl.) Eugene, Or., Sept. 23. It Is announce that the electric streetcar lino now be ing built In Eugene will be In opera tion between the Southern Paclflo depot and the University of Oregon bv Oo. tober 1. Work is being rushed and the line win dc completed 10 npringneia Dy the first of the year. The three cars to be used on the line have arrived here ana are on tne track ready to run. UP AGAIN CAUSES ROM E Only Live Fish Swim up Stream Traction Official , Though Council Granted 30 Days For Filing Bond. Which way you going? With a clear head to steer a strong body you can "do things" and win. Both can be built by proper food. In Grape Nuts the brain-building elements are so prominent that a 10-days trial shows renewed brain and thinking power, especially where brain-fag or nervous prostration have been at work. You may be sure that any stomach can handle Grape-Nuts food and get all the nu triment needed, for it has been fed in hun dreds of cases where no other food could be kept on the stomach and it has NEVER FAILED. Grape-Nuts is toothsome and delicious. Government Analysis The London, "Lancet," Thousands of Physicians, Sanitariums, Hospitals, and the healthy, contented people who eat over Two Mffiioni Meals of Grape-Nuts every day (The number is steadily increasing) acknowledged it to be The Most Scientific Food in the World "There's a Reason." - Think it over. V. v. .'7. .' ; .,. s Look for that little thealth classic." iThe Road to WellYllle," In packages "When the city council deferred con sideratlon on the streetcar franchise of the United Railways company at the special meeting held September t. It wss with the understanding that we were to be given SO days in which to present a new franchise. With this un derstanding on our part we began work ing on a franchise which we intended to present st the committee meeting two weeks from last Friday, which would be the expiration of our time limit. "In the meantime our attorney and I went to California and did not re turn until Saturday, the day after the committee met. Had we known that the committee intended to consider our franchise before the 30 days were up we wouia nave presented it earlier. The franchise will be offered at the next committee meeting. In view of the fact that we were given 80 days In which to prepare the franchise we do not feel as If we deserved such a peremptory notice as was given by the committee last Friday." Wo Xsoord of Extension. The above statement was made this morning by Herman Wittenberg, one of the directors of the United Railways company, which acquired the franchise granted the Oregon Traction company, now in the balance. The street commit tee of the council at a recent meeting recommended the annulment of the fran chise originally granted the Oregon Traction company, but Wittenberg suc ceeded In having the matter referred by the council at a special meeting held September 8 on promise to substitute a new franchise better suited to the city's Interests. Where Wittenberg pot the idea that he was to be given 30 days in which to present a new franchise Is not known around the city hall. The coun cil records do not show that he was extended SO days nor Is Mayor Lane aware of such an arrangement. Neither Ieputy Auditor Grutxe nor the mem- Ders or me joint committee to which it was referred recall that any time was designated. Mayor Lane instated that the com pany come in at once with a new meas ure and a $50,000 bond to complete the work by the first of next July. Lane urged aa a reason for Immediate action the ract that the company would be out side of the city before the end of the year and away from the Jurisdiction of tne council. Demand Immediate appearance. It was generally understood that the United Railways franchise, along with the market block franchise, was to be taken up at the meeting of the Joint street and Judiciary committee last Fri day. When representatives of the street car company failed to show up. Council man Rushlight moved that they be sent a letter demanding that they appear without fall at the next committee meetings two weeks hence. Mayor Williams signed the franchise giving the Oregon Traction company the riffht to build and operate a street car service in Portland with the under standing that work was to commence four months rrom final approval, which was April 6, 190B. and tbat the road was ; to De completed and irr operation within two years rrom that date. Inability to get material and labor. the company maintains, is responsible ror tne oeiays in rinisning tne enter prise. Work is progressing rapidly and nearly a mile of track has been laid since the franchise matter was fought out In council meeting early In the month. The officials of the road are confident that they will have the major portion or it in operation Dy July 1908. Savings BSsiks." P. Leroy Ilarwood, of xnow jvonnon. Connecticut. Of fleers of the. American Bankers' as sociation for the ensuing year will be chosen next Friday. The principal poll tics seems to center around the secre taryship, a poslton that has been held ror many years by Colonel James R. Branch of New York. The most active new candidate In the field Is Colonel f'red Farnsworth of Detroit. p. C, tvauiman or Meattie, wno has been a candidate for several years, is again In the field. When ths convention is called to or der tomorrow morning, the delegatea will be weloomed bv Governor fitokea. The morning session will b taken up for the most part by the raadlng of the reports of Secretary Branch and of the various committees. There will also be addresses by Governor Swanson of Vlr- finia, by Morlts Loifferman, a delegate rom the banking- Institutions of Ger many, and by William 8. Wltham of the witnam Danks or Georgia. LANE LADS ACCUSED OF STEALING HOUSES (Special Dispsteh to The Joprnal.) Eugene, Or.. Sept 34. Deputy Sher iffs Harry Bown and Shelton Jenkins returned Sunday from Prlnevllle, to which city they drove to bring back to Eugene for trial H. Haines and H. W. Armstrong, the two youths who two weeks ago hired two horses from Kompp's livery stable at Junction City and 'eft the country with them, going over Into Crook fcounty. They were caught at Sisters by two constables and taken to Prlnevllle. where they were 1 NEW SHIRTS FULL ASSORTMENT OF EXCLUSIVE FALL PATTERNS Manhattan Star $1.50 to Cluctt ( ; $3.50 .Wilson WARM UNDERWEAR All grades of the very finest wool garments on display, including the Dr. Jaeger Sanitary Wool Also Dr. Dcirael Linen Mesh The Gentility Shop 311 Morrison, Opposite Postoftlce placed In Jail awaiting the arrival of the officers from Eugene. Ths boys were charged with having committed another crime on their way across ths moun tains, that of holding up and robbing an old peddler named Patterson, bat as the latter declined to appear against them after having been given back his money, they will be tried on the horse stealing charge alone. AMERICAN BANKERS AT ATLANTIC CITY Prominent 3Ien Assemble for Convention Which Will Open Tomorrow. (United Pres. Leawd Wire.) Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. 24. The signatures of prominent bankers and fi nanciers from every section of the coun try filled page after page of the regis ter at the Marlborough-Blenhelm hotel today. They were the names of the delegates to the thirty-third annual con vention of the American Bankers' asso ciation, which will be In session here during the remainder of this week. The regular sessions of the convention proper will not begin until tomorrow, but the annual meetings of several of thu sections of the association today at tracted a large attendance and proved of great interest to the visiting bankers. The trust company section held two sessions during the day. President Fcs tus J. Wade of St. Louis presiding. In addition to the "routine business there were addresses by Hon. Charles Emory Smith, former postmaster-general, and John T. Woodruff of Springfield. Mis souri. The management of reul estate by trust companies in a fiduciary ca pacity, tne propriety or separating trust business from various financing and promoting undertakings, the charges of companies for business of a trust na ture, and new methods of advertising and their results were the principal topics discussed during the day. At the annual meeting of the savings bank section addresses were delivered as follows: "Savings Bank Insurance,", Alfred L. Aitkrf oi Worcester, Massa chusetts; "Review of 1907 Legislation Affecting Savings Banks," Thomas B. Paton; 'The Independent Audit of a Savings Bank." Edward T. Perlne ef New York; 'Uniform Laws for Sav-J ings Banks in the Various States." W. 1 A. Crosr st Clavslaud. Ohio; . , "Postal a l i III.IH..I.....I l..n .UUI llj.l mnu.n.y,, iiliihWI. ml IW ' n WWUKHlim Snumwwm) .IJIIID ii ...iii ,,,, Ijnill.nin.llmui,,. I In I ' ' , - . ,.r ' f Z i -. H n4h " """" I -ry: "r , ! ; -'' . j i - . . . .... , i i fi i ... f ..:. '':':-.::.'.....-,.., . , . ..... . . r - -, .y.:. ; i '.i.;."'-' . "'K':v?i,;i,.;-i ,,. . . . ' 1 'im'friniimmiiiriiiiiiiliiniim 11 1 ' ii' m i n iniMMiinuiniir -t mifulr i.nn mm uiluii-ilil-l.ji xjiiiiJ The Gold Dredge at Work Financial Results Obtained from direct mining investments, yield larger returns than any other form of industry. Senator Clark made his millions by having the courage to investigate. Today he is accumulating capital by bringing his money constantly in touch with "OPPOR TUNITY." Knowledge of mining is not essential for the mak ing of a successful mining investment. Thousands of persons have made fortunes in mining stoock investments that have never seen a mine. Mining is about the only chance that the poor man has to make him independent. Opportunities grasped lead to fortune. Opportunities neglected leave a person in poverty and obscurity. WE WANT THE INVESTIGATOR, THE MAN WHO IS AM BITIOUS, TO CALL AT OUR OFFICE OR WRITE FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS. x The Gold Dredging Company of America Rooms 26-28, 142 Second Street, Portland, Oregon THE GOLD4 DREDGING COMPANY OF AMERICA, Rooms 26-28, 142 Second Street, Portland, - Oregon. Please send me, free of all expense, your handsome prospectus. "A SEN SIBLE PARTNERSHIP." ' Name ........ f..... ; V ' N Street . , . ; , . ; . , y City .. ,. .. .. State .... . . . . . y t: , . . , 'i if' . i :