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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1907)
THE ' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINO,: SEPTEMBER 22. 1907. ETE W FAlX GLOVES Every style, ajtuMty and color In long and short gloves ror street o evening wear. Eatra fine quality, .soft glace Kid Gloves, 2dasp wrist, silk stitching, black and all colors. &1 ofi Exceptional values at $1D Real French Kid Gloves, 2 pearl clasps; silk. stitch ing, black, white and all the fashionable t ft colora.. Jjjttra good values at..,.,.,,..,..3lf D Elbow length real French Kid Gloves, 3-clasp wrist, mousquetaire style, black, white, brown, tan, red and green. Exceedingly good value gg 300 pairs prime Lambskin Gloves, 2-clasp wrist, black and all cplots. Special ' QQ tsw MOBS M FALL and WIETTBM -V.. Y' . New Fall Toweling 'and Damask Table Linens Just a word of some very striking values In Towel and Toweling and Housekeepers who delight in charming table linens will benefit by the following pedal values ' offered for Monday and Tueaday'a ' , selling BLEACHED DAMASK Full 60 inches wide, comes in a larore assortment of new patterns, good wearing quality; exceptional value at this Cflr " low price, per yard.............- ,UUl wide, splen- 75 c BLEACHED DAMASK Full 64 inches wide. strictly all linen, new and attractive patterns, sple vard.. It did quality. Specially priced at, per BLEACHED DAMASK Full 72 inches wide guar anteed all linen, great assortment of pretty new de signs to choose from. Our leader at, t1 AA per yard $1.UU 22-inch Napkins to match, per dozen $3.50 BLEACHED DAMASK Full 72 inches wide, strictly all linen, comes in a large assortment of handiwmc.scwjlcjigovL-MLalil 9C Specially priced at, per yard 24-inch Napkins to match; per dozen S3.90 16- INCH TOWELINO All linen, extra good quality at, per yard 1UC 17- INCH CRASH TOWELINO All linen, plain white and whke with red border; great 19' value at, per yard 1 17- INCH CRASH TOWELINO All linen, very absorbent and durable, both plain ' and twilled weaves, all white and white with red and blue 1 C " borders, extra good value at,'per yard 1IL 18- INCH CRASH TOWELING AH linen, extra heavy and durable, plain and momie weaves. 1 O. specially pneca ai, per yru ' 16-INCH DAMASK TOWELS Full bleached, ex cellent wearing quality, all white and white with red border, extra good value at this low The Largest Varieties and Best Values We Ever Offered Are Now Ready Never in the history of this store has such a comprehensive gathering of high class outer garments been shown. While we do not claim to have the best garments in the world, yet we do claim to have just those garments that please the majority of women ; . in" style; pRttti an!) ' QUAttTTrWc base thisTlaim entirely on the enormous business we are doing in this section and on the compar- lsons between , the stocks in this store and elsewhere, that are made dailv J by prudent shoppers. Women's New Fall Suits As near as we can find out there is not another store in Portland show ing the variety of popular priced tailor-made suits that we are and we ab solutely know that there is no other offering such good values. All the top-notch styles of the season are here in the newest fabrics and colors. Footwear Every desirable style; all the best and most popu lar leathers, with sizes and widths and ahapea to fit any foot, at prices you will find at Roberts Bros. only. Three Specials for Monday and Tuesday Women's Hand -Made Shoes, Best $3.00 and $3.50 Grades at price, per yard Hack Towels 17x32 inches fl.OO A DOZEN 10c Hack' Towels of excellent quality, good large size, 17x32 inches, made with selvedge edge and finished with fast colored borders. Huck Towels -f 00 JL8x36 inches 2v f 1.SS A DOZEN Huck Towels, full half linen, extra good quality, all white, mada with selvedge edge, splendid value at this price.,-' i - '" ' Huck Towels 20x40 inches .f 1.50 A DOZEN Huck Towels of extra good quality, finished with fast colored borders, best value in. the city at this price. ,j ATuck Towels 0x40 inches f 2.T5 A DOZEN Linen Huck Towels, 19x40 inches, all -white, finished with hemstitched borders: our leader at this price. 15c New Fall Suits $15.00 By all odds the prettiest suits we ever saw at the price. They are madeof plain broad cloths and cheviots; also fine English tweeds, checks, stripes and plaids; the styles show fitted, semi-fitted or loose coats in all lengths; the skirts have all the latest style touches. Handsome Fall Suits 010.50 It would be hard to find any handsomer or better fitting suits than these. They are strict ly high class garments and come in plain and fancy broadcloths, English cheviots; also fancy stripe effects, military style and other braid trimmed effects, plain tailored models in all length coats from hip to full length. Fashionable Mon-Toilo'd Suits $25.00 Most exclusive styles of the season at this price and fully equal to suits offered at other stores for $35.00 and $40.00. They are made of finest domestic and imported suitings, ex act copies of the beautiful European models more than fifteen styles at this price, beauti fully finished and tailored. New Fall Waists W are now showing a great many of the new Fall Vyaista In Mohairs, Popline, Nun veiling and Silks, j ' TWO EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Taffeta Silk Waists $4.50 Made from fine quality taffeta silk, front has several rows of silk embroidery with clusters of wide tucks in the spaces between the embroidery to give fullness. Long sleeve with tucked cuffs. Black and colors. Swiss Taffeta Silk Waists 06.50 Smart tailor made Waist of finest chiffon taf feta, front tastefully arranged in groups of very close pin tucks graduating in length and pressed box plaits. A shield effect in center of front is formed by half inch horizontal plaits and very small pin tucks in V-shape. The sleeve is fi length. .Black n colors. New Fall Coats Smart Fall and Winter Coats in a great variety of styles and material at all prices from 96.50 to S25.00. Three extra specials, consisting of black or tan broadcloth. 50 inches lonur. olain or braid trimmed.' $10.50, $12.50 and $15.00 Girls' Winter Coats A very complete collection of Girls Winter Coats are here for your inspection, consisting of dark mixtures, checks and plaids, kerseys, chinchillas, velvets and bearskin. The prevailing style is the same as in women's coats olain tailor made. Large assortments in sires 2 to 6 and 8 to 14 years. Priced at S2.50. S3.S0. f4.50 and up to flO.OO A Great Collection of New Fall Skirts Chief among the recent arrivals in Skirts are six styles which we shall sell this week at fe.50, although they are good $8.50 values. They are mostly fine worsted or chiffon Pan ama cloths, full plaited, side, box and clus ter effects, and part are finished with horizon tal folds; also Black Voile Skirts and skirts of neat checks in light color combinations. We make a specialty of these this week $8.50 Values for $6.50 Pettiooat Specials 08f PETTICOATS Splendid quality of mer cerized sateen, made up in the "umbrella' flounce style, has three 4-inch ruffles strapped together giving an extra .wide sweep, yoke top and strapped seams. 91.25 PETTICOATS Made from lustrous black sateen or moreen, having 12-inch flounce finished with stitched bands or deep accordion plaiting; a handsome serviceable skirt. 91.95 PETTICOATS A very handsome style, made from genuine Heatherbloom, has wide bias ftounce trimmed with a very full ruffle, finished with several rows of shirring and hemstitching. Lots of "rustle" and "swish" to this skirt. 95.90 SILK PETTICOATS Made from ex tra heavy and fine rustling taffeta, several styles and are shown in black, navy, green, purple, browns, reds and changeable effects. Exceptional values are these. EVERY PAIR.. CAREFULLY. FITTJU)AlrIL. UUAKANTKKD. A great sale tomorrow women's hand-made Shoes, in button, lace and blucher, made of gunmetal calf, deml glaze, patent colt and vkl kid; new fall styles and ahapea, in all sixes; widths from -A A to EE; all standard makes, such aa Val, Dut tonhofer & Sona, the Walk Over, the Princess Louise, the Doris, the Coronet, etc Shoes that are known the world over and made to sell In- H trie regular way at SJ.00 and S3.50. Specially priced lor this sale S2.3T: 25c Wintefr UNDER WEAR Cnildren's Stockings Three Extra Special Values This busy section will afford many opportunities for supplying fall and winter underwear and hosiery wanta at aaving. Below we mention three big spe cials for Monday and Tuesday. . Children's Stockings Best 25o Quality at '3 Pair for 50 A splendid-wearing, handsome finished Stocking for boys and girls; in fine ribbed, all sizes; made of best Egyptian yarn; reinforced throughout. Tomorrow you may buy three pairs for the regular price of two. Special Monday and Tuesday ITf Women's Underwear Best $2.00 Grade at li(Q) Women's Underwear, made of fine select Australian wool, the celebrated Norfolk and New Bruns wick make;, shirts and drawers in all sizes; cream color only;vsold everywhere at $2.00 a garment. Special Monday and Tuesday at ..... Infants9 Stookings Best 25c Quality at The Best Values in the City at tne x ollowing- JLow Jfrices New Broadcloth from fl.OO to 92.00 New Ocean Serges from 50 to f 1.50 New Heavy Cheviots from.....50f to 91.75 New Plain Panamas from 50 to 91.75 New Wool Taffetas from 75e to 91.50 wew Novelty iserges from 7Kf to 91.35 New French Poplins from 75 to 91.65 New French Henriettas from. .50 to 91.25 New Herringbone Cheviots from 91 to 91.60 New Slack Goods $1.25 and 91.30 vals Our great stock of Black Dress Goods is now most complete, showing all the popular new weaves and fabrics for fall and winter. To morrow we offer choice of 25 bolts Voiles, Henriettas', Serges, Panamas, Armures, Moh delaines, Novelty Batistes, Poplins and Wool Taffetas; all regular $1.25 and $1.50 values, at the extremely low price, ner OP yard .VOC Fashionable KTew Silks and Dress Goods Dependable Qualities in Strikingly Handsome Designs All recent arrivals carrying the tone and character that emphasizes the season's leading weaves. The best efforts of the men who man the looms of the greatest textile mills in tho world are to be seen here. We have never given more time and thought to these departments and the result is most convincingly shown in the vast range of patterns and satisfactory arrays of new fall and winter fabrics in all the new shadings. Every pattern reveals the high art of modern weaving and coloring; andTherc are hundreds and hundreds of patterns to choose from. Here Are a Few of the Kinds and Prices Handsome New Silks AN UNSURPASSED ASSORTMENT OFIXT T t TTT a. THE MOST POPULAR WEAVES IN THE w X ollUU " OUUllgS X NEWEST SHADES OF .BLUE, BROWN, ,95e 50o, 75o, 85c and $1.00 30-inch Silk and Wool Novelty Plaids, in all the new colorings, new shadow plaids, broker) plaids, dice checks and ombre plaids, the most popular fabrics for fall and winter waists. They must be seen to be appreciated. New French Challies i ........ AT 50 Full 30-inch new , French Challies, strictly all pure wool, navy, tan and red ground with neat dots, in all the best colors, war ranted to wash; extra good quality at this price. Chamois Taffetas g & 75c and 85c grades vOv Chamois Taffetas, one of the most stylish and- serviceable silks of the season, warranted to launder nicely, will not cut or split; over fifty shades to choose from: sold evervwhere at 75c and 85c a yard. Specially priced Jf" for this sale at ...DOC PLAIDS t PLAIDS I PLAIDS I We have first call for correct fall dressers. We have just received a great shipment of hundreds of yards in bright, rich colorings. New Ombre and Scotch Plaids in all the latest color schemes, embracing the new shades of brown, blue, green, red, etc.; a magnificent assort ment; real works of art, that are a revelation to Portland shoppers. The best values in the city at 75e 85f, fl.OO, fl.25, fl.50 New Persian Silks at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 New Persian Silks in taffeta and louisine weaves; the very choicest patterns to be found in the Northwest. Nothing short of a trip to the store can give you an idea of their beauty. vaiues tnat cannot De dupjicated in the city. Women's Shoes, Begular $2.00 Grades at $1.00 Women's Shoes in a half dozen new styles, all sixes, fine vicl kid uppers, with light and heavy soles ;i also kangaroo calf uppers with heavy soles; best $2.00 grades f. fl.OO Women's Shoes, Best $3.00 Grades at $1.77 At this price you have choice of 21 styles, all new, up-to-date and desirable; made of fine vici kid, with light and heavy soles, high and low shoes m both lace and blucher cuts; not a pair in the lot worth less than $3.00. On sale at f 1.77 Men's Undlerw'ar Correct Fall and Winter Weights-Miree Special Values A fiftn Men's fall weight Merino Shirts and l ""u Drawers, In natural gray v aV P 1 garment, 65. A fit 00 Men'" ,al1 weiht Merino Shirts V-liuu an(j Drawerg in natural gray, high-grade make and finish, extra good wearing un derwear, at, per garment, fl.OO. A SI OO Men' fa" weight ribbed worsted -CXC VlvU very ejasti; form.fitting ShirU are made with silk faced front and French elastic neck; special, per garment, fl.OO. Men's New Fall Shirts v' and ; Underwear f , The best standard makes ' t prices the very lowest It -is possible to quote on merchandise of dependable - quality. We invite you to visit this department to- ., morrow It will pay you well Men's Dress Shirts The lion arch Brand 1 Motions and Art Goods If you are at all interested in securing exceptional values in Notions and Art Goods, the kind Roberts Bros, usually give, get here tomorrow or Tuesday for these: We are now showing a complete line of men'a Negligee Shirts in all the latest fall patterns and colors, made of excellent quality material with at- ' tached and detached cuffs; the celebrated Mon-. arch Brand, the best shirt made, M t0 to sell at-.. . Men's Dress Shirts The Cluott Brand wholesale cost; best 25cgrade 50c SHEARS, 25 Special sale, Scissors and Shears, sizes 7, 8, 9, of good steel; splendid values at 50c Specially priced 25? 25c HAIR -PINS, 17 Special sale, Box Hair Pins, shell or amberr 1 doz to box ; goods valued 2Speeiallypricedr17. 5c HAIR .PINS, 3 Special sale Wire Hair Pins packed in neat cabinet;' goods valued at 6c; specially priced 3 . JOc SOAP, je-Special sale. A splendid line of highly perfumed clear saving, of lOo . a air: -soaps, sucn as savon vioiette, savor Kose and e leur-de-us, Monday and;Tuesday at....l5f packed 3 cakes to box; goods valued at 10c; specially priced, 5. .5ilk Heels and Tdes Infants!., strictly all-wool Cashmere Stockings, in colors black and white: we have 100 dozen of these and will place the entire 6tr on t sale tomorrow at .much less than 5 35c YARNS, 20s Special sale. German Knitting Yarn in black and gray; goods valued at 35c; specially priced 20$ 85?' P?LLOW TOPS, 25f Special sale. . A. splendi4 line, of oriental Tapestry Pillow Tops, very neat head and landscape de signs; goods valued at 35c; specially priced... .' 25f 75c PILLOW: RUFFLING. 390 Special sale. SnVndM mll rty scrim Pillow Ruffling, all the desired colors, neat patterns a " iK goods valued at 75c; specially-priced.. ; . ..30f .V . Men'a new'fall Shirts, the peerless Cluett Brand, la an assortment of patterns, styles and colors $ large uiai au may ce suucu; coai ana rtj, , 'ce styleswitn cuffs attached or detached; both rin piauea uosom; a nign-graae snin ff f moderate price