The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 22, 1907, Page 18, Image 18

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" v ' ... . ..... ,,.' : . ' -
Has Great Punch in Each JIandi and; Extremely Bugged
J -nly of Boxer Who' Might Beat the Colored -i
4 Champion Will Not Depend" on Cleverness.
Br C B, Vu Loan.
I-oa Angelea, CaL. Sept II. --Joseph
Oana la rapidly neartng the last Jump
on tha ooursa. ' He degrad the Brttt
hurdle with the' bit In bla teeth, but
' now come a tough obstruction labelled
Mem ale.
Thla. fallow Memalo ia a good speci
men of tha only typa of fighter that
will ever hava a ohanoa to defeat Joa
Ooha while the .latter raUlna hie
strength. A clever man will nevr
atand a ghost of a chanoa with tha
old raaatar.
Gane la a marvel at tha game of
folnta and counters. Ha steps in and
out, nia long lert arm at run etreton
prodding about with hla left hand until
satisfied with the nimnlnr nresented.
and than Ilka a flash tha right shoots
irue io ma mar. Never a wasted
movement, never aa uncertain step.
'Joa flghta hla fight very much aa
an expert chesa player ervfry. move
meana something; everything la done
for a purpose. . The man who atanda
up to box with Gane la lost Tha anly
man who haa a chance with hint la the
Hard-headed . individual Who cornea in
. on tha run. banging awav with both
hands. And than the odda are about
. j.ouo co i against hla landing n erreo-
uve puncn. - ,( .
Oaaa Was Oasglt aTapptar.
Nelson etayed 41 rounda with Oana
okeleton at Ooldfleld. There waa ana
round in . tha fight which oanaed the
Oan people .a lot or worry, and that
wis the round" inwhich Bat-ianded --
hard left awing to tha pit of Joe's
empty etomach. Tha colored boy bent
aouDie. etaggerea erect and ma
rolled in hia head.
Had Kelson the punoh of a Toung
Corbett or a Memaio ha would have
won hla fight right there. It waa the
only really effective blow he landed
during the 41 rounda, but it waa enough
to ahow that tha old master la not- an
Ironclad. Joe waa caught napping. The
punch was telegraphed In advance, but
he failed to block It Such overal
have loat flghta.
Kid McCoy waa a marvel of a boxer.
but he came near defeat in hla last
10-round fight the one with Jack
(Twin) Sullivan. Tor fifteen or sixteen
rounds he had been prowling around
Sullivan like an Italian around a danc
ing bear. Time after time Sullivan
went down, -took the count . and came
back again. The Boaton boy wma game
and desperate enough to fight back like
a wna man, out anchor auppea out
of the way of all of the awlnga and
The- fight waa a Joke. It waa like
beating a blind man. Toward the end
of the fight McCoy gave up trying
to put Sullivan away, and, hia own
strength failing, devoted himself to
footwork and an occasional Jab. Sulli
van feinted and McCoy, grinning,
dropped his hands and took a wide step
to the right At the same time Sulli
van swung a low haymaker with his
left. McCoy walked straight into It It
sounded like a thump on a bass drum.
McCoy In telling about It afterwards
Could Bare Won Blffct There.
"He didn't know that he had me, be
cause I danced away, but to save my
11 tk i couian t nave ranea my- hands.
For perhaps fifteen .seconds I felt as
If I had been paralysed from tha waist
up. I never suffered so from a body
blow In my life, and it served mo right
i tnougni ne waa too easy, and I
dropped my hands and walked right
Into It. One rap- on the Jaw would
have fetched ma and It waa only be
cause I made facea at him that ha
aUtyed away."
Meir.slc saw tha Brttt fight, taking
J rest comfort from tha fact that Gana
Id not floor Britt during tha five
iuuiiu. a in nil who a eye miKUi
liave seen that Gana never put his
strength into - single blow delivered
during the fight He beat Britt with
short rlrht lolts and never onr Alii
he whip over the old sleep-producer aa
he did at Ooldfleld. If Memalo thinks
that Gans can hit . no harder . than he '
did against Britt ha should think again.
Up' to data' thera' haa been little or
no batting on the fight Tha Memalo
people want raoetrark odda for their
money J to 1 will suit them very welt
Thla la a very lopsided price, but on
won; rr. Keith (Dupee), It to, I, sec
ond; Blue I'lgeon (Archibald) ( third.
Time. 4:11 1-6., v .
ADout six rurionga, junior Champion
i.uu .:u '(Miner), 7 .to 10, won;
tincle (Notter), second; 4 Meellok . (B.
uuganj, intra. Time, i:jo.
One and a quarter miles, first
II AAA Uuhi.t I XTUnl I . n1
.iV.v umivi iiiiuvi;, m v -I www,
Electioneer (Knapp), second; Salrldera,
(10, Dugan), third., Time, 1:07.
One and a sixteenth miles Arimo
i carman Jr..) IS to 1. won; Sir Tod
Ington (Cassldy).' aerond; Lang Allen
(J. uurien, third. Time, I-i.
Five furlonga Desirous (Preston), It
to m, won; Aunt Koae (Mountain), eeo
ond; Queen. Marguerite (Lowe), third.
.timet ;.
Six furlonga Chief Hayea (Sumter),
is to IV, won; oolden unore (B. luxan),
aecond; Hooray , (C. Miller), third.
Time, XtlX I-s. ; . " , '
, Onbg Batter . Tonng. .;
(Baited rreas Laaa Wire.)
: Chicago, Sept 11 Toung did well
form and past performancea It should I until the fourth inning. . Then tha
be 1 to 10. . . iehamnlona hit him hard and continued
the work nntll ha waa relieved by Frlck.
K. h. ia.
sxz-.ifiE'mv unit t & it
fflLaSTSi daV !? toPfaiaVr UUTcW
Gana la hard at work. LAat Man-
day ha atarted hla road work, doing PVT.
ring ! toe an
he daz'a work
weighed la at III. A week before the Trio
V . . . V. . (II I W J . . 1 . 1 ' -
acalea which hava been baiafeod bv an hOnwUnaig BoDCli Bona In Fourth.
expert McCarey Is determined that MOalted frees . Leaaea Wire.)
tnere snail De no tnis riant i ti an i tv t..i
and at the present writing there aeema Cardinale acoreof four runa, enough to
i. ;mui vi niuiiiB umi i tat the rniiadeiphlas in the second in-
wrong, as both men are within easy nmg on hiu by Murray, Holly, Hopkins,
reaoh Of the weight.. ... .lUoatetter ul lirnr. Iih
: weight.
BCaanaio VU His Matters.
Memalo makes no eecret of his elan
of campaign. He saya that the way
that Gana emothered Britt at tha box
game haa oonvlnced hhn that hla er Marshall.
Hoatetter and Karcer. Score
R. H. B.
Philadelphia ... .00010000 11 I
Bt Loula ......0 4000000
Battsrles Cbrrldon and Oooln;
oounter, and be means to meet Joe
coming out of hla corner and atay with
him until something happens.
juemsio carries a neavy puncn in
Bunt Wtau for Pittsburg.
. (Usited ma Leaaad Wire.)
Pittsburg, Sept" 11. A bunt by Leach
either hand., tha fight being the morel with tha bases fulL bringing In Swaclna
dangerous. He needs time in which to in the last half of the ninth won the
set himself for thla punoh. but If he game for Uie fi rates today, score
Pittsburg ,
Bat ten es-
and Ritter.
hits the mark with It ha can whip any
liahtwelsht in the world. He ones
floored Tommy Burna with that punch
to tha Jaw and it waa thla bile-driver
wallop which caused tha heavyweight
to adl Memalo to hla stable. If Memalo
wades In to make It a alagftng be
toe nisi win not iaai ions, ror tne ho-
nemian rignta at a lernrio cup, rusn
ing his man and swinging aa be cornea
Thla report does not worry Oana
UI 'low If he seta cloat enouah to
me to. land his right hand hell fee) ,Vl,
uk ahmit th fi nna "T I Cincinnati
hit some myse f.
Trouble for the Boxers.
San Francisco is beainninar to cook
up trouble for the boxers. The police
commission ana ine Doara or super
visors . put , a committee to work in-
R. H.B.
0 0 000 00 0 11 I 0
....0 0 00 0000 00 S 1
Leaver and Gibson; Rucker
Hmn Oe4 Le4 Early,
mnltad Praaa lAmA Wlra.1
Cincinnati. Sept 11. The Giants se
cured a commanding lead early In to
day's game and easily defeated Cincin
nati. Score: R. H. E.
New Tork . ... , .1 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 4 I 1
...00000001 01 - I
Baiterles Matthewaon and Breana-
han; Smith, Hltt and McLean.
" . avaaaaTaanaMSMSsiaaBMPejBWM
ftha star of tha tourists from the Em
raid lala.t , . . , ,
Tha South African cricket team added
another noton to its stick ey giving a
combined eleven ' of South Wales a
aound drubbing. Tha game waa played
at Cardiff, , and. the Cape cricketers
scored 1(9 in one Inning, while the
Welshmen could only get tl and 111 In
two sessions. This waa ths twenty-
seventh game for tha men from the
Transvaal. They won 19 of theae with
but ' I defeata (ona against All Eng-
Clarence Mackav Another ftV.Tr.w6B"
, , , , trn nrni ' I . While It ia yet too early to form any
American wpo wm
- Try for Derby.
International Billiard Tournament
definite idea aa to tha Olymplo games
next year, the number of athletee who
have aignlfled their intention of com
petlng makea It certain that tha games
will La the greatest ever held. Great
Britain naturally will head the list so
far aa the number of entrants is con
corned. Then In the order named will
coma America, Germany and Belaium.
Sweden ia already making inquiries for
and It may surprise many to learn that
tha Argentine Republic will be very
strongly represented, especially in the
pole vault It haa been suggested by
Proml Well-SaOlng of EnglM, Ve. SSWjft? til
Team Under nesketh Prltchard
M Kreot fat th Cricket World.
By Elchard Dahlgran.
- (Special Cable to Tha Journal)
London, Sept 11. Tha newa whlohl
cornea from tea atatee that Clarence
H. Mackay lntenda to try for tha Derby
next year la In Una with what I aald
stadium, but this would mean the hold
in us of trafflo for a distance of aev-
erai miles,, and I am aura the commis
sioner of police would not entertain
aucn a proposal ror a moment
. J- Xeete Batatas from Bast with
Bnooaraglaf Vews.
H. L. Keats, manager of tha H. L.
laat week of the revival of Intereat f Keata Auto company of thla city, haa
among Americana In Enxliah aclng br returned froaa a six week a' burnl
Detroit Whig and Loaea,
(United Fnaa Umd Wire.)
New York. Sept. II. Detroit and the
New Tork Americana Drone even today
In a double-header.' The Y an Ice won the
flrat game through superior hitting,
while the second contest went to the
Your committee le of the opinion that X!eri e"T" ' Scor-
the plethora of profeestonal boxing ex- First game . A ...... H. B.
hibltlons durlnsr the laat few months Detroit ....00010000 11 1 1
veatlgatlng the firming game as it Is
operated in tha Bay City, and here is
portion or uie report turned in:
"Your committee reports aaalnat the
petition of Alex Greggalns for permis
sion to. conduct a professional boxlna
exnioition aurmg tna montn or uctober.
la all-eufflcient and that a month at
leaat might elapse without another oc-
.umuf in pan CTancisco.
"Plethora of professional boxlna ax
hibltlona" ia good. Thla must mean the
Burna-Squlrea, Thomas-Ketchell. Britt
Nelson. Kaufmann-Schreck and the Oana
Brttt shows. Out of tha five fights the
sports or can ranciaco the moat lib
eral fellows In the world, with their
coin and in their view saw two really
great ngnts. Tne eirrns-Bquires show
was a irost; me jcsurmann-Bcnreck ar
fair was a dlsaDDointment and the
Uana-Britt "battle or the century"
turned out to be a joke without a laurh
In it except for the fighters and the
promoters.- n waa a joke which cost
tne puDito over tss.ueo,
New York.. 11101100 I 14 1
Batteries: Mullln. B. Jones, KIlH&n
and Payne; Chesebro and Thomas.
Second came R. H. E.
Detroit 410010 0 7 0
New York 4 1 0 0 0 1 01 T 1
Called In 7th, darknesa.
Batteries: Mullln and Schmidt: Hogg.
Neuer and Blair.
White Sox Beat Senator.
Waahinrton. Seot 11. The White
Sox bunched hits on Charley Smith and
Falkenburg today, winning by five to
three. Four of tne five hits made, off
White came In the third and fourth In
nings. After that Chicago was invinci
ble. Score: K. H. B.
The two sood flarht mailt, nn tnr Washington ooizoooo o a b s
the 4aor .ihlhlf Inn. hut if W.C ..Chicago ... 11000100 0 t 9 1
were stirring in
Chicaeo ... 11000100 0 ( t
jtiatieriee: J. amitn, f amenourg ana
Blankenshlp; White and Sullivan.
if tha lty fathara
tneir aieep.
Baw Baoatsaok in loath.
After several months of baklna- and
filling It is at last certain that there
win d winter racing in southern Cali
fornia, but not at tha Ascot track. This
fins racing plant haa been put out of
till f n.lf . h . a4A1.iAi In I Vl a Mm.
ueorge Koae and Barney Bchrelber rnuaaeipnia ozwsivvv o u
Athletics Shot Oat St. Lonls.
Phlladelnhla. Sent 11. Plank's rood
pitcning enamea tne fnuaaipnia Ameri
cana to shut out St. Loula today. Score:
St Loula ..00000900 00 8 1
tha aucceaa of Mr. Croker's Orby. II
had come to be believed that It was
useless for Americans to try for the
great race, but now It la felt that there
la a ohanoa, there" la reason to believe
that more American horses than ever
before will be Seen in the big English
1 understand Bam Darllnr is to train
for Mr. Mackay. He would find it hard
to get a better one. Darling now haa
two Derby winners to nis credit in
Gal tic More and Aid Patrick, and he
will come as near fitting Mr. Mackaya
horses for winning as any man 1 know.
Ha trains now for the Duke of Devon
shire, Captain Qrear. fowrrr of Pile ye
Galllon), Lord Dalmeny (son of Lord
Rosebery). the Earl of Lonsdale and
There are now in Kngiand six year
lings owned by August Belmont that
are to be raced here In due time. Theae
are entered in the Derby and Oaks of
1000. James R. Keene and J. E. Mad
den have also made nominationa in the
Derby and Oaks of 180.
The report of a quarrel between Dan
ny Maher. the great American jockey
and, Hoi Joel, tne aoutn a mean aia
mond and gold, magnate, who haa one
of the most successful racing stables of
the season. Is without foundation, m
her. It is true, has declined to ride for
Mr. Joel, but It is, I am aasured, aim
ply because his other engagements
would not permit
The remarkable shooting of the
American -rifle team for the Palma tro
phy at Altarva and the comparatively
poor showing of the British team haa
alven rise to considerable comment
The Post says the score of the Ameri
cans not only easily constitutea a
world's record, but for all similar con
tests. The general Impression Is that
the record will atand for a long time.
Another wrestling champion haa come
nit of Russia and is after tha scats of
the great Hackenachmldt. He ia Ivan
l'udonbursr, is 38 years old and welgha
198 pounds in condition. lie has won
tha world's chamolonnhlo with Hack
out for three years and is confident he embrace, .as laat year,
can win It with Hack in. At an events
he has Issued a challenge to the Rus
sian Lion, which may be accepted.
f'omte de Dree of Paris, who is rep
resenting the French Amateur Billiard
ness trip among the different automo
bile factories throughout the eaat He
porta the scarcity of money in New
xork la raising havoo with the auto
mobile manufacturera. some six or elsht
being forced to have receivers appoint
ed during the short time that he was
there. That automobiles cost money
to manufacture and that the manufac
turers are not all becoming wealthy is
apparent from the number of theae
failurea. He says the embarrassment of
theae factories, aa a rule, ia only tem
porary and will not delay 10 dellv
erlea. Thay have already purchased the
crude material, as In thaVcase of the
Pope Manufacturing company, and the
majorityof the parts are already under
eons ir nation, .
The rreateet interest In the auto
mobile world appeared to be centered
In the 10 horsepower Buick 4-cyllnder
runabout of high-grade construction.
which will be marketed next year bv
the Buick Motor company at a price
not to exceed $160," said Mr. Keata
"Thy win manufacture 10.000 of these
cars during 1001 and the well-known
reputation of this company to manu
facture cars that stand up to their
work insures an enormous demand for
this car. This company will out on the
market for the flrat time a 11,600 tour
ing car of 40 horsepower, for whloh they
claim great things. They will also con
tinue the manufacture or their popular
two and four oyllnder cars similar to
this year's construction.
"The Pope Manufacturing company,
manufacturers of the' Pope Hartford
car, which proved such a sensation dur
ing the automobile races, hill climbs and
endurance runs In this city, have dv
elded to make no radical change for
1908. It will have a little longer wheel
base, larger wheels, more roomy body
of handsome design and different oil
ing system which will do away entirely
with piug trouDies.
j-l li. rranKiin company, manufac
turers of the celebrated Franklin air
cooled car, have Increased the horsn
power of all their models 40 per cent,
and as their engine has alwaya devel
oped more power than they claimed
for them, this increase la certain v
wonderful without adding any addi
tional weight to thenar. Their line will
the email, light
touring car and runabout, the large
five-passenger touring car and runabout
and tne aix-cyiinder seven-passenger
touring car and runabout which was
such a decided success in 1907. This
six-cylinder car has the reputation of
Capture Both Prizes Given for Con
teats Held During the
SUte Fair.
J. P. Limerick carried off flrat honors
In tha contest held during tha atate fair
by tha Oregon Homing club. Mr. Lira
erlck'a pigeons won htm tha allvar cup
offered for tha beat average apeed as
well aa tha cup offered for the beat In
dividual speed.
Four races were held, one each day.
Tha blrda were liberated at tha fair
grounds at Salem Tuesday, Wedneadaja,
Thuraday and Friday afternoon a at
o'clock, whence they flew to Portland.
The fastest time made during the four
days was one hour and seventeen min
utes, whloh Is considered very good.
Tuesday XL II. Bauer won first and
second. Limerick third and fourth and
and fourth and Dnbuhr fifth. Thura
won first and third. Limerick second
ana - rourtn ana ueounr mm. inurs
day Limerick won flrat and second and
Debuhr won third. Friday Bauer won
first and third and Limerick second
and fourth.
nave purcnased xrom bi. J. Baldwin a
tract or land at his famous ranch and
A. M. Allen, the builder of all the
great tracka or. tha middle west and
far waat la already hard at work with
a big staff of man constructing ths
new plant,' which will be known as
Santa Anita park. Meaera. Rose and
Sohretber state that thev will onen the
pura ino urai ween in ueceniDer.
Batteries: Dineen and Bpenoer; Plank
and Powers.
Cleveland Defeata Boston.
Boston. Sent II. The Cleveland
Americana' batting rally in the fourth
Inning today gave them a lead which
the locals could not overcome. While
Boston outbatted their opponents, the
tatter's errorless game with Boston's
five mistakes proved more than enough
to win the game. Score: R.H.S,
Cleveland ..00140000 0 1 0
Boston ....looooooo o o
Batteries: Berger and Clarke; Morgan,
Winter and Shaw.
association In an endeavor to bring I being tne smoothest, quietest and mot
comrortaDie riaina; car on me American
Shortstop Hulswltt of the Columbus,
Ohio, team has a record of 11 straight
fames without an error.
Catcher McFarland of the White Sox
Is Comlskey's troublesome child. He la
as good as "Rube" Waddell in tha dis
appearing act
Pitcher Jack Taylor, the hero of Nel
aonvllle. Ohio, has been handed the sad
farewell by President Murphy of the
Chicago Nauonaia.
The laat Detroit-Cleveland aerlea at
Detroit cauaed mora excitement in Mich
igan than anything alnca the big wind
Dave Brain of the Boaton Nationala
will be able to supply each of his team
matei witira pafr of" aftoeg before tha
end of the season. Dave has already
won nine pairs of "kicks" for nine home
No matter how far apart their stand
ing In the American League raoe the
Philadelphia and Boaton teams play the
game for keeps when they meet
Perry Llpe, manager of the Macon,
Georgia, team, has Just finished his fifth
season. In 760 consecutive games he
haa not been out of the game for even
a single inning.
Chicago fana are worried because of
the inability of the Cubs to equal their
last aeason's record of games won. They
fear the Cubs may lose a pennant In
the next six or eight years.
Christy Mathewson of the New Tork
Giants haa been showing flashes of his
aM.Im. Jft.m 1... Th.,a I. i.i. In-
lY none better than "Matty" when he la !
e e
At Columbus the other day over 10,000
fieople saw the home team defeat To
ndo In both games of a double-header.
Several big league cities will not have
so large an attendance In a week.
The Aberdeen team, leaders in the
Northwest league, lost five straight
games to Seattle recently, which gave
the Seattle fans much happiness.
bout a great International tournament
of amateur bllllarolsts, la thoroughly
satisfied with the outlook. He has re
ceived assurances sufficient to warrant
the assertion that the tournament cer
tainly will be held. The time and place
have not yet been settled, but the prob
ability Is that New York Will be se
lected as the place and next April as
the time. j
The sailing of the English cricket
team to America under the captaincy
of Hesketh ..Pritchard was an event In
the cricket world. Besides the inva
sion of expert cricketers on the Ameri
can mainland, a tour of the West Indies
Is being planned by a team from Ire
land. The team has not yet been com
pleted, but It is understood that Sir
T. C. O'Brien will be one of the party.
He la In the veteran class now, but
retains all of his old-time ability as a
fast run-getter, and will doubtless be
Some ona haa suggested a series be
tween the St. Louis Nationala and
Washington Americans at the end of the
season. As both have had much experi
ence playing at the end of their leagues
they doubtless would be willing to play
at the end of the season.
Yourself aa endless amount e
trouble very ,
You need anythlnf In J
Auto Supplies'.
Motorcycles :
Athletic Goods
. 5
By coming direct to our store.:
Best Stock
Best Service -
Best Prices
In tha Northwest
Either in exchange for a new one
or for repairs.
And in charge of
expert mechanics.
Opposite Wells-Fargo Building.
market, 'iney win continue the con
struction of their light delivery wagon,
which is the only practical delivery
wagon that I saw during my entire trip.
As for myself. I will represent for 1908
practically the same lines as In 1107."
State Rifle Team Challenged.
(Special DWpatrh to The JeeraaL)
Helena, Mont, Sept. II. It Is more
than probable that a team selected from
Company D of Olendlve will shoot a
match with the team that represented
the state at camp Ferry. Ohio, with
such great credit The Olendlve men
were dissatisfied with the selection of
that team and have Issued a challenge,
which has beeA accepted. The team la
to bet 11,000 against tfiOO by the Olen
dlve members of the Second regiment
and the championship of the state will
be thus decided.
"Live Wire" McCloskey of St. Louis
might sign Schwenk, Stultc, Blerkotte,
Wohleberm, Kahlfoff and Kansler from
the South Atlantic league, where he got
"Bugs" Raymond. Wth Hoelakoettor,
Konetchy and Hoatetter "Mack" would
have a pretxel outfit that would sound
well in Budwclser Center.
. (Bearat News by Longest Leased Wire.)
Denver, Sept. II. There waa conster
nation In the household of Mrs. Gene
vieve Chandler-Phlppa thla morning
when It became known that the well
known society leader had been poisoned.
Mrs. Phipps waa taken suddenly and
violently 111 after dining at her home
No. 1277 Logan avenue, laat evening.
She waa forced to take to her bad 1m-
mediately, but tha seriousness of her
illness was not understood until this
morning when a phyaiolan was aum
moned. The patient ia still Buffering consider
ably, but la aald to be out of danger. '
She will be confined to her room for
several days. '
Members of tha houaehold are at a
losa to account for tha presence of
ptomaines in the food prepared for laat
nlght'a dinner unless they were In aoma
corn that had been left etanding in a tin
vessel -f
Metsgors ay glaaaee. It 141 Wash,
h The . IrMn AfMnnnflntrnjatit wfitAti wtTl
felt owing to tha absence of tha Van-
arhilt race thla fall as tha leading au
i mobile event will partly be eliminated
hiy tha Madiaon Sauare Garden ahow. to
i be held thla year earlier than heretofore.
Tha datea of tha ahow. November 2-0.
V will .WnrA h. luin .. i.nnrt,i.l,. n
,' v-
' '
look over tha ltOt models and eeleet
their care for early delivarlea in tha
spring and thereby avoid the annoyance
that haa attended many of the pur
chasers who wantea eariy apnng deuv
The show this year 'will surpass any
automoDiie snow ever neia, both In sim
plicity and beauty of the decorations
and number of exhibitors. Laat year
there were over 10,000 aquara feet of
noor apace aaaea over the previous year,
whila thla year it waa necessary to add
10.000 more, or 20,000 over tha 1100
ahow. to accommodate tha increased de
mand for space which has been far be
yond the expectations or the show com
mittee. In the number of exhibitors:.
the eighth national will, surpass those
or rormer years, tasi year there were
155 individual exhibits, while up to the
present time 302 exhibitors have ap
plied and been allotted apace and It la
expected that with tha additional floor
space available, there will be at least
125 exhibitors, which is the larreat
number ever shown under one roof.
The exhibition of electric vehicles will
be the most complete ever held, which,
with a full Una of commercial vehicles
and the first complete motor cycle ex
hibit and tha 1908 models of the stand
ard' gasoline cars, will afford an impos
ing array of the various meana of loco
motion. .
Plans were filed last week with tha
superintendent of buildings for refitting
the Harden, and work on tha elevntaA
ana mesianme piatrorms and -the first
balcony, which will be converted into
exhibition space, will begin at once.
With the additional space the garden
will have over 70,000 square feet floor
space, which Includes the main arena.
the elevated and meszanlne platforms,
first balcony, the exhibition hall and the
concert hall. The basement this year
will be entirely remodeled which will
give an additional number of square
8eth 1L Kerrat, Oregon '05- who
will ;soah . the Hill t Military acad
emy " agaln ,: this ; ..season. . Kerroo
Celt and Ballot Bring Home Rich"
j est Purees at Gravesend
.'.j Yeaterday. ,
wplsyed; star ' iootball for Are years
at the ,UnlYit7 of Oregon filling
: the guard position tor tiro years, and
' fallback 1 for three rears.- He : was
,. selected alPnorthwest guard one year
"and fallback tht last' two years of
his' playing.
ttftiitcd Press Leased Wire.)
Ne Tork, Sept IL Two mora vie-
torlea were acored by James R. Keene
at Gravesend today, and now the eta
Dies' winnings ror tne season are way
ahead , of anything done heretofore o
America. Mr. xveenc b winnings amount
to $147,000. Celt and Ballot were the
horses that brought home the bacon for
tha Keene stable toaay. ueit won the
lunlor chamnlon stakes for I-vearolds
and Ballot captured the first .special.
The two races, netted Mr. Keene $10,709,
Summary: ,, i - .
About elk furlonra Tons McOrath,
f TC. Dugan), wl to S. won: Fleming.
third. Time, 1:10. - '
About two and a half miles. Bteeele-
That wc have secured the agency for the famous Corbin Automobiles for the territory
of Oregon, Eastern and Southeastern Washington. Sub-agencies will be granted in
all unoccupied territory. Contracts now being closed. Correspondence solicited.
1 Six models, air or water-cooled,
Prices, $2300 to $2750
All equipped with 21 genuine Hess -Bright ball bearings, Rushmore
lamps, etc. The Corbin car is manufactured by one of the oldest and
most reliable concerns in the United States. The 1907 Corbin has been
seldom defeated in its class. The 1908 car has established its supremacy
over all competitors in the big hill-climb of the year held at Hartford,
Connecticut, September 14. It not only defeated its nearest competitor,
but did so easily. Agents who desire a strictly first-class line at a rea
sonable price should not delay writing us.
i -
Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobile and Cadillac
Govey & Wallace Motor.-Car Cc
Sixteenth and Alder Streets
' i
. f
! '
ch&ee Gus Straus (McAfee). 1 to 10.
v .