The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 20, 1907, Page 9, Image 9

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v. f i
Helllf ..... "fialomr Jans'
Xiarqnam "The Oelaha"
Jiekar ......"The Love Route"
KmDlre 'Tin Little ProsDector"
Grand Vaudeville
.yrlp "All for Oold'
,tr "The Qumd of the H
he Oaks
...a Wt r. line
Baseball twenty-Vourth ' 'and Va'uahn
atreeta, L Angela ra. Portland.
A reception la bain fiven thla after
coon by tha ladlaa of tb "First Baptlat
Church at tha residence of Mra. 8. W.
Brougher to tha wlfa of tha aaalatant
pastor, Mra, E. A. Smith, and her
mother. Mra. Cady. recently arrived
from Spokane, and alao Mra. C. M
ttndgley treaaurer of the Fore lan Mis
sionary aociety for Oregon of the Bap
tist churches. Mra. nadclev haa beer
In Boeton completing- the fuA courae of
atudy at the Oordon Training eohool
and la now ready to conduct mlaalon
tudy claaaea at pulnta accessible to
Portland, or to apeak on various phaaes
of home mlaalon work, of whloh ahe
made special atudy, visiting Ellla laland
and othor centers of foreign population.
"North Faclflo Coaat Country" la the
title of a profuaely Uluatrated booklet
issued by the Chicago, Milwaukee. 4c
St. Paul Railway company, deaorlpttve
of the great northwest Aa a model of
typographical and pictorial excellence
the Tittle book -vce'uld hardly be sur-
r eased. It Impartially reveal the beau
lea of the whole northwest traversed
by and adjacent to the recent extension
of thla line acroaa Montana, Idaho and
Washington. Oregon I given a chapter
and Portland la well Illustrated. So
handsomely amv'rlchlr Illustrated a
booklet Is seldom seen even In thla day
of chotorraDhlc achievement and Its
distribution should be conducive of
much good to all the country.
Frank Nolan, the man arrested by the
police Tuesday aa Frank Williams,
alias "Big Johnny." who la wanted by
the federal authorltlea for complicity In
the Sellwood postoffjce robbery, was
orderoil released from custody this
morning by Assistant United States
Attorney James Cole. Nolan waa Iden
tified by "Toots'" Bryant one of the
men In the county Jail for complicity In
the postofflre robberies, aa not the man
known as "Bis; Johnny." William J.
Mitchell, a federal employe who fer
reted out the robbers and ran them
down, 4lso stated that Nolan la not the
man wanted.
pertinent for a fir In lodging houee
at 11 worm ram atreet.
Tha explosion
or a eoa
of bedd
fireman prevented tha spread of tha
names, ine ouuaing ie a two-story
frame and used aa a, Oreek lodging
Constable Lou W earner of tha Port
land Juetloe Ulatrlct will leave for San
Francisco thjs evening with tha reaul
altlon paper necessary to bring back
to thla state M. Goldsmith, charged
with the robbery of several bustneae
men in thia city, uoidsmith was taken
in San Franclaoo yesterday and will be
held until tha arrival of Constable wag
A bora hitched to a single expresa
wagon, driven by C Wallln of 171 Six
teenth atreet ran away at Seventeenth
and Washington streets at 1:56 o'clock
vasterday afternoon and collided with
ear No. 14 af the Portland Railway.
Light A- Power company. The car es
caped damage but the express wagon
was conaiaeraoiy smaanea. me norse
was uninjured.
A part of the ateel rode that were to
have been uaed in the concrete walls of
tha Board of Trade building, at Fourth
and Oak streets, are being carried to the
Beck building at seventh and Oak
atreeta and will ba uaed to reinforce
the concrete flooring and walla of that
atructure. The Contracting Engineer
ing eompany baa tne contracts ror put
ting up both atructurea.
On the plea, 'that they are unable to
get material or men with which to com
plete their street Improvement con
tracts, a number of contractors were
yesterday granted 'extensions of time
by the executive board atreet committee.
A fine, of 120 waa assessed against the
Warren Construction company for al
leged non-compliance with the specifica
tions in one contract.
The property known as "Uncle Sam's"
hotel, located at the southwest corner
of Fifth and Couch atreets, waa sold
yesterday through the agency of
Charles K. Henry St Son to Mrs. Josle
McDevltt. a resident of Montana. The
lot Is occupied by a two-etory frame
building, the lower story of which Is
utilized for business purposes. The
property belonged to M. C. Dickinson,
manager of the Oregon hotel. The
rental derived from the building pays
a good rate of Interest on the purchase
price, and It Is announced that Mrs.
McDevltt will hold the property aa a
permanent Investment.
If you see a banana peeling on the
sidewalk, kick it over to the gutter. So
many people atep on banana peelings
and break their legs. So many people
break down their heaJth by drinking
coffee and tea. Tell them to try Golden
Grain Granules. 26c for a big package
in every grocery store.
Water through hose for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks or washing porches
or windows must be paid for In advance
and used only between the hours of B
and 8 a. m. and 6 and I p. m. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets. If
used contrary to rules, or waste
fully. It will be shut off.
Haines' tea store Is making a special
effort toward developing new trade and
this week Is making an unusual offer
In their display announcement on the
market page of today's Journal. A hand
some premium will be given every pur
chaser of coffee.
The councilman representing the First
ward, Hon. T. J. Concannon, who Is a
grocer in North Portland, considers It
his duty to recommend to his patrons to
drink Golden Grain Granules, ' which Is
Closing exercises of the twenty-fifth
anniversary of the Third Presbyterian
church were held last night In the
church at East Pine and East Thirteenth
atreeta. The service waa opened with a
roll call of charter members, many
being preaent who organised the church
2f years ago In the Odd Fellows' hall,
which stood at that time on Eaet Tenth
and East Oak atreeta. There were brief
addresses and mualcal numbers. Re
freshments were served by the Ladles'
Industrial society. The anniversary has
been a big event In the life of the
church and haa been In progress moat of
the week.
Attention Is called to the ad of Rlchet
Bros, on the market page of today's
paper. Rlchet Co. Is one Of the the
oldest established grocery firms In the
city and makes a specialty of large fam
ily orders at wholesale prices.
Brooklyn Improvement As
sociation Clamors for
Speedier Repairs.
Street improvement waa the princi
pal subject discussed at the meeting
laat night of the Brooklyn Republican
and Improvement club. It was asserted
that atreet Improvements are progress
ing more slowly In Brooklyn than In
any other section of the east aide.
The prospects for further repairs on
MUwaukle atreet were announces as
being good, but a committee waa ap
pointed to discover If possible the rea
son for the delay In the Improvement
of other streets.
The committee appointed aome time
ago to secure the suppression of whist
ltng and other noises made by Southern
Paclflo and Portland Railway tralna In
the early morning In Brooklyn an
nounced that It had accomplished Its
work. The committee waa tendered a
vote of thanks. The committee on hy
drants also reported success and that
between 16 and 20 hydrants had been
promlaed for Brooklyn. It was report
ed more lights could not be secured
now ss the supply was short.
The Brooklyn Hall association re
ported stock subscriptions amounting
to 11,800 ana that one-nair naa oeen
paid in. The capital stock Is 14,000
and when one-half la subscribed, In
corporation will follow. It Is the plan
to get the erection or uie nam unaer
way within the next two montna.
A general entertainment ana rauy
will be held In the Sacred Heart hall
on Mllwaukle road, Thursday. October
S. Father Gregory has tendered the uso
of the hall. The city officials Includ
ing the mayor will be Invited to attend.
"Salomy Jane" at HHIig.
Miss Jessie Isett, together with an
excellent company, will present the
western drama. "Salomy Jane," at the
Helllg theatre. Fourteenth and Wash
ington streets, tonight and tomorrow
right at 8:15 o'clock. A special price
matinee will be given tomorrow after
noon. Seats are selling at the theatre.
Phone Main 1.
"In the Bishop's Carriage."
All next week, beginning Monday. Sep
tember 23. with n special prtce matinee
Saturday, the charming actress. Miss
Jessie liuslev nnd a most capahle sup
porting company will present the In
tensely Interesting drama, "In the Hlsh-
op s ( arrlage. Meats are now selling
at the theatre for the entire engagement.
Arrangements were perfected yester
day by the Mothers' and Teachers' club
of Brooklyn to carry on the. klnder-
f art en at the Brooklyn school. Miss
one Townsend, a graduate of the
Teachers' college at Indianapolis, Indi
ana, has been engaged for the winter
and the school will open Monday, Sep
tember 2.1 Resstnns will begin at 9
o'clock and will continue only In the
mornings. The school has to be main
tained Dy the mothers who subscribe
equally for Its expenses. There are no
provisions made for the maintenance of
such a department by the school authorities.
Another carrier has been added to
station A, making now three carriers
In the district between Sullivan's gulch
and East Clay street and between the
WUlametto river and East Sixth street,
the district commonly designated as the
central east side. The Improvement In
the service has been demanded by the
Increase In the amount of mall handled
In this district during the past year.
The Increase In the next 12 months Is
expected to be great also.
Mrs. Clara O. Esson, assistant pastor
of the Rodney avenue Christian church,
corner Rodney avenue and Knott
streets, will be tendered a reception at
the church this evening.
For liquors phone the Family Liquor
Store. J. E. Kelly, successor to Caswell
St Kelly, 364 Morrison street, corner
Park. Both phones Pacific, Main 28,
and Home, A-2802.
Let school children drink Golden
Grain Granules, the 100 per cent pure
cereal coffee. A 26c package will go
as far or farther than 2 worth of milk
and do the children more good.
We sponge and press your clothes
and shine your shoes, all for $1 per
month. Main 614. A-4814. Wagons run
G. W. Oberg, grocer, Seventh and
Flanders street, says, rls.
The others drink any cereal
"Irus Wayne" at the Lyric.
Maxlne Miles, the tnlented and beauti
ful young leading woman, will Join the
Lyric rompuny next week, commencing
Monday night, and will make her first
appearance at the head of that organisa
tion in the title role of Franklyn Fyles' :
brilliant drama. "Lrusa Wayne." 1
"All for Gold" Makes Good. '
One of the most Interesting melo
dramas ever seen in Portland is offered
by the Lyrlo stock company tills week i
In "All for Gold." the big seml-mllltary i
flay that has been pleasing local thea-re-goers
since the opening last Monday 1
The Ifo-Tip Kestanraat A Handsome
Cafeteria Open.
Portland Is behind other cities, esps- i
dally Seattle and Los Angles, In tak- ,
Inu up the novel idea or the t aretena,
which in eastern cities has become the
principal point of attack for diners.
In Seattle and Los Angeles It has
jumped Into public favor with astonlsh-
VlB.: "The nar- Irt, ,inlL-n0Ba ttiarnhv h mutt I I n M n ft.
tlcular customers demand Golden Grain nm-tieniar features i'r what the neonle
J. P. Fullam, grocer, 411 Everett
street, remarks that the people In his
neighborhood want the best and that Is
why Golden Grain Granulea Coffee aella
Steamer Jesse Harktns, for Camaa,
Washougal and way landings, daily ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
aoca at 2 p. m.
W. L. Blair grocer, 109 Olbbs street.
s Golden Grain Granules. 100
particular features are
Mr. L O. Thompson has splendidly
fitted and arranged "the Careterla at
326 Htark street and as It Is work In
which be has the advantage of long and
best or every
thing Is assured
thorough experience, the
per cent pure.
about it.
Everybody Is talking
The United States civil service com
mission announces an examination on
October 12 to secure an eligible to fill
a vacancy In the position or messenccr
bey at the weather bureau In this city.
This examination Is one of the simplest
held under the authority of the com
mission, consisting of tests In spelling,
arithmetic, letter-writing and penman
ship. The age limit Is 14 to 20 years,
and the salary attached to the position
la $30 per month.
P. Lange, gTOcer,
uiisan streets, sa
Granules gives en
Fourteenth and
ays: "Golden Grain
M. B. A. Social. Whist and dancln
Saturday evening,
njievenm street.
W. O. W. hal
Erlckson A Co., 613 Gllnan street, say
viz.: "Golden Grain Granules sell like
hot cakes."
A party of men who have been en
gaged for the past few months Install
ing a block signal system on the O. R.
& N. are at (he Imperial hotel for a
few days. The men have been working
under A. H. McKeen. who Is showing
them the sights of the Rose City.
Among the party are Paul Dunkelp, M.
Standlsh, E. M. Cutting, L. V. Park,
Walter Dickson. W. D. Pattlson, F. C.
Stuart and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Slater.
This Is the season of the year for
Jardinieres and aa a special Introductory
alo the Elite China & Glass Co.. the
exclusive crockery store at 352 Morri
son street, between Seventh and Park,
are offering a 25 per cent discount from
regular pHces. This Is pronounced by
visitors the finest crockery shop In the
united ciiatos ana nas over 5,000 sepa
rate pieces of crockery and art ware.
E. Helmer. grocer, 4 80 Gllsan. sells
Golden Grain Granules because all
want it.
Woman'a Exchange, 133 Tenth street,
lunch 11:30 to 2; business men's lunch.
Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and
nne gasoline, .pncjne Kast 789; B-1007
Diamonds, Watches Beck's, 205 Alder.
Dr. E. C. Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam
D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh.
Berger signs 284 Yamhill phone.
Bark Tonle for rheumatism.
Coal oil was responsible for two fire
alarms last night. At 9 o'clock the fire
department was called out in response
to a teleohone call, to extinguish an In
cipient blaze at 256 Sixth street, caused
by an exploding kerosene stove. By the
time the apparatus arrived on the scene
roomers in the house had carried the
heater to the sidewalk. No damage was
done to the building. An alarm from
box 9 at 11:60 p. m. turned In by Pa
trolman Edgerton. brought out the do-
F.W. Baltes
and Company
invite your
inquiries for
( noma Auoo
an(J Oak
Harry Hamilton, clerk of the Tmne-
rial hotel will leave tomorrow on r
ten days' vacation along the Columbia
river. Fishing and hunting will ha the
chief diversion of the Boniface who ex-
ecta to Dring nome a long string ol
lack bass.
Fred T. Bloch, of the Oretron hotel
has returned from his honeymoon ami
vacation. Mr. Bloch left Portland last
month for Belllngham where he was
married to Mlsa L. Smldell, a belle of
the sound city. A wedding trip of a
montn ronowea in Washington, Oregon
and Idaho, the happy couple arriving
in l'onmnu yemeruay.
' Splendid Showing Made by an East Bide
Department Store.
i We Invite you to come Saturday, (to
: morrow) afternoon and evening to our
store and Inspect our very complete
i display of fall and winter needs. Thla
season has found our store more modern
I and up-to-date than ever before. Every
! department Is overflowing with good
i things at reasonable prices. Come and
, see. Refreshments will be served. Be
ure and come.
1 639 to 549 Williams avenue.
! Take U car.
Thompson states he "started on Stark
street, with all plans laid for opening
at another location, on which lease has
already been secured, the largest, best
arranged, most economical Cafeteria In
the United States. Just an soon as the
people understand nnd appreciate the
For the busy man there is no delay
The novelty of going directly himself
and getting wnat he wants not naving
to put In an order and loso half his
noon hour waiting for it appeals to
The quality, Mr. Thompson states, he
will put to the very best and will at all
times endeavor to make It superior to
anv other ( afeterla in the city.
The economical feature will also ap
peal to everybody, and this demon
strates the fact that the labor In main
tenance of cafe service Is one of the
largest, If not the largest. Item of ex
Quality and quantity considered, the
prices are aslonlr.hlng. as comparison
with city cafes show less than one half
the cost at ' the cafeteria.
Anything Is a success that provides
features needed by the public, especially
when It Is none so at less cost, pro
vided. of course. It Is given proper man
agement. and In this respect the start
of the business In Portland Is particu
larly favored.
Drowned Man's Rody Found.
(Special ninpnteh to The Journal.)
Astoria. Or., Sept. 20. The body of
H. Swanson, who was drowned at Fort
Stevens two weeks ago while unloading
rock for the Jetty, was picked up yes
terday In (Shoalwater bay, near South
Bend, Washington. The body will be
burled at the expense of the govern
ment unless relatives who live In Port
land and Oswego otherwise direct.
Constipation causes headache, nausea,
dlzrlness, languor, heart palpitation.
Drastic physics gripe, sicken, wenken
the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Reg
ulets act gently and cure constipation.
25 cents. Ask your druggist.
Umlted number of copies of the sou
venir issue of 'tbm Journal can be had at
The Journal office at $1 each, ready for
mailing; postage IS cents extra.
Many aehool children suffer from
Ught defects of vision, which, If neg
i&Wt. can " oW tesult? In Wrlftus lgi
Jury. Dr. George Rubenstein, the ex
pert optician, examines children's eyea
free. Only a small charge la made for
proper lenses, if needed. 183 Fourth
street, near Yamhill.
Little liners In The Journal cost only
a cent a word. Fifteen words or less
if cent an insertion. Phonea; Main
issue travellers'
checks, payable
everywhere. For
eign exchange
- bought and sold
at attractive rates
at all times,
Unlimiud Fmonai LutHlitf
No longer nec
etsary for Exit
Sidcrt to croas
th Bridge.
Offered at Prices Hitherto Unheard of in Port
land's History of Retailing
It Appeals to You, Madam Shopper!
All items
quoted in the
following ad
vertisement wOl
be on gal
tomorrow only
at theae prices.
It will pay you
to give the
items close
Announcement Extraordinary and Grand Distribution of
Bargains at
388-390 Cast Morrison St. Near Grand Ave. "Near the Busy Corner"
The East Side's Foremost Department Store
Announces for Tomorrow a Grand Exposition of Autumn Values in
Celebration of Its Fall Readiness
You have been urged in the past to TRADE ON THE EAST SIDE.
Until recently vou have had but very few substantial reasons for doing so, the limited
stocks and lethargy displayed by some of our pioneer merchants have proven somewhat dis
couraging to the woman who wants to "be shown."
We have entered the field with the determination of catering to your every need and
drawing your attention to this district with the all powerful and only logical inducement with
in our means, viz., more and better goods for less money than you pay over in the established
"High Rent District."
Because we are situated where the rents are not so high as are asked for the uptown
Because being under low rent expenses we can make as much profit as competitors and still
quote prices astonishingly lower than the merchant who is under the thumb of the syndicate
Because conducting as we do a chain of stores in three of the leading cities of the country,
as well as maintaining agencies in the eastern markets, we are placed in closer Intimacy
with the makers of our particular lines than most merchants. And then again, we are pos
sessed of an abnormal desire to make good to you "our patrons."
By turning over for your disposal our entire fall stock of High Grade Dry Good and Shoes
at prices such as you have never before enjoyed. It will be something more than a mere
Drop your eyes a bit to the partial list of prices as mere examples of this mighty con
certed conclave of wanted articles, fresh from tne hands that made them.
AT 10 P. M.
Embroidery Sale Tomorrow
Thousands of vards Embroidery Flounc
ings, Edgings, Bands and Corset Covering,
allover patterns, 8 to 24 inches wide; values
from 25c to 76c a yard. The entire lot at
your disposal at, per yard, lOo
Umbrellas for Men and Women
A source of astonishment to merchants who
have Umbrellas for sale 2,000 26-inch and
28-inch Umbrellas, rainproof and sightly; a
handsome line of fancy handles; best $1.00
values. Tomorrow 4oo
Women's White and Black Lawn
Shirt Waists
100 Dozen (all sizes) Lawn Waists, in black
and white, neatly embroidered and open
work fronts; excellent 7oc numbers. Your
choice at, each, 28c
Women's $8.90 Long Coats $4.95
A rather unusual bargain right on the
threshold of a new season 50-inch Long
Coats of black broadcloth, collarless effect
treated in elaborate style. On sale at less
than the price of materials tomorrow.
Women's Walking Jackets
HO light, tan, covert or black broadcloth
Jackets, in semi and tight-fitting styles,
piped seams and nobby effects. Regular
$5.00 values tomorrow ql.Se
Women's House Dresses
White Lawn Dresses, embroidery trimmed,
colored chambrays, of new designs, the bal
ance of our summer stock; values from $8.00
to $10.00. A few left and to be closed out
At $LOO Each
Women's Kimonas
200 Dozen Fine Organdie Kimonos, flow
ered and Japanese designs, silk trimmed;
these exceptional values at 50c. Buy them
tomorrow only at, each lOc
Bleached Table Damask
Fully worth 00c a yard and more if new
prices on linens were taken into considera
tion; all bought under the old import price;
one thousand yards Scotch Linen Satin
Damask, a table linen sale that may never
happen again. Choice, per yard,
Women's Suits
All-Wool Voile Suits in black and blue ef
fects, an even dozen of them, a good range
of sizes, new designs and- regular $18.00
values. The lot on sale tomorrow at
Shoes for Men. Women. Children
200 Pairs Women's Best $2.50 Vici Kid
Shoes, with patent tips, solid sole leather
counters. On sale tomorrow only,
Children's solid leather School Shoes, everv
pair guaranteed solid, best $1.75 grade. To-
morrow only, Vvf.
American Prints
8,000 Yards American Print Calicoes, light
and dark colors, over 100 patterns to choose
from, in stripes, dots and checks; other
stores ask 7ljc for these. Our price ,
Be Yard
Women's Flannelette Gowns
100 Dozen Women's extra heavv Flannel
ette Night Gowns, in pink and blue stripes,
silk trimmed collars and cuffs, ordinary and
extra sizes ; best 85c value. Tomorrow 470
Read About Notions Now
Nearly everything in the line of Notions at
less than wholesale cost.
Pearl Buttons, assorted sizes, worth 10c,
at, dozen 5
Ironing Wax, regular 2 for 5c, choice. . If
Alpaca Skirt Binding, regular 15c value,
at, bolt 0
Dress Shields, light weight, double covered,
15c value, pair 9
Hooks and Eyes, black and white, enameled,
8c value, card 5
Women s Supporters, pin on, regular 25c,
at, pair 15f
Children's Supporters, best 19c quality, at,
pair lOf
Women's Corsets
200 Dozen Corsets from the leading corset
factories, embracing a great variety of styles
in all popular makes; these are discontinued
models and broken lots of $1.00 models.
The entire lot at, pair 39c
Children's Stockings
200 Dozen heavy ribbed double knee Cot
ton Hosiery for children, high spliced heels,
double knees and a guaranteed color. Best
20c quality on sale tomorrow at
Be Pair
Blankets and Comforters Cheap
This announcement should suffice to bring
you to our store.
50 Pairs regular 75c Blankets at, pair 49
50 Pairs plain white Blankets, best $1.50
quality, at 98f"
50 Pairs twill Blankets, gray and white.
$2.00 value 81.48
60 Pairs whits wool Blankets. $5.00 value.
pair 93.98
30 Pairs cotton-lined Silkoline Comforts.
$2.00 value , ...Sl.25
17-Ruby Jwald Ifamp1.n tdjnat4
Watch, 20-year, arold-Alled Ruaraa
tced can. lUfular prlca 112.60
Special $1475
"Goodman's, the Watch
all ICorrUMa, bt Fnit a ad Ilrl
GOODMAN'S Haadquartira for
watch. and watch repairing. Mail
order given prompt attention.
Painless Dentistry
Tou need have no fear of tha dn-
tal chair If you com. to our office.
Our scientific methods of absolutely
palnleaa dentistry are at your dis
posal without paying aa much as you
have been In tha hiblt of paying tot
Inferior work.
Bridge Work, "per tooth....
Oold FMIllnsru. up from....
Silver Filling, up from....
Enamel Killing, up from..
Crowns, gold or porcelain..
Painless Extraction
Plates, up from SB.
A. guarantee ror iu rears wiu
work. Lady attendant
Open evening: until 8 and Sunday
until 1 p. m.
lomi Fhoas A101A.
Pkclllo States rhoma raolAo 152.
WE $
$ The Dollar $
833 1ST BT. 809 KAXaT. r
Phone Main 6J74. J)
$ $ $ $ $ 5 ) '
Are not fluhtlnir th trust Ws
ara not fighting; anybody. Wa
are simply going; ahead and
doing buniness on small profits
and lots of them.
The Most for Your Dollar
Is Our Motto.
we oakbt m xauoinn
to ex or xrxw ajtd so
"Beware of tha 11.(9 Speclala."
Before going; Into our new ator at ttS i
MORRISON ST. in tha Marquam wa ara I
disposing; of a lot of f ' .,
Oriental Bric-a-Brac
SATsnratA, crioxsosnra ajts saovxa
At very low prlca.
Western Importing;, Co..
oosirsa BXXTX ajts "m
Visitors and tourists cordially InvitadV
Bannon's Honest Laundry Soap, lbc best Washing Soap pa the UarkeUI fall-sized bars 25c
A Fency Teapot
With a Pound of Our 1
25c Coffeo
Saturday Only.
170 THIRD ST. r
Dr. " BandersonV Compound; i
Savla and Cotton Hoot FtHa,
Tha bast and onljr raliahla
remedy for PXHLATED PKH
lODS. Cure tha moat obsun-
at caaes la I to 10 days. Friua
r box, mailed In plain wrapper. 9o&
anirrtsta everywhere. Auoresa t.
1. PIERCE. 211 rim at. Irtland. Oft
, 0 - j
lilt) VIHIk i - , - , --4
'.Iff '