THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAIi" PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENINO. SEPTEMBER 80. 1807. y BLYTHE "MASTERED" PORTLAND'S TRADE Substituted Crawfish for Commercial Statistics Because His Stay in This City Was Too Short to . Allow Investigation. Samuel Blythe of New York ha not ytt mastered the Pacific, although he haa made a very creditable literary effort to do so. Mr. Blythe did not have time to do any mastering maa tlcatlnt was his limit and the crawfish was t;fren a place In history. Henpn the story of mastering of a mighty ques tion during 24 hours' stay In Oregon. They are telling It at the clubs. Three oltles were selected by Mr. Blythe, so the story goes, which were to. recelre especial attention from him In the Saturday Evening Post of Phila delphia. Portland was not Included in the list for Mr. Blythe had to get back to Washington as soon as he could and a protracted stay In Fortland would have delayed the national fame of poll tics for the New York World, to the staff of which newspaper Mr. Blytbe Is attached. "You are going to make a stay In Portland. Mr. Blythe V asked a friend of the writer. To, I am going out this evening or to tomorrow morning. I miint get hac "How about Portland and the mastery f the Pacific T" "Haven't time to stay here, old man; must get home," was the smiling but emphatic reply. Mr. Blythe departed. Then the com merelal bodies commenced to look for the mastery as advertised and no Port land mastery came through. - A protest was sent to the Post and its manage ment courteously replied that It would have Mr. Blythe publish an article about Portland which would do this city Justice. Mr. Blythe went to the task hut ne had not collected the neces sary dada for a Portland "Maatery of the Pacific" article and was obliged to fall back on the rones and crawfish. The feniieman nan visited fortland during he I'Swls and Clark fair and had had knowledge of both of these things of which Portland Is proud but he anew noi or its vsst commerce, great in land empire trsde and wonderful com merelal advantages. Naturally, Mr. Blythe was somewhat up a stump when It came to talking Asmiic iraoa statistics and or lumber, flour and big red applea. The crawfish was the only stable article of trade that he had run up agalnat; he figured that ne migni inject a crawrmn or two into the story and touch up the oaraaraDhs with rosea. He did himself proud, and Portland, too, for that matter, but the trade flguren were not there and there waa a shortage of Oregon commercial literature In the World building. It was a simple case of crawfish or nothing. Delay In producing the story followed and It Is vaguely hinted that the follow ing dispatch waa nent from New York: aend me fortland statistical literature; I want to have her master the Pacific. The literature waa sent by express; it got side-tracked and Portland's boosters became Impatient. Much wns the relief the other day when the Post appeared with the TaS' tery" story and the table of contents of a crawfish's claw; the average haul per net mid the percentage of 111 effect of over-indulgence. But the article was a very nice one, nevertheless, and Port land can afford to be generous and say "Thank you, sir. THREE GIRLS SKILLED IN DEEDS OF CRIME (Special Dispatch to Th Journal.) Turlington. Wyo., Sept. 10. Ethel Manning, Kate Barlow ad Oretta Car ter, three Wyoming girls ranging In age from It to 84 years have of late been doing sensational stunts as cow boys and bandits In western Wyoming. It has Just transpired that loot spring they disguised themselves us men and, going Into Fremont coutity, went to work on the range as cow boys. They were all accomplished and daring horsewomen, being able to rlrio bucking bronchos as skillfully as the oldest broncho-busters In the west; and cut out steers, round up the herd and do all the other tricks the cow- funoher is able to do. They followed he life of cowboys for several months without divulging the secret of their sex or even arousing suspicion, and then, growing tired of the range and longing for more exciting experiences than they were likely to meet with there, they threw up their Jobs, got their heads together and decided to turn bandits. That was several weeks ago, and since then, still wearing their dis guises, they have been perpetrating atlck-ups and robberies m Wyoming with a skill and daring that would do credit to the west." They have held up no fewer than eight or ten men In lonely plncvs out on the plains and rell'-ved them of their money and other valuables; they have gone to ranch houses and robbed their occupants in broad daylight. as,d they have gone to roadhouses nnd, at the point of six shooters, held up the men they found gathered (there. The discovery that they are women was made after they had perpetrated a hold-up and robbery near Meeteetse, h few days ago, and they came near being captured then, but they con trived by a bold effort to make tholr escape, and they are now believed to be operating In eastern Idaho. They have no relatives In this state and have been leading wild lives for sev eral years. Adopting a Dead Mother4! Children. Ernest Thompson Seton's wolf artlole in the October American Magazine, which contains many Interesting facts about animal marriage, includes a great many atorles of actual cases. For ex ample: "When I was at Sidney. Ohio, in March 1902, I met an old hunter who related a curious and interesting story that illustrates the motherllness of the she wolf. About 20 years before, when he lived In Wisconsin, a bounty of $10 each waa put on gray wolves, and he pent a good deal of time In hunting lem One dav ha saw a wolf coma to the river to drink. Ho shot and killed then found that It was a female pe the suckling young. He searched many days for the nest and could not find It. "Two weeks later he shot another female wolf oomlng out of a hollow log. (the alao was suckling young. lie crawled Into the log and found 13 wolf pups of two different sizes six very smHll ones, seven much larfeer. This wolf had but six teats In commission.' so he concluded that this she wolf had rescued the young of the first female he had shot. WORDS OF PRAISE I Oil 0 II Journal's Special Edition Re ceives Praise From the Atlantic to Pacific. Congratulations and praise for The Journal's great anniversary edition con tinue to pour la from every quarter. Every mall brings letters of commends tlon and many readers of The Journal have called at the office to express In person their satisfaction at the excel lence of the Issue. Following are a few of the letters which have been re ceived: Beat Annual la toe Weat. 'We have critically examined your annual anniversary edition of The Jour nal and in commendation of the progres sive spirit which is making your paper famous ss a friend of the common peo ple of this city snd of the entire slate of Oregon, we certainly muat congratu late you for having publ'shed the strongest and moat attractive annual ever known in the west. This edition will tell the world of the beauties and charms of Oregon's scenery, and the whole truth of her resources and oppor tunltlea for thousands of homeseekers to lire long snd prosper within her vast domain, with best wishes for the suc cess of Ths Journal. truly, C. If any- paper anywhere baa gotten out anything better or more creditable tr the book -pa per edition of the big Jour anl. You ought to feel proud of wl you have accomplished and of the hard work which has made The Journal success. From what It waa to what la. In Ave years, means that you are on uia right iraca. congratulations. "FliED LOCKXJET." ItOSEBUBG YOUNG LADY 3IARRIES EASTERN MAN we ere yours very WAKKKN, President Warren Publicity Frond of the Edition. You are to be congratulated Co.' What Hurts. It may be very hard to climb T'p In the world, but than It's harder on your nerves what time You're climbing down again. Philadelphia Press. on the special number as a work of art, for without Question It is tar ahead or any thing I have seen of its kind. You are also to be commended on your enter prise snd courage for planning and suc cessfully carrying through such an elaborate number. Aa an advertisement of the northwest. It surely will bring results that could be obtained In no other way. Frankly, I am proud to send work of this kind to our eastern peo ple as a sample of whst can be done In runiana. xuura iruiy. 'AMERICAN TYPEKOirNDERS' CO.. i m n VS. IV. UOU, 0IOI1. VI . SMrTf Tfeaaka of Oo mm unity. Permit me to add a word to the many compliments Justly paid The Jour nal for its recent magnificent anniver sary edition. Interested as I am In the growth and development of Oregon, I examined with much Interest and pleas ure the product of what must have been many months of effort. It certainly was one or tne greatest editions ever published on the Pnrlflc coast. As s public effort you deserve the sincere nanus or tne entire community, wnn many wishes for your continued suc- ens and growth, 1 am yours very sln erely. H. M. CAKE." "Bouquets Xare Been GaJore." 1 wish to extend to you my sln- ere congratulations upon tne spiendM anniversary edition of The Journal Just to hand. I have shown It to quite a few and If I might use the expression, "Bou- uets have been galore." I wish you ould send us on for distribution 20 or 5 copies if you can spare same. We will put them out where they will do the most good. Very truly lours. VREELAND - BENJAMIN SPECIAL ADV. AGENCY. "Irving J. Benjamin." Will Bring; Oood Keenlta to State. "Your anniversary number la s fine eolmen of printing. It does credit to e Journal and its force or photog raphers, editors, printers and engravers. . is a splendid advertising medium ana ill bring good results to the state. Please accept mv compliments for your excellent work In honor of the fifth an- lversary. May The Journal live many years and enjoy the range of prosperity so well illustrated In Its cheerful pages. JOEL SHOMAKER. "Editor Twice a Week Post-Intelll- genoer. Instruottre and Interesting'. "Our copy of last Sunday's Journal will be sent to Edinburgh, Scotland, so you may Judge our opinion of that In structive, interesting edttlon. rC. E. NEIL80N." Has set a aew Standard. "Your fifth' anniversary Journal has set a new standard In the west. I doubt (pedal Dtapateb to The Journal.) Rosebtirg. Or.. Sept 10. Miss Lulu Hughea of Roseburg and John Veason, reoently of Minneapolis, were married at the home of the bride's parents In this city last Sunday evening. Rev. C A. Rexroad of the Methodist church officiating. It was a quiet home wedding, only a few Invited guests be sides Immediate relatives of ths bride being present. They departed on the north-bound train Hunday night for Seattle and the Puget sound cities. They will be absent about a month, after which thny will return and begin house keeping In the fine new residence on Cass street reoently purchased by Mr. Veason for his new home. Ship Staking In Quicksand. From the Seattle Tlmea. Broadside on the sands of the west ooast the big Kosmos liner Besestrls Is bleaching In the sun, a helpless wreck, frustrating every attempt to move her from the quicksands Into which she dally sinks lower and lower until In the course of time she will robsbly be completely swallowed. The rinai errort to save tne vajjj was made by the Anubla, one osmos ships, now lying In this prob last and able ship of the Kc Dort. The Sesestrls went aground at Ocos, Peru, about six months sgo due to her hsvlng lost her anchor. Although she struck head on, ahe has been washed by the waves until she haa swung around broadside and is now high and dry on the besch. It is possible at all times to board her without wetting one's feet, and at low tide ahe is completely out of the water. There were at one time rumors of her being converted Into a hotel. CROWD AT FAIR BREAKS CD Over Seventeen Thousand Paid Admissions, Is the Report. TWENTY THOUSAND WITHIN THE GATES Bat Today's Record WU1 Far Sur pass It, la the Prediction Senator Fulton Falls to Meet Date for Speech Stock Breeders' Banquet. (Rpoetsl Dlspstrb to Ths Journal.) Salem, Or., Sept. 20. Yesterday was Portland day at the state fair and no better description of the crowds can be given than In the statement that there were 17,(27 paid edmlsslona This does not nearly represent the total attend ance, which probably reached at least 20,000. It waa thought that yesterday was a record-breaker, but It Is estimated there will be fully 10 per cent more In attendance today and 60 per cent more than had ever before attended a state fair. If the streetcars could not take care of the crowds Monday, thsy were abso lutely submerged yesterday. Even In the morning before the special trains from Portland arrived there were crowds on the grounds. After the trains came In only the quickest stood any chance of getting a car, and the people walking from the depot resembled an army. At the olose of the races and late In the evening when the people were leaving the grounds large number walked to a place that the cara slow up at the rail way crossing, and cars were. often more than fully -loaded before they arrived at their stopping place at the grounds. Though the greater number of the visitors left town on trains yesterday, every spare room In Salem was taken and people slept last night in halls, ho tel offices and any place where a human being might possibly sleep. Testerday's program. The Judging of stock wss carried on In all departments, commencing on cat tle and horses and finishing on sheep and hogs. In the afternoon the races were held and an unprecedented crowd watched the record pacing of the north west. In the evening entertainment was held In the auditorium as usual. "A dls appointment was experienced here, as Senator C. W. Fulton, who was on the progrsm to make the principal address of ,n e evening, found it Impossible to be present. An address was given ay congress man w. ( . Hawley. which mat with much applause. He praised the growth of Oregon and the state fair and spoke of timber snd land fraud cases and the effect the returning of these lends to the state would have on agriculture. There were also the usual colored min strels, hand selections snd moving plo- tures. took Breeders' Banquet. After the meeting a banquet was held bv the Oregon stock breeders In the building used by the Episcopal restau rant A gold chain and fob were pre sented to Mr. Welch In appreciation of the able manner tn which he had con ducted the uuslness of the fair. Pro fessor W. Elliott waa elected toast master. After partaking ft the re freshments many speeches were mJ. The members had an enjoyable ttmi. Many member spoke very highly of the way In which tha public money had been spent In carrying on tha work of the fair, and many Instructive speeches were made on thoroughbred stock. Th meeting ended In a vote of thank to tha officials of tha fair. Limited sMuabe of oople f tke -vsslr taaaa of Tk Journal oaa be bad at The journal effloe at f 1 eeeb, isaay fog mailing i postage 11 eeata esrtra. , , ; Batcher Inference. . , From th Washington Post. , Y A One day Emperor Francis Joeeph was entering a villa In his domain on horse back and waa met on the outskirts by a butcher who had gone out In hop of catching an early glimpse of the Aus trian kaiser. The emperor asked tha ' butcher the way to an Inn, and after ; directions hsd been given th butcher ' In turn Inquired: "Heve you seen the kaleerT" "Vsry recently," answered Fraud Joseph. "Are you sure Do you know faint certainly T" asked the eager butcher, "Well, I ought to." replied the mon arch, puffing out his chest, "I hav shaved him often enough." "Ah. and you are the court barber," said tne abashed butcher In awestruck; tones, aa he doffed his cap and backed to the roadside. ., . sp The .3a I The Cook Knows sttt that his reputation is safe when he prepares a cup of Ghlrar delU's Cocoa. He may be sure that its delicious fra- grance will please the most exacting guest. With his own breakfast, also be drink cap of Ghirardelli's Cocoa i ! EXTRA 1 r Supply Your Needs in Wines and Liquors AT THE ASSIGNEES SALE OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE'S STOCK. Saturday, Cor. 2nd & Yamhill Sts. FILL UP THE SIDEBOARDS! STOCK THE WINE CELLARS! PREPARE FOR THE DRY SUNDAY! Stirring list of Saturday Specials 600 Bottles of Rock and Rye ale price, per bottle 60 1,500 Bottles of Imperial Rye, honest, full quarts, regu lar value $1.50 Sale price 70f 500 Bottles of California Riesling, regular 7fc values Sale price 7 45 500 Bottles of Claret Sale price, THREE BOTTLES FOR 50, or, per bottle lfefy 500 Bottles of James E. Pepper Whiskey, distillery bot- N tied, sold everywhere at $1.50 Sale price SOf 250 Bottles of Baltimore Hunter Rye Sale price... 98 1,500 Bottles W. H. McBrayer's Cedar Brook Whiskey, bottled in bond, $1.50 value Sale price $1.00 500 Bottles of Guggenheim er Rye, bottled in bond, sold everywhere at $1.80 Sale price $1.00 All above named goods are absolutely guaranteed under the National Pure Food Laws. Every family in Portland should take advantage of this unusual opportunity to pro cure high grade standard wines and liquors at these sensa tionally low prices on Saturday. P0RTLMID5 IIE17 BMlfiiT'SO U0 ENTIRI BLOCK ON YAMHILL. FRON ZM9 TO II8a,sI? Crowded fl Car TmtM SMewals Mocked! Aisles Jimimed! THAT, IN SHORT, WAS THE SCENE ENACTED TODAY FROM THE HOUR OF OPENING UNTIL CLOSING TIME AT THE GREAT j Assignee's Forced Sale of Merchandise Slocks Embraced by the Golden Eagle Dept. Store And when the big gong rang for closing," the crowds were loath to leave. - No such monster carnival of extraordinary bargains was eve r before held in Portland. The peculiar and regrettable circum stances compelling this merciless and 4 TERR 1 U s SIAMTEIR 0E SPLENDID. NEW MERCHANDISE Are well known. The condition is unusual and without precedent in Portland's mercantile annals. This great group of specialty st ores that comprised the MONSTER GOLDEN EAGLE DEPARTMENT STORE Is stocked, basement to roof tree, with the best and finest merchandise the markets of the world afford. Thousands of dollars' worth of new fall goods had arrived and were in the stocks at the time of the suspension. All these are included in the sale, making this a most unusual opportunity for supplying the fall needs in every line, for personal wear or household use, carried by this great "universal provider" establishment. SATURDAY'S BARGAINS ARE SENSATIONAL AND UNPARALLELED ! NO PRUDENT MAN OR WOMAN WILL SPEND A DOLLAR ELSE WHERE TOMORROW FOR GOODS THAT MAY BE GOTTEN HERE! Good reason why for . V 's A DOLLAR HERE ON SATURDAY WILL BUY TWO DOLLARS OR MORE IN DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE " ::v .V Competition there cannot be! One might as well try to lift himself by his own boot-straps as to equal such values as offer themselves here in the MONSTER ASSIGNEE'S SALE! The sacri fice will be merciless. Everything included and nothing reserved. It's useless to quote prices here for ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE DRASTICALLY REDUCED. Cost, value and loss will be ignored in this imperative slaughter. Order s are authoritative. Our command is positive and unmistakable. "Sell everything clean to the bare counters and walls for what 'twill bring, regardless of cost, worth or loss." "Sell, Sell, Sell." "Get the money for the creditors, and that without delay," comes the order from Major Kennedy, assignee in charge. , j $111,000 Worth of Seasonable, Stylish Merchandise in a Mighty, Merciless Massacre! Doors Open at 9 Ml EAST SP CARS ALL StOP IN FRONT OF THE DOORS By Order of L P. Kennedy, ASSIGNEE ot the rMltrm The Store That Made the Corner Famous At Third and Yamhill Sts. ALL CARS TRANSFER "-DIRECTr- TO THE DOOHS , i Vf : v..t. - A