The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 20, 1907, Page 20, Image 20

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    . J. ;
.Review of Railroad Situation Showing That City and
..'. State Ought to Act for Themselves in Matter of
)' w , Necessary Extensions. 4
Boys' School
By Thomas O. McCusksr.
, ' Haxriman has come and none, and
-after a few weeks of hibernating Port
'','. Ia4 aa well aa aome other portlona of
' the state haa awakened with a bad
' " taata In her mouth. Much waa ex
fcected of him, and there waa consider
' , abla apaculatton aa to what ha would
v dtf when ha gaied ao to apeak Into
rthe t fair daughter of the
,.. '.. West, central Oregon. Many predicted
"- that ha would tear hla clothes In hla
. effort to build a road Into that long
- neeiected terlrtory after ha had with
hla own ayea beheld the wonderful poa
albilltles of that wonderful country.
, 4 !- Bona peraona went ao far aa to
eert that Ignorance alona of the afore
said "wonderful neaa" waa tba cauaa of
3a delay in building . Into that terrt
tory. It might lntereat mlagulded In
dlvlduale to know that thara la not I
spear of graaa. an acre of grata nor a
head of atork tributary to hla ayatnm
that ha haa not had a report of. The
railroads have a magnificent ayatem of
learning all about the condition of af
fair along their llnea. The "compara
tive reports" gotten out by the agenta
now each month and year the oual
ness aa compared with the preceding
one, and n there la a railing on may
muat ahow a cauaa for It, and the aame
la true if thara la a gain, ao they keep
posted aa to the additional acreage put
In cultivation, etc. consequently it wai
not neoessar for Mr. Harirlman to Visit
, that section In order to know If It would
pay to build a road there.
Waste Tin la Courts.
If our cltlaena were aa well posted
aa to the conditions and resources of
... I hla great atate. they would not waate
ao much time In the courts and other-
. -wise in a vain arrort to compel Mr.
; Ilarrlman to aire them, not what they
' want, but what they think they want.
- for there haa aever been a time when
1 tba merchants of Chla city have gone to
'the railroads with a demand for some
thing that they had an argument to sup-
Fort their demanda. and the railroad of
kslala recognise this fact and .make
them the statement that the Interests
- of the Hariiman ayatem are right here,
and. of course, they will do evertyhlng
they can to help those Interests.
The fact la that our merchanta are
too prosperous, and in their efforta to
keep competition out of their territory
they are afraid to go after the railroad,
because both seem to be working along
the same llnea. Thia may seem Ilka a
strong statement, out i want aoma one
tO point out to me where there haa been
any great enori mane to duuo up tun
city or state by inviting factories, bus!
ness bouses, etc. Going Into aome other
cities, you can see large signs, reading.
"Free sites for factories and mills." but
there la not much enoouragemeat held
' out nere.
In conversation with a business man a
rew flays ee I told him Seattle oa
' waa going to help build a road In Ore-
gon. and that the citlsens of Portland
would bo called upon to help also. He
aid that be doubted If they would get
any rmanciai assistance nere, out intl
mated that they were long on moral
Toad Cash Support,
r Moral support la a good thing, no
ouuui, dui 11 win not Duiid railroads,
nor win it De or anv assistance in flrht
Ing Harriman. What Portland and the
... enure atata must do, is to wake up and things. Don't go down on your
knees to such men aa Harriman. The
city tooK its nat orr to him white ha
was here, and aald ha must be given a
: chance. He had no Intention before
he earn a, and has none now. of building
me road into central uregon. He will
have one Into the Klamath country from
; San Francisco, and take all the business
be can -to that city, and east via that
gateway, and he la right from hi
. standpoint. Why should he bring It
' heref
There la not a particle of reason why
ne snouia stiempt 10 iaae xreignt via
the longest route, or through a port that
has no facilities for handling It. and so
long , as our citizens remain In their
present mood of passive Indifference, wa
will never have any better facilities.
Harriman in his remarks before the
Irrigation congress In Sacramento, said,
' in speaking of central Oregon, that there
was not sufficient population or traffic
to justify the building of a road there
at present, and further remarked that
If they did have a road, the first few
years would be spent In shoveling
now. To ahow the Inconsistency of
the gentleman.' we must refer to the
statement made by the man who waa
with Harriman on his trip through that
country, vis. that Harriman had given
orders to build the road from Natron to
Klamath Fails and to push the Corvallls
Eastern across central and eastern
Oregon at once. Now any one familiar
with the lay of . the land knows that
the population along both these routes
Is as numerous as hens' teeth, snd that
the climatic conditions would result in
the same amount of shoveling of the
same materiel.
Of course Mr. Ilarrlman had an object
In the position he took on both these
points. In discouraging the building of
a road up the Deschutes, his statements
will go far towards preventing any
financial Institution from backing any
one elae who would undertake the
project In giving out the report that
he would build the Natron branch and
the Corvnllla A Eaatern, he shows that
tha traffic producing portion of that
country will be taken care of, ronse
quently It would be a waste of money to
construct another line into the aam
Weight of Arguments.
Both these arguments will hav
weight with those who don't know
anything about It but will mean very
little to anyone who la posted. In
on a
to anyone who la poste
first place Harriman don t want anyone
to build through central Oregon, aa l
would be too good an opportunity fo
J. J. Hill to Invade that territory from
hla north bank road, and perhaps pus
on to San Franclaco by a very dlrec
and ahort route.
In the next place, he has no Intention
of building either the Natron branch
or tha C. E. unleaa forced to do so b
some one Invading hla territory, aa bot
these propositions are bluffs. As I said
former occasion, you
e of road in tha atata I
except to keep aome one else out
ana you won t and. it. . sither. lor
number of years, as he la not a rail
road builder, but a plunderer.
I had occasion once before to poln
out that when the Kanama canal waa
completed, the Paclf.6 coast terminals,
so far as Jobbing centers are oonoerned,
would be off the map. unless the Deo
pie woke up snd fought for open rivers
and Interurban railways. The actions
of the railroads In their position of ad
vancing rates from the terminals con
firm this, and ahows that they are pre
paring ror a great ngnt. Hill is hurry
ing his line to the coast, the Milwaukee
la also pushing to tha front and we are
sleeping. It Is foolish to think that the
railroads with all the money they have
rroad. If the bonda were
Invested In property throughout the In
terlor are going to alt Idly by and seethe
canal take the bualness; anyone who
believes so is an unaoohlstlcated Indi
vidual and should emigrate to Japan.
wnai are we goina- to do about It
and how will we be affected? Portland
by reason of lta geographical position
la in me neat position to ds Denented
by the canal of anv city on the coast
She haa two magnificent rlvera which
have numerous tributaries that are
navigable, and by the expenditure of
considerable money, for It will take a
great deal, the Columbia can be opened
to Lewlston, and the Willamette nearly
to Eugene. Then by extending electric
lines to tha Interior she can hold nearly
all the territory aba now has, snd ao
qulre considerable more, and with the
low rates by the canal route and the low
river rates, together with the reaaonable
ratea that will be made bv the electric
lines, she can compete with anv eastern
Jobbing center and surpass any other
city on the coast, for the reaaon that
they have not tha waterways tributary
to Portland, consequently will be at the
mercy of the rallroada for distributing
ratea. This Is worth thinking about
Dont Ask Xarrlmaa.
I started to
aav that the nennle
should not waste so much time ankln
Harriman to do something for them,
but should take such action aa will
bring him to them for favors.
The state has voted and we have a
railroad commission and thev seem to
be quite busy. We also have a portage
railroad owned by the state, and it has
Deen or great Deneru, out it was stopped
too soon. A few thousand dollars morn,
would have put It Into The Dallea where
It could have connected with any steam
boat on the river.
The actions of the railroads through
out the United States are doing more to
bring about government regulation of
railroads. It Is the dear people who pay
the freight, and why should thev not
have a aay? -
This brings up a vital question: Why
Should the State not build a trunk linn
through central Oregon and clear across
the state? The Deschutes route is the
best that cart be had. It is true that
certain people contemplate building yla
that route, and have rlghta of way for
some distance, but they may be so
handicapped by Harriman as to he un
able to construe In tn8-t event, the
i-uuiQ enner duiio or lr it din
not choose to. could take the honrls t
those who would build, provided of
course that the road would not be a
part or any transcontinental line and
would always remain onen tn unv nnn
who wanted to connect with it Thr
are state and government irrigation pro
jects for the development of the coun
try, and It Is a well known fact that
Dir: "Best way to
keep well quit meat, eat
plenty" Malta-Vita."
The KID,
Every day our busy mills
make enough Malta-Vita to
feed an army. It's delidoui,
and malted, and the malt's
a tonic.
The best cereal that ever
(cent onto a table.
nothing develops a country Ilka
tha atate, they would eell In any mar-
ruaranteed by
ket, no doubt at a premium. I am as-
umlng now that tha atate did not
build, but would take tha bonds of those
who did. If the state ahould build. It
could either lease the road to respon
sible people who could operate It ao
that the lntereat could be paid and a
Inking fund provided for the retirement
of the bonds, say In 60 yeara. or It could
employ aome competent person to man
age the, property. I would favor the
leasing plan, but It seems to me that aa
good a plan would be to take the bonda
of those who would build it, except Har
riman, or course.
State Sas aConsy.
The state always haa a large amount
of money on hand and according to the
statutea no lntereat can be derived from
It for the benefit of the state, but it
s deposited In various banks who loan
It and make good Interest on same. I
would like to see this question agiti
eo and lr the people take hold with a
L we can have railroads, and Mr.
Harriman will be aulng for favors.
in this connection It might be well
to attract the attention of the people
o me goDDiing up or me water power
the state by large corporations who
do no Intend to use them now, but to
prevent someone else getting them in
order to compete.
There should be a provision made
that water power taken un should Be
developed within one year or the rlghta
would forfeit to the state. A further
provision should be had that no water
power could be taken If same was
wanted by the state, and notice of fil
ing, or rather contemplated filing,
should be given the atate at least 90
days in advance and the purpose for
w filch tne water waa to be used set
forth, so that the state could protect
her own Interests, not only for the pres
ent but the future, should It be found
that her Interests would be Jeopardised
by such filing. Under the present law
anyone can file on water rights and
hold it indefinitely, whether they want
to use it or not, but most of such filings
are for the purpose of speculation to
the detriment of legitimate business.
These things are worthy of earnest
consideration, as everything of value
soems to be getting into the hands of
speculators and large corporations.
I am aware that the Interests which
would be affected by action of this
aina win naicuie and right such a prop
osition, but this Is something that ia
terests the people of the state as a
whole, and I believe the people can be
depended upon to look after their own
Interests provided they get started
Now is the time to start
"Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil Is the best
remedy for that often fatal disease
croup. Has been used with success in
our family for eight years." Mrs. L.
Whlteacre, Buffalo, New York.
If you have a want of any kind. In
sert a little ad In The Journal, cost
only a cent a word, and you will get
results. Phones: Main 7173; A-3230.
' li r
I , 'i.Vi T LrA
I fit p -
I , : , , j..,;,, '
! , t vil
at Money Saving Prices and
An Ingersoll Watch
Not only are our prices LOWLR
than any other store but
with every School Suit we will
Give Awav
A good nickel watch
Price of Suits
$1.95, $2.50,
Third and Oak
T iniirn iiiiiaii rn
Bullet That Slays Rival
Pierces Tell-Talc Letter
to Woman.
Ask to see the Batra, Orade
wee tars for School (Hrla.
Style flre" Weirs
Iwiy Varlefiy
No woman is the counterpart of another; her individuality is strongly
marked. To appear at her best she must dress to suit her particular type
A careful study of types as well as styles has resulted in our importation
an extremely varied assortment of coats, each a splendid example of
...uui-iuaicu ucsigiimg. jur personal pride in our fall
selection of coats has been justified by the complimentary comments of
our customers. It seems that we never before so perfectly pleased so
large a number. J v
Long Cloth Coats $10 to $40
These are in many styles, semi-fitting, tight fitting, plain and fancilv
Rubberized Silks $20 to $40
These coats for immediate wear, and many wear them all through the
rainy season, are not alone beautiful, but durable, and a perfect protection
in a number of plain colors, checks and plaids.
Cravenette Cloth $12 to $35
The neat business woman and the woman who goes out rain or shine all
through the winter finds this the most serviceable coat imaginable: also
it is very becoming and comfortable. '
Misses Coats $8 to $25
We have every variety for misses that we have for adults, in so great a
variety as to make description unnecessary.
Tailored Street and Dressy Hats
S iI,inerT-. StCtiA ? P?ct lupins with "the style store's" reputa
tion for quality and taste. Whether it is a trim tailored hat to match
your coat or suit or a pattern hat for dressy wear, you will find the greatest
range from which to choose. greatest
Cor. Tenth & Washington Sis.
(Special Dlspafrh to Tbs JoormaL)
Kennett, Mo.. Sept. 19. When Aud
McMunn, a Portageville farmer, lnvok
lna; the unwritten law, shot and killed
Arch Brown In the office of a livery
stable at Kennett, one of the bul
lets from hla revolver pierced a let
ter which Brown was writing; to Mc-
Munn's wife.
Because of Brown's atteneions to Mrs.
McMunn there had been a Ions; feud
between the men. Brown formerly was
employed aa a farmhand by McMunn
and lived at the McMunn home, which
was then near Kennett.
Last June McMunn and hi wlf
quarreled and there was ao agreement
by which McMunn was to sell the
rarm ana go away, of the 13.000 real
Ized from the sale the husband took
12,200 and left Kennett for Oklahoma,
ayins mat ne wouia never return.
The remainder of the money he placed
In the -bank in his wife's name.
Two weeks later Mrs. McMunn drew
the money from the bank and departed
irora nenneu. Brown lert aDout the
same time. A relative wrote to Mc
Munn, telling him of his wire's depar
ture. When he returned to Kennett he
found that both Mrs. McMunn's and
Brown's trunks had been checked to
Rector, Arkansas, the home of Brown's
McMunn went straight to the place
where Brown was employed. Many
looked for violence, but the men had
a long conference and shook bands
when they parted.
Yesterday McMunn returned accom
panied by his wife's oldest daughter.
After taking the girl to the home of
his sister, Mrs. Ada Hudspeth, he hur
ried ia mo sigDie wnere Brown worked
Brown waa sitting In the office writ
ing a letter, without a word McMunn
fired three times. Two of the bullets
struck Brown, one in the right arm
ana one in me cnest. Brown staggered
to the door and fell, and McMunn fired
iwu inure Duueis into mm,
Last Monday McMunn heard snm.
thing which caused him to call Brown
on the telephone and say: "Be ready.
" up mare kui your
Brown swore out a peace warrant
which waa served on McMunn ae he
stepped from the train here Monday
The uncompleted letter which Brown
was writing when shot reads:
"Hello, darling. How are you? I
don't feel like I could hardly live. This
morning I was at the train oand saw
him come in with the girl. I am so
mad I can hardly see. Tou keep let
ting him hang around and some one
has got to quit. If It la me. snv
iJ?,,1 wl11 never bother you any more.
While I love you better than life, I
have stood all I cbuld and I have done
everything that I could."
McMunn, held by the coroner for the
grand Jury, Is in Jail here.
Last Survivor's Story.
The last survivor of an exciting ad
venture in 1874 tnlla hla atnr In .1
October American Magazine. It la an
account of a trip made In a balloon by
belonged to P. T. Barnum, and the
aeronaut in hsre was- the famous
Captain Donaldson. The trip waa the
Jongest in point of hours, ever made In
U 1 . .
m utuioon sprang upward
! pace tnat all but took our breath I saar him sjnii MwT f" iC;Criar",J?J1? I 01 upon th tympanum of the
. - II
A. llw J. Llilll llH II II.
f ' nthior
. . Ii
' Will Open His New Store for .
Business at
283-285 Washington St.
Near Fourth
at ft?nn citt nrK
III w-ww WMV JLk k
Will Continue Business at First !
and Morrison Sts.
was sweeping; across the dial at a lar.
ill?. vr. f,-lanced at Donaldson land
earth disappeared beneath ua.
Donaldson pull the safety valve wide
open, draw his sheath knife ready to
cut the drag rope, standing rigid vith
us eyes nveiea unon th nrM u.n. i n...M... . - i .
ometer. The hand of iZnl7ir? U'J?" sawnis
was sweeDlns- um Vh. iT-i 7 Clil .r'STl". no sound, our
i . v wacu. w s rsi simmi nun own innn rnar -
ot the air, upon the tympanum of the
stopped at 10,100 feet How long we
were ascending we did not know. Cer
tain it is that the impressions described
were all there were time for. mnd when
cloudland and had accompli
three firmly believed.
than a minute." , y
"Had : dyspepsu.' or
years. . jso appetite,
eat distressed be tar
BloodBUteinovured tt'