The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 20, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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if .
Crusade Brings to Light Dangerous Conditions That
t ( ' Exist in Unsanitary Neighborhoods Children
Flay Near House Where Fever Exists.
East Side Business Men and
Athletics Will Join
iro ttadcsta.
Jfo flu
jro ooofttat.
'Efficient work on the part of Market
Inspector Evana, acting In conjunction
with tbs city board of health haa borne
, fruit so far aa eradicating loma of
the filthy and unsanitary features In
1 connection with the making of tamalea
and candy which are peddled about by
, Street venders In Portland and vicinity.
., Today a reporter for the Journal
j . visited a number of placea on the north
' Ida-Where tamale and candy makers
" Who carry trays about the .streets
' manufacture their wares. In lorae In
' atancea the daces were cleanly and
v sverr requirement of the board of
health la being lived up to. Jn atlll
".others the city ahould at once reaclnd
lleeaaea and eren proaecute.
s Perhapa the moat flagrant caae la
that of twj- Frenchmen to whom 11--'-
cense hae been issued in the name of
the Portland Candy company, at No.
." . I1 Eaat Washington atreet. W hen a
reporter for The Journal vlaited thla
4 place be waa aurprlaed to see next
door a rod flag exposed, denoting acar-
let fever. The houaea in question are
of the ramshackle order supported over
slough on stilts. The candy made la
that which la hawked about the atreeta i
' br trav oeddlera. a number or wnora
are employed by the two men who con
Aart the business.
It would be difficult In all Portland
- to locate a more filthy, uncleanly and
thoroughly unhygenlc place In which to
' make candy than the basement of the
bouse at the above number. Even If
1 ' anrh war the onlv condltiona the men
' ahould be closed up. but when candy
"la made and sold from me piace wun
scarlet fever next door, tne matter as
sumes little leas than criminal form.
-JTot Xaxiag Caafly."
' "W have not made any candy here
la ten days" aald a man giving hla
name aa Joe Martin, who claimed to
be a partner In the business.
Martin claimed that hla partner, a
man named MacOunsl. waa out of the
city. A crudely written algn appeared
' on the house to the effect that the
candy company desired to reach the
. art of . candy making and offers to
quip people with pota, kettles and
tools to make candy after learning.
Tba company even waa willing to aell
out completely.
.Actual condltiona at thla place may.
be summed up aa rouowa:
The place where the candy which ia
old on the streets la made is In the rear
nt a basement, the front portion of
which is used aa a wood shed. A small
partition divided Into two compart
ments is the place of manufacture. In
one of the made-to-order room a, con
structed crudely, evidently by the men
themselves. Is a etove and a kettle and
, long ainc lined bench extending along
the aide. Nothing about the place had
been cleaned in weeks. Dirt black
candy making toola dangled from hooka
and the hardened syrup from the last
candy making lined the large kettle.
A smoldering fire In the range was nec
essary Martin aald to keep the place at
temperature to protect the candy
which was on hand, from spoiling.
In the other compartment of the nar
row plaoe dirty pota and pang, old
clothing, a mattress and bedding of the
filthiest character were strewn about
If It Is poMnlble for tho reader to con
Jure up In hla or her mind one of th
filthiest hovela Imaginable, then a per
feet Idea ran be had of conditions ex
latlng at the alleged plant of the Port
land ( andv company. Add to that 1
you like, the presence In the place, of
a sickly rat which waa being fed from
one of the pana uaed In mixing syrup
and you nave an added disgusting; fen
ture of the place. fitting about on
shelves waa considerable adulterated
syrup. Thla vile Muff In aaaorted
colors. It wa explained, waa ab
aolutely pure nnd guaranteed under
the pure food laws.
Unsanitary Conditions.
Clothing of the fllthleat character
waa strewn about the floor and
least one of the proprietors of the place
sleeps in the rooms.
In. rront or the place and within a
few feet of the house from whlrh the
scarlet fever flag dangles 15 children
were romping and playing. The house
In which the candy place Is located Is
used besides as an abiding place by
many people. Rooms for light house
keeping are rented and the tinny Wu
panta of the floor overt he candv plaat
reek with filth and dirt. Directly
over the candy making place la the
kitchen of one family. Huddled Into
that kitchen was a woman with several
children. No carpet on the floor and
large cracks in the floor permits the
filth to sift through and disease and
other germs cannot help but sprinkle
on the candy aa made by the proprie
tors of the Portland Candy company.
This house haa aewer connectlona but
much of the refuse of the Dlace la
dumped in the alough below the etllta
which support the house and the odor
at ail times is alckenlng.
me Doara or health should at once
Investigate the Place and revoke the
license. The particular product tnin-
uractured by thla company la callod
xinaas French Chewing Candy."
Many or the foreigners who made fa
maiea along East Water stteet In
shacka and abandoned houseboats have
abandoned those peat holea and either
removed to placea unknown to ie au
thoritles or left the citv entlrelv Tht
is particularly true or Hunnav and Ma
mat! Kahn, two Greeks who were ob
liged to vacate a ehack at 75 that
street. Close dv at Nn fil in an
abandoned shanty boat another fellow
wno maoe tamaiea of an unknown Dual
ity has gone out of business. Nn need
here to recount conditions at either of
the above named placea. Th Journal
publlahed a picture of one of them a
ahort time ago. , The picture told the
atory of filth.
Two Cleanly Shops.
In contrast, however, to the places
which the efforts of Market Inspector
Evana have changed condltiona, two
ahould be mentioned which "are cleanly
.uu iigenic. jney are conducted hy
Ouy O. Chew, manager of the Eagle
Drand Tamale company at 7n Ouk
atreet and a man named Ahmad at il
East Third street. The latter. kwr
cater largely to apeclal trade and supply
mostly restaurants and dealers. Mar
ket Inspector Evana keens an
the placea constantly and she always
finds them In Derfert niir
dltlon. ' '
Organization Will Force Completion
of Grand Avrnuo Pavement Ob
jection Made to Ordinance Provid
ing for Block Sidewalks.
We Challenge the World
We will forfeit 11.000 to any charitable
Institution for any dentlat who can com
pete with ua in crown and bridge work
or teeth without platea. Pay no fancy
foes until you have consulted us. Our
continued aucceas In our many offices
la due to the uniform high-grade work
done by years of experienced operators.
Tho prices quoted below are abaolutely
tne ieat opportunity to get your mon
ey's worth which haa ever been offered.
We use nothing but the best materials.
In conjunction with the grand open
ing of the East Side Athletic club the
Kant Side Kusiness Men's club will cele
brate the anniversary of Its organiza
tion Monday, October 7. Special prep
arations have been under way for aev
oral weeks and an effort will be made
to have preaent every eaat aide business
man with his family and friends to
partake of the entertainment that will
be offered by members of the athletic
club and the hoNpitaJlty that will be
exended by the business men's organization.
Professor Rlngler of the athletic club
will supervise preparations and with
ilm a committee from the huslnens
men's club will cooperate. The enter-
alnment will be largely furnished by
the athletic club and features of the
evening will take place In the Quarters
of the athletic club alao the home of
the East Side Ruslneaa Men's club In
the liealy building. East Morrison and
Qrand avenue. Further plans will be
announced as they are prepared.
Adopt Business logaa.
The slogan contest will be decided
on October il, a few daya before the
anniversary celebration, ao that It can
De used on that occasion Tor the rlrst
time. The reorganization of the club
now under course of development will
also be accomplished at that time, no
that ;he club expects to begin Its second
year much strengthened and better able
to carry out Its extensive advertising
schemes than under the preaent or
ganization. It Is desired by the club
to Interest every eaat aide business man
In the work of the club and show them
at this time what has been accomplished
for east aide trade and what more they
expect to do.
At the meeting last night conditions
on Qrand avenue were discussed. Only
the weal side of the street has been
paved. There la no street on the other
side. The planks have been removed,
making it impossible to drive wagons
to the doors of the business houses on
that side of the thoroughfare. The cltv
haa Slaced an emergencyrder with an
mucus TjjrTXL nnxviEi ist
liver rulings SO
Platinum T tilings Hl.O
Oold and Platinum Alloy PlUlngs
ooia nuinga mz.oo
8. , Whits Xiogan Crown
Oold Crowns, best 23 k., extra
heavy IK. 00
work, per tootn, nest ria
to fn.uu
. S5.00
Bridre Work, per tooth, best go
est Xubber Plate. B. . whits
Teeth SP.OQ
Alumlnum-Xilaed Plats . S10 to lilt
A binding guarantee given with all
work for 10 years.
1'sed only by us for
Chicago Dental Parlors
V. w. Oor. Sixth and Washington Bis.
The largest and best equipped dental I
establishment In the northwest. Sev
enteen offices In the, United States,
See that you are In the right offlco.
Open Sunday 9 to 1.
jMiiy In attendance.
World's Noted Little Woman
Now Countess Magri
Comes Here.
Pi h (
Oswego plant for 16-lnch mains espe-
That portion of the amusement loving
public more particularly described as
"the younger generation" la to have Its
especial Jnning of the circus game whon
the Gentry Brothers' famous shows
visit Portland, October 9, 10 and' 11.
The hundreds of trained dogs and po
nies which have always given tho pecu
liar character to the Gentry show are
Btlll retained and give their two. hours"
program, of which so much has been j
said in praino during prior visits of the
shows. The monkey fire brigade and I
the monkey railway smashup are also
still among the features of the program
, ...w v.....u ' c- ana al, lne olu juvenile ravorites have
ment. but the Grand avenue merchants been retained, but In the little animal
are not Satisfied. It lnrl(.m over whlrh the Oonlrvi ,l.n
Blast Pave Before Bain Starts. ! there are many new subjects.
In order to facilitate the lmniove- . There are the five performing ele
Just because a few of America's lead
Ins society women went to Europe this
summer and saw the beautiful purple
Silks worn in Paris, every man who
' pretends to wear the correct thing in
scarfs and neckties, will have to dabble
In purple and hello around the holiday
season. Thla edict has gone forth and
la the first instance known where
women have been able to pick out neck
ties for men.
Herman A. Meyera of New York City
and representing one of the leading
Arms In the country In this particular
line Is at the Portland hotel, where he
told about this season s wear as he
showed off the particular shades that
. won the eyes and favor or tne Ameri
cans Jn Paris.
"Holiday shades will be purple and
hello," said Mr. Meyers aa he dexter-
ously placed a huge roll of the beautl
: ful silk below an original painting from
the New York art exhibit. "Blending
'of colors is another thing that will
make neckties a thing; of beauty and a
Joy forever this year. We have bronze
brown and Orleans blue, while in the
red we have shadea that are bewilder-
Thla series Is a blend gathered from
a tie worn by the man whr played the
"Man of the Hour" in New York. Hla
was a bright red. It seemed odd in
New York and a small rage followed. 1
wnicn naa resulted In attempts to aoften
the glaae. .
"This Copenhagen blue is a beautiful
thing that will undoubtedly prove pop-
i aia, mere win De much
in me oienamg or the brown shades
These have been proving the best sell
ers ana consequently have been the
ones on which the most work has been
done to procure harmony. An effort has
oeen maae to procure an oriental effect
Thla la the result."
And here Mr. Meyers showed a beau-
iiim piece oi suk which looked more
like a delicate Mosaic, ao dainty and
light was It In texture Ahova th.
play of Copenhagen blue, Mr. Meyers
has another original picture from the
nw i or art exniblt bv.Adur Tt i.
a picture of the grand canyon of the
Colorado river and Is in blue.
All about the room, In huge wicker
baskets, on tables and clinging around
large earthen vases, are rollx nH rn.
of silks of the moat delicate tints and
textures, while the shades soften and
dazzle in turn. One is bewildered by the
beautiful colors and becomes anxious
for the seasons to roll around to see th.
effect of the silk when made Into ties.
Odd Fellows Select Denrer.
(Special Dlipatcb to The Journal.)
Bt. Paul, Sept. 20. After a anlrlted
contest Denver has been selected as
next year s meeting place for the grand
ioujo qi uao r eiiows.
ment of this thoroughfare the club In
structed Its standing committee to nsk
the city to put in 20-Inch mains which
they have on hand Instead of walling
on the Oswego plant or the eastern
shipment of 16-Inch malnsj before the
paving can be finished. This step Is
thought most imperative by the busi
ness men, aa contractors say unless the
street Is paved before It becomes soaked
with the fall rains it will have to go
over until another summer. The streets
of th central east side absorb much
more water on account of their com
position of soft soil than the streets in
oher parts of the city.
V. C. Dunning. George Dllworth H.
H. Prouty and Frank Perkins were d-
pointed a special committee to confer
with Manager Fuller regarding the Issu
ance of transfers from the Oregon City
oars. At present no transfers are Ifisiiod
from the Oregon City cars, compelling
the patrons of that line who live in
remote parts of the cltv to give the
Portland Railway. Light Power com
pany another 6 cents.
Condemn Initiative Riders.
Resolutions condemning the practice
of Incorporating "riders" In initiative
petitions such as were adopted by other
organizations were introduced and as
sented to. Several measures were nearly
killed at the last election on account
of such "riders," notably the appropria
tion for a flreboat which Included the
"dry main rider," which was strongly
protested lay citizens in the suburbs
because It was a measure that could
bnly benefit a small section near the
The ordinance passed requiring black
sidewalks to be laid in Tilaee of the
natural white ones was Indorsed by J.
Frank Perkins, but the measure is not
enerally accepted on the east aide.
!. H. Raffety .1b a staunch enemy of the
ordinance and predicts for it a short
lire. He says the beauty of the city
would at once fade away should these
black sidewalks now be laid In the midst
of the clean-appearing wtle ones. He
says the beat and light in Portland de
mands no such neutral effect as It is
claimed the black sidewalks will bring
about. He says he will Introduce his
objections In every east side club until
the measure Is defeated
Per Year for Life
If you are in good health, approximately this
amount, or a larger or smaller sum can be assured
to you by a contract giving you and your wife a life
income, beginning at end of stipulated period and
continuing as long as either shall live, or giving your
wife a life income beginning immediately if you die.
BM T ft A ' ' 1
i ne iviimi&i
Life Insurance
invites investigation from those who
would like to make sure the welfare of
their loved ones. It invites investiga
tion of its assets, of its policies, of its
rates, and just now especially of the savings made and
being made by its new management
How would you like $1,000 per year for life ? Send
"- for foldef showing who have tried this method and
ho wN they like it
The Time to Act is NOW.
For the new forms of policies write to
Th Mutual Iifo Insurance) Company,N.v.
Or ALMA P. KATZ, Manager, Ainaworth Block, Portland, Ore.
phants. Nero, Trilby. Satan. Diamond
and Babe, whose elephant bantSand ele
phant supper give unalloyed pleasure
to the little ones. There la also a herd
of camels, the principal of which Is
Oklahoma, a baby horn this spring In
the state whose name It bears.
It is not alone In the department of
trained animals, however, that the Gen
trys have augmented their aggregation,
for the big feature of all the shows Is
the most famous little woman in the
world. Mrs. General Tom Thumb, now
the Countess Magrl. The countess,
with the Count Magrl, and his equally
diminutive twin brother, the Baron
Magrl, holds receptions Just inside the
main entrance each afternoon and even
ing. Owing to the coming of the Gentry
shows the boys and girls of Portland
will be privileged this season to enjoy
a peculiar and characteristic social
function known as tho each afternoon
reception. From 4 to 6 o'clock each
The largest assortrnent we have ever shown.
Modestly priced
$3.95 to $15.00
With every Boy's Suit and Overcoat
thrown open to the public, and the po
nies, dogs and other animala put on
dress parade. For two hours the chil
dren of all ages and the elders who
hrirg them will have full opportunity
to mingle with the principal actors In
the Gentry shows and get first hand
acquaintance - with the equine, canine
ana elephantine artists whose business
In life la to make each dav a vouthful
afternoon the big animal tent will be holiday.
Graft Roaches Society.
(Special DUpatch to The J cranial.)
Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 20. A number
of prominent politicians and society
men were arrested today In addition to
warrants issued yesterday In connect
tlon with graft chaiges growing out of
the erection and furnishing of the state
capitol. It waa stated today that many
of the suspects had received commis
sions for using their Influence to favor
Foundation has been laid for th
$3,000 home of F. W. Henderson In Ross
City Park. Ths house will be erected
on Rokeby avenue.
In Sicily lemons are only worth
a thousand.
Economy items offered for tomorrow only these being subject to delivery at our earliest convenience -and for
which mail, telephone or C. O. D. orders will not be accepted
Water Board Will Discon
tinue Work Pending
Outcome of Suit.
The city water board will lay no more
water mains out of the appropriation
made available at the last general elec
tion until the validity of the charter
amendment prescribing the sale of water
bonds has been established. The board
decided to discontinue its policy of lay
ing mains to be paid out or the bond
Issue after discussing an opinion of the
city attorney, which in part is as fol
lows: "I am of the opinion, and have so ad
vised the other departments of the mu
nicipal government, that all of the acts
passed by the voters at the last gen
eral election must be treated as valid
amendments until they are annulled by
a court of competent jurisdiction. I
recognise, however, the urgent necessity
of laying these mains at once, and the
uncertainty of proceeding under the re
cent amendment, pending the suit which
assails Us validity. It Is possible, too,
that the board will be enjoined from
proceeding under that amendment It
would seem that the board would Incur
no liability by proceeding to lay the
mains according to the old methods,
pending the decision of the suit, since
the council has made the appropriation
ror tne current year and since the fund
has been accumulated and in the hands
of the board.
"No Droperty-owner would be taxed
by ihe laying of the mains, as the fund
is already provided by the collection of
water rates. It is Impossible to foresee
any contingency, out t tninK the board
will be safe in laying the mains and
paying for ihem under the fcld method.
although it is a technical violation of
the amendment."
The board accepted a bid from the
Oregon Iron & Steel company for 1,200
feet of 16-lnch iron pipe and 1.200
pounds of Iron casting, costing in all
Superintendent Dodge was" -tven au
thority to consider a proposition of the
Oregon Cast Iron company to exchange
sight-Inch pipe for six-Inch plpa. - (
Velvet Rugs Special $1.85
The Carpet Department offers for tomorrow's special idl
ing a new lot of "Essex" Velvet Rugs size 27 inches
by 54 inches in an assortment of entirely new patterns
and colorings effects that will harmonize with any floor
covering. Regular $3.00 values at the above special.
Fixture SpecicllS floo!?
10c Brass Pole Brackets 1 inch or 1 1-3 inch per pair 5
10c Dozen Brass Picture Moulding Hooks, per dozen 5J
10c Brass Curtain Rods full size each ..5
25c Brass Extension Rods silver ball ends each... 10
35c to 75c Brass Extension Rods slightly tarnished
each : 25
India Scats Special $135
These attractive and popular pieces in three finishes
golden, weathered and mahogany seats covered in velour
in an assortment of patterns and colorings. Exactly like
cut. One only to each purchaser.
Basement Special
Regular $1.50 values per dozen Tumblers in dainty star
etched design best quality glass per dozen 90
Regular $4.50 values per dozen Tumblers in very best qual
ity cut glass choice design per dozen $3.25
$1.00 Down
$1.00 Week