II i .1 111 . i ' S : .- . .. . "i , ' j.r.r"w , ' L 1 m w I . " ' . " ' . I . . . . - . t I , . t 11 ... . ....... .. If TTJ7.IIEN ; you r need more hclrj W advertTfaTTHE JOIJD- HAL'S Help Wanted Columns. . i The weather rlr tonight' nd 'Friday;;. light variable .winds. f; v'y VOL. VI. NO. 169. I " v - .... Journal Circulation Yesterday Was 27,418 'PORTLAND, ORkcON, THURSDAY - 'EVENING, SEPTEMBER 19, 1907 EIGHTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. on mat avo wrwa tavds. rrva c&mt ....... ,v...: ... Vld MS Of GTOSS ISiANAGiIl Wwm N A BAD WAY . ;, Ugly Rumors Afloat as to W. Cooper Morns Who Was Pro fific of Loans-Scheme to Reorganize the Bank FIFTY CENTS DOLLAR This Sum Is Probably Best That Can Be Kealized on Securities as Many Uncol lectible Accounts Eiist in Eagle Company's Debt. Fifty cents on the dollar is all that depositors in the defunct Ore gon Trust & Savings bank can hope to receive, unless a reorganisation Is effected Earlier and more sanguine estl mates have been abandoned as the 1 Investigation of the bank's affairs lias proceeded and as fresh evi dences of Its gross mismanagement have come to light. While Receiver Devlin still refuses- to express any , opinion on the subject, it is de clared In , the most positive terms by those who have carefully exam lned the assets that depositors can not expect the receivership to yield thjyn more than one half the face of their claims. Many ugly rumors are afloat concern ins W. Cooper Morrla, the cashier of the bank, and It Is freely asserted that he was personally Interested In many of the loans- which he made. He Is In Medford today, having gone there. It Is aid, for the purpose of promoting the reorganization of the bank. In his ab sence It has been Impossible to secure from Mm either confirmation or denial of the stories current on the street. There Is no doubt, however, that he was chiefly. If not solely responsible for the loans to the Golden Eagle department Store, the worst instance or the recK less manner (n which the bank used the funds, of Its depositors. The story of these transactions Is a startling Illus tration or Morris' system 01 nnance. Eagle Company's Debt. The Golden Eagle department store. which will be reopened by the assignee tomorrow, owes the Oregon 'Trust & Savings bank, according to' Receiver Devlin s report, approximately $115,000, which had grown from a small over draft to the largest of the bank's loans, and which Anally engulfed the store and helped to cause, the bank's suspension. The bnnk's statement to the cloar-Ing-house committee did not Include this debt among Its assets. The liability had been charged off by Cashier Morris, who balanced It by an item showing rurchase of Home Telephone stocks, hese stocks having come into posses sion of the bank as a bonus with bonds. It was foreseen that the department store would fall.-and the bank manage ment wished to avoid publicity for the bank in connection with the failure. The success ;wlth which Ous Lowit, form erly manager and ostensibly owner of the store, secured money from the bank tn carry on his business haVcaused eon-1 siderable amazement since the facts hava been made public. When the bank realized that It had the department store on Its hands a S radical merchant. - C. F. Jackson of eattle, was summoned by wire and an Invoice of the stock was made. It was estimated that if all claims of whole, salers were paid the store would not pay more man 10 cents on me aouar. m HAS PLAN TO AID If Institution Is Left in Re ceiver's Hands There's Not Much Hope of Realizing Amounts Deposited De sire a Reorganization. We can save the depositors In the Oregon Trust 4k Savings bank a million dollars if our plan of reorganization Is carried through," is the statement made this morning by Jefferson Myers, one of the committee appointed to examine the bank's affairs In behalf of the de positors' association. , In conjunction with E. W. Haines of Forest drove and A. E. Reames, Mr. Myers has made a thorough examina tion of the feasibility of reopening the bank and he Is confident that the plan formulated can be carried through. This opinion is shared by Mr. Haines and Mr. Reames. "If the bank la to be left In the receiver's hands, the depositors cannot expect more than 60 cents on the dol lar." said Mr. Myers. "By our plan every one of them will receive dollar ror dollar. ' . Some explanation or the plan nas been given already In a letter to de- Dositors. published in the daily papers. Mr. Myers explained It somewhat more in detail today. It is proposed mat depositors shall subscribe for the full amount of the telephone bonds held by the bank, amounting to $1, 100,000, and that they further subscribe to capital stock in the reorganized bank, from their deposits $150,000. W. H. Moore and his friends are ready to subscribe (300,000 in cash, besides the real estate which Mr. Moore Is to turn over. JTew Resources. The bank would ttfen have as new re sources: Stock subscribed by depositors.$16j,000 New money subscribed by Moore ana associates auu.vuu Moore's land 100,000 v CROWDS TURNED AWAY BECAUSE OF LACK OF CARS TO TAKE THE3I TO SALEM FAIR. mf) M Hlllfr ii,i,mmii - - -r i iiiii i I r"l "' ' " "' ' --" i.- ! i If If lLsJ I lift If L , ' ' . Si. t LI II I I U L I'l L U ft- m - V , v v ; vl tr-W U S ''V' -S flfl I n I I J T I mmmmM GO I EASY hVWlbu VV 1?' fvt -in- ft t ' : .'hi '' I ill I r ,17111 i . r i is s . i Recites Story of a Famous . . Decision at Portland Tho: Prosecutor Was Intensely Indignant at Railroad Representatives. ' ' COLONY OF MONKEYS IS LIVING AT WHEAT DOCKS Missing Links Escaped From Oriental Ships Take Up Residence on Lower Albina Wharfs Where They Grow .Fat on Warehouse Products Total $550,000 The total resources of the bank would then bo estimated as follows: Bills receivable I 625,000.00 Telephone bonds 886,000.00 Pacific & Eastern Railway bonds , iuu.vuo.uu TTnited Railway Donas Lewiston L. & water Power bonds Bank stock In other banks.. Cauh nnri iIha from other banks xn.u.w Shippers' accounts ana Overdrafts 157.000.00 Estimated Interest due my committee ) ............. Bank nxtures and lease (estimated by committee) W. H. Moore land transfers of 6,660 acres anu ware hnnfiA nrnnertv in Port- land 160.000.00 A colony of monkers, real live mon keys, from the wilds and Jungles Asia, Malaysia and Melanesia, ha settled on the waterfront in lower Al bin a. There they live happily on the contents df the grain warehouses lhat line the river and fear, nothing but th small boys who have Just gotten "next to tbelr presence. Captain John A. Anderson of the firm of Anderson & Crowe, ship-liners, says he saw several members or tne colony the other day while at the Oceanic dock on his way to the British steamer Barkston, which had Just arrived from San Francisco. The monkeys were leaping from the rafters of the ware- bouses and between tne piling support TEU HG GRAFTERS' GRODP Borah Trial Will Show As sassinated Governor In dicted for Frauds. 76,000.00 52.000.00 24.000.00 11.000.00 60,000.00 76,000.00 mi v i With creditors -pressing hint from all sides Lowit consented to an arrange ment by which Jackson gavs his note for $40,009 for one half of the stock in the Golden Eagle company, and this note togetner witn rne scock, was piacea In the bank's hands, while Jackson was put in charge of the store with a view to making the .best effort possible to save it from failure, or at best close H out in the interest or tne nana, sard to Carry Votes. Onrn this arrangement was in effect. th. hank was obliged to. carry the store and protect it. There were, besides the bank claims, about $7,000'outstanding debts against tne store. nis was .me . situation when the bank suspended. Afterward, -several propositions were made to Receiver Devlin by which it ...it thrr.ua) its difficulties. ' A prao- . "If" .V CJ . .A ILAA J T lern Calliornia, wno noa -'vest, conceived with Louis J. Wlldea )- by which he would be willing to . i nwi the store ana wine one us V . i. . .v-t TLT. TUll.Sa n r wm mit inn n. lit tririiacu . . . j 1 . . . . . .FA AAA a" mnltii ovr to the bank $50,000 rv,. airfflnates of denonlts of tho Inm Telenhone company if tho bank nnml nil its claim. This would 1 have given tho bank practically ,- nnA f. tha Malm, aa it would have re- ; jCtftitlnued oa Page .1 wo,LJ Total $2,380,000.00 aii nf tho rinnositors of the Oregon Trust & Savings bank are requested to be present at a meeting io o ueiu m the Armory Saturday night wnen m. ti. Haines nresldent of the State Bankers' association, Jefferson' Myers and others will lay before tnem tne aexaus oi tne plan ror reopening iuo Manv rinnositors have been calling at the office of Secretary Richmond of tho depositors' organisation to have the plan explained to them and practically all who have called have signed their names to an agreement saying iney are wuiinir to accent the bonds of the Home Telephone company for one half of thelrJ deposits. Committee Sag Hopes. . It this nlan can be carried out the committee hopes that the bank may be reopened leaving the depositors 60 per cent or tneir accounts suoject to cneca while the other 60 per cent is represent ed by tne teiepnone Donas wmcn uiey exnect will be as good as gold. --- - It 1 believed that if the depositors agree to tnis pian tne court win snow no hesitation in removing the bank from the hands of tho receiver and turning K over to the new officers. Letters have been sent to, depositors of tho bank out of the city telling them In detail of the plans 10? reorganisa tion and. asking tnem to cooperate with the association in tho hope of again putting tne nana upon its reet. 4 ' 1 " MQR&SmmAGAINSIL STANDARD OIL Cnltd Press Leaiea Wh) oust the Manhattan Oil company from doing business in Onto has been filed In the circuit court by Prosecutor David. who charges the company with operat ing in defiance to tho anti-trust laws. The Manhattan company is said to bo a (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Boise, Ida., Sept. 19. When the trial of United States Senator W. E. Borah commences next week the attorneys for the government will disclose the fact that the late Governor Frank Steunen berg, killed b' a bomb placed btf Harry Orchard, was implicated with Borah in the Boise valley land frauds. While no official announcement In connection with the rrauds was given out. It is understood that he was Joint ly indicted witn Borah Dy tne grand jury last May. In order that the at torneys for W. D. Haywood then on trial for the murder of Steunenberg couia not mane capital out or tne ract, it is said the late governor of Idaho was Indicted under the name of John Doe. The government, it Is further stated, will show that Steunenberg was the leader of the Democratic wing of the land grabbers, while Borah was the chief conspirator of the Republican party. United States District Attorney N. M. Rulck, a Republican, is thus left in a very peculiar and delicate position. Friends of Borah claim the district attorney commenced the prosecutions for political m olives as Rulck is known to be friendly to Senator Heyburn. They say the prosecution was under taken for the riurnose of aldlnr Hnv. burn. The second motive ascribed to the prosecution by Borah and the nine other defendants, one of wMom Is Frank Mar tin, attorney-general under Steunenberg, is mat it wouia aia iiaywooa. Ing the docks and apparently having the time of their lives. Several small boys living In the vicinity were In hot Sursuit or one or the smaller baboons, et he eluded them without muck dif ficulty and Is presumably still at large. The boys said they had seen four or five "great big monks" under tne aocK.. Dut that they "skiaaooea" when they saw them coming. The monkeys are supposed to have escaped from steamers that have been berthed at the east-aide wharves dur ing the summer months. Several are known to have brought monkeys, but It was supposed that the simians went awav with the ships, since neither the immigration officers nor the police were notified of any strayed, lost or stolen "missing links." The Chinese crews of the oriental liners Nunantla. Alesia. Nicomedla and Arabia have brought a large number of monkeys here recently for sale, but some were not of the kind meeting with a good demand. Unable to dispose of them, the Chinese are supposed to have tossed them over the side when no one was loosing In order to escape . the trouble of having to. feed and car for them on the voyage back to Hongkong, where their value would be less than the cost of their board across the ocean. It is known that two or three In me monkeys were rejected by prospective purchasers because they suffered from colds contracted on the voyage over, and these are probably among the lead ers of tho colony. Having retrained their freedom, the man-like beasts of the iunales soon re covered and grew fat and sleek on the frrain. flour and pigeon eggs to be had n any quantity on the east-side docks. The liner Arabia, now In the harbor. has two monkeys on board and there Is one on the tramp steamer Barkston The renort of monkevs belnff at larre Is creating a sensation In that part of the city among the housewives, some of whom are fearful lest the simians pay an unexpected visit some afternoon while they are alone at home or en oylng an afternoon tea. It Is said there Is no telling where the monkeys will draw the line should they discover that the country's resources are more bountiful away from their narrow con fines on the wheat docks. So far the monkeys have rJroved Der- rectiy harmless and no one nas com plained to the authorities of their presence. This is no dream or a monkey- maniac." said one of those who de clares he has seen the monkeys run about at large on the docks. "There are quite a number of them and they seem to be getting along nicely. Of course, they have escaped from steam ers that have been here recently from tho-orlent, and gradually they Joined the colony as they came ashore. The docks offer any amount of food fit for the most fastidious eslcure of the tropics, because there are grains, flour and fruits, the best in tho world, stored away for shipment. Then, again, hundreds of pigeons nest under the rafters and furnish fresh eggs for breakfast every day, .and again, I am certain monkeys harbbr no dislike for young and tender squabs. Why, there s enough food lyinar around loose over there to feed a thousand monkeys wlth- out anyone noticing It." 4,000 PERSONS FIGHT TO GET ON S. P. TRAIN State Fair Excursionists, Unable to Secure Passage Over Road Which Lacked Accommodations for Crowd, Rush Guards Over 2,000 Left at Station. Relates Detective Burns' El-, perience in Trapping Pu : ter and Obtaining His' Confession How Others Fell From Grace. t Two thousand would-be excursionists pushed their way around the union depot this morning in an effort to crowd through the gates and reach the excur sion trains for the state fair at Salem. Lincoln Steffens has soma Important and Interesting stortes to tell of Fran c's J. Heney's Oregon experiences. Th October American Magazine will contain an account of an attempt by prominent citizens of Portland to get Heney to "bo easy on" those guilty. Heney and hla detective, Burns, were invited to meet some of the leading . citizens. What , happened Is related as follows by Mr. ' Steffens: "Heney. a clubman and a man itf ttia through to the crowded excursion train w?iri.di' wa 'de"jtJsd-' There would bo a little Informal dlllner. AnA thra Given at the leading club, some of tho leading citizens of the state wero pres ent, among them W. D. Fenton. tho out In the yard. Bush tho Onarfls. some managed to get through and made their way to the already crowded chief counsel for the Southern Pacific. cars, while others apal'ii lh. hi a irnn ini r'k.iA. u r- - V. When they found that they weren'tJ fence. A part of the crowd made a de-1 Northern PaclHo' railroad. After "tho going to be allowed to go. tickets or no l"r" Ah.r(aarv f th" 2ePf wlne flowe tho cigars and cof-. tlcksts, they turned their attention to ;nd tni atchTrr ta the railroad company and made life them . got Through tho Mg&oUmL-&tJ2& miserable for the depot officials all "Sntln ?.?0licA,w.trcled course. Burns is sober and virtlant at morning. Before 7 o'clock this martin. th. i.. " alnner: "eney is as good company as "Burn their old cars!" yelled someone one. who ha4 a t .? l ff. , ,. ! 7" coul1 wUh for- H was gay 'and In the crowd that was pushing against the crowd.That mlgt be t.d and thoughtless that night until hi Vegan inn ihiich hi-ims. i n. 1 1 ii k Liin iimimii rririi li a hj l . . Lfi f-M 1 1 ' r i i ri h nriir gr I n trm n'K train sheds. "Give u. our money back I" tuer "ft, "I, 'Zhhrtbi th. ing citizen, of Origon spoke of Tho Calie.dh 0ULtherVn threhaVnln t0n?s- SouThern Pacific excursion day. b nltud of th. timber and land fcUS an then they mad. a rush for the gate- gAn to flll the trolley ca7. bound for nM f th'r great state: of tho legal a 1 1 1 rif l rail r'P rn n a n n r t n a V MM .. w a.v, w me aepot. Aa time went. crowds increased until every BAKER WOMAN IS TRIED FOR LIFE town car was full. Take Early Trains. down- lha country which an outsider might mvo uimi-uuy in understanding, tho ancient custom of 'getting around' tho laws. The conversation was an bdoIoitv Dorcas Hambleton Faces SiSS t" ke p,u"7A"i? KA ,h Jury for Shooting Her E Husband in Head. emergency ornce was nneneri in th inl tlCKel agency's department. In all 2,000 tickets were sold st the dmnt ticket office and about 700 at th n. town office. peclal Train loaded. To accommodate this nnmh nf nan- pie the Southern Pacific provided an- entire morning was consumed in secur- thlng 7n wheeU that c'ould be" scTaped lng the Jury and immediately after the together within 60 miles of Portland, noon recess tho prosecution Introduced There were some antique coaches of the . ... . , (. iv v-umuiui. ivi v f i mm naa not been used for years, and others bor rowed from the scrap piles of the Northern Pacific and the O R. & N (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Baker City, Or., Sept. 19. In the case of the state vs. Dorcas Hambleton the testimony to show that John W. Ham bleton was dead, and that he had met hill dAAth fmm n hnllat f1r.il fpnm a revolver In tho hands of Dorcas Hamble- Tno Southrn Paclflo had but' few of its revuiver in tne nanas oi uorcas namoie- own cars in use. The officials ex plained that there were none to be had. Yes. and I know whv." mlliM nut m Indignant ticket holder who hart 1nt coma up from California. "I saw hun dreds of cars holding down sidetracks at Aiaraeoa so tnat a rival road can't get In there." This started the flame anil th mn uegan to oemanu tnat thev be allowed to get out and reach the train. It had been filled to the platforms within 15 minutes from the time it had been ton. Only a short time was consumed by tho prosecution in introducing its tes timony and the defense then began Most of tho testimony to be Introduced will be as to the character of the de fendant and the dead man. the defense attempting to show that Mrs. Hamble ton was Justified In her actions. The case is attracting a great deal of atten tion because of the widely known char acter or tne dead man. Mrs. Dorcas Hambleton was nlaced on trial ror amine her husband, John W. Hambleton, on Sunday, July 7, 1807. When brought into the courtroom she was supported by her son and daughter. who were with her at the time of her preliminary hearing. The case of Mrs. Hambleton Is at trading greater attention than any barked Into the depot grounds and the gaiemen naa Deen instructed not to al low any more out. Great Crowds Wait. Some broke through and were mut h Superintendent of Terminals Lyon's wildly waving his arms and trying to shoo them back. They laughed nt him and climbed onto the Platforms of th case at this term of court. On the I cars. Depot fonceman narter who does morning of Sunday, July 7. Mrs. Ham bleton shot and instantly killed her hus band while they were walking down tho road together near t'leasant vauey. Mr. (Continued on Pago Two.) SUES TO TEST BOND VALIDITY r ' Action Filed in Circuit Court by Francis McKenna to Prevent City From Issuing' Paper Fire Points Eaised in Suit Charged That Special Election Should Have Been Held. Attacking the validity of the 13.000.- 000 nf water bonds voted by the people at the June election, suit to enjoin tho city officials rrom issuing tno ponas was filed in the circuit court yesterday afternoon by Francis I. McKenna by Rnneca. Smith as his attorney. The tnavorr aueHtoft' council oweV tho-eity aro made defendants in tno suit. AicKenna first alleges that ho is a citlxen. a voter and a taxpayer in tho city. It is charged that the city council had no. legal authority to frame the amend ment . to tbe charter authorising the water bonds, and that Auditor Devlin Dlaced the question on the ballots with out authority. According to the com- flalnt, -the amendment was adopted by ho plurality of only 131. tho vote hav ing; been 7,847 for it and T,118 against voters did not vote at tho city election at all, and that 2,702 of those who did vote cast no vote on the water-bond Question. That no notice of the general election In the city was given by tho auditor or anyone as prescribed in section 28 of thn riiMlu ia altered. It Is allaired a Inn that the proceedings 'of tho tnaytm-awett- tor ana council regaramg tno- amend ment aro void because they had no power to submit any amendment to tho people. - ..i ., It is charged that tho vote cast is illegal and void, and that the people' had - no right 1 - vote on the bond Issue, because tho amend ment was -ot submitted by fnltlativo pe tition. . It is charged . also that, the amendment railed to pass at tho election the work of two men on ordinary ncra sions, did the work of half a dozen this morning, but in the face of the number wno wero trying to dodge him he was unable to keep all from getting on board me train. When the special nullpd out st o'clock the people who had been left re fused to go home. They had evidently decided that If they stayed there lon- enough they would force the railroad company into providing another train. The depot officials went through the waiting rooms and the platform an. nounclng that there would bo no more j omcui mini mis aiternoon, but the excursionists refused to holl.v. inum ana nootea yiem down. Disappointment B ring's Tears. When they finally be ran in null.. mat iney couian t go unless they walked some went away cursing tho Southern i-aciiic wnue omers laughed and tried to make t he-best of it.. thirds of the voters, as reniiired hv . . Many, of the children who had Ibeen tton 82 of the oharter. "JSP1 ou,t, f, acnooi ror tho day cried at rhe action of the mavor connnii and realization pf.-thelr spoiled holiday. auditor is attacked on the allegation I ?v?n. some ' .tho women, mothers who that they undertook to submit to the naa peen worKing nard to preparo their le without havlna- been netitloned 5 per cent of the voters of the e'itv me Question wnemer tne cuv.snouia in. mm fndebtedwess) for the pucpese ef en quiring a public utility. Another objection urged against the amendment la that it was submitted to tho people at a general election when it should have been voted upon at a spe cial election. - - The complaint charges that unless tho city orriqiais are restrained great ex- ISO pen's in to .th cltv will ha Inpnii-m tho enrrtTlna: and Issuance at thailr oonas, ana tnat an-injunction im tho only .lji:.:i-brn.9..Mio. 8tadjtr4..oa oempnyt.r .fjSr. 4s) tUls4 toat sii n&tsnil btu it ab not votod tor bj two! raUef s.vailablo. v , " T , tmy tlx." r ofh'e reaxcrs1onasae8youldm '. hold of to take the regular train for Mr. Tsntoa's Uttlo Tatt. . paiem. leaving at :lo, instead of wait- ho you see, Mr. Heney," said Fen ing for the specials. AlthouKh they ton, of and for tho Southern Pacific, It were unable to take aiivantr nt tho I is bad laws that ma Ira man K.,n special rate of 11 offered by the rail- let us say, that make such irregular! road for Portland day. many of the ex- ties necessary.' And Mr. Carey, of and cursionist. took the advice and packed for tho Northern Pacific, nodded . ao- tho train of 14 coaches to suffocation. provaL ; .y.J". "me the nrst special excur- "Heney exploded. He saw.ancl. ha it the said that he saw what they wero up depot to, these leading cltlxens. They wero keep him 1 wishail t warn them then and there that ha maan to go 'too far'; that if ho could get past the petty thieves to the leading cltliens. who were the real crooks, ho would get " them. Their Ts only ono way to get rid of bad hrtrs, and that waa not tt evade and break them, but to enforco and, By showing that they woro bad. repeal or amend them. And said tho guest to his hosts, any leading citlsens who took any other course, and eape cially one that included perjury, wera criminals In heart and mind. Their edV ucation and their polish made no dif, ' ference; these made the matter worse, ' They were corruptions, they corrupted the law and tho people and themselves." Following is tho story of how 8. A. D. Pu ter was induced to ennfaaa- . The key to tho situation waa Stephen . 8 A. Douglas Puter, and Heney and Burns set about getting him to confess. Ho would be hard to break down. Tho Idea of 'peaching on his pals' would be ab horrent to him. But so was tho Idea of confinement. Puter had said that ho -would die before he would go to prison, and the day after his conviction, his brother, Clarence, an attorney, called on Heney to ask his consent to .'a tin... a big fine anything but Jail. - , "Heney was hard. 'Stev gets th limit, he said. 'In the penitentiary.' And, knowing where his brother go next. Honey hurried in to see tho . judge. He explained the situation' and . his plan, and when Clarence Puter ap- fcaicu in um uiiKwirers, tne juage waa as hard as Heney. It was Burns' turn now- JFh detectivo reasoned vthat ' while Puter would 'stand by his friends. . he would expect his friends to stand bv him. Puter must be Isolated Burns found a way to warn Pierce Mays and the other gentlemen Involved with Puter thatjthey wero under suspicion and that they would better not bo seen With Steveor his brother. This done. Burns had it suggested to Puter to appeal to Mays and his friends to go on hl bond. When th 'shadows1 reported that Clarence Puter had called on these men and had come away, 'mad.' , Burn went to "See him. t -. -...j , :. . ."futer ho said, the big fellows aro making a full-guy of your brother. Thev want him in jail out of .the way.. Now Heney's onto tho. whole lay-out and h' doesn t want Steve and that bunch. He wants th big guns, the very fellows who have gone -back on Steve, i And if you don't believe they hav. quit him, go and see. Try Mays or any of 'em? "'I. have tried them Polar ' terly, Tv tried 'em all.' ' , "A bloodhound tn pursuit; Burns turn " Cat when ho catches his prey, H plays with th , Puters. He saw them both. They hated to "soueal but Duma hi.i out in one hand a picture of Steve as a fool serving years in prison out of loy alty to friends who had gono back (n him: in the other, new friends, himself and Honey. i 8teTev Puter confessed; snj tilr roi fession opened " the way to th land fraud system. . The others ' "nttut throuath"' also McKlnley. Txr, i.. . Mario Ware. Emma Watson. lint i,1 best witness was Puter. I,ik m.s who havo kept secrets fnr v!r". !.), r enjoyed talking, so ha f n u,.f . ,,. i . h would gd away and. r.. i(,ri,r ,.-.. , he had forgotten, wnul 1 pi,i,)fl i : , , Henev with them. A ml one is left to llulcn. t Ui i . ' r , lag a book." . . ( families for the trip, and stennmnh who had.beenrgranted a vacation thft iuey in i Kin in m idi xair. sat Ann In I th . l tlng oei a4 cried. Them en wcrw aoro. cr inronrn and tried to tb.ln.ltf',9m way ""stUn vn" with th railroad. , .-' &oad Slacked Car,' ' . " Tw been plannln for this holldsr for month,'r-aid on man. ".rid I've shut-up my business expecting? to go to Salem and I find that even though I've bought a ticket It doesn't do me any good. And thr ar hundreds Just-la