The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 15, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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These Portland Emulators of "Mr. Batch" Declare That
In Matrimonial Union There is No Strength;
Hence Their New Inde pendent Organization.
. i -
. . , ; C', .. , ; t. ;': ;; '-;: -';' ' "",J; ;. '
Weeping Husband Demands
Kiss From Wife Takes
Her In His Arms, Then
Drinks Deadty Poison as
She Struggles for Bottle.
Tib going to leave you forever. Kia
in good-bye," id Lule Nicholas
Breutlacht, a teamster, residing at til
'Guild avenue, tottl wlf at 1:10 O'clock
yesterday afternoon, aa ha attempted to
clasp her la hit arm. "Whan aha eluded
hla embraces, tha despondent man sud
denly produced a sU-oujm rial of car-
boHo acid, whloh ha plaeed to hla Upa
Aeekln to nravant har huaband'a self-
destruction, lb woman, erased with
irlgfct, sprang upon him aa ha aat on
tha edge of tha had, and with maniacal
Btrensth wrenched tha bottla from hla
a-raso. Breutlacht had baan too Quick.
however; and before dlapoaaaaaad of tha
vial had awallowed auf rlolent polaoa to
eaut hla death In a raw minute, in
tha deaperat atruggl to aava har hua
band'a lira, lira. Urautlaoht waa aeri
' ously burned about tha handa and arma
by tha aold, bat la har grief aha did act
notice the pain.
Threat eaad ta Take Ufa,
." Brautlacht'a sulcld la tha of
several years' Buffering from suicidal
mania auparladuced by Inaane Jealousy
"and an uogoyamabla temper. On ln
- numerable occasion ha declared hla In
tention of taking hla life, and It waa
only a week ago that hla eldeat aon
took from him a bottle of carbolic acid.
Brantlacht waa employed aa a team
after by tha Weetern Clay company, and
cama to thla city from hledford about
alx montha ago with hla family, con
' alaUng of hla wife and alx children,
the eldest being IS and the youngest 4
, year of age. They took up their reai
. dance at tit Guild avenue and were
purchaalng tha property an tha Install-
' went plan.
For uum time nrautlaeht had baan
morose and deapondent, and iaat night
. upon returning noma about midnight
refused to occupy tha name apartment
with hla wife. "I am going away to-
'morrow, ne aaia, upon minnf, oui
vais morning went 10 wvra mm u.uu.
Sriaka rolsoa Before Wife.
About 4 o'clock yeaterday afternoon
,f ha left-hla work and returned home.
"When Mra. Braatlacht reached tha
. .house from a shopping trip downtown,
ahe found her husband alttlng on the
aDea ana crying utterly, -i am going
te leave you forever," declared Braut
lacbt, then quickly eprlnglng from the
. w, bed ordered hla wife to klaa him good-
bra. at the sain time trying to throw
v hla arma about har.
- Not knowing what occasioned hla
; strange behavior, the woman managed
to escape from hla clutchea Breut-
. lacht thereupon reached into a dreaaer
-; drawer and grabbed the bottle of acid.
-rnruating a aeea to the residence In
"No wedding bells for us" la tha
motto that nearly fifty of the moat
prominent of tha younger profeaalonal
men of Portland have adopted.
And to abow that they really mean It
they have each and every one of them
Joined a brand new Bachelora' club, tha
first requisite for membership In which
Is the filing of a $6,000 bond with a
responsible bonding company. They
have practically aecurad rooms for their
club house on tbe top floor of one of
the down-town office buildings ana
their constitution announoee that the
elub'a ststlonery aheil bear a crest of a
a bachelor fish and a bachelor button
"Who are tha officers T' eaJd a mam
bar of the elub to a Journal reporter
last night, "well that would create too
much trouble to make It aafa to give
out juat at present we want to wait
until wa gat more on our feet and have
become settled la our club housa It's
really a caaa of "united wa stand; di
vided wa fall,' because I suspect that
there are a few weak onea who might
be loduoed to turn back if their namee
were made public now, But If anyone
thlnka Ita a Joke I'd like to show him
tha nloe array of 16.000 bonds that we
have In our treasurer's keeping.
"Tha Arlington club waa too neevy
for ua, and tha University club la fairly
alive with matrimonial germa It waa
no claoe for ua Tha Commercial club
didn't provide quite the atmoaphare de
sired and ' So wa deolded to establish a
elub of our own where we could not
only have every eomfort that any mar
ried man might poaaesa but where we
have tbe sustaining Influence of eaoh
other In any time of temptation."
A dab Wen gwang.
Bo there's not any doubt about tha
club It la well launched and la but
awaiting Its settlement into permanent
quartera to make an official announce
ment of Its formation and Ita alma.
When tha constitution and by-laws are
read over earertilly it doesn't eeetn to be
such an Infamous Institution, evert from
the feminine point Of view, aa might be
Imagined at first glanoa The mem
bers are all young men starting la their
professlona physicians for the moat
part, with a leavening of lawyer and
the bonds only read for six yaara
"We thought It beet to put a six-year
limit In the first place," said the mm
ber who waa willing to talk a little,
but not willing that his name should be
used Just yet. "That lll let any of tha
lellows out of the club at tha and of
alx years If any want to be let out
which I doubt very much. Wa believe
that if young men are shown the ad
vantage of single blessedneaa for alx
years that moat of them will have sense
enough to keep It up the reat of their
Uvea without any 15,000 bond. we
aren't looking for any falling off In
membership at tha and of our probation
Arrangements Will Be Made
at Ottawa Monday Where
by Japan Will Agree to
the Limitation of Immi
waet Ball Out of Taaa.
As for the Portland stria what they
think of the club ia almost Impossible
to express,
"Nonsense!" exclaimed one of them,
tha daughter of a prominent physician
and tha friend of several younger if less
prominent ones, whan tha situation waa
explained to her over the telephone.
"They will never do It, and I don't be
lieve lfa true anyway. Not marry for
alx years? Five-thousand-dollar bonds T
You ran ha certain that there ia going
to get out oi it wny,
aimoat anyming
be that
(BearM ltewa ay t eaglet Leased WVa)
Venoouvef, B. C Sept 14. The de
mands of union labor for tha restriction
of Immigration of Hindu, Chinese, Japa
nese and other Aalatlo lahorara probably
will be satisfied to aoma extant by tha
arrangements which are to be made at
Ottawa In a conference on Monday be
tween Premier Laurler and Baron Ishtt
the special envoy of the foreign office
of Japan. The conference la for the
to be aoma war to get
I'll be willing to wager
that tha moat popular
their piano-player will 1
niece of
will have will
" 'Sure aa fata there's got to be
Mora wedding bells for ma.'
"Anvwav. It'a not true.
But the wise onea nod knowingly arK
It can be safelv announced that a Bach'
elora' club will be tha cext addition te
social Portland.
V the poison, Juat aa Mra. Brantlacht
.'ourht to Belsa tha bottla Dr Hui
I waa- called, mt before hla arrival
iBrautlacht waa dead,
i Tha coroner waa notified, and Deputy
" Coroner Arthur Flnley removed the
body to Flnley'a undertaking parlora
Brautlacht'a mother realdse at Yreka,
; California, and has been notified of the
tMrftriv '
1 j
Carrying a deputy game warden's
badge and a large alted package that
will last orer Sunday, a man about alx
feet four lnchea tall, walked into Mace's
market on Fourth atreet laat nixni ana
that na
stated in maudlin
to In
fish Is
that on the
"Whst kind of a
counter?" ha asked.
"Sole." waa the anawar of Mr. Maoa.
"Well. I don't like It. Bhow ma tha
reat of your stock. Bring It out where
I can aee It and hurry up."
By thla time a large crowd had
gathered In and about tha market
watching the Inquisition. Ths Inebriat
ed warden demanded tha namea of the
various varieties of fish displayed for
ale, wanted to know where they came
from and finally made himself so ob
noxious he was ordered out of the store
with the order to stay out
Ha refused to aro until a I van a aam
pie of the atock on sale. A huaa aal
mon was handed the man, who tucked
H sunder hla arm unwrapped, and
Journeyed hla dlxsy way down tha
atreet. Mr. Mace than went to the
police station, swore out a John Doe
warrant for the strangera arrest on
a charge of disorderly oonduot, and
will have him up before the state
board If he turna out to be a deputy
gnmx wnraen. j ne man wore a nenge
marked deputy game warden and num-
Dered rBv.
jm By mm
Ecduction of Force Believed
j to 'Be Caused by Fear
r of Slump.
- .
.'.V, (Hearst ltewa by Lengest Leased Wire.)
New fork. Sept 14. A reduction of
itha" price' of ejectrolytlo copper by the
'United Metals Selling company from IS
to 14 H cents waa announced today, and
: ta regarded aa a tacit admission on the
, part of chief producing Interest of the
country that there la aa over aupply
v on hand. The above organisation la
the gelling agent of the Amalgamated
and controls probably 100,000,000 of the
zou.uuv.wuv pounds or copper now on
band in the United States.
The cut In pricea backed up with the
curtailment or worg in the mining cen
tere, la looked upon here as proving
the contention of the dealera that the
' figures at which copper baa been held
were fictitious, and that its true value
la- indicated by ' the prices which have
prevailed at tha metal exchange, it
hie not been up to tha Amalgamated
figures for aoma daya.
Coincident with the announcement of
the United Metal Selling company that
It la prepared to do busineaa at l6Va
cents a pound for electrolytic copper,
come private cables from Europe to
tbe effect that electrolytio waa offer-
tola morning at 16.60 and
o. b. New York.
Word cornea from Montana that the
Amalgamated Copper company will pur
sue a general policy of retrenchment
and curtailment of output, reducing It
from 20,000,000 pounds to 7.000,000 or
S. 000,000 pounds monthly. In pursuance
of thla policy the' company has been
cutting down Ita mining foroes since
the first of September, so that at the
present time 4,000 miners are employed
against 6,500 three weeks ago.
Excitement High at Close of New York Minister Declares
Exhibit in Exposition
We Must Be Good or Suf
fer Visitation.
lng there
16.70 t.
Admitted Being a Bad Man.
Carlo Fllx. an Italian, who ahot Tom
fight at Fifth and
&r ago, waa
The Pure rood Bhow wfcloh has been
holding forth at tbe Exposition rink
for the past two.weeka ended last night
with the biggeat crowd of the aeason.
Kxcltement over the varioua voting con
tests ran high, especially that , around
the firemen's blackboard. A crowd of
broadshouldered fire fighter and their
admirers crowded the Federation or
Woman' clubs booth all evening In
the effort to aettle who waa the moat
popular fireman In Portland, while the
other conteata ware only less hardly
The results of the various conteata
and those who were presented with
aold watchea are:
VllVVUHUt, MA. J. , 1 VttJ, I J
demonstrator. Miss Clara Krlngla, 8,066 ,
votes, Mlsa Catharine Tallman, aacond,
2. 976: grocer, J. D. Swank. J.690, JS. J.
Rathven, 610; Salesman, Webster I
Young. 1.1X1. John Blauw. 660: aten-
ographer, A. J. Kerker, 3.366: Mlaa Nel
lie Troy, 2,662: Fireman. Captain F.
Dowell. 19.701. W. E. Shell. 16.630.
Secretary John R. Oreen of the Na
tional Retail Grocers' association was
present and declared that the Port
land show was far ahead of many that
he had attended in the east. A com
mittee from the Tacoma Grocers' as
sociation also visited the show and
were taken around Portland in an auto
mobile yesterday afternoon,. it waa
their first visit to Portland since the
Lewis and Clark fair and tbe visitor
were astonished at the great stride
that thla city had made alnce then.
(Hunt Hews by Longest Leased Waa)
New York. Sept 1. "New York la
aa wicked as waa Nine van of old. Thla
republic la doomed unlesa it obey tha
law of God and of Jesus Christ" These
tartllng statements were made today In
Old Trinity church by the Rev. William
Wilkinson of Minneapolis la a aarmon
isel 1st to
committee, which has been conducting
special open-air servlcea in Wall atreet
and in tents in varioua parta of New
York City.
He aaid that In New York all thina-a
for good and evil center. The highest
achievement waa found bealde the deeD-
eat degradation.
"Thla wave of crime which swept over
this city during the summer," h aaid.
"would not have occurred If the neoDle
had followed tha advice of the pooreat
evangelist who ever preached. If this
republic does not listen to the voloa of
God it is doomed."
purpoae of completing arrangement for
tna limning or immigration, inie i
the solution of tha oriental problem her
thla afternoon.
The federal government will send
special representatives to Ottawa to
make a eareful Inquiry and report to
the government the facta, especially
te?e relating to tha Hindu e. Mayor
Bethune received word from Premier
laurler laat night aaylng -tha Investi
gation had been planned. The mayor
Immediately telegraphed another de
mand for the uaa of the dominion hall
here In which to shelter tha HUndua
Thar are over 600 homaleaa Hindu
in tha eitr today.
They roam about tha atreet a mark
for the gibe of th unionist. They I
ant a special delegate to th city
council last night to appeal for a place
to eleep. They declare that tha open
air of the laat night ewo night I too
cold and rear that many or tneir coun
trymen will dl Of pneumonia Th
council returned word that nothing
could be done and the jHinaua nave to
Bleep anywhere until tbe government
grant the uaa of th drill hall or
erects ahada
The Canadian Pactflo haa given the
nindu ground free upon which to erect
tents for shelter from the cold nlrhta
So far no tent have been erected, but
the Hladu aay more of their country
men are coming and they will find per
manent quartera ror mem. it ia a quea
tlon what will become of th Hlndua,
aa they are not aa a rule physically
capable of oarformlng labor requiring
muscular strength or endurance.
The anU-Aalatio feeling la atlll strong
in tne city, ana in natrea or me unina
men for ths white 1 active. There
was a small riot In Chinatown laat
nlarht when several whites were aet
upon by a gang of Chinaman and badly
beaten. The white .waiter and cook
rave notloe that the Chinamen employed
n tha restaurant and hotel must b
dismissed or they would quit work In a
Doay. ;
But desalt occasional outbreaks it
la thought th riot feeling among the
whites la dvthg out and that the dancer
of a general outbreak la over for the
Who have experienced difficulty in getting satisfac
tory Clothes from their Tailor or Clothie. Will say.
For flic Fall 1907 Are Now on
Display at Our Handsome Store
And all the difficulties you've ever experienced in
the way of securing clothes that will fit, and stay
fitted, will be a thing of the past when you try
Chesterfield Suits. They possess distinctive
ness of style; they wlllJIt you In shoulders
and collar as you've never been fitted; the
front of Coat Is so constructed that It will
never curl back at edge or otherwise lose
shape. If It does within one year from date
suit Is purchased you can have a new suit
FREE. Will appreciate an opportunity of show
ing you the Fall Styles Chesterfield Suits and
Overcoats. Price range $25.00 to $50.00
269-271 Morrison Street Truth Ever Quality Always
Former President Said to
Have Dropped All Inter
est in Politics.
(Hearst Ifewa by Lsageat Leased Wire.)
New Tork, Sept 14. "Wa must all
be prepared for bad new from Prlsoe-
ton," said a Democrat tonight wbo
passed through New Tork on his way
to his country home, "beeatM. Mr.
Cleveland's health is falling rapidly.
He la troubled with gout In his feet,
which is spreading to his knees, and
haa fallen Off In welrht 40 Bounds
within three months. Mr. Cleveland
doea not aulte aDnrecIate his condition.
but Mrs. Cleveland does.
Ho communications of Dubllo or pri
vate Importance are aubmltted to Mr.
'Cleveland. Mrs. Cleveland la acting
practically aa hi confidential adviser
and aecretary In all mattera, and aha
la full acquainted with her huaband
real condition. '
"Mr. Cleveland has remained at his
home in Prlnoeton all summer. Th
Cleveland children have been at Mr.
Cleveland' New Hampshire home with
their grandmother. Mra Cleveland haa
believed it to be necessary to remain
with her huaband in Princeton.
"Hla recovery ia not looked for. He
may live for a number of weeka, but
he will never return to hi office. Not
only 1 he afflicted with gout In hi
reet and kneea, but h. 1 subject to
frequent attacks of acute Indigestion
and an intestinal difficulty."
From other sources it wsa leaned
that Mr. Cleveland haa given op all
Interest in publlo affairs.
Onlv IK tver cant of Snaln's 10.000.000
population are able to read and writ a
Jamestown Fair Will De
vote Monday as Tribute
to President Diaz.
pendence. September
1, will be cele
it the Jamestown
(TJBlted rreee Leased Wire.)
Jamestown, Va., Sept. 14. President
Porflrlo Dlas's eeventy-elghth birthday
and ninety-eighth anniversary of Inde-
rated Mexican day
The festivities will 8e patterned as
olosely as possible after those of the
"Qrtlo," aa the two days' merrymaking
is known In Mexico Itself.
In Mexican Ambassador Creel's ab
sence, Charge i' Affaires de Oodoy, will
Besides the official exchange of visits
between the Mexican diplomatic repre
sentatives, the governor of Virginia and
President Tuqjcer of the exposition, a
sham battle 1 scheduled for Monday af
From th Milwaukee Sentinel
If there are 89 people in a atreetcar
and 12 alight at one corner, and .if
after the 12 alight there la no more
room in the car than there waa before,
what's the answer?
Rodents Carry Germs of
Dread Disease and Cause
Its Fatal Spread.
Pltrso durln
a yeai
arrested by a policeman last night for
m a
Sheridan streets about
disorderly conduot and locked up in the
city Jail.
Fllx waa armed with a revolver, and
stated when arrested that he was a
mighty bad man. The police thought
his badnnss should cool off, and gave
him a private cell.
(Special Dlipitrb to Tbe Jooj-mI )
Pendleton, Or., Sept. 14. To asslat In
the movement for securing a state fish
hatchery a petition Is now being circu
lated among local sportsmen, and al
ready the paper has been signed by
many. Tne petition is now in the cus
tody of C. K. Cranston of the First Na
tional bank, and Is one of many being
circulated in tne state.
Vroni the Washington Star.
The troubles which some folks have had
They use for conversation;
So much. Instead of being sad.
. Tbey seem like relaxation.
(Hearst Ifewa by Leesett Leased WlraJ
New Tork, Sept. 14. Because of the
existing plague in San Francisco, where
offlcera of the marina hospital service
are combating the disease In co-operation
with the state and city boards of
health Dr. Wyman, surgeon general of
the service, has issued some extracts of
Physicians and
These physicians
Where only the best of American and Swiss grades known
to the trade are sold under the Feldenheimer guarantee, and
that meanS the safe way of buying a timepiece. Another
advantage is the immense stock to select from, with which
are quoted the very lowest prices.
", 'r v r Corner Third and Washington Streets.
Manufacturing Jewelerg Opticians Diamond Importers
th. lecture of famoua physicians before
tne Koyai college oi rnyaiciana
Burgeons in Jonaon.
were sent by the British government to
etuav the oiasrue in Bomoav. Calcutta
and elsewhere In India and other por
tions of tha world. After years of
study th physicians were unable to
furnish definite evidence as to the cauao
of the disease.
It was clearly established that rats
disseminate the disease, but lust how
tney oo it couia not do snown. Arter
the disease Is Imported it makes head
way Just like any contagious disease,
through clothing, food and contact with
human beings. Rats, however, are the
principal agents In scattering the dis
ease, systematic bacteriological ex
amination at various plague centers
showed beyond doubt that plague In
rats in anv idven locality Dreoeded
plaguo In man
in Capetown. Boutn Africa, this idea
Is so fully accepted that whenever
plague Is discovered in rats physicians
at once begin treating the house thus
afflicted. Dr. Ashburton Thompson.
the noted English physician, after
studying the disease in Sydney, came to
tne conclusion mat rata are over-run
with fleas, that when a rat diea with
the plague the fleets leave the redeat
and go to human beings, transferring
the terrible disease.
Accounting for It.
From the Baltimore American.
"That coqvlct I was talking to," said
the visitor at the prison, "seems to be.
a smooth kind of a man."
"Doubtless." responded the warden,
"You see, h waa Ironed whn b got
Our New Lines of Coats, Suits,
Skirts, Waists, Furs, Etc, Etc
Comprises a superb showing of this season's newest ideas in ready-to-wear ap
parel. NOT ONLY the largest assortment to be found in the west, but this
season's special attention has been given to the showing of a most complete line
of popular priced goods. YOU CAN always buy here in perfect confidence.
Both in the price and the quality. See our windows for Monday's specials.
Black, blue and brown
broadcloth Suits, strictly
hand-tailored, jackets sat
in lined, very serviceable,
all sizes up to 48; regu
lar f 17.50 values, Monday
Black Kersey 50-inch long
Coats. Sites from 34 to 44.
Self-strapped, a good gar
ment at J12.50 Monday,
A lot of Skirts, compris
ing material, style of all
descriptions, some of
them sold as high as
Our fall line of milllnerv 1
now- very complete and In
clude every hew style feature,
high-class pattern hats, tail
ored suit hate and clever Miss
hats. For Monday wa have a
special offering consisting of
large drooping flats, with
large silk bows, the most pop
ular style of th aeason.
Each 83.98
Squirrel Muff and Tie. Tie
worth SJT.50; muff f lO.OO.
Monday the full set
$1 0.00
The Hairlight
crown is prac
tical, stylish,
c o m f o rtable
and hygienic.
You will want
one when you
see them at
our hairlight
sale. Price,
25f and 50t.
fHIIDRFN'SfOATS The Scho1 ct 8 the coat of the hour. - Every mother
UHLimiH JIWIJ u lookinj t0 the repIetion of the wardrobe. Quality
means wear, style an essential, combined they mean satisfaction. A special &f nj
on satisfaction giving coats. Values up to f 16.50 Monday Dielp
Regular $7.50 Silk Petticoats, Monday
$4.35 I
and Retail