- THE OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL,, PORTLAND SUNDAY MORNINO, , SEPTEMBER. 151007. The A SPECIAL ?.. , . .'i.l'.-M '4 Mre HOST V lies A: Great (Battering of New, Fall This store shall be .the foremost 1n the seiling of Dress Goods tad Silks.' We meaa 'Will lru-wlr forward to as th best canable of filling . VOUf Utah i k wuui w uib ww. im b - . i i w ' j 0ii ... . &i.aa t atoll ! ti flnil anrliArlfw nnnn nswltv ann rnr JmTCEI VJOOuS Inu OUK wanui i uwu "v 4uu muivny " " - rectness of desien. Will you enjoy the fruits of our months of planning? You may rest, assured that1 everything that is right is. here and that everything that is .here, ii a .Amu hu n-Mt rtiftn will do more than columns of words towards ac ouaintinff vou with . the unrivaled comprenensiveness oi iw koch mna mo pn merit associated with its every offering, prominent among which are the following: New Dress Goods At, Yard 50c 75c At- this -prif yu have xhoice-fli 0-ndU?l Tt riety of new Novelty PJaid nd Fancy Suiting in all the popular new color combinations in Tweeds, Panamat and Fancy Sergei, in ahades of red. brown, blue, green, tan, grayt, etc; 38 and 40-inch fabrics. UN MATCH ABLE VALUES AT THIS PRICE. New Dress Goods At, Yard . . . V.. Mv.Uv WnrtrA SuitinffS In a great assort ment of -the new and popular Ombre effect in all the new tall snaae oi rea, Diue, prown inu rrefnrwnerrrngDtme-oeTger wnnnmiu invisible broken checks in all the best colorings, 44 and 46-inch fabrics. EXTRA OOOD VALUES AT THIS PRICE. New Dress Goods At, Yard . . . . 46-inch Novelty Ombre Pebble Worsteds, a new and very novel weave, purest of all wool fabrics in all the new cokr schemes; also 42 and 43-inch Silk and Wool Novelties m finest foreign and domestic 'weaves; attractive little dice checks and neat Porcelain rlaid. UN EQUALED VALUES AT THIS PRICE. Velvets, Satins and Corduroys Some Kinds and Prices It may be that there is a velvet want we can not fill. Bnt wt hardly think so. Qualities are rich, lustrous and dependable. See These Tomorrow 36-INCH SKINNER'S SATIN Every yard war ranted to wear two seasons the best lining Sat ins made( we are now showing all the d fA wanted colors, one price everywhere. .. ylsv SILK VELVETS in over seventy-ffve shades, every wanted color is here; full widths; QA specially priced for this sale at JUC 27-INCH CORDUROY8 in all the popular new hides as Well mi black and cream, excellent wearing quality, ipecially priced for this 7C ale at v. BLACK DRESS GOODS In the Newest Weaves Th newest and beat Black Dress Goods invite you to call. Some of our Black Dress Goods are very low priced, but they are never of the "cheap" kind. The newness and the beauty of the collection are inviting. Will you accept the Invitation? 38-inch Black Chiffon Panamas at. 50f 46-inch Black Chiffon Panamas at.... .75 52-inch Black Twine Panama at 5 SS-inch Black French Batiste at M.....of 45-inch Black French Batiste at S5f 46-inch Black French Poplin at 1.00 46-inch Black Ocean Serge at 75 50-inch Black Storm Serge at tl.00 50-inch Black Cheviots at 850 52-inch Black Cheviot at fl.25 SCHOOL SUPPLIES TOMORROW AND TUESDAY WE OFFER THE FOLLOWINO EXTRAORDINARY VALUES AT THE NOTION AND ART DE PARMENTS BE SURE THAT YOU GET YOUR SHARE. Regular tc Ink and Pencil Tablets, sale price 54 Regular 15c Best Ink Tablet, sale price Regular 20c Linen Ink Tableta, sale price 124 Regular 10c Wooden Pencil Boxes, sale price 4e Carter' Black Ink, best Quality, sal price... 44 Carter' Mucilage, large bottle, aale price 4 4 2nOs. Photo Library Paite, ale price 4 4-Os. Photo Library Paste, sale price 8 Dicken' Lead Pencils, 1 cent each or, do. lOe American Pencil Co.' No. 2, special at 2 for. .5 Eagle Pendlf, best grade, 4c each or do. 40 sSsCTnaiiaarRr--". Quality Three Great Bargains 35o Necklaces lOo Beaded Necklaces for women in both pearl and turquoise, especially good values at 25c and 1 Q 35c; specially priced at 17C 25o Hat Pins 15o Hat Pins in a great assortment of neat attractive designs in gilt and silver; slso large Porcelain Hat Pins in pink, blue and green; excel- , C lent valuea at 35c; ipecially priced at 1)C Scarfs and Squares, 3 5o and 50o Kinds at 25o Embroidered Scarfs and Squares in a large as sortment of new designs in braid and embroi dery scarfs are 18 by 54 inches and the squares are 32 by 32; excellent values at 35c and OC 50c; specially priced at mJC Another Great 3c Lace Sale 10,000 YARDS VALENCIENNES, NORMAN DY VAL. AND TORCHON LACES AND IN SERTIONS. Tomorrow we hold another one of our famous Lace sales, with greater quantities, varieties and assortment of patterns. Thousands of yards of this season's most popular Laces to choose from in Valenciennes, Normandy de Val. and Torchon Laces with insertions to match. If you are in need of laces for any purpose, you can't afford to miss this great sale: regular 8 to 12j$c kinds, all at one price. YOUR CHOICE 3 Cents a Yard Magnificent Display of Fall GOATS and SUITS : The value rivinar nower of the Roberta Broa.' atnr an ennvincindv ihown in thru nw i4ar. ments that we solicit every woman reading this announcement to critically examine these superb of. termgs: New Novelties in Tailored Suits That take their styles from high class imported models. The best suffges tions thought out by noted foreign treators have been carried out in the most charming effects and more in keeping with American taste. Choice of great many styles at 12.50, SU5.00, f 19.50 and f 25.00 Our Selection of Fall and Winter Coats Is indeed an interesting one. Coats in all lengths to meet the demands of each individual figure; for, while the long coat effects are given prece dence as tall styles, there are many women to whom shorter end medium lengths are more becoming snd for tfiem we have a large showing of charmingly designed new styles. FULL LENGTH COATS at S6.50, f 7.50, S 10.50, S 12.50, S15.00. iv.ou ana ovu. SHORT COATS in plain and fancy doth at f 5.0O, f 7.50 and f 10.00. SHORT COATS in Caricule and Black Velour at f 12.50, f 15 and f 25. Children's Coats An unusually large assortment of popular price garments. Fancy mixtures and plain cloths in the loose back effects at f3.60 and up to S510.00. Plush Velvet and Astrachan Coats for girls 2 to 6 years st 2.50, f 3.50, 4.50, S5.50 and 56.50. Little Misses School Dresses You cannot afford to pay a dressmaker when such excellent dresses can be bought for such little money. Every dress is well made and nicely finished. Materials sre Plaids, Fancy Cheviots and All Wool Serges. Priced at 76e 98 fl.25, f 1.50, f2.50, 53.50 and 54.50. The New Fall Skirts The greatest showing we have ever made of fall and winter Skirts. The latest style ideas are embodied in these new garments and the materials are the production of the best American looms. Priced at 53.50, f 4.50, S 5.50 and up to f 12.50. Silk Petticoats We call your special attention to our offering of Pure Silk Rustling Taffeta Petticoats at f a.OO. The Petticoats are an extraordinary value, made of heavy taffeta silk, in two very popular styles of tucked and shirred fkunces with underlay and dust ruffle of nearsilk. Black and all the leading plain and changeable colors. Only $5.00 Women's Knit Underwear Women's and Children's Stocking's at Especially Seduced Prices "BURSON" HOSIERY SALE Eegnlar 40c Grade Tomorrow as many as you want - 25c Pair The famous Burson Stocking for women, made extra elastic of fine cashmere, guaranteed fast black This la the only stocking masufao turod that is made absolutely witn- out a seam. A boon to women with tender feet; no seam in the foot; no aeam across the toe; no seam on the leg, and still has the good features of an imported stocking. Full fash ioned throughout, made with wid ened leg, narrowed ankle and shaped foot; all in first quality; we allow no "seconds" in this hosiery stock; when you purchase here you are assured of getting the best another 100 dozen of these stock ings will be at your disposal OC tomorrow at, a pair fciiJC V Children's Stockings, Best 25c Grade at 17o A special underpriced purchase of children's Stockings, placed on sale tomorrow for the first time. This, indeed, is a great saving opportunity to secure children's school stock ings. Children's fine ribbed, medium weight, fleece-lined Stockings, all sizes; regular 25c grade, specially 1 1 priced for this sale at.. 1 C Women's Underwear Best 40o Grade 29c Women's fine Bleached Cotton Vests and Pants, medium weight, slightly fleeced, well made, neatly tinisned garments; always sold at 40c; specially priced for one day only, STILL GREATER VALUES IN NEW IMPORTED EMBROIDERIES Tomorrow we place on special sale a great underpriced purchase of beautiful new embroi deries. An unsurpassed assortment to choose from in the latest and most durable patterns, embroideries for every purpose in every width from the dainty edgings to the wide All-over and Flouncing, all specially displayed and on sale, tomorrow at LOT 1. Embroideries Worth 25 at 9c LOT 8. Embroideries Worth 75 at 33o Half-Price and Less LOT 4. Embroideries Worth 51.00 at 43c LOT 2. Embroideries Worth 50 at 23c LOT 5. Embroideries Worth 1.50 at 69c Children's Caps New Fall Styles Best values we have ever shown in Tarns and Caps. Priced at 25, 85, 50, 75 and fl.OO OUTING FLANNEL Gowns, Skirts and Drawers AH ready with full stock of these warm underclothing. Gowns in neat stripes and white at 50, 75, 08, 81.25. Skirts and Drawers in fancy stripes at 35, 50 aud 75. Fine Bargains in Men's Wear Men's Socks at 12Mc Men's Cotton Socks with black tops and white feet, made seamless. Regular 15c value, priced for this sale J2 Men's Dress Shirts at $1.05 Men's Golf Shirts made with attached cuffs, coat style or regular negligee style, with separate cuffs. Large assort ment of light patterns. Regular $1.50 values, spe- AP cially priced for this sale at plU3 Men's Negligee Shirts at 70o Men's Negligee Shirts with soft turn down collars; come in white ground with black stripes or checks; also medium and dark patterns. Regular $1.00 values, specially 7Q priced for this sale at IJC Boys' Waists at 19o Bovs' Blouse Waists, come in medium and dark nat- s"i- terns; regular 35c values, special for this sale at AJC, Boys' Waists at 39o Boys' Cadet School Blouses; come in a large range of pat- t.mc aor frnm S tn IS veara. Rrciilar 65r values n- ' cially priced for this sale at New Fall Gloves m ma w aw- v 300 Doz. New Fall Gloves Received Last Week Prime Lambskin Gloves, 2 clasp in black and colors at...... fl.25 Real Kid Gloves, 2-clasp in Mack and color at 81.50 Jand -Full stock of 12 and 16-but-tpn length Kid Gloves at spe- ; clal prices. 116-button length pure Silk Gloves 'in black and white at .81.59 Special in 2-Clasp Sid Gloves at $1 .These Gloves are in black and colors and are regular . ; 9J..X0 vaiue. . . .. - Hew Lace Curtains The Best Curtain Values We Have Ever Offered See Third-Street Window Display Hundreds of New Fall Patterns are now being shown values that are exceptional. From the great business we are doing ' and from the crowds who are visiting our curtain department daily, there surely must be something in our claim of superior assortments, latest patterns and best values. Ever since we have shown our great fall stock women have said: "Roberts Bros, have the prettiest curtains in Portland" the comparison tomorrow should be still more in our favor, for we are receiving new shipments daily. Will Yon Look at These Tomorrow ? A3 AS; White Bobinette Curtains, 45 inches wide and 3 yards long, many pleasing styles to choose from in neat Batten berg jwork and inserting. Spe- dJO A A cial value at, per pair PW White Bobinette Curtains, 45 inches and 3 yards long; niM with 2-inch lace edge and 2-inch lace inserting, most at tractive, specially priced at, pertfJO OI? pair. $ftOA White Bobinette Curtains, 45 inches and 3 yards long, made with Cluny lace edge, neatly trimmed with Battenberg braid, extra heavy net. spe cially priced at, per pair White Bobinette Curtains, 46 inches wide and 3 yards long, made with reinforced Battenberg edge and trimming, neat de signs Specially priced per r:. $2.75 Arabian Bobinette Curtains, 42 inches wide and 3 yards long,, made with fine Torchon lace edge and inserting; won derful value for this low price, dl 1C per pair yfaitav White Bobinette Curtains, 46 inches wide and 3 yards long, made of extra fine net in a great many attractive designs in Cluny lace and inserting. Specially priced for this sale at, per (JQ Arabian Bobinette Curtain, 45 inches wide and 3 yards long, many neat pat terns in Battenberg lace edge and scroll trimmings. Specially priced for dJO C A this sale, at, per pair ylU Arabian Bobinette Curtains, 45 inches wide, and 3 yards long, made with pretty lace edge and medallion cor- f0 JJC ners. White Bobinette Curtains, 48 inches wide and 3 yards long, made with fancy braid edge and Cluny lace inserting, 23 inches wide, high grade curtains that are es pecially good values at, per QQ Arabian Bobinette Curtains, 48 inches wide and 3 yards long, Cluny lace edge and Battenberg trimming at, d0 '7C pair D Arabian Bobinette Curtains, 48 inches wide and 3 yards long; elaborate pat terns in Battenberg trimmings, Arabian Bobinette Curtains, 46 inches wide andx3 yards long; handsome pat terns in Battenberg trimmings, C CA at, pair $00 U R. & G. Corsets Three Popular Models of the R. & G. Corsets, 91.00 STYLE NO. 661 For short and slen der figures, with low bust and deep hip, made of good quality coutil, lace trimmed, with hose supporters d AA front and sides; priced at $lUlr STYLE NO. 671 Excellent model for average figures, with medium bust and deep hip; made of lace trimmed coutil, with hose supporters front andf A A sides. Priced at $1,111 STYLE NO. 397 For stout figures, made medium length with low bust and short hip, made pi good quality coutil with sateen stripes; lace trimmed top and bottom. Priced QQ WE ARE SHOWING THE BEST 50c CORSETS EVER OFFERED. Complete Etock of Ferris Wasts for women, misses and children. Scott's hip pads and bust ruffles at 25c, "Jtlg, 50c and , IDC Children's ? School Shoes;; !; Every Pair Carefully Fitted and Fully Guaranteed, Children's" Shoes 47o BEST 75 GRADJ5L . 7 , - Children's Shoes G7o . BEST fl.25 GRADE. .V1'. BEST f 1.50 ; GRADE.