V " " ' , ' 1 -: . : .'. . ' " ' . . S8 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL,1 PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, :, SElwMBER !. IS. . 1907. : PopularWants PopularWants Popular Wants Popular Wants PopiilariVyahts Popular Wants PopularWants FOR SALE FARMS. WashlDgtoa & Oregon Realty Co. V 140 gen 17 mile from Portland. In Clark county, waanington: nn grave; ! road to Portland; I mile from railroad " station on main oounty road; R. F. D. and telephone; on mil to a food coun try town; 80 acrea In oultivatlon; I oraa bearing orchard; tin spring noar hous; all lvL vary bet of oil: no rock or gravel; fin location; will dlvtd thla place In small tract. to to acrs; rrloa for wool tract $4,100: will take part In exchang for Portland city prop erty; will giv good term. $2.700 10 acres, 1 miiaa from Van tourer, t miles to railroad atatlon; ev- ral acres or gTn iirooar. ia acrva in cultivation, all lvl. to acre of fin ash and vln maple swale, eaelly cleared; 4-room hous. new barn I0x0; 1 rail to sawmill, on main county road. level gravel road to Portland, R. F. IX, nar school; giv terms; bait of aolL . tl loolo acrea. miles from Van couver, acres In cultivation, balance aaliy cleared 1 aore peaver aim, mixea orchard, l-room nouaeiaxji. Mmiiij sheds on each aide, stood well, t cows. 1 heifer, cream separator, i tone o; hay; on half cash, balance good terma near school ' tMA I acraa. 4U miles from Van eoavw. t acre la cultivation, all level. en main county road, 4-room bouse. Small siaaie, line sou. $$.000 40 acres In Clark county, Waahlnrton. I miles from railroad and boat landing: all in cultivation and In crop, acre bearing orchard, variety, t-reom house, good barn, good wall, fin spring R. W. l. or a am to acnooi horse and buggy. cows, I hogs, SO , chickens, soma small tools, ail crop and th very best of black soil; thla place is guaranteed as advertised; Investigate xnis peror ouymg; give term. FOR SALE FARMS A REAL SNAP, IT acres. 18 In cultivation, about 1.000 eords of standing; timber, live creek through place, Ilea well to b cut Into acreage, excellent soli, no rock or ravel, new hous T room, new barn 1)0x60 (shed attached), chicken-house. eta, all stock and Implements. Goes t the low price of I I SO ner acre. Lo cated 10 miles from courthouse, on fin 5 ravel road, and only on mil from resham carllne atatlon. rood school and etor close by; land adjoining Is neia irem iiuu to tivu per aore. A MONET MAKER. 48 t jres, IS in cultivation, crop all Harvested and In barn, fair nous, a rrood barn, granary and other, outbulld nars, 11 young cowa, 1 heifer, l high- graae oun, i mare witn nn coit, i horee, 8 calves, 3 young helfera, 1 boar, I fine brood sows, 14 ahoata, 160 chick ens. 1 cream separator, buckets, pells snd pans, all the farming lmplementa. pnone in nouse. on man route, nair mile to school, S4 miles to good. town and railroad. Yamhill county. Price $1,700; terma; $700 can stand. $1,400110 acres, 14 miles from Van couver, $H mile from railroad station, all level, 1,000,000 feet good aaw timber, 1,000,000 ft piling; give terma. 11,000 10. Acrea. il jnlle from Van couver; 10 acres In cultivation, H fenoed, all level, on main county road TL F. XX, near school, I miles from rail road station, best of black soli; half cash, balance good terms; will exchange tor. city property. 11.10a -10 acr. 11 miles from Van- ' couver, 11 acres In cultivation, t acres orchard, aome timber, fine spring near house, old house, rood barn, on main county road, mile to school, all fenoed, all level, very best of soil, fin location; giv terma " 11,100 II acrea In Clark coanty. Wash.; i from railroad station, all level, oq main county road, R. F. IX, mil from school; 40 seres of fins ash and vln mania awale. best of soil half mil to sawmill; giv good terma ye . '148 acres 10 miles from Portland in Clark county. Wash., 6 miles from boat landing and railroad atatlon; lav acres in fin state of cultivation, free from tumps: I acres in bearing orchard; sev eral acrea green timber, balance pasture; all fenced witn riv ana six wires: i lor re barns. 6 -room hous. two good prings; schoolhouse on place, R. FT D., , very best of black soil, no rocks or jrravel; personal property, good team, jrood driving horse. 11 head of cattle, 24 sheen, several head of hoes, aome chlck- , ens; all farm Implements, all crops; price, i per acre; ajive goua terms; will exchange for city property; this la on of th best buys on the market; guaranteed as advertised. 40 acrea, lies fin, all clear, good stx room house, a good barn, small orchard, located In a well-lmDroved localltv on main road, achool clos by, 1H miles id neruviiia, in inline irora ruruinu. Will sell thla at the bargain price of $1,000, half caah. If sold within 10 daya. Tou'll have to hurry If you want thla. FOR SALE FARMS. The Dunn-Lawrence Co., OFFERS THKBK FARMS Ill.obO 411 acrea on' the Willamette, miles Jefferson, Linn county; I sets buildings, over 100 acrea In cultivation, llvlnar wltnr fin fruit, rich BOll: this la absolutely one of the best dairy and stock rarma in in vauey. $11,000 0 acrea, all In cultivation, 10 acrea In hope, 10 acres grain, balaitoe paatur and garden land, running springs, river flows through place, 1 acrea choice variety bearing iruii. m acres small fruit, new modern 1 l-room house, good barn a, brooding house dou ble hophouse and cooling room, all im plements for cultivating and harveatlng fre delivery, H mile school, railway station on place, near woodDurn. $6,000120 acres In Blodgett, 10 mile; WKit rorvallla. near station: over 100 acrea In fine atat cultivation. 60 acres good timber, balance pasture; cnarming Timnlr mma rAmr fhrnlirh dSC. llAI trout fishing, over 00 acrea bottom land that nannnt K, asralliul In tnT man country, good 7-room houae, nice barn. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BXCHANQB OR FOR SALE. mA IB FINE TOUNO PULLETS AND upoa a-room nous, lvvzivv, pouury young hens; also I brooders and 1 yarda and houa. 11.000; want I aores l4B-gg Clphera inoubator; new; or will or more Improved and buildings; pay I trade 7nr- mvi .m' rmt hnuaa uuth . L. j I... I L - - " 40 acre Al land nea olear, som good tlm water: 116 per acre. .... . 0 aSrea.Vood lan llaht timber. I f!tt.!!!.i bl discount , miles from Wlnlock, Wash. .11.000 for V? "?jr"on a . . , ;,' UUL ,, , , ,. scnoot, ienta, Mt, Beott car. . r Tlgardvlll; H 6vSn -ht :p"lUTpT3T?rTrpp; flf.fcMtSTt S'r5 eSK o'rPwll V.sorTw enT of "w fur'nitur.T u. i oniv bdoui monina: an or ii or any Call at house and lot In Portland: will pay I PIANOS XR RENT AND BOLD ON difference. - I Installments. H. Slnshelmer, 71 Id at 14 acrea, II cultivated, 1 acrea In fine timber, llvlr- creek In rear of place, well located fair (-room house, brand new barn, small orchard. 160 bushels of oats, about 16 tona of fine hay, 4 acre of nice potatoes, ( fin cows, 1 goou team of horses and new harneaa, aome piga and chickens, ' I wagona and all farm Implements. 1 mllea from Keed- vllle. 11 mllea from Portland; Portland, Hlliaboto A Forest Qrove electrlo Una will run close to corner of place. Prlc $4,000; terma. 10 acrea, 16 In cultivation. 40 acrea In timber: good six-room house, with fireplace: a new barn and chicken corral and other buildings; fine water, a creek through the place; :ood team, new wagon and harneaa, all Inds farming Implements. 4 cows. chickens, etc.; pnone in house, K. r. D. mall, quick rout'- 1H miles to best store In the county: in Wash in a ton county. 21 mllea from Portland. Price HreH tarmat- -wiiL lJt j)ti Jn . cltj I 13.600 40 acres. 4 miles from Van couver, 10 acrea in cultivation, 4 acres in orchard, balance timber and pasture; ' 4-room house, barn, on main county . road; fine location: best of soil: no rocK or gravei ; wiu exenange lor rori land city property. 1.800 acres 24 miles from Portland. 1.000 acrea Columbia river bottom land. balance upland: 76 acrea in cultivation: 860 acrea partly cleared: eood Daature 60 acrea and brush pasture; there are several thousand dollars' worth of oak end fir timber, all accessible to n avia tion; cmiy noat to fortiana; lanatnr at floor; large z-story nouse, built of Cali fornia redwood, stone foundation; full nasement; spring water piped in house J bare a. one 108x20. frame, on 60x20 Tram basement, one 70x7d: creamery nor ana poultry nouses: nouse for la borers. This Is one of thftnest stock and dairy ranches on the market Price oniy szu per acre; wm give e-ooa terms; take part In exchange for Portland .cltv property. Th above plaoea ar cn guaranteed as Mverusea. Above bargain ar but a few of th farms, on our Uat We have th largest list of farms of any Arm In Portland or vicinity, rrices range from $500 to $10,000. Write or call If you ar In n marxei xor a num. A REAL BARGAIN. 10 In cultivation, balance mostly In tim ber, some pasture. A good family or chard all lrlnri nt Karrlea anil mn vtra good well of water; good V-room house; fair barn, a flne new root house, chicken house, etc.; 8 tons of hay In barn: U acre potatoea, acre- carrota; I line cows. 2 horses, 1 brood sow, about 60 chickens, wagon, buggy cart, one aet of double ami a single harness, saddle. f low, cultivator, harrow and other small ools; slno household good. Two miles irom railroad town, on a tine road, f raveled all the way; R. F. D.; about 0 miles from Portland. Price. $2,200; $1,500 cash; nice home for an old couple. W. W. Espey Room 111 Commercial Bldg. Corner 2d and Washington sts. Phone Pacific 1840. Two Good Farm Buys Realty Co, 101 Second at. Portland, Or And 100 Main at.. Vancouver, Wash. Phone Main 2404. sycamore; RTiTinu or 10 acres. No. 1 soil, $66 per acre; ' v ixr cwi man; Diuaiice e per cent OAK GROVE STATION. or 10 acres, fine soil, fine oak and Ttr timber; fine spring and creek; $J20 per acre; one third cash, balance 6 per 18 acres finely improved, good build- wfB ana, running water; near Lenta. Or, $2,260. MILWATTKrH! nt 'wfS VonF "Prlng. view of river; H 11 acres, good Improvements; fine lVJtl.-miv oernes; a money-maker K.000; H cash, per cent i!:t TIGARDVIT.T.Bl ti 110 acrea No. 1 farm, stock, crop and 0 acres, all cleared and good build ings, lots of fruit; $3,600; cash. H-' ' ;ii?y 10 acres, all clear. 5 acrs in hops - running water; mile electric car; $2,000; easy terms. - . GREBER INVESTMENT CO. - Room , 221H Morrison st. X $OME OF THE VETERAN LAND COMPANY'8 FARMS. .:'.: 1 acr on Clackamas heights, a 4-room house on good road, mile to school. i mil to carline, good well, all kinds of fruit; a bargain at $650; terma ; 4 acres, near Willamette, 4 room Jhousa. fruit, bouse, barn, woodshed food well; a fine little fruit farm; $soo' II acres, 2 miles from Oregon City, all cultivated and fenced. 7-room house, barn, root house,, woodshed, eta, mile to, school, has 1H acres In fruit; . 11,400. 1 60 acrea, t miles from Oregon City, ' 10 -acrea under cultivation, balance pas ture; good new S-room house, large t barn ' and all - necessary outbuildings, . fin well, A-l bottom land; price, lnclud . Ing Stock, implements, etc.. $6,000. THE 'ViiTlSKAH LAISU CO. . t 64 acres, ail rood soil, all fenced and croas-fenced; 44 acres cultivated; good orchard, some fuil beating walnut trees, loaded with nuts; good 7-room house, .bara and outbuildings; running stream of 'Water; $ cows, 1 heifers, 4 hogs, binder, mower, rake and other . farm toole; 10 acrea in potatoes; 20 tona bay in barn; nicely located at station on , eiecirie car line, 10 miles out; nic. level toads; g good farm, well located and wuer vaiuea ar ateaoiiy increasing. 6.1 HENKLE A HARRISON, 117 Abington Bldgr. FARMS.- ' Befora buing com and n..W hav aaythlng from on acr t 200 aer tracts; also city property, r- Oa Inirn Bma, 4X1 McKar bldg, iSffic I hon Pacitio lttli reaideuc. cott 40 acres, all rich sandv loam, nearlv level; 31 acres cultivated, balance In pasture and woods; good new houne, not quite finished; two barns, nice orchard, watered by stream and well; 12 acres In corn, 1H seres in potatoos; yield last year 30 bushels oats and 4 tons hay per acre; 1 mares, 1 colt, 1 cow. 8 heifer calves, wagon, buggy, plow, harrow', disc potato plow, cultivator, cream separator; 6 miles from DrosDerous countv seat town' on Willamette river, mile to good church house, H mile to graded school, 2 teachers; price now only $3,350! 20 acres, all good land; all fenced; small bouse; 1 acre cultivated; good spring of water: some fine cord wood: land good for fruits, berries, grapes, corn, vegetables, hous. oats, wheat. clover, vetch, etc.; 11 miles from Port-. land, on rood road; easy terms; $1,100 HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Abington bldg. nlinif varUtw Kjiarln frill L COOd W and several springs; one of the best farm In ttiA ,1,1, $4.800 Very excellent 16-acr plc. Kali In cultivation, good buildlnga. at rail way atatlon. 10 mil" out. . $3.500 Fine 6 7 -acre place 1 mil railway atatlon. 11 mllea Vancouver, nlc 7-room houae, good barn, choice fruit, stock, team, implements and feed included. ... $3,600 II acrea bottom land, 1 mile Clackamas. 12 acres cleared, 0-room cot tage, living water, nice spring, can be piped to houae. new barn, family orch ard. 1 acre strawberries. 100 grapvlnea. all kinds of small fruit, winter's wood cut and In shed. 1 acr potatoea, auu pounds- beans. ... $2,10080 acres, 61 In oultivatlon. richest soil In state, living water, small house and barn. 2 miles railway sta tion. 20 miles west or corvaina. $2.000 80 acrea. C in cultivation, 100 bearing apple trees. This is Just the land to set out your apple orenard; re member the hlvh-nrlce Hood River ap plea sold for thla year; near Mosier, best location. $1.400 Nice 6H-acre plac. near Mon- tavllla, an kinds of rruit. FOR hALBI' FARMS. Acres re and farms; w have a large list In Washthgtbn county, ranging rrom 10 to 100 acrea. suitable for grain, fruit or vegetable raising,' also som small tracts suitable for poultry ranchea; acreage for sale near the Oregon City car line, some on river front For full ...... I , I - NY particulars, can or wm rw. u. v Htarx st 10 acrea fin land, som good timber, I fSS, 8ALB ONU DOUBLE-DRUM double oyunaer, 7xig uoisung n rlna Phnna Main 111. Jiim?fii!L?t&TAJ52!- KTtoo- for sale - At" a bar3AIM aM only miles from Forest Grove. 11,000, 1 ftM .-t-hitah muumnL tit Rum. U cash. ner cent: will trad for Port land nous sad lot. GREBE INVESTMENT CO., Room 0, H1H Morrison st old established restaurant 106 Burn' FiNfl EblflbW m6tion PiCTUkU Jour WHAT HAVE TOU TO TRADE FOR 40 acres of land 10 miles from van oouver; all level land and good aoll machine and films cheap. nal chaA. a York, ihu flTARicmiaic and band instruments: xpert repair- will take In exchange property value I mg- . from 1600 to 11.000' nrtoe 11.000. Ad- ITTi'AxfAftlrr.Hi frAn filt.a I? SlT drea Northwestern Realty Co.. 404 I Ral Washington st, Vancouver, Wash. ' I power mnsbout auto; price $200 cash would like to trade a men get a heidleberiS bank: a h6m1! house and 2 lota In bu tittle town I and big interest on your Investment, on S.-'P. railway, 21 miles from Port-I all In one. 8e th Paclfio Coast Realty iana, ror or a-room cottage, not too i Co., 805-0 Buchanan biflg., Portland, or. HhownIrmAd?rn.".1. K IpI'r".! STESL KaJ4(JE, tfeEbVERY LITTLE. rh Jj.- pir i i . 1 tl $25. 717 II. Burnsld. phone East 111. rrs .....i . i.i.t . W A NT EDTO TRADE dlTY PRbP- VVILL atAKtijsUiMpB Crtila Co III IblSSSn hldi Uraphophone lady s watch, .automatic Curtlss Co., 308 Abington bldg. I nlatoL run. kodak, leather roods. Ad- iAA HAltl, RinrTWTTHWTT -W ' - to.ouv i.uii i in w Antnuuoa j drea a -it, Journal. to block on railroad and atreetcar line exchanae for cltv Dronerty. Im- j ir " . . j.- -.1 hi.--it, i useo caah difference, but not In particular m,w.h'ne. l.P"r.fe?L coi5,tJi?."-..A,I,3r K.fK 1tiirnal I rulT aiciii, miii iiu wtpiou. etcar line . nrs n . n ...v.... fa, pi,- nrniMrO im, AUiunumbU run uaji ub, exchange lOr City Property, im-I , mnihiuit nr Imirlnr nmr- 1MPR6v'ED OR UNIMPROVED CltT HOUSE AND FURNITURE: PARTIES or country property for nice country . ,t,n, ""'i . bfArA.a,n- Vaughn, be home on Oregon City line, from I to tween lth and 10th. TIMBER. LOOKING FOR TIMBER? We offer you every advantage through our system of expert examlnationa which enables vou to determine th suit ability of a tract without spending tlm or money, lr our general report indi cates that w have what you want our ettlmatea by two and a half acrea ar eaally verified. TRY "THE LACET WAT." 1 JAMES D. LACET CO., 128 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange. Seat tin. FOR SALE 400 ACRES OF TIM-BER. 6.000.000 feet saw timber and cedar for millions of shingles. Sawmill 15,000 It.. ..ln.h Klnlramlth tfinll chains, etc., all for $7,000; 11 miles of Bonanza. Or., the metropolis or tne up per Irrigation project. More adjoining timber land If wanted. Address Bald Butte sawmill. Bonanza, Klamath Co., Or. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers tonly; we have a few choice tracts for sale which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. O. F Sanbourn A Co.. 401-2-1 Buchanan bldg. II acres. H-2. Journal. 1 RIP AND 1 CR08SCUT SAW. TA- p?Vn b ifc rm TRihitZl Mtr.T.T.l ble: complete, with 11-lnch saws Mra alnra mnA flvturaa In mntiA u. QUI cneau. t i Hi. IQ BC, tlon. W-25, Journal. FOR SALE LARGE CITT WILL TRADE OLDSMOBiLii FfAlfi- wTLT map. 311 Marnuam brag. passenger car for vacant or Improved C. E. YORK. 217H STARK, MUSIC AND property. A-27, Journal. band Instruments: expert repairing. J- SCOTCTl COZXiEnrpTMONTHST '. PERSONAL THB ORIGINAL AND ONLT , Formerly with th 'X-Rcdluni Medical instKui. nas severed au connection CLAIRVOYANTS ' AND PAUIIST3 i ' a rrnuH clairvoyant 19 born " . . . nui annual, ...... - ', . with that institution and can bow b eholc. but becaus "fate hai i agea found With th - . . ' . I handed down thalr arnndarful mm nt Jbu Manr Lane InsUtute X9V."&1 Wher ah will b pleasd to a any with combined knowledge and priceless of her old patients. - ' xprinc of generations. No matter DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHIL- what ydnr preaent trouble may be, or hRITM ai an.l. 1 Maalnsi war main whs tmua m a 1 a will do wU to oonault mo; coiuulutionl will aavo timo and avoid dlMppolnt- 41 Wa VVrrmyvaUVaCf IlOlifVUe Dr. Jonn Wapicr Recently from . New ' York, now with th Mary Lan Instltut. treats dls eaaea of men and women. Tuberculo- I. avnlillla Mll If n tM m A v m nmA stages, positively cured: also EYE, EAR, THROAT AND . NOSE SPECIALIST. All th latest uD-to-dat lctrl apparatua. Send for my book on tuberoulosls and see my latest devio. th lung crutoh, for keeping th lungs expanded. Addrena all correspondence to th ItmSWYr INC- TOUR-NAME TN FULL? what you OiVnd Theatr bldg. s L"0! wnom ftn. "ill Phone Main 1928 J ,'"rr' l'" names or irienas, enemies, Correspondeno confidential. T 1 K.V7t . n,u?D"na wl" or aweet- , . I Heart la true or false.- tella vnn how to menta by at one consulting MEIW , Greatest . Clairvoyant and Occult) Scientist Ladies, Attention! IMF ra Do not be deceived by false advertise- I In facjL no matter what may be your menta The original and only nope, fear or ambition, com to this riiiea clairvoyant and find help. Dr. Mary Lane Lady physician, with the old stabllshd a. Kadium Medical instltut ana Sanitarium For years la at 111 at th bid stand. Dr. Mary Lane Late superintendent of Chlearo Wo- mna Unanltal i m I m I ... ... et V. men and children exclusively: ladles I Xf VOTT TZ71CTJ Tf TVATIf needng immediate assistance will con- "V v" W lOU 1U ftHUTC un innir oeai interests Dy communicai FOR A FEW DAYS LOW FEE ;o CENIS k Pi-iurrnnTi nr tr i u. .otrtn V t X.- iu a, a m a- uiv m TW j vi a a-Atm VtAtisisB mnA 9 mrnnA ntm K A v 1 A T I a.,..,.. a a. aahU m each. In Portsmouth; will xchang for beauty, lot Commercial bldg. Main lilt, i1f.J?lth,.t"' no. r oon,,uiut,,lOI3i a email iarm. If you have anything aon t suit you, can ma . k . . w . . 1 . . . JOSEPH II MTCLRATIL MARRIAG PAPfiR: Pri6t6fl, AD- Tnsimm 1 mnA If TKha T1M Tli drCBSSS. I Washmrton St . s5c SUlilvan. 118 K. Market at- In Phone Pacific 651. v I dlanapolls, Ind. " tjr-TVTrey-TnB "Vtb? correspondence absolutely confidential to trade. If this FOR 8AXEANARYBIRDS; FINE mnternity esses given special atten- up and I think , ,;."?'!,,. 8,4 M11U Bt Phon'" Main tloa Respeceabl arrangement made up ana .oin 1 1 7 a-117$. for the adoption of Infanta. Th flneat ,00 feQt'lTY tti WARKk606B 6r UNORDh.R TO INTROpUCE! A SUC raatA. . .i..t is aaa. inM.HA. I rfiil (1n11ji torr. I will romovo hair invivi J run v ma u uu a, i f,vvv, iuvbiiuii i 1 m A-l, with $0 feet on railroad track and fjom th neck, fac and arms, fr on inn f.t nn urMtcir Una win xnn. Mondir, September 14. between I and aider acreage, vacant lots or Improved 5. P- m- Call Mrs. D -, room S, Th city property. Lafayetta Realty Co.. I Pennaylvanla. 11$ Seventh st J1SU Washington st. BEAVER FOUR-IN-HAND. WITH W7LX EXCHANGE MY SPLENDID hn. J"uff- 15: llke new: co,t 40- ftliO.aAv italrv farm trw cttv nrniui, I iSt 6601. to the value of $S.500; sickness in fam- MAKE OFFER FOR $60 CERTIFICATE lly comiels me to sacrifice for the ex- Reed-French Piano Co. Z-28, Journal. A1n,ly ,ow Prlp ' c.r: MARRIAGE PAPER, HIGHEST CHAR- 14.000 can remain. Do not fall to in- actr ininmnniii iv nth vMr vestlgat this bargain and ask my agent. J.OOO members; paper, sealed, send 10c. FCnthr i. i,. lmvc, pox iuu, Denver, uoi. Uvlld. I oat wpior.v mcw piu.niHn 1 21 Morrison at. ro-cart. cost $1S: sell for $6. 407 quipped sanitarium In th northwest Office, 16$ Alder, corner Id, Portland. ur, r-nonea Main X7t, Horn A-X7c LADIES FINE STOCK GROCERIES FOR 10th at. flat house and lot or vacant lota. Ad-! vnn oat in i-vnr.ian hittticr i dress box 478, Arleta, Or. vur nlil heat hn1 hlrrt dno- In riritfnn WIIZTeXCHANOE GOOD FARM TR Ed Parsons, 40S Abington bldg. Phone Oklahoma on small farm near Port- 1 M Z0Z5. land or city property. 145 Webster st. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE MAGIC WANTED TO EXCHANGE HORSE lantern outfit, over 100 beautiful Bible DR. SANbERS6N'iT C6. Savin and Cotton Root Pills ar the oniy sure remedy ror delayed periods; Dy man 42 per box. ur. Pierce, ill 1st. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER: sealskin garments redyed and remod eled; expert fitter; estimates riven: low est prices: open evenings. 4S Wash-1 ington. Phone Main 70$. TURKISH BATHS, $00 OREGONIAN bldg.; ladles days, gentlemen nlghta. Main 116$. How Can I have rood luc.kx How can I aueceed In business T How can I make my horn happy T How can I conquer my enemies T How can I marry th on I chooser How can I marry T How can I conquer my rlvalT How can I make any on lov mT How soon will my lovr propose? How can I mend m fa mil v imnhlut How can I. get a letter? . How can I get a good position T How can I remove bad influences T How can I control any oneT How can I settle my quarrel? How can I hold my husband's lov? How can I keep my wife love? MELVIN TELLS ALL AND NEVER ASKS QUESTIONST MR8 OBROCK, MASSEUSE, CABINET bath, aalt glow, cream massage; ref erences. 283 Park. Paclflo 1611; A-Z734. YOUNG for double-barrel hammerless shot- views. Illustrated songs, etc.: una light: gun. Li 2 7, Journal. a big bargain. Inquire 416 Falling st. Farm Bargain READ THIS OVER CAREFULLY. 626 acres, all fenced and cross fenced; all good soli, no stones or f ravel; 600 acres lies nice to cultivate; 40 acres cultivated; 160 acres more can be put into cultivation at small expense; balance of land in pasture and onk timber; 12,000 cords of oak wood at very low estimate: house, barn, out buildings; fruit and berries; watered by excellent sprlnrs: beautifully located In the Willamette valley, 4 miles from a prosperous county seat town, 1 mile rrom railroad shipping point. H mile to school: haa R. F. D. and telenhone. You can pay for this farm out of the timber and have one of the best ill round farms In the vallev left for vour profit Will take some other good prop erty a part pay. Price $20 per acre. It lies well to subdivide. HENKLE & HARRISON. 217 Abington Bldg. 106 H Third St., Portland. Or. TIMBER RELINQUISHMENT FOR sale; must sell at once. 602 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 4977. FOR FARM AND TIMBER LAND SEE Dlllard ft Clayton, Roseburg. Or. HOMESTEADS. 10 good homesteads, brush lands, easy cleared; all in a bunch; plenty of tim ber handy for building and fuel; no Ir- .UallnM aohnm livatlnn f 1100" in parties of 6, $7. Eldredre Realty Co., 110 4th st., Vancouver, waan, FOR EXCHANGE A NICE. CLEAN Pnone wooaiawn uxi stock of rrocerles and fixtures, value 1700. ror small house and lot or lots. 3U 6th, near Pine. WHO WANT8 THIS? 4S0 ACRES OK TEKSOXAL hut 1 n n (1 In flhArvnan ..stunt.. 1 1 cultivated, new 8-room house and arn ror 10 norses; an rencea; z wells; a snap at $26 an acre, or will trade for city property. Address at once P. O. box 221, city. GOOD GOLD WATCH OR DIAMOND locket and chain for shotgun. P. O. box 1, city. EXCHANGES. 280 ACRES TIMBER, 10,000.000 FEET, T. N range 3 W.; Investigate quickly. Northwestern investment uo 183 4th. "WHO WANTS TIMBER" Several choice timber and homestead claims for location; timber claims will run from S.OOOrOOO to 7,000,000 feet Coast Realty Co.. 226 H Morrison at. Main 1688, A-4160. TIMBER CLAIM, $260; HOMESTEAD relinquishment $160. If you want these, call early. B. Wolverton, 402 Mohawk. IF YOU WANT A TIMBER CLAIM, aee me. 221 14 Morrison at, room 6. Five acres Portland suburban prop erty, nice 4-room cottage, fine family orchard, well water, $4,000, for trade; will assume or pay cash difference. Five-room house and t corner lota In Portland, on carllne. $1,800; want acre age. Dr. Philip 1 Ball Nervous and chronic diseases of men. women and children: piles cured pain lessly and promptly; constipation, rheu matism, paralysis, goiter, cured by sci entific methods; electric baths, lady at tendant. 603 6th at, corner Sherman. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE. alaatalaal . UW 1 1 . M.ll.Aua genuine tub bath. 41 Raleigh bldg., th V??!' " $ There Is no hope so The DOWer of nersonal maa-natlam nr how to Influence others or win your and Washington. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE Ladles and gentlemen. If you are In trouble about tie condition of your health, do not fall to conault me. I can convince you that I can help you by natural method. Consultation and ex amination free. Dr. Isabella Mnckle, 350 H Morrison st. Room 10. Phon Main 7320 or A-1644. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE: Sexlne Pills cure all weakneas; $1 a box, t for $5: full guarantee. Address or call J. G. Clemcnson, druggist. Port land, Or. Goitre and Cancer Specialist Goitres promptly removed, cancers tu mors and moles cured without a knife; asthma permanently cured; strict atten tion to nervous and chronic diseases. Consultation free. DR. VOOSE, 1814 l"t st. Have many others. Write us. PIONEER INVESTMENT CO., 618 Commonwealth Bldg., aixm ano nneny. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WHITE SALMON APPLE LAND. 40 acres of the verv beat nnnln lnnit 8 miles from White Salmon. 20 acrea under fence, 12 acres In eultlvatlon, 15 acres slashed. 6 of which is grubbed, Is most all willow and harel land very easy cleared. M mile to sawmill u miiA io acnooi, mue to cnurcn, located on county road; 3-room box house, wood shed, chicken house, and barn; watered Dy a large spring and a small creek; must sen Dy uctODer i; this Is a snap: price. $1,600; $800 cash. ESTES REALTY & INVESTMENT t.OMPANY. White Salmon, Wash. Stock Farm $30 acres, lmnroved- stock fa Yaqulna river, Lincoln county, Oregon; 1 miles from R. R. station: 50 roata. ko sheep, 20 head cattle, poultry, 20 tons hay, etc.; might take some trade. Price or iana 410 per acre; stock will be sold reasoname; a good stock farm, cheap. UPKTUT T.- O T T Tl T T , 1 217 Abington Bldg. Country Home, Close In Gentleman rolnr Into hnal nana nwav from Portland offers his beautiful little country home near the city for sale for iwo weens; i acres ground, part cleared, best of soil, with . acre beaver; spring and brook; $1,000 worth of wood; house new, 9 rooms; barn and fowl nena: on county road; rural delivery and close to electric line, few minutes out; an ex ceptionally choice proposition for some body to make an everlastingly beautiful and profitable home near town; $4,600; l.i lias. HENKLE & HARRISON, 217 Abington Bldg. FOR SALE; 11 acres of the best bottom ami h.a. yerdam land In Oregon; 10 acrea cleared. Tract. 400 feet from station of RnT.m electric road; 20 minutes' ride to city. See owner. F. A. MILT.RR Lents. Or. R. F. D. No. 1., Box 312, VICTOR TALKING MACHINES AND records; Stelnway (and other) pianos. Sherman, Clay & Co., 6th and Morrison sts., opp. postofflce- $30 REED-FRENCH PIANO CERTIFI cate for sale; no reasonable offer re fused. P-28. Journal. FOB SALE LIVESTOCK THREE FRESH COWS FOR SALE Good milkers. 1668 9th at, near Umatilla, Sellwood. GOOD FAMILY COW. ALBERT BRAD wlck, Mt Tabor Hefg4tts, on block west Massachusetts bldg. 6 COWS, WITH MILK ROUTE, IN Highland. 281 Vk Burnslde st, or 627 Rojwlawn ave. FINE COW. 486 CHAPMAN. PORT- iana neignts. Al GROCERY WORTH AROUND $2,000 Invoice, to trade for real estate or cash. Thomason & Bailey, ' 22$ Chamber of Commerce. TO EXCHANGE FlRST-dLASd GRO cery store, for hous and lot in city. Phone East 766, TO EXCHANGE. Exchange for an 8 to 1 0-room house, wtih large lot. 9 acres of rood fruit land all under cultivation. 4 acre in bearing fruits- borders Barlow. Or., and a good 6 -room house, large barn. S full lots, in Portland. COAST COMMERCIAL CO.. 604 Dekum Bldg. WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO WANTS to move west; he owns $100,000 worth of good city farm and other property which he desires to exchange for Oregon property of any kind; riv description in first letter; write today. B. F. Loos Co.. Pes Moines. Ia. RESPECTABLE GERMAN WOMAN, over 60, desires acquaintance honor able man with home, object matrimony, Q-Z7, journal MOLES. WRINKLES, SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mra. M. D. Hill, room S30 Filed ner bldg. Phone Paclflc 131. MISS MARCELLA LE ROY. 281 H AL der, room 4. massage and baths. ART, A. BERGER'S ART STUDIO. 644 H Wash, st High grade oil paintings in landscapes and portraits made to order. ATTORNEYS. PIQOOTT, FINCH ft BIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg, corner Zd and Morrison sts. MISS ETHEL WARD'S MANICURING and chlronody parlors, In suite 16, 351 H Morrison St. NEAT BACHELOR WANTS NICELY furnished room for light housekeen lng, or board In private-family. T-20, Journal. A GENTLEMAN OF 32 YEARS OLD would like to hear from a lady about 28; oblect matrimony. Address M-28, Journal. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS A THOROUGHBRED JERSEY BULL, 8 years old. also a fullblooded Guern sey yearling for sale by J. A. Zlmmer man, route 1, Mllwaukle, Or. FOR SALEA COW, WILL SOON BE fresh. B-1411. TWO GOOD MILCH COWS. Madison st. Phone E. 2991. 46 E. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT bv dav. week and month: special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorn. East 72. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. KELLER Harness Co.. 49 N. 6th at GOING EAST, AND MUST SELL AT mrrrA ,rl,A Ana hurl, lfttln lame, good old driving horse, i200-lb. delivery hoYse, 3 buggies, 1 new one horse waron. 1 Ilrht double driving harness, saddle and bridle. Call at once if you want a bargain, bsb to. zain st. W-W car to Keniiwortn curve, YOUNG THOROUGHBRED BAY GELD- ing. broken 10 riae ana arive; iast. and a beauty; price $100. Apply T. Rodgers, Red Front Stables, 15th and Burnslde. . MUST SELL ONE CITY BROKE burrsr or delivery mare. 1.100 pounds: also one farm horse, cheap; one rubber- tired trap, good condition, vu. uall 308 Third st. Phone Pacific 2360. IMPROVED FARMS vnn flir.si im Vt clnlty of Tallraan and Lebanon; also stock of general merchandise and flx tures. Address P. O. B. 70. Tallman. Or. 40, ACRES UNIMPROVED. 3 MILES rrom city, t per acr. 325 Lumh.r Exchange. FARM IN ALBERTA; 160 ACRE8, . nil I , f ..I. . , WW wi aw vr exenanre for Portland real estate, or Willamette valley farm. Address Q-27. Journal. CHOICE 10 ACRES. GOOD COUNTRY home, fin soil, miles of courthouse, near good carllne. Y-20. Journal. ACREAGE. -40 eres on Cully road, near Rose City Park. 10 acres between Piedmont and St Johns. $ acres on Fre- mam aai nAg Twnafni ' tVJ VR m Ittviit mm w inaivut n. jja 1 tm rii ft Co., IJJji IVMUCatoa ft - FOR SALE 80 ACRES' " u. MTT.ina from Banks. Washington fn 1 barn and other outbuildlnrs: innri Sunday. 848 Hood st mm Bpriugs, orcnara or over 400 trees of different varieties; some timber; fine land for diversified farming; R. p. d imp t o,uuu. particulars innnlro 13" mklwl -. tit 1-. . . . 1 ' ". TEAM OK MATCHED COLTS, DRlV- ing stock, or would trade xor older team of drivers. C H. Fry, Beaverton, Or. ' YOUNG BAY MARE, GOOD ROAD ster, either saddle or buggy. 90 E. 45th st FOR SALE OR TRADE SOUND! young, good horses, godtd workers; also mares to breed; reasonable time given, or will trade for lota. 14)04 Mil waukee ave. lane oeiiwooa car 10 Oration's Grove, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$m$$ $10,000 WORTH OF NEW AND GOOD aa new furniture. Stoves, ranges, beds, bedding,, carpets, ltneolems, etc.. etc. We can rive th best variety of aecnnri. hand goods for house furnlshlngKin the city. Parties wanting furniture will save $ and cents by coming to 11a We want your trade and will treat you white. Square dealing. 232 lat. $$3$3$$3$33$$$$$$$$$f$$$$$$$$33MUm PIANO TUNING. George Anderson, expert, 618 Tourny. 2d and Taylor. Main 6896. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED permanently without pain; will call at your home. Address Mra. Rodgers, 608 Northrup at. Phone Main 4639. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD M. COVET. Awnt Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles, uaamao ana Knox. Temporary location uiud uarage. lbtn ano Aider sts. ASSAYERS. WELLS PROBBSTEL. MINING EN gineers and assay ers; determination of goods and mineral waters. Z04H Washington st. Main vsvo MADAM VASHTI, VAPOR AND TUB baths, massage, chiropody. 201 3d st ELECTRIC VAPOR BATHS, MASSAGE, electricity. 145H 6th st, room 26. BALM OF FIG8 FOR ALL FEMALE diseases. 626 E. Belmont Phon East 4034. PRIVATE HOSPITAL, HOME FOR unfortunate rirla; rood care. ner bldg. S Mil- MISS ETHEL WARD'S MANICURING and chiropody parlors, .in suite -16, 86H4 Morrison st ' GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. and Montana Assay Offlc. 186 Mor rison st BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM, 109-111 2D st. Blank books manufactured: agent for Jones improved jLiOose-Leai ledgers; see th new Eureka leaf, th beat on th market FURNITURE FOR SALE. Cook stove with water coil, $6.00. Heating stove, $2.00. Iron bed, spring and mattrea, $4. Kitchen table, 76c. Drop-leaf table, 7 60. Folding go-cart, $1.00. Folding go-cart and parasol, $2.00. For sale Tuesday, 168 Gibbs at Tak S car. s Special Sale OF SECOND-HAND SEWING MA CHINES FROM $4 UP. Owing to our removal to our new lo cation, 120 Aashlngton, corner 11th, we are nowrivlng special bargains. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. 280 Yamhill St., Cor. 4 th, Or at our new location "420 Washington St., Cor, j 1th. LADIES! DR. LA FRANCO'S COM- pound; safe, speedy regulator; 25 cents, druggists or mall; booklet free. Ur. La Franco, Phlladcipnia. Fa. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. RbIrKENWALD A' CO S04WS0I iEV erett st, largest butcher supply hous on the coast, write- ror catalogue. b'JTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A. Dekvm, 131-183 1st at; carries a full line and c iplt assortment at lowest market prices. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP. DAILY IN OF- fice. 02 Allnkv bldg.; Hpirltua clr clos Tuesday, Friday evenings; Sunday evening, aeiiing-nirscn mog. nan. GET A HEIDLEBERG BANK, A HOME and big interest on your investment all In one. See the Pacific .Coast Realty Co., 805-6 Buchanan bldg., Portland, OK FOR SALE 3 -INCH COOPER WAG on; also cedar posts and a small body of timber. R. E. Beegle. Lents. Or. I HAVE A SCHOLARSHIP iti A leading business college for aala at a. big discount. Call Pacific 424. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURE SURE cur for rheumatism. SoM bv an druggists. SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES. NJEW a ad second-hand. Jaa. T. Marshall Mfg. Co.. 289 Couch at. FREE FOR EVERYBODY RING -UP Main 4290 or call 213 Front at We buy and aell furniture, clothlnr or any old thing. LA DIES 1 ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chlchesters Fins, the Diamond Brand. For 26 years known as best, safest Always reliable. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by druggists everywhere. WOULD A PLAIN, GOOD HONEST girl, between 20 and 35, correspond with a man of 33; good references, good position. Address Y-28. Journal. WIDOW OF 65, LITTLE MEANS, wishes to know a good man of 65 or 60. Address N-zs. Journal. ELDERLY LADY WISHES TO MEET gent of 60, wltrt home, matrimonially inclined, w-zv, journal. LADY. 5, OWNS HOTEL. WOULD marry true gentleman; confidential C. M., Box 35, Toledo, Ohio. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 300 Stark st H. W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. . 60S Jefferson tat Main 2618. DR. BING CHOONO. IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines: sells Chinese tea, oertaln cur for all diseases. 191 2d st. peiween ramnui ana layior. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 6O0. Ladles' skirts pressed, 60c Gil bert 106 Sixth at, next to Quelle. Phone Main 2088. NICE BAY TEAM, HARNESS AND buggy, $166; a bargain. Ask for Mr. Johnson' team, Peterson's Stable, 14 Union av. NICE BAY MARE, . 4 YEARS. JtUB bertlr runabout and harness. $136. Peterson's Stable, 14 Union ave.. Cor. Ash. - . Wanted to are f"6r a smaLL horse for ita use for two, or three monthsr light work, r: For lnfonUon, 0cgtt 1210. r , r FOR SALE ONE HOTEL RANGES. Inquire 271 1st st FOR SALE CHEAP VIOLIN. ROOM 8, 28 N. 4th st For sale cheap, one motor cycle in first-class shape. Inquire at No. 3 N. Union ave. CLEAN,. WASHED BAGS FOR WIPING purposes. The Overall Laundry and supply Co., phone Bellwood 86. FOR SALE ONE $40 AND ONE $50 Reed-French piano credit certificate. Inquire 999 Belmont st, city. Phone East 408 or B-1406. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM FLAT FOR sale, including piano, $260 if taken by ncpminuer au. lm JN. ntn St. DR. MARY KRAMER. MIDWIFE: home for patients; treatment for all blood diseases: examination freeA 861 Mississippi ave. East 5643 CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of men and women cured by modorn scientific methods; electric treat ment for dlseaaes of the prostate; con sultation free. Dr. W. I. Howard, Com monwealth bldg.. 6th St.. cor. Pine. 60 HORSEPOWER ATLAS ENOllfH and bollerr rood an nnw. : lanuiw Pyefg ifcoo, ut end.-J40oa brjdr. ' ClVg fist. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV- , vrcruiaa, cngusn. r rencn, Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction- T?5 , r?Te,IU Sf4.M.r.U kind Schmale Co.. 229 First st CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. johnj "'melton! mirsT.OF flee and store fixtures built and re modeled ; ahowcasea and counters. Phone Main 1787. E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FL tures: general jobbing; 67 1st at Phone Main 8190 LARSON & HENDERSON. 864 FRONT I st, contractors and builders: office and store fixtures a specialty; estimates' lurmsnea on snort notice; satisfaction guaranieea. fnone Main 8167, fond nor wish so rreat that cannot hn gained if properly worked, upon by a strong clairvoyant. FORTUNE TEI1DJG By cards, tea leave and those who make guesses, or by those uneducated In psychic science and palmistry, is per haps amusing and entertaining, but it avails you nothing. When you want t know the truth regarding PAST, PRES ENT or FUTURE, you must consult a NATURAL BORN CLAIRVOYANT. MELVIN. the onlv adeDt of Htnden occult mysteries, practices In America at the present time. As a matter of advertisement and to convince the skep tical of my power to predict and guldu you In the future for the benefit of those who do not feel justified in ven turing $2. I will for th next seven days make the following SPECIAL LOW FEE SO CENTS There Is no need for any on to be unhappy or unsuccessful when Melvin's advice is sought or taken. Those that are unsuccessful are mad prosperous and started on the road to wealth. Melvln ia different from anv other clairvoyants because he does what they claim to do, things that are beyond or dinary understanding, things that seem ImpoHSible. He give you Information, relief, auccess. satisfaction, power and control of any character affecting any on or anything, past present or future. He tells you just what you may expect and what to do for your best Interest in any matter. He awakens a natural force within you and around you, giv ing you a secret power to remove the cause of any trouble. Influence, unhap- fitness, disease, poverty, failure or bad uck that surrounds you. He opens the way for success and happiness you de sire. A power to secretly change the thoughts, actions, habits or intentions of any one, even miles away. Office hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.; Sun day, 2 to 6. N. B. No person will be entitled to more than one reading at thla low fee, as It la made a matter of advertising. You must brlnr this ad; MELfIN THE BENSON, 191 H Morrison st. cor. 6th. Phone Main 7246. 200 JYARDS OF DlRT FOR HAULING away, corner Beach and Missouri ave; CARPET CLEANING. STAITDARD CARPET CLEANING f!iY Largest nlant on coast: Lorlnr and Harding sts.; phone East 280; carpet ciennea, remieo:, sowea ana laia; steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses ann leatners a specialty. Electric Cleaning works; --earpeta c.ea-nea ana lata, Dotn dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phon Main ztTZ and A-Z87Z 271 Grant at THE IONE STEAM CARPET CLBAN- lnr works: carpets cleaned. - refitted and laid; mattresses and feathers ren ovated, zzi Hi. zist st N. Phon East 880. COAL AND WOOD. MRS. O. BROCK. GRADUATE MAS seuse; cabinet both, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream massage; references. 282 r hi k bi. jracjiic 2011. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE HAS - engaged the service of Miss English, electropath. Room 10, 850 ft Morrison trnone Main vjzo or A-l44 HOLDEN I'S RHEUMATIC rank-- Sura our for rheumatism. BXi by all PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLABWOOD . UOj, 366 Front st. successor to Ful ton Wood Co. Fir, oak. labwood, coaL ti. xuam 110, FOR PROMPT DELIVERY OF SLAB wood call Main 487S. Oak. ash. fir and coal. Portlrnd Wood A Coal Co4 inn ana cavier nn. j- , WESTERN FEED A FUEL COL " ' ' House and blacksmith coals, - coke, charcoal, kindling. Phone Main 1018. TELEPHONE EA8T 7. . vi r TAnrra a. rfi . Wood and CoaJ. M81 East Water wV FOR ONE WEEK MORE. BRING THIS -AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE, One of my CONSULTATION READINGS. Th abov CONSULTATION READING will be Given Free to every person who comes prepared to take one of mv celebrated I if, no Pav- chopalmo Readlna-n for nnlv 11 004 in all who bring this paper ad. - xiita is sirictiy a matter or business on your part to call at my office and become familiar with mv HPTRITTTAT, and SCIENTIFICjKprlc A hint to tho wise is surjictent I Greatest living astral dead-tranc clair voyant of the age; ADVISER OF BUSI NESS, AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whomSyou will marry, how to control the one you love, even though mites away; reunites the separated; gives so cret powers to control others; no1 dif ference how close or how far away, you ,can always obtain your desired results. Tells you .Just how, where and when to Invest your money to obtain th best possible results. If you are sick, mel ancholy, disheartened or discouraged. DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR; come and receive spiritual advlc that will JS?.' HEALTH. WEALTH AND HAPPINESS. I Will do all othera advertlaa tn An and a great deal more. , Office, Nos. ' 8-4, Grand Theatre bldg. 352 1-2. Washington Phone Main 1267. I- . SEE . MELVIN, THE RENOWNED CLAIRVOYANT SPIRITUAL ADVISER. GUARANTEES SATISFACTION ON ALL AFFAJR8 OF LIFE. ' YOU HEAR THE TRUTH AND NQTHINO BUT THE TRTTTH. , SPECIAL THIS WEEK LOW FEE. 60c, 60c, 60c, 60c, EOc. 291 M MORRISON, COR. 8TH. - PHONE MAIN 7246. CONSULT; THE BEST. FOR -QUICK ., DELIVERY rs PHONE -prroFuet Co, III Aldtft. . ; Madamfr Luckev u Gives electrlo oath and vibratory treat ments; alsq scientific massage; use th celebrated French paste t tot removing jrtUiillefc ' 4SJi froot at. . mi.