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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1907)
'':('; SATURDAY; 1lmmN0. lEPTEMinrR 14, k 1907w THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ': PORTLAND;, MEDIUM HINDUS' ABUSE sioiiii nis JOT SE'IEB nil DEMAND 25 PERCENT RAISE Striking Telegraphers In crease Amount of Salary First Asked for. LYING IVfTNESSES TO BE PUNISHED HAYIVOOD TR At Will VISIT- GREAT BENEFIT IS MEL is 5 1 f. "Dr. Russel Says Teddy Is White Winged Messenger ' Desnite Fact That He Killed Man in the Cuban War. if j1 rfr'- - '-( si (Ualt4 PrtM IMsad Wire.) ' Buffalo, Sept 14. President Roose- . .j, , , ' volt ) a "white winced angel of peace" j , to Ir. Isaao Franklin Russel of New I ' ' York university and he ao described him j In an ' addreaa here today before the J American Social Science aaaoclatlon. , 1 lota to sea hia picture everywhere," ' . declared the apeaker. "iney aay he t ' shot a man at Santiago; and when the -" orders tame for him to take a hill, he did not atop to aak Ita name but atormed jrTSllaa"Itaffr6ve" the Spaniards from It. What a heroic flf ure waa the irailant colonel then, but I love to think of Roosevelt, rioT at Cuba but aa the white-winged angel of peace In Man churia, walking in quiet majeaty be tween two great arm lea and bringing peaos. Rooeevelt In the hlatory of Jtuaala and In the hlatory of Japan, la I ha moat majestic figure of the cen tury, Investigation to Follow in Trial of John Conrad in the Circuit Court. V i . i ' i r 'i . - ine apeajcer aeciareo mat many ex- latlng lawa which create and auataln mono nolle ahould be repealed and franchises belonging to the people but ntruated to faithless corporatlona aaouia do repeaiea.. flPEM BRANCH OF : LIBRARY 1H ALBIHA Temporary Branch Will Be Established Temporar ily in High School. Ttie Alblna branch library at 6S8 Wll- llama avenue will be open on Monday, September 1(, at 2 o'clock, with Miss Ella Dewart In charge. A good aupply of books may be found upon the shelves, the room la well lighted and comfort able and wltl be found an attractive . spot for study and reading. A fine list of magailnea haa been ordered and aa soon aa they are received will be placed on nie. The Portland papera will be re reived daily. , ' -The board of education haa allowei the Library aaaoclatlon to open lta eas aide branch temporarily In the aouth .east basement room of the new East Side High achool building. This room la well adapted for a small library and will be open and ready for uae of both lilgh achool students and residents of the east aide on October 1. On fcYtday afternoon at 4 o'clock Miss Jiaasier will tell the story of the apple of diacord, the old Greek myth, to the young people or tne children s depart' ment. At the annual meeting of the Teleg rapher'a local held yesterday afternoon the election of officers which waa to have been held was postponed until the next official meeting of the union, which will occur the first Sunday In Oc tober. The present officers will hold over until the meeting Sunday. The only Important matter of busi ness transacted at the meeting waa the unanimous decision to demand a 26 per cent Increase in salaries from the com panies Instead of the 16 per cent asked for at the time the strike was called. The administration of the strike thus far waa given thevcomplete approval of the memliers of the union and the de termination to stick It out until the companies give In. By actual count made by representa tives of the union they claim that the Western I'nlon company has at work In Its Portland office 1 operators. Incluil Ing the chief, out of 68. not Including the chief that were employed before the strike. About 60 of the 6k worked from 10 to 14 hours dnlly so the crlopled con- I dltlon of the company's service Is easily The Postal haa six men, Including the chief, and the manager of the office. Instead of 12, not Including the chief or the manager prior to the strike. LIGHT COMPANY INCREASES POWER jVuelProblem Is Serious One Plenty of Water and Power, However. An Investigation to determine who committed perjury last week at the trial of John Conrad In the circuit Judfe Havt Savs Labor's! British Vice-Consul felly and State's Fairness Was Firmly Established. Judge and Mrs. Charles D. Hayt of Denver, Colorado, are at the Portland hotel. Judge Hayt waa for many yeare court will be taken up by District At- on the supreme bench of Colorado and torney Manning and hla chief deputy, (Jus C. Moser, next week. Testimony ulven at the trial by different witnesses developed directly conflicting s tor Its. Judge Oantenbeln, before whom Con rad wsa tried, aaid at the time that per jury had been committed, and that he would like to have the matter investl gated to determine which of the nesaes had been guilty of the crime In testifying before nlm. Deputy Moser. sitting ns a grand Jury, will take up the matter next week, he saya, and the lying witnesses will be prosecuted, lie said also that he In tends to Investigate the collection of monthly sums from resorta In the north end bv J- W. Hoare. a special officer. Hoare waa one of the witnesses at the Conrad trial, and when on the witness stand admitted that he had collected monthly sums from the women who conduct the resorts. Me had reported his collections to Chief of Police Qrltsmacher, he said, but kept the money. stated today that he thought the result of the Haywood trial would prove bene ficial to the 'whole country In that tho labor unlona could go before tha people and state that, after a fair trial, they were ahown to be opposed to violence. Thia I think" will be the greatest ffnet of the famous trial," said Judge llavt todnv. "Tha nubllclty riven to wit- j the proceedings by the newspapera of been Investigating the details of the the country cannot neip ' '"' j outbreaks which reaulted In tha Hlrtdua 111 ! IIIUII UI MM IITTRsl 111 WIW 'Miwo v Will Report to Gorem- ment on the Blots. REMARKABLE EARriGS OF INT ANA RANCHES DISREPUTABLE NOKTH END EESOET IS CLOSED Aa the result of the tidal wave of re form which has struck the restricted district and threatens to clean out the . yloa existing in that section of the city, Dorothy Darlington, keeper of a disorderly resort at SO North Seventh street, waa notified last night to Imme- dlately close her place. Sergeant Baty, upon orders of Chief Grltzmacher. called on the woman and informed her that arrest and prosecution would follow if ' ane continued to Keep her bouae open. - The chief's action was due to the plea Of guilty entered by the woman In the circuit court on a charge of con tributing to the delinquency 'of 17-year-cld Emma Francis.' who waa an inmate - of the Seventh-street house for aeveral weeks prior to entering Essie Watklha1 notorious resort. ' - B. 8. Pague, an attorney representing tha Darlington woman, caled at head quarters last night in an endeavor to have tbe chief rescind the order. He put In an appearance again this morn ing and discussed the matter with the police official for some time but with out auccesa. DETENTION HOME BIDS CONSIDERED TOO HIGH Bids for the construction of the new detention home of the Juvenile court war opened by the board of county commissioners at the courthouse yes terday afternoon. Only a few contract ors bid for the entire contract, though there were a large number who bid on ; part of the work. The lowest bid for all of the work awa that of H. E. Irish, who offered to do it for 112,380. a. W. Oliver was next, with a bid of $12,865. One bid waa a little over $14,000. Tha county officials consider all the blda high, and will consult with Bennes, ' Tobey & Hendricks,- the architects, to ' learn - whether a lower bid cannot be figured by taking a number of the piece - work bids together and have the home . built by several different bidders. The contract will not be let until all the blda have been gone over carefully. NEW PASTOR AT GARFIELD (Special Dltpttrs to The Journal Prlnevllle. Or., Sept. 14 The Prlne vIHe Light A Water company la In stalling machinery to add to the effi ciency and value of Ita plant. An aux iliary boiler has been added, together with an engine and complete equip ment that can be used In case of the disablement of the larger or principal boiler and engine. The original plant was equipped with a 70-horsepower engine and an 80-horse-power boiler, while the new machinery will generate 40 or 80 horsepower, and will, when used In connection with the machinery that is already in use, al most double the caDaclty of the slant. There are in uae within the city llm Ita something more than 1.200 drops at tbe present time, and practically no new ones were put In use last winter for the reason that the machinery was loaded to the limit and Manager Crooks feared some accident would disable the plant and leave the city In darkness until additional machinery could be shipped in and Installed. The question of fuel is a serious one that the company has to meet at pres ent. The price of four-foot wood de livered at the plant is $4 per cord, and it requires 1,600 cords to run the plant for one year. The water system of the company is sufficient for the present, and with the additional engine at, the power-house for use In case of fire the system Is all that could be desired. The power for the system is from a reservoir an- la direct preasure. The pumps are two In number, of the du plex variety, and can throw 126 pounds fier aquare inch preasure into the malna n time of fire. WOMAN TAKEN TO JAIL TO RECOVER FROM JAG Directors of Blair-Penwell Ranch Declared Big Divi dends and Sum Is Left. (Pacific, Coast PrM Leased Wirt.) Seattle, Sept 14. That tha violence to which tha Htndua of Seattle and other places on Puget souniThava been subjected within the past weak will be made' the subject of diplomatic corre spondence between the British govern ment and tha United States, Is tha opin ion of those who are In tha capacity of employers, or have to do with tha Hin dus. , British Vice-Consul Bernard Pally has (Special PUpatrb to Tbe Joerntl.) Heiena, Mont., Sept. 14. Twenty-four per cent In nine months is a rather re markable financial record, yet it only Illustrates the possibilities of the sheep Industry in Montana. At a meeting of the directors of the Blalr-Penwell Ranch company, which last January took over the Blair and an adjoining ranch In this section, a dividend of 15 per cent was declared. But the reports of the officials showed that 24 had been ea rned. Instead of applying the whole profit to dividends, the directors decided to es tabllah a reserve fund with a portion of the remainder, as well an purchasing moro sheep and making a few Improve ments on the ranch plant. The divi dend is made payable October 1. This is the fourth or fifth of these concerns organlred in Helena within the pas few years to pay such large divi dends. Among them are the Riverside Land A Livestock company, which earned 2414 per cent; the Wlnnecook, 26 per cent; the Clear Range, 24 per cent, and the Foster, 30 per cent. The method haa been the formation of syndicates, which would take over the large sheep ranches of central Montana, and practically all of the stock Is owned in Helena. The high prices for sheep, lambs and wool has enabled this rather remarkable record aa viewed from a financial standpoint, but the greater gain is ultimately expected from the en 4 nanced value of the lands, some of which have been secured at as low as $2 and $3 an acre. Mrs. A. H. Adams, a well-dressed woman of about 40 years, was arrested at the Perkins hotel last night by De tectives . McCullough and Price on a charge of drunkenness, upon complaint of Night Clerk Thompson. The woman, who Is said to have formerly conducted a lodging house In this city, rented a room at the Perkins yesterday and by 8 p. m. had become so intoxicated that the management decided to call the police. Mrs. Adams was locked ud In the city prison and upon belng-releaeed this morning declared tnat she nad been re lieved of a gold watch which she prized very highly. The woman declared that the timepiece was in her reticule at the time of her arrest. Detective Price who brought the satchel from the hotel made an Investigation with the result that the missing watch was found this morning In the woman's trunk at the Perkina. TWO BAD BOYS ARE GIVEN THEIR FREEDOM IRRIGATION PROJECT ADVANCING RAPIDLY (Special Dtapttcb to Tbe Journal.) Kennewlck, Wash., Sept 14. The Cas cade Construction company haa received two large looomotlves at Kennewlck to be used in their construction work on the Priest Rapids irrigation proj ect. The locomotives are now being loaded on the steamer Todd to be taken up the Columbia river to the scene of operations. Large quantities of steel rails have already been ahlpped, and cars are expected to arrive in a few days. Work on the Priest Rapids project is being pushed as fast aa possible, and the ditch has been completed ror a num ber of miles. The arrival of the loco motives and cars will greatly facilitate matters, however, and it is expected that the project will be completed In about a year. The foundations of the power plant have been installed, and work on the superstructure is now be ing pushed along. CRISIS IN AFFAIRS OF DOWIE'S CHURCH Deonle regarding both state and-labor. "I think the trial waa tho best way of giving to the people both sldea' of the question which haa been a serious problem for years. Waa aires Fair Trial. "Whether Haywood Is guilty or In nocent of complicity In tbe naHisstna tlon of ex-Governor Steunenberg. the people know he had a fair trial on the evidence produced bv the atate. Includ ing the famous confession of Orchard. The verdict leaves but one conclusion and that Is. both state and labor have gone on record against violence In set tling difficulties xa not understand me to saj' that the state ever Indulged in violence without due regard to the law, but the trial seta it more firmly in thai position. "Tho Denver bsr association watched the proceedings of the trial very close ly and most of the members were of the opinion that In order to convict Hay wood. Orchard'a testimony would have to be corroborated In reference to the actual participation In the conspiracy. The onlv nlnca In the testimony where this appeared to have been accomplished was In reference to the letter regarding Orchard's- visit ta --Canaila, -But- 4hla In Itself seemed Insufficient to most members. Kaywood Socialist Candidate. "The result of the trial has been an easement in the strained situation in Colorado. A relaxation has taken place which undoubtedly dlverta the publio mind from the terrific strain that haa marked the political life In Colorado for so many years. That la a benefit that applies mostly to Colorado and can be traced directly to the outcome of the trial." Judge Hayt said he did not think Haywood would be a candidate for gov ernor of Colorado. He believes the So cialists will nominate him for president. The former Colorado Jurist said that the recent national lands convention at Denver waa one of the most noteworthy and able In the history of conventions In the country. He said the criticism of the administration was presented la speeches that will long be remembered fop their eloquence and ability. Judge and Mrs. Hayt have been traveling throughout the Pacific north west for several weeks and are de lighted with their stay in Portland. They will leave by steamer tomorrow for San Franclaco, where they will visit several days before returning to Denver. CHilLOTM being driven out of Belllngham and, ha la also expected to investigate the trouble aboard the steamship Portland while she waa at dock In thla city last Wednesday night, and during which aev eral Hindus ' were thrown from the steamship because .they were occupy ing quariera desired by white men pas sengers. The day after tha rlota at Belllngham Mr. Pelly want to that city and con ducted an lnveatigatlon and yesterday the mill owners of that city received lettera from him requesting that they furnish the names of the Hindus who had been la their employ.- While the letters did not so state. It la believed that the conaul haa received ordera from hla home government to get the Infor mation so that a claim for Indemnity can be made. Incidentally tha mill ownera of Bel llngham are placed In a peculiar po sition because of the request. They sre afraid that if they give the Information requested they will place themselves In a position to be prosecuted by tnis gov ernment for violation of the contract labor laws. They will, however, furnish Mt. Telly Jha Information he has asked for. Mr. Pelly haa refrained from making public any Informatlonhe may" have us to the Intentions of his government Transatlantic Wireless S.vs tem Said to JJe Mere. 1 Experiment. DAY OF ROAD SHOW IS PAST. SAYSLOGAN AGENCY S RAIDED Martin Toughey. the young 'hoodlum. who waa sentenced to 60 days on the rock pile and fine. $60 by Judge Cameron for precipitating a riot on an Estacada train at Sellwood several weeks aao. during which he assaulted Patrolman Young and bombarded the cara with rocks, was released from Kelly Butte this mornlr upon order ot Judge Car eron. Arthur Lamb, who was also fined and Imprisoned for his Dart in the disgrace ful affair, was given his liberty some time ago., Judge Cameron, who waa a passenger o-. the train at the time of the trouble assisted in arresting the two rowdies and was kicked In the shins. The bruise has evidently heal d or his heart has softened, hence the commuting of Toughev's sentence. POLICE CLOSE UP CANARY WHEEL DEVICE - (Special Dispatch to Tha Journal.! Garfield, Wash., Sept 14. Rev. Ed ward B. Lockhart, who has been pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Garfield for the past two years, has five number, been assigned to the pastorate of the Union ,rark Methodist church at Bpo kane. Garfield people are sorry to lose Kev. and Mrs. iocknart, but wiah them success In thalr new field. Rev. and Mrs. Lockhart have made a host of friends throughout Wnltman and Latah counties since tbey came here and their 'departure la not only regretted by the i 'church 'people, but by all the people of tha community. Rev. C H. Kohr will have charge of the Methodist church thla year and will .preach hla first eermon here Sunday morning. - Tha people of Garfield ex '"tend v hearty welcome to Rev. Kohr and wife, who come highly recommended. The eagle eye of C. A. Inakeep,- pa trolman in the Portland police depart ment, discovered an alleged gambling outrit in the exposition building during the Pure Food show in the shape of a numbered wheel and Chief Grttxmacher this morning ordered the outfit to clone up The individual in charge of the wheel sold paddlea tfi visitors at the rate of 6 cents per. eacn or wnicn contained (United Press Leaaed Wire.) Chicago, Sept. 14. A crisis In the af fairs of the Christian Catholic church lately dominated by the late John Alex ander Dowle, is at hand. The rival fac tions in the church aoon will clash for the last time over the question as to who shall succeed Dowle as general overseer. Federal Judge Landls has recognized John Lewis as the leader, but Wilbur Voliva, who took the reins from Dowie during the latter's absence from the city, also seeks the high office. In order to dispose of the matter It will be voted upon at two conventions. Vo llva's forces meet tomorrow and on September 22 Lewis' followers begin their conference. Delegates from all parts of the world will be present at both conventions. In one of the biggest gambling raids In months acting Detectives Wellbrook and McCullough thla afternoon un earthed a Chinese lottery agency at 267 Salmon street and arrested May Wal, the celestial operator, and Joseph Smith, colored, who was loaded down with tickets. Wal waa released on $160 bail and Smith is languishing in jail. The two officers used consioerame strategy in gaining entrance to tne carefully guarded place. A meek-eyed lookout of the Mongol persuasion was detected in the act of letting customers into the place, and the officers rushed the door when it was opened for this purpose. The raid reveaiea tne presence of thousands of lottery ticketa and a bunch of records. RESTAURANT MAN IS STABBED BY' GUEST Tony" Mlllorvlch, proprietor of a restaurant at Second and Burnside streets, while attempting to eject A. C McDouaall from the premises at 9 o'clock last night was stabbed with a pocket knife by the latter. The blade wielded by McDougall struck the eating house man in the right shoulder, but the wound is not regarded as serious. Millorvtch's assailant, who cornea from Bonneville, is said to have ordered a meal in the restaurant and refused to settle for the same, whereupon the restaurateur tried forcibly to put him nut nf the nlace. McDougall baa been charged with assault -with a dangerous weapon and will De given a, 'nenng in the police court Monday. OFFICER STRIKES OFFENDING BUTCHER The day of the road show has passed, declares Attorney John F. Logan, and the new railroad laws passed by the congress and their enforcement by tbe Interstate commerce commission have killed them. The only theatrical troupes that can now afford to travel are those of the highest class and tbe fakers, says Logan. The reasons given are that tha new laws no longer permit the railroads to give troupes special rates on their car loads of scenery, and forbid the mak ing of special passenger rates. Former ly it waa aa cheap to pay fare for a troupe of lo as It waa for one of 10, but the theatrical rates have been abol ished by the railroads owing to the de cision of the interstate commerce com mission that all rates must be open to the public. Attorney Logan believes that these conditions as to railroad travel will per mit only tbe very best companies and the fakers to earn enough to make traveling profitable, and saya the time will come soon when there will be no good, middle claas troupes on the road. REMAINS OF GEORGE A. TALLEY RECOVERED , (Journal tpieial aVrrlee.) London,, Sept.. II. Tbe. announce' ment that tha Marconi company Intend to open .tniblloaarvlca, of wlreleaa telegraphy between Ireland and Canada next month at. the rata of Brt. a wora (plua land charges) haa not, ao far, alarmed the . cable ' companies, ' whose charge la Is 'a word. Foremost among tha reasons whythey ara not dismayed by tha prospect la the fact that In or der to believe In It they have first to see the results of . tha wireless aer- vlce. It hsa been "coming for ao many yeara-that now, when It la pre- ciaeiy announced . to oegin in a lew weeks, there ia soma aoeptlcism aa to what lta actual achievement will amount to. , Tnis, or course, only makes Mr. Marconi's opportunity for distinction all the greater, and renders the occasion renerallv all the more Interesting. .. Charles Bright. F.R.S.K., M.I.K.K., a well-known authority, and the author of a standard worli on submarine teleg raphy, was - Interviewed yesterday by a Dally Graphic representative, and expressed tha opinion that In conneotlon with wireless telegraphy some of the statements mada publicly had been vary frequently In advance of the facts. He did not say that It waa Impossible to send Transatlantic messages by wire less, provide! that a sufficiently high fower was used. But for one thing, ha sneed of wireless could not compare with the speed of tha cable. Tbe Cable Kach Quicker. 'The apeed of an Atlantic cable Is 100 worda a minute," continued Mr. Bright. "Tha wireless telegraphy we know of at present is certainly not capable of snytninr line tnis. Twenty woras a minute 1 think It Is. There are 17 At lantic cables the Anglo-American and the Commercial have each five. If the traffic warranted U. tha cable's speed of .-renemlssioiv might .be. considerably increased, because the limitations set on It are only due to tha type of Insu lated conductor If necessary one could lay a cable with a bigger conductor. On account of the comparatively low wire less apeed obtained. If a Transatlantic wireless company were to secure suf ficient traffic to effect a success com mercially, ltf could probably only be by the establishment of several stations at each end, and these, by reason of the high power used, would be liable to lnter-interference. Tha Cable Mora Aoc urate. U "Besides holding the field In the mat ter or speea over any system or wire- the cable Is likely. In my opinion, to hold the record tor accuracy. We hear all about tQe aucceaaes of wireless teleg raphy; we don't hear of the difficulties, of the numbar of repetitions necessary before they get a message through cor rectly. On the other hand, the Immedi ate accuracy In cable telegraphv s at about as high a pitch aa anything could be. "Wireless at present la well adapted for the Interchange of compliments, but not for considerable commercial messages involving elaborate codes. Whether the cable companies could pro- Honolulu Young Women Coming . to States , for" ' s First Time. j Portland Is about to ba Invaded by a bery of pretty,-dark-eyed damsels from Honolulu. Nwlio landed In Ban Francisco thla ' week , to visit coast cities. Tha young woman are members of a' party sent to the coast by tne Honolulu Bul letin.' and are chaperoned by Mrs. K. T. Weathered,. formerly a resident of Portland. i TI.e jretty maidens have captulad i..e Bay City, where they have been made much of since their arrival. They will leave Ban Francisco today for Sacra mento, where they will attend tha Cali fornia State fair. Later they will visit Los Angeles, Ban Diego and Mexico, reaching Portland In several weeka. About 10 daya will be apent in tha Rose City bv the tourists. Including a day'a visit at tha state fair at Salem. After Portland they will go to Seattle and Tacoma,xand will return, to Honolulu by way of Victoria. Two o.,.er Hawaiian maldena aooom pany the Bulletin Party to tha states. Thpy are Miss Bernlce Dwight and Mtsa Emma Rose, who grasped tha opportu nity to come to the coaat with congenial company.-The membere of tha party ara Misses. Callle Lucss, Daisy Todd, Rosa Alolau. Hattle SafYery. Hester Lemon, Katie Sadler and Lillian Lun-don.- With the exception of Miss Lucaa, none of the young women haa ever been In thla country. Iwey are socially prominent In Honolulu and have won many frlenda by their accomplishments. All are singers oi abtlltv and sing their natlvaXaongs, playing their accompanl menta on native Instruments. l.A war upon : TRAFFIC IN OPIUM kMssaaaawiMMaal Dr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Crafts Come to Portland ih Tour of the Coast. Dr. and Mra Wilbur F. Crafts ara expected to arrive In the city this after noon to visit with Dr. G. L. Tufts. Dr. Crafts I the superintendent of tha In ternational Reform bureau, of which Dr. Tufta ia the secretary for the Pa cific coast branch with headquarters In Portland. Together they have been con ducting meetings for the past few weeks In Washington and British Co lumbia on the liquor trade. Dr. Crafts has just returned from tha orient, where he engaged In a vigorous crusade agalnM the opium and liquor traffic He ia the founder of the Re form bureau and a lecturer and writer on these subjects of some prominence. His work In the far esat has accom plished so much that Secretary Taft Drowned in the Rapids Several Weeks Ago While Attempting to Tow a Launch Through. The 60 numbers on the RAILROAD CREWS V' PFITTTR TO WOT?Tv I nlht aftor a day "Pent ,n worry be- V. iXSUX U1U XV Jf ViUVj eBue, of tha belief that he would not 12 paddles used Correspond to the 60 numbers on the wheel, and the winner was given a 50-cent box of candy. At each turn of the wheel the operator cleared lv cents, not counting the reve nue on tne canoy. FEARED HE WOULD NOT ESCAPE FRIDAY HOODOO (Inltfi Press Leased Wire.) New York, ept. 14. Several promi nent physicians axe engaged in an In vestigation today with medical scien tists to solve the vexing problem, "Did fear of a hoodoo kill William J. Brad ley?" The latter, who was a well known resident of the Bronx, died last ." (ftoedal Dispatch te Tae Journal.) Bllverton, Or, Sept 14. Several daya ago tha eilverton Lumber company dis - cl arged their railroad crew and did not Intvttd to build any more road thia aea on.' : It baa now been found necessary, t owerer. to extend the, road tljree miles into the tlmbT, and the crew ia again "v,w - i.n n.r-vii starling i in f ot the mil until about, October it . . I quet la O live through Friday, the 13th. The doc tors who attended him said there wan no physical- reason why he should have died. Bradley seemed to have an in tuition that he would not live through the dar A California scientist says that pea nuts are more nourishing than steaks. Tha first usa or a menu at a oan- Germany dates oacat to . PAVING PLANT HAS ESCAPE FROM FIRE Through the Ignition of oil in the engine room of the Warren Construc tion company's plant at Eleventh and Lovejoy streets, a fire was started at 4:30 o'clock this morning that threat ened for a time to result in great damage. The lire department responded to a telephone alarm and within half an hour the flames were extinguished. Owing to the rapidity with which the oil in the engine room binned the fire spread quickly to the walla and roof of the structure, but bv quick work the fire men succeeded in quenching the blaze before much damage was entailed. IMITATION OF WILLIAM TELL CAUSES MISHAP (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) Silverton, Or., Sept. 14. Yesterday afternoon Chief of Police McMIIlen ar rested Henry Bock, the butcher, for burning rubbish in front of his place of business in violation or a city oroi nance. Later in the evening the police heard Mr. Bock discussing the affair with other men and took exceptions to what Bock said. The officers entered the shop and reaching over the counter struck tne outcner in tne The nf fair has created oulte a sensa tion in the city and the policeman ia threatened with arrest, A warrant win probably be Issued In Justice Wiles' court this afternoon and McMillan will be held for assault and battery. Rio de Janeiro, Sept. 14. While at- temDtlna to duplicate the feat of Wil liam Tell in shooting an apple from the head of a man at a circus here, Juan Esplnosa, an expert Chilean marksman, missed hia target and killed the man. The crowd made a rush for Espinosa with the intention of lynching him and he barely escaped with his lite. REQUISITION ISSUED yOR MAX SAWYER (Special Dlt pa tob to T& Journal. ) Ci lam 9ani 1 1 A FemiialHfitt was issued today by Governor Cham berlain for the extradition of Max Saw yer, now In Colorado, who, la wanted In Yamhill county on a charge of larceny by embezzlement. Tha orlma was com mitted September t, ; , OLD BUILDINGS ARE TO BE RAZED TO GROUND Building Inspector Spencer yesterday recommended to the executive board that the following old. buildings be torn down, owing to their dilapidated and dangerous condition: Four-story brick, 264 Yamhill street; three-atory brick, 185 Second street; two-story brick, 69 Third street north; Klncald building, northeast corner Ninth and Everett streets, and the rear wall of Fritz' thea tre on Burnside street. NATIONAL GUARD TO BEGIN DRILLING (Special DIapatcta to Tne Journal.) Oregon City. Sept. 14. After a two months' leave of absence the members of Company. O, Third Infantry. O. N. O., will begin drilling In earnest next Monday, night. On or about September 30 the local company will be inspected by the regimental inspecting orricer. Although the local company haa only been In existence since last spring the members have paid strict attention to the execution of all maneuvers and at the annual encampment at Seaside won for theraselvea an enviable name. rTl AAA AAA AAA A ih. Bible scattered throughout tha world. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Oregon City, Sepf. 14. The body of George A. Talley, a one-armed man who Waa drowned August 29 In the rapids of the Willamette river Just below Greenpolnt, was found yesterday near Jennings landing, about three miles be low here. At the time Mr. Tailed was drowned he was returning home in his launch from Portland, and on reaching the rapids he ran to the bank, got ashore, and winding a rope fastened to the boat around hia body, started to tow the craft up stream along the bank. The current being too strong, he waa dragged into the river, powerless to help himself. Ever since that time searching parties have been at work and divers were em ployed to.ind the body about the rapids and Just below them, but without suc cess. Mr. Talley was about 30 years of age and came here about a year ago from Oklahoma. He opened a boat house and haa been carrying on boating business here since spring. He leaves a widow ana tnree small enuoren. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Talley, and a sister, Mrs. Brlggs, all of whom live here, survive him. As he was a member of the Odd Fel lows, the local lodge will make the fun eral arrangements cn the return of his family, who are absent rrom town. TONY JEJUM WANTS HIS CHILD auce a great aeveiopmem or 'iransat- nM him in saM that nn mnr nnium lant c telegraphy by reducing the rate . wll, be shipped Into the Philippine fat 1vnanra m rml la annihaa alian . I , . . ... ... r -. ".v.-.j . ..r"cr .r." i uimm .nw .n i. . Mrs. Crafts is Sunday school superin tendent for the W. C. T. U. and has made a study of conditions In the orient. The visitors will follow this schedule tomorrow: Morning First Presbyterian church; subject. "World-Wide War Against tha Big Four Evils." Afternoon, I: JO Y. M. C. A. audi torium; subject. "World Politics In Re lation to Markets, Morals and Missions." Evening Taylor Street Methodist church; Chautauqua lecture; subject, "That Boy and Olrl of Yours." Mrs. Crafts will speak aa follows: Afternoon, 8:80 White Temple: sub ject, "God Made the World for Women, Too." and, of course, there Is such a thing as creating a demand. But I think the main effect of a successful wireless service In the near future would be to bring the Idea of Transatlantic teleg raphy of any sort more forotbly to tha nnnlfn mtnri Tn ntKav I. nm- I talnly wouldn't be likely to hurt any- Doay. Cable Snaroholaem eonre. "You mean that shareholders In cable companies have nothing to fear?" "Nothing whatever, replied Mr. Bright. 7,Some years ago I expressed this opinion in an article In the Nine teenth Century,' and nothing haa hap pened to change it" FRifllil; SI. Attorney and Woman Made Defendants in Sensa tional Action. RAT ER SUED RACE RIOT STORY IS PROVED TO BE FAKE Soldier on Duty Finds That There Was No Riot Only a Very Small Disturbance. Mrs. B. C Preaton and Henry St Rayner, an attorney, were made the defendants in a sensational suit filed In me circuit court tnis morning Dy Mar- i garet T. Shorey, in which It la alleged that the two defendants Mrs. Preston being a former friend of the plaintiff Asks Court to Give Him Custody of Daughter Believes Wife Un fit to Raise His Children. (Special Dlapatcb to Tha Journal.) Oregon City, Sept. 14. An application for a writ of habeas corpus waa made in the county court yestectlay by Tony Jenlm for the possession of his daugh ter, Sophia, who Is in the custody of Mr. and Mrs. F. Ml Matthews, his wife's oarents. at Macksbury. Mr. Jenlm nas been suspicious of his wife s actions lately and began to watch her movements and round her in a rooming house at Portland with another man, whom with ma wire ne had ar rested on a statutory charge. Believing his wire to be an unnt per son to have the custody of their child, he is determined to have the court award her to his care. LIPTON'S CHALLENGER ' THOROUGHLY IRISH (United Prws- Leased Wire.) Olastrow. SeDt 14. Sir Thomas LId- ton's new challenger will be built by a Belfast firm, making her more, than ever Irish. FORMER GRAND VIZIER OF PERSIA IS DEAD (United Preaa Leaaed Wire.) Teheran, Persia, Sept- 14. -Former Grand Vizier and Foreign Minister Mu hir , Ed Daouleh, to whose influence the shah's rescript granting a national assembly-was chrefly due, died suddenly today of heart disease, , ' , , . had conspired to defraud the plaintiff out of valuable property In the city. Mra. Shorey, who Is jl cripple, alleges that she was the owner of two-flfthe of lot 67, block U, In Couch's addition. Pk. .1,1. . . V. . a i - . 1 of Herman Trenkman as eecurlty for i lJf ofrir- ' a debt owed by J. T. Shorey. it teing b the army officers. 9tipuiaiea tnat when Hhorey paid tne (Special Dlapatrb to' tae Journal.) Vancouver, Wash.. Sept. 14. Follow ing. .the publication of a sensational story In a Portland dally paper to tho effect that a race feud had started in this city and that a soldier had been the leader of an asaault on a gang of Hindoos, the authorities at Vancouver barracks detailed an' officer to look in to tho matter. After a thorough Investigation the of ficer found there was nothing to the atory, which was grounded on the fact that while slightly under the influence of liquor a soldier hobbling along on crutches hit a Hindoo over the head. This cauaed some little excitement In which several persons took part, but It was soon quieted by the police. The 1 be dropped debt Trenkman was to transfer the deed to the Oregon Trust & Savings bank as trustee for the 8horeva. Upon the failure of the bank and the appointment of a receiver,, Mra. Shorey says that Mrs. Preaton said she did not know what effect the condi tion would have on the property rights of the plaintifl and suggested that St. Raynor be sentV for. Mrs. Shorev did this, according to her complaint, and St. Rayner told her she was being swindled and that it was necessary for her to transfer the property to Mrs. Preston, as Mrs. Shorey could not pro tect ner rights. Accordingly Mrs. Shorey states that she signed a paper which St. Rayner told her was simply a matter of form. Following thla Mrs. Shorey consulted friends and then notified St. Rayner In writing to do nothing In the case until he had received, ordera. September , however, St. Rayner sued J. T. Shorey and Trenkman In be half of Mrs. Preston for possession of the property. ' Mrs. Shorey alleges that Mrs- Preston and St. Rayner procured the assignment for their own. benefit and with the Intent to defraud tho plaintiff. She sues for the cancellation of tha assignment anaV was granted a temporary Injunction returnable Sep tember 18, preventing the disposal of the property by the defendants. PAINT THIEF MUST HAVE BEEN WOMAN WIDELY KNOW RANCHER DIES Fenner Foster, a Prosperous Farmer of Clarke County, pies at the Age of Eighty-Four. P. A. Doane. a painter and decorator at 266 Yamhill street, has reported to the police that aome peraon stole 15 gallons of roof paint from the yard In the rear of tha International hotel, Third and Everett streets, last night. The paint was In a large tub and the thief .-must have carried. It away- - in buckets, requiring several -trips. H. M. Bogart residing In the same hotel, notified tho detective bureau this morning that" a sneakthief entered Jils room between II p. m. last night md 4 o'clock this morning and carried await, Chirkenology. - - Vain men ara like roosters who crow and who ahirk; V While tha hena lay the egga and do alt i . 5 or tna woraj t ,, , And, lite 'roosters, men' think .they mtist - " govern tha rest - . That their sisters ara only lay .members, (Special Dlapatcb to The Journal.) Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 14. Fenner Foster, a widely-known rancher of this county, died at his home at Mount Pleasant yesterday of old age. He was 84 years old. . Mr, Foster was for mora than 25 years a resident of Skamania county, immediately east of Clarke. Seven years ago he moved to his late home, seven mues from Washougnl, at what was formerly known as Mount Pleaaant post office. He was considered a successful farmer and leaves a considerable es tate. He la survived by a widow and several children, most of whom have grown up and moved to distant places. The funeral will be held from the family home at It o'clock Sunday. In terment will be in Mount Pleasant cem etery, FOSTER FAMILY . IS UNITED at beat V-, Pucv (Special Dlapstcb to Tbe Journal.) Oregon City, Sept 14. Mra. Bertha W. Foster was yesterday remarried by Judge Dimick to her former husband. D. v. Foster. . The couple were-marrled" 18 years ago and six children were born to them. A few years ago they separated, Mr. Foster remaining here and the wife going 'to eastern Oregon. Mrs. Foster returned here and in a ahort time reconciliation between tha estranged partleasfoJlojWiLresultinB In a red nUeaTamllyjT " Sweet Pea Show. i- A Sweat pea show waa given in Hor ticultural hall, London, recently. -There were 8,000 bunches on exhibition. In eluding ISO novelties. The struggle for a yellow sweet pea is 'still unsuccess ful. T,he nearest approach la a "creamy -buffi -z:--Z2'lCxUf. 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