The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 14, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    f :
Helllg "Msrry Wives of Windsor"
Marquaar "The Bohemian Girl."
er lhm woman In the Cass."
Emplra .. -a Taxaa Ranger."
Grand Vaudeville
Lyrlo "Forty-Nine."
Star "Tha City of Naw York."
The Oaks O. W. P. earltna
ftaaeDaii ..Twenty-fourth ana Vaugan.
at a ocioca.
Tha Champion Group MJnlnf com
panr.vJOt, 207, SOI Couch building, re
ceived a dispatch from O. H. Poor, lta
expert miner in tha field, that ha haa
Sand check payable to C. Helsog, Yreka."
Thia la a copper property. 1,800 feet
long, 00 feet wide and -Ilea within 200
feet of the Yreka railroad track . Tha
locator took up 40 acres, but Mr. Poor
bought only tha tested ledge, upon
which the Champion management will
begin work Immediately. Assays and
mill teate of lta orea show better than
an average of $40 to tha ton, ao that
It la not difficult to determine lta lro-
menae value. - On September 1 the oom
f any acquired a copper loda more than
hrea miles In length after a vigorous
conteet with New York partlea, and
now haa aeoured thia vary rich mine
that la ready for ahlpping almoat from
tha beginning. Tha oompany'a hold luge
now eonaleta of 13 quarta end placer
(old propertiea and thaaa recent copper
purchases, which make It tha atronaeat
preoloua maul proposition in the coun-,
try. Although It waa not promised, all
tneae era united with tha gold ml nee.
and air stock oovera everything. Thls I
certainty la a aquare deal If aver there
waa one.
From Indleatlona alnce tha colon Ut
movement for' September began rail
road officials believe the reoord thia
ran will enow 100 per cent Increaao
over that of a year ago. Colonlata ara
pouring into uregon at an unprecedent
ed rata Tha official count of ticket
aalea for the first week haa been re
ceived and It ahowa 1.410 tickets over
the O. R. A N., aa compared with (17
iur mm nrsc wees: or September laat
year. The immense amount of adver
! i1 Uwd eawtm Ul-aodi ,
inn Oregon development league and
i ue raiiroaa aavertiamg bureaus is said
ia Kscouni ror tnia year's great home
eeaer travel. The prospect now la
mai uie ticaet sales, when the move
ment enda thia fall, will total over
B W . : i.'.:: W SI rk-fV
M: Linen
Is either tha prlda or tha bane of
your Ufa. Let ua take care of It,
and you'll alwaya be proud -of It
No '. smudges, nor streaks, nor
tears, nor broken bands, ' nor
frayed edges everything Juat as
you want It Drop ua a poatal
cart telling ua when to call.
. Second and Columbia.
- : Telephone Main US.
Executive Board Issues Or
der Regarding: Killings-, J
worth Work.
, Rev. Henry Marcotte, paator of the
Westminster Presbyterian church of
thia cltyf waa born In Michigan. Ha
attended Lake Forest college at Lake
Forest. Illinois, graduating from that
Institution In lilt with tha degree of
A. B. Hla theological course waa taken
at MoCormlok Theological seminary,
Chicago, from which institution ha
graduated in 1196.
Mr. Marcotte's first pastorate waa In
Astoria, where ha labored for aeven
yeara and buUt a naw church coating
The Spectator this week deala with a
variety of local toplca that the people
are discussing. Among . the subjects
mai wm oe reaa witn interest are the
reorganisation and reopening of the
Oregon Trust A Savings bank, with the
names of some of the new stockholders;
the libel suit brought against the Specta
tor, me laci ana ma notion in the stories
of tha land fraud trials, and the piti
able showing made by the Larry Sulli
van group of mines The Spectator haa
the social newa of the week, and an In
teresting discussion or dramatlo and art
events. Illustrations add to tha appear-
nv 01 iuc paper.
One thousand dollars waa appropri
ated by the executive board yesterday
ror a launch for the harbormaster to
Unless tha Portland Railway, Light
A Power company takes out a franohlaa
to lay double tracks on KUIngaworth
and giva regular aervloe on that
thoroughfare It will be compelled to
remove the present single track within
14 day a.
Thia waa the order given by the ex
ecutlve board In lta meeting yesterday
afternoon. The alngle track on Kllllngs-
worth. avenue from Union to Grand ave
nues has been used for switching nur
poses only, although It is half a mile
long. The avenue will aoon be 1m
proved with a hard surface pavement
and the board thlnka It advisable that
the doubla tracks be laid before the
work la Instituted.
The city attorney flnda that the
streetcar company holda no permit on
the street and it will be comoelled to
secure a franchise In tha ordained way.
afternoon. Macauley admitted taking
tha money, but said the comnanr had
agreed to give him 6,000 aharea of stock
in the concern, and that be merely Dald
mmseii aiviaenoa on it.
water through hose for sprinkling
yards or sidewalks or washing porches
or windows must be paid fr In advance
and uaed only between the houra of I
and f a. m., and t and ln, It must
be uaed ror sprinkling streets.
used contrary to these rules, or waate-
lUJij, it win om pnui ui 1.
ntr Harf1M nt nwMi AA
RTQAEtiXA" " " hoapiui.
MM.. V.-.- . i. . ... . '
i u vvktu uruerea mat uut ooat be
returned to the company at once. When
the launch waa firat placed in the
water It waa discovered to have a
faulty engine and Captain Speier found
it practically Impossible to make hla
seml-dally trips on the river. The new
launch will be large enough to accom
modate a aquad of police In caae of
harbor rlota.
Tha aervlcea at the White Temple
tomorrow will be unusually Interesting
becauae of a number to be baptised.
The church Is conducting a mission
among the Chinese and among the. num
ber of those who have been converted
are three Chinese women. They will
be received into tha White Temple by
baptism at the aervlcea tomorrow morn
ing. Dr. Brougher Is also preaching a
series of companion aermona. The sub
ject ror Bunaay morning will be "What
and Where la Heaven?" At night the
toplo will ba "What and Where la
after aa Illness of two weeks. Mrs.
Garfield leavaa a (husband and one
daughter. Mrs. Garfield waa of an old
pioneer family and lived for years at
Jefferson, this state, where her mother,
alater and a number of relatives reside.
Brigadier and Mra. Jenkins of Seattle
will conduct the Installation aervlcea of
Malor and Mra. Faulkner in Salvation
Army hall on Sunday, September 15, at
11 a. m. and s d. m. Don't miss bearing
them. All ara Invited.
. John Kalkofen. the foremer fireman.
who waa acquitted laat week In the clr
cult court on a felony charge brought
by a 16-year-old airl. waa aarnTn amatarl
yesterday afternoon by Truant Officer
a. v. wnite on a cnarge involving an
other girl of tha aame age. When ar
rested naiKoren waa driving a wagon
for the Package Delivery company, by
which he is employed. He was com
mitted to Jail laat night in default of
tuv oau. i
A. E. McCarthy, charged with pae
Ing forged checks on merchants at Bea
verton, Oregoiv was arrested yesterday
BiiFinuun dv deputy anenrr c H. Fi
of Washington county on the Southe
Paclflo train aa It waa pulling into
Portland. It Is charged that McCarthy
passed tWo checks, each for $32.60,
one oi wmcn was drawn on Lead ft
Tllton, and the other on the Merchant's
National bank. The prisoner was taken
back to Hlllaboro yesterday afternoon.
Dr. David Beaton, special lecturer and
Bible teacher for Congregational
churches, will apeak at the' Young
WomiMTs Christian association Sunday,
September 15, at 4 o'clock. The subject
of Dr. Beaton'a address will be "The
Christian and Social Service of Women."
Those who heard Dr. Beaton at the
Northwest conference say that the
women of Portland have a great privi
lege before them. All women and girls
are invited.
It Is in everybody's mouth. Children
Just love it It Is the talk of the
town. It makes the weak atrong.
Everybody is talking about It It is
good enough for the White House.
What? Of course, "Golden Grain
Granules" the 100 per cent pure cereal
Malcolm Macauley was declared
guilty of embezallng 11,800 from the
Oregon A Washington Lumber company
by the Jury in Judge Gantenbeln'a de
partment of the circuit court yesterday
School children will grow atrong If
they drink "Golden Grain Granules. A
big package costs only 6c. It goea as
far as f3 worth of milk. All grocers
sell this ayatem-buildlng cereal health
coffee. Everybody la talking about it.
To whom It may concern: Whereas,
my wife, Mra. Nadlne L. Humphrey,
has departed from my bed and board,
I hereby give notice that I will not be
responsible for any debts contracted by
her. P. H. HUMPHREY.
"i hij mi -
(. ......:
Rev. Henry Marcotte, Paator of
Weatmlniter Preabyterlan Church.
about 26.000. In 101 ha married Mlas
Mary Nlckerson of Rureka, California.
He waa- called to wastmlnatar -enureh
In ltOS and during hla pastorate the
memberahlp has doubled. In these three
and one half yeara 116 new members
hava recently been added to the church.
Repairs and alterations have recently
been mads at Weatmlnster, and the
seating capacity has been Increased by
the addition of the gallery, ao that the
church now seats about 360 persons.
Mr. Marcotte-ta a atrong ana earnest
preacher who Is greatly beloved by his
loyal parishioners. Westminster church
is also noted for Its generosity In all
mission causes and lta cordial spirit
toward all who oome aa atrangera.
Last Time Louis James.
The laat performance of the eminent
actor, Louis James, and hla company,
will be given tonight at 8:15 o clock.
at the Helllg theatre. Fourteenth and
Washington streets. Shakespeare's de
lightful comedy. "The Merry Wives of
Windsor," will be the play. Beats are
selling at theatre.
Srat Sale Next Monday.
Next Monday morning. September 14.
at )ox of floe the Helllg theatre, Four
teenth and Washington streets, the ad
vance aeat eala will open for "Salomy
Jane." Llebler A Co. will present Miss
esala Isett in this beautiful play for
four nights, beginning next Wednes
day, September 13, with a special price
matineo Saturday.
Comedy Tomorrow Night.
The funny. In fact, extremely funny
comedy, "Mrs. Temple's Telegram." will
the attraction at the Helllg theatre.
Fourteenth and Washington streets, to
morrow (Sunday) night Popular prices
will prevail. Seats ara selling at tho
Arleta Rev, E. A, Smith. Services.
11 a. m. aad I p. m.; Sunday school, 10
a. m.j B. T. P. U. 7 p. m. Morning serv
lea by Rev. II. B. Blood.
Third Vancouver avenue and Knott
streets. Services 11 a. m. and 7:46 p.
m., " by Rev. R. Sohwadler. Sunday
school. 10 a. m.
Highland Alberta and Sixth streets.
Bunaay scnooL io a. m.: aervioes i
11 u m. and 7:41 p. m.; by Rev. John
Sellwood Tacoma and Eleventh
streets; Rev George A. Learn. Services,
11 a. m. and S p. m.; Sunday school, 10
a, m.; B. Y. P. U 7:16 p. m.
Calvary East Klahth and Grant
atFMtm. flarvtaaa 11 a m. and 7:30 P.
m.; morning topic, "The Unreclalmabla
and the Ever Available," by Rev. E. A.
Smith; Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Immanuel Hecond and Meade atreets;
Rev. A. B. Mlnaker, Services at 11 a,
m. and 7:4t p. m.i Sunday school at 10
a. m.
Oraee Monta villa; Rav. Oilman Par
ker. Service at 11 a. m. and 7:10
p. m. Topics, "The rail oi uagon- ana
Central East Twentieth and Ankeny
streets; Rev. W.'T. Jordan. Services at
10:30 a. m. and 7:10 p. m.; Sunday
aohool, II m,
University Park Kev. a. . wans.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; services, 11
m. and P- m.
First The White Temple. Twelfth
and Taylor atreets: Rev. J. Whltcomb
Brougher. JJ. U. itervieea, : a. m.
and 7:46 p. m.; preaching by the paator.
Topics. "What and Where la HeavenT"
and "What and Where la Helir Bap-
tlam at morning service. Bible scnooi
at 13:10 p. m.; young people s meeting,
Sunnyslde (German) rorty-nrst
street and Hawthorne avenue; Rev. C-
Feldmeth. Preaching. 11 a. m.; Sunday
school, 0:45 a. m.
Bt Johns (German) Rev. u. reia-
meth. Preaching 1p.m. Sunday school
3 p. m.
Second Seventh and East xnaeny
streets; Rev. Stanton C. Lapham. Berv-
"The Plaoe and Presence of Christ" and
"The True Orthodoxy." Bible school,
noon; Young People's union. I 46 p. pv
Savler-Street Between Twenty-flret
and Twenty-oeoond streets. Servloea
10 a. m.; by Rav. John Bentslen. Sun
day achool. 9 a. m.
St. Johns E. A. Leonard. Services,
11 a. m. and 7:10 P. m.; Sunday school.
la s. m.
Chinese Mission 363 V Oek street.
Sunday school. 7 p. m.; preaching in
Chinese, t p. m.
First Oermra Fourth and Mill
atreeta; Rev. J. Kratt Bervloes, 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p. mt Sunday school, 0:46
a. m.
Second German Morris street and
Rodney svenue; Rev. F. Bueermann.
Servicea, 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sun
day School. 1:46 a. m.
East Forty-fourth Street Mission
Corner Eaat Main; Rev. R C. Cook.
Servicea. 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Bible
schooL 10 a. m.
V Lents First avenue and Foater road."
Sunday school. 10:30 a. m.; services,
11:80 a. m.
Mount Olive Seventh and Everett:
Rev. B. B. B. Johnson. Services at 11
a. m. and 8 p. m.
Swedish Hoyt and Fifteenth; Rev.
Erlck Scherstrom. Services, 10:46 a.
m. and 7:46 p. m.; Sunday achool, 13 m.;
B. Y. P. U.. :30 p. m.
Union Avenue Mission (Swedish)
Corner Skldmore. Sunday achool, 10
a. m.
Services at 11 a. m and
Sunday school, ll:l
B. H. Bryant
t:iv p, m.
Centenary Rev. W. H. Heppe, D,
Ninth and Flna Bervicaa 10:80 a. m
clans, 1:46 a. m
p. m. "
Trinity Corner of Eaat Tenth and
Grant; Lewis F. Smith. Servloea at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school,
10 a, m.
Central Russell and Kerby streets; J.
T. Abbett Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. -
Chlneae Mission Chan Sing Kal.
Servicea 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.
Mount Tabor Services at 11 a. m.
and 7:30 p. m.
Patton Michigan avenue and Caroen-
eervices at n a. m.
11 a.
11 a.
At the pure food ahow they use "Pio
neei cream when serving "Golden
Grain Granulea" cereal coffee. "Pio
neer" cream la best you know. It goes
best with coffee.
An examination for library assistants
will be held In the library building on
Tuesday, September 24. All candidates
will pleaae apply to the librarian before
September SO.
$3,650 will buy, for a few days, a frac
tional lot on carllne, with house rent
ing for 335 a month. Inquire of Seng
stake & Lyman, 80 Fifth street
Steamer Jesse Harkins, for Camaa,
Washougai and way landings, dally ex
oept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at i p. m.
Todav la Eugene day at Golden Grain
Granules nootn. Deaiaes umidren g day,
KveryDody is onnaing it ana talking
about it.
"The Bohemian Girl."
Before It is 'too late, vialt the Mar-
quam and hear the Callfornlans in "The
Bohemian Girl. Their performance la
even better than in "The Serenade" and
the Immortal lyrics are being hummed
all over town thia week. This Is the
greatest revival of "The Bohemian Girl'
which Portland haa seen.
Woman's Exchange, 138 Tenth street
luach 11:10 to I; buatneaa men's lunch.
Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and
fine gasoline. rnone East 788; B-1007.
Dr. Caartday, eye.
throat. Glasses fitted.
ear, nose and
ei7 ueKum bldg.
Free rulers for school
Albert Bernl's drug store.
children at
Diamonds. Watches Beck's, 105 Alder
D. Chambers, optician, 138 Seventh.
Berger signs 184 Yamhill phone.
Bark Tonio for rheumatism.
For lea eall Main 184 or A-8345.
Delivery company, 351 Stark at
School Shoes.
Beat values, at Rosenthal'
If you pay your bills in cash no one knows except the
man with whom you have dealt. If you pay your bills by
check the check may pass through several hands before it
is paid by thebank. .It serves as an advertisement of your
personal worth with every man who sees it, establishes
your financial standing in your community, and forms
a basis of credit which you can gain in no other manner.
Place your money in this strong bank where it will be
absolutely safe and where, the bank influence will work
for you.
bog (iiMMi I S
'A Texas Ranger" Tonight.
If you are going to the theatre to
night and want a play full of thrilling
Interest and at the same time historical
or Indian wars and Texas plains, go to
tno Empire ana see L,ee vviuard and
hla fine company in A Texas Ranger.
Last Time Tonight at Baker.
Tonight offers the last opportunity
to see iiianene waisn a ramous play,
"Tha Woman In the Case," at the Baker.
The piece has attracted unusual atten
tion aa weeK at the popular playhouse.
and it is indeed an unusual play.
Sunday at the Grand.
Tomorrow is the last day that the
current vaudeville program will be
given at tha Grand. Al Jolson, the fun
niest man In vaudeville, will depart for
caiirornia arter tne Bunaay night en
tertainment. Murphy and Wlllard, the
eastern headllners, have an aot which
must be seen to be appreciated.
Last Performance.
The R. E. French stock company at
the Star theatre will give lta laat per
formance of "The City of New York" to
night This melodrama haa created a
sensation during the week. Tho realis
tic and thrilling train wreck, when the
pay train Is held up, Is one of the most
exciting scenes.
"Forty-Nlne" Make Hit.
The best performance ever given at
the Lvrle is "Forty-Nine." In which the
new Lyric company is making Its debut.
It is a thrilling, interesting and humor
ous play. Nothing is lacking to make It
one of the most delightful theatrical en
tertainments ever aeen here.
First Twelfth and Alder streets;
Rev. William Hiram Foulkes. Services
at 10:80 s. m. and 7:46 p. m. Morning
sermon by Dr. Wifbur F. Crafts of
Washington. D. C. Topic? "Living and
Dying Nations." Evening sermon by
pastor, "Vanity of Vanltiea." Sunday
school, 13:10 p. m.
Mlspah Eaat Thirteenth and Powoli
streets; Rev. Jerome R. McGlad. D. D
Services at 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Evening address by Clyde E. Van der
Marten of Louisville. Kentucky.
Calvary Eleventh and Clay streets;
Rev. Ben-Ezra Stiles Ely Jr.. D. D.
Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.
Topics. "Personal Power Over Others"
and "What Christians Should Be to the
Fourth First and Qlbba atreets; Rev.
John R. Welch. Services at 10:80 a. m.
and 6:30 p. m., at Terwllllger park.
Hawthorne Park Twelfth and Eaat
Ttylor streets; Kev. E. Nelson Allen.
Aorvtrna 10-80 m. and 7:30 n. m.
Topics, "Paul's Cloak and His Parch
ments" and "Our Heritage." Sunday
school. 13 m.j Y. P. 8. C. E., 6:80 p. m.
Forbes Sellwood street and Ganten
beln avenue; Rev. Harry H. Pratt. Serv
icea at 11 a, m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday
school, 10 a. m.
Chinese 145V4 First street; services,
7:46 p. m.; 8unday school, 6:46 p. m.;
young people's meeting, 8:45 p. m.
Piedmont Cleveland avenue and Jar
rette street
Westminster East Tenth and Weld
ler atreets.
Marshall-Street Marshall and North
Seventeenth streets; Rev. C. W. Hays.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.: preaching at
11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.
Mount Tabor Belmont street and
Prettyman avenue; Kev. Kdward M.
Sharp, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and
8 p. m.; Sunday school at 10 a m.
Sellwood Corner East Seventeenth
and Spokane avenue. Servicea at 11 a.
m. and 8 p. m.: esunaay scnooi, iw a. m.
Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.
Third East rnirteenin and Pino
streets; Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery,
Servicea at 10:80 a. m. and 7:45 r, m.
Toplca, "Abounding Grace" and 'The
Advantages of Christian Training."
Vernon Kaei xwenuem ana wygant
streets. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m. by Kev. u. a. iJiair; Sunday
school, 12 m.
HoDe Montavllla; Rev. S. 8. White.
Services at 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 10
a m.
Millard Avenue Kev. A. J. Soper:
Sunday school, 10 a m.; services, 11 a.
m. and 8 p. m.
Annabel services at 11 a. m. and 7:45
d. m.
Trinity Fulton; Rev. J. R. Welch
will preach at 8:30 p. m.; C. E. at 7:80
ter. H. T. Wire.
and 7:80 p. m.
Vancouver Avenue Servloea at
m. and 7:30 p. m.
Woodlawn Rev. 8. H. Dewart.
vices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Woodstock Rev. W. T. Kerr.
vices at 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m.
Norwegian-Danish Thirteenth
Davla; C. J. Larsen. Services st
m. and 7:30 p. m.
Swedish Borthwlck and Beach;
Johnson. Services 11 a. m. and
p. m.
First German Fifteenth and Hoyt G.
A. Waasa. Services at 11 a. m. and
7:80 p. m
Seoond German Stanton and Rodney.
H. B. Ma as. Services at 11 a m. and
7:80 p. m.
Japanese Mission ill North Fif
teenth. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.
University Fartt Rev. D. A. Wattars.
Servicea at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.
Grace Corner of Twelfth and Taylor
streets; Clarence True wilnon. IJ. L.
Servicea at 10:30 a. m. and 7:80 r. m.:
Sunday school, 12:16; Epworth laague.
Sellwood A. D. Wagner, pastor. Sun
day school 10 a. m.; preaching, 11; Ju
nior Epworth League, 2:80; Senior Ep
worth League, 6:30; preaching, 7:30.
Episcopal (west side) A. Matthews,
First and Caruthers street; Rev. W. A.
M. Breck in charge. Sunday school at
46 a. m.; services and sermon at 11
a. m. No evening service.
Pro-Cathedral of St. Btephen the Mar
r Thirteenth and Clay streets; Rev.
M. Ramsay. Communion. 7:20 a. m. :
services 11 a. m. and 7:80 D. m. : Sunday
school. 9:46 a, m.
Trinity Nineteenth and Everett
streets; Dr. A. A. Morrison. Services.
u in., 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. in.; Hunday
school, 9:30 a. m.; rector will officiate.
All Saints Twenty-second and Reed
atreeta. Sunday school, 10 a. m.; even-
as rvlee, e'ettM-h.
St Andrews University Park; Rav.
W. R. Powell. Services 11 a. m.; Sun
day school, 10 a. in
fi t Paul's Woodmere; B. L. Parker,
lay reader. Services at 11 a. m.; Bunday
school, 9:45 a. m.
St. Matthew's First and Caruthers
streets; Rev. W. A. M. Breck. Com
munion and sermon, 11 a. m.; Sunday
school, 9:46 a. m. ; evening service at
St. Helens on the Columbia river.
The Church of Our Savior Wood
stock. Servicea 11 a. m.; Sunday
school 10 a. m
St. Mark's Corner of Nineteenth and
Qulmby etreets; Rev. J. E. H. Simpson,
communion, 8 a. m.; matins and litany,
11 a. m.; evening prayer, 7:30 p. m.;
Sunday school 10 a. m.
8t John's Memorial Sellwood: Rev.
W. R. Powell. Services and sermon.
11 a. m. ; 8unday school. 10 a. m.
Good Shepherd Sellwood street and
Vancouver avenue, Alblna; Rev. John
Dawson. Sunday school, 9:46 a, m.;
services 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m.
"A CpHB0rpatlo0 CuMtodlan"
4 Per Cent
For the convenience of
its customers on Satur
day evenings from 6 to 8
114 Second St.
Corner Washington
wash'ngViii HEILIG TUEATHE jr;;
10 OTA jrAKXS 1
In Shakespeare's Delightful Com ' i.
thb mxxbt wrvza oi wnnsc."
Mr. James aa "Falstaff,"
Evening prices. 11.10 to 36o; matinee,
11.00 to 16e. Seats selling at theatre.
ifXiSL HcUig Thcatro JTi
Tomorrow (Sunday) Night. Sept. 16.
The excruciatingly funny comedy,
A scream from start to finish.
mens, fl, T8o, BOay Mo,
Seats are now sailing at theatre. '
U L V J.
la matte boulevard; Rev. J. Bowersox.
pastor. Services, 11 a. m. and 7:46 p.
m. Topics, "Self Denial; Its Blessings''
and "The Glorious Vision." Bunday
scnooi, iu a. in.; tt- t J. :46 p. i
Bvangelloal Association.
First English East Sixth and Mar
ket streets; S. A. Slewtrt pastor. Serv
ices, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Young Peo
ples alliance, v p. m.; Sunday school,
10 a. m.
First German Corner Tenth and Clay
streets; Theodore Bchauer, pastor; ser
mon at 10:46 a. ro. and 7:46 p. m. Sun
day school 9:80 a. m.
Memorial East Eighteenth and Tlb-
Dstts; l u. Hoover, pastor, preaching
at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday school
10 a. m.
plrltualisa. A
The Ministers' and Mediums' Protect
ive Spiritual association holds ser
vices at 7:46 p. m. In A. O. V. W.
hull. Selllna-HIrsch bulldlna. Lecture
by Mrs. Virginia Rowe and J. H Lucas.
How Shall I Know That I
Klrat Spiritualist Society Ablnaton
building. Conference at 11 a m. and
7:45 p. m. K. Coulter lectures on "What
Constitute Spiritual Knowledge." Spirit
ual readings by Mrs. Drew of California.
Am a
University Park 1613 Haven avenue;
Rev. D. B. Gray: services at 8 p. m.,
preaching by Rev. B. E. Kmerlck; gun
day achool, 10 a. m.; Y. P. -fi. C. E.,
7 p. m.
Laurel wood Rev. D. B. Gray. Serv
ices at 11 a. m.; Sunday school. 10 a m.;
Y. P. 8. C. E., 8 p. m.
Mississippi Avenue Mississippi ave
nue and Fremont; Rev. A. E. Bradstreet
of California. Services 11 a. m. and
7:4S-p. ra.v special Sunday school rally,
exercises at 10 a. in.; Christian En
deavor rally at 7 p. m.. Fred Whltehalr
leader. Rev. William E. Young will give
Illustrated report of the Seattle En
deavor convention.
Sunnyslde Corner of East Taylor and
East Thirty-fourth street; Rev. J. J.
Staub. Sf-rvlces at 11 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.. tonics, "Kvldences of the Plvlne
Adoption, and "On the Rujrdnrs of the
Kingdom"; Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Hasaalo 8treet Eaat Seventh and
Hassalo; Rev. Paul Rader. Church un
dergoing repairs, no services until Sun
day, September 8.
First Madison and Park. Rev. Dan
iel Staver, assistant pastor. Services
10:80 a. m. and 7:45 p. in.; Rev. George
If. Soper, I. I).. Topics, "The Perils and
Possibilities of Middle Age," and "Is
Your Religion a Ixiad or a Lift?"; Sun
day school at 12:16 p. m.; Y. P. 8. C. E..
6:45 p. m.
Highland East Sixth street north and
Prescott; Rev. E. 8. Bollinger. Serv
ices at 11 a. m. and 7:46 p. m.
Topics, "The Danger of the Not Caring
Spirit," and "Aiming, High."; Sunday
school, 10 a m.; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:45
p. m.
St Johns Rev. G. W. NelsOn. Serv
ices, 11 i. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday
school. 10 a m.
Christian Bolenoe.
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Scottish Rite cathedral, Morrison and
Lownsdale streets. Services at 11 a m.
and 8 p. m. Subject, "Matter." Sunday
school at close of morning service.
Wednesday meeting, 8 p. m.
Second Elks' temple. Stark, between
Sixth and Seventh streets. Services at
11 a, m. Subject. "Matter." Wednes
day meeting, 8 p. m.
United Bret hrea la Christ.
First East iflfteenth and Morrison
streets; Rev. H. C. Shaffer. Services
at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday
school at 10 a. m.
Radical Sixth and Mechanic streets;
Rev. C. P. Blanchard. Services, 11 a.
m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school, 10
a. m.
United Presbyterian.
Church of the Strangers Waaeo
street and Grand avenue; Rev, 8. Earl
DuBols. Servicea at 11:46 a m. and
8:00 p. m. Services for mutes every
Sunday morning, Sunday school, 13 m.
First Sixth and Montgomery atreets;
Rev. A. W. Wilson, pastor. Services at
io:30 a m. and 7:46 p. m.; Sunday
school, 12 m.
(Phone Main I.) ' ,
Tonight and Bunday night matinee Bun
day, last three performances the
Callfornlans, presenting ' ,
"Its melodies will live forever." '
Evening. 25c, 50c, 7Bc. Matinee, ISo, (Oo.
Next week, "The Geisha." , "", '
Mala '
oko. L. BAKER. Oen. Manager.--Portland's
fashionable, popular-priced
playhouse. Last time tonight Baker
stock company in Blanch Walsh' fa- .,
mous succens, . , .
"TXB WOKA nr TJ om
. Hy Clyde Fitch.
Evg prieea, 25c. 86c. 60c. Mat He, ISO.
Next week. "The leva Boats."
Main 117. Geo. L. Baker. Gen. Mgr.
Home of eastern road attractions.
Last time tonight. Lee Wlllard A Co. In ,
"A TzxAa mAjrasm." . ' '
Thrilling play of great weetern plains.
"lli' uuiiijuijr, ea-uuiui soenvry.
Night, 10c, 2Uc. 80c. Matinee lOo, I0.
Next attraction, beginning tomorrow
matinee, "The Little Prospector," . -:
The Grand V3KBSJ?
Week of September t, lOT. -'":r
An All-Feature BUI, headed by ,
MTTsrarr ajtd WTT.T.aBO, -
"The Phronolojlf'-
By special request Al Jolsom held (or
another week. Three
2:20. 7:30 and 0:16.
shows dally at
Week of ajentembaa a. 1BOT.
The R. E. French Stock Co. PresanU
"tJCB cmr or maw tobjc."
Regular matlnea dava Tnaaw
days. Thursdays and Saturdays at 1:10.
Prices, 10c and 20c. Every evening at
8:16. PHn. 1An lnn mA IIU TO a-
served seats by both phones.
Church of Our Father Corner ot
Yamhill and Seventh itreets; Rev. W.
O. Eliot Jr.; Rev. T. L. Eliot D. D..
minister emeritus. Services at 11 a m.
Topic, "The Vital Work of a Churoh In
the Present Day." Sunday school, 9:46
a. m. ; adult class, 13:30 p. m.; Y P. p.,
6:80 p. m.
That too much talking is bound to
get anybody Into trouble Is exemplified
In the case of Patrolman H. E. Parker,
who waa ordered dismissed from the
police service yesterday by the execu
tive board. When Parker was given a
hearing several weeks ago by the police
committee for being absent from duty
for no aoDarent cause he professed his
good record aa an officer and his few
nellnquencles in aosences ana tardiness.
He urged the committee to look up his
record ana tnat ooay iook mm at his
Parker's record waa found such a
poor one in improper absences and late
ness to roll can tnat tne committee
thought best to discharge him.
Eugene. Or.. Sest 14. Charles Mar-
hew. George Lill, Jake Berger and Elmer
Renshaw, all of Eugene, and Mrs. Allle
Cruxan and Mri.Jne DoPlnehet4-f
Maroola, were arrested by Constable
Plank of this city, yesterday fpr viola
tion of tha local option law. In the al
leged" sale of liquor. The men in Eu
gene are conducting cigar stores and
i women at Marcoia are inmates or
disorderly houae there. They were
arraigned begore Justice of the Peace
son ana an pleaded not guuty. They
i be tried next week and In the mean
time they are at liberty oa ball In tho
sum of 1150 each. . .. i
Taylor-Street Dr. Francis Burgette
Short; Rev. m. jhiii, acting pastor.
Classes, 9:30 a. m.; services. 10:80 a. m.
and 7:45 p. m.; morning topic, "just a
Man"; evening lecture, by Dr. Wilbur
F. Crafts, "That Boy and Girl of
Yours"; Bunaay scnooi at iz.16.
Sunnyslde Bast Yamhill street, be
tween Eaat Thirty-fifth and Thirty-
sixth strets; T. B. Ford. Services 11
a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday achool, 10
a. m.
St Johns F. L. Young. Services 11
a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school, 10
a. m.
Epworth Irving and Twenty-third;
Twelfth and Taylor
Companion Sermon
10x30 A. X.
What and Where
Is Heaven?
fis-.m - -
What and Where
Is Hell?
Special Music by Noted Quartet
Baptism at Morning Service.
Swedish Immanuel Nineteenth and
Irving streets. Services, 11 a. m. and 8
p. m.; Sunday school, 9:46 a. m.
Norwegian Synod East Tenth and
Grant streets; Rev. O. Hagoes. Sunday
school, 9:30; services, 11 a. m.; Y. P. S.,
Thursday, B:l6.
Betanla Danish Union avenue and
Morris street; Rev. Gudmund Grill,
services 11 a. m. and 8 p. in.
St. James' English West Park and
Jefferson streets; J. Allen Leas. Serv
ices 11 a. m.. conducted by Rev. Paul
Kunzmann of Philadelphia; Sunday
scnooi, iu a. m.
St. Johns Peninsula avenue and Kll
patrlck street; C. Buechen. Servloea at
3:00 p. m.
Norwegian 46 North Fourteenth
street; Rev. J. M. Nerving. Services at 11
a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school. 9:46
a. m.
St Paul's German East Twelfth and
Clinton streets: Rev. A. Krause. Serv
ices at 10:30 a m. arid x p. m.; Sunday
school, 9:80 a. m. German grammar
achool dally from 9 to 12.
Trinity German (Missouri Synod)
Corner Williams avenue and Sellwood
street; J. A. Rlmbaoh. Services at 10
a. m. and 7:80 p. m.; Sunday school, 9:15
a. m.
Zlon's German (Missouri Synod)
Chapman and Salmon streets; W. H.
Behrens. Services at 10:16 a. m.; Sun
day school 9.15 a. m.
Swedish Augustana Rodney avenue
and Stanton street; Rev. C. A. Tolln;
services 10:46 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.: Sun
day school, 9:80 a. m. Laying of cor
nerstone, 3 p. m.
Church of the Good Tidings East
uoucn ana uast isigntn streets; Kev
J. D. Corby. Sermon at 10:46 a. m.
Topic, "The Larger Race Problem."
Sunday school at 12 m.
Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth.
VS. i-'i
Sept 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, IS. Double
header Sunday, one admission. Gam ;
called at 3:00 p. m. Daily. Game called '
at 2:30 p. m. Sundays. .- '
Ladies' Day Friday
Grandstand 25c Children 10c
First German Tenth and Stark
streets; a. Hefner. Services at 10:46
a m. ana 8 p. m.
1CB. Church loath.
171H Second street; Rav. E. F. Mowre.
Services 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; Epworth league, 7
p. m. Dr. W. E. Vaughn will occupy the
puipu Doin morning ana evening.
The Christian and Missionary Alli
ance Sixth and Main streets; Rev. C
l). sawtelle. Services at 10:80 a. m.
Sunday school at 12:16 p. m.
Universal New Thought Assembly
A. O. U. W. hall, Washington, between
Tenth and West Park streets. Lectures
at li a. m. and 8 p. m.
Latter-Day Saints Holds services
every Sunday In Allsky hall, corner
Third and Morrison atreets at 11:80 a.
m. and 7:30 p. ra. Sunday school at 10
a. m.
Mlllenlal Dawn G. A. R. hall, north
east corner Second and Morrison streets.
Services at 2:80 p. m
Swedenborglan Portland New Church
society, Alder street near Eleventh; 11
a. m.; Rev. Jllram Vrooman: topic,
"Choosing the Least of Two Evils.
Hahal Assembly Meets at 868 Yam
hill street. Sunday services, 8 p. m.
Kree lecture, subject. "Our Possible
War With Japan," at Y. M. C A. hall,
8 p. m, by Rev. Hiram Vroomafl.
The Oregon Holiness association
Services, 10:80, 3:30 and 8 o'clock.
Everybody cordially Invited to attend.
Divine Truth Center hall, 201 Allsky
building. Service, 11 a. m. Thaddeus
M. Mlnard. paator. Subject "Growth."
Men's Resort Mission tRev. J. A. Mc-
veigh win speaK at 3 p. 'm. Mra H. C,
Albee will give a musical selection.
SAIE1I SEPT. 16-21
Great Exposition ot Agricultural
Horticultural Products.
Big Live Stock Show
(Just Like We Had at the Lswls and
Good RacirtflEcry Day
Between Fastest Horses on the Coast
The Old Bookstore
For many years at 129 Yamhill st. Is
now located at 188 eth st. opposite
Postofflce, and 111 3d at, between Tay
lor and Salmon, where the newly
adopted school books can ba had. New
and second hand; '
Central East Twentieth and East
Salmon streets; Rev. J. F. Ghormley.
Services, 10:46 a. m. and 8 p. m.. top
ic, "The Crowning of the King." Even
ing revival servlci'. Special music.
Sunday school, 12 m.; senior C. E.. 6:45
p. m.
Rodney-Avenue Rodney avenue and
Knott street: Rev. F. Elmo Robinson.
Services at 10:46 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Bible school at 9:45 a. m.; Y. P. S. C. E.,
at 7 p. m.
Kern Park services in new nail, cor
nar Pitt and Mldburn streets, 11 a, m.
and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school 10 a. m.
Woodlawn Services at 11a. m. and 8
p. m.; Sunday scnooi. io a. m.
irsi v orner rarR ana ioiuinDi
streets; Rev. E. S. Muckley. Services,
11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.; topics. "He
Knoweth My Way'- and "Christ Our De
liverer ftora a lhree-oia Bondage.
Bible schOol. 10 ft. m.; C. 6:46 p. m.
Advent second street, between Hall
and Lincoln. Services at 11:80 a. m.
and 7 p. m. ; Sunday school, 10:80 a, m.
King of Coffees
In one and two Pound Una
Bxwaro MACHxarxB
At very low Drioes.
Singer, Wheeler
Wilson. Domestic.
White, Household,
Davis ana otners; to
make room for new
stock. S. 8. SIOUX
835 Morrison st. Mar-
quam building. Both phones.
E . f
Fboa raoiflo 1536. ;
Commercial Printing of all Kinds,
86 Basse! BldgH 4th and Morrison.
884 Vine St. Phons Taolfle B889. '
Tnlted Evangelical.
First Comer East Tenth and Sher
man streets. Rev. A. A. Winter. 10 a
ra. Sunday; services 11 a m
and 7:30 p. m. RiV. M. J. Ballantyne
of Dallas will preach; 6 p. m., K. L. of
C. E.
Second Fargo and Kerby streets;
Rev. B. 8. Hughes, pastor. Sunday
aohool 10 a. m.; servicea Ham. and
p. m.
St. John's Ivanboe and John streets:
Rev. Chester Paul Gatea. Preaching 11
a. m.; Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Ockley Qreea Gay street and Wll-
Oregon State Fair
Salem, Ore., Sept 16-21 Inclusive
Thursday, Sept. 19th
$I.OO round trip-. $1.00
$5,000.00 Pacing Race for 2:09 Class Horses on Portland
Day, the Largest Purse Ever Given in tb Northwest.
Big Livestock Show and Parade
W. H. DOWNING, Pres. . F. A. WELCH, z.-z.
i. : ,
v. ... '