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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . SATURDAY EVENHtr, ' SEPTEMBER '.- 14i v 1007. Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants PopularWants PopularWants - i. ,( ! 1 ; I I J". 1..' 4 'i 10.1 San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 789 Market, St., bet 3d & 4th caurxxosra maosxTsa. OregoniaaB whan In Baa Francis ma nave therr mall cant la eara of The Journal ofllce. ARTHUR U FISH. Representative. NEW TODAY, m Watch for the Irvington Investment Company's -Announcement In the Sunday Journal REAL, ESTATE TRANSFERS Mra. W. C. Campbell et al. to Otla Nelson, lot II, block "A," Portsmouth Villa Extension, bond for deed Orvllle and Myrtle Stephenson to Hilda Beatrice Tllllnghaat, lot 1, block II. Central Albina, W. D . Edmund W. Reder to H. K. No ble, lot 7. block 14. Creeton, W. D Balfour-Guthrie Investment com pany to Julia X Glen, lota 10, block 6, Orchard Home addi tion to Mount Tabor, deed Isadora E. 8. Dowden to Martin K. Cotton, lots 4. 6, block 2, 00 1,600 1,160 140 1,100 100 400 RoseCityPark High Class Residence District. SPLENDID CAR SERVICE BULL RUN WATER GRADED STREETS CEMENT SIDEWALKS ELECTRIC LIGHTS Building Restrictions and Lines All improvements included in the i' purchase price? Over three miles I of cement sidewalks already laid. I '.Many nouses now in course of i construction. Easy terms Of pay i ment I Hartman & Thompson Room 3 Chamber of Commerce. House and Lot for $66 We will give an absolute title to a lot 60x160 feet, with a 7-room house there- on, whioh today cannot be duplicated for less than $ 1,250, and with tha lot as It now stands the property Is easily worth $1,600. The property Is located on me west side, in Portland proper, on the Oregon Electric Railway. line, and Is one of the choicest pieces on Capitol HUL Call at the office to inquire about this; do not write, as we shall not an swer correspondence. wtoi bi, rv . Martha Miller to John A. Orout, lot I. block 11. ML Tabor Villa annex. W. D Rlvervlew Cemetery association to Blaine K. Hmlth. lot 11. section 8. said cemetery. W. D. H. E. Noble to S. B. Stewart, lots 1, 2, S, 4, 6, 18. 17. 18, 1. 20. block 11. Portsmouth... William T. Flnnigan to Martin Olsen, lots 4, 6. 8. block 4. Stewart Park, agreement Investment company to Helen J. uano, lot 18, oiock lo, nea mont. 8. W. D L. F. and E. A. Darling to J. Em 11 Nelson, lots n, l . oioca m, Sellwood. W. D Robert and Bertha Krohn to David C. Anderson, east or lots 1 and 2. block 22. Haw thorne Park. W. D 5.000 R. W. Bchmeer to Odlle F. Col lins, north 27 Vs. feet of lots 6 ana 7, dwwk i, w. w. juc Oulre's addition. W. D Title Guarantee A Trust company to E. W. Reder, east 18 reel or lot IS, block 81, Sunn.) side Third adu.tton. deed Overlook Land company to Wll- iian li. ana noena rayne, ioi 4, block 1. Overlook, W. I) and Llxsie Wood to J. H. Cook, west 1-6 of lot I, block 20. Sunnyslde. W. D Mary J. and A. 71. Wing to Mike Hitter, north, ju reel or lot ;i, block IS. Williams Avenue ad dition. W. D Real Estate Investment associa tion to E. H. Bollinger, lot S, block it. Sellwood. W. D. . . Title Guarantee A Trust company to cnarles and Katie janaen, 1nt T," 4. ttrrk Linw Heli-hts. deed William Went et al. to Otis E. and Theodosla Wise, lots 20. 21, 22. 28, block 2, Peddlcord A Hurlbert's addition (re-recorded). W. D. H. H. Pomerov to Tina Berg lot 6, block I, Manning's addition. W. D M. L. and May W. Holbrook to Ann Enrlght, lots 26, 26, block 1. Chester Plsce. W. D William and Annie Phillips to Mary E. Robldeau. lot 18. block 1. Woodlawn Heights. W. D. . . Oregon Real Estate company to rneoa irommaia, lots i. s, block 111, Holladays addition, W. D t.. 6,000 Oregon Real Estate company to Dora L. E. Poulsen, lots 1, klAAL ,1 Unll.J...'. A ,1 I tlon. W. D. FOR 1,660 710 100 700 2.760 626 too 2.000 MOT AJVD , FOUND. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and return ea same day. 121 Front st Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. M sta ger, proprietor. L6st - SMALL blaCK b66, WHITE breast, gray around nose: answers to name Tobv: last veara' license, 411 Finder liberally rewarded if returned to J. W. Bev Is. care Inman-Poulsen. LOST A GOLD BRACELET, HAND carved, black enamel. Wednesday evening, somewhere In downtown dl trlct, or Pekln restaurant. Return to Journal office and receive very liberal reward. LOSf DOJ C6LLAR WITH LICENSE No. 218, near Multnomah addition. Reward at 7(9 Minnesota ave. LOST LACE COLLAR AND PIN ON E. 12th. or Hawthorne ave., or 8th st. south of Morrison st; finder please leave st Journal office and receive re ward. FOl!ND-A LAR6e BRASS CAP, BK- longlng either to automobile or fire waann: owner can have by applying at E. Harrison and Ladd ave. and paying for this ad. LOST tW PlPEd; BETWEEN IT5 and College, or on Oregon City car, Sep tember 11: return to Journal ana re ceive reward. HELP WANTED IIALE HELP WANTED -FEMALE OIRL8. A number of alrla wanted at once. I Appiy 10 OLDS, WORTMAN KINO. BUSINESS NOTICES INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co. 427 Flledner bldg. Main 1891. L. C HENRICHSEN CO.. JEWELERS. and opticians. 184 Washington st COMMERCIAL AND SOCIETY PRINT Ing East Side Printing Co., 94 Union ave. East 499. B-1888. NEW FICTION LIBRARY, 111 IotH St.: books loaned at 2 cents the day. NOTICES. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE celved at the office of J. H. Ackerman, superintendent of public instruction, Sa lem. Or., until 2 o'clock D. m. on the 1,000 i 19th day of September. 1907, and then j opened, for the construction of a cattle I stable for the Oregon Agricultural ool 200 ' eae at Corvallla. Or.. In accordance with I the drawings and specifications, copies or wnicn may te naa at the orrice or j. - t W lrL.ri.iM alm Op nffln at V. 15 IE Wilson. Corvallla. Or., and at the office of the architects. Bennes, Hend ricks A Tobey, 87 Labbe bldg., Portland. Or. Certified check of 6 per cent, pay sble to J. H. Ackerman. I WILL NOT PAY ANY DEBT MADE by Mrs. Elsie Robertson, or any one, anv time. John Q. Robertson. StaycBolt Cutters Wanted $1.50 per cord, timber yel low flr. apply R. 306 Stearns 'MZk womau in hide. Pnrttanrl drevim. . Jm"y 'p housekeeping. - - - y -0 . i 448 k. uiey. WANTED DRESSMAKERS AND LA WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL nousework family r I; good wages. dies' tailors- 28 Alder st WANTED BOTS . FOR GOOD Posi tions la uadr department Paolflo I uoast Bisouit nth and Dans sts. . MALE AXD FEMALE HELP. STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND remale, good positions open with Pest firms; no charge. Underwood Type writer Co., ts 6th st JESZSPL 1 7,? g LP , WAITED AND SUPPLlEb, rm age to learn some trade. BOY WANTED. 16 per Week io wI'Im., . ' oegin. e w. rTont. cor, uavis. mala or female. R. O. Drake, 106 Paclflo 1170. HOPPiCkERi Wanted. HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted-Youne Ladles THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH CO. WILL TEACH YOU TELEPHONE OPERATINO Krebs Bros, will emoloy Dickers at Brooks or Independence; there are two trains dally. For further Information call up Woodlawn 717. - men1 anD w6meW 6 Learn The barber trade in I weeks: cost less. better salaries, learned In less time thsin nth trri? eatalAvtiA ' free. Molar awumi iuu wix& lkakw- Barber College, 26 N. 4th st. IN I KH.K M . H I' HI ,M I 1 lllW . J . ' ' . iHluiTinNH flUL'U imU U.T L'UI 1 I1T I NO 13 a rTT invivnvurNT WAGES IN THE CITY; HOURS SHORT AND WORK LIGHT; FINE LUNCH SERVED FREE. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR. ID FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING, COR. W. PARK AND ALDER. GIRLS WITH TALENT FOR DRAW- Ing, painting and designing; good po- mon to riant Danv. u. ai. Averin a v;o., 1U8 i. btn il and salesman; abort salary and per- manent. can at oa nieoner oiqg. . . WANTED rJCAL ESTATE. IIUtllltilUIIIIK 'I MlAtd, Car for and manage mining property, rent houses, flats aad buildings of all kinds, .write fir Insurance, loan money, and col lect. Can wa serve youT What have you - for sale? List It with us and you will ret returns; w cooperate with Croas Co.'s offices In Chicago, Mllwau kee, St Paul and Minneapolis. - COAST COMMERCIAL CO. 04 Dekum bldg Main Till XXXXXXXTXXXXXXXXX XXX gIrlb Wanted appLt standard w' s p. Ti n :p.rk ' SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. SOBER, INDUSTRIOUS MAN WANTS work in transfer stable; good pay de sired and best of references given. M-608. Journal. HANDLE 'or NIGHTWATCHMAN. 5a1T 2, Grand are, and East 1.600 67S 700 275 factory No. iyior st WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE FlTZ Well shirts and Boss of All overalls at 78 1st st. WANTED TEACHERS: GRADES. t0: rural 160 to 176. The Flak Teachers' Agency, 1200 Williams ave.. Woodlawn 1118. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS T5 work on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to Inexperienced. AddIv at Stand- I ard. factory No. 3, Grand ave, and. East HANSEN'S LADIES' JANITOR WORK, CAN GIVE REFER ence. Address 668 Water at. Phone Main 4666. JANITORS. BY MAN AND WIFE, IN lurge rooming house; would invest 12,006, If proposition good. 0'16. Jour, nal. HELP WANTED MALE ABSTRACT8. TITLE ance or mortgage loans, call on Pacific Title ft Truat Co., 204-6-6-7 Falling bldg. GET YOUR INSURANCE AND AB stracts to real estate from the Title Guarantee A Trust Co., 240 Washington st, cor. 2d. SOUND YOUNG MEN. AGES 18 TO 16, for firemen and brakemen during rush season on leading railroads here In the west and on new lnes being completed; experience unnecessary; firemen. $100 monthly, become engineers, $200; brake men, $80, become , conductors, $160. Many positions now open. Write at once for particulars. National Railway Tralnlnr Ass'n. 916 Paxton blk.. Omaha. 6.000 I Neb., or 936 Central bld. Kansas City. INSUR- ' Mo- MARRIAGE LICENSES. L. R. Dawson, 11 N. 18th St., 21; Lena M. Nelson, 28. Mad Schneider. Damascus. Or.. 62: Ellanbrth M. Davis. 40. Edward Whitman. 610 E. Washington at., 24: MallndaBrons. 19. George r . Snea, Carrol ton. Mo.. 26: Maud C. Dunkel. 26, Mart n Costello. 22 N. 2d St.. 29: Mar garet A. Federsplel, 22. ' winiam Lorens. 654 vaurnn st.. z: Rose Henschel, 22. Several men of good addreas can make big money, flrat-clasa proposition; no trouble to explain; good men given splendid territory. Call on general manager, room 212 8 wetland bldg., cor. bin and Washington ate. AGENCY. 142 U. wasningion st, corner Seventh, up stairs. Phone Main 2693. Female help wanted. , WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. ror ladies: female help wanted. Main COMPETENT BARTENDER WANTS position, city or small town. Address N-26. Journal. EXPERT ACCOUNTING. Books otened. closed or checked: jt teferewees. - P.-- L.- Crawford Pa-.. Clflc 898. BUYERS WAITING I'OA IldMEd from 11.800 to 86.00. NOW is the time, today. Don't wait for tomorrow. A a Draper, 141 H -Washington at. rooms 8 and 4. corner 7th. a VlkM WUIcri Has "maDbJ floob" wants the selling agency for- gome good acreage on electric ear Una: also some lota on tha peninsula. II-2 6. Journal. f V YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROP- erty see me; I buy and have customers. I - Si. C HURLBEHT, 166 Stark St WANTED A SMALL MODERN house or eottaae In Sellwood: must be reasonable.- Address A-26, Journal. FOR QUICK SALE LIST YOUR PROP- erty . with F. Dubois, Washington mag., room I. WANTED A LOT IN 8. PORTLAND for cash; state particulars. Owner only. Addreas 8-26. Journal. WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR ALL klnda of city property. What have you for sale? Come and list It at. once, for we have the purchaser; we are 'mak ing a specialty of city property. WASHINGTON A OREGON REALTY COMPANY. tri 'flt Vnif-iaA t"is FOR RENT FLATS -FLATS FOR RENT.- ; By Portland Trust Company of Oregon. , Nearly new, $ rooms and-thoroughly i modwrn. ' alchtlv corner and convenient' to business center. 141 14 Montgomery: til KA . .. .. . ... ... . . . . New.' 4 rooms, thoroughly" modern. bright, conveniently arranged) 1 block from car, Stanton and Commercial sts. Another of 4 rooms, corner' Ganten. bela and Monroe; new, modern!. very pleasant little place, on car line 1 16. ( rooms, modern and well ' located. corner Gantenbein and Knott; a food, sightly corner; all the conveniences, $24. 4 rooms, new flat. Broadway and Lar- rabee; thoroughly- modern, hardwood floors, verandas front and reart- harbor view $26. . PORTLAND TRUST CO. Or OREGON, 8. E. Corner Third and Oak. J?EW 'm6DEkN f AND" 4-r66 flata. 100 feet south llrd.anrl Wash. Ington sts., Green ave. Apply on premises or Phone Paclflo 1148. 10$ Second 'St., WANTED TO RENT YOUNG MAN EMPLOYED IN DAY time wants work evenings. Address X-27, Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. 6297, A-2417 Washington. 610 Buchanan bldg., 286 H PACKERS AND WRAPPERS; positions, work light and clean: per manent employment. Apply candy de partment. Paclflo Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis. GIRL WANTS GENERAL HOUSE work, evenings off after 7. T-26, Journal. GOOD RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS ART kinu of work by day. P-26, Journal. A LADY WOULD LIKE TO KEEP house for a widower without children. Addreas Z-17, Journal. WOMAN. CAN NURSE BOME, WILL GIRLS WANTED D. M. AVERILL A Co. 102 N. 6th st cook and 'Wash for. $8 per week. Journal. , - - B-27. EXPERIENCED TAILORE88 TO HELP on coats; steady work, good pay. J. K. Stern, ladles' tailor, 429 Washington. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooklns: a in family: gooa wages, mast iiZl. (62 is. Burn- sine. RESPECTABLE MARRIED WOMAN wants a rooming bouse to run on per cent or wages: do her own work. Ad dress Y-17. Journal. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT tares. flats, stores, offices, roomlnr- houses. etc. Landlords will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phot- Br.-f I-.- (fc--r-OeriM--a4 -ah, WANTED MEDIUM SIZED HOUSE, west side preferred; careful family; no children; state rent and location. Ad dreas T-606, Journal. F"WANT TO RENT A COTTAGE OR FOR RENT MISCEIXANEOUS HALLAJTOB modem oonvenlenoea. Phone Main 1169. BUSINESS CHANCES MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought and sold. Corre spondence Invited. H. W. Donahue A Co., ill Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7161. ' BARGAIN FOR A FEW DAYS 1 kUb'.' sell furniture and fixtures of Sorlne. field hotel, with lease on building; good location and paying business; good private reason for selling. Address bog 176, Spring Aeld. Or., for prices and par ticulars. COME IN AND SEE" US IF YOU want rooming-houses, restaurants, ho. tela, grocery stores, meat markets, real estate, business chances. Investments.. Western Realty Company, Room 610. Buchanan bldg., 284 H Washington t. TWO-CHAIR BARBER SHOP, pOlNO a gooa Duainess; gooa location: rem $10 per month for shop and 2 rooms in the rear: must be sold at once on ac- eount- of leaving city; Call at 441 GH- san bi. BUST THE WOOD TRUST CHEAPER small modern house In must be reaaonable. A-26, CAREFUL SellwoodiJ aT Journ CHILDREN. FAMILY. NO wanta modern, medlum-alsed house; west aide, central, preferred; state rent Address H-607, Journal. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE 8100 to $160 per month; some even more; stock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orchards; cash ad vanced weekly; choice of territory. Ad dress Washington Nursery Co., Top- penisn, Washington. Weddinx Cards. W. G. Smith A Co.. Washington bids:., corner 4th and Wash ington sts. Weddings card 100 for $6. (Messy & Smith l 401 Moray Bldg.. Third and Stark St. WEATHER REPORT the best Alvln 8. Hawk, 144 2d st. Tonsets A Co., florists, for flowers of all kinds. Clarke 121 6th st. Bros., Union Hotel 81 N. SIXTH ST.. PORTLAND. OR. Free employment to all : boarders' rates per week; room, 25c and up; spe cial monthly rates given. Anderson proprietor. Florists Fine flowers and floral designs. 289 Morrison et. Full dress suits for rent, all sises. Unique Tailoring Co., 809 Stark st Wanted-Dentlsts In advertising dental office. Salary $86 per week for right man. Wire Van Vroom Dental Parlors, Fill more Cal. A O'Farrell sts., San Francisco, WE SECURE POSITIONS FOR OUR I T. M. C. A. BIRTHS Since yesterday a small disturbance k lias made its appearance over British I RlJZnn mZIi Columbia. It will move east during the M" . An Mabley, next 24 hours and cause 'unsettled. I " a LAURENCE September 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Amasa Laurence, E. Flanders and 60th St., a daughter. GALBRAITH September 11, to Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Galbralth, 1199 Gar field ave., a son. to Mr. and 1677 Emerald ahranrv v.oth., in th1 Aimtvi will. higher temperatures tonlghtA followed Sunday by cooler weather. The large nign-pre8aure area yesterday over Pennsylvania has Increased 4n energy and continues to control the weather In the eastern states, where clear skies prevail witn temperatures about normal. Another small high pressure area is cen tral over the Dakotus and the barometer .la relatively low over Arizona, Light frosts occurred this morning in south ern and easterp Oreeon, northern Ne vada, southern Idaho, Montana and IMorth Dakota. A Boston, Mass. . . . ' Chicago, 111 Cincinnati, O. ... a-.JjOs Angeles, Cal. ew York, N. Y. Philadelphia, Pa. .. Phoenix, Ariz. .... Portland. Or St. Louis, Mo St. Paul. Minn . San Francisco, Cal. Washington. D. C. Temp. Max. Min. Preclp. "8 60 .0 "8 62 .0 80 60 .0 76 58 .0 "8 64 .0 88 64 .0 80 64 .0 98 72 .0 71 48 .0 78 62 .0 82 68 .0 62 62 .0 78 66 .0 DEATHS MACKLIN At the residence of Mrs. L. Ordemann, 669 Fifth street Septem ber 14, 1907, Napoleon Bonapart Mnck lln Jr., age 12 years 11 months 9 days, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Macklln. DILLEY September 12. Mrs. Eliza WANTED BOY BETWEEN 14 AND 18 years; stock room and delivery; good chanoe for promotion; only ambi tious boys of good morals need apply. M. J. Walsh Co., 811 Stark. . WANTED IMMEDIATELY. 16 TO i!0 good laborers at the Portland Lin seed OH Works, North Portland. FINE EDISON MOTION PICTURE machine and films cheap. Y-25, Journal. GIRLS FOR CUTTING. EDGING AND pasting. 103 sth st. N. D. M. Avert II ft CO. WANTED DRESSMAKERS, TAILORS and apprentices at M. A. Shogren's, 141 10th Bt LADY THAT CAN TUNE GUITAR OR mandolin. C-25. Journal. GIRLS WANTED FOR TAILORING. 207 Commonwealth bldg. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 205 H Morrison st. .. .Phone Paclflo 239 27 N. 2d st Phone Paeiflc 1800 RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging camp and farm help a spe cialty. 20' N. 2d st. Phone Main 6296. We pay all telegraph charges. ' HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR MEN. 26 N. 2d St. Phone Main 1626. WANTED GIRL8 TO LAY MACA ron). Apply 109 N. 6th St. A GOOD GIRL TO WORK IN COS- A good strong; woman to clean and mend. A good girl to do turning house, clean and mi general house work. Apply 888 Morrison, ACME EMP. CO., FARMERS' A?f5 loggers' help especially. $4 and 2V4 N. 2d. 230 Bumslde; Main 6417. WANTED AGENTS WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED FOR all clauses of laundry work; good wages. Troy jaunary uo., zoi Water st. MATURE WOMAN AS ASSISTANT TO take management Sept 1. Apply at once. Aaaress A.-fis, journal. GIRL OR OLD LADY FOR LIGHT housework. Call mornings, 469 7th WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO $80 per month soon as competent. Ore gon college. 406 Commonwealth bldg WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL house work. $30. Apply 618 Main tt WANTED 1 FURNITURE, 1 HARD woord cutter, and an engineer. Apply 441 East Morrison. Dillev. seed 86 years. 11 months and days. H6 KINDEL September 11. Joseph Kindel 273 McPherson St.; senility. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Moore Investment company to ' . Charles Philips, lot 16. block ' 81. Vernon, W. D $ 400 eycamore Real Estate company to James G. Pelton, lots 19, 20, 31, block 4, Keru Park, a W. D 600 cnitea states National bank to George Rasmuasen, lot 7, block "43, and lot 6. block 44, Sulli van's addition. W. D 1,000 United States National bank to to George Rasmussen, lot 2, block 43. Sullivan's addition, W. D. 600 "A. H. and Grace Sarchet to George Rasmussen. lot 8. block S, Rochelle, W. D 600 Elsie Deputy Pat ton to J. M. Cameron, lot 3, In Second t- Amended plat of Belmont, W D. 4,400 Overlook Land company to Sophia Johnson, lot 7, block""E," Over look. W. D 950 Nancy A. Nichols to Bertha V. Haley, lot 2. block 18. Sell wood, W. D. 600 Edward K- and Anna B. Smith to Carrie '. Miuspaugh, lots 25, 26, block 13, Hawthorne Ave nue addition, bond for deed... 1,250 , Portland Realty & Trust company to Albert J. Sternke, lot 10, , block-- 6, Sewickley addition, WJJ.,. 626 - Katie and Charles Rabenelck to , . Thomas L. Hayes, lot 6, block 1, Sunnyaide, W. D. 2,260 St. L. and May W. Holbrook to Alice H. Dodd, lot 4. block 16, - Good Morning addition, W. D. . 1 -Title Guarantee) & Trust company to Paul and Emma Schuele. lot track IXguhnyside, Third addition, deed... $75 The Hawthorne estate to J. J. Richardson, lota 8. 9, block 6. Yorks. W. D......; $80 Augustine P. and - Ca thrine Mc- Dcrraott to p. I.- MoCallum. lots -10, 1 v.--11. block , Flrland W. D.. ,'....... , . . . S.250 Sfsry B. and Peter McKay to W1U- tr Herry, Sot t, clock it. North Albina, W. 7.... r... 4S4 p.a B. Stewart to Otis M. VM-i- - r - lots 14. 16. IS,, block 2 ' wn audition, contract.,, J40 . V,"" , '' s:'b V" ii. ' -': aged 23 years, 1 month and 18 days. St. Johns: accidental drowning. TIMM September 11, Joseph Tlmm. aged about 68 years. Hotel Rheln- Sfalz: fnttv degeneration of heart. 'DO WELL September 12, Ruth Mc Dowell, aged 7 months and 27 days, at Baby home; entero-colltls. SORENSON September 13. Alma Sor enson, aged 11 months and 12 days, 487 E. Harrison st; inanition. GRAY September 10, William R. Gray. aged 76 years, 4 months and 21 days. Good Samaritan hospital; uraemic coma. VAN DEUSEN September 12, Gerald Norwood Van Deusen. aired 6 years and 12 days, 901 E. 10th st. N.; cholera lnrantum. KNOWLES September 13. Mrs. Wil liam T. Knowles at Hnohomlh, Wnsh., daughter of Mrs. C. A. Hanson, for merely of Astoria. Or. WANTED TEAMSTERS AND LABOR ers nt Anderson's brickyard, Denver ave. and Bernard st. GOOD OPENING FOR BOY IN PRINT lng office; splendid chance to learn trade; $6 per week to start. Alvln S. Hawk, 144 2d st. FIREMEN aND BRAKEMEN ON RAIL roads in Portland vicinity, to All vacancies caused by promotions; experi ence unnecessary: state age, height, weight; firemen $100 monthly, become engineers and earn $200; brakemen $76, becoming conductors earn $150; name pOHltion preferred. Railway Association, care Oregon Journal. SKIRT AND JACKET HANDS Good permanent positions to experi enced ana competent workers. OLDS. WORTMAN A KING. GIRL 14 to 18 YEARS OLD TO HELP care ror baby. Good home; place. Apply 421 Sixth st. steady GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK AND MUST know how to cook; good wages; will give girl two afternoons each week Call before 11 a. m. and after 6 p. m. corner 16th, 621 E. Washington. WOMAN TO DO PLAIN WANTED cooking. Apply 421 6th st. WANTED RECEPTION ROOM -OIRL; state salary expected. Address L-26, journal. SHOULD YOU NEED A NURSE CALL, Phclfic 2476. TAILORS WANTED STEADY WORK; good wages. Apply 495 Washington st BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPH- er. Southwest corner 16th and Alder. MAX M. SMITH, FLORIST, 160 5TH St.. opp. Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. UNDERTAKERS DUNNING, MENTEE A GILBAUGH, undertakers and embalmers; modern In every detail. Seventh and Pine. Main 430. Lady assistant. BOY WITH BICYCLE TO CARRY packages. Herbert Greenland. 3rd and Washington sts., over Feldenhelm-er's. WANTED COATMAKER; GOOD JOB; steady work. Barette. The Tailor. YOUNG MAN ABOUT 18 to 20, OFFICE wholesale house; give experience and reference. C-27, Journal. WANTED YOUNG MAN ABOUT 17 to learn the drug business. Call at Model drug store. 109 Grand ave. 2 BOYS IN THE SHIPPING ROOM Modern Confectionery Co., 13th- and Hoyt. phone GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK in family of three. Call 421 E. 19th st. North. Phone East5833. WANTED HOTEL HELP: I DISH" washer, 1 waitress. Apply 360 Glisan st, YOUNG LADY ABOUT 18 to 20, OF flce work, wholesale house: address in own handwriting. D-Z7, Journal. WANTED CLEANER AND PRESSERT 208 Main st. WANTED AN as companion Scott 4543. ELDERLY WOMAN to an invalid. Phono WANTED GIRLS TO WORK IN THE packing and chocolate rooms. Modern Confectionery Co., 13th and Hoyt . ERICKSON UNDERTAKING CO., AND embalming. 409 Alder st Main 6133. Lady assistant. J. P. FINLEY A SONS, 3D AND MADI son sts. Office of county coroner. Phone Main 9. WANTED PRE8SER TO PRESS LA dies' and gent's garments. Turner Dye Works, 606 Jefferson et. A. B. HEMSTOCK. FUNERAL Di rector. East 18th and Umatilla. Phone Sellwood 71. Lady assistant. ZELLER-BVRNES CO., FUNERAL DI- rectors, emc-aimers. Z73 Russell. East 1088. Lady assistant. EDWARD HOLMAN, 220 3d at UNDERTAKER. CEMETERIES RIVER VIEW SINGLE GRAVES, $10; family lots, 10x15, for $100, and upwards, according to size; the only cemetery in Portland which perpetually maintains and cares for lots. For information, apply to W. R. Mackenzie, Worcester block. W. M. Ladd, president. WANTED BOY , 16 YEARS OLD TO do errands and help generally. Turner Dye Works, 505 Jerrerson st. WANTED. T I. .A MAM .All 1 . 1 llMi.1,.1.. nine farmers out of ten buy them: 76 per cent commission; boys are making 5 to fio per (lay. call at Z66 wash Ington st., room 12, and get busy. EXPERIENCED FRAME MAKER AND bench hand. Portland Saah A Door Co.. E. Taylor and Union ave. AN EXPERIENCED INSTALLMENT collector. D-26, Jou rnal. EXPERIENCED LADIES' TAILOR. 429 Washington. J. K. Stern, ladies' tailor. GOOD STEADY WOMAN TO MAKE waffles and hot cakes, etc.; $36 per month. A. C. Coffee House, 267 Burn side st. A HOME COMPANY LOW PREMIUM rates and high cash values make the policies of the Columbia Life A Trust Co. easy to sell. Apply to Jesse R. Sharp, manager of agents, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. THE GRAND, 46 N. 3D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen, $1.26 per week and up. THE RICHELIEU, Sift N. 6TH ST. Elegantly furnished; steam heat and baths. FURNISHED ROOMS AT $1.60 PER week. 189 4th at, upstairs, aide en- trance. TIHS RIDGEWAY. NICELY FUR nished single rooms, four blocks south of postofflce. $70 6th st. wood: now readv for business. Co operative Wood Ca Call 11$ Ablngton Bldg. FOR SALE A PROFITABLE SU burban drug bualnesa established over 16 years; stock, fixtures, building and lot all go; be Independent, or will sell business and lease building; no commis sion; only those meaning business need write. H-604, Journal. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, use of phone and "bath. 607 Mississippi ave., Alblra. 668 WATER ST.. 8.. FURNI8HED housekeeping rooms. Call phone Main 4665. ROOM IN EXCHANGE FOR TUITION. high school or college; young man of good character. Apply 606 Jefferson St.. near 16th. , SEE THESE ROQMS BEFORE YOU locate elsewhere; electric light, free phone: gas heat. Pacific 1681. 380 H 2d st. 324 MAIN LARGE FRONT ROOM. suitable for two or more; basement room 7 6c per week. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL goods? If so we need you; complete outfit free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nur- sery company, Salem', Or. OIRL8. ROTS. WOMEN AND MEN make good money taking orders and selling gooas; see us at once, rium mer Drug Co.. 3d and Madison. WANTED FINANCIAL. TO LOAN $1,000 ON GOOD 8ECUR lty. Address P. O. box 894, St. Johns, Or. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE WILL BUY YOUR HOUSEHOLD goods and guarantee best prices. Call. phone or write. S. J. A L. Rubenstein, 175 Front st., opposite National hotel.. Pacific 1401. CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 6AV- age Pennell. 346-347 1st st Phone Pacific 360. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. Main 6656. 211 1st st IF YOU WANT THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th and Flanders sts. $1.60 WEEK UP LARGE. CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman st., south, Portland. $1.25 WEEK UP CLEAN FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat, yard. 203 H Stan ton st. U car. NEWSPAPER PRINTING PLANTS bought, sold; partnera found. North west Newspaper Brokerage, Goidnoug't bldg. A FINE BUSINESS PROPOSITION; the exclusive mononolv of Orearon. California and Washington; take an in vestment of $1,600; let me explain It to you, k, c. Huribert. Z66 Stark at. 6 COWS WITH MILK ROUTE. CALL 281 H Burnslde at INTEREST IN MANUFACTURING business. Have desirable location and ' are to erect a building and Install ma chlnery at once. P-607, Journal. AMERICAN TELEPHONE, $8: HOME . Telephone, $42.60; Toke Point -Oyster, $65; Cascadla. 19c; German-American Coffee, $46; Calif. Diamond Oil, 11c; United Wireless, $4: Electric Heating. 23c: H C. Amal. Coal, Alaaka Pet A Coal, Mammoth, Morning. Roberts A Co.. 313 H Wash, st Call or write. FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY, 8TA- tlonery, cigar and tobacco. Ice cream and oyster parlors; swell flxturea, fine location, cheap rent. Phone Tabor 840. $2,000 DOWN, BALANCE EASY terms, takes a fine paying weekly newspaper and Job plant; wealthy, thickly settled agricultural field; splen did opportunity to secure an excellent business. 0-25, Journal. TWO OUTSIDE ROOMS FURNISHED for housekeeping; gas and bath. 480 E. Washington. $12. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 4 rooms, new lower flat and 6 and 7-room cottages, west side of river, very low rents. Ap ply 864 N. 26th; Willamette Heights cars to 26th. turn south half Mock. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, bath, gaa and phone. 658 Williams ave. TO SELL. SEE US. Second Hand Palace. Highest prices paid for second-hand goods. 267 Flan ders. Phone Main 3518. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hand goods. Union Exchange, 262 Front st Pacific 1431 WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUSE hold goods of every description bought, sold and exchanged. The $, 232 1st. Main 6374. Home A-Z3Z7, DEFORMITY APPLIANCES 'MADE TO order. K. E. Karlson & Co.. 361 An keny st. Main 6260. - WANTED AMATEURS TO IN- i crease the membership of the Lents ornet band; rehearsals every Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Come and get particulars. WANTED TO BUY ACREAGE FROM 1 to 20 acres, on payments, near 6o rare. f-6U7. journal. TEAMS WANTED TO HAUL LUM ber. Oreeon & Washington Lumber Co.. city. SECOND - HAND M-26, Journal. PLAT- WANTED form scales NEWLY MARRIED COUPLE WANT A child to board, from 2 to 12 years old. 60 Emerson st. Phone Scott 6661. $1.00 A MONTH PROTECTS YOUR time against sickness or accidents. Pacific Aid association. Lumber Ex. bldg., Portland, Or. Liberal pay to good agents. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG MEN TO learn railway and commercial teleg raphy; good wages and permanent posi tions when competent. Oregon college, 406 Commonwealth bldg. ROSE CITY SINGLE GRAVES, $10; family lots, $25 to $75. Superintend ent at cemetery, corner of Fremont St. and Cully road. Phone Tabor 206. For full Information apply to Frank Schlegel, 632 Worcester blk. Phone A2823. MEETING NOTICES. M. W. A EVERGREEN CAMP. 6.466 meets Wednesday evening. . Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. Id. W. A. OREGOJi GRAPE CAMP NO. 6.976. Mondays. 17tn and Marshall. Visitors welcome. WANTED RELIABLE MAN TO show property and business chances; references required: commission basis to Degin. uoast iteaity company, zze ? Morrison. WANTED YOUNG BOY TO LEARN hardware business; good chance for advancement; moderate wages to begin with. M-500. Journal. MAN WANTED YOUNG MAN ABOUT to enter tne drug Dusiness. (Jail Model drug store. J 08 Grand, ave. LOST AND FOUND LOST IN BROADWAY CAR. 6EP tember 4, black leather handbag. Re turn 761 . Park ave. Reward. ' WANTED 4 CONCRETE MEN AT - Minnesota and Blandena sts. Phone Woodlawn 484. PRESSERM SHOP. 207 "AT TAILOR Commonwealth bldg. BOYS WANTED AT G. P. RUMMELIN A Sons, 126 2d. St., near Washington. TOD MAY HAVE A POSITION WITH Uncle Sam when qualified; railway mail clerks, letter-carriers; also post office cI-.tkb needed. Call in regard to preparation. P. fi. Schools, (13 lie Kay ibid. . , Phones Main 7173, A-3230. Telephone Your Want Ads to The Journal Little Ads in The Journal Pay The popular want ad medium of Portland, a paper that brings results at a less expenditure, the number of answers considered, than any other. Rates, 1 cent a counted word, seven insertions for the price of six. Simply count the words and you have the price of one insertion, the minimum price, however, being IS cents. In case you want the ad inserted for a week, multiply the number of words by- six and you have the cost for seven insertions, including insertion in the big Sunday Journal. The carrier that delivers your paper will collect for ads sent in by telephone, calling for the money as soon after the first insertion of the ad as possible. Advertise in The Journal, daily and Sunday and semi-weekly jjssues, for any want you may have, whether you want to buy. or sell some thing,. hiref rent, exchange, trade, or have lost or found something. A little ad in The Jdurnal will d-lbr Wflrir lmlTctrIt1rwW 4o read these little ads, as there is always something of interest in them to-every reader of the paper. They go before the eyes of 150,000 readers daily, and among this vast 'array there is always a number of people more or less interested in your wants and needs, and you in them and theirs. Office open every evening until 8 o'clock- and on Saturday nights until 10:3Q.. Telephone any time before , noon for your ad in h paper that afternoon and any time before 9 o'clock Saturday night for your ad in the Sunday morning paper. , ROOMS ALSO HOUSE-KEEPINO rooms; reasonable. 30114 First st cor. Columbia. ELEGANT HOUSEKEEPING SUITE, newly furnished, rooms large and airy; first-class location. 634 Morrison. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close to Steel bridge. 236 Cherry st., cor. Benton. ROOMS AND BOARD. OSBORN HOTEL, CORNER GRAND ave, and E. Ash; furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with or without board. East 6619. ROOMS AND BOARD IN PRIVATE family, one block from carllne. $73 hk E. Mill. Phone East 8120. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD, convenient, modern: 442 Jefferson St. rates reasonable. REAL ESTATE OFFICE, FOR SALE or trade; ground floor" cheap rent. D-26. Journaf NEWSPAPER WILL SELL CAPA ble party half interest either me chanical or editorial end; fine plant and field. Address K-602, Journal. BE8T RETAIL OPENING IN CITY: nets $66 per week; no experience re quired; easy work; short hours; owner must leave on account of more im portant . business In east; $1,100 cash. Address X-26, Journal. HOMll BAKERY. dTLTcTFISSEn and lunch counter for sale at a low figure; -rent $10, with living rooms; good location; a nice little place for a woman. Address W-26, Journal. PARTNER IN REAL ESTA.TB! 6F- flce. Call room 10, 141 H 2d at. WHEN YOU CAN SECURE iL ACRES of good land, within 8 miles of Port land, for $400 and fail to do so, you de serve to pay rent, the rest of your life. Room 10. 142H 2d at ? $250 TAKES LARGE. WELL ESTAB lished paying cigar, confecttonerv store; fresh stock; splendid fixtures; great bargain; elegant store and rooms; rent $18. 913 Williams ave. Take U car. 4-CHAIR BARBERSH6P FOR SALE; 64 4th st. cheap. If sold at once. WANTED PARTNER IN REAL E8 tate business to show property; expe rience not necessary. $260 cash. Room 3. 225 6th st. FOR SALE EXCELLENT SAWMILL proposition, one half mile from Ya colt; 1,000,000 feet, $1 per thousand. Address O. J. A., Vancouver, Wash. FOR RENT HOUSES VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moved, stored or shipped mono Main WE RENT AND SELL PIANOS. SHER- man. Clay A Co. i.nnnu qtrtctt v XtrvnpujNi. ! nio lines and walking distance, E. Harri son and llth. inquire. Phone Sell wood 69. - SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, NEWLY PA pered, $10, to permanent renter. Ad ply on premises. 663 4th. afternoon. FOR RENT A 30-ROOM .HOTEL, $65 per month; this includes business. fixtures and rent Apply 882 Sandy roaa. inone East loss. FURNISHED EOUSES. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. CHOICE location, cast side: for six months. Phone East 4669 after 6 o'clock even ings or Sunday. 1 $10 A 3-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT, close in. Phone East 1657. 8. 632 7th. WANTED TORRENT MODERN FUR nished house. 6 or .6 rooms, reason able rent. Main 4116. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT TWO GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sts. Apply R. T. Cox. Telephone Main 423. PARTIES WANTING TO LEASE hotel or lodging house of about 100 rooms (now In course of construction), call at 826 Chamber of Commerce. REAL SACRIFICE GROCERY, BAK- ery gooos. notions; 760 stock for $660; strictly cash 1 trade and no de livering; good neighborhood; no com petition near; low rent and living room: owner, 661 Morrison; no agents. BETTER SEE MILLER BEFORE YOU Duy real estate, room 12. 263 Vi Washington. OWNER GOING SOUTH ON ACCOUNT health, will sell at Invoice cigar and confectionery business, old established; has large permanent trade; centrally located; low rent; living rooms In con nection; in fact, one of the most desir able locations in Portland; no agents need apply. Address C-28, Journal. GET A HEIDLEBERG BANK, A HOME and big interest on your investment, all in one. See the Pacific Coast Realty Co.. 805-6 Buchanan bldg.. 'Portland, Or. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE INCOME PROPERTY IN WENAT- chee. worth $1,600. What have vou to trade for this 7 Box 436, Vancouver. WAan. MR. MILLER WILL BUILD YdU A house or sell vou a lot on easv terms. 253M Washington st.. room 12. A NEW MODERN 7-ROOM COLONIAL- hosse, $3,000; $300 down and $26 a-vl month, phone East 676. ?J FOR SALE BY OWNER, 7-ROOM house, corner Rodney and Eugene. A NICE OFFICE SUITE FOR RENT. Madison bldg.. 3d and Madison sts. STORE ROOM, GOOD LOCATION FOR any alnd of business; will give satis- lactory lease. Main 6202. 242 Madison. TWO STORES FOR RENT ON 16TH st. and Glaason- st. OFFICES FOR RENT IN THE WOR cester and Hamilton bldgs., at mod erate rate. Apply to Robert Strong, iy Worcester niqg A SMALL STORE WITH A FINE COR ner show-window for rent cheap. Only $12. 347 First st - RESORTS. 5 ACRES 7 miles from cltv. 1U miien irom canine; ijo per acre. 6-acre tracts, half mile from carllne; I $750, $260 down. $100 a year. 24 acres at Beaverton; 8 acres of this beaverdam: 22.000. 8500 down j480 acres wheat land in Morrow coun ty; $26 per acre. 76x100, 4-room house, all kinds of fruit, $1,600. If you are looking for bargains In farms acreage or city property, we have it. 1 L. H. FREELAND CO., Room 7. 141H 1st st. GKTA HJSIDLEBERG- BANK. A HOMwA ana Dig interest on your investment, all In one. See the Pacific Coast Realty Co., $05-4 Buchanan bldg.. Portland, Or. ' $3.200 NEAR STEEL BRinnri 1 1 room house i modern, hath, taiio t-Vtll haitf-men.1 Int Kn.fnni i ! . CASTLE EDEL BRAU f Twelva -l6o JJlcn and roses;: for a few Havs onlvT House) Most unique and est lfr j7weemann A Blanchard. 1 6th st. house in the west; kitchen ac from our farms: first-class e-ooda land prices. t red T. Merrill, oru la ye,..! r. -.''... r f- letif VL - i . reauy, rentaia, buff?'0' .y'M&.Mwri-oa t a? f T 1