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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALS PORTLAND?,.: FRIDAY 'EVENING. SEPTEMBER 13, , 1807. err Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants PopularWarits ar Wants Popular 1 . Popul Sir 1 , rhn-ho 1 'J ' ) -7 (.:!. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE . COAST REALTY CO. , ".' ila Unrrlmn at. "Tha ' 1a11na- ., real aetata and ' bull Bess brokers. Main 1688; A-4160.. Just a, aw specials; . . $1,00 Half cash, buya strictly mod- am 7 -room nouse, new. , gooa lot, blocka from earline, worth ovar f 1.000, 100 Part caah. new s-room House, ooxioo; others ail pnoes. . - ont-Part cash, tiuya una room -houae of 14 room a: beat value on our Hat for tha money." v USA huva.10 hnilitkMcInf rOOtnS. tl.600--Pa.rt caah. 17 rooms; othera All prices. ' ' n. afflcei 1100, - ft rood chance to sat a start with live man In a ground-floor office. 780 Butcher shop,, sales $1,700 par , 11,600 buys half tnteraat n srooery, " ft it ... .h 1800 Half cash ht office business . doing several .hundred dollar pec months no experience needed beyond ; ability to Keep plain iwouni.. -1500 buya timber claim, worth $5,000, on R. R. and river; only 10 ml lea away. $000 Beat email - restaurant In city. '' ixoo secures bualneaa that made 110.. r 000 in pact I years; otbar opportunities lor 4nvesiment - COAST REALTY CO.. 116H Morrison St., Main l6t: A-41B0, 181' STARK ST.. ROOM1 11. City real estate, timber, farms, or- - cnaraa. ortland Investors Co., Prsferred Stock. C R. Donne 11 & Co. ' ' REAL ESTATE. " ' t. . Room 11. ! Stark St ANTHONY HARDY, LINNTON. OR, residence and business lots, water front and factory sites; farms and tim ber lands. BEAUTIFUL CORNER. 87x100. IN . Upper Alblna: modern 4-roora cot tage;, must sell this week: $1,100; terms. i', m. Tuggio, 4m c of u. Main . FOR SALE FARMS LAND BARGAINS. ' I seres all food land, under fine state Ol cultivation ana in oearing iruu irees. Sood i-storv houae, small barn and fruit ryer, chicken house, good cistern and living atream the year round; only 1 mile from city, on good road; R. F. D. mall 'and. telephone; v a good bay at; terma. to acres flna level land, II acres In bearing orchard, I acres in green tim ber, 3-story 8-room house, smau Darn and chicken bouses, fruit dryer: place Ilea fine for platting purpoaea, In good neighborhood and a' sacrifice at the price; if sold soon only $8,000. 40 acres, all good rich land, 20 acres cleared, comfortable house, good barn, chicken houses, granary, etc., some tim ber, place under good fence, well and living atream; Included 9 milch cow a. some young stock, team, wagon and harness, and all farming Implements, wa n K,,t atn mt t r, en m HrtAM, . . nw A.n . .11 AAA, Ar-m m 40 acres, good land, II acres cleared. . w,va . . ww.aii w m v - fruits, place fenced and croaa-f enced, good barn, fruit dryer, small houae, chicken houaes, etc., good well and liv ing; stream, R. F. D. mall by place,, 6 miles from Camas, and 16 miles from Vancouver; includes 1 milch cows, I I heifers, chickena, hay in barn and all cropa if sold soon; price only $1,000; terms. 104 acres good land,. $8 acres under cultivation, 16 acres nice greem timber, 7 acres In good orchard, fair 7 -room houae, large barn, machine sheds, gran ary, etc.: place fenced and cross-fenced, half mile from school, church Joins place, in good neighborhood, R. F. D. ji t. man ruuiu, aibu leieununa line, miiea Irrom tjamas ana is mues irom vancou ..... , 1 .. n - . Aa.k IIAA I sheep, chickens, 2-aeated top buggy 1u (new), wagon, plows, harrow, and In j lact an sorts or xarmmg implements ior oniT ,bvu; lerma. This la only a sample Of oar farme; for further Information call and see us. THOMPSON SWAN, Cltlsens' Bank bldg., Vancouver. Wash. 806-7 Bwetland bldg., Portland, Or. 11 V TEVIBE3 tiuditd nP.I.TVOI I8HMENT " FOR aale: must sell at once. 601 Lumber Kxchana-e bldg. Phone Main 4977. SolTTfAlurSNDTTMBlR ND TIMBER LAND rtlllard A Clayton. Roseburg, Or. ORAYH Ua AfcRES TIMBER ON bay and Columbia, good logging prop, oaltlon; large timber; prloe 11,200. See owner-. 14 E. 8d St. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS . VICTOR TALKINO MACHINE8 AND - records; Stelnwar (and other) pianos. Sherman. Clay fc Co., 6tn and Morrison at a., opp. post of flee. ...... FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE OR TRADE SOUND, young,, good horses, good workers, also mares to breed, reasonable time given, or wiu trade zor lots. iuu ai waukle ave. Take Sellwood car to Oratton a Grove. THREE FRESH- CWfl-FOR flALE- Oood milkers. 1661 lth .St. near Umatilla. Sellwood. 1 666ft FAklLY titiVf. ALBERT BRAb- wlck. Mb Tabor Heights, one block wast aiassacnuseits piog. W6" FRESH COWS FOR SALE. B. Madlaon st. 1 TE.AM OF WORK - HORSES TTI urn. Phone East ml. FOR aale: will allow buvsr to try - them: rlce 8100; call at once. 841 Mississippi. I "CdWd. WITH" MILK, R6utfi. IN Highland. 281 Va Burnalde st. or S27 RoeeTawn ave. HORSES. ( VEHICLES, HARNESS. HORSES AND BUOOIF4 FOR RENT bv dav. week and month: special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne, East 71 HARNESS AND SADDLER ..KLLEB Harness Co.. t N, tth st A TEAM OF WORK HORSES FOR sale: will allow buysr to try them; price $800: call at once. 848 Mississippi. GOING! EAST AND MUST SELL AT soma trlca. one 1400-lb. horse, little. lame, good old driving horse, 1100-lb. delivery horse, 8 buggies, 1 new one- horse wagon, l ngnt aouoie anving harness, saddle and bridle. Call at one If you want a bargain. 886 i& 8Btn st "W-W" car to Kenllworth curve. Kooms Also iiouse-keepino rooms: reasonable. 801 V4 First sa cor, Columbia, oTTBS. Team, WAOOM " AITO harneaa almost new: price 1460: call 141 Madlaon or Sunday 810 E. 6th. t - personal Ladies; MtentionS Do not be deceived by: false advertise- i - - ments. -i - v( The original snd only li DrV Mary Lane Lady physician, with the old established JL Radium Meoicai insiuuie ana Sanitarium . . ' , For years Is still at the old stand ? Dr. Mary Lane Late superintendent of Chicago Wo men's Hospital, treats dlseaaea of wo men and children exclusively: ladles needln Immediate assistance will eon suit their best Interests by communicat ing with me; no ree ior consultation; correspondence abaolutely confidential; matArnttv eaaea riven sDacial atten tion. Respectable .arrangements made for the adoption of Infanta. The flneat equipped 'sanitarium In the northwest nr(- IK ililAr nnrner Id. Portland. Or. Phones Malnt76. Home A-1786. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS $$t$$$$$$$t$$t$t$l$$tMftlllUf$$$$t$$ 10,000 WORTH OK INiEW ArS D UUUU as new furniture. Stoves, ranges, beds. bedding, carpets.' lineoleme. eta. eta We can give the beat variety of secoml hand goods for house furnishing in the city. Parties wanting furniture will save $ and cents by coming- to usi We want your trade and will treat you white. Square dealing. 288 1st. 8tmnmi6inmnm8nimunn6 THE ORIGINAL AND ONLT Br..Mar?;Laie Formerly with the X-ftftdlum - Medical Institute, has severed all connection with that Institution and can now be found with he Dr. Mary Lane insutmc Where she will be pleased to see any DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHIL dren a specialty; suffering women will do well to consult me; consultation fres; correspondence 'solicited. koorii e to i. Grand Theatre bldg. Phone Main 8818. Correspondence confidential. , LAhtKa DR. flANDERB6a'fl C6. Rnvln and Pot ton Root Pills are the only sure remedy for deiayea penoaa; by mall 81 per box. Dr. Pierce, 181 1st A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER; sealskin garments redyed and remod eled; expert fitter; eetlmates given: low est prices: open evenings. C48 Wash ington. PhoneMsln 7808. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS Fred TURKISH BATHS, $00 ORBOONIAW bldg. :1 ladles days, gentlemen nights. Main 15. liKS 6BR6dk, MASSEiusE, CabIneT bath, salt erences A-1T84. KlOW 'Parle Wclflo 1611; HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CUKE dURB cure for rheumatism, sold by all ru (gists. SHOW CASES AND FIXTURES. NEW and second-hand. Jas. T. Marshall Mfg. Co.. 18 Couch st FREE FOR EVERYBODY RING UP Main 4180 or call 118 Front st We buy and sell furniture, clothing or any old thing. HOTEL FOR SALE ONE Inquire 871 let at RANGE. A BARGAIN FOR YOU. This place will suit you. It don't need fixlnir un. It la .rieadv for busi ness; 189 acres, 180 In high state o( cultivation, balance nne timDer. rnis land will produce grain, clover, timothy, corn, potatoes, fruit, and In fact any thing that you want to grow. Fine large barn, granary, storehouse, root house, chlcken-houaea, woodaheki and one of the beat farm houses In the valley with a complete system of water works, bath, 'toilets and a gas plant, on county road and river, two miles from R. R. town, and boat landing on place. This is without doubt the best buy on the market todayand must be seen to be appreciated. Price $66 per acre; food terms. George W. Turner, room , 808H Washington St.. Portland, Or. A TEAM OF WORK HORSES FOR sals; will allow buyer to try them: price 6300; call at once. 848 Mississippi: IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE IN VI ctnlty of Tallman and Lebanon; also stock of general merchandise and fix tures. Address P. O. B. 70, Tallman, Or. FOR SALE CHEAP VIOLIN. ROOM 6, 26 N. 6th st FOR SALE CHEAP. ONE MOTOR cycle In first-class shape, inquire at No. 8 N. Union ave. CLEAN. WASHED RAGS FOR WIPING purposes. .1 ne uverau iaunary ana Supply Co., phone Sellwood 86. FOR SALE CHEAP, ALMOST NEW gaa range and water header. T-508. Journal. FOR SALE FURNITURE, AT 481 E. Morrison st F6R 'SALEJ-NE' $40 'AND ONE $60 Reed-French piano credit certificate. Inquire 699 Belmont at, city. Phone East 406 or B-1406. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM FLAT FOR sale, including piano, $260 If taken by September 20. 164H N. 14th st. MISS RAYMOND, MASSEUSE, 168H Morrison at, room 14. YOUNG SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE. electrical, alcoholic, medicated and genuine tub baths. 41 Raleigh bldg., 4th and Washington. THE PORTLAND INSTITUTE Tdlea and rantlemen. lfiTOU are in trouble about the condition of your health, do not fail to eonault me. I can convince you that I can help you by natural methode. Consultation and ex amination -jTree. Dr. Isabella Mackle, 360H Morriaon st Room 10. Phone Main 7620 or A-1644. DON'T BE DULL AND INACTIVE; Sexlne Pills cure all weakness; 81 a box. 6 for 86; full guarantee.- Address or call J. Q. Clsmenson. druggist Port land, Or. FOR ONE WEEK MORA BRING THIS AD AND RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE, One of my CONSULTATION READ , . INQ8. The above CONSULTATION READING will ne : Given Free to every person who eomes prepared to take one of my celebrated (88 00 Pay chopalmo Readings for only $1.00) to au wno nnng mis paper no. This Is strictly a matter of business on your part, to oall at my office and beoome familiar with my SPIRITUAL ana bcikntific; work, a nine to tne wise Is sufficient ' PTC E. IMmo Greatest living astral dead-trance clair voyant or tne age; ajjvibick or bubi niLDa aixjj AijJU Aii Ains ur xir nj. whom you. will marry, how to control the one you love, even though miles away; reunites tns separaiea; gives se cret powers to oontrol others; no dif ference how close or how far away, you can always obtain your desired results. Telia you juat now, wnere ana wnen to Invest your money to obtain the best possinis results, jr you are sick, mel ancholy, disheartened or discouraged, DO NOT GIVE UP IN DESPAIR; come and receive spiritual advice that will help you to receive HEALTH. WEALTH AJN U HAfriNKOB, I will do all others advertise to do. and a great deal more. Office, Nos. 8 and 4, Grand Theatre bldg. . 352 1-2 Washington Phone Main 1267. Iee" MELVIN. THE RENOWNED CLAIRVOYANT SPIRITUAL ADVISER. GUARANTEES SATISFACTION ON ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE. YOU HEAR THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. SPECIAL THIS WEEK LOW FEE. 60c, 60o, 60c, 60c, 60c. 181 V4 MORRISON, COR. 6TH. PHONE MAIN 7246. CONSULT THE BEST. Your Fortune Told Frce-THIS WEEK Free KIBL0 101 Vi Washington. Madame Luckey Gives electric baths and vibratory treat ments; also scientific maaaage; uaea the celebrated French paate for removing wrinklea. 146 H Front st. Main 2011. MAY ANDREWS. CARD READER. AT 828 Main at, ZBc. rnone wain . MOLES, WRINKLES. SUPERFLUOUS hair removed. No charge to talk It over. Mra. M. L. Hill, room 880 Flled- ner bldg. Pbone Pacino 168. DR. BINO CHOONO. IMPORTER CHI nese root medicines; sells Chinese tea, certain cure for all diseases. 181 Id at. between Yamhill and Taylor. ART. A. BERGER'S ART STUDIO, 644 tt Wash. st. High grade oil paintings In landscapes and portraits made to order. ATTORNEYS. PIGOOTT, FINCH 4 BIGGER, ATTOR neys at law, 4 Mulkey bldg., corner 8d and Morrison ets. AUTOMOBILES. HOWARD M. COVEY. rent Pierce Great Arrow, Locomobiles, Csdlllao anJ Knox. Temporary location Club Garage.vlSth and Alder at a A TEAM OF WORK HORSES FOR sale; will allow buyer to try them; price $800; call at once. 848 Mississippi. FOR BALE AT A BIG SACRIFICE. avervthins comDlete for housekeep ing in a (-room cottage, rurnuure, enma, cookatove. etc. Also a new piano. Muat be sold this week on account of party leaving city. Call at 486 10th st, be- tween 7 and t p. m. 60 HORSEPOWER ATLAS ENGINE and boiler: good as new. Inquire Dyers shop; east en a Maaison oriqge. ASSAYERS. TENT FOR BALE, 16x24. PHONE East 8120. PIANOS FOR RENT AND SOLD ON installments, w. etinaneimer. a su $40 REED-FRENCH PIANO CERTIFI cate for $10. HOME SEEKERS ATTENTION 160 acres; 46 well cleared; 12 acres slashed and burned; large orchard; all kinda fruita; large houae, barn out housea; fine water; near school; good out vange; a fine home; price $8,600; terms given. Write or calf J. 8. Hunt Ington. Kelso, Wash. 30 ACRES. 6 MILES FROM CITY. , highly Improved near carline, $7,600; term a. $26 Lumber Exohange. . i ! FARMS. Before buying come and see us. We have anything from one acre to 100 aore tracts; also city property. Os burn Bros., 419 McKay bldg. Office r phone Pacific 1941 1 residence, Scott 401S. &60D ISO-ACRE FARM. CHEAP; , good improvements, nicely situated. T, Forcler. Woodburn, Or., R. F. D. No. 1. 40 ACRES' UNIMPROVED. 8 MILES from c4ty, $76 per acre. 826 Lumber Exchange. ' 260 Acres, haif mile electric line station; zu mues to rortiana; acres orchard; $30 per acre. North' western Investment Co., 193 4th st. FARM LAND IS EASTERN ORE- gon's coming wheat field; 800 acres 8 miles east of Madras, Crook county: 460 tillable; plenty of well and spring water; 6 -room house; large barn and other buildings; 86,000. on easy pay, ments. J. A. Douthlt, The Dalles. Or, Z-26. Journal. FOR SALE ONE DOUBLE-DRUM, double cylinder, 7xio noisung en- glne. Phone Main 6808. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN AN old established restaurant. 266 Burn alde at SALE THOROUGHBRED AN- FOR gora poodles, pnone neon , FINE EDISON" MOTION PICTURE machine and films cheap. nal. Y-26, Jour- FOR SALE CHEAP DYEING AND cleaning establishment; 8 years in bualneaa; owners muat leave town; pays $86 to $60 weekly; low rent Address R-26, Journal. WELLS A PROEBSTEL, MINING EN glneers and aaaayera; determinations of goods and mineral waters. 204 ft Washington st Main 7806. GARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO. DOG AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR. C. E. BROWN. D. C. M. DOGS and horse hospital 106 N. 6th st (Main 4086). W. M. MILLAR, V. 8.. VETEHINARIAN. 26 N. 8th st Office Phone Main 7846. 827 Flanders. CARNEY'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL for horses and dogs. 281 GUsan st Phone Main 1484. S. Jr. VEtiRINARtf COLLEGE 6PENfi October 1. For catalogue apply to Dr. Charlea Keane president, 1818 Market at, San Francisco. DRESSMAKING. MADAME ANGELES 241 FIFTH. PA- elfle 981. bREaStfAklKd 6F ALL KINDS. 168 FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORKS Id and icverett sis, rnone Main mow, GASOLINE ENGINES, tationarv and marine: eiectno aouiD- jnhtss launches; accessories; wholesale snd retail; engine repairing, Keieraoa Machinery Co., 181-4-6 Morrison st tHF.-tF.f.n MiRlNfl ENGINES. aNT propeller, FsiroaiKS, jaorse m uo 1st and BtarB sts.- HARDWARE. WINDOW AND made to eraer. Co.. 14 6th. ' DOOR SCRCEENI Portland Hardware INSURANCE. ISAAC tSnUTB. FIRB INSURANCE, 844 Bhariocx mag. iA iAnl w6ob. ttMPL6ERfl' LI A blllty and Individual accident security bonds of sU kinds. Phone 47. 801 Mo- Kay bldg. JEWELEIIS. 3, WOLF. RELIABLE WATCHMAKER. Mainsprings 7QC. a wun,-rm, LEATHER AND FINDINGS i-u tt tt t. MATirnr a CO.. front and Oak sts leather and skins of erery description ior an purposes; am and Up cutters; findings. LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR ALB ALL. kinds. Including approved forest re serve serin for surveyed, unsurveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." PorUand MONEY TO LOAN MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY uamitV uriNUT UriNRT MONET SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. GET 810 TO 8100. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER " - i RB?lt TTTR.r.T NO SECURITY- LOWEST RATES EASIE8TPAYMENTB A CALL WIL.L, uunvincw iuy. REMEMBEIt IF YOU WORIt WE WILL ACCOMMODATE YOU,. WHAT MORE COULD YOU A8KT RAILROAD MEN A SPECIALTY. STATE SECURITY CO, - - m OEKUM BUXL , , WED. AND SATURDAY TILL P-J MONEY MONET MONEY MONEY MONEY MONET MONEY MONEf MONEY MONEY MONET MONEY MONEY TO LOAN or ior duiiq- 0 yearr all or part of loan after two yeare. lamis sp fn nlana and monsy advanced as building proxresees; mortgages taken up ana repiacea. ... , FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent 4I marx at. W. S. WARD, LAWYER. NOTAKI. Allaky oldg.l esiaie ana senerai uui- nii. Aniiiite(i'. ail cnaraea muujrsic. mortgage loans 38,000. or less tumi to SUIt: small mongagea a apepimnj. MONEY T6 LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, chattel mortgages or personal se curity; notes bought C W. Pallett 804 Kenton niog. On Improved city property or foi Ing purposes, for from 1 to 10 time, with privilege to repay all BANKS. UNITED STATES, NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OREOON. ' i - Northwest Corner Third ani -Ork Streeta ... Teaets u. General Banking Business. DRAFTS ISSUED Avsc ' All Cities of the United SUtes and Europe, Hongkong and Manila, mads on FavOrahU Tarme. ' . President. ..J. G. A INS WORTH I Cashier. ........ ...R, W. SCI I w-rTasiant,..,..R, US A BARNES I Asalstanl tashli Assistant Cashier... tashler. , W, A. iui-. .A. M. WEIGHT - LAUD 4k TILTON. BANKERS Portland, Oregon, . . . v Established 1898. ''"w" W- t LADD. C, E. LADD. ' 1. W. LA DO. Transact a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMrTNT. pavings books Issued en savings deposits. - Interest paid on time dpo". i. Vtce-Pre' dn t HECIiiNT8' NATIONAL BANK Portland, Oregon. ' J. FRANK WlTnN. .PnwMtnt I R X. DTTRHAM. W. . HOTT. Cashier OEORQB W. HOTT. .ASVl tani v.auir Tr.. . " a C- CATCHINO....Seeond Assistant Cashier -:,m -,.,.,. Transscts a General Banking Bualneaa DTafts and Letters of Credit Issued Available to All Parts of the World. Collections a Specialty.- THH BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1184. Head Office, San JfrJ"' Capital paid up 84,008,000 I Surplus snd undivided profits $10,188.67 General Banking and Exchange Business Transacted. Interest on Time Deposits. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts msy be opened of tl and op ward. Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce Building. " : "C R. M ACREA ............ Manager J. T. BURTCHAELL. .. .Aas't Manage TJIRST NATIONAL BANK Portland. Or. Oldest National Bank on Peotflo Coast A CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,600,000.00. DEPOSITS, $H.O00,6.8 T. Hf TT T a W. NEWKIRK ..President I W. C. ALVORD.... .Assistant SJfTj!; .. .Cashier B. F. STEVENS. .Second Asst Csshley TRU8T COMPANTES. O ECTTRTTT sivrwna m. nrran rr rrtmM mI. Portland. Oregon. Transacts a General Banking Bualneaa SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Inter. "k iuwa on- Time ana savings Aecounta. acts - i " Jpne end Letters of Credit Available on All Parts f eWorW. , ? F- A1?8 President I L. A. LE WIS..... First Vloe-Preslden A. L. MILLS... Second Vice-President R. C. JUBITZ georstary. , GEO. H. RUSSELL Assistant Secretary TITLE GUARANTEE ft TRUST COMPANY 41 Washington Street - MORTGAGE LOANS ON Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rates, T(l. T,.. tnnliM. I ' J- THORBTTRj ROSS President I JNO. Ej An,CBION.......fleeretarr GEORGE H. HILL Vlo.TrA.M.nt I T. T. RimKHART Treasoref BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M D ORRIS BROTHERS. Chamber of Commerce Building. Municipal. Railroad snd Public Service Corporation Ponds. 6wnING-H6PKINS t6MPANt EaUbllabel 1898 BR6KERS. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought and 8old for Caah and on Margin, Private Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Phone Msla 17. Overbeck & Cooke Company! ESgtifctt &5U GRAIN, PROVISIONS, COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. ... , WB DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. . , .' ,' Continuous Marksts by Private Wire. Quick Service. .;.. GRAND CENTRAL STATION TIME CARD. DON'T WORRY $10 TO $100 LOANED salaried people, wun or wimmii ourltv. crescent ixan i hawk bldg, SftKFtDENTlAL LOANS ON LEAVING PORTLAND. Shasta Express 8:16 a. ra. Cottage Orove Passenger . 4:16 p. m. California Express 7:46 p. m. San Francisco Express ....11:80 p. m, WEST SIDE. Corvallls Passenger 7:00 a. m. Bnendan Paaaenger 4:io p. m. Forest Grove Paaaenger ...11:00 a. m. Southern Pacific. ' ARRIVING PORTLAND.' Oregon Express .......... 7:16 a. m. Cottage Grove Passenger, ,11:30 a. m. Shaata Express ,...,.. 7:30 p, pv. Portland Express ..11:30 p. tt- WEST SIDE. Corvallla Paaaenger ...... 8:68 p. nv Bherldan Paaaenger .... .10:10 a. m. Forest Grove Paaaenger :10 p. m. Forest Grove Paaaenger 8:00 a. m. Forest Grove Passenger .. 1:60 p. m. Taeoma and Seattle Exp.... 8:30 a. rn. North Coaat A Chicago Llm. 1:00 p. m. Puget Sound Limited 4:10 p. ro. Overland Express 11:46 p. ra. Northern Pacific. North Coast Limited ......7:01 Portland Express ......... 4:1$ s. m D. m. Overland Expreaa ......... 8:16 p. m Puget Bound Limited .... .10:6$ p. m Oregon Railroad tt Navigation Company, Local Passenger 8:00 a. m. Chicago-Portland Special .. 6:80 a. m. Spokane Flyer 7:00 p. m. Kan. City ft Chi. Exp 7:40 p. m. Spokane Flyer 8:00 a, m. Cht, Kan. City A Port Ex.. 9:4$ a. in. Chicago-Portland Special 8:20 p. m Local Passenger 8:46 p. m Astoria M Columbia River. arles. insurance policies, pianos, fur niture, warehouae receipts, eta; any de serving person may secure a liberal ad vance, repaying by easy weekly or Miinthtv fnatAllmAftta I NEW ERA LOAN ft MORTGAGE COM faint. . 106 Ablngton Bldg, 12th st. Phone Main 4663. and Montana Assay Office, rlson st 186 Mor- BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE, DAVIS A KILHAM. 109-111 ID st. Blank books manufactured; agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf, the best on the market " EDUCATIONAL BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COL LEGE, Elks' Building, Portland. Oreson. rhartter shorthand and BllsB book keeping as taught in the Behnke-Walker will leaa vou to success. racia imi I calls for heln and nlaoed 811 sine Aug. 1, 190S. Will place you wnen sompa- tent Enroll now. IWflE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. Elegant new quarters on 6th street near postoffloe. Pitman shortnana Dy court reporter; 10 to 40 per cent saved on expensea w. w. winisms, m. p., rrin. L BR6N66N" 8ALM6NS STUDIO Of shorthand full BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. S. BIRKENWALD ft CO., 804-306 EV erett at, largest butcher supply house on the coast. Write for catalogue. B'JTCHERS' SUPPLIES ADOLPH A, Dekvm, 131-138 lat at, carrlea a full line and c ir'ete assortment at lowest market prices. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE TIMBER. LOOKING FOR TIMBER 7 We offer you every advantage through our "system of expert examinations . which enables you to determine the suit ability of a tract without spending tlmo or money, xi our general report inai cates that we have what you want our estimates by two and a half acres are easily venriea, . : TRY "THE LACEY WAT." JAMES D. LACEY A CO., : $18 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 607 Lumber Exchange. Beattia, f''.r. wOii-xa) -vm 1 1 -ii an. FOR SALE 400 ACRES OF TIMBER. 6,000.000 feet saw timber and cedar for millions of shingles. ' Sawmill 16,000 capacity, -planer, blacksmith tools chains, etc,, all for 37,000; 11 miles of Bonanza, Or., the metropolis of the up per irrigation project. More aajoinina timber land If wanted. Address Bald Butte sawmill. Bonanaa, Klamath Co Or. i ;' TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD to timber buyers only; we have a few choice tracts for sale -which we own. Have detailed estimates by forties. G. F. - Banbourn -ft Co- 401-3-3 Buchanan .bldg. " 10 SPLENDID TIMBER CLAIMS NEAR prpved up; ftealtjT'mr . Malri 1668. raJlroad and water with 3.000.000 to 8.000.000 feet each; also 6 homesteads; $600 buys claim worth - $6,000 when rpvea up; otners Bit prices, lag vobbi 120 ?t morrnwrre ' j-nnnes A-4160. - ; HOMESTEADS. 10 good homesteads, brush lands, easy Cleared; all In a bunch; plenty of tim ber handy for building and fuel; no ir- , parties of 6, $76. Eldredge Realty Co., sua. ,f Muvrvt u wi LOT 60x100, 8-ROOM HOUSE AND shed; also cellar, city water, garden andNbarn; 1 block from car line; trade for work horses and cows. Address owner, Ferd Hartman, St. Johns. In terested parties only need apply. EXCHANGE FOR BTRUIT RANCH IN Oregon, a 640-acre grain farm in Al berta; 200 acres cultivated; balance can be plowed; good buildings; well and windmill; all fenced; 2 Mi miles to R. R. town; a first-class proposition. Aa dress- B-26, Journal. WANTED TO TRADE CITY PROP- JOHN A. MELTON. 204 4TH ST. flee store fixtures built and re modeled; showcases and counters. Phone Main 1787. E. MELTON OFFICE, STORE FIX turea; general jobbing. 67 1st st rnone Mam sig Larson & Henderson, a4 front st, contractors and builders; office, and store fixtures a specialty; estimates furnished on short notice; satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Main 8176. CARPET CLEANING. erty for acreage near-Portland. Curtlss Co., 309 Ablngton bldg. The PERSONAL SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU WAIT. 600. Ladles' skirts pressed, too. Gil bert, 106 H Sixth st, next to Quelle. rnone Main ions. DrT MARY home for patients: blood diseases: examination free. Mississippi ave. East 6648. -KRAMER. MIDWIFE: tients; treatment for all 861 CHRONIC. NERVOUS AND SPECIAL diseases of men and women cured by modern scientific methods; electric treat ment for diseases or tne prostate; con sultatlon free. Dr. W. I. Howard, Com, monwealth bldg.. 6th St.. cor. Pine. GERMAN BOOKS. MAGAZINES, NOV- els. etc.: German. English. French. Spanish, Swedish and Italian diction aries; . foreign books of ail klnda Sohmale Co., 229 First st MRS. O. BROCK. GRADUATE MA8- eeuse: cabinet both, salt glow, alcohol rub, cream masaage; references. 282 Vi Park st. Paciflo 2611. THE-"" PORTLAND INSTITUTE HAS enaraa-ed the services of Miss English. eiectropath, - Room iv, s&UMi Morrison t fnone nam 7bzw or a-io. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sure cure for rheumatism. Sold by all druggists. MADAM VASHTI. VAPOR AND TUB baths, .massage, chiropody. 201H 3d ELECTB1C VAPOR BATHS, MASSAGE, electricity. 145 W 6th St., room 26. fBALM-OF-FIQ80 AlX-FEMAUJ diseases. 626 s, Belmont Phone East 4084. ' PRIVATE HOSPITAL, HOME FOR unfortunate girls; good care. .8 Mil- ner bldg. -- -! , - " . '. MISS ETHEL WARD'S MANICURING and chiropody parlors, la suits' 18, 181 Morrison t STAITDARD CARPEST CLEANING CO. Largest plant on coast; Lorlng and Harding eta.; phone Eaat 280; carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid; steam and compressed air process; renovating mattresses snd feathers a specialty. JOYCE BROS.. PROPRIETORS OF THE Electric Cleaning works; carpets cleaned and laid, both dry and com pressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty; work guaranteed. Phone Main 2172 and A-2672T 171 Grant st hand and typewriting; course in l wtrmi upeu ait iuiuuioi established 1888. Mllner bldg.. Park and Morrison. SEND YOUR BOY TO HILL MILITARY academy, rortiana, f.-. write ior cat alogue. OREGON EXPERT COLLEGE. COM- monwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny sta , telegraphy, typewriting, Spanish, Eng- llsh. penmanahlp; day and eveninga. MRS. WALTER W. BRUCE, GRADU- ate or Ott School or Expression, Chi cago; dramatic reader, teacher of ex pression. Studio 431 E. Ash, Tel. E. 4113. MISS CALL'S PRIMARY AND GRAM mar opens Sept 16. higher branchea. Phone Tutoring In East 2700. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALSH CO.. 311 STARK ST.. Electric and Gas Fixtures and Supplies, Mantels, Tiling, Grates and Doglrons. Pacific" eLe6tr!6 co. engi- neers, contractors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 94 1st cor. Stark. Main 668. R. H.Tate, Mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS, 1 6th at Contractors electric supplies. motors and dynamos; we Install light and power plants. 5oRRT9Sr7 ELECTRIC CO.-ifti UNCLE MEYERS' LOAN OFFICE. 148 a at nr Alder, established 1870: old and' reliable; any amount loaned on watches, diamonas. jeweiry ana bw skins. m6ne!y adVaNc!ed sALArIed pE6 ple and others upon their own names without aecurlty; cheapest rates, eaa est paymenta; oinces in w yruiciyai nun, save yourself money by getting our terms first . TOLMAN, 128 Ablngton Bldg. 06U 8d st AWirV f-AiNrirn TO SALARIED PE6- pie Just on your own name; don't borrow until you see me; my system i- fn, Mllrnad men. clerks. bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other employee; ousinena aincuy "''"'"i-li F. A. Newton. 611 Buchanan bldg., 388 Ufa a f (i rt Aft Cash On hand for purchase mnnmr. mnrta-area. bonds f OT deedS'Or contracts of sale on real estate, either country or city property. 11. r ixuuie. Commercial blk.. 3d and Waahington. WILL LOAN $3,000. 6 PER CENT. ON real estate. Farrington. $1$ Fenton hldr. nrriw T.rtaNa ON aLL BECMRLttES, H. w. tLing, iv aaumgiuit hiub. Main 6100. MONEY f6 L6aM 6M ALL KINEfl of security. William noil, room . Waahington bldg. M6NEY-T6 LOAN IN 6600 TO $6,000. Charleaon A Co.. Commercial. Pbon bone Paciflo 1196. bON'T B6RR6W MONEY 6N SALARY until you see Hutton Credit Co. 612 Dekum bldg. A L6AW FOR THE AbKInq BALarT or chattel, bldg. The Loan Co 410 Dekum MUSICAL. PROFESSOR T. E. LAWSON. 168 12TH st.. near Morrison. Main 4es. nano leaaona. EOn. PIANO, V16LIN, C6RNET, guitar, Morrison st Fixtures, wiring. tlrtng. East 3128. TT re- FAIRBANKS, MORSE MOTORS AND dynamos. A. C and D. C 1st and Stark sts HOTELS. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST A SLABWOOD Co, 866 Front st, successors to Ful ton wood co. jrir, oak, aiaDwooa. coax Tel. Main lS. FOR PR6MPT DELIVERY OF 8LAB- wood call Main 4876. Oak, ash. fir ana coai. forurna wooo ft uoai co. iin ana eavier sts. VvtesfERN FEfeb A fWeL cd. House and blacksmith coals, coke. cnarcoai, Kinanng. tr none main ion. TELEPHONE EAST 7. F. B. JONE8 A CO., 1 Wood and Coal. 181 East Water st DELIVERY PHONE FOR QUICK Oregon Fuel Co.. 884 Alder. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED, 31 per month. Unique Tailoring Co 80 stark at H. W. TURNER, DYER CARPETS dyed a specialty. Main 2618. 606 Jefferson st CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY AND PEDICURING Mrs. M. D. Hill, Room 880 Field ner bldg. Both phones. - DANCING. WBSTBRN-ADEMTDANCINa school, F. 8. Carter, prln.; 6 assistants. Including lady; class Mori., Thurs., Sat eve.: ladles' class Thurs. afternoon; hlldren Sat afternoon; cor. 2d and Mor rlson. - - - PROF. RINGLER. DANCING MASTER; private lessons dally. Grand and, B Morriaon. Rlngler HaU, I THE) BELLEVUE. EUROPEAN PLAN. J ith ank Salmon. H6f EL Porttand. Am, plan, tt. 18 Jay. BELVEDERE) European; 4th and Alder. banjo. 12th st. Professor E. Main 4708. A, Smith, 264 MACHINERY. THE H. C ALBEB - CO. flECOND hand machinery, sawmills, eta 248 Grand ave. A. J. PAUL, 100 1ST ST. A COM plete line sawmill machinery; also engines and boilers. MONUMENTS NEU A KINGS LEY, 168 1ST ST. Portland's leading marble and granite works. iaiaaaaa. EaUHMUNnK H TO insure insertiorTunder proper classification on the Want Pages of the big Sunday issue of The Journal Astoria and Seaside Exp.... 8:00 a. m. Astoria A Seaside Express. 6:00 p. m. B.aM, nnaolal 8:10 D. m. Saturday only. AU other trains dally. Astoria A Port Paaaanaer. 11:10 n. m Portland Express ,...19:00 p. m. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. SPB- t vu 11. i ,vu.. w ... diseases, Office 217 Fenton bldg. Phone Paciflo 1190. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 418-18-ir DE kum bids.. 3d and Washington sts. Phone Main 349. Examination free. PRINTING. nnTT.niTTR RPnil PRINTERS CARDS, billheads, etc. Phone Main 1868. 146H istst PAINTING AND PAPERING. . A. DOANE GIVES BEST ESTIMATE for satisfactory wont. i lamniu, PAINTS, OIL ANJ) GLASS. F. E. BEACH A Ca. THE PIONEER Paint Co. Window glass and glaslng. 186 1st st Phone 1884 rUBUG STENOGRAPHERS MTB.B T. MAT 601 RWETLAIXL) Copying deeds ana ansiracta apro u, PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. SANITARY PLUHBICR5, 881 2d. bet Main ana eaimon. vregon nhnna Main 2001. DQNNERBERO A RADEMACHER KB- moved to No. 80S Hurnsioe st. RESTAURANTS. GO TO THE BUSY BEE FOR DELI- cateasens. Home cooaung. est wiw Ington st ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING. RE- palrlng and general Jobbing. 1. Loan, 212 Jefferson st Paciflo 1424. REAL ESTATE. THOMPSON A OGDEN REAL Es tate, insurance, loans, see us oerore buying. 848 Mississippi ave. Pbone Woodlawn 202. j. W. OOlLBEE. REAL ESTATE AND , . room 11. esUbllahed 188$ 1461 DEALERS leu n? Stark SPHINX AGENCY. real estate and rentaia lues st Main 6164. F6R FARMS OF EVERY DEflCRtp. TRANSFER AND. HAULING OL8EN-ROB TRANSFER CO i Henry Roe. . W. A. CI eland F. P. Sheascreen. - General transfer and storage: safe pianos and furniture moved, packed an, shipped. 309 Oak st Phone Main (47, Paciflo 1061. Home A-2247. C O. PICK OFFICE 86 1ST ST BE tween Starl: and Oak sta; phonr 69d Pianos and furniture moved and packe for shipping: commodious brick ware house with separate Iron rooms. Fron and Clay sts. I PENINSULAR EXPRESS A BAGGAG Pbone Mali Transfsr. 847 Alder st 1171. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 134 N.' 4TH Main 69. Heavy hauling and storage iNLEPENDEf BA6QaOE A TRANS fer Co. Storaga 314 Stark. Main 407 TOWEL SUPPLY, i 53 CLEAN TOWELS DAILY COM1 brush, soap, $1 per month, - Portlan Laundry A Towel SuddIt Co 9th an Couch sts. Phone 410. " j TYPEWRITERS. NEW AND 2ND HAND. ALL MAKE,' rented, repaired, sold. P. D. C Co.: 281 SUrk. Tel. 1407. - THE OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY phone Main 7963. Raleigh bldg., port land. Or. Sea the new model No. 6 Oil ver, before buying a typewriter, i Olive. typewriters sold ana rented. - j WHOLESALE JOBBERS M. A. GUNST A CO- DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE C30AKT PORTLAND. OREGON. I EVERDINO A FARRELL, PRbDUCi and commission merchants. 140 Froc st. Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. I OREGON FURNITURE MANUFAC turing Co Manufacturers of furnl. tnre for the trade. Portland. Or. WADHAM- A Ca. WHOLESALE GRO eers. manufacturers and commlaalo mereha-ts. 4th and Oak sts. I tlon. bldg. W. W. Espey, 819 Commeroial RUBBER STAMPS. C. STAMP WORKS, 249 ALDER ST. Phone Main 710. Rubber stamps. seals, stencils; baggage, trade cheats; brass signs and plates. STREET PAVING. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING AN, special orders. ' U Kuvenakys lurn, ture factory. 807 Front st i ALLeN a Lewis, c6MMissi6N"AN produce merchants. Front, and Davl. sta, Portland. Or. I WHOLESALE CROCKERY AN class ware. PraeL Hegele A Col. Fori land. Or. -- - v ':-- , . i LEWIS-8TENGER BARBERS' SUPPL Co., Barbers Supplies, Barbers' Fu nlture. Barbers' Chairs. 10th A Morrfsoi a 8 advertisements presented at the business office before r- - fci.v------- 9 oCldck Saturday Evening 3;;:. z; "" j"''Xff '''WV' '. Office open until 10:30 Saturday evening Phone your ad if you cannot bring it to the office. Phones: " Main 7173 A3230. 1 ;v:v;"..- ;XM: :,v.'"A ri-' :zz22s: M n II 3 WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks ana crossv Ings. 814 Lumber Exchange. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. of Portland. Office 666 Worcester blk. SIGNS AND SHOW CARDS. FOSTER & KLEISER SIGNS. We have built un the largest sign business in the city by flrst-claea work and keeping our promlsea Our pxloee are right 6th and Everett sta , raoae Exchange 66. SIGNS THAT ATTRACT' PORT land Sign Co.. 387 Stark. Paciflo 1698. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO, SOLE AGENTS for Herrlng-Hall-Marvin safes and Manganese Steel Safe Co.'s bank safes; 10 second-hand flrenroof safes and bank safes, very cheap. See them or write us. 91 7th st DIEBOLD' MANGANESE SAFES Largs lines carried. Lock-outs opened. Jacks, Jails, metal - furniture. , Both phones. - J.-H. Davis, 66 3d - SAFES FOR BALE. LOCKOUTS opened, autoa and 'machinery repaired. Columbia 3aa Engliw A Safe - Works, SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES OF EVERY DESCRIP. tion; , bank, bar and . store fixtures made to order. The " Lutke Manufao- turlrjrCOjPoruand. tt. H. BIRD8ALL. DESIGNER: AG T. M. : Winter Lumber Co. 1 liamllton Uig. AMERICAN HOSPITAL I ASSOCIATION MEET. (United Prt Ud Wire.) ( Chicago, Sept '!$. Xht , America Hospital association, made up of off cials, trustees and medical directors the leading hospitals of the Unlto States and Canada, la to meet In nlnt annual conference in this city during ti. coming week and an interesting pr gram has juat been completed for t. gathering. f The addresses, papers and dlsousslor at the conference will not relate to t: work of the hospitals but rather to the organization, management and malnt nance. ' gome of those who are t B resent papers to the conference a r. Eugene B. Elder of Macon, Geo rid Mlas Mary L. Keith of Rochester, Kh ard H. Townley of Jf. Hood Wright ho pita!,-New York; Dr. J. O. Skinner Columbia hospital, Washington,- IX Dr. J. W. Coon of the City and Coun hospital of Milwaukee; Dr. A. B. An-k of the City and Countyjiospltal of in neapolia; Dr.'G. M. H. Rows of the B ton City hospital; Hon. Bruce Smith, I spector of charities, Ontario; Asa Hue of v the Presbyterian hospital, Chi. Dr. J. N. B. Brown of the Toronto eral hospital; Miss Jane Addams of ) House, Chicago; Rev. A, fi, Ktv n-. D. V.. of the Methodlst-Eplst. tl t tal. of Brooklyn, and H. E. W !.( the Royal Victoria hospital, Montreal. SERIOUS RUNAWAY r JNTlLLA?If fgnaelal IHcuateb to Tt 3 ' j Tillamook. - Or.,- f'it. U : e Mrs. li. O. gniiffcr w e ri., lured ! In . a runaway ..r The carriers in whlhti.-v -", ',