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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL." PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 13,; 1007.. opularWarits Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants Popular Wants T San Francisco Office Oregon Journal 7B9 MarkciSUbct 3d 6- 4 th AorsmrirawEirrs " aw6 mm okuptxoss ssositxik Oregonisns whan In Ban Francisco ran bay their mall Mat la car of Ths Journal ffloe. ARTHUR I - FISH, Representative. REAL ESTATE , T1UNSFBR8 Henry MoOlnn at al to Martin Keating, lots j, i, , 4, o, . , 10. 11 and II. aun Ptradlae Spring IIELP WANTED MALE Tl T .ii 1 ii R ftadan to I w . . w lVll WHtinu Ui .' M. B. Thompson, lots i and 6, blook 13. Iota 1, I, I and 4, . block . Clifford addition to Al blna, Q. C. D. George M. Lakln to Mr a. L. J, Conllak. lot 4, block 4, subdivi sion lot 2.Rlverslde Homestead addition, w. D. TITLE For abstracts, 100 1.000 INSUR- $1.50 per cord, timber yel low fir, apply R. 306 Stearns bid?., Portland, Oregon, TM?TMti7nfM6i? B6UNft 6UNG MEN. AGES' 14 T6 35, TltlO A TrUlt CO., 104-0-6-7 Falling 010 g. I fnm . HMVaman ilnrinrniit GET YOUR Te M ..m a h HMkaman dilvHnAr vn ah M1.1LI.11 .1.1 1 l.-l " INSURANCE AND A B- season on laadln rail road hera In tha stracts to rsai estats rrom tns True i west ana on new mes being eompieiea: Ouarante & Truat Co., 240 Washington experience unnecessary: firemen. 1100 at, cor. Id. I monthly, bacoma engineers, 1100; brake- men, idq, become conductors, ii&o. DEATHS Many positions now open. Write at onu ior particular iNationai nnnwij M'DOWTCLL-In thla city, September .k J?f V' 'XV0 lk" mi$ 12. 1007. Ruth, daurhter of Mr. and & Central bldg.. Kanaaa City, u t. M.rvr.wii i mo. MAX M. SMITH, FLORIST, ISO 6TH at., opp. Meier A Frank' a. Main 7316. Classified Advertise ments received too late for insertion in these pages will be found on Pa& iS.l'ismts ' KEW TODAY. UNDERTAKERS DUNNING. M'ENTEE ft GILBAUGH,! undertakera and embalmers: modern In every detail. Seventh and Fine. Main , 4o. Utay assistant Several men of food addresa cai make blar money, first-class Droooaltion no trouble to explain; rood men given plendld territory. Call on general manager, room III 8 wetland Diag., oor. sin and Washington eta. lilt. Lady aaaiatant J. P. FtNLEY A sc-NiS, iT AND JJadI more; atock clean, grown on reserva tion, far from old orcharda; caah ad vanced WMklv: cholea of terrltorv. Ad of county coroner, dree a Washington Nursery Co., Top- penisn, waanington. on at a. Office Phone Main 0. X B. HEMStOCK. FlJNlliRAL BI- raotor. Eaat 11th and Umatilla. Phone HA I wam 71 I .a ,1 v (ran, I . , w errirn am bautt a am An fcELLER-BYRNEfl Co.. FuKEftA.L bl- ..Free employment to all; boarders' ratee rectors, embalmers, 172 RuaaelL East V ?0 per week; room, 160 ana up; spe- 1081. Lady aaaiatant. ciai mommy rates given. Anaeraon, Union Hotel House and Lot for $66 y We will give an absolnta tltla to a lot 60x160 feat, with a T-room house there- for ll.. thai ffiirJittthfStS H6LMAM. UNbfcRfAkflR. Pgopftor- "JJrSSoliSia; , widt-i Wanted-Dentlsts , worth 11.600. - Tha property la located "; on tha West Side, in Portland proper, on ' tha Oregon deotrlo Railway Una, and la 1 one of tha choicest pieces on Capitol ; rmi Call at. tha offloa to inquire about :;thla; do not write, aa wa shaOl not an- war correspondence. ' , CEMETERU.8 In advertlaing denUl office. Euirr ii par waea ior ngni man. RITER VIEIW-SINOLB GRAVES. 110; "'"SK-l ? ZZIZZJ' ramii'V lota, l uti ft. ror lino, inn l . - v M - - . ....VV Oohessy.& Smith eemetery In Portland whloh perpetually WB 8: maintains and oarea fbr lota. For members Information, apply to W, R. Mackensle, Worceeter 'block. W. M. Ladd, preaident Cltt-eldU: GRiVfes. lid; zamuy lois, o itd. ctupenniena I T. M. C A. p6s!t16Ws. for 6tiR special membership 12. em XoXar BldaT TMrd and nark Its. I nt -t cemetery, corner of Fremont at WANTED BOTS FOR GOOD POSI tlene la eaa4y4aaataaea)t, - Paul f la Coast Biscuit Ca, 12 th and Davis sta. WEATHER REPORT Owing to missing reporta tha disturb ance yesterday over tha Great Salt Lake . baaln Is not well defined thla mnrnlnar. . . A small hlerh pressure area, overlies the north-Paclflo eUtes acd warnings for light frost wer sent at p. m. last - right to atatlona la extreme eastern Oregon, extreme eastern Washington and western Idaho, and the tempera- iar iaia morning were aumcienuy low to form frost, but In soma localltlea on i -account of cloudlnaaa Ua formation was prevented A large high pressure are central- over Pennsylvania controls the , weatner in tna eastern atatea, where jit la clear, with nearly normal tem 'peratbres. Light rain ha fallen In the tipper Missouri valler and In Ariiona. Clear weather prevails In California, ex- cent that It is foggy along tha coast. The Indicationa are for fair weather in wis district tonight and Saturday, full Information apply to Frank Schlegel, (I! Worcester bin. Phone AI8ZI. MEETING NOTICES. MULTNOMAH CAMP No. 77, - Woodmen of the World, meets every Friday night at HI East Sixth; big claaa Initiation to- - night; visitors cordially invited. Drawing for door prue foment E. U MINAR, a C. J. M. WOODWORTH, Clerk. M. W. A. EVEAGREEN CAMP. ,44i 1.a Wn.ut. ...nln. AIImItw bldg.. Id and Morrison sta. 14 W. A. OREGON GRAPE CAMP NOT 1,172. Mondays. 17th and Marshali Visitors welcome. BUSINESS NOTICES WANTED BOT OVER II TEARS OF age to learn some trade. 271 1st BOT WANTED. It PER WEEK TO begin. 16 N. Front cor. Davis. $1.00 A MONTH PROTECTS TOUR time against sickness or aocldenta. Paclflo Aid association. Lumber Ex bldg., Portland. Or. Liberal pay to good agen t s. THE WES? COAST LAUNDRT, phone Scott 2102, wants a marker, and sorter and a washer; good wagee. WANTED BRIGHT TOUNG liiSK TO learn railway and commercial teleg raphy; good wages and permanent posi tions when competent. Oregon college, 400 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED RELIABLE MAN TO show property and business chances: references required; commlnslon basis to company, Zllft ITELP WANTEDFEMALB WANTED REAL ESTATES. WANTED TOUNO . LADIES TO A FIRM WHICH HAS "MADE GOOD" .i"rn u"niercia leiegrapnyj eo 10 grants the SUUing agency or mum SIO ner month Boon aa nnmnalinl Ar&. I mnA nn alMtrlo car Una! alSO " iv nmmonwtaiu Diag. I some lots On me pennui. -, OiFICli GIRL CAL1, 212 ALI8i?T I Journal bldg.. 2d and Morrison. WaKted-i diktsj oo6D 'WA3Ea p rrun corner ijaviS. ANTed a aiRl f6r AeneraL It T6U WANT T6 SELt your pr6p- rty sea me; I buy ana nave ounuuna, H. C. HCRLBERT, , 260 Stark St Apply 212 Main ft. house work. 220, WANTED-AN ELDERLY WOMAN as comnanlon tn an (nv,lM thn Scott 454. . " illUhf'AKb JASkKt HAWDS . Oood Permanent noaltlona tn .innri. enoed and competent workers. OLDS. WORTMAM A. ICTNrt. ' i QITLL U to 18 TEARS OLb to HELP cara for bahr. flwwt inma ,i.ii. plaoe. Apply 421 Sixth at WAN iX)R NEAt. PLAIN SEWWa lew aays. ADDlv 741 Orand ivt. M oorner Fremont Phone Wood lawn in GIRL FOR HOUSEW6RK AND MDsT I want a good farm in good location, ma. , fmm railroad: must bS right price and terms; no agents. Ad-J dress P-601. Journal. . WaNTEiWa SMALL MODERN housa or cottage in Sellwood: must be reasonable. Address A-20. Journal. S-flH'TjUlCk SALE UST TOUR PROP- erty With Jr. UUDOIS, vyasningiuu . FOB BENT--nOU8ES . WB RENT AND BELL PIANOS. w SHI- FURNISHED HOUSES. $10 A l-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT, close In. phone Esst 1227. A 022 7th. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES FOR RENT TWO , GROUND FLOOR offices. Front and Ankeny sta Apply R. T. Cox. - Telephone Main 422. - NICK OFFICIO flUlfii FOR RENT. Madlaon bldg.. 2d and Madison ata. 1 1 STORE ROOM. GOOD LOCATION FOR . any Kind of business: will give satle- hlrto. room 1 VvANtED A LOT IN A. p6kl'LAKD for cash: state particulars. only. Address 8-28. Journal. Owner know how to cook! mtnnA 111 I ww uiwnvuni wen we a. I wu oarore n a. m. and arter 2 p. iBiii, ,.j ju. wmanington. WANTEDTO RENT m.. MALE AND FEMALE IIELP. AGENTS WANTED CAN TOU SELL goodsT If so we need you; eompieia . -i. writ, Tnr WANTkb WOMAN tO t)0 PLAliJ choice of territory. Capital City Nur- owamg. Agpiy ill stn st I sery company, Baiem. or. WANTED MEDIUM SIZED HOUBm weat side preferred; careful family; STENOGRAPHERS, BOTH MALE AND I dress T-( 05, Jounii V " remale, good positions open with bast TiJ Ivt'to rtvSr ' A fOTfAQE Olt Hf. i?J5P NJ? rfAW.ffe Careful amIlV, n6 tiHlLbRKW f-l'i "is wants modern, meaium-snea nouw; west side, central, preferred; state rent Addreae H-507, journal male or female. R n Washington st. Paclflo 1270. Krebs Bros, will amnlov niKk... I 9-..j AAA.i , xrArn V, i xt' TlrWlka n. iMlarJi.... It..-. ' UHOft ilUUftl tJ I liOU iVAii JAH. trains" dVillroV t rTi.r." Address A-25, Journal. can up woooiawn 717.- men and Women f 6 LearN The" barber trade In 1 waaka- nn,t ).. better salaries, learned in less time than other trades: catatonia fraa Mni.r I earner youege, is w. 4th st factory lease. Main 6201. 242 Madison, TWO SfORESOR RENT ON 12tfl st, and til en son st. ' OFFICES FOR RENT IN THE WbR cester and Hamilton bldgs.. at mod. erate rata. , Apply to Robert Strong, 214 Worcester bldg. NICE STORE FOR RENT. 227. 55 Washington at; steam heated; food tease u aesirea. FOR BALD REAL ESTATE) CLEMSON ADDITION, ' avs you neard or ciemsonT If not, do not fai to look it up, aa you will be surnrlaadV to know how nhunl. okniaaSl uia can d naa. wa are selling lots 40 feet frontag a, 2 and I blocks from tha canine as low aa 2110 each. an,i an - easy monthly payments. If you buy . I.Vr, 1 lota .niMl.l m.I.. .1... . ... Qo not nave to wait for improvement may are were now. Come and A Pleasure to show tha lota VAJVtUli-CKMBUN-fclLUMAUEW CO. vouch niag. A SMALL STORE WITH A FINE COR. ner show-window for rant cheap. Only f 12. 147 First St FOR RENT FLATS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. POSITIONS OPEN FOR 8 ALES LA DT and aalesman: rood aalarv and n.r. timncnu iu mi jus fiieaner Diag. WE WILL BUT TOUR HOU8EH0LD gooda and guarantee best prices, can, phon or write. B. J. A L. Rubenstein, 171; Front st, opposite National hotel. uti no i Pa I40L SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CAfiH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 8AV age A Pennell. 245-247 1st st. Phone Paclflo ISO. WE PAY MORE FOR FURNITURE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, Main 6(55. 211 1st st TOUNO MAN WANTS TO WORK ON A Place not far from Portland what, ha cowl 'nt the apple orchard of same or lip y6tf WANT 'TO "SELL, SEE US. aiiuvi yiaua. Dw wagti ana Bixe d condition Of Arohnrd. Addraaa Paul twiaber. cars rj. TJruinmari)avlson v.; Portland, Or. Second Hand Palace. Highest prices Pftld for second-hand goods. 267 Flon- ders. Phone Main 2512. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL kinds of second-hand goods, union FuCinO 1431 SOBER. INDUSTRIOUS MAN WANTS work in transfer stable: rood nav da-l, ... . sired and beat of references alvan. I """ "1, .2 1 l jY"x M-602. Journal. WANTED FURNITURE AND HOUolS- NIGHTWATCHMAN, CAN kANY.Lt! hft'dt f011(1,.nd0f HZn41 Th'T wste.m boller.;p.bsolUtely trustworthy. a,'p ,7'c h- A.Jfo. ' FLATS FOR RENT. By Portland Trust Company of Oregon. Neany new, e rooms ana inorougmy modern, sightly corner and convenient to ousiness center. 41H Montgomery; I3Z.60. New. 4N rooms, thoroughly modern. bright conveniently arranged; 1 block from car, Stanton and Commercial sts. 17. . . Another of 4 rooms, corner Ganten beln and Monroe; new, modern; a very pleasant little plaoe, on car line $18. B rooms, modern and well located, corner Gantenbeln and Knott; a good, sightly oorner; all the conveniences, $24, 4 rooms, new flat, Broadway and Lar rabee; thoroughly modern, hardwood floors, verandas front and rear; harbor view $25. .. BUT A LOT ' -V.- - in : . , v', HOLLTHlTR8T''ADDITION, . - On Woodstock Car Line. ' f $225210 down, $10 per month,--COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO, . Sixth and Ankeny. - FOR SALE OWNER LEA VINO CITTl nice 2-room bouse and barn, grounds 100x100, streets improved, sewer, gas. j a cnoioa iruu irena. Daaring: Deal Snap tn city. Call at 172 H. 10th st N. NEW MODERN 0-ROOM COTTAGE. 22,200; $1,200 cash, balance like rent Apply owner, iO, Aider,-after 1:20 d. , 1110 .B. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. b. K. corner Third and oak. NEW MODERN T AND 4-ROOM flats, 200 feet south 22rd and Wash ington, sts. Green,, ys...Anpy . 0 premise- or Phone Pacific 1245. FURNISHED FLAT FOR RENT. 144 11th st. SIX-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. FURNI- turefor sale; no children. 426 4th st P. Raeder, . m. 1.60 clf. bALAWa kANfWLT -room modern house, wired for lights,' summer kitchen, large woodshed; 4 lots, 20x100. On corner: ninkat fanca. lawn. fruit trees, etc.; close to car $1,260. Phone Tabor 232. ' . COLtTMRT A Tl)W?flMPlT Sas a big Hat of good investments In rge and small Income-bearing prop- ernes, una reaiaanoaa im.ll nnaa Dunning lots, ciose in, ana sumA-nan proneriy. tail on us. . 1 tULUMUlA TRUST COM F ANT, loucd Diar. $1,000 CASH. BALANCE 'rt feOlt New, modern 6-room buncalow. kaat of plumbing, china closet tinted walls. concrete basement; lot 40x120; shade trees; 100 feet from car 21,860: a. Jewel Inside and out Phone Tabor 722. $760 CASH. BT ' OWNiR, GOlNd away; t-room houaa. lota. 44siia: fruit and berries; one mils from car line, near Oregon City. Inveatlsata thla. or you will be sorry, If you want a home cheap. Address A-607, Journal. Larqe LiNsa fLooreP tfeNt.' new furniture, very . choice $0x166 high, sightly lot, with dug basement; in healthful district near ear, for $$00. Thomason A Bailey, $23 Chamber of Commerce. s6i2( -Lot . oil . AeLLwood. -..,flf, near Union ave.; will take $800 and give terms. Come and see this. 343 Madison. JANITOR WORK. CAN GIVE REFER- DEFORMITY APP UANCEa MADE TO ence. Address 6(1 W.ttr .t Ph- . order. K. E. Karlson A Co., 361 An- Msln 4525. ' keny Main 6260. Realty mav ten&'tlSF . ?oS; ST0!!" INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. aZ..xP?tLlB tonight in ex- Covensnt Contract Co. 417 Flledner aaiern uregon ana southern hidV Main iaei tram a " Idaho. begin. Coast Morrlaon. WANTED TOUNO BOY TO LEARN hardware business; good chance for advancement; moderate wages to begin wun. m-buu, journal. WANTED 6 CONCRETE MEN AT C53'i.MiA;,llHAHim"liii 4ah Minnesota and Blandena sta. Phone . v .. . V . " ' 10 jiuin i woodlawn 484. ti a i i mi j ii 'a j 1 m. a I wun. n-nvu, journni. Temn - . "KNKICHBKN CO, JK WELSH .-tLvAliitn. -ixT iDm,n , 'f- :..V- Max. Mln. pMn I sno opticiana. 184 waanington at VlVt -7-' C. .... tZ iii SS "uv-iMi i-n m- Mow artrrtoriJOl Grind m ( hlcaaro. 111. ..t...... 7 Si A I In a- Kamt Hide Prlntlna' Cm 94 ITnlon I j . . ; ' L i . . viuoinnnii, J.t .. . .j...... 19 pa ,0 i ar. .fcim i, H-lggg. B jurcr, uiv,.,,,,,-. en Kansas City, Mo 84 Loa Angeles. Cal..,..;74 New York, N. T 74 Omaha,. Neb..,.. $2 Philadelphia. Pa.,.,. 7$ Phoenix, Arii,,.., ,.102 Portland. Or......... 23 Bt Louis, Mo........ 78 fit Paul. Minn....... 68 Fan Francisco. Cai... 63 Washington, D. C. ,. , 78 W A NTF!D AMATRtlRS TO IN- 8ITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. creaae the memberahlp of the Lents .- -w- cornet band; rehearsals every Monday GOOD EXPERIENCED NURSE evening at 2 o'clock. Come and get wishes situation; confinementa a spe- particulars. flalty; at liberty after Sunday, Sept WANTED TO BUT ACREAGE FROM jrnwnw a-io. i i to zu acres, on payments, near bo FOR RENT MISCKIiLANEOUS. haland baloom; new with modem conveniences, Phone Main 1262. A YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE A place to work for room and board. u-isn, journal GIRL fare. P-507, Journal. "LW- WANTS GENERAL work, evenings off after 7. Journal. TRAMS WANTED TO HAUL ber. Oregon A Washington Lumber H6USE I Co t clty- T-26, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 62 Si 64 58 62 64 2 74 48 62 62 62 68 .0 ...0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .01 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 st; books loaned at 2 cent, theday kRESfiEkd at fAlLOfa SHOP.- Sot Commonwealth bldg. BOYS WANTED AT G. P. RUMMELIN A Sons, 126 2d St., near Washington. HELP WANTED FEMALE f REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ' Cement Block Co. to Michael f O Brlen, lots 31. 33 and 33, Uel rryln ('-recorded), W. D. $16,800 ,. .West fit. Johns Land Co. to Mary , . -. Evana, jot 8. block 1, Whitwood i j Court, W. D. 850 . Derrod ffi. and & a. Graves to Mary M. Oilman, beginning at .point 68 feet south of lnterseo- -tion Of south line of Belmont st with east line of E. 18th st 1 , extsnded, thence eaat 163 feet thonct south, 46 feet, thenoe west 127 feet, thence north 46 -'' feet, thence east 24 feet W. D. Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to .':;, Earnest B. and Clara J. Nelson, lot 12, block 6, Tremont Place. S. W. JJ. ....... d I.,. 30 ruruma imii uo. or Oregon to ' , . a Bi and C. J. Nelson, lots 14 ' 3, ' ndl5, block 6, Tremont Place, ,A a-W. D. 170 ijeorge ix. K.een to John H. Ack . srman, lot 12. block . E. Irv- f Sngton, W. D, , . 1,00 NOTICES. REWARD. $10 reward for address or Information or Pearl Rowland or Pearl Hunter. Last heard of in Seattle. Address E. F. Boles. Springfield. Mo.. 602 Chestnut LOST AND FOUND. .FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR mattresses renovated and returned same day. 222 Front st Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Meu- ger, proprietor. L6t MASONid BANGLE PIN; RE ward. A-605. Journal. LOST- ON ESTACADA CAR, SUNDAY, wjjraauu,a Vf aaaiwsj) vaawwaa pwaei wusa.t I ''' i i with Elks' card In and owner's cards GIRLS WITH TALENT FOR DRAW- wlth name; please leave same at 129 6th at LOST" Wanted-Youn? Ladles THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH CO. WILL TEACH TOU TELEPHONE OPERATING AND PAY YOU WHILE LEARN ING. PERMANENT POSITION; RAPID ADVANCEMENT: BEST WAGES IN THE CITY: HOURS EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 206 Morrison st Phone Pacific 229 27 N. 2d st .Phone Pacific 1300 THE GRAND, 46 N. 2D ST. ROOMS for gentlemen, $1.26 per week and up. THE RICHELIEU. 23 N. 6TH of. Elegantly furnished; steam heat ana baths. RESORTS. CA8TLE EDEL BRAU (Twelve -Mile House) Most unique and best road house In the west; kitchen supplied from our farms; first-class goods; Port land prices. Fred T. Merrill, originator. BUSINESS CHANCES RED CROSS EMPI.OYMRKT fo Logging camp and farm help a spe cially, iv is. za si. i-none Mam 6296. We pay all telegraph charges. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FURNISHED ROOMS AT $1,60 PER week. 189 4th St., upstairs, side en trance. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 26 N. FOR MEN. 2d st. Phone Main 1626. 5T ACME EMP. CO.. FARMERS' - AND loggers' heln asDaclallv. tl and T n n. a . f . f ... --a r.. au, inv Durnaigg; warn o3i WANTED AGENTS WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COT tages, flats, stores, offices, room In g- irouses, sic. landlords will do well to can on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone Ex. 72. 8. R. Cor. Sd and HiV 117 ...Wk. , ,1 'I' J L. 1'ITV TTMI 'T) t, I - . . SHORT AND WORK LIGHT; j OIRLS, BOYS. WOMEN AND MEN FINE LUNCH SERVED FREE APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR, 2D FLOOR, MAIN BUILDING, COR. W. fAKKJ AJNU ALWH lng. painting and designing;: rood eo- sition to right party. D. M7 AverUl A Co., 102 N. 6th st COMPBTEN'" GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 117. 233 N. 24th. Phone Main jjf J :M Marcam Tease, north 1.286 1,200 $00 240 1.4S0 . fling's addition No. 2, W. D. idiarles E. and Sarah H. Ladd to . Thurston U Johnson, lot 8, f ' f , 43. CL and HatUa E. Prtestly to tfl di' CarI Swanaon. lots 16 and 18. j' 7 fv, block I, Foxohaae addiUon, 8. ! I : ; W. D. .7... p r. ; i4!Crrus & and Harriet K. Jenkins f: f V Lewis A. Shaw, lots, and 7, ! block 3, Alblna Heights, W.D.. :, Frank SchlegeL trustee, to J. H. ,i'?;wt; Dixon, lot 14 and north of I . lot IS. Anna Maria Park -Or T i ; h : 'Whitney L. Boise et aL to Carl H Cv R. Thompson, west H of lots ; 7 and 8, block 256, Hawthorne - -Park, W. D. .' ; (Waiter E. Hardy to Henry and U tTrf&f- Annie Miller, lot 9, block 15. i t y j Flrland. W. b. .' j ; ;. - i. L. and Anna Mitchell to Mary 1 hi;',?. H. - Ferguson, lot 8, block L ef :f Arleta Park No. 2. W. D 'Ij iltntle Guarantee A Trust Co. to vr L S - T Julia Cunningham, lot 1, block !,t f 3; subd. lots 1, 2, 7, 2, 9 and 10, ! i . ; N. St Johns, deed -.'William and Kara nl, inn.. . i ;; :fi. Charles P. Dahl. lot 1, block 1. '! If ' ' ' K-nllworth W n ' ' i -pPg .: Anna A. and Lucius J. French to J is Exoeisior addition. W. IX i A. J. and Mary A. Price to Henry . ' .; , B- nd Georglna Lake, lot 7. f n block 88. Central Alblna, W. D.. 1.200 4 .HJTunnie George N. Joe to ; - Hugh Clyatt lots 1 and 2, block f K 1. 11, Columbia Heights, W. D 335 t ;f ' Jesele A. White to Joseph A. Whlto. Iota 11 and 1 9 Klnv a -r iteservoir ra-rit, w. u inn i. V.m M ,r- XX It , . . ,v " IHHI,. ni noun, lots ; - E r.' 5. oock su, Willamette Heights addition, S. W. D lann B. C and Hattie fc Priestly to : ? i G. E. Bloss, lot 1. block 11, Fox chase addition, Q. C D 25 WiDlam M, Killings worth et al to Ida Buswell, lot 4, block 14 Walnut Park W, D..T 1 000 iii. BRdAbWAY1 dAk. Sep- tmhsip si KlsiAlr 1s.a tHss ) snha at T? sx turn 761 Iark ftv. Reward w.Ai3 XSl-XJ JLJZOAUI XAi VJf A A A J71BJ V A'g'TVJ'Vfci-V ' L L'2 '!Jt" S.X. ""1." 1 Louvre Tuesday night; "Ben Holla- GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD day, M. A. A. C, Club" engraved on In- m"olOTl "- ' na ave, and iast side. Return to club and receive re- Ty'or at- ward. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE F1TZ LOST fsMALL BLACK DOG, WHITE Well shirts and Boss of AU overalls breast gray around nose: answers to at 76 1st st. name Tobv: last. Tears' license. 418. WAMTU'ri Tv.kcrtv.aa. iii.fitfS FZnT Finder Uberallv rewarded If returned to rural $60 to $75. The Fink Teachers' J. W. Bevls, care Inman-Poulaan. Agency, 1200 Williams ave.. Woodlawd LOST A GOLD BRACELET, HAND 18- C carved, black enamel, Wednesday GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO evening, somewhere In downtown die- work on shirts and overalls. Lessons trict or Pekin restaurant Return to aiven to lnexnerlenced. Annlv at Stand. Journal office and receive very liberal I ard factory No. 2, Grand ave. and East rewara. iayior st. Lost dog collar WiTH license kANsvN's Ladies agency. 842 v No. 218, near Multnomah addition. Washington st, corner Seventh, up- Reward at 799 Minnesota ave. stairs. Phone Main 2892. Female help LOST A GOLD, PLAIN BAND WED- wanted. ding ring, on Wednesday evening, on WESTERN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 4th st, between Sherman and Caruthers I for ladles; female help wanted. Main make good monev taklne- orders and selling goods; see us at once. Plum- mer xrug co.. 8d and Madison. WANTED REAL ESTATE. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x WE BUT AND SELL REAL ESTATE. Care for and manage mining property, rent houses, flats and buildings of all kinds, write fire insurance, loan money, and col lect. Can we serve you 7 What have you for sale List it with us and you will get returns; we cooperate with Cross Co.'s offices in Chicago, Milwau kee, St Paul and Minneapolis. COAST COMMERCIAL CO.. 604 Dekum bldg., Main 7343. sts.: finder oleasa return to Journal of- 6297. A-2417. flee; reward. - Washington. FOUND CHRISTIAN 10 Buchanan bldg., 286 M 100 860 300 600 450 and A. F. Roberts, lot 8, block o, wyiutoop vuia, w. . Elisabeth K, Wynkoop to Leo S. . Halt lot , block (, . Wynlcoop" , Villa, W. IX . ...... Jlomer H. and Frances P.: Smith to Andrew Kan, alt of' Sunny tslope. excepting lots B and B ; snd south 60 feet of lot G and ' south 60 feet of lot H, section i i, townsnip i nortn, range a. . ast, w- v. u.a .............. i, Andrew and Minnie Kan to T. B. . Jones, all of Sunny . Slope ex cepting lots E, B and south 60 v ,, Ismt olJcts Q and II. Q. C. C. aLOfla John M. and It C. PIttonger to . John wmon, north h of lot 7, block 4, Alblna addition, W. D. . ' JWnlter I. Tillman to Maude E. Ti!!man. lot IS, Mock 67, Bunt uysiilo Third addition, cefld..,,. . Tipnl Estate Investment assocla- ' Hon to lt U L. Clork, lot 16, ; block 167, Scilwood, W. D,...a gold pin. ENDEAVOR sea Columbia st. HELP WANTED MALE PACKERS AND WRAPPERS: OOOD positions, work light and clean; per manent employment Apply candy de partment. Paclflo Coaat Biscuit Co., JOU MAT HAVE A POSITION WITH flth ana Davis. W UUi J RfUU W HOU 4 U4X. 1 A JtfU ( rtUl W H J mall clerk , letter-carrier : also dosO tTp7eparar5o"n.Mp.l 8&ll,X& GIRLS, WANTED-b. M. AVERlLL A KflV nin. I v at. v v.. nv. Wanted Wacihnb men and Cab- experienced tailoress jo help lnot-makers. Oregon Furniture A Mfg. v "n.i1"" K'ATzLTXLu!. nr5..Z?y ' Co., Macadam Road. K. Stern, ladies' tailor, 429 Washington, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXVXVI-Y BUYERS WAITING" FOR HOMES from $1,600 to $5,000. Now Is the time, today. Don't wait for tomorrow a. a. uraper, niVt Washington rooms 8 and 4, corner 7th. st, THE MITCHELL HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms, reasonable. 7th and Flanders sts. $1.50 WEEK UP LARGE, CtEAN furnished housekeeping rooms, laun dry and bath. 184 Sherman st, south, Portland. $1.25 WEEK UP CLEAN FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat yard. 2uSH Stan ton st. U car. TWO OUTSIDE ROOMS FURNISHED for housekeeping; gas and bath. 480 E. Washington. $12. FURNISHED Oil UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 4 rooms, new lower flat and 6 and 7-room cottages, west side of river, very low rents. Ap ply 864 N. 26th; Willamette Heights cars to 26th, turn south half block. MINING AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS and bonds bought and sold. Corre spondence Invited. H. W. Donahue A Co., 613 Buchanan bldg. Phone Main 7353. BARGAIN FOR A FEW DAYS I MUftl aell furniture and fixtures of Spring field hotel, with lease on building; good location and paying business; good private reaaon for selling. Address box 175, Springfield, Or., for prices and particulars. COME . IN AND SEE US IF TOU want rooming-houses, restaurants, ho tels, grocery stores, meat markets, real estate, business chances. Investments. Western Realty Company, Room $10, Buchanan bldg.. 288 H Washington st Bargains 8 acres, In ths city limits, suitable for platting. . Small tracts, $65 per acre, 8 miles out Room 10, 141H Second St FOR SALE A THREE-ROOM HOUSE and corner lot one bjock from carllna, $860. D. E. Huffman, owner, 31 Anne st, Montavllla, Or. FOR SALE AT COS 6 BUILD. figures produced to prove it; 4 -room -i. uvuvv-a, ,il t v in... inmi.iu 111 .T.IJ I w spect and guaranteed; E. 16th, betweii Maisey and weidier atreets; on one, ear -line and one block from anothen sold on time or for -cash. E. L. Boss, store phones East 92; B-1262; residence phone East 728. b WISE. Invest In a home. ii; 000 4 rooms. 763 E. 8th. 600 6 rooms. 766 E. 8th. &60 6 rooms, 766 E. 6th. $1,860 6 rooms, Mallory and Mason. $1,400 M, block South Portland. All new and modern, owner, 80$ 4th. Tel Main 190 or PaofTio 1125. TWO-CHAIR BARBER SHOP, DOING a good business; good location; rent $10 per month for shop and 2 rooms In the rear; must be sold at once on ac count of leaving city. Call at 462 Gli san st KLAMATH FALLS, $600 FOR i ACRES adjoining city, government Irrigated. H down; also larger tracts. Oregon Realty A Truat company. Fenton bid.. nn ana otarx. BUST THE WOOD TRUST CHEAPER wood: now raadv for blialnaaa. "rw Operative Wood Ca Call 318 Ablngton oiug. 4-CHAIR BARBERSHOP FOR SALE, micnp, ii Eoiq m once. 4 4th et. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Data, gas and phone. 658 Williams ave. ROOMS AND BOARD. BAKERY FOR RENT. SPLENDID LO cation. For Information write J. B. .ferry, Pendleton. OSBORN HOTEL. CORNER GRAND ave. and E. Ash; furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, with or without board. East KS19. WORKING MAN WANTS BOARD AND room In private family, not too far rrom canine. B-607. journal. ROOMS AND BOARD IN PRIVATE famllv. one block from carline. E. Mill. Phone East 3120. 873H FOR RENT HOUSES VAN HORN TRANSFER FURNITURE and pianos moved, stored or shipped. Phone Main 1618. - TO RENT SEVEN-ROOM FUR- nlshed house, all new furniture, close in. can Z4 p. tin st. city. ? VfV DAT A nnA,w . W il a-wa. DAiMi a rnuriiAoijij su burban drug business established over 15 years; stock, fixtures, building and lot all go; be independent or will sell business and lease building; no commis sion; only those meaning Dusincss need i. lr mi t i PRINTING PLANTS NEWSPAPER bought sold; partners found. North west newspaper uroKerage, aoodnougi A FINE BUSINESS PROPOSITION; the exclusive monopoly of Oregon, California and Washington; take an In vestment of $3,600; let me explain It to yuu. g,, j. MuriDert, zee Btark st $700 A BARGAIN IF TAKEN SOONr' bouse and 3 lota, neceaaary outbuild- " inga, 22 fruit trees (variety), berries (variety), 7 cords wood In shed, 20 chickens, tools, furniture, stove; f blocks from Mt Scott car, Kern Park station. Metsger st, No. 28, owner W. H. Neat I HAVE SOME CHOICE PROPERTY to sell In St. Johns and all parts of the city. Terms on lots and houses. See me before investing. E. C HURLBERT, 266 Stark 8t. TWO 7-ROOM MODERN HbUSES IN City View park; terms or cash; a snap ir laxen at once, can at 4s io ave. i Sellwood car. I TO LEASE CORNER LOT FOR TERM 1 or yeara on 10th at: fine apartment or flats location. E-608, Journal. BETTER THAN BANKING. 3 new cottages, modern, will pay 10 per cent net on Investment Inquire Gor don, owner, zos 4tn. i'hone Mam i9o. ( 6 COWS WITH MILK ROUTE. in Yt Burnalde st CALX INTEREST IN MANUFACTURING are to erect a building and install ma- cninery at once, f-607, Journal AiaihijF AMERICAN TELEPHONE. $4; HOME reiepnone 342.60; Toke Point Oyster, $65; Cascadla, 18e; German-American Coffee. 848; Calif. Diamond Oil, 11c; United Wireless, $4; Electric Heating, 23c: B. C. AmaL Coal. Alaska Pet. & Coal, Mammoth, Morning. Roberts A Co.. 313 Wash, st Call or write. FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY"! StT tlonery, cigar and tobacco, Ice cream and oyster parlors; swell lxtures, fine location, cheap rent Phone Tabor, 840. BAKERY FOR SALE. DOING GOOD ousiness in nearpy city, price $1,000. jvortnwesiern investment CO., 191 4th LOTS 100x290 ALL IN CULTIVA tlon. close to 10-room school at Lents; extra bargain $400; terms; 6o fare. O. R. Addlton, Lents, Or. H. P. PALMER. M. VAN ALSf INe. PALMER-VAN ALSTINB CO, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, 222 Falling Bldg. Main 6661. A-2653. BEAUTIFUL LOT CHEAP. 3460, at WAVERLEIGH; owner leav ing Portland, will sell one of ths finest view lots on this beautiful tract, Install ment plan if necessary. See H. W. Lemcke Co., 6th and Washington sts.f THE OWNER OF A FINE MODERN home at St Johns must hava monev: will sacrifice bis home; will take part In trade, small farm or vacant lots. Call on E. C. Hurlbert. 268 Stark st. FOR SALE; REAL ESTATE. Acre and Half Acre Tracts. We make a specialty of acre-tracts with water mains laid and tiavments of only $10 cash and $10 per month: much .better nurchase for a horn, or Investment than lots. A. C. ChnrchlU 110 2d st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED AX- COMPETENT GIRL . FOR GENERAL handle man, one that thoroughly un- nousewonc ana oooinng; sin raraiiy derstands the business and can make ??a wages, jimsi .. 70J js. Burn patterns, eta; also a No. 1 finisher of I B1"- handles; also man for bolter. Charles J GIRLS FOR CUTTING, EDGING AND nun, ronnagar, umm, ur. i - pasting. 1U3 ottt St IS. ). M. Averlll EXPERIENCED FRAME MAKER AND Oo. bench hand. Portland Sash ' A Door I W A NTTKn nniTHSM a tev.n a TTTTiWa yj.jcj. a mwr auu union y. - i ana apprentices at M. jl. enogren a. 4W JSJLi'iiiRiJSNCED INSTALLMENT I lx ivza St. collector. D-2 5. Journal. I THffl W5t rOAST V-AVrnyhri WANTED BOT, WITH WHEEL; Phone Soott 3103, wants a marker, rood wae-ea. Annlv 421 U Morrison at. and sorter and a washer: rood wares. WANTED OFFICE BOYS. APPLY A LADY THAT CAN TUNE GUITAR OR once. Marshall-Wells Hdw. Co. mandolin. C-26, Journal. EXPERIENCED LADIES' TAILOR. 426 CHAMBERMAID AT BARR HOTEI J. K. Stern, ladlaa th and Qlisan sts. Washington. tailor. COMPETENT GIRL FOR nwilvrjr.P. At. WANTED BOT BETWEEN " U AND housework. 888 N. 24th st .Main 18 veara! stock room and dallarv I 2717. good chance for promotion; only ambl- GIRLS : WANTED FOR TAILORiNA tloua boys of good morals need apply. 207 Commonwealth bldg. 16.(00 600 600 M. J. Walsh Co.. 811 Stark. WANTED MAN TO WORK IN STA- Die. iiUDert k ilan. 266 4th at, near Madison. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, it ,T .6 goocr laoorers at tne Portland Lin seed Oil Works, North PortlanA ASSISTANT PHARMACIST. CALL i 6 4. tne uum. WANTED . GIRLS TO LAY MACA ronL Appiy iu xx. sth st A GOOD GIRL TO WORK IN COS ' turning house. A. good strong woman to clean and -mend. A good girl to do general noaw wun. Apply ggg Morrison. FINE n nal. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR cooking and general housework) small iamuy; goog wigw. obi MarshaU St m.htnS.PindNnn,MOiS'iON J'l?'1 WOMEN KD, GIRLS WANTED FOR' machlns and filing cheap. T-38, Jour- - all classes ! of laundry work; good 106 wares. Twy , aLaundrr Co.. ftAi w -. I VVlllBr BIT- .tBn.U Aml' 7Jn of"M MATUR W6UN AS ASSISTANT t6' nttiA vW: :. "W.8.PIJ. : Apply at BOYS WITH WHEET. Wanted at once. Apply to -OLPB-,-WORTMAN -A-KINO; once. Address Aa-411. Journal. A" girl f6r 366k1ng and gbM- eral housework: Ygytor-st, four adults, too W ANTEDl FURNITURE. 1 HARtw GIRL 6R 6Lb LADy" F6R , U(Sf 7th. A.7 v; . V u u engineer., avppiy nouseworK. can mornings, 469 i r-asi laurrison.t r r' i. - . i 4,t ,,ti-tiw nnn a lj i. j. LEARN -TO OPERATE MOTION PIC- Red; remodellnga speciality. 90 Uth tures. ;Oraduatea nam t9S .waaIi. I at naar Rtarir PhAnA Unt. veer ieam in snort me, terms reasonable. ( WANTED GlRL TO W6RK' In 6W 0 1( $2,000 DOWN. BALANCE EASY terms, takes a fins paying weekly newiaper ana joo piant: weauny, thickly settled agricultural field; splen did opportunity to secure an excellent business. Q-25, Journal. REAL ESTATE OFFICE FOR SALE or trade; ground floor; cheap rent u-io, journal. M. E. Beatty, roojn 302, Abingdon building, offered a residence with three ots and the Wheatland ferry on the Willamette, near Salem, for sale in The Journal and got a speedy buyer for all in the person of O. Leisher, Grand avenue, a Journal reader. Mr. Beatty asserted that he could have sold all four times over, as four intending purchasers responded to The Journal advertisement, and they were all anxious to buy. Mr. Beatty was highly pleased with the direct result and knows whereof he speaks when he credits The Journal with convinciner results that prove it the best real estate medium in Portland. The Journal specializes real estate. The people are educated to refer to The Journal when they want to buy property, knowing it to be the great index t6 the -real estate situation in Portland.- The people- all classes read The Journal for all the news, and it is found in nearlv . I every home in the city, every eveniner-riust the time when - I ..l.. . t-J- i.: i .I , . iu jwpic nie at iirejr-iewarr Bntr-m1- Ifre-pfOpeFTOOQd NEWSPAPER WILL SELL CAPA ble party half interest, either me chanical or editorial end; fine plant and Held. Address K-602, Journal. BEST RETAIL' OPENING IN CITtf: nets $56 per week; no experience re quired; easy work; short hours; owner must leave on , account of more Im portant business In east; $1,100 cash. Address a-zb. Journal, SPARKMAN & CO., 8i MlLWAtfklE" St.. offer for sale 8 or 10 flrst-claas modern homes. We will stake our repu tation as real estate aeaiers mat eacn ana every one or tnese is a bargain; gooa nnignoors: line view; gooa iocs nous; a ana 2 oiocxs or car; i& -miasma service! oon't wait but call at 683 Mll- wauKie st Bparnman & Co. 34-R0OM HOUSE ON WASHINGTON; 2 years' lease; rent $76. 11 rooms on 6th; rent $50. 709 Swetland Bldg, 6th and Washington. HOME BAKERY, DELICATESSEN ana luncn counter ior Blue at a low figure; rent $10, with living rooms; good location; a nice little place for a woman.' Address W-26, Journal. GOING EAST, WILL SACRf Ffcl THE sometning nice. Filley Park Lots $80 and up. Easy payments. Streets graded, water' mains laid, 6o fare. 5 and 6-room cottages for sale on easy terms. Room 487 Lumber Ex change bldg. Second and Stark sts. Phone Main 6854. BY OWNER NEW MODERN", l-ROOM- ana -room nouses, uonaaay park ad dition. Lots for sale. Phone East 2483. R. B. Rice, 690 Wasco st. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR" U car line; streets improved, sewer and gas; lot 60x100; location can't bs beat, price $2,100; no agents. 206 Tay- iur aw furniture 8-room; can Z4Z Madison. $ 6 00 BUYS GOOD FURNITURE OF" 1 6-room transient flat brick; rent $40; lease; see Dement A King, 343 Madison. PARTNER IN REAL ESTATE OF- fice. Call room 10, 142 H 2d st. WHEN YOUClAN SECURE ACRES or gooa lana, witnin s mues or port land, for $400 and fall to do so, you de serve; to pay rent, tne rest oz your Ufa, noom lu, -RooM6bERN t(6usHi. tiMii 166 cash, $25 monthly. Phone East 678. BEE MILLER ABOUT IHAt ""RBJsI- ,2f?ef,rl2t. iS Albt: eay terms. 368 H Washington st, room 12. NEW 7-ROOM THOROUGHLY1 MOb- a"? hXP- nM 'oca"0", cheap. Owner 82 3. c Stilt Sixth Street l0l: clo8e in w,tl hnUding o on half of lot Other half can be used for another building and be mads to pay 12 per cent net. T-26, Journal. 2d st. digest the news and the real estate announcements. i IT PAYS TO BE IN'THE BEST. THEY ALL READ THE JOURNAL , - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE $956 FOR NICB-SIX-ROOM - HOUSE and two lots. 1 block from Mt. Knott car; tzuu casn, oatance mommy, owner, 1,9 ist et. 10 Per Cent Net East side business property, A good Better see this. 26, investment, Journal. ' FOR - SALE 6-ACRE ' CHICKEI? ranch; elose to car; $800 down. $1C -per month. 126-Flrst st JJFOR: SALE - BY OWNER JEtnf- . . . . . . - , sinouy oioaem six-room hOUS" r-ieamont. juasy terms. Phone 226. . .. .. ,!.r:.l.: HOUSE, 6 ROOMS AND BAflEMENiT tet-6xll0, improved atrwetf term mignt taxe vacant lot ror part pay. Phone Woodlawn 1280. - LESS '-THAN CdST NEW 6-R66jI house; two blocks from cars. X-604, Journal. - r- COTTAGE. BATH, FULL LOT. 769 E.' tn st. uo. mature within. : TeL Woodlawn 1836. asWfcat ' TalJi DON'T YOU THINK 10 ACRES ON" ths edge of Klamath Falls, which has ths natttTar Advanttg 6 E DenVef. ' 8poa kans and Salt Lake City combined, of fers a sure rogd to prosperity? We have the land lrrlj ted by the government OREGON REALTY A TRUST CO. 61 Fenton bids 4 ftth sr. BUCHTEL fiSJK A KKRN'8 Ulirm t ciaity of -east side realty, loans, etc 163 K Morrison st A SPE. rentals, 4