The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 13, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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    - V. i A''
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University of Oregon Faculty Christian Scientists to Build
, 3Iay Never 'Keceive Sal- Magnificent Structure
aries Earned. in This City.
Appropriation for Running State Ib',zot;
The Christian Scientists of Portland
are preparing to build a toaanlncentJ
OF. SERIOUS PLIGHT churoh alflce- The-proposed buiwm
wm vuii uuiu fivVfVvv 147 91.V1UW .no
eating capacity of about
1 It will be located on the half
fronting; on tha north aid of
titution Held Up by Linn County J Evaratt street betwaan Eighteenth and
Oraag Teachen Receive Offew I Nineteenth etreeta. which wm bought
mvut. vna h j uy 111. rn.i cnurvu
Of Christ Scientist for 125.000.
Architect I. 8. Brmtn of Chiraao la
preparing tne plana lor tne naw church.
rougn aaetcn or . wnicn nas already
From East. :
without . pay
tot three
submitted to tba building com-
month. , ot V thai collega, yeas, without ? t K-f t"h
lJct of ever receiving aaJar-1 mother church of Christ Scientist, re-
much pros pc
lea for thla pwiod. Is tha Situation con
Icently dedicated In Boston.
Ha bus
fronting the .uUy or the 'Tt'oMJl
of Oregon, brought about by tba alleged I house of womhlu for tha Christian
Jealousy of tbejunn county granges In Scientists or Seattle.
boldlng up tha IUMN stat. , appropria- L-JS- Vmade "for'hi
uon, .. unci Deuro ui mmiwf I completion or tha Portland church and
faculty were compelled to maks a saorl-1 that there will be no delay after con
... ik. V,f thaetat earn to structlon. has once begun. It la probable
; ,7 ' - I that wor will begin on the Portland
weir rescue me uubwi rw u 1 church this rail and that It will ba
talned tha general edocatfcmal eppropri, I completed not later than ona year from
H"l VHUI til .f A Mill IOI 0.WUWVI
rahlp of over)
attendance at
denomination In tha city almost aa
hin. n la uiurwL'ann ai mourn ma 1
big Institution will ba temporarily am- J " ortlanfl I ! has a memb.
.Jl..mA i ia hnnyt a mnmrAv ruAvan I 10'. . with an average
S -Vwb.nth. mon.f!.
Many members of t1a faculty hare re- e"n2,n
col ved flattering of Ana from eaatara I -
colleges at large aavance in salaries,
i7i-Bh Vd-a?ti ,v n0t "I with tha Oregon Agricultural, college)
single one 1 has deserted. . I and that Inatftutlon waa able to save
t T.IV.1. flitaff.
Pronilnent educators In tha wast say
a.-t'iiltwattr-wf ftrrroa b aa sew
pet en t and efficient, a corps of Instruct
or, as any Institution OX Its kind west
of tha Mississippi river,' and tha board
of regents ia fearful that tha continued
disruption of appropriation througji tba
enough money from Its unuaad funds to
erect a oouega ouuaing.
Tba board elected Dr. R. C. Clark, a
graduate of tha University of Wiscon
sin and recently from a Pennsylvania
normal acnooi. to mi tna vacancy or 1
fI!S,VwifiPiSl tha LffoScit! Profeaaor Joaepn fichaefer. who 'will
refrendum will bava tha offset of scat-1 , d the ye4r & Btudy ,n Ml
UTlKiHin'J'-'a. Burgass was elected assfstsnt In
in tha board roeatlnr' yesterday atfter-
nma the reeenta resolved that In caaa
th; jirP'opriatlon was auatalned to pay
the salaries in fuIL , For tha past four
years tha university haa, bad a special
l1rliatlon, In addition Jo tha f 47,(00
, continuing' appropriation, wbion la ai
wava available. . La at year, tha entire
university appropriation reached $136,-
000.' in aaaiuon to- me: i.owu wnun
tha department of rhetoric, to take the
plaoe of Miss Blanche Blgelow, who Is
studying abroad. Miss Burgess took her
first degree at Wellesley and her master
aegree at Kaoniirre. James Gilbert,
who graduated from tha state university
in isoi and irom Columbia laat year.
was eieciea to succeed rroressor J. x.
Brlndley. who resigned In June.
1 j . n r ..1 11 1 . I
. ; " -..L1. -T T I witn the ooara yesterday, stated that
n,,,ini .h- r..r r. tha'nnl Ith outlook for attendance thla fall waa
Purinl.tSf-l'? , a !rt.ntf IWXt with a probable Increase of 15 or
J?'?1.. 5! ,Kr.tA USnr,.a,in, 1 0 par cent In four yeara tha attend
that $18,000 ia required for running ax-1 h.m mTOvn trom ,i0 to iin mU,Atntm
pnsea alone, making the available sum
wholly inadequate. ,.
- rorosd maduettoa of Salaries. '
f it Is estimated that by the first of
October tha available funds will ba ex
haimted, and since the regents bava no
authority to Incur Indebtedness, salaries
' for th last quarter must remain un
paid.' Two years ago when tha appropri
ation waa held up It waa found neoes-
t aary to reduce ail salaries.
1 One of the main objections advanced
ajralnst the university appropriation was
' that It" was not1 itemised. - Heretofore
certain amounts In the budget were des
' lcrnated for certain, departments and
equipment.. The regents time and again
" have, found that it would! be waste of
' the people's money to apply funds where
equipment was - not needed, but were
powerless to devote it where the appro-
priation fell short, .
In proposing the 'measure at this last
session of the legislature It. waa thought
that a board of wholly disinterested per-
amU Ukliru IK. twin A tt wrut T
-1 arivantare than an unacauainted leais-
. lature.- up to tha preaent tlma all un
expenda money of tha university has
reverteM to tba state treasury at the
ance haa grown from ISO to $40 students
of college standing. It is expected this
year the enrollment will b close to 600
The regents present at tha board
meeting were: C. A. Dolph, Judge R.
S. Bean of Eugene. Senator M. A. Miller
of Lebanon, Ramuel H. Friendly of Eu
gene and F. V. Holman and J. C. Aina
worth of Portland. Regents N. L. But
ler of Dallas. J. W. Hamilton of Rose
burg and William Smith of Baker were
After spending three afternoon sort-
ins- out the good and bad polnta of the
Baker automoDiie ordinance, tne meas
ure waa completed yesterday and rec
ommended to the council for oassaae.
Ia addition to the other regulations the
committee decided to fix the 11 vary li
cense at $6 a quarter. Drivers and own-
era will each be required to pay tha
livery license of IS, with a yearly re
newal or i.
vi.'V'Xi V
it 1 -fli t t .';, - ' o-i v , V
liw&wtp til -Jf W
li few 1 P'
Mm) m x
School&its.;'2 If
.I -;
We are ready with the LARGEST and MOST COM-: 1 li. STUL& or owiuuL ouxxo ever snown f
this Citytake time this week and visit our JUVENILE
DEPARTMENT, the handsomest and most comfortablf
shopping place in Portland If you do not find more ,.
suits on our tables than any other store
we will not astt you to purchase.
They are all NEW and FRESH this season's choicest
patterns It is almost needless to say they
$3.95 to $1-5.
So that the Boys may start off for school ON TIME
we will GIVE AWAY with each School Suit AN INGERSOLL
NICKEL WATCH guaranteed for one year.
f, W. C. SOTII,
Every requisite for School Wear, except Shoes, in our store.
T7TT TAV GhlrardelU's
xixmvwx cocoa. They
find It strengthens and for
tit les them to withstand the
trying duties ot their occu
pation, and exposure to all
kinds of weather. The
Ideal preparation for the
day's work Is to drink
fw breakfast
B CUP Of ...
Miss Farnham Writes Short
Article on.Elocution
and Acting.
Marlon Ward Farnham, one of tb
teachers of elocution and acting en
gaged to teach one of The Journal's suc
cessful contestants, has written an ar
ticle for those interested In expression,
on "the art of impersonation." The
article la brief but contains thoughts
that will Interest the general public as
wen as stuaenis or tne arama. it roi
lowa: Tha Impersonator who can! by the
versatility of his voice and facial ex-
New Exchanges and Other
Improvements in Pacific
States Phone Service.
Sold on easy payments at prices less than others ask when
$1.00A Week Will Do,r$1.00
1Z3 Third Street, Between Yamhill and.Taylor ; ;
V 7
a. . s A 1
T s
Marion Ward Farnam, Elqcutlonlpt,
Who Will Teach One of The
Journal Contestants.
presslon make characters stand out In
broad relief, ao that they are as dis
tinct in representation as in actuar life,
la always in demand.
The study and practice of facial ex.
pression is not injurious to the -race.
On the contrary It Is htehlv beneficial.
It employs all muscles equally, gives
a four-sided direction to each detail of
the many changes, and thus establishes
symmetry.-' cans mo 0100a to tne SKin
and beautifies the complexion bv nat
ural laws. Ugly and Irregular faces
become attractive and symmetrical un
der the nractlce of facial exoreaslon.
As In tha development of the aeneral'
r muscular -system 01 xne Doay. strengtn
is acquirea, ao xne xace is maoe strong
and expressive by, practice of Its -.own
Theflrst steps In. Impersonations
should follow direct life. Direct life Is
the ordinary development of years, from jtg pld age. Btranga as. lL.JBy
seem. Infancy ana old age are easily
Impersonated; due -to the fact that we
see both continually. j , ..
The Impersonator of a Frenchman,' of
the Spaniard. Portuguese, German,
Irishman and' many others, has a va
ried and exact task to performs Behind
every type ; of life, there are .certain
fixed rules. 1 For 'Instance,' the pupil
who is learning to Impersonate- asks:
"How shall I. make my face look like an
Irish face?" There Is no such thing as
an Irish face. The voice of -any person
makes tna face. Tba face Is not tha
An improved and satisfactory tele
phone service, a general and complete
overhauling and rebuilding of the pres
nt plant, the Installation of at least
three' new exclfangea, together with
many other special improvements are
among the good things In atora for the
patrons of the Pacific States Telephone
company of Portland, according to X
vision Superintendent Gllkyson.
Mr. Gllkyson reached Portland Mon
day last to take up his duties In tha
office 'which' haa been vacated by the
transfer or J. H. Thatcher to the post
tlon of general agent.' in the future ha
will be the immediate head of the com
pany here and under his personal super
vision all of the improvements in the
nnmnanv and Its service will be made.
Superintendent Uilkyson, according to
his statement this morning, has not
been in the city longp enough to deter
mine just what plans be will follow In
and service. He states, however, that'
the branch exchange at Sell wood will
hn. nut in service, with. 20 .operators
within a month and that the opening of
the exchanges at Woodlawn and Mount
Tabor will roliow as aoon as mey can
be completed. ,
Through a large part of the business
section of the town the overhead wires
and cables will DO put unaer grouna,
specifications and plans for the work
already having been made and approved.
Throughout the city the open wire work
will be torn down and cable lines put
In its place. .
"I waa promised before I came to
Portland." said Mr. Gllkyson," that I
would have the money and the material
at once for the reorganization of the
niant - h,n Tha work contemplated
means the practical rebuilding of the
entire plant, and when it Is done It will
our the company on a high-grade of
efficient service. I came br x.Pc,t'
Ing to establish a etanoara, ana win ao
bo? I want to hold the subscribers now
latrons or the company, ana 10 incrwwo
hA nntronas-e and intend to give SUCh
service as win worit to inai ma. -
Hold on f 0 Your
- V
Why should you pay cash when you can
buy the same goods from us for less
and pay us only a little down, and
$1.00 A WEEK
The enormous outlet in .the wholesale
branch of our business enables us to
undersell even the cash stores in our
retail shops.
COATS In all the new models and swagger ma
terials, very latest style effects and ex
pertly tailored; the honestly best values
in town at $10.00 to $35.00 and you
only pay us a little down, and
$1.00 A WEEK
Slop and Think
A Moment!
The ease of credit is well demonstrated
in our plan of selling clothing for men,
women and children at
$1.00 A WEEK
We satisfy our patrons because ievery
transaction is Confidential, safe and sat
isfying. No charge is made for the
privilege of credit.
Women's Tailored Street
Soils and Coats
New and authoritative styles front lead
ing fashion centers. Smart and recherche
creations of the world's "master modistes
and Sartorial experts. Buy now, pay us
oniy a nine aown, and
00 A Wppk &1'00 A week
NEW AUTUMN MILLINERY Chanr and verve c
1 tiona from the deft fingers and
ingenious minds of clever artists. SPECIAL VALUES AT $5.00,
$10.00 AND $15.00, AT $1.00 A WEEK.
mirror of the heart: It is the muscular
formation of the nesn, aue to me use
of the vocal muscles. ,
When you speak, although tha sound
starts from the throat, the muscles of
the face and neck and cneat even are
moved, in in. um-bw ui
the thickness of his voice raises the
lower -lip, so that in talking, it comes
in front of and above the lower edge of
the upper lip. Try this and you will
notice the sound becomes thick. For
after" you . say "arther," lor, "try
you say "tnxy." ana so on. . -
Th voice of -the negro Js oral and
mouthed.- 'An oral voice is a half fal
setto timbre, carried up and down tha
pitch, and flowing -musically even when
gruff. Mouthing Is Induced by talking
while the Hps are projected, ana omit
tina all hard consonants. The Decul-
liritl of sxprasaion- are- so many tliat
We must study the negro or eisa take
lessons of those who bave- done so.
Thou who mrtt arlftiMl with the fncultv
of Imitating othera are said to be gen
iuses; but the faculty Is often perfectly
acquired by practice and atudy.
.-' r' .' . i mm -T " f
Heavy. Impure blood makes a muddy.
pimply complexion, headachys, nausea.
Indigestion. ..Thin blood makes you
weak, rale, sickly. ', Burdock Blood Bit
ters makes the blood rich, red, pure -restores
perfect health, .
Tomorrow will be a field day among the Chil
dren's Clothing stocks. First and most impor
tant, one of the largest and best lines of
Suits tor Boy and
Dresses tor Girls
That is shown in Portland this : faH by any house,
Distinctive points of style extra good workman
ship, and extremely low prices. Get the School
BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS Suits here for the boys and girls. You can clothe TfOCks and lDmsC$ I
FOR v r them comfortably and well in stylish, serviceable IOr Little Lassies at . n..r--.',i:ui.' J .J i nn ahIh - -
m a A Ifirrff cioining now r ay us a nine uuwn, anu i.w vuit
s)lUU A liJuli a WEEK. ; $1.00 A WEEK
The ew YorkiOutfitting Co;
rn BToma vrsnmv tovx omssrr
xs aooo.
xxTwzisar TAsnriLi.' ajrs xosst
., BOW aTBEZITS. ,. .