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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1907)
1 1 ;THE r OREGON DAILY . JOURNAL PORTLAND FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER ' IS, 1D0T. " f . urn Other Classified Ad- vertisements will be found on pp. 18-19. NEW TODaV Lot 170 Feet Deep I120Q Buys large west ld lot 0 170 on Flm t. south; overlooks rlvr; beautiful site for a home. Her U vr fc lot ard three M the. .In th cur. at luourDan prices. , , . m rnMDTON ' Both Phone. 100 Ablngton Bid. ' j MARRIAGE LICENSES. Warner Stark. S9S Bavler street, 24; lienor Grounei, 1. , R. Leon Janln, 961 Eaet Sixth North, 14: Charlotte I Keep. 82. faenrr Larsen. Warren, Oreron, (4; J Martha (yBracke, 84. ' W. W. Adams, 78 Klllinssworth ave nue Is; Margaret waian. zas. W. H. Gregory. Ilwaco, Washington, , ! Juanlla Fox, 2. 7 C. H. Fimple, 14 Union avenue North, i II; Elisabeth Bavin, i. William E. Olssell. 7S9 Dawson street. ISO: Jennie M. Kllnet, 48. arles M. R(. 887 Union avenue, ii; Alt a Noble, 18. , Charles 8. sutler, id; ana ban. 24. John A. Landls, 0 North Sixth street. 12; Mary Wecklund, 16. C H. Bmlleagh. 76 North Ninth street. 19: Cora Olson, 82. Weddlns; Cards. w. u. mun lo Washington bide, corner 4th and "Wash ington sts. ' Weddings cards the best. 100 for 16. Alvln S. Hawk, 144 2d at. Tonseta & Co., nortats, for flowers of all kinds. 128 th st. Clarke Broa., Florists -Fine flowers nd floral designs. 289 Morrison i I "dress suits for rent, air slses. Unique Tailoring Co., 09 8tark st. BUSINESS CHANCES. 14 ROOMS. OAK FUKNITUREV 1660 20 rooms, well located, 18,660., BO rnorrm. nawlv furnished. 14.260. ' $850 3-room house and , barn, lot 60x100. ,' Will trade for homes and cows. See our list 100 hotels and rooming houses fl 8. ARNOLD A CO.. I61H Morrison st. Phone Main 7811 t6R liOtteL 6V Ui rooms, wltli mr; rooming nouse, one or 05 rooms; nns- oi m rooms, see Lm W. KODertSon, f99 pwwniiuwig. l l 8ALEnEAL ESTATE aGRHAT BARGAINS IN HOMES. m $2.100 Beautiful 8-rbom bungalow; fireplace; complete bathroom; eleotrlo ,VP?Ui . n,c . basement; cement walk. This place Is worth $2,600, but party ..Vi?00"-J-room bungalow In Holladay addition; full corner lot; 6-foot porches on three sides of house; full basement; bath, etc i half canh. I1.7XE l.rnnm hnia katk full upstairs with open stairway; room for 8 large rooma; a dandy place for th money; half cash. -au and see us for homes. F. J. HTEINMETZ A CO.. The Homesollers, 198 Morrison St. m NEAR OVfcRLo6lC ALBiNA. Two nice full blacks: flna fruit: . room rood houses: eitv wtrt etraot graded; $4,000, $4,600;. less half cash; Coraer. block; lawn; Dne -room house anci fine poultry yards; $8,000; GETS HIGH RATE 4 .i vJ' i - British Ship Tola Gets Char ter to Carry Cargo of " Lumber. ANOTHER BIG TRA3IP ENGAGED FOR WHEAT Steamer Indian Monarch Taken by Kerr, Gilford & Co. to Carry Cargo of Breadstuff to Europe No Idle Vessel fin Harbor. Nloomedla, orient. ...... .........'Nov. e. ' . v.. an uair cash, per cent. nne u block. E. 14th St.: all fine fruits: fine 7-room house, barn: a lovelv vuu, nair it of bari acreage and farms noma; 13,900: half raab. ter cent. Fine list of bargains In houses, lots. BIRTaS HANSON September 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hanaon, 109 N. Third St., a daughter. HA IN September 10, tt Mr. and Mrs. Halns, 623 N. Twenty-sixth Mrs. John W. L. a non. BARBOUR July 16. to Mr. and William C. Barbour, a daughter. CHAMBERS July 11, to Mr. and Mrs. George M- Chambers, Seattle, Wash., a pon. GREBE INVESTMENT CO., Room 6. 221 14 Morrliinn St. C. L. PARKER, REAL ATE" AND insurance, r. v. pox Z7, WoodstocK, Or., phone Sellwood 621, has been estab lished In real estate business In Wood stock for the last five years, and la therefore well acaualntad with nron- erty values in Woodstock, Tremont Place, Tremont Park, Avonla. Germanta, Lenox and vicinity. His list of houses snd lots Is very complete, and persons wishing to buy can be assured of fair treatment. He has several rood bar gains In houses and lots now on band, upon reasonable terms. Take the Woodstock car which will land you at his office door. His office Is not oDen on Sundays. READ THIS AND TllEN LOOk ME UP" f- $2,l- for- O cttages- reotnar all Fiasierea, nearly new, colonial porch; rult of various kinds, on corner, 2 blocks from 2 car lines, 20 mlntues' ride, or will sell separately; the best bargain In Portland; terms easy. A. 8. uraper, 343 H Washington st, rooms 3 and 4, corner 7th. DEATHS If YOU HAVE 300 CAgk'JIKb WANT a nice -room cottage, 16 minutes ride from center of city, you can have it dv caning on a. c. Huribert, 268 Stark at Price $2,800: must have $300 at once; 88x100 feet of ground; 1 block irom car. zou starK st and new and up. J. modern E. ERICKSON September , Charles J. Erlckson, aged 31 years, 6 months snd ft 1 ... A , T tm Ano-AlA. nnftiltnAnla DEITRICH September 12, Martin Delt- bert, 266 Stark st rich, aged 71 years, 4 monms ana Jays, 627 Roselawn avenue; senile decay. GILHAAI September 11, Frank F. Oll- ham aged 47 years, 6 months and 8 Baya, '21 Hood street; parenchymatous nephritis. NELSON September 8. William Nelson, aged about 64 years, at St. Vlncant's hospital; acute congeatlon of lungs, HUTSON September 11. Emery Hut son, aged 8 months and 10 days, 642 Fifteenth st. S.; enterocolitis. ERICKSON At Los Angeles, Cal., Sep tember 6. Charles J. Erlckson, form- rly .of this city, aged 31 yeara, 6 months and 24 days. Funeral notice hereafter. A FINE FRUIT FARM, 8 MILES FROM Vancouver; modern house, 110 acres m.ouu caan win nanaie tnis. J. c. Hun LOST AND FOUND. BEAUTIFUL HOMES IN BOOMING SUverton for sals by J. E. Hosmer, piivenon, ur. Lots to build on at $4b6 and tJP homes from 81.260 Hosmer. SUverton, Or. MUST SACRIFICE AT ONCE, A FINB H-acre. 1 block car. Mount Soott line, peaAnabel. Owner, 86 E. 7th st. Phone r.asi am. FOR SALE FARMS Z. & V. FARM BARGAINS. 100-acre farm adjoining Monmouth corporation limits; fine soil, plenty of LOST ON FULTON CAR. THURSDAY evening, purse containing money ana far tickets. Return to oaahler Journal .fflce. Reward. HE Li WANTED MALE ----Cr---- -, WANTED TEAMSTERS AND LABOR ers at Anderson's brickyard, Denver and Bernard st. GOOD OPENING FOR BOY IN PRINT- Ing office; splendid chance to learn trade; 26 sier week to start. Hawk, 144 ra st Alvln S HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED LADY TEACHERS. APPLY this evening from 6:30 to 9 o clock, 146tt let St. Wanted reception room girl state salary expected. journal. Address L-26 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. JANITORS, BY MAN AND WIFE. IN large rooming house; would invest $2,000, If proposition good. 0-26, Jour rial. COMPETENT BARTENDER position, city or small town. N-26. Journal. WANTS Address SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE, ELDERUY GERMAN LADY. THOR' oughly experienced, having had charge . of one of the leading hotels here, wishes position as housekeeper for hotel or private family, or similar work. Ad ilreas K-26. Journal. RELIABLE WOMAN WANTS ANY kino of work by day. P-26, Journal. WANTED TO RENT BY OCT. 1, 6 OR 7-ROOM MODERN house with yard; eaat side preferred. W. A Blackburn, at Studebaker & Bros. Co. Fnone 81 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND - HAND PLAT- ' 1 -m a A S 1 -ii- " " ii i -.;--,-,- . i .i ' i '' . . .,. URNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. LARGE FRONT AND OUTSIDE SUN- ny rooms, steam neat, rree Dams, leg Lownsdale, near Morrison. FURNISHED HOUSES. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, CHOICE location, east side; for six months. Phone East 4669 after 6 o'clock even In gsorSundaj FOR REN HOUSES 8-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN; 2 CAR llnes and walking distance, E. Harri son and 11th. Inquire. Phone Sell wood 69. BUSINESS CHANCES. $260 TAKES LARGE, WELL ESTAB llshed paying cigar, confectionery store; fresh stock; splendid fixtures; great bargain; elegant store and rooms: rent $1$. 13 Williams ave. Take U car. OREGON LAWYER WANTED I have a good proposition for the right man; must have $2,600 and good habits. J. E. -Hosmer, SUverton. Or. 4-CHAIR BARBERSHOP FOR SALE, cheap, If sold at once. 64 4th st. WANTED PARTNER IN REAL ES tate business to show Property expe rience not necessary. $260 cash. Room S. 225 6th st ; water; will grow anything; nearly new o-room nouse ana all kinds or outbuild ings; nearly $2,000 worth of stock and machinery (list in office) go with place; price only $7,600; easy terms; number of photographs In office. 700-acres farm located about three miles from Cottage Grove, on the South ern P&oltie railroad: 260 acres In culti vation, 260 more easily placed in culti vation; bdoui 3,000,000 zeet saw timber on place and plenty of spring water and open pasture; one new 8-room house vuw iivw i-i uum ciuuBB, new unrn, 66x126, hay barn, 60x60, and a number of other outbuildings; price only 330 jier acre, una terms. ZIMMERMAN A VAUGHAN, Room 803 Buchanan bldg., 286 H Washington st. $4 acres, all rood soil, all fenced and cross-fenced; 4f acres cultivated; good orchard, some full bearing walnut trees, loaded with nuts; good 7-room house, barn and outbuildings; running stream of water; 3 cows, 8 heifers, 4 hogs, binder, mower, rake and other farm tools; 10 acres In potatoes; 20 tons hay In barn; nicely located at station on electric car line, 10 miles out; nice, level roads; a good farm, well located and where values are steadily Inoreasing. HENKLE ft HARRISON, ' 217 Ablngton Bldg. 6 ACRES, CLEAR, GOOD SOIL, $600. 10 acres, 6 clear, and timber, 21,400. 10 acres.- improved garden soil. $2,000 20 acres, all dear, improved, $2,800. 20 acres, fine orchard land, $1,800. 40 aores, spring, fine soli, 32,000. 40 acres, good potato land, $8,600. rAKMKHS' LANU CO., 208 3d 8t Confirmation of the charter of the British ship Tola was - obtained this morning, It being announced that the vessel will carry lumber to south Af rica for the North Paclfio Lumber com pany. She Is to get 10 shillings per thousand feet, which Is said to be the biggest freight ever paid for lumber out of tills port for that destination. Shipping men, however, are of tho opln Ion that the Yolas owners closed a poor deal In view of the fact that they could have gotten 32 shillings per ton for wheat to Europe. The charter provides that the vessel shall commence loading at once or as soon as she can be properly ballasted. This will only take a few days sines she Is in condition to begin receiving the gravel immediately. The xoia ar rived here February 16 with general cargo from Antwerp and has been lying idle at the elevator duuk ever since' emptied of her lnwsrd freight awaiting a favorable engagement She was the only disengaged vessel in tho harbor and wheat exporters were In clined to bid a premfdnt- for- he-hut the owners refused 82 shillings a couplo of days ago when the offer to haul lumber to aha dark continent was laid before them. The finally accepted It when the charterer hit the high water mask, but even so it is figured they would have driven a better bargain bad they -accepted 82 shillings for wheat, which Is practically the same as 60 shillings for lumber. The advantage In having accepted a wheat cuarter ' would have' been found In the smaller cost of loading and bet ter chances of getting business upon arrival at her destination, two very Im portant items In shipping. According to the usual war of figuring, the Yola will receive $18,760 for hauling 1.260, 000 feet of lumber to south Africa. For hauling a full cargo of wheat to Europe at 82 shillings a ton, she would receive $18,800, or $60 more than for lumber to south Africa and save about 31.200 cost of loading the cargo besides having the advantage by going to Europe of having no trouble getting a cargo for this coast or some other distant port whereas south Africa has nothing to offer except a run in ballast to Aus tralla for coal. Another large tramp was reported chartered today to load wheat for Europe this fall. She Is the British steamer Indian Monarch, 2,818 tons net now on the way from Newcastle, Australia, to San Francisco with a car go of coal. She was taken by Kerr, Glfford & Co. which firm engaged the British steamer Strahenrlk yesterday to carry wheat from this port to Europe Another British tramp to load wheat here for Europe Is the Parkston, now en route from San Francisco. ':H; Yessela In 2ort. Yola, Br. sh ......,,,.. . .Elevator dock Dalgonar, Br, sh. ..... . . .... . .Oceanic Bee, Am. son.,., Willamette LAB. Wks oisra, ur. sn.,,..,.jr-oruana Lumoer co, Conwav Caatla Br hk. .Columbia No. 1 King Cyrus. Am. son........... Astoria Beulah, Am, sch .Astoria Vlncennes, Fr, bk .Columbia No. 1 North King, Am. tug........... Astoria Anieiopa. Am. sen root of Lincoln St Nicholas, Am. sh, ...Astoria St Louis, Fr. bk... ....... Centennial Compeer, Am. soft .........Astoria Btrathness. Br. as. .Portland Lumber Co, North Star, Am. tug.... ...Astoria Americana, Am. sch.,, Vancouver Gardiner City, Am. bktn. ....... .Stella CoL de Vllleboie Muriel, Fr. bk. Bunkers rtonoipu. Am. sen westpor; Oliver J. Olsen. Am. as. . .Tongue Point Kva, Ger. ss , Flour mills Berlin, Am. sh...... Alblna Kalomo, Br. ss..... Alaska Glendale, Am. sch.... Astoria Wrestler, Am. bktn Llnnton Wallacut Am. barge..... Stream Johan Foulsen, Am. str Oceanic Redondo. Am. ss Couch Emily F. Whitney, Am. bk. . .On way up Grays Harbor. Am. as.. Will. I. S. wks Bants jruta, Am. ss. rortsmoutn Atlas, Am. ss. Llnnton City of Panama, Am. ss......Alns worth Salvator, Am. son. Astoria Alllanoa, Am. ss Couch st Breakwater, Am. ss Oak st . Xiwabei Carriers 29a stoat. Thomas L. Wand. Am. str. San Francisco Susie M. Plummer, Am. sch, . .Guaymas Lettltla, Am, sch San Francisco Annie M, CampbeJ, Am, sch San Francisco Glendale, Am. sch;.. .....San Francisco Mabel Gale, Am. sch San Francisco Andy Mahoney. Am. sch.. .San Francisco W. F. Garms, Am. sch , .San Pedro Virginia, Am. sch Port Los Angeles Lskme. Am. ss San Francisco George Loomia, Am. as.. San Frsnolsoo Aureus, Am. ss San Francisco Sb stoat Wltk Oemsat wad OeseraL Buccleuch, Br. sh.. Hamburg L'renn. Fr. bk .7 Hull Europe, Br. bk Antwerp Genevieve Mollnos, Fr. bk.... ..London Rene Kervller, Fr. eh Hamburg Laennec, Fr. sh Swansea Le Filler, Fr. bk London Martha Roux, Fr. bk Hamburg Mosamblque, Br. Samoa, Br. D bk Newcastle. k Shields Thiers. Fr. sh Newoastle. E. Marechaei Turrene, ft. dk. ..namourg Ville de Mulhouae. Fr. bk Antwerp Ouethary, Fr. bk Antwerp Ptsrrt iuir T. CIC. ,... .Antwerp Walden Abbey. Br. sh Antwerp Glenesslln. Br. sn Antwerp Versailles, Fr. bk ..Lelth General de Bolsdsffre, Fr. bk. .London General de Negrier. FY. bk London Bayard. Fr. bk......... Antwerp Vllle de Dijon, Fr. bk Antwerp Alice Marie, Fr. bk Antwerp Eurene Rergallne, FT. DK Antwerp H. Haekfleld. Gr. bk Honolulu Arctic Stream, Br, sh Rotterdam Crown of India, Br. bk. .... .Antwerp Cornil Bart, Fr bk t Antwerp Jules Gommes, Fr. bk Rotterdam Edward Detallle. Fr. bk Antwerp Coal Ships Jtn Xonte. THREE COASTERS ARRIVE. Steamers Alliance and Breakwater in Port From Coo Bay. The steamer Alllanoe. Captain Olson, returned from Coos bay this morning, bringing e, full cargo and all her berths occupied. Included In the cargo was 2,300 oases of condensed milk, the largest shipment of its kind ever brought here for transhipment east. Captain Olson says the Cons bay people gave the Alliance a royal wel come when she arrived there In the early part of the week, after her non appearance for several weeks on ac count of having been laid up here for repairs. They said that without the periodical visits of the Alliance, the growing city appeared lonesome, as they have now become used to having two regular boats to Portland, ana cannot do without either of them. Ef fort will be made to get the Alllanoe away for Coos tomorrow night The steamer Breaxwater, captain Magenn, will be In the harbor from Coos bay this evening. She reached Astoria this morning and left up about noon. She, too, is expected to bring a full cargo and all the passengers that her berths will accommodate, because traffic between this port and the Coos bay county Is heavier than ever. The steamer City of Panama. Cap tain Nelson, arrived at Alnsworth dock late last night from San Francisco. She encountered fine weather and made the trip In a little better time than ordinarily. She brought a full cargo and a full list of passengers. There Is talk of having the big t ra irhtrtr Avtjk. arrt An th. Pnrfl.nrl.Rftn ARE CONSIDERED RARE Francisco run r a while to help move of the City of Panama could not con firm the report Belen. Fr. bk Claverdon, Br. ah.... Wlllscott Am. bk.... Port Patrick, Br. sh.. St. Mtrren, Br. sh.... Crillon. Fr. bk Ardencralg, Br, bk... Eugene Schneider, Fr. Buffon, Fr. bk Castle Rock, Br. sh.. Red Mil. Br. ss. ... ... Knight Templar, Br. 'iymenc, Br. str. , . . . Newcastle, A. , .. .Newcastle, A. ....Newcastle, A. . .. .Newcastle, A. , .. .Newcastle, A. . . .Newcastle, A. . . . .Newcastle, A. bk. Newcastle, A. . . . .Newcastle, A. Sydney, A. . . . .Newcastle, A. sa. .Newcastle, A. K! . 1 . l y merit-, or. ii .newa.iio, w. Henry vlllardi Am. str. . .Newcastle. A. Thordls, Nor. str Morovan, Japan Homeward Bound, Am. bk. Newcastle, A. Emily Reed. Am. sh.. .Newcastle, Aus. Ancalos, Br, sh Newcastle, A. Brlieux, Fr. bk Newcastle, A. Tramp Steamer 23a Scute. Else, Nor. ss 8an Francisco African Monarch, Br. ns Japan Inveran, Br. si Port Los Angeles Ferndene, Br. str San Francisco Terje Vlkon, Nor. ss San Francisco Admiral Borreson, Nor. ss San Fr. Barkston, Br. ss San Franicsoo Stratjienrlk, Br. ss San Francisco Indlilh Monarch, Br. ss...San Francisco Oil Steamer 2ne. Maverick, Am. ss San Francisco W. 8. Porter, Am. ss Gavloto Col. E. T. Drake, Am. ss. .San Francisco En Bout la Ballast to Ztoad Grain. Gael. Fr. bk Puset Bound Turgot. Fr. bk Puget Sound Mlltonburn. Br. bk Santa Rosalia Dumflreshlre, Br. eh.. Port Los Angeles Sully, Ft. bk San Francisco Celtlo Chief. Br. sh Honolulu Admiral Comeullar, Fr. bk San Fr. Strathgryfe, Br, ah.... , ...Callao Castor, Br. sh , Valparaiso NoemL Fr. bk... Seattle Alsterksmp, Uer. sh Caleta Colosa Schubek, Oar, bk..'. Valparaiso MARINE NOTES Astoria, Or., Sept. li. Arrived down at 4 a. m. Sohoner Compeer. Arrived down' at t a. m, and sailed Steamer Roanote, for San Pedro and way ports. Left up at S a. TO. Bark E. F. Whitney Arrived it I l m. Schooner Mabel Gale, from San Pedro. Arrived at 11:10 a m. Steamer Breakwater, from Coos Bay. San Franoisco. Sept. It. Sailed at last night Steamer R. D. Inman, for Portland. Astoria, Or., Sept. 13. Arrived at 13:30 and left up at 2:40 p. m. Steamer Alliance, from Coo Bay. Sailed at 2:20 p. m. Schooner Alice McDonald, for Redondo. Astoria, Or., Sept. 13. Condition of ths bar at 8 a. m.. smooth: wind south east six miles; weatner, clear. Tides at Astoria today: mgn water 4:27 a. m.. 18 feet: 4:28 D in . 8.4 feet. Low water 10:22 a. m.. 2.6 feet; 11:27 p. m.. ,g root. HISTORIC nOUSE TO BE PLACED ON MARKET From the Westminster Oasette. The report that Orleans House, Twickenham, Is to be old presumably to the speculative builder will bn re- eeived witn reelings or consternation by all those Interested In the preserva tion of historic sites. The present house, which 1 designed after an Italian model, was built by James Johnstone, secretary of state for Scotland, in the earlier years or tne eighteenth eentury. The large ootagoa room at the end of the bouse was erected especially for the entertainment or queen Caroline, consort or ueorge li. Maokey in his "Tour 'i n rough t-ngiana," (published In 1720), says that "Secre tary Johnstone bad the best collection or limit or most gentlemen in angiana, A . t . ( J T a .m, L. I .,1... ina Aiiai uw Ilu liuya. lit ma iu... froni which he made some hogsheads of wine a year; and that Dr. Bradley, In his "Treatise on Gardening." ranked him among the first gardener In the kingdom.'' The house, after passing through a succession of owners, was rented by Louis Philippe, King of the French, on his arrival In England from New York In 1800. From Louis PhlllDDe's resl- OWiCa-lt flertve snodsra- asms ol "Orleans Hons." The estate was pur chased In 1846 by Lord Kllmorey, from whom It passed Into the possession of the Due dAumale, who added a picture gallery and library. ANDIALS CAREFUL OF FOOD THEY DEVOUR Nature faking aside." said John Lover, the Zoo keeper, "mice won't eat oleo. It is a fact Lay a pat of oleo and a pat of butter aide by side, and In he morning tne putter win De gone, dui the oleo will remain untouched. "Oh, yea, some animals sre Incredibly nloe about their food. The otter, when llvlnr wild, will only eat one piece, one mouthful, out of each fish he catches. He will land a beautiful trout but only one bite of It, from the back just be- hand the neck. Is good enough for him. The rest he tosses aside. This epicure often kills a dozen fine big trout to make one meal. 'Chimpansees have very delicate tastes. A banana or a pineapple that to you seems delicious to a cnimpansee may be revolting. His taste Is keener. Grapes grown In hothouses where sul phur fumes are used as an Insecticide taste all rient to a man, dui a emm name will have none of them. rne lcnneumon luves eiRi. nv turn tell a fresh from a stale one simply by tapping the shell. STRANGE MISSION OF TWELVE TABBY CATS From the Globe. Twelve cats embarked on Saturday on board the steamship Klncralg, at Victoria docks. London, bound for In dia, on the strangest mission on which cats ever went They are going to miiks a flrht asralnst the plague, and to try to succeed where medical sclenoe nas met witn not very great success. The cats were embarked under the care of the Salvation Army authorities, and came from a oats' home at Ham mersmith. '' They ar being lent t the army colony at Muktipa, under the spe cial care or, a Russian member of the army. ,, - ... -" 'V; Bach eat has a Mparate cage. Their menu on the voyage 1 likely to meet wtth their entire approval. Large tins of sardine have been taken for their exclusive use J as well as tin of her rings, 1$ large Una of condensed milk, some tinned New Zealand mutton, 40 pounds of rloe, and, among a variety of other delicacies, several boxes of puppy biscuits. " ' If ths experiment Is at all successful, more cat may follow. The plague commission in India proved last year that plague 1 spread by rat flea. The cat wllf, it la hoped, gradually kill the rats, and thus eventually terminate the cnier medium dv wmca tne oaciuu is oommunlcated from one being to an other. , But it remains to be seen whether or not In killing the Infected rats the cat will themselves get the plague, snd ons bacteriologist ha given it as his opinion that the liability In this re spect I very great CRITICISM OF WEALTH. IRASSrORTATIOX Lofr Rates From the East Philadelphia Newspaper Objects to A bus of the Honest Rich. From the Philadelphia Ledger. Mingled with the arraignment of Ill gotten gain there Is much canting criti cism or all wealth. The man who rises from poverty to Independence by honest dealing, so far from deserving envy, hatred and all unchaiitableneas is en titled to public respect It is the duty of the poor man, so far as In him lies, to improve his estste. It la as incum bent upon such a man to accumulate money honestly as It Is upon the igno rant to gain knowledge. In the railing accusations sgalnst wealth in certain quarters It Is assumed thst all fortune are In aoms sens "tainted." The vir tue of wealth turns upon the mean by which It Is acquired and the use to which It is applied. Daring ' September and October, the Great Northern railway will sell colo nist ticket from all eastern- point at greatly reduced rates. ww Tork to ortla4........f SO.OO Boston to 2orUad m4H.4" Galea; to XHnrUaad.. S33.0U t. past to Jortlad.... . ' Miaaeapollc to Vortlaadl Snlnth to IorSland. . . . aiona City to 8rrsk4. Proportionate reduction from other point. Now Is the time to send, for your frlsnda. Order for ticket will receive prompt attention. ' Additional Information on application to H. Dick-' son, C. P. A T. A.. 122 Third street, Portland, Or. Phones Main 180. Horn A-2286. ;.T"V -.. S33.0O "H.... 25.00 COOS BAY Weekly Freight aad Passsags errlo of the rim toamshly Breakwater Leaves YOmTX-tlTD rvsry iCoaday, tiOO p. nu,4 xrom oaK-rareet sooa, ret EMPmE NORTH BEND "AND MARSHFIDUD Freight Received Till 4 p. m. on Day or sailing. lAJtB lrom Portland, lat-ataa. SI 0.OO! fa-el. 17.00. Uela&ijur Wrtu and meals. Inquire City Ticket Offlo. Third and Washington sts., or Oak-street Dock. wobt-c PAcrno srsiAictr-cxp 00,1 STXAJCaOEZPS Roanoke and Geo. W.Elder Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles direct every Thursday Uln m Ticket office 122 Third .near Aider. POesTXuUTD AJTD PVOT SOTOR . BOUTS S. S. " Redondo" Bailing from Couch street dock. Fort land for Seattle, T acorn a. Everett and Bellingham, September 18 at . p. nv PBXIO-CT . Connecting at Seattl for Noma. Golofnlnln, Bt Michael, Chena and Fair banks with steamers Pleiades, Hyadea, Lyra, Mackinaw, Ohio. Schubaoh 4k Hamilton, General Agents Seattle, Wash. F, P. Baamgartner, Agent. Portland, Couch street dock. Phone: Main 861; Home A41ILs i Ho! For Astoria O 9 FastSteamerTelegrapIr Daily (mpi Thnrsday). Lve Alder street dek I fc a , arandays a. sa. fl rwB-4 tstxv Colombia Diver Oceocry 8U4tinkATOm zin vnuxatM,- - Dally sands tirssss Part-Mi4 4 Th' Dsilss, esetpt Sssssy, Isavts PettisM I s. SI, krrtrlsg boat I f. a. irrs frsifat ss sssnussra SplsadM sesesisiMsi Uoos ftw setfita ass nvesteefc. . Ones tBKt at lldar at Partialis I test mt Csert st. The Dallas. Phaa Wsls S14, Pertlaad. What sa Weak lan? No man Is stronger than his weakest part - Pew men have perfect strength. f FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CHAS. E. TORK, 227H STARK, MUSIC and band instruments: expert re Dai r- ing. SILVER CENTEE CENTS 66 WanPAd Rates One cent per word or six cents per ie, aany or unaay. Seven insertions for the price of Count five average words for the first line a nit six average words for each line thereafter.. Combination of figures or Initials count as on word, .'a . .. . ;.,-.-.. j:-i Special rates on contracts -for one month or longer. A: telephone call will bring a classified ad man to JOlXti Offlo. - .i . jc ,; : . Phone Main 7if3, or ; :5r'fidme7A - 3230 A curious cent, dater 1782, which has come Into the hands of a ooln dealer. Is said to represent the first attempt to strike a coin of this denomination at the United States mint at Philadelphia. On the obverse Is a rather uely head of Liberty to the right, with hair flow ine behind, and below, in small flcures. Is the date "1782." Around the border Is inscribed "Liberty Parent of Science St Indust" On the reverse is a wreath, enclosing the words "One Cent," with "i-iuu" Deiow, ana surrounding the whole central device Is the inscription unnea estate or Amerioa." Ths Piece is much smaller than the ordinary colonial cent, being about the size of the half cent struck in the year following. It 1s composed of copper, but before placing the blank in the coin age press a small plug of silver had been inserted In the middle, and the rarity now is known to coin collectors as the "silver centre cent." It Is said the Intention in putting in this plug of silver was to bring up the intrinsic value f the coin to exactly one cent it is thought tnat tne cent was- the design of a blacksmith named Peter Gets of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, a self taught engraver, who was employed at the mint when that institution first be gan operations in 1792, and who cut the dies for several bther varieties of the early coins. The same design was struck In plain copper, but without the sliver plug, and this variety too Is very rare. The inscription on the obverse of the silver centre cent Is the same as that borne by the interesting "dlsme" and "half dlsme," also struck at the mint In the same year from Washington private plate, the head of Liberty on the two latter coins being posed for by Martha Washington, it is popularly sup osed. The latter coins also are rare, ut do not compare In scarcity with the silver centre cent, of which only five are known to be In existence. A fine specimen brought $160 at the Smith sale a year or so ago. white regularly struck and issued by the United States mint engravers, still the silver centre cent was for some reason rejected by the authorities and so never got Into general circula tion, f j This particular specimen had been in th possession of a small country mer chant for 40 years, and he was over whelmed with surprise to learn that th coin was regarded as one of the rarest of th United States coins. . ; N ' A Golden CXuuice, ' , t)istrict Attorney Jerome can confer a lasting favor - upon a - decent-minded public by pulling off the Thaw trial while New York Is enjoying the obscur ity which telegraphers' strike grant, WOULD RAISE OSTRICHES. Captain Pennicnik of the Yola Talks of Retiring From Sea. Captain Pennlcuik, master of the British ship Tola which was chartered this morning to carry a cargo of lumber from this port to South Africa, says that he Intends resigning command of his vessel upon arriving there, to engage in ostrich farming. An ostrich farm, says the skipper, comes nearer to being a Paradise than anything he could think of. "I am a great chloken fancier," said the skipper this morning to some of his friends, "but chickens are not a circum stance to ostriches. By Jove, I could raise Just as many ostriches as chickens a year and just think how much larjrer the birds are and the eggs. Then a follow could get a decent breakfast for sure, and not have to fish around a plate, for half a dozen little bits of tiny things that make one hungry eat ing em. "I know a Dutchman in Scuth Af rica and I bet he makes $1,000 a year raising ostriches, an' he can hardly speak English. Now I can speak not only English, but a little Kaffir too. so I can't for the love of me see why I shan't feather my nest from the .profits of an ostrloh farm.' Captain Pennlcuik has a large chicken farm In England and sails the Tola more for pastime than anything else. He carries a few choice hens with him on his travels around the world and they seem to do well on the deck of the Wind jammer. MARINE INTELLIGENCE Begular Liners Pu to Arrive. Breakwater, Coos Bay. ... . . . ... Sept 1 3 R. D. Inman, San Francisco. .. .Sept. 15 G. W. Elder, San Pedro and way Sept. 16 Arabia, orient Sept. 17 Costa Rica, San' Francisco .Sept. 18 Alliance, Coos Bay .Sept. 18 Roanoke, San Pedro and way,. Sept. 24 Johan Poulsen, San Francisco. .Sept. 25 Nloomedla. orient ....Oct 1 Alesla, orient. Oct. 2 Numantla, orient .............. .Oct 20 - r Begular Xlners to Depart, Alliance, Coos Bay. . . . ....... .Sept 14 Redondo, Seattle ............. Sept 15 Johan Poulsert, San Francisco, .Sept It Breakwater.. Coos bay. ....... .Sent 1 G. W. Elder, San Pedro and way.Sept 19 Arabia, orient Roanoke, Ban Ales la, orient, Make Mistake- Consult a live, wide-awake specialist about your case one who has ex perience, skill and ability, on who can give you the best treatment to be had on th Pacific coast, regardless of price. We cure men, and have cured more cases of weakness and special ailments of men than any other specialists in Portland. If you do not know what the trouble Is, consult us free of oharge and find out Is Seek Help Where It Certain to Be Found This institution has built up Its splendid practice more by the free advertising given it by its PERFECTLY SATISFIED PATIENTS, who have received the benefit of its modern, sclentlflo and legitimate methods than in any other way. If you are not a perfect man come to us. Isn't It worth the little time it will take when you are CERTAIN that you will have the benefit of HONEST. SINCERE physicians who never attempt to deceive you in any way? A consulta tion costs you nothing EXCEPT your own time. 87 Tears wsperiaee. OUR FEE $10.00 fistabUshed 17 Tears la Portland. Consultation Free W Win Treat Any Single Uncompli cated Ailment for $10.00. Absolute Guarantee ISo Pay Unless Cured Saa Francisco. ....Bept 21 1 t r.j .;. s . . ... . Sept 25 M Pidro and way.,.8ept 28 VL t. . . . .......... . . . .Oct 1$ X We cure safely and nromntly WEAKNESS, LOST MANHOOD. SPER MATORRHOEA, SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON IN ALL STAGES, VARI COCELE, HYDROCELE, GONORRHOEA, GLEET, . OR ANY OF THE DISEASES COMMON TO MEN. Personal attention given all patlenta In selecting a physician or specialist, when in need of one, some consideration and thought should be given to the qualifications, experi ence and length of time an institute or' medical man has been located In the city. It stands to reason that an Institution that has stood the test of time and numbers its cures by the thousands is far superior to mushroom institutions that spring up In a night, last a few months and are gone. We have been curing men 27 years and ar the oldest spe cialists curing men In Portland, ....... ' WB invite those who have dssp-seatsd and ehrosie disorders to call and be examined. Consultation and examination is free, aad carries with it no obligation to engage oar ssrvioes. ' Oar offices are equipped with the most' modern and scientific me chanical devices for the treatment of chronic diseases. Our charges are reasonable and in reach of any - worktngman. Write If you cannot call. Our system of horn treatment is always CERTAIN and most successful, .All correspondence sacredly confidential. HOURS 8 a. m. to ( p. m.; Evenings, 7 to 8:80; Sundays, t a. m. to 11 noon. ' ..: - DR. TAYLOR The Lcidinf Specialist If I were asked to point ont a man In full and perfect strengtffT wouia not iook ior one with the largest muscles, the strongest frame, nor the ablest in physical endurance. It is true that strenirth of the muscles, cords and sinews must be built upon the foundation of. a gooa vitality, out on tne other nsna it is most easily undermined when the vitality is impaired. I would rather choose a man that X knew had true vigor, that I knew had undergone no early dissipation. war naa no spermatorrhoea, varicocele or hydrocele, and who was not. suitering irom any latent disease such as contracted disorders' and. contagious blood poison. Men who sre free and clean from disease and weaknesses of this special nature have better vim, more energy i j ...i . . t . r m. .mi vimiu, aim vui sLujinjjnsii most in crery neia oi enaeavor. WeaRness Wrecks Men's Lives Many a youth of splendid promise has failed because of some weakness the nature of which made him delay seekincr medical aid. until it had become serious, and greatly injured his life's opportani- tics, i nave seen tnousanas oi tnese cases, ana nave neard the story of their suffering. Usually there is also a history of incompetent' tteatment by family doctors, patent medicines, electric belts, and nn-' principled meaicai institutes ana so-called specialists." - , Get the Best Treatment First I have been treating Men, and men only, for nearly 25 years.' . I have an established reputation in Portland, which I hold as a priceless asset, l unocnaKt oniy curaoie cases, ana wnen 1 promise a cure I guarantee it, and my business standing and bank references assure the patient that my guarantee is absolutely binding. I do not think l can show better taith in my ability and methods part my unqualified oner uj patients to ,i Vl PAY WHEIt CURED ' . MY FEE in Simple D isorders 310 Why Pay More to Others of Less ex perience and Skill ? ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURQICAL; DISPENSARY cosines rectoro jurn yaxbtll btkexts. romTZvAirs, o&xaoir. . pot J Wak;rie Functional weakness in men is In reality a comparatively simple ailment, and Is but a symptom of local disorder, a state of chronic in flammation of the prostate gland. No stimulating treatment, whether internal or locally applied, can do more than excite a temporary ac trivlty. By my system or looai treatment I restore absolutely normal conditions throughout the organs involved, whion promptly result in complete and permanent restoration or strength and vigor. This treatment is original with m. nd Is the only radical and certain cure yet devised. Varicocele Varicocele is relaxation, knotting and twisting of the most vital blood vessels of the .organic sys tem. It stagnate th local circu lation and interfere with the pre-; cesses of waste and repair.: Neglect brings derangement of funotiona and injury to the general health Most physician resort to surgical operation and hospital . treatment. i ear varicocele without opera tion, pain or detention from bust. nesa jay cure ar absolutely pBnuiuieni ana nn in srreots wnat ever can follow my treatment, v -t Contracted Disease) IN 1 I hav reduced th tim rqu!rd for curing contracted disorder noom on nair. This is an im- Sortant achievement. It replace anger with safety. V It forestall chronic complication. It removes the infeotion and Inflammation be- iore tnat vital center, the pros tate giana. . can : become involved. To many men it mean the differ ence Detwssn psrrsct Health and a lifetime of misery and functional weaKnes. - My method 1 mine alone. MT , treatment Is oiislnal. In some features it resembles the ordinary, in it chief essontiat it 1 different In results It 1 en tirely different. It I sar, prompt and .thorough.;.i,i.f:3:;c--;---:' Th above, together with Organic Weakness. Nerve Debilitation, Lost Vigor, Specific Blood Poison, Suio ture. Piles and Reflex Ailments, constitute my specialty and ar the only diseases I treat EXAMINATION FRCU I offer tint onlv FREE Consultation and Advice, but of every (" that comes to me f "Will make a Careful" Examination and Dia. n t without chars. No ailing roan should neglect this oiipnrtunJo' 'J ' .expert opinion about hi trouble. all day. from a. nv to 9 p. m. and Sundai from 19 to 1. We DOCTOR TAYLOf. CO. 5 834H ' lCorrtsom Ft, Corner gscond. Tl