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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1907)
: '. ' TIIE OREGON. DAILY TjOt 1 H S: MS s aw S i y V y tmT W -Jt 4:' 1 9 : FIIIF: VHIR'i ; : ( the These are a few of the . .( HMMMi .V; ..'. things you can do with Beau Brummel" Burglar Sentenced : for Stealing Silverware From. ' Levy Home-Had Bad Criminal Becord in East. r 4ud Harry Lenta, known as ths "Beau Brummel burglar," ' was' sentenced to tlve years In the penitentiary by Pre siding Judge Clelond In the circuit court tbla morning; (or stealing a Urge quanti ty of silverware from the residence of' B. B. Levy on Lovejoy street. Lents had nothing to say why he should not b sentenced, but his attorney made a to the court for lenlenoe. ' Id response to a question from the Judge, Lents admitted that he had been convicted twice before, and bad served i time zor eacn conviction. Xaa Bad fast fcsoord. Through the enterprise of Detective Bellyer, who arrested Lents, the eon. vlct's criminal record In the east was obtained and submitted to the trial Judge ' to assist him In determining the pun ishment for the burglar. That Lenta is not a novice In the ' housebreaking business Is evidenced by " a communication received from William " B. Watts, chief lnepector of the Boston follce department. According to this etter. Lents' true name Is Charles B. Borden, and his aliases in Massachusetts were Harry H. Wayne and Charles L. ., Lane, tinder the name of Lane he was sentenced to 14 months' In the Massa chusetts reformatory from Bristol, on June 1, 100. for burglary. He was also convicted in the superior court or Springfield of larceny from a dwelling and sentenced to the state penitentiary for five years on September 9. 1S02. BeUere Womaa Was Kere. The ctlme for which he was com mitted to the state prison was the loot ing of the home of A. M. Stone, 204 Sumner avenue. Springfield. At the time of bis arreat Lents was In the company of Laura Colvllle alias Bnell, alias Etta Davenport. Upon being searched a number of pawntickets for property stolen from dwellings and Fawned by himself and the woman were ound In his poaseeRion. It was also learned that he had dlpoeed of a large Suantlty ef plunder to True Brothers In prlngfteld. . Lents operated In Denver, Colorado, under the .name of Harry Sanford, ac cording to Chief of Police M. A, De laney of that city, and stole a type writer from the home of Rev. Klsner, which he afterward sold to a second band dealer. It Is the opinion of Detective Hell- ?er that the Davenport woman was In his city at the time of the looting of the residences of ft a Levy and M. Baruh on Lovejoy street and escaped with the silverware taken from the lat ter home. From Lents' methods of operation In Portland and the character of plunder be secured It Is thought that he Is the burglar who committed a number of crimes In Los Angeles. 'A woman an swering the description of bis former consort Is understood to nave endeav ored to sell a number of furs to a local dealer and -the articles correspond to 1hoe carried away In the southern Call- f ornia city. An urmiit set anil sealskin muff stolen from M. Baruh were turned over 'to the police by Attorney Moon, who . . T - . - hit, ltnliitAlv An ' Clue has been discovered to the where abouts of the missing silverware. De tective Uellyer is still working on the case and It is believed he has received Information as to the hiding place of the plunder. NOT A SINGLE TRAIN AEEIVES ON TIME THE METROSTYLE j i i ! i I mA. YOU CAN PLAY some of the compositions for which Paderew- ski is famed In concert, according to , Paderewski's own interpreta tion, and so certified ove his own signature YOU CAN PLAY Moszkowski's Valses, just as the clever and versatile composer Intended them to be played. YOU CAN RENDER Richard Strausi' "Traumerel," with all of the delicate tempo shadings which Dr. Strauss himself has em bodied in the Metrostyle line. under the tui conductor has YOU CAN STUDY the music-drama "Parsifal," tlon of Alfred Hertz, for this famous Wagnerian tnetrostyled his interpretations for the Pianola. YOU CAN ENJOY Chammade's dainty salon music, giving the different compositions with the subtle effects which the composer herself has decreed essential .to a proper rendition. YOU CAN PLAY Beethoven's great "Fidelio" overture with the aid of the authorized interpretation made specially for the Metro style Pianola by Emil Paur, the eminent Beethoven authority and former director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. YOU CAN PLAY Chopin's "Black Key Etude" and many others of the master' compositions, with all the ritardandoes, accelerandoes, etc., which distinguished the public performances of Harold Bauer, the eminent virtuoso. YOU CAN PLAY Sousa'i favorite march, "The Stars and Stripes Forever'' with the characteristics and mannerisms which have made America's foremost bandmaster famous the world over. All these thlnms and other similar pleasures unlimited are possl- th i any ble to owners of the Metrostyle Pianola, and are not possible wi other make of piano-player. Investigate the player-piano matter thoroughly hear them all give each its full share of credit for such ability as it may impress you with and then hear the Pianola. It will prove a revelation to you. Visit our store and hear this marvelous player today or any time at your convenience. There is only one make of genuine Pianola, sold only throughout the Pacific northwest by The House JF Jr Biggest of Highest VyJ Busiest Quality piZZliehteir and Best PIANO, ORGAN AND TALKING MACHINE HEADQUARTERS 353 Washington Street, Cor. Park 8AN FRANCISCO, SEATTLE, TACOMA, SPOKANE, BOISE 40 STORES CALIFORNIA TO ALASKA I r V f f f I 4 Northern Pacific No. 1, due at 7 o'clock, arrived at 7:10. Southern Pacific No. It, due at 7:26, arrived In two sections at 7:45 and 8:50. 4 O. R. & N. No. 8. due at 8 o'clock, arrived at 9:30. O. R. & N. No. 5, due at 9:45 4 o'clock, arrived at 1:45. Astoria & Columbia No. .21, 4 due at 12:10, arrived a few mln- 4 utes late. 4 O. R. ft N. train No. 1, due In 4 Portland last night at 8:20, 4 duplicated Its feat of the night before and arrived more than 4 nine hours late, running into the 4 union depot at 5:30 o'clock this morning. Train No. 12 on the Southern Pacific, due In Portland last night at 7:30 o'clock, did not ar rive until 4:30 o'clock this morn ing. The delay was caused by the dining-car and several coaches running off the track between Coles and Siskiyou. The derailed coaches ran along the ground for several hundred feet before the train' was stopped.. No one was hurt PRESIDENT INSISTS UPON GOOD HUNTING Teddy Appreciates Would- Be Hosts by Doubting Their Word. a am . m . m i I J mm mm mm mm maa j The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 80 years, has born the signature of and has been made under his per J1- sonal supervision since its Infancy. f4Mc4t Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good "are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of (United Preei Leaatd Wire.) Oyster Bay, Sept. 12. President Ronseveit will accept an invitation to wind up his southwest trip with a hunt In Louisiana, if be can be convinced that there Is any game there worth bunting, early in October. The presi dent says he' has been guaranteed good hunting, but he does not care to dupli cate bis Mississippi hunting experience. HOST SEVERE STORM VISITS THE SOUND 8pedal DLptteh to Tbe Journal.) I Tacoma, Sept. 12. During one of the I heaviest atorma, .itiun(ier. wind T $mA hall that has ever visited this vl I - ; ; taltjr tha , city ball and the county V V i '' courthouse towers were each struck by I bolts - of t lightning yesterday. The courthouse Is surmounted by. a granite tower, which Is the pride of the city and is one of the most sightly archi tectural -columns in the, northwest. The lightning hit the top of the tower, ran down to the Interior of the building and there - a tha Irnn fnmavftrlt f th ievat6r' aftaf,T down ;whlch It 'X' i-.. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Twtj cstTAwn eoMpsutv r? MwiifiAV rrnceTTs new ora V9 Tllf STAND THE TEST Don't buy cheap eastern trunks, but let us show you something 000 trunks to select from. OufipeW" THE POIVTLAND TRUNK MFG. CO. IOJir Credit (S Good 1 54 Third Corner Pin 107 Sixth Near Stark followed to th ground. It burned and blackened the woodwork of the-build-in a -with which it came In contact to such an extent that the structure ap peared to .be on Are and the Janitor turned In a Are alarm, It waa -during the. noon hour and tha few people, who were In the building were panlo stricken. J. E. Hall, a meter reader, was stunned in the city ball building by the lightning running down through the structure. He was sitting In a chair telephoning at the time and the force of I the shook kaocked him from the ehalr. a mi I I ! ' " 4BMh ISAMGAM F. Everybody -s TalMn, BroSo IFridlaY Bargains Sensational doings here all the, time-we are not, afraid to cut prices. Tomorrow is another day of 6pcclal bargains bargains that are fas centering here, all the trade of those that want the most for their money. Being in a position to buy for cash and sell strictly for, cash enables us to sell on a closer margin than credit houses. We ask you to compare-our prices and quality of goods with those offered by any of our competitors. A Great Solo of CMldren's 'School Stocking These Prices for Friday and Saturday Only Wonderful Price Reductlona on the Most Serviceable KindsNo offering could be more timely than this splendid sale of Children's Hosiery which begins here tomorrow morning. Here are exactly the kind of stockings needed for school wear In both light, medium and heavy weights offered at sensational reductions from reil value reductions which are made possible by our enormous purchasing power fo cash in the best markets of the world. We cannot urge you too strongly to come and share in the savings. If you neglect to come youH do an injustice to your purse. Children's French and Silk lisle Stockings, Best 35o Grades, 25o Children's fine, rib Stockings in French lisle and silk lisle, made especially for girls, all sizes, high grade stockings thst are fully worth 3ic a pair; specially priced for this sale at, Por Pair 25o Box of 6 Pairs 01.35 Children's Fine Cotton Stockings Best 25o Grade, 15o Children's fine cotton Stockings, made to stand hard wear, reinforced heel and toe, fully worth 25c a pair; specially priced for this Sale Per Pair 15o Box of 0 Pairs 75b Children's Iron Clad Stockings Best 35o Grade at 25o Children's Iron Clad Stockings, extra heavy and strong, made with double heel and toe, absolutely fast black, the best wearing stocking made, made especially for boys; all sizes, specially priced, Per Pair 25c Box of 6 Pairs $1.35 Children's Fine Cotton Stockings ; Best 20o Grade, 12io Children's medium weight cotton Stockings, in 1-1 and 2-1 fib -excellent wearing quality, fast black, all sizes for boys and girls,. beat' 20c grade; specially priced for this sale, ' . Per Pair 12io Box of G Pairs 680 Our Ever Popular Women's Ready- to-Wear Section Offers You Exceptional Bargains In seasonable garments. We mention only a few of the many excellent values awaiting your inspec tion. While the values offered here on this day have come to be looked upon by every prudent wo man 01 roruana ana vicinity as auoruina savings out of "the ordinary tomorrow's savings will be extraordinary SEE THESE IP YOU ARE IN TERESTED. Lawn Waists 75o Last day on white Lawn Waists at half price. We have selected for tomorrow about fifteen dozen in five different styles, ranging in price from $1.25 to $1.75. Some of these waists are embroidered fronts, others are trimmed with embroideries, TC, laces and tucks. Choice Bargain Friday I JC Lawn Kimonos 35c There are several different styles to select from, some are fitted, others are loose. Materials are fine lawn and batiste in polka dots and floral designs. Regular 65c to 75c values Bargain Friday, QC special JIC Sateen Petticoats 77o These Petticoats have deep flounces, finished with small ruffle and half inch braids and dust ruffle, generously wide and good quality cloth. Good 77 values at $1.00. Bargain Friday only I I C Children's Caps 35o New fall Caps at special price. Broadcloth Caps for boys and girls, made with visor and trimmed with silk band. Colors brown, navy, red and OC black. Best 50c values Bargain Friday ODC Children's Dresses 25c These Dresses "are for girls from 2 to 6 years, made from outing flannel and flannellettes, dark and medium colors in plaids and stripes; worth OC up to 50c. Choice tomorrow only WC Walking- Skirts $1.77 j These Skirts are worth regularly $3.50, but owing to some being slightly imperfect we will offer them tomorrow at half price. Made from good quality worsted material in grey, plaid and di 'J'J stripes. Bargain Friday only plel a Still Greater Values in Domestic Section FOR BARGAIN FRIDAY SELLING. Tomorrow there will be a special sale of goods wo men want for home or wear right now, and the prices are about one third less than what you pay regularly. Get your share here tomorrow, prices have been reduced like this: Wool Finished Suiting's 13c4 Instead of 18c This item will be of special interest to every woman who has fall sewing to do about 50 pieces new Wool Finished Suiting, this season's patterns, in a great variety of checks, stripes and plaids in medium and dark colors, an excellent winter weight fabric, suitable for wash suits and children's dresses, regularly sold at 18c a yard specially priced for Bargain Fri- t ItlW Bath Towels Beat 18c Grade, 13e Full bleached Bath Tow els, absorbent and dur able, good weight and size, 20 by 44 inches; splendid values at 18c each; specially priced for Bargain Friday day at Pillow Cases Best 16c Grade, 13 el Pillow Cases made of very durable fine soft finished muslin, good large size 45 by 36 inches, extra' values at 16c: specially priced for Bargain Friday j Art Burlap 13e Instead of 18c Art Burlap of standard make, good weight, full 36 inches wide, comes in all the best shades in plain colors, green, red, blue, etc.; suitable for wall and floor covering, draperies, etc.; regularly sold at 18c a yard. ; Specially priced , O, for Bargain Friday at............ .UC Curtain Swiss 13 Instead of 17c 36-inch White Curtain Swiss in a large assortment of attractive new patterns, dots in all sizes, figures and stripes, dependable quality, always sold at 17e a yard. Specially priced -1 Q for Bargain Friday at.... . . . ... ,. ; . . . ... IOC Greatest Bargains in the Newest Dress Goods and Silks A first glimpse of fall beauties underpriced. Another fortu nate chance for those who have dress goods or silk wants to filL Think of buying the new est kinds and best qualities at from one third to one nan un iter nrevailinff nrlcesi That'l just what you can do here to morrowregular 91.00 ana i3 grades, Friday only. CSe all 52-inch Jamestown Suitings 46-inch Novelty Panamas 42-inch French Novelties 40-inch Dark Ombre Plaids On sale tomorrow only at this price. New Scotch Mixtures 7Se Grade at 49e 54-ineh new Scotch mixtures, nobby new fabrics for fall and winter wear, a full line of attractive pat terns to choose from in colors grey, brown, blue, etc.; excep tional values at 75c a yard; spe cially priced for Bargain AQt Friday at 1i7C New Black Henriettas Best 65c Grade at S8 38-inch Black Henriettas, one of the most Dooular fall fabrics, war ranted all pure wool, rich deep black, spot proof and service able; regular 65c grade, spe cially priced for Bargain 00 Friday at JOC Genuine Buckskin Taffeta Silk 85c and $1.00 Grades, A most extraordinary offering genuine Buckskin Taffeta silk, the best and tinest tatteta silk made it will wear as well as its name indicates; made of the purest of silk, rich elegant fin ish, hierh luster, comes in all the popular new shades, brown, blue, ereen. tan. grey, cream, black, etc.; sold everywhere" at 85c and $1.00 a yard; specially priced for Bargain Fri- CO day at VC Yard Wide Taffeta Lining Silk FRIDAY ONLY a Yd Every Yard Fully Guaranteed Special introductory sale to morrow, 36-inch Taffeta Lin ing Silk, warranted not to cut or break, a very solid tight weave, that we can recommend for all lining purposes every' yard fully guaranteed -eemes all the new shades of brown, red, green,, blue, tan, lavender, oink. light blue, cream, black. etc.: other stores ask 75c for this quality. Our special price CQ Bargain Friday...... , .. . .UOC Extraordinary Bargains in - Children's School Shoes Misses' School Shoes AQn Best 81.50 Grade at vUU Misses' Vki Kid and Kangaroo Calf Shoes in new up-to-date styles. We have sold thousands of pairs at 99c, but never before have we offered such bar gains as these. We guarantee the shoes to be made of all solid leather counters, inner soles and goad heavy outer soles; the vamps are full length and run in under the tip and lasted down to the toe, giving them double strength and double wear. Other stores are selling these same shoes at $1.50 a pair; flft all sizes up to 2; specially priced tor this sale, eesC Children's Shoes Best 75o Grade 47c Children's Shoes of best standard make of fine Vici Kid, both lace and button styles, medium weight soles; all sizes from 2 to 5; best 75c grade, AH specially priced Bargain Friday at. "I C Children's Shoes Best 81.25 Grade 67c Children's Shoes in a half dozen styles, Red Vici Kid, black Patent Leather with white and blue kid top. Black vici kid trimmed in white and red and black vici kid in fancy inlaid scroll effects, all are made with hand turned soles, with and without heels, sizes 2Vt to 8, best $1.25 grade. Special Bar gain Friday Ul C Muslin Wear and Corsets SPECIAL FRIDAY BARGAINS To please the most critical and exacting buyers and satisfy the most economical. Each one a special purchase and as we bought so shall we sell Note these savings x Outing . Flannel Gowns 40o ; ' ' Women's Gowns of good Quality outing flannella Jiink and blue stripes. Our price on these garments or tomorrow is less than cost of material off AQg, the piece. Bargain Friday only...... ....... iJC Corset Covers 33o Large assortment of beautiful Corset Covers, made from nainsook and trimmed with embroideries, laces and ribbon. Regular 50c values. Friday spe- OO cial at ...OJC Muslin Drawers 38o Ten dozen Muslin Drawers having wide embroidery' ruffle. Regular 50c quality, Friday special Sateen Aprons 2 60 . These Aprons are made from fine black mercerized sateen, wide ruffle all around, two pockets and strings. Very good values at our regular 35c Oil price. Bargain Friday only mUC Summer Corsets 25o ' ' Closin out Summer Corsets at half rice.!: These corsets are made from good ouality nettinar. boned with steel and have stitched straps. Sizes art 18, 19 and 24 up to 30. Bargain Friday special Ml ' i ft i I,,' Pillow BufHinr S9e Instead of 75c Good quality scrim pillow mf ling in neat dainty patterns and ftu the wanted col ors. Regular. 75c values, special Bargain k OQ Friday at. . . .. ........ .'. . , t , .. ,..Oi7C Embroidered Doilies 9e Instead of 20c Special offering of 12-Inch doi- lies, emoroiacrca aesigns, witn piain anaiacs centers. Specially, priced for Bargain Friday at. C Long: Suede Gloves 01.4.0 S Extra specidria, Gloved length mousquetaire suede Gloves in black, navy, grey and green. . Worth $2-25 pair Bar CI H gain , Friday tjiisj-jjjt ,. ? . . Back Combs -4VInsteadf-f 5c Special -ffsring pf "? fancy back Combe in medium and heavy stylcn tne new goia emDossea oesigni; rcg. price 75c and $1.00. Special Bargain i nday.. - j "JC. UsIs T4ssai Wftit nn if . . 15c Tooth Brushes, Friday onfy............. 75c Strap 'Purses, rriday on!y...,....i UP