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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1907)
" Tlffi OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1007. ; s 5 If Town Topics 3 I ! LI IQMGUT'S " AMUSEMENTS. IeMg "Merry Wive of Windsor" larquara ....... ."The Bohemian Olrl." her ...... "Tht Woman In the Case." mnira ........... ..".A. Texas Rinr.r" Grand Vaudavllla mo , . . . , "Forty-Nine." BT ........ Th ntfr nf Naw Tnrk." The Oaks O. W. P. carllna Baseball ..Twenty-fourth and Vaughn, at I o'clock. , t . I ID Mra. Fred Holt of Coburg, Oregon, re. nemberi that her .father mined In the placers and hills of Siskiyou county, California, In the early days, being one of those who took from the earth more than $15,000,000 In sold that was buried along the creeks of that section. In a letter to the Champion GFroup Mining company, dated September 9, Mra. Holt incioses a remittance xor a diock or Champion Group stock, and aaya: "I feel aura the mines are what you adver tise them to be, for my father .mined mere in eariy aays, ana ne aawaya said: There is more cold left there than ever was taken out.' I hope your mines will turn out all right, and f have so much confidence that they will that I have been persuading friends here to likewise invest in your ana res. The manage ment of the Champion Group would be alad If every nerson in Oree-on knew these mines and this minlnar rerlon is wall aa those who have mined there. If !4ey did we would aell every ahare of tock we have on the market in the next 14 hours. We well know their worth. and so confident are we of their excel lence that we will pay the railroad fare to our mines ana return or any person purchasing any considerable amount of iock, ana ir it is round mat any part or any of our advertisements haa portrayed meir worm in too glittering terms, we win promptly return to such person every dollar invested with us. Our stock is now selling at 50 cents the share. It will be 76 centa within a few days. The company's headquarters are in the tjoucn Duuuing, Fourth ana wasning ton. , The United States circuit court of appeals for the ninth circuit, with Judge William B. Gilbert and Judge E. N. Rosa on the bench, convened and ad. Journed this morning without transact ing any business. The next session of ... tha aourt will ba held In flaa Fraaoiaao October 7. Judge Ross, accompanied by Clerk Frank D. Monckton, will leave for San Francisco tonight, and Judge Gilbert wUl follow In several days. Judge Marrow, the remaining judge of ' the nlnthAclrcult waa not present this morning. He waa expecting to attend the sitting of the court at Seattle this week, but failed to arrive. He haa been In New York treating hia eyes and will be able to attend the October term of court in flan Francisco. A strong effort is being made to get Grand avenue, between Belmont atreet and Sullivan's gulch, in passable condi tion before the rains set in. The block between East Alder and East Washing ton streets la now being paved and as quickly as a 18-lnch water main can be laid along the avenue to the west that portion will be paved also. The dis agreement between the streetcar com pany and the council over the intersec tion of East Morrison street and Grand avenue has not been settled, and it la probable that the crossing will not be paved before winter. petition for an allowance of 1600 a month from the estate of H. W. Goode for the maintenance of herself and two children was filed In the county court this morning by Mrs. Edith F. Goode. She alleges that the property of the estate that is exempt from exe cution ts Insufficient to support her self and children for a year, but that the estate is amply large enough to pay all debts and exDenses-of adminis tration and permit an allowance for support, sne asks tnat she be given " all the property that la exempt from execution. Your Linen Is either the pride or the bane of your life! Let ua taka oare of it,, and you'll always be proud of It No smudges, nor streaks, nor tears, ; nor broken banda, nor frayed edgea everything Juat as you want It Drop us a postal card telling ua when to oalL UNION LAUNDRY Second and Columbia, Telephone Main If I. namq of the theatre will be changed to that of the Bakel- theatre. ME Baker will remain in Denver until he has formed his new company and put it to work. It la the Intention of the Port land manager to form a chain of Raker stock companies throughout the northwest The Swedish Lutheran Evangelical association will celebrate the laying of the corner atone of the Augustana church, corner Of Rodney and Stanton avenuea at I p. m. next Sunday after noon. The aervlcea will be In charge of Rev. C. J. Renhard, chairman of the Portland district. An address will be made by Rev. B. S. NystrOm of Brush prairie. Washington. Musio win oe furnished by a male quartette. Suit against the Portland Railway, Light ft Power company for IS, 4(6 dam ages haa been filed in the circuit court by L. Swerdllks. a peddler. Swerdllks aflecea that on Julv 26 tils' wasron was struck at Third and Arthur atreeta by u atreetcar, demolishing the wagon, frightening the horse and throwing Swerdllks to the ground. He saya he was earning $40 a week before the ac cident i A stubborn fire in the brush on Sherrett avenue, Sellwood. yesterday afternoon called out the firemen of hose No. 4, who after a. hard fight .suooeeded in putting out the blase. The high wind prevailing added . to the difficulty by scattering the flames. The fire waa caused by some children playing With an old atove back from the street and when first noticed the blase had gained , considerable headway. THAN ESARET.10RE HALF- DONE Engineer , Modjeski Says Year Will See End of Work. GOES DOWN NINETY FEET UNDER WATEB Personal Inspection of Construction Made by Consulting Expert of Portland & Seattle Railway Port land Climate Pleases 111m. An appeal to the circuit court has been taken by Joseph D. Kelly, whose license aa a physician was revoked by the state board of medical examiners July 26 because of his alleged connec tion with Fer Don. The medical board found Kelly guilty of unprofessional conduct by employing a , "capper" or 'ateerer in the person or er Don Kelly also gained some notoriety by prosecuting Dr. unitary. Panton for assault and Joaeph Tiram, a guest at the Rheln hotel, 282 Front street, waa found dead In his room last night. Tlmm, who was a laborer, complained of severe pains in the chest yesterday and waa unable to leave hla bed. As Tlmm did not re spond to repeated knocking at the door of hla room last night an entrance was effected by one of the hotel employes ana tne man was round lying dead on the couch. Death is supposed to have resulted from natural causes, and al though the coroner took charge of the remains an inqueat will not be held. An autumn sale of diamonds and dia mond Jewelry will open tomorrow at Leffert's Jewelry and diamond .empo rium, 272 Washington atreet, just east of Fourth. A score or more of special prices are quoted today In a four oolumn announcement. The buyer for this establishment -is the same as for Leffert's, the largest store of Council Bluffs, Iowa. 4' yu need a diamond this Is your opportunity, for Leffert's are showing a magnificent stock of mounted and unmounted diamonds. Judge Gantenbeln at 10 o'clock last night discharged the Jury in the case against John Conrad, a disagreement having been reported. The case was given to the Jury yesterday afternoon at 6:30 o'clock. In a short time the Jury returned to ask additional instruc tions, which were given. Four hours later they reported that they were un able to agree. Conrad was tried on tho charge of permitting his wife, Essie Watkina, to remain in a dlaorderly resort. The trial of Malcolm Macauley on the charge of embecsllng $3,000 from the Oregon & Washington Lumber eom- any was begun before Judge Ganten eln in the circuit court this morning, "acauley was formerly bookkeeDer and cashier for the lumber comnanv. Th prosecution is helm conducted by Dep uty District Attorney Gus C. Moser, and M. L. Pipes. Macauley la defended by Attorney Henry E. McGinn, A. Berger. a recent arrival in Port land, who haa an art atudio at 64 H Wa.hln.tnn at.Mt nfta 1nat cnmnlfttArl a life-size portrait: in oil of Judge George H. Williams, wnlch is considered a remarkable likeness. The painting la being exhibited in the studio show-window and attracts the attention of nearly every passer-by. Mr. Berger has de cided to locate permanently in this city. The local chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy will meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:S0 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. H. Duff, 136 North Twenty second street. The meeting was to have been held at the reeldenea of Mrs. Syl via W. McQulre, but she haa been called out oi tne city. Our fall stock of woolens have ar rived, and we make any suit in the house to order for 126. No more, no less. This is something no other firm In the city will do. when people look here they never order elsewhere. There Is a reason. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark, near Sixth. Pleasing pattema in fall and winter wear are waiting your inspection. Get something that Will make the other fel low green with envy. Elegant suitings and overcoatings In great variety. Prices from 325 to 350. J. C. Sohaefer & Co., tailors, -23 Washington street. Elmer Lin, a Chinese, IB on trial be fore a Jury In Judge O'Day's department of the circuit "court today on a felony charge Involving Alma Church, aald to be a "white slave." The Jury was drawn this morning and the taking of testimony waa proceeded with tms afternoon. i After a week's lnepfloft, . of the bridge construction work nnder way by the Portland A Seattle Railroad com pany In the vicinity of Portland, Ralph Modjeakl, consulting engineer, left to day for Chicago. He said the two bridges over the Columbia and Willam ette rivera are considerably more than half completed, and that both will be finished in less than a year from thla date. Mr. Modjeakl first came to Portland to Inspect the proposed sites two years ago. Since that time an Immense amount of caisson and foundation work haa been done. The piera deacend 30 feet beneath the water, and when com pleted stand about 20 feet above the surface. Thev are now built to various heights above water, and will aoon be ready for the superstructure. Does Sown Into Caisson. The only serious delay encountered has been In the matter of receiving atone for the work. Only one man has been lost thus far by mishap In the construction work, which, considering i the stupendous character or. the 'com bined, structures, la regarded as re markably good fortune. . Mr. Modjeakl yesterday made a descent of 90 feet Into one of the caissons personally to in spect the kind of rock used. "I have now made about 10 tripa to Portland and. it is, in my opinion, one of the most delightful climates in the world," he said. "I always feel glad to get here. I have heard It said back east that It la .always raining here in Oregon. So far aa my experience goes the contrary has been tne ract. The weather, with two exceptions, haa al ways been good when I have vlalted the state." Quebec Bridge Collapse. Asked regarding the cause of col lapse of the great Quebec bridge on the evening of August 29, Mr. Modjeskl said no one knows, and It probably never will be known what the real cause of the disaster waa. While he would not commit himself directly, It was appar ent that he regarded it most probable that there was a defect In the ateel structure where the buckling of the lower chord of the bridge occurred. He said Theodore Cooper, consulting engi neer for the Quebec bridge, is a man of high professional ability and expert Judgment. "I feel extremely sorry for Mr. Cooper. He has been In poor health for some time and unable to give as much personal attention to the work as he otherwise would have done. Tho calam ity is, I believe, the greatest that ever occurred in the bridge-building profession." J. J. Davis was awarded Judgment against E. F. Riley, F. B. Riley and the Clackamaa Title company for 1672 by a Jury in Judge O'Day's department of the circuit court yesieraay anernnon. Davis brought ault for commission on the sale of real estate. It is In everybody's mouth. Children Just love it It is the talk of tho town. It makes the weak strong. Everybody is talking about it It Is ooa enougn xor int wnno nome. Vhat? Of course. "Golden Grain Granules" the 100 per cent pure cereal coffee. Water through hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks or washing porches or windows must be paid for in advance and used only between me hours of S and a. m., and C and 9 p. m. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waate fuily, it will be shut off. Pstreet between Washington and Stark. Mrs. Kountree has given up housekeep ing and sold her collection to Mr. Jonen, who will resell these baskets without reserve, and all interested are invited to call and see them, whether wishing to purchase or not. Penny Bros.' Friday Special. Our 31.60 grade of California wines at 31 per gallon. J. AV. Harper Bourbon whis key, regular 34.60 at 33.60 per gallon. Friday only. Phone East 287. Free de livery. 379-381 East Morrison street. It is expected that the largest crowd of the season will attend the food show Friday afternoon, aa the management has arranged to give a full sized pack age of Jello with each paid admission. We sponge and press your clothes and shine your shoes, all for 31 per month.- Main 614. A-4314. Wagons run everywhere. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. Suit for divorce from Michael RIeff has been filed in the circuit court by Effie Rleff on the ground of drunken ness and non-support, iney were mar ried In this city in April, 1906. Today is Astoria day at Golden Grain Granules booth. The Astorlana will find the pure cereal coffee very fine drinking. "Everybody is talking about it." Every one paying admission to the food show Friday afternoon will be given a 10-cnot package of Jello free at the Jello booth. 32,660 will buy, for a few days, a frac tional lot on carllne, wlth house rent ing for 326 a month. Inquire of Seng stake & Lyman, 90 Fifth street. Max Smith sold out the Savoy res taurant to Mr. R. Ktcsendahl, all bills included September 6, 1907. Mail to 88 North Sixteenth street. George L. Baker will leave for Den ver the first of next week where he has leased the Jlvoll theatre, in which it is his intention to install a stock company similar to the organization now playing at tho Baker theitre in this city. The W. C. Reimer has been annolnted as- dnrk at n. m. sisiani iiorarian oi me munnaman ihw library at the courthouse. Reimer is a ?oung law student who recently came o Oregon from Iowa to study at the University of Oregon 'law school. Steamer Jesse Harkins, for Camaa, Washougal and way landings, dailv ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington atreet Mrs. Rountree's collection of Indian baskets, which is known to every col lector and contains some very old and rare specimens. Is now on exhibition at the store of I. Leeser Cohen, 111 Sixth Woman's Exchange, 133 Tenth street lunch 11:80 to 2; business men's lunch. Lies in the difference between your income and your expendi turcs. ' The more your income exceeds your outgo, the more rapid your advancement toward competency and wealth. Make it a point to save a portion of your income. The best way is to deposit your total earnings in a strong bank and pay an your dims Dy cnecK. Your bank book and canceled checks will keep you informed as to your financial standing and you will be able to tell where every cent has gone. If you are inclined to be the least bit provident, this will result in the reducing of extravagances, in the practice of econ- y and thrift and ultimate success. ir - : t r:i i i i x .-i .HOmiil II i.LiH.1, I Ml J... ill ,.. ..I I. imt 'I'. i.iinli... iiijil , .1 ,i ill... ,1,1,1,1m, I. 1. 1 i. . i Acme Oil Co. sell safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East 789; B-1007. E. W. Moore, expert photographer, Elks' building, Seventh and Stark sts. Dr. Casseday, eye. ear, nose and throat. Glasses fitted. 617 Dekum bldg. The band played "Annie Roonev." now it plays "Golden Grain Granules. ' Diamonds, Watcnes Beck's, 206 Alder D. Chambers, optician, 129 Seventh, Berger signs 284 Yamhill phone. Bark Tonic for rheumatism. BRILLIANT J?R0GEAM Frank Hemstreet, Baritone, of. Hew Tork York to Be Introduced. Music lovers are to be entertained to night at the Taylor Street M. E. church by Frank Hemstreet, one of tho best known baritones of New York City, and Arthur Longwell. who will play the celebrated Artlsano, the newest of the players. Mr. Longwell wilt Introduce the Artlsano, the now product of the A. B. Chase -company, and this is the first tinvj , that the public of Portland will have the pleasure of witnessing and hearing a grand piano with the Dlaver mechanism Inside of it. , The rxgram will be espeeialy Inter esting and varied, embracing classical as well as popular numbers. Want to Buy Hojtae. , Must be modern, seven or eight rooms, lot hundred feet eqiiare. first- class neighborhood r 8100 to 2300 down. balance $50 monthly. . Address E-26. Journal. Ice. Vor lee esll Main 234 or A-824L DeUyary company, I SI Stark at. Ice Best for Style and Quality sUpI New Shades The Peer of All $3.00 Hats S. W. Corner Fourth and Morrison EHMANN . OLIVE OIL Our Guarantee ' We guarantee "'that the Khmann Olive Oil Is a pure and" unadul terated California Olive Oil and exclusively of our own manu facture. If any adulteration can be prov en In the Khmann Olive OH we will pay $1,000 to ' anyone sub mitting such proof through a ohemloal test, and pay for the teat Cleanliness and purity are the essential features of our product Ehmann Olive Co. Bold by D.C Burns Company Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 110 TXZmS BT, rOBTLAJTB. ss1B'SaaJtjpSpMt Sew-w"'wwSa-"'1-"'11""1 " BEILIG TBEATKE ft-? . voaifH, I" O'olcc. Tomorrow and Saturday Nig hta, With a Special Price Matinee Saturday. ,i. ,..,.,., ravm aAtmm s. la Shakespeare's eDllghtful Comedy. tn KEBBT WZTXS OT WntBIOS." Mr. James as Talstaff." fl v f 4NU CV SJUW 1 HISS VHIV $1.00 to ISo. Beats selling at theatre. MARQUAM OR AN D fMaln , .. The California Presenting the Moat Tuneful of all Comto Operas, The Bohemian Girl" Tonight and remainder of week, matt- neee Saturday and Sunday. Evening, 26c, 60c, 76c Matinees, 15a, 60c. OAZJTOXJTXA XOTBU. TONIGHT- TONIGHT PIANO AND SONG RECITAL Given by Mr. C. Arthur Longwell and Mr. Frank Hemstreet Both of New York. Taylor Street Methodist Church Corner Third and Taylor Streets AT 8 O'CLOCK Given Under the Auspices of SHERMAN, CLAY C& CO. "The House of Quality" Corner of Sixth and Morrison Music lovers cordially invited. No charge for admission HOTEL JEFFERSON TT7BX ABB OOUOX BTBBBTS. SAN FHANCtSCO tnOlAX, BATHS Xew hotel, faces Jefferson Square. Two blocks from Van Ness ave., the ? resent shopping district Car lines raneferrihg all over city, pass door. Every modern convenience, 150 rooms single or ep suite. 160 private baths. American and European plana. Prlcea moderate. Omnibus meets all trains. BTBWABT - BABKXB CO. BAKER THEATRE !T; - GEO. L. BAKER. Gen. Manager, Portland's fashionable, popular-priced playhouse. Tonight all thla week, matinee Saturday, Baker stock company in Blanch Walsh's famous success, "1KB WOKAB IB TKX CAMS, tjy tjiyae ucn. . - Bvjr prices, J6e,ISc,60e. Mat, 16c, 1(0. Next week, "The iLove Boute." . EMPIRE THEATRE IBB BXAVTITUX, XBW Hotel "Key Route Inn" 22nd Street and Broadway OAKLAND Sunny rooms, private baths, long-distance telephones, compressed air clean ing, large lobby, cafe a la carte with cuisine and service unsurpassed. For rates, etc., address N. S. MTJLLAN, Manager. Formerly Assistant Manager Palace Hotel. San Francisco. f rales "Early Wear" Tailored Hals SPECIAL VALUES These are the genuine Mattawan stock, bright finish wool felt, in the new shapes so becoming to every face. A great advantage in these hats, aside from their beauty, style and service, is that no two are alike we have about 100 of them e specially trimmed by experts in tailored effects, splendid use having been made of the new trim ming silks, wings, fluffs, pom- nnmi tr The rnlnrs are soft ly elegant, matching the fall shades in suits, lhe designs are exclusively Fraley s. The prices $6, $7 & $8 FRALLYS 212-213 THIRD ST. CORNER SALMON Headquarter for Hat of Distinction Hotel Hamlin EDOT AND LZaVEXWOKTH ITS. First permanent big hotel down towa. Contain 100 beautifully furnished steam heated apartments, 40 baths. Private telephone sar vica. Sample rooms for lal travelers. Eddy St eara from ferry pass the door and connect with trd St. ears from 8. P. Depot. Bates from $1.00 up. Phone Private Bx. Franklin 428. a n Fr a n c isoo Main 117. Geo. L. Home of eaatern ICatineea Sun., Wed., weak. Ta Wlllnrrf A . . a mil LaJt-oxm '..' : Thrilling play of great Western plains. Strong company. Beautiful scenery. Night, 10c, tOa. tOr,.- Matinee 10c. I0 Next attraction. "Tho Little Prospector ; Baker,. Gen Mgr. road attraction. , , Bat. Tonight, all VAUDEVILLO , DELUXB The Grand Week of September t, 1S07. An All-Feature Bill, headed by inram ajtd wxuajfud, "The Phrenologist By special request, Al Jolaoaheld f another week. Three shows 1:30, 7:10 and 1:16, for dally gt The STAR The Old. K. sew ; wees or September 8, 1S07. R. E. French Stock Co. Presents TXB CZTT OF 1TEW TOU." " Regular matinee days, Sandays, Toes days, Thursdays and Saturdays, at t:IO. Prlcea, 10c and 20c Every evening at 8:11. Prices, 10c. 20o and IQo, Re served seats by both phones, v , ', LYRIC THEATRE Both Fhonesi Xaiu 4685, Rome, A1O30. Week commencing Monday, Sept , ' THE) NEW LYRIC STOCK CO.. IN "FOBTY-amraV Matinees Tuesday, Thursday, Satur day and Sunday. Prices 10o and 20o. Every evening at :16. Prices 10o. loo and 30c. Boxea 60c. Office open 10 a.-, m. to 10 p. m. , L MILITARY ACADEMY PORTLAND ORE. ' A Boarding and Day Bcnooi xor xoung Men ana Boys. Preparation for col leges, U. S. Military and Naval Academies. Ac credited to Stanford, Berkeley, Cornell, Am herst and all State Uni versities and Agricultural Colleges. Manual train ing. Business course. The principal has had It years experience In Port land. Comfortable quar ters. Best environments. Make reservations now. For illustrated catalog and other literature ad dress J. 17. BILL. U.D.. MnofcaaJ and Froprletor. BASEBALL RECREATION PAr'k, Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth. PORTLAND : VS. OAKLAND ' Sept 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, IS. ' Double header Sunday, one admission. Came called at 3 KM) p. m. Daily. Game called at 2:30 p. m. Sundays. Ladies9 Day Friday ADMISSION 25c. ' Grandstand 25c Children 10c THB LGADINO BUSINESS COLLEQB ? ELKS BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON . THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD FOR YOU Ours is one of the ten largest business colleges tn tho United States. Enrollment, past year, 141 pupils. Equipment. $18,000. Graduates all employed. Placed 361 pupils Into lucrative positions during past year. We will place you when: competent. H. W. BEHNKE. Pres. nn MB OATALOOXTB X. M. WALKER. Prin. DUSillESS COLLEGE. "THE SCHOOL Of QUALITY" tzltoss BtrrLDiaro. TinrrK awx Koaaiaoir. a. v. AJtvsTmoira, za. b., fbxvozfax. Ours Is a large and growing institu tion. We occupy two floora 65x100 feet, and have a $20,000 equipment Reputa tion for thorough work bring more calls for help than we can meet posi tion certain for each student when competent. All modern methods of bookkeeping taught. Chartier Is our shorthand easy, rapid, legible. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue, busi ness forms ana penwor tree, uui, phone or write today. MissGussie Lenshav Tho Celebrated I-ady Berttons who made such a big hit 1,1 In tho east at tho J j PUREFOODSHOW zxposxTxoir mxmx. WAKKZarOTOV TUUBT. Also Bound's XAdlos', O-.; ohostra. a Specialty ' Co, 7 ' of New York. EXHIBITS, CONTESTS, Etc. Tho plaoo to meet oYery i . ' J body. Something doing all . i tho time. Ask your grocer for Grocery Tickets. ADMISSION 35c AFTERNOON AND EVENING Brown Placed Under Bonds. Astoria, Sept. IS. -The prelimi nary examination of C. A. Brown, charged with stealing a boat and net belonging to the Warren Packing com pany, was held in the Justice court this afternoon and Brown was held under bond to appear before the circuit court which convenes next Monday., Md ical Department T OFTHE-r- UNIVERSITY OF OREGON list Annual Session Begins fiept It, '07. Address a E. Joseph!.. M. D., Dean, ; 110 Dekum Bids Portland. . Telegraphy . BAILKOAD Airs OOBOCXmOXAX TBtBOBAJPHT. Pleasant, Profitable PoslUoaa. aotxtax, atAjnr xjira rmAOTiOB oa BUST WUUB WVm MMVMMVMfM TXtVXXM. Move calls for gradmatea tliaa w eaa supply. Qooa posraoas ai Big wares aa soon aa oompeteat, Day and ovonliur classes. Catalogue and partioxilara oa appuosjuoa. ; :.rJ:: OREGON COLLEGE OF TELEGRAPHY , Coauaoawoalta Bldg Bta and Aakeay. Tho Pleasure Park Beautiful, With Forty of tho Most Mod ern Attractions and Chiaffaretli and His Band Oraad rrlao Xajajmstads By tho Oaks Dancers, ta the Pavilion Friday. Ix SeaaUfal Mass. "" Special aooommodations for beginners at tho Roller Rmk. DcaycsV Manikins tg marvelous aoenlo transforma tion over staged. Admission to. n r -h-i i t r ", u Portland Academy mtiiw, oxsaoaT. - Vlaotooata Teat Opeaa Septembec 16. Fits beys ..and otitis tot., aattarn. and western colleges. Over two hundred graduates admitted to college. A board ing hall for girls, - with comforts and Oare of home. An athletlo field and thoroughly i equipped gymnasium. A large corps of competent and . experi enced teachers. ;- Klementary - grades, I both primary and grammar, under the same management Catalogue sent onj anpUcation, ..'. 1 .. , J M 2 Columbia University Talvorsltr Vark Vtatloa, Portlaad, Or Cathollo Boarding and Day Sohoot tor young men and boys. Situated on a high plateau skirting the Wlllamett river and overlooking tho -': panoraml city Of Portland; a vosiUblo haaiUi re sort for students. Extensive play grounds and tho largest gymnasium 1 tho northwest. Collegiate, Preparatory and CommM elal Courses, Catalogue sent on ..-pu: tlon. - REV, JOSEPH GALLAGHER, C, . f. i v - " rri:", CXOO& vnvn axmctrrra i The AI!cn rrt;z:zl Comer E. 12th and f end scientific school, fruv gins 8ptrnlvr 1. If-J. isratory j-'-nool. 'i n , tiiee tour. . m i ' 1 - . t