The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 12, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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? V
Scarfs and Squares '&Zhbdbpv 79 Cents
The Scarf ire ,20x45 inches, and ' j Misses' ' Petticoat, ; rarely good
tho Squares are the 32-inch size.
They are finished J with', hem
stitched border, and have fancy.
iiiciiaiuun center;- ' 'VO
$1.25; value ... . ... I Jt
Battenberf Braid Pattern for
collars, , doilies,' center pieces,
scarfs and' borders. A grand as
sortment, priced for- Fri- : E
day only a each . . , . jJC
MisseV" Petticoats, of 'fine' mus
lin, .-made . with deep cambric
flounce, - and 1 , 2Vinch hem
stitched hem; regular 60c Al
value, Friday ,.....;..W.tOC
land,, sightly .'garment,, specially
priced for Friday. Made of fine
cambric and trimmed with deep
flounce and torchbrt' lace, v They
sell ' regularly for $1.00 each;
Infanu' Tight t Fitting Bonnets,
made of fine lawn and trimmed
In charming manner and lir sev
eral different styles.' The regu
lar prices run all the way from
35c to $3.00; special for -IQ
Friday only, choice . , . .le7C
' v
IVftsfc tBromSSZWtt 78 Cent:
These ate on sale in the jewelry
department ; Splendid fi quality
Whisk ; Brooms ' with Jiandles of
sterling', silver, in 1 handsome de
signs; regular $1.25 r' :,-'V, fQ
values, special I OC
Men'a Gold Filled Watch Chains,
a fine assortment of patterns;
regular $175 .to $2.00 values;
& 'i... :....$U9
Bon Bon Souvenir Spoons, in
three, different styles, have; very
artistic handles; regularly worth
$175 and $2.00, - CI" IC
special at ' aplsl
In tha Leather Goods Depart
ment we offer Women's Wellesly
Bags, in green, red, blu or
brown.? These are regular 75c
.bags," special for f fl-
Friday, each HjC
Women'a Wrist Bags, a very high
grade assortment; we have them
in brown, ereen. blue and KlarV
Lined with leather 'and finished
witn strap handler, worth $6.00
Card Cases nf blarb leather
a good quality that sells regu-
' 1 Art
special .U C
138 Suite M MM
Very likely, the last chance youfll have on suits of
this high 'order for so small a price. The lot in
eludes suits for many uses, rainy weather, shop
ping, outing and street wear. Choose from either
Eton or Jacket styles, trimmed in good taste and
made from good all-wool materials in checks, plaids
and mixtures. At no- other store can you have a
choice from so many good style suits as these for
reductions so great. Come early and have first and
best selection from this sale. Be on hand and have
your share of a bargain phenomenal, for the real
values run to $25.00 each, and we rfi f fat
make the entire lot, your choice jjrj Trl
for Friday ........ T'7
Women's Percale Wrappers, very fine house gar
ments of fast color materials in many color com
binations and neat styles. The colors are red and
white, blue and white, gray and white or black and
white. The patterns are stripes, dots or figures.
Made witi deep flounce and in full sizes.
We Have These in Sizes W 42, hk and 46 Only. Let
Women of Large and Fairly Large Size Come in
and Buy a Wrapper Worth to $1.25 for Only
Odd Lines of " 1817 " Silver
The third floor comes into line Friday with
bargains on one of the best known lines of
silverware in the world. The famous Rogers
Bros. "1847" plated, .ware at prices that mean
pronounced savings.
Plain Forks, set of 6, special .$1.70
Plain Dessert Spoons, set of 6, special. $1.50
Plain Table Spoons, set of 6, special. ..$1.70
Fancy Tea Spoons, set of 6. special..". . 05
Fancy Dessert Spoons, set of 6, special. S1.70
Fancy Table Spoons, set of 6, special . .111.00
Fancy Forks, set of 6, special . . .$1.00
Fancy .Sugar Spoons, each. . . . ' .30
Fancy Butter Knives, each ..35s)
Other Odd Pieces at Same Proportion of Reduction.
- i. , - ,., , ...... ""r " -
Value $fi.T5, special .v $5.25 Value $14.00, special $12.30
Value $8.00, special $7.UU Value $17.00, special $13.1U
Value ?!).25, special . $7.1& Value $20.00, special $17.71)
t-N Special Prices on Coal Oil and uas Heaters. ,
Fancy Cream LadIes, each
Fancy Gravy Ladles, each
Fancy Jelly Knives, each
Black Voiles $1.89 Yd
A new shipment, no one need be disappointed,
plenty to last the day out no matter how large
the number of . calls. Hard, crisp finish, the
sort that doesn't wrinkle. The $1.00 grade for
S&f ; the $i.zo grade tor vaf ; tne $i.ou grade
for $1.19 and the $1.75 grade, rff OA
yard......... 9lJ7
New Fall Suitings, an assortmerrtsof the best
patterns in ombre and Pekin stripes, checked
effects,' etc. Darker colorings predominate in
these ; they are the correct things for shirt
waist and tailored suits;. worth $1.25 AQ
yard,' Friday . . . . . , : '. . 70C
$1.00 Plaid Silk 78c
These silks are in the chiffon finish taffeta
weaves, and in an endless assortment of pat
terns and colorings. There are many designs
in the wanted Scotch clan plaids, and 60 pat
terns in all See the window display in the big
window on Fifth street, then come for your
share. of the silks; worth $1.00, HQ
Friday, yard I OC
Moravian Bloadcloth, the new fall line is ready
for inspection and sale. This is the smartest
fabric we have for a natty tailored gown. Every
yard is guaranteed, comes ready dQ A A
sponged and shrunk, the yard . .PJUU
25c Tooth Paste
15 c
Sheffield's Tooth Paste, in 1
tubes; valne 25c, special. ...... lwC
Woodbury's Facial Cream; T
value 25c, special llC
Bathasweet Rice Powder and 1 7
Bath Powder; 25c can, special.. lit
Toilet Soap, violet, rose and carna
tion odors; box of 3 cakes, 1ft
special 1UC
fancy glass bottles; 25c 1fi
value, special IOC
Whisk Brooms, in large sizes; extra
quality; value 27c, 1Q
special .' 1UL
Fancy Decorated Crepe Paper, in 10
foot folds; 20c value 1 A
for 1UC
Passepartout Pictures, all new J JCr
subjects; special, each IwC
White Waxed Paper, for wrapping
lunches, etc; special, per roll
of 24 sheets
Pencil Boxes with lock and
key; 5c value, special, eacln.
Ruled Writing Tablets, for pen and
ink; for school use; -value oc;
special, each .
Whiting's Stationery, each sheet with
embossed letter; 50c value; QQ
special, the box aIOC
Silk Garter Elastic, with fancy ruffled
edges, in pink and blue; value Ifl.
25c; special, per yard IJC
Fancy Hat Pins, with pearl or crystal
ball top, in all colors; value 1A
15c; special, each iwt
Toilet Pins, black or white heads;
sheet of 100 pins, C
special )C
Skirt Markers, great labor . (?7
savers; value 75c, special viv
Linen Button or Carpet Thread, large
size spools; special, A
the spool 4C
Hooks and Eyes, black or white, trr
visible eyes; all sizes; value O
5c; special, the card OC
I 9
Sensational special pricing in the Millinery Department for '
Friday. The most staple article in the whole department is
the one we make this bargain on, an
item that we expect to have immense
and enthusiastic demand for. The
Plumes concerned are not nar-
a a .
now or skimpy, out mil width j
and quite long. The sort that are
fluffy and artistic. Here are 300 '
a-plume buying Friday. That means
300 of the best ostrich feather bar
gains in many a day, for when this
lot is gone we know that we can't re
place them at this price. Bought
about one fourth under the regular
values. Priced to you like this for
Friday. See display in case. Show
case on Fifth street.
Plumes regularly
sold at $6.00 each
priced Friday at
Plumes regularly
sold at $8.00 each
priced Friday at
hOc Flannel 29c
A special in the Linen Aisle'
for Friday. Fine Scotch
Flannels bargainized for this
one day. There are 50 full
bolts for this day's selling; a
glorious, chance' for mothers
to' fit out their girls for
school. They make pretty
and sensible school dresses or
shirt waists, and though new
fall goods and patterns, an1
regular 40c grade, we offer
them Friday for, OQa
the yard .....awt
Lace Curtains $1.50
Seventv-five pairs- of Cur
tains in fish net patterns.
Pure white and of splendid
quality. They're the kind
that sell regularly at $2.50
the pair. Good width and
length and surely a mighty
good bargain, spe- I CA
cial, the pair PI.uV
Shoes Sell Cheap Eiiery Hour
FROM 8 TO 9.
Women's $3.50 Du' Barry high Shoes, made in
6 styles, showing a patent lace Blucher, a pat
ent button, kid lace Blucher, a kid lace bal, a
dull calf low heel lace, a gunmetal lace Bl
cher. Six very popular shapes; ft fkO
your choice
FROM 8 TO 10.
For Women Any tan, brown or champagne
hteh shoe in the house, $2.49. Mind you, your
choice of any $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 t0 JA
shoe, broken sizes, Friday
FROM 10 TO 11.
Women's "Oxfords, in almost any style you
could wish for: patents, kid, calf, gunmetal
leathers, made in, button and lace, light and
extension soles, swing and straight lasts. Take
your pick from a very large assortment of
splendid shoes in $3.50 and d0 OA
$4.00 grades . Lt.OV
. FROM 11 TO 12.
Women's Light Sole Dress Shoes, an assort
ment embracing patents and kid leathers,
military, Cuban and French heels, plain and
tip toes. Several styles that will meet your
approval. As good as you have ever A o AA
seen at $4.00; price uOU
FROM 12 TO 1.
Men's Shoes and Oxfords, patents, calf and
kid leathers; 8 styles; that are good $3.00
grades; a chance that lasts only one hour;
shoes that you 11 be proud of ; choice,
one hour
FROM 1 TO 2.
Men's Shoes in patents and kid, Blucher and
button styles, welt sewed soles, dull, calf tops.
Several very nice patterns in $3.00 rfy Qf
and $4.00 grades ................. Ou.OU
FROM 2 TO 3.
Women's Narrow Shoes We have about 200
pairs of shoes in patent, kid and calf leathers,;
made Blucher, button and regular lace styles;
welt and hand turn soles. Mostly narrow
widths and regular $4.00 and $5.00 o
grades, one hour ...... ey tu
FROM 3 TO 4. i
Take your pick of any white Canvas Oxford In
our stock. Gibson, Grecian and Garden ties,
button and lace styles; values to no
$3.00, one hour .;. . . i !tj.i JO
FROM 4 TO 5. :'WM--
Girls' School Shoes, made In kid and box calf
leathers. Good weight oak sole. The assort
ment embraces all popular styles. ?
Sizes. Special.
5 to 8, regular $1.75 .. . .' . , . . ... , . ,81.29
V to 11, regular $2.00. ..... .1. . . ...S1.50
V to 2, regular $2.50....... ...... ;S1.70
7, regular $3.W .$1,119
FROM 5 TO 6,
Boys' School Shoes, made of pebble goat, box
calf and kangaroo , calf leathers. Splendid
shoes ; some have brass quilted soles.
Sizes. Special.
9 to Z, regular $1.95. . . . .... .. .....81.49
1 to 5J4, regular $2.50. . . i w ,; .;.S1.89
2 to
Not many of these, but they're priced sot
low that they're sure to go mighty fast.
Most of them are in pink and blue, fine
examples, of the ) best underwear made.
Odd lines of regular $3.00 df C
grades, special -at, each. . . ; 1 ,Dd
g!SJaS!!l'-i"'l" m..! -,.
Sale Box Hose Continues Friday
Women's Hose, fast black, in
either lisle or cotton; our famous
O. K. brand. These are regularly
sold at 50c the pair ; we've made
them the best 50c hose in Port
land. Special, box of
6 pairs .............
Children s School Hose, good
wearing, and fast dye ; regular
25c values; special, 3 pairs for
&Uf, .or one pair ,
for r
Women's iCotton Hose, fast
black splendid wearing quali
ties; regular 25c grade; special,
the box of 6 pairs,
Friday. ........ ...
Women's Hose, plain black or
with split white sole, a guaran
teed dye, and a regular 35c qual
ity; special price, box j tCA
of 6 pairs for Friday. pl 4 Oil
Superb Gloves Only $1.23 Pair
Women's two-clasp Kid Gloves, overseam, Paris point, stitched, backs;
Columbia welt, of very fine cnjality. They are perfect fitting; made by
one of Europe's best manufacturers. Colors black, white, navy, dj
brown, green, tan, oxblood and mode. Reg. value $1.75, speciahv
Pure Silk Ribbon 37c the Yard
Thousands of yards; 354 to 5 inches wide. Plain satin taffeta, worth 60c
the yard; corded stripe ribbon in all colors, worth 50c the yard; double
faced or reversible satin ribbon, in red, green, navy, gray, etc.; 6 inches
wide, and worth 75e a yard or vour choice of many other styles! . OTf
Any. of this ribbon sells Friday at the yard ",.. ... A JC
Low neck, sleeveless style, made of white
ribbed cotton; one of the best 25c values
in the store, and come in the popular
sizes 4, 5 and 6. : A great Jrnday special,
so come early, each,
' Jl t 0 j
' ' fflncclal DhtlMtHi .to Tht itsn..
i Aberdeen, WaSit, " Sept :lt.At the
loncluBlon of William H. Taffs addre5
r yestrUy, J3.nator llea, 4ln behalf
of Louis v H. Bumette, presented the
ecreUrr with a gold spoon aa a sou
venir. It bore the let end, "A 40-foot
channel to the " aea.". - In - hl - speech
Mr. Piles referred to the fact that "this
la the greatest iumbet cargo port In the
world and that deeper water- waa
needed. . He advised the . secretary to
stir bla coffee with the spoon, and if
occasion came to stir a mint julep ns
well. Secretary -Taft, In reply, stated
that tile main topic of his speech had
been ' forgotten when he rose to apeak,
and went on at some length In regard
to the need Of a deeper channel In the
y, vv- "v 1 -;' " ' -
" Seren-JewelXEIgin watoh.;l else,' 10.
yea CAae. SS.XS. AfeUger'a. tU Waaa.
, . tSpxlal Dtaseti to . The JoaraaL) - '
v Kennewlck. 4,Waah.. 8ept II. At a
meettnr of the Kennewlck Commercial
club last night a committee waa .p
pointed to collect exhibits represent
the valley at the Spokane -fair which
will be held September S3, to October
(.' All kinds of fruits will be exhibited
but specialty will be made of fancy
grapes and peaches, which are grown
to perfection in the Kennewlck valley. .
A committee was also appointed to
attend the convention of the commer
cial club of the Taklma and Kenne
wlck" vaUeye. which, la In session f at
Toppenlsh -today.: Mayor Johnson,' sev
eral members of he. council and a num
ber of prominent - business men from
Kennewlck will attend the convention.
.) ''. 'K ' -eaRwisaMarM eMwsmeMI. ,-.
School Shoes.
; That wear and &t well at Rosenthal's.
-'Pendleton. Or..' Brpt. 12
A N. Co. has offer.l pri t
for the ben-kept rill;(i 'j
ciala will cwutU .ru-" i t
ning section firfmn. ,
considerable rivalry m
foremen in this ni.''. ' i c
seotlonrt sre aM tn I "
aesa and perfection t
.... v