The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 12, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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    evening.; September" ;w.;ri8or,
Steamer. J. N. Teal Brings Season's First Shipment of
xiLGraimFrom Upper River Huge Tonnage Will Be
Shipped to Europe This Year From This Port.
i !
4 WhMt win be shipped from Portland
- to Europe on ateamers this fall, the
&n tramp for that business for the
won baring been cnanerea im mum-
tn. The Ysssel It tha Btrathenrlk. 1.S4I
: tons nat resister, which racantly laft
f ths 4 wars at Port Glasgow and la, now
W.aa htr jnaidea voyage around the World,
' baring ' It ft Newport Newt. august 6,
t fof 'Jttra Island with a cargo of coal
, . tor tha - jgovernmant '"
Tba fact that staamara are being
pressed Ijjto Berries to haul wheat for
f Europe goes to indicate runner ins im
I inense amount of wheat that will be set
.' aftnt tmm thla nort thla season. Sall-
" Ing reesela have been chartered nearly
'Wyery'day for several weeka paat and
there are now bottoma In Bight to load
t, hundreds of thousands of tons of wheat
v before tha ifloee r me caaanaar jrm.i.
; but atUl exporters are after tonnage
and they are paying gooa pnm w
T u ata.ted this morning on good
authority that tha Strathenrlk will get
t II shillings I pence a ion, wnicn ia a
" trifle lesa than that asked for sailing
' vessels near at nana, in tms conneo
Ancalos, Br,', sh Newcastle, A.
Brlssu.; Pivbk Newcastle, .A.
-Trains Steamers Xa Boats.
Ela.Nor. as. ....San Kranclsco
African Monarch, Br. as ..japan
In varan. Jir aa Port Los Angeles
Ferndene, Br. str.; San Francisco
Tarja Vlken, Nor. ss San Franolsoo
Admiral Borreson, Nor. es.....San Fr.
Harkaton. Br. ss San Franleaco
Btrathenrlk, Br. ss San Francisco
' , . ; Ott Steamer aa.
Maverick, Am. ss San Franclaco
W. 8. Porter, Am. s ..Oavloto
Col. JD. T. Drake, Am. as. .San Francisco
Ba Boat U Ballast so toad Orals.
Gael, Ff. bk...,. Puget Sound
Turgot. Fr. bk Puget Sound
MJUonburn, Br. bk Santa . Aoaaiia
LumAreshlra. Br. ah.. Port Los Angeles
Sully, Fr. bk. Ban Franclaco
Celtlo Chief, Br. sh ... .,i .Honolulu
IrfmlMl ...ll... Waa Kir fial t BNs
son than last, although not as liberally etrathgryfe. Br sh..V..........Callao
aa desired, tha railroads being unable to Castor, Br. sh..' Valparaiso
furnish care at tha rate orders are Noeml. Fr. bk Seattle
coming In. Much wiieat will be aent to Alaterkamp. Ger. sh Caleta Coloaa
Oer. bk Valparaiso
cheap tonnage, and li Is supposed' that
ine neavv aeraana lor a-rain-eamera
will affect tha foreign lumber ship
ments to a considerable extent, al-
owner prefera to take lumber to grain.
He might nave an object tn aooepting
buelneae at a reduced rata for a certain
destination, for Instanoe. where proe-
fec-ia ivr riurn vmrgvum may' Da par
leularly Inviting. - t, ' ' .
It was rumored about tha waterfront
this morning that the British ship Tola
bad been chartered to load .lumber from
this port for Boutn Arrica. but the re
port oould not be verified. That tha
Tola's ownsrs have been dickering for
a lumber argo la said to be admitted,
but there are few who believe that anv
one oould afford to take the veeeel for
umber when she has refused II shll-
ln.i Mhlot Cll.An. m.. V I -
baa been lying Idle In tha harbor ainee
tha first of tne year. "....,. -
tidewater by way of the Open River Schubek,
Transportation company's servioe. wnicn i
hss already contracted with growera to
move 100.000 aacka from points above
tha nnrtara mu tn Portland. I
Thla wfll nrova of Incalculable assist-1 Norwearlan 8t(ampr Admiral Bor
ance to the exporters becauie, even wJtn n-m tr o
cara ararce. thev will be able to Tret In reilton Will Be Hfr Soon.
the neighborhood of 1,800 aacka of
7"" V:.7 "V"::..."".-' r??'on l-f? flan Francisco Tuesday for
Uon It might ,e stated that the Oer-
man bark Schubek waa chartered this
morninr by Taylor. Young & Co. to
i rarry wheat from this port to ths United
kingdom. ' She. Is asid to have been
taken for 81 shillings, the lower rste
' being due to her being quite a ways off
and unable to arrive befi
'are a eousla of.
She was aat re-
montha at -the best.
f sorted at Valparaisa i ,
1 -WsA Oosas MV tXtttnXlT,i:.x
: Wheat la coming in, livelier thla sea-
The Norwrglan steamer Admiral Bor-
m left Ban Francisco Tuesaay for
port In ballast, and should strive
uantlty waa brought here by ths Teal V"." JK" " .""'-."u.t'J? 'ZLIZ
torn Alderdale and Roosevelt, new land- und8r -t-rtaP to tha North pitta LUm.
The tramp will carry
grain freight covering around
from Aiaeraaie ana Rooaeveii. new iana- unA.r charter ti
inga on the upper Columbia above the ber eomSnny
portage road, and tomorrow tha Teal .Vout a ooa ooo
wlllBrlng another cargo of the same b,h8'7B',n001
alaa. Thua the wheat steamer .v.
alone wUl bring 8,000 sacks Into the proBpectB jor
Oood Prospects for Delivery
In view of 'the heavy movement of
wheat from tne upper uoiumDia river
basin, the Open River Transportation
Mininu, haa dacldad ta Incraua Its fs-
clllUes aa soon as poaalbls. To start
with a large barge will be placed on the
upper river between Arlington ana te-
llio, upon wnicn tne iirmin mi iww
their wheat for transportation to ths
portage road, whence It la hurried down
the line to tfig way ana
Ivkm thm Tl for Portland.
IRvrtftrturi wara fearful all SPrln Isst
thm Fir altuatlon ahould nrova so serious
this fau that It would no impoaaioie to
ship even If Europe wanted the wheat
badly, and for that reason they held off
chartering until very recently, wnen
light began to .appear ahead and pros
peAts of delivering; ths foodg became
ll-shllllng mark, there are poor
lumber exporters to get
Steam Schooner Grays Harbor VftU
Be Completed Here.
Tha hull of ths new steam schooner
Grays Harbor arrived at tha wtiarf of
ths Willamette Iron and Steel Works laat
night to havs bar machinery Installed.
She waa built at Hoqulam for a San
Francisco owner. .' -, ,'
This win be the fifth new steam
by tha Wlllamett
' Ths Baa was on her trial trip a few
daya ago and will DS.reaa o-in
loading bar first oargo tn a xsw days.
.j, -i
Astoria, Or., Sept 11 Arrived
a. m. Steamer Elmore, frttm Tlllemook.
Arrived at :0 and left up-teamer
City of Panama, from San .Francisco.;
i Astoria. Or., Sept. n.Arrlvsd down
St 1:10 and sallsd at :80 p. m. Steamsr
Noma City, for Redondo. Arrived at
J:2 p. nwSteamer Atlas with bargs
No, If In low, from San Francisco. Left
up at l:S0 p. m. Steamer Atlas.. Sailed
at l;10 p, m. Schooner Alvena, for San
Pedro. Bailed at 1 d. m. Steamer North-
lnt tn n.Hnnrtiv Arrived at 1:40 p. I
m Schooner Balvator, from Ban Frao-
oisoo. , , .... .
Astoria. Or.. Sept I. uonoinoo o
The Union Oil company's Urge steam- present time. The warden is suppossd
r S'i.V!rnSl. "th. porta- to manags ths penitentiary subject to
Zurh'unklVom'saVanclai; order, pf th. board of control. ftd
is her first visit hers. She or tne I the-story Is that Davis himself was
The Santa Rita wU ba .Inspected -whUs HJ waa riven te Klncald. . , - .
. r - , f ' I 'W&rdan KInnalit nail (niMtnLj '
C'.pU,A 9..i ?!!5r KJTmISI m fn ti "forms in ths management of ths
fPwt?L!-LUwtitiIf2 Frtaldi- ,n t,a Pnltentlary, and enpeoially li the
ths city today visiting frlsnds. , y I operation of the Jute mllC and aa this"
., L' It eisjsjswsaasawsiiii linssii'i slsTiini aspssp n v . 1 m,.-. -,-1 i "i T
trrxrnk tt a htttPTJThw; ?5 ' of J. n. Far
JUil vau , A uuutw im piu oinar flow connectea With 1M
I mini vamsnc or n m tt mm a h
sohoonsr to bs equipped with machinery
a wiuameiie iron
recently, the Jim Butler. Helene. J.
Steel Works
Marhoffer and Bee having preceded her,
All of the craft have turned out splen
didly for the lumber trade and the Port
land concern haa earned an enviable
and the
reputation ror tne machinery
manner In which it baa been installed.
la. n
the bar at i a. m.. smooth: wind south-
ssst,10 miles; weather, clear.
Tides at Astoria today: HlgM water
t.iO a. m, 7.4 feet; 1:60
Low water ;i0
p. tn., ,i feet.
i p. m., s.s reei.
It feet; 10:17
Astoria. SeDt II. Left up
a. m. steamship City of Panama.
at :0
San Franciaoo, Sept II. Arrived this
morning steamer Frances A.
witb log raft In ,tow.
Along the waterfront
Ths Harrtman liner City of Panama,
Captain Nelson, will bs at Alnswortb
dock this evening. She left up at i:!0
o'clock this morning.
Ths steamer Redondo wss at the
bunkers this morning discharging coal
from Seattle. She will begin to load
this afternoon in time to get away for
Puget aound Saturday night.
w.w iiiuuaviT wn nave a cooa Boat-
Itellered .BeUtions Between Snper tion in private life.
Jntendent sad Board of Control
' Were Not Bjtrmonlotu.'
Metsger-s sya glasses, tl.Vtli Wash.
(8m1i1 DUpeteli te The lesrsal.)
piympla, Waah.. Sept ll Ths rssig
natlon of M. F. Klnoald aa supsrlntsnd-
snt or wardsn of the stats psnltentlary
at Walla Walla cams as a s;rsat gur-
prtas tosUts house offlolals In Olympia
It Is ths general opinion that It ts tnaj
roauit nf friotlon la mora than ana dl
reotion, as it Is known that relational
between Klncald and certain members
of the stats board of control have not
been at all friendly or cordial.
Whan ha waa a member of tha board
of control, Klnoald did not get along
wall with J. H. Davie, another memoer
of the board, and friction Is said to
have continued between them to ths
Hind, Bolph A Company Ex
pect to Locate Soon
" in Portland.
Old San Francisco Firm Finds Orr
gon Metropolis Coming to the
Front Bapldljir and WlQ Divert Aty,
' tentlon .to This Floee, ;
' Hlnd..Boiph do., a large shipping,
' Importing and exporting firm of San
. Francisco, Is planning the location of
' Immense tourl bunkers here or at a fa-
vorite point en" the Columbia river. In
the Immediate' future. One of the com-
pany's representatlvea waa bare re
i cently and quietly looked Into the fu
ture prospects of the city. Those who
came closely In touch with him say he
. went away convinced that, among other
things needed here. Is equipment for
' "handling and storing' coal, both for
v borne ' consumption and for steamers'
v. bunkers. '
1 Hind. Rolph at Co. is slso ons of tbs
f most Influential shipownlng firms of
flan Frannlaon. hftvlnir in addition to ti
big fleet under the American flag sev-
oral vessels flying the British, Chilean
: and flags of other nationa Among the
1 'sailing vesaela under the American flag
' owned by this firm are the ships iienry
, Vlllard, Isaac Reed, Emily Heed and
v Homeward Bound, all of them engaged
; in tha coal trade between Australia and
Portland this season. The Henry vu-
lard is about due to arrive here, and the
" Isaac Reed left San Francisco a week
ago. 10 ballast for Newcastle with or
f dera to load thers for Portland. The
' Homewsrd Bound and Emily Reed will
follow the Henrv Vlllard a few weeks
: spart. unless one gains on the other
through especially favorable weather
In making tbe run across the ocean.
Then tne firm owns and operates a
large fleet of barkentines and schoon-
era .many of them fine vessels of re
; cent construction and along the most
modern lines. A great number of these
have been plying out of Portland In the
- lumber trade for several years, while
others liave been engaged mostly In the
Hawaiian Islands trade. The schooner
Honolpu Is now at Westport loading
'. lumber for Honolulu, while not long
j aao tne Aiaitaweii. koko Weau
Kohala and James Rolph
ded lumber here or at mills on ths
Columbia. Any of these vessels oould
h aent nnt from here with lumber to
thr orient or; tne, antipoaes ana return
with coal Instead of running empty one
way. This, It la said. Is the plan of ths
company, wnicn; . rpr yeara nas oeen
doing an Immenae business on ths Pa
ri f I a, but without devoting much atten
tion to Portland. Portland'a strids to
ward prominence has been so marked of
jate. however, that tha larger firms or
nan nrancisco are now urimnini v
turn this wav In order to get In on ths
ground floor whsrs possible.
In view of the fact that there are
vastly mors coal-laden vessela . eomlng
here this fall then ever before in ths
history of ths port it Is nlalnly no
ticeable that bunkers of Immenss ca
pacity will be needed to shed this coal
until disposed of. A large whsrf Is
being' erected on the east aids of ths
river between the Madison and Morri-
1 i A It I- mmlA A Km
storing coal at times, but even with It
added to the wharves of ths different
coal companies storage spacs will bs
r eVS a .' 3
i We know the right
i:answer when it's" a ques
tion of clothing for boys.
I Avoid the cheapest, be-
I I cause it turns out to be
y . the most expensive in
1 1 the end. :
iff Our School Suits at
.,$3.85; and those with 2
- t pair, of pants at $4.85 are
' true e:onorny. ; ; '
' 'JVrtailihe boys.
Kegnlar lasrs Sns to Arrive.
"Alliance; Coos Bay.i ;.,..Bpt!' II
Breakwater, Coos Bay .M . BepCl 4
R. D. Inman, San Francisco. ...Bent. 16
a. W. Elder, San Pedro and way Sept. 16
Arabia, orient Sept IT
Rica, Ban Francisco. .... .Sept. 38
oke. Ban Pedro and way.. Sept. 24
Jpnan fouisen. Ban rrancisoo. . sepv js
Klcomedia. orient .. (.. ....... .Oct, 1
Alee la. orient...,..., s.. . Oct 1
Numantia, orient ....i.........OcC SO
Xegular Liners to Depart.
Roanoks, San Pedro and way. ...Sept. 1)
Alliance, Coos Bay Sept 14
Redondo. Seattle Sent 15
Johan Poulsen. San Francisco. '.Sept. 15
Breakwater, Coos bay Sept. II
O. W. Elder, San' Pedro and way.Sept. 1
Costa Rica, San Franciaoo Sept. XI
Arabia, orient.. 8ept. 25
Aleaia, orient Oct 19
Nlcomedla. orient Nov. 2
Numantia, orient Nov. 10.
Tesssls la Port,
Tola, Br. ah Elevator dock
Dalgonar, Br. ah Ocean lo
Bee. Am. sen.... Willamette I. A R Wks
Slam, Or. ah Portland Lumber Co.
Jftffliopds and iisuKUKil Jtewdry
The buying advantages of our two affiliated stores and the heavy reserve stock that must be lowered on
account of EARLY HOLIDAY SHIPMENTS enables us to serve you at prices that are as low as
commonly asked for the ordinary grades of Diamonds.
Few purchases carry the high degree of pleasure and the lasting satisfaction that the very finest Diamonds and Diamond
Set Jewelry convey. A peculiar sentiment and fJride attaches to the absolutely perfect gems. Our reputation as well
as yours is at stake when we sell you a diamond. We know that it will be more satisfactory to both of us to sell only flaw
less BLUE WHITE and EXTRA WHITE DIAMONDS, and therefore we do not carry flawed or off-color, diamonds in
our stock. '
Conway Caatle, Br. bk.. Columbia No. 2
King jyrua, Am. sen
Beulah . Am. sch
Vlnosnnes, Fr. bk..
. . . . . Astoria
.Columbia No. 1
Reg; price $500, spec'l price $450.00
'-'Reg.-price $450, spec'l price $405.00
- Reg. price $350, spec'l price $315.00
Reg. price $200, spec'l price $175.00
Reg. price $150, spec'l price $130.00
Reg. price $100, specT price $ 87.00
Reg. price $ 75, spoe'l. price $ 63.00
Reg. price $ 50, spec'l price $ 30.00
Reg. price $ 40, spec'l price $ 31.00
Reg. price, $; 25, spec'l price $ 16.00
Reg. price $ 15, spec'l price $ 0.50
Reg. price $800, spec'l price $675.00
Reg. price $600, spec'l price $500.00
Reg. price $500, spec'l price $415.00
Reg. price $450, spec'l price $395.00
Reg. price $350, spec'l price $296.00
Reg. price $275, spec'l price $230.00
Reg. price $190, spec'l price $150.00
Reg. price $150, spec'l price $120.00
Reg. price $100, spec'l prif e $ 83100
Reg. price $ 80, spec'l price $ 61.00
Reg. price $ 75, spec'l price $ 58.00
Reg. price $ 50, spec'l price $ 37.50
Reg. price $ 25, spec'l price a 18.00
Reg. price $ 15, spec'l price $ 11.00
Set With Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires,
Pearls, Etc.
Reg. price $600, spec'l price $500.00
Reg, price $400, spec'l price J (320.00
Reg. price $350, spec'l price J 1297.00
Reg. price $250; spec'l price J (210.00
Reg. price $150, spec'l price 15118.00
Reg. price $100, spee1 price $ 87.00
Reg. price $ 75, spec'l price $ 63.00
Reg. price $ 50, spec'l price $ 38.00
Reg. price $ 40, spec'l price $ 1 31.00
Reg. price $ 25, spec'l price $ 15.00
Reg. price $ 10, spec'l price $ 7.50
North Klnr, Am. tug Aatorla
Antelope. Am. sch Foot of Lincoln
St. Nicholas, Am. sh Astoria
8t Louis, Ft. bk Centennial
Compear, Am. acb Rainier
Strathness. Br. ss. .Portland Lumber Co.
North Star, Am. tus; Astoria
Americana. Am. sch..... Vancouver
Gardiner City, Am. bktn Stella
Alice McDonald. Am. sch .Aatorla
CoL de Vlllebols Muriel. Fr. bk. Bunkers
Honoipu, Am. sch Westpor;
unvcr j. uisen. Am. ss...Tonrue point
Eva, Oer. ss Flour mills
Berlin. Am. sh ...Alblna
Kalomo. Br. ss Alaska
Olendale, Am. sch....! Astoria
Wrestler. Am. bktn .Llnnton
Wallacut. Am. bar are .Stream
Johan Poulsen, Am. atr Oceanic
Roanoke, Am. as Martin's dock
Redondo. Am. ss Couch
Emily F. Whitney. Am. bk Astoria
Grays Harbor. Am. as.. Will. I. A 8. wks
Santa Rita, Am. ss..'. Portsmouth
, i . . , .
aubd, Am, mm uuiniun
City of Panama. Am. ss. Alnsworth
Salvator, Am. sch Astoria
Lumber Carriers In Kouta.
Thomas L. Wand. Am. str. San Francisco
Coaster, Am. str San Francisco
Susie M. Plummer, Am, sch . . . Ouaymaa
Wasp, Am. str San Francisco
Lettftla, Am. sch. ........ .San Francisco
Annla M. Campbell. Am. sch v.. .
San Francisco
Glendale. Am. sch San Francisco
Mabel Gale, Am. sen San Franclaco
Andy Mahoney. Am. sch... San Francisco
Cascade. Am. str.; San Francisco
W. F. Garms, Am. sch. San Pedro
Vlrtrlnla Arm sch Port Los Anareles
Lakme, Am. ss San Francisco
ueorge ixomis. Am. ss..csan Francisco
Sn Route With Cement and General.
Fabrics That
A Perfect Fit 'i
That Lasts
and Always
Saves You
There's good, substantial vahit
in tha clasi o garments that are
turned out .' by this eitablith
ment. Serviceable woolena to
begin with; making that char
acterises only the finest class of ,
custom work; an individuality,,
of style that is removed at once
from the commonplace; in a
word, high quality, superior fin
PRICES. Suits $20.00 to $40.00,
Trousers $4.00 to 1 10.00. May
we not ROVE to YOU what
advertise? i.. ' 'X.,r I
Elk.' Building
. . London
.Newcastle, K
.Naweaatla. R
bk. ; .Hamburg
166 and 163 Third St
Mohawk Building
Buccleuch, Br. sh ....... .
Brenn, Fr. bk ,
EuroDe Br. bk
Genevieve Mollnos, Fr. bk
Kene Ksrvuer, trr. en....
Laennec, Fr. sh. ,
Le Pilier. Fr. bk.v
Martha Rous, Fr. bk..
Mozambique, Br. bk...
Samoa, Br. bk
Thiers, Fr. sh , .
Marechael Turrene. Fr.
VUle de Mulhousa. Fr. bk.
Guethary, FT. bk
Pierrt Loti, Fr. bk.i ...
Walden Abbey, Br. sh. .
Glenesslln. Br. sh
Versailles. Fr.,bk Lett
General de Boisdeffre, Fr. bk,. London
vine oe Uljon, FT. ok Antwerp
Alice Marie, Fr. bk Antwerp
Eugene Rergaline, Fr. bk Antwerp
H. Haekfleld. Gr. bk Honolulu
a C! .... . nM ..v "r, . . a
niuuv 0MCOJ11. . Dll . . .nuLloruaiu
Crown of India, Br. bk. .... .Antwerp
Cornll Bart. Fr. bk A nt warp
Jules Oommea, Fr. bk. .... ..Rotterdam
Edward Detains. Fr. bk Antwerp
Ooal Ships En Bouts.
Belen. Fr. bk...:. Naweaatla. A.
Claverdon, Br. sh .Newcastle,. A,-
wniscoit. Am. bk. . . ... . .Newcastle. A.
Port Patrick, Br. sh ..... NewcaaUe, A.
St Mtrren, Br. ah '..Newcastle. A.
Crtllon, Fr. bk . NewcaaUe, A.
Ardenoraig, Br. hk, ......Newcastle, A.
Kugens Schneider, Fr. bk. Newcastle. A.
Buf fon,lFr. bk J... . .Newcastle. A.
General do Negrler,, Fr.'
wayara. T. Dg.
Castle Rock, Br,
xxouniii, xr. as
sh. . . .. . . .Sydney, A.
Knight Templar. Br. ss.. Naweaatla. A.
Tymeric, Br. str. ....... .Nwcatle, A.
Henry Vlllard, Am. str... Newcastle, A.
Thordis, Nor. str, ... . .Morovan, Japan
Homewsrd Bound. Am. bk. Newcastle, A.
CmUr Bead. Am. sa.,.NswcAsUe, ,Aas.
Remarkable Bargain Events Friday at Acheson's
1 ?Lg NT ur:nw
In black Kersey, 50
Inches long, nicely
trimmed, regular $10
i ipf V -r -I
J3 Mr
$27.50 to $30.00 Sui6
$1 750
Strictly new fall
Suits in the latest
materials, regular
and extra sizes.
Values up to $30,
Regular $1.50 Sateen Petticoats,
green only; while they last .
New fall Skirts,
Panama, voile,
broadcloth and
fancy mixture, reg
ular and extra
values up
to $30
$5.00 VALUES $3.95
Friday we inaugurate our first sale of Fall Millinery. The
offering consists of a choice assortment of the new "Fluffy
Ruffles" shape, cleverly trimmed with silk band and bunch
of coque feathers;. every popular color
amdng them; suede, black, garnet, 1
navy, etc.; a positive $5 value.... . . .. .
V ; . . Watch tor out OramA Opsolof.
I mW rnaaa, saw .a
4i Hl . -
Rebniar $ 1.50 Umbrellas
A an,' a A m X ja ; ' 1
I Keguiar zu umDreuas
Regular, 3.00,Umbrfill5s
Regular $p(TUmBrai
' ., . - ""-; - " .:mmmmmmmmmmi 7"fBBW.v, rsaa: .-j:;."".Vi 4i'.fltA. .. ".' .: fii.--,;rit:
ii. .i.i.i. 1 mi' i i ' I
litra Special 1
. . . 95c t
. . $1.91'
. . $2.95 p
ci W M -